HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-02, Page 27these great A&P .. . GODE CI; IGI+I AY, WEIR 2,1991 -PAGE 7A REASONS WHY Weekly "Super Buys" YOU'LL DO BETTER 3• plus low everyday AT A&P! prices. � � No charge for bags topack your order. We bag your order 2• for you. pelf BUY 3 - SAVE 47? Sliced (Made with 100% Pure Vegetable Shortening) A&P WHITE BREAD 16 -oz Ioaf 3'00 for (Our Regular Price 49c loaf) Sunflower Oil Twin pack of 2 -11 -oz tubs FLEISCHMANWS 199 MARGARINE (Our Regular Price ,1.69 ) Liquid OLD DUTCH 3.6 litreGREEN GIANT 14 BLEACH P i�g ` flfl: , I"' 9? VEGETABLES BURNS (CHICKEN OR TURKEY .1,69) 6.5.0Z TIN Welch's Jelly 500miiar1:49 Tenderflake Ham 1.49 MIX & MATCH - ASSORTED VARIETIES 1441402 " urns Lard \. � t-16pkg 79¢Habitant Soups 2far997 DANISH BALLET IMIPE3fITE0 450 gr. lin 99 ASSORTED VARIETIES - MEAT SAUCE 14 -FL -OZ TIN OR Cat�lli Pastas 500gpkg791 titer Cookies SAVE 21? Kraft Salad Dressing MIRACLE WHIP 1 litre jar For the Festive Season SILVERWOOD EGG NOG 1 Titre carton (Our Regular Price 1.90) (Our Regular Price 1.S1) Chunk Ught, In Oil or Water SAVE 22c BYE THE SEA 129 TUNA6.5 -oz tin • (Our Reg. Priv up to 63c ea.) airy 2 - SAVE up te,.27e SAVE 70c 7 Varieties Including Summer Sweat Pees PURE GRAPE JAM OR IALANDA, IN HEAVY JUiCE Tomatoes (Our Regular Price 2.45) Semi -Sweet Chocolate or BUTTERSCOTCH CHIPITS 28 -0 -oz 89¢ SAVE 46c 3509 19.9 Pk9 A fruit oak. from A&P is es (astir* as N is dsficious. ft's tho porkier seasonal gift, that's ss easy to giro as it is to oriole. Tea Bags Pk 6f 1.69 CHASE A SANBORN ALL PURPOSE GRiND toffee isBUY PARKEJANE R FRUIT CAKE 3 -Ib ring (1.36 kg) 49 6Z0 g Owe (1.5 -Ib) 4.199 2.04 kg ring (44- ) 11.59 Ikime a4 Fruit and Nuts 6248 size Jane Parker APPLE PIE 9� SAVE 50? (Obr Reg. Fries f49) him JANE PARKER, SUCEO (Made w10G% pore v.g.ta6fa shortening) Raisin Bread 16dzrod 895i UNE /PARKER, SUCEIO (Made with 100% purr veg.ta&fe shortening) 24 -aa loaf 89? Bread Old Fashioned Style D JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE oR TWIN ROS PKG OF 12 OR PLAIN, SUGAR, CINNAMON ilb. bog 24-9 Macaroni & Cheese i KRAFT SPIRALS Lpkgs00 g 2 3 3 1 Buy 3, SAVE 70c (Our Regular Price 59c each) J,B., Frozen, Concentrated ORANGE JUICE SAVE 12.54 tin 'oz6 j 30c ( Compare to Sum Pee at our reg. pries 99c) CHOCOLATE OR COCONUT CREAM PIE, CHERRY CHEESE CAKE, STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, FROZEN DESSERTS Sweet 'N Sassy 17°g rub 99? SCH EiDERS, FROZEN, Vs LB PLUS Beef Burgers PACIFIC, FROZEN Cake Donuts pkg of a 89¢ Pink Salmon TASTERS CHOICE 99SAVE 5008 pkg 1.79 [61.79 Reconstitot.d Damon Joie* REAlEMON 2511 -oz bottle (Our Regular Price 1.39) INDUSTRIAL & BUSINESS CONCERNS! If you are accustomed to giving your etn- ployees or friends a gift at Christmas, may we suggest an A&P TURKEY CERTI. FICATE, redeemable at any AAP Food Store in Canada. See Store Manager for further information. SUPER BUY! Grade "A", Frozen, Oven -Ready Turkeys, A&P Self -Basting or Swift Deep -Basted BUTTERBALL TURKEYS ib 8110.11181111111111111181111 ONE PRICE -- ALL SIZES - NO CONFUSION AT A&P Ann Page (2-N, piece 4.99) Maple .Leaf, Pure Pork FRUIT COCKTAIL 49 SAUSAGE ib --- utch et-sr. c4 Lc in - Combination Pack Contains: r w:th Supermaet 2 Rib End, 2 Loin End, 4 Centre Cuts prices OPS' (Our Regular Price *2.29 Ib) Cutfrom Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef SAVE 804 Ib BONELESS ROUND ROAST 59 Outside Cut, Eye Removed Ib (Our Regular Price $2.99 Ib - SAVE 40 ° Ib) SAVE up 10 46° Ib (Our Rog. Price up to '3,19 Ib) Rump, Sirkin Tip or Inside Cut Round BONELESS BEEF ROASTS 79 FRESH, LEAN Ground Beef PORK LOIN ROASTS RIB PORTION,4 TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 to 3HAt -IbLF L RIB Cut, OIN, lb TENDERLOIN HALF (Our Reg. Price 2.09 lb - SAVE 60c Ib) ( Boneless Rib Portion Ib 2.39) ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELESS ib 2.69) Pork Loin centre Cut [b 1.89 PORK 'LOON RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare Ribs f61.59 FRESH [b 1.99 Ground Pork 61.49 CUT FROM CANADA'S FiNEST.GRADE "A" BEEF, INSIDE CUT Round Steak 62.79 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF, TENDERIZED Cube Steak PORK SIDE (Our Reg, Price 1.99 Ib -- SAVE Sec lb) Spare Ribs [b 1.49 BONELESS Leg of Pork lb 1.99 [b3.29 m MARY MiLES, SLICED Side Bacon SLICED SKINLESS & DEVEiNED S00 g VAC PAC 1.79 Beef Liver 1b89? SCWIEIDERS, ENGLISH STYLE Sausages 161.79 SCHNEMERS, 7 VARIETIES INCLUDING BEERWURST, POLISH & PEPPERONI 250 g SiZE Mini Deli Chubs 1.49 (Our Regular Price ' L19 lb) SAVE A6` ib BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, READY -TO -SERVE Dinner Hams 162.39 (Our Regufar Pries 2.14 ib) TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC SAVE 40c Ib Cottage Rolls 161.79 MAPLE LEAF Wieners 116 vac Pa` 1.49 /n stores with Deli Mann -- COLOURS, sreib2ex` (Our Regular Price 2.79) MAPLE LEAF, SKINLESS OR GOLDEN FRY SAVE 1,00 Sausages 500 g pkg 1.79 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 11 VARIETIES INCtUDiNG LUNCHEON, MACARONI & CHEESE 175 g VAC PAC • Cooked Meats 994 MAPLE LEAF, FiNE, CREAMY OR COARSE Liverwurst ib 1.39 MAPLE LEAF - COIL Polish Sausagelb1.99 The A&P Deli has all kinds of party platters and tasty accompaniments. These beautifultrays will compliment any party. For 'party time, any time people get together, Ask about A&P party trays. And enjoy! in..st r with .N11 f (Our !Usurer Price 1.60 Grande hold banquet The peel Noble Grinds ct Rebekah Lodge No. $ recently held their Christ. mea banquet at the Anglican Churg Hall with 28 mem- bers attending. A delicious dinner was served and a guest, Mrs. Hall, who has moved to Goderich and a new mem- ber, Mr*. Hay Barker were present. Five lllmdred and euchre games were enjoyed. Vera Larder was high winner In 500 and Dorothy Barker won the euchre prize. The moat lone hands prize went to Anna Blundell The mystery prize went to Margaret Bowra. The Christmas meeting will be held ,in the basement of the Mackay Centre on Monday, December 14 at i pin. BILD ... • from page OA McMlebael Gallery Sixteen years ago, the government made an agreement with Robert and Signe McMichael. In 1965, the McMichaels gave more than 200 paintings, their home and 16 acres of land in iileinburg to the province, and the government agreed to maintain the collection in perpetuity. The McMichael Canadian Collection,. ;which many d you have probably visited, included Group of Seven art. Now the government has drafted legislation which would eliminate the 1G-yntarr old agreement, and allow the, government to sell paintings from the collection. "This is a violation of everything the gallery was intended to be", said Robert McMichael. "1 wouldn't have made the gift if 1 thought this ' is what they were going todor'. Liberal Leader :Stuart Smith raised the matter in the , Legislature on two consecutive days, and one bone of contention was the Minister of Culture and Recreation, Reuben Baetz' denial that he had asked Robert McMichael to resign as director of the collection. McMichael maintains the Minister's exact words were: "Will you step aside from your directorship?" Three Year Term A new law to hold municipal elections every three years instead of the every two . has been in- troduced in . the Ontarlar Legislature. The first reading of the legislation took place this week and the new regulations would affect members of municipal councils and elected local boards from 1982 onward: Catholic Schools A provincially appointed review of the secondary school„ system has recom- mended that Roman Catholic separate schools in Ontario should receive full financing for Grades 9 and 10, But the question of providing taxpayers' money to private or independent schools needs further study. The Chairman of the Secondary Education Review Project said that the co nrnittee was divided into those who supported a common school system for all children and those who supported a double school system. The study group made the recommendation anyway, estimating the cost at $15 million in the first year. Under the British North America Act, the govern- ment is required to provide equal financing for both a Catholic and Protestant school system. But in 1987, neither school system ex- tended to Grades 9 or 10. The provincial government decided in the 1960s to finance separate school students up to the end of Grade 10 at the sae level as the financing for students in elementary public schools. Since 1976, the provincial government has been gradually increasing that support, so that this year p ovincial support for separate schoolGrades 9 and 10 is 15 per cent higher than support for Kindergarten to Grade 0. Rut the government stili gives less to the Catholic -r'l ,gin bo- i:Irsn t n tded' for those grades in public schools. 4