HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-26, Page 5___7,__;��11. "'"' 1-1 I -1- I , -7 I �_ . I 1W -11 I 1111­11�� """ , , . _. , , , 7, � '04"�4 � ___­­­ - I , _ � . I . I . . . I L _� I - I , __ ,',� ... . ....... lm_� , I I I I i�r7 ''I .1 � ..",I I ­­­ I - .- I I—— �­;, , ­'7���­- � . ".7"., ,., I ­­ I ��' "I �­ , . I I'll, . I—— �,�,, . U , �, ,. " , ,. � I __ 1�: , � " , ; , ; . .. I I I .� 777Y711.1111 1,111111 ... � ­., 11 .1. N- "" , � . �` 7 "' ,----1'11--' T.C­ --4 ...... , , ". ,,, I I._ J� 41 ­ � I I ­­'�_ I - ,;, � ­ � . . I 'I, I ". , 1­11��::­ 11 1. I I I , ,... " I I.. I . I � I . I I ... . �, . I I I .1 I . I � , � �� � � I I . I . � I I "I''. .,. . . � I . I I I I 1. . 1. Al, 1. , : � I . I I � I ,­ . . I .. . . I I . _ I . .1 . . I � . . � . � . I . - 11 I .. " .. I .1 . I I , � I .. - ' I 11 I � I .� � I I'll., I . I . ­:- I . I I I �, , I .'' . I I I . . . . I .. I I , .�, I I 11 . I � 11 �.. I I.. '.. !� .. . . . I'll . I � , _.. . ­ I.... I I I . 1. I I I I . : I I . I � � I., 11 ,. � . .1 1. : '. 11 TAUSSI)AT 'OOT. 26m, .,�.. . , I . I .� 1. 11 .1. I � I . . � . I "I � .. .. I .1 � : I . IT R 41% 30U." %,,; C. , - H � T E R I - � TIMBS, - I 1, 1. - 1, , . - I 1. I ., I ..� . � I ,., I "I . . . _.__--_.1____ .1 .___..._­___ ___._____ .1�1. I - . - lm_�!-I�.;14.1401, 11 I !! ii � I . "-_"-"-"F4M""""01V - � __;;;� ---;;, i;,� �,;,; � -i, ­ "I�.."��..,.�,�,.,.�'llI.fi�.iii"o,�,,,Ioi�,;�",;!61.� .5,po'.'.1,111,�'I.- - I ... ­ 1. 11. . "I ,___­Z� ""Now% I I I 11111,:111N I 1.1 , 1: : � , I I �: , : I 1111, � 1: Ill I 11 ­` , I ""' , "' " , , i I ;11 , 1, :1 � � � A I I .1 i , - I I I'll __ I—— , 1171, . .1 I I— . I I I ,,, .11 11 �� :-' . I I ,� . .t I � :1: � � 4 :�.: t 'I I ,� : 01�"� . . . . - - :11 1� I I ,.!I � '�.11 I ! � �, I : 1�0 o � . I � I I . . I I I . 1� I , � I I I I I I . I I ., � I 0 I . . I I I I I I � I I . I ' I ` r- : . I I N, 11 . , I � Fred Xeri�, of Creditoi( �$ome of 1W owml 1,1 11, Ili!, % , It, I � .. � ', . 11 , I . ­_ utation with libe.gun,, � . � I k . � I I . I - 7 ­ -1 -.1. - - I Mrs. Johostoia,' of 1�4-iUo, has been F I "i N,i, " RS ` I ' I � There Z"")'hould be a Piano gelitleniva b,ttvo tin. ilit, rnational r­.� l)- ­ ION S-ftHOOL, , T1 ACH L .,', . A"I'M " U I . visitin 'L . I 11 i � - I g the past lVii-ok with 11 Vr slst,�Ar I . q I . I . . i I I - I . I � � � . I ! . I . . , Mrs. Veorge T<Oler.man and Urs, A. , � � , ", -It i �� � �. I � 5, in Every, Home 1. BiTkI � School Trustees, and Any 0.0in whoare. Intereaod in,seeing that their '' , �� 1 I ''I � 1 I ,� .. I , � I . s ,4 5 j �: , .1 I - ___.. M N - . Xrs� Twilteben, ,of London, ,has beL.-t I . 1. . I 11 i , I I I I --;;, __1 I.. I . I .. �... ­ 0 the gaes., of Mr,.. and Mrs, Samu I Ruval School Library is nut overlooked in the �,� I -1111' . . an**" - I :! i I 11� 6 I . llangb and otbe roladwis and frien s � I �� � . .. .1 .� I i -,V,Q10, I- �- F I 1. � . I I . . X . � � I I I I . ., , � "I , I ,,, I . Because there should be good musle, in every 4ome. I uuraig the ,w"W. I � �, I �. .. . � . I ,� I � I . . I I Scb' ols which �� .,�e: q . I . I - General Distribution of Free Books to Rao 0 .. I . �- , , I . I 1. 10 I. ' I I 0 11 I . . I A few soft. airs, someof the old famillar pieces wil make your evening$ At W111V RESUNTZ. r . I . . � . I � 4 I , I I I , I I � . home so dif diflerencos, An offer that igivolV6s no money rie-14. I I . r 11 I . ferent I.Cveuings of that kind sweep away all little I jl� � . . . . . . . . I drive out petty care �11 � I ',� I _'. 11 family to ji,ttack the work of the morrow -with a, cheerful, welt 0 We are, ae positive our relm-e,dy will � I "Ill 1, I , , �i, soothe the big worries and prepareevery member of the � Xf YOU Accept it � � "' .. 711,__� __4 . I . I - I k" 11 . ­ E��O. i happy, restful , evenings will exercise a great influence over the completely relieW constipation. no M 0 ` .� 1 ,4, �. I ill' �- I- - alanced mind, k And theme THE TMOES AN CA,101"ADIAN FARM. . 1�'-1,1 , mattei b*W chronic it way be, Oiat I )t.1 , � AS THE RESULT OF� A Til? character of every member of the family. , . I . . I � I . ­ . � I , wii� offer to furnish it freci of all coA,ta � � .�, �'. �� A, � .1 Thepiano will give, you the music, you need to accomplish, this. it it fails, . I - � .. I � ,�, 1:1 1� 1!!, � . many a woman inow .ha% a rePata- I Are making duriog the next Few Weeks Writ,, us at Once or Call at the "I L . tWu as, a Pue 'baker, who was I . . I � . Constipwtion is commonly caused by I . . �,�� . . I I V A tormerly known as b4t!ah ard1hary It is ooAc to be the finest musical. instrument.in the I world; there is weakness of the nerv,os .and Muscles Office of The Times wbete Full Information will be Ggiven You As to How to L ic.., I . . . . I I . � .11 1� . one. The dp le. to I nothin'g, out m�,'4"edits range, . I . of r the, large initestine. To oxoolit 4 . � . 11 i rr " I :'. � . . We giya you easy terms I ca. a youk musttberefore tone upland � ' ,� " I i' ­­ - S strengthen those organs and re6tore _ - 1. ,,, , , liSE, ,NOW DRIM r, LOUR of liayment, DoesWb that remove the last ob- � "." . � 'Ll,� /i , I . I. � . obacle? . . . them ItoL healtheir adtiv!4L, I , .! .� lk 1rhat is all the secret about it with . �, 11'�, I . I the u,%e of Snow Drift floor balf khe Al I 0 0 . . c want,you -to ,try Udxall.Order- ecure Absudutely F rie e � 1.111 ; -e They ar6eat- r bakinX is alremly done. With Jukt m ties an our guarante I 1 $450.00 w . .1 A� . Pianos range in price fro $175.00 to en like candy and are particularly ' I . *Aknary . care anod,skill twiioe as cod for, ehildren� They seem to act, I ' . � - __ - 9 . 6 I ' , � . , - - - -4 , ,I lZood results are assured. -_ - -_ I directly on 'the nerves and musoles Every One of the One Hundred mid Twenty Books, are Books that are_,'. IL,,,",, I � ­ � of the ,bowels. They apparently have 1. . H. Cook -Sons and Co. AWOL t Aft neutral adtion on the other orgaus 11 11 I � � Found in the Best City Libraries. You cala Have Them ,� .r �, Hensall Ont. S Martin I Son, Ex W 1U r They do not purue or causo�Qther in-' i I 1� : A I convenience: NVe. will refund your � � . 1, ", I I - - fi, , r, , I I �, I'� �' LT .... 11 � I ...., I 2 I I '' I 1. .— - I . mr,Xey if t4q, do mot ('overcome , I 1,1 . I � � . � r I � . HADr BAD SORE FOURYEAKS - chronic i or 'habitual conatipation and . . A . I "I . I . I ­ lllvl�: I I 11, I ­ MITCHELL I thus a d ho rBlieve the myr�aids v)f � . I I I . I I I',, . Atteild the .1 .. . I' Zam-Buk has healed It associate or dependpat chronic all. I . . � . . .1, � : � � . � Mr. and Xrs,,.John .Bain Of Fallat� Mrs, Wilson 110 Wilksoh Ave... in,onts. Try Rexall Orderlies all our , 1 �,, i��,'' . .1 I ton celebrated, *be. giixttietli. aiiniver� Toronto, says; "Abont four years ago risk. . Three sizes i0c. 25c, and fift I Here is the' List to Choose From: .. � . I ::.11 ��,, � ., �, , I �� :�� � ;10e . �e_/ / . � their Marriage On October 14th I . I . I ..", 'i 'ir'., �� sary at a sore spot appe,a,red on the right side Sold only at OUT 9tOre-The �toxall , . . . Borro w Tales of Mystery and ItIlagination Poeir.. ,- , 1'ill I le Pdr. Bain aigid Alisg T a I I 11, I � � Mary Ourrieb. of my, Yace. .spot increased in stare W. S. Cole, Adam Bede Eliot L ven ro ., I L , / 0, . ?I/ were married. on October 16th, 1851, size until it became about half an __ eavesgof Grass Whitwptti Tales Poems And Skemliem Bret Hart& ; _ '0, u V! . A Jo' rnal of the Plague Yea*r ' Defoe La I in Perth Lanark Coun'ty by Rev. Mr. inch in diameter and very painful STAF, F,A A Ttkle� of Two Cities Dickens Lectures and Essays fluxley The Black Tulin . r I , I I . ,.Pumaa t" . . � . I WICISINElfs COZZZ& Duncan In the 'same year., Ithey loca- I weiiih to a doctor, but the o1riltment , . � Autocrat oftlie DreakfastTableHolmes Legends and Lyrics Proctor The Obanningi. WOOF"", . 4 O&O O/V, O/Y7 . -f Miss May, Carmichael, of Publin ,,s 4 . � � 4-7,1,1�-", , : ted- in Fullarlton and- hewed Out 30 he -gave me did not have any 9d0j?S'5 gig ding a few vroe" with Aliss j<:'atv Barchester Towerf,, Xrollope Life of Christ, Farrar The Crown of Wild Olive and The � � I . � 4 1 .11 11 I I., the dense, forests a home for them, effect. This. sore cootinued to - 0.1 . . I Barnaby,jRudge Dickens Life of Nelson Southey Ethics of the Dust � Ruskirt - . � ', . "��*. .Expert, teachers. Individual in., haye, liv,ed on -e freely, and Nras most painful, iver, iwbo is ill. I . 11 __� I selves and they obarg 1�i I .1 , - � struction. Practical training in PIT- on the same farm whioUL is, dilel of (the, I had it cauterized. tried poultices 'Miss Sully, of Toronto, is the!"'guest Bible in Spain Borrow Mansfield Park ,Autsten The, DeerslAyer Coopev- . , , . .. r Charles O'Malley Lever Maiterman Ready Marryak The Essays U Elia � -Lamk * �. MAN Shorthand. Typewriting, Pen' best in 'the county of '.Perth ,over and -all kinds of sdlves. but 4t was 'of Mrs. G. Goulding. I , ish . � � . . , � �, ansbip, Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Mr. and Aasi. George Le Riche, of Christmas Books (five Tales) Dickens Meditations Magreus Aureflins The Four Georges gvd the,Env In since. 14 XaY-'lalst Mr. Bain was'.8�7 no goodi and I continued to suffer Cloister and the'Rearth Reade Mill on the Floss B I iot HuMorlata of the XVIII ( Etc. Twenty-seventh year� in this years of age atid'Mr's.'Bala Was 80 11 from it for four years I . Hamilton, are the guests of ,Mrs. R. I th ) �` I � d city. Indisputable evidence and living Dalton, sr. . Compleat Angler Walton Mr. Midshipman Easy marryat tury . Ths,14iaV, �� �,:,. I 1, ApIll Four�scns and five 'daughters "A sample of Zam-Bak-was one day Dr. Mair left on Monday for Afon- Cranford I Gaskell Natura,).History of Selborme Wbite The House of the Seven, Gables � I � .11 , testimonials. 'More calls rebelved for Ivere born to %eibi ,and Robert and given to me and I used it. , I I e, . I We ask Mary are dead.. 'rho rbst of tibe flim- tt= txeal where he.purPos,as taking a post Dramatic Works Sberidau I Of the Imitation of 01grilst ere. I ! I Hawthorn ," 'k. L, Our students than we can fill. ,the quan'tity, was so. small, gpital East Lynne Wood A. Xf mpis The Little Minister Barrie., I ,o& keen, searching investigation. lly ho were pres;mt ,it the: anniver- to do me some good, so I purchased -"'aduate course' in Victoria Hog 11 . V � W for a. year. Dr. Mair has been very BMW& . Austen Oliver T'wlst Dickens The Master of Ballantrae Stevenso - Ill I ,4sk for our FREE catalogue., informa- sary are William Neil, 0. John, Mrs a further supply. practioner during his Esmond . Tbackeray OpiumiWater and otner Writhms The Pathfinder . . CoOpe � tion and First Lesson in Shorthand. - Cameron Mrs. Bothwell Miss Chris- "Each box did me more and 0more ' . I W� E. BLACK t . ina. and Xiss Bessid whb (is orga-Aii%t good, and, to my delight before I had four years in this' place and his re- Essay's and Lay's of Ancient Rome De Qti ncy The Professor at I the Breakfast 1% . 0 I x obuxch Mitchell Their "at been using Zam-Ruk three weeks I moval fX0113 bore will b- a great loss Macaulay Origin of Speciev Darwin Table . Holmesi, - - I . C,00'Building, PrIncl al. of Kno I unity, while -.ve are Bar. Essays and otberW�pi,tii.n. , �, . . P homel'.at )the old home on Saturday saw thaitl it was g6ing to beel the to the comm 1 gs Bacon Our Village '11ditford The Scarlet Letter HAwtt1'il3'6 1�1 I '. � ry to lose Dr- Mair, we wish him Essays and other Emerson Peter Simple bfst-ryat The Seven Lamps of Arcliltebt �d � - I . � of the very happlesIt' kind and,their sore. In loss than a month it was I 11 the Of, I ­ . every success in his now fiArl of labor Fairy Tales . .1 Grimm Peter the Whaler Kingston k � . . . children Were all around them Amo- h�.,aled I - . 'r. Ma' Buriyan The Sketch, Book �_ JuVa.111P � I A live iepresentative OX19''thei.,many beaatifuX gifts were 8 'I knowi a lady in the east of the A -number a � 1, r's friends met Fairy Tales, Stories and Legends Prilgrims Progress pair of, handsome chairs from the city ho at h,*,s bordinT house on Friday. eve- � Andersen Poems 1830-1865 Tienuyson, The Talisman -, staft . WANTED for Exeter and'sur�- NY me husband .Suffered for ning last and temde -nirg Three Midshipmen . I ' ' - church session of -*vhieh MT. Bain has e -.on -his leg. . red him a fare- Faust (Two Parts) Goetbe Poems 1838-1865 Brou , Kingston . olass well party. Much reg"t is expres- Gulliver's Travels Swift toems And Songs Burrs Three, Musketeers Dumas rounding, .,d ' istrict to sell high for many years been a zgiember� on my recommendation Zam-Buk was Mannering Scott Poetical Works Lnugfellow Tom Brow=s Schooldays Hughes atock for T I A little. son of Street, Commissioner, tried in [that- case. The d.ther day sed on. all sides at - his re,moval frain Guy . Ai . 0 Cooper fell,`c(at of a 'tree at his home when I saw ,her she told me that it Handy Andy . Lover Pride and Prejudice Austen Tower of 1.,ondoh nsworth � , ' ' ys . l6tiely. - A ould always be the Hard Cash Reade Raveushoe R. Kingsley Treasur� Island and Kidnapped 11 man's) wife sh I I I The Ponthill . urseries a'fewi da 'ago and broke one of. h'� had healed the sore camp same especially, to her husband, but Harold Lytton Reminiscences of Scott;sb Life and I I Stevenson, , , I . arinki. �"My daughter, ,who lives in Leath- , I - � More fruit; trees will be planted in Dr. George Gibb ,who., recently sold bridge Alta., has alsd usdd Zam-Bak if she (is weak and nervous use Car- Heart of Midlothian Scott 'Character Ramsay 20,000 Leagues under the Sea Verne Sft-� Marys ter's Iron .Pills. she cannot be Uor Rereward the Wake 0. Kingsley Robinson Crusoe . Defoe Two Pathsand other Essays , Rusklxr� "A .#�, F;11 of 1911 and Spring of 10P than out his veltinery practise li.n with [the same agitisfactorp result, I 11.1 I . .. . tario, locating in Mitchell and, -will bep they make, her "feel a different per- Heroes and Hero Worship and Sartor Resartus. and Essays on Two YearsAgo, 0. Kingsleg, I -. ver befoi,6 in the history of On Pon think le is, beyond all doabf libe , . -lyle Uncle Toms Cabin .1 8 ,4 �'J I � will be for busine'ss in a few days? I U finest healing balm knowia", , . son" so they all say, and1beir bus- Essayst on Goethe Carlyle Burns and Scott Car . . The orchard 'of the futurE Robert Smith Nvbo has been visi ng , 1�8aoh is the opinion of all persons .0 . The Iliad of Homer . - Pope Scenes of Clerical Life Eliot Vanity Fair I Th Cli r "I , � . the best paying part of the farm. � relatives. in Scdtla,nd for several who have really tried Zam-Buk. 18 SAREPTA . Hypatia 0. Kingsley Sense and Sensibility Auqten Vicar of 9 akefield and Poem , , . � . � " I � 11 We teach our men Salesmanship, months has returned home, � . 'cure, for eczema, son have re- Ingoldsby Legends Barbain Sesame and LilliesUato This Last .G s it � ..... � �W,7_ � _:�__ ­- -_ is, a sure Biles, Mxs. Robt. Grey and r,s ,I,- It is Never too Late to Mend Reade and The Political Economy of Villette I . 0 ran ,. :. 1 -E .0V "D - -,.--- - ­ , - , free Culture, and bow bil.profits in i , - abscesses, ulcers, %calp pores, ring- turned home after a few w,eel Ivanhoe . Scott Art Ruskin Voyages of Discovery CO , I I JUROMA'OTY worm, .Cuts, barns.. scalds. braises, it at, St. Thomas. . I . co " . , "gait -growing can be made, I and all skin injuries and *diseasiog. Ur. and 'Mrs. Sam Beaver spent Jane Eyre 0, Bronte Shakespeares Complete Works Waverly S -_ el,,7 4, weekly, permoinetib employ. . I John lialifax Gentleman Cralk (4 vials) Shakespeare Westward Hot 0. Kings)e ` C ­., -PAY - of Toronto. is Ithel guest 50c. box. all druggists and stores or Sunday at his home. �_-lent, exclusive territory. , 'based Kenilworth ,,- I bliss Haxry rom Zam-Buk; Co. Toronto Mr, John England has pure Scott Shilley 0. Bronte Whitefriars , B. Robins iL - � . of her aunt Mr.,Xerslake. I , . . Mr. and Mrs,. W.Werslake celebrat- for price. In case -of skin 'disease'use the fifty acres bplongir­ to Sam'L King Solomon7s Mines Haggard Silas Marner Eliot Woman in White Collin i,e Write for particulars. . I - - I I _. ..r goldeiawedding last Seeturday also Zam-Buk8oap 25c tablet . Beaver for the suin, of $2.5_")� Last Days of Pompeii Lytton Swiss rami y Roblusoil Wyss Wonder Book and Tanglewood ;io . 1. .1, I . ­­--HAwtbO& ,,, �, I . MISS.. ary . � , , ­_*­���� I I ' tated in , Clinton Ilospital last . CLINTON I two at o 'ah .1 Crawfoxd had her leg[ .0 'Mr. win. Biber-aind Loli:g; I1,1deT, Last of the Barons Lytton Table Talk Eazlitt Tales , . I - _ ve Last of the Mobicans Cooper Tales from Shakespeare Lamb Wutberi:ng Heights B. Bra - - w e ism, �Cra,wford has the sympa - -Purchased a bean machine and tb-?y .1. ' of the neighborhood in her afflia- One oft the many advantages ' of e-xnect to have a bid ruxi this ytar, A I, _� .1 I .,� . I watetwork; is shown in'thc factUbat. Last mr"k 'wben moving [the machin,, Those Wishing to Take Advantage of This Extraordinary Offers houldit, i I tion' . in Mr. Biber's barn t'hb machinew-ent .. ; Al . I ZURIC11 . I . ­ Ur. ,.John Hogarth has. ��turined one of tbe;-Metliodiat churches is -us- . � Do So at Once. ! , �., I ., _F, I 1� � l- , home from the we,V� . I 1. hi;,i'd water motor to pump their Ao One side and Wm., narrowly os. � ­­_ ­_�'!�Ie � . , � � --- I ,31rs. )4efi6el,'is'_qpend1n4,the week, ' ed death. They also broke a i � .Mr. Aikenz, and daughter of 'Allen- pipe organ, the Presbyterian church �can With her, sister IvIr%. Henry Guenther ford are the guede.s of -the form,Ws is also negoti,vting -for a- motor, and ,pully 'which delayed them for some _ " ilt Dubwood. atint Mr. 1). Park. . I ­ I 1,110 Wesley Meltbodist'ahurcht have ,titno; and 'then when the boys golt � F I in .1. .1 ) . illiams Of Buf-fqlo is whb;t might, have been a Vir- plains made to have ane,irf1he near evei,"Ything' in running order laxnC'n � ,- I - TAT. Calvin W . 1, I ,tome for a visit with his pdreats.Mr. jous e6nflagration was averted by -the f uture. . � Bill was niskel to see if tho macbin,� . 'r'wE E'A"X"ETER "'IMES - and Mrs.- J.. A, William%- " pro�mpt assidtance givon by neighbor The. town is now anxious 'to secure was throwingi.over any beans aiier on .. . _­ . �" Mr, Pred,W[twer relturned the lo:t- and the Me4i whd were filling a silo additional factories," and ore -at pres- doing ,qd 'he discovered it ,wasn�t. R11 . 1, I ivr* part of last week.from, an auto , says to Louis itt would never do, so : 1...,..ft0.,..W " � near by. Little. Jimmie 13arr hadser- Lnt negotiating -wkth two or Ithree tXjp, Ithrough Northern Miebigan.�n ,, r,,,i , . some matelles and bad stai�teda outside companies. Everyt reasonabla Louis in reply forms the idea and I .. icompany with some friends from Now fire at the rear of Mi. Simon Miller'S induccinent'is being offered tto'�ae,w a-%ks Bill how it would ,work by OR 90W.1 IT1511-ED HAIR UEALTn was moved, to *Dresden and will leave 0 I sho - when nutledd, old and, Wh,t 1, this week to attend Ito his autt" " " � 13b, p which companies. I changing the feedersito the'ba ng nerve rack1mg days Of Take Advantage of rOhi*, Uenerouik '' � " r Irg Tallsp=ng rapid I the .the blowers ','a the fron'ti. After do- Offee th,ere., We ivfsh him. Auooess��­­ - ,. _ _� Iinct Mrs. Gco ..Thiel iij.., hav" , )rogre�g on , A bnilding) boom is expeicted next constant -tartlire-what sleepless e� tq� Seaforl,th ,where Mr. Thilil building, Water - Was. ftbrown on by spj�ing. ing all' this -in vaan 'they found Out n4zhts of terrible agony-itch­4I.ch- I Your money back -upon request at Miss walburga Hillspent Saturday- ' - 0 . * Us secured stzady employment, in ,The beautiful mew� barne tha,t �tho ,decks would not work back- in Exeter. I . _'� ­ s pop works. We are the men' who had gaithered around of,.Jam�,� wards. They next came to tfr I itelk Constaxit itch. ,�.until it seemed our store 'if Rex -all '193" Hair (.Conio Mr, and fdrs. Harry Kuhn motored' . , 49 and tbo fire was e.-tetinguished. ' II-amilton ,11-ligli dtrect, is aboat com- V c,'>n- that, I must tear off my very skin- ­ "I ,.%� r. JchA Dodd'i I dosen't dd as we claim; That's out 'to London on Fridap and spent the, I 1, .­ �, gr,jry to jo�e Ithe couple but ,vflsh � pldted. clusion that this coui3try is nd' n '-,- then- I I tee I you ablige yourself to . . -, _,Azioii,L3,�;,Ii�: . - - . . 'Of course 131;.* ,siiy�-- guaran ,_ them anceess mtbeir..new honlia;- ; I The work an the 'macadam roads ted for bean.i.. I Instant relief -my skin cooled. sooth 6 day there I 1: ' . GRA;TON, �b -t g,rov- h2 is goin-r . .t. and' healed ,The very first drops nothing whgitevor. Could you ask, or We are sorry to report [that ' I "I"i,' 0 ,On Xonday, Pf last week Iffirs- Jani) I has boon completed for this y,ear, and . if ' cans don' � . xk� � , . - could we. give you stronger proof',of 'phorna, Trovethiek Is laid up wltk. j. . Keys, widow oL' the late Henry �Mc- rvj,cs. j. AleFarlane. of, London, Clintoa now.boasts.of their splendid tri loba,te-n-and if thn M.-hille rl')­ o,, .U.,D. D. stopped 'theI itch inw,tautly . Linchey ano one of the ploneers of .1. ys. .1 not do 1)�­,tpr ww-k i- lobneco Ihan j,Ls the very moment D. D. D. touched our confldenc� in the hair restoring ,henmatism. We hope to see him spont a couple at (:�ys -with her moth- dl,vew'a� qualities of ithis preparation? , -o':n-,i - ­__ I 0 ' my sk . again soon., ( � _�, --- 13tanley i1townsbily. died at ber home. or. Mrs. ',virm. Spence. repently.. linspeetorAsquith, f Centre Huron in beans Age Al -ill S'll b.,rt. ­ -in, the torture cessed. We could tot afford to so strongly .1 4on the Gosher Line, '*After a abort . ,Miss Kathleen Foreman has goue to "�as in town Friday on his s,iay Ito - . D. D.,D. Has been known for yearl; — ----- 1W_ * illness havi.ng,-reaced the age 'of 77 � prosaeut,od Jos. A N1 OiLlen whc< is .weak nervous( and ma. Car-il. end6.rse liexall "Q)311 Hair Tonic -and 11 U: on -where she bas enrolled as Sottfortb, where lit, .Is the;only reliable Belize continue to Fell it �s we, do. it it rcbd ;. ­ � years ,6 months She leaves .1 fam- a =t in Queen's niversity, - Grtt�res for supplylng,'W. J. Walker, sleepless. and `wbo has cold hands and Just a milcr soothing pleasant wash RtWELDALE ' . *. 1� ity of grown up soils and daughtars who is On t the prohibited Fist', twilt-1 feet, cannd(t'toel and act like a well MILde of Oil of tWiinteTgroien, Thydmal not dd all ,zhit we claim it will, . � I . Mrs. r. Wilkes, of Hamilton, 'was Should our enthusiam. have carried us Xx. Alex Elliott and Mr .Wallace- , : to. mourn the loss ' of a kind;aijd lov- the g�igqst- op Mrs. A. Ma,cDonald.' re- liquor. Graves bad to .-pay $30.30 for verson. Carter's Iron Pills equalize and other ingreaients,but fthe instaiA away ancl Itexall "93" Hair Tonic7not , . _ . I IThe dceggased� was we,l] . _Ibw�vmmodationl. W. J. Walker, the circulation remove .11 ing mother - � � I I � Ilia . relief,D. D, D. gives td all skintroub- Brown Mve returned to Toronto af- . I., liked by ther neighbors and allextend. ,"`tl5'- I and give strength and rest. aive entire, d'aftisfaction to the users, r a few days,visit in-Ithe old ROML, � 14iss Gertrada Webb, is. 1ome on- a %tras also brought before khe magis- �� leg seems like a miriale, and wheal to . � , they Nvould, loigie faith in us amd our _Altss Beatrice Clark of Avonton is � to Itbe famil.F tbe since-resti synipathy I " ha. used statements, .and in couseqa-ence our . Tho funeral. v:s'.t to hor rarants, Mr. . and'Mrs. traw and as it a bepu a frequerdr -4_-- - __1 .%,vith D. D. D. Soap keeps the renewing old acquaimances in the vil- . . in. their bereavem-out ­ \.. 'vll.,abb- occurr6nce with 'him Magistrate Rol- ItHip JIM -,kin in -perfect condition. business presitige would suffer . lage. I " . took place on Wednesday alternoon � ,Nl'ss 1,, Burnett, Of JlMlnstOil, is stead convicted hiintfor thirty dlys., if ycu have any lilrid of skin trDuble We assure you that if your haii Nlrs. D. Brown and Miss Lillie El- �, to. i3ityb-old comeberyi -1 � . At Two pioncers have passed to Itheir UICK LAZINESS -Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum. no . . . � . visAlng ho3 coiis�n Miss Neva 'RllrnL is beginiaink to unnaturally fall out liott are visibing friends in Clinton .1 Q. — � � . �. tor a few days. . I award this week. Mrs. H. Plumsteiid — matter whatt lit, is Yes even Piml?1-05 *� ,you have any scalp� trouble, for a few days� prior for their leaving -1 Mrgi. 0. Kalric anti Mifilm Wilson -ait- "lothe -1. Plumvtead, a dry goods 'nygi -onderful D. D, 1), Or 'J . HENSALL _* ., r of I I Aigate the ii '96 Hair 'Tonid'will promptly for their new home in Torontd.� I . � I tonded I -the funeral of Mrs. Kaine's 'merchant here in; bor 00th year h1so Prescription We know what 1). 1). R`elall ' . Blake . I Those Who Lack En adiate dandruff deimulate hair 'Mir C,dT Russell was taken very, . . Mr. John. Johnston was in I .Dr. Tbop.. Churchill, well ,kn6ilvn � orgyl 1) hasi fdone-ire vouch for it, 0 `D. PT . I 6pond� Z*Ater aitl Seaforth. . - R43 1, growth, and prevent premature bald- ' -* . and noighborboQd 111st 'Wee'k .. I . � .. throughoa-0 this (jisitricf:gis �'an oid: . ecessful bl nevers falls to do exactly seriously ill on Saturday. evening and- . I and are Ulisu I I ness, or the above guaramlte�, becolnea for a time gravie'fears were held for- "'T , � j�np �1 Jew dfl�'s with relatives and -) ___ . __! � st!tiler, bnt for the last fow,701rrs � � .1 imed, � , I operative Two sizes 50c� and $1,00_ his recovery, We Pre pleased to . I . 1 ,4,, 1 . __ I , 11he . r - z I I .old rriond, . . had resided at Mowg2ja-w.- Shoul -01, Sold only at our sitore The Rexall I I 'Mr. Porey Clark rtleontlY Ot Brtme- CA or -.%o I 1. d Read This 016selv_ ca D a) Laborato'ios DeVt T I s�:te. however :Ih-tt he has Itakeix ­ * 1__*1 EX= al :___K1112;`1 , `N� � I I 0 - I " , — C). Colborne st. Taroin�to, ,will'gledly Store -W. IS.- Cole. . a -turn for the better, and we hop,b. � I field who is, igi.tbo ex-oploy of Mr, _"�Ilm D lu dr_� -Ir I send ydAl a trial battle if you WritP . I -Judson had iba misfortune c,il st,ua� .1 I I = 0. . I DAS11WOOD , 111 I arn only tWrty years old, 7et for thein and call at, our store and get 0 soon ' to hear of his complete restor- : day laist, while il-ni-king nt his trade / h th' relieve all skin . ation to heal,tV. 0 1 . 11 . I 0 have a pioce of,Aot . KILLER Another meeting of c Farmer's almost two years I have felt more, like a botda -it will -n moved his house., I ,� I as blacksmit-Ull . L I / I I will be hold hor,� seventy-five. I have found ft difficult ,troubles at once'. Crediton b%-. Geo. IlroN% I � I I � 1� metal fly.tin'to -his eYe e.ftlising P; very 1. Bank depositors t and in, the morning 'Ar. S. Howey" , I hold effects to Toron�o oil Tuesday., L . I '711 I . . � short'y. when addresses will be� given to sleeP at nigh 1. I " I Vr . I I I : - %sed and heavy that of- ------- *-- The Misses Faists return,ed,to thair ',�,*v regret to lose such iestimable, . ) . I " , Minfol injury been vis- , � A advis ng the beat course to be adopt feel so depres It. My hands. were al- in Kilmanagh after spending noighbors from our midet. I " . Mrs, D, Urquhart who has' ___ ed int connodion with obtaining, relief fort Was diffleu My friend, look here I you know homes � iting her sisItCr in London. roturn��d ways clawyny and perspiration on ow weak and ncrvons 3 our wife Is a couple of weeks with friends Mr. W,M. 1) Boy. who s za,lled 11 David O'Brien of Mount Carmel, h *b Of his will bome last Monday night' " � ... . handful was in town on Nv(-dn&sd,-iy of las. slight effort would break out all over and you know thalt CRrte?s Iron Pills ,around here. to the death ed father has: -1 I . Mrs. Joseph . Cns(,, is' viggit,ling, ber � I wvok. . me. it was not unnatural that I . I relieve her why not bv fair about MiSS Mildred Brown. of Clintou, returned to.*his home in Stittsville. I j tj ,Mrs, Wm. Aloir f5f I I zbould beginto brood over the, cbanca� W11 spent a few days with her Par0e,s- Mr. Robert Goforth of Mitchell bas: tp-rents Mr. nNI . I 11, 11 � , in Miss Margaret Isleiiscbmanger has that I ShoWd soon be unfit to do my it and' buy her a. box? , m. ,Ncirgarth. of Reed City, this village� I 1. . -ant, to Foreat for n month the guest. work, and this dread made my, sleep-, . 0 - Mr. W frijends taken possession on the farm that �? I. � � ITbotaysox) formerly of this . . . I . 'Mrs. A.; - , of her con,sin, Mrs, Herman Zidt. After ra� is spending a few days 'with he recently purchased from Mr., Gen. ' : � -To last ive,ek attending I " " 111 less niglits perfect ralsorY. here. . Brown for a hanelsome main. We -%vel- �., ,,` 1, . v�tlage 'was, he or brather-in-10,1v -thz' I __ - I %­ a Alon'zo Fostii,rllie elderly gantlemam peated trials at medicine, an4 mix- st .Sunday morning Rev- Burn, come Mr. and Mrs. Goforth to our , I ­ . I the f.unaral of b z�;.-,' " I lvho was severely hurt in a runaway tures Dr. Hamilton's P1115 9,11VO -ma Alexandra Winter A prominexit bus- - La � ; . ',, 1, I t- jas, sparle's. . . I .. I �, I , 1. I I accident hero, last we-�k. is gotting the - first gleoagi of hoke. 71rom, the ii)ess man of, Seafortb died suddenb, ,)reachod a very imteresting sermon mid�t. . � I . � I I � - " . , , "I' Thf� , 'hninICS" I ine TuL - with in honor of the old people% Tb C Kr. Frank e at navton, 0.� .,'., ,,rinl I Ivin.-I or the 0, b melvill I., ome, n.r 8061oty � I I . I along nicely and will bq able� to leave very first r could see iliey were dU4 ,sday night of last Weel, � and Mr, W. Melville of Exeter were I f .... .. : �, , . �1. ,n,s Foreign Missionary I I . I his room in a few days. ferent in action from other pills. TheY. rheumatism oi. the'heart, Mr.Winter church was beautiful y coorate 'Wi )Was 11old in Carmel 011,11 -oh on Sall- . . l . I I 'pe ana acted as naturally ag§ - . I under the parental roof an Wedna- , ,-1,1", dl�ay or The Co-tineils of -Ilay and Stephen didn't grl was in tbe'begalb of bealth'ton re,tiring plants and flowers ,bqill 1nA,­ ,whon R6v.' Mr. X W. HEN YOU . townships aro, having"tbe town line if nature and not -the P111-11 were bat shortly afterwards awoke with A load. from, bore- drove outlo Ex- day, �. I , I , VromartY pr(,,qehed, I , . cleansing MY clogged up system. my a slight pain in the reg�lon of. the etor on Monday evening and abbend. Miss hfina boftler, of New York, is . I , , ':� 11 11inniil­ froul Exeter to Lake Huron, . It !A nit present the' g , r I I Mrs, Campbell of neor'PaWir,111 " EEP oarticli'larly Oic. Moe,! from here to spirits rose, I felt mucli better, the heart, He N'mqjit at 0iioe, �to consult ed the concert ,that Was give liest ,Z)f he SIA I �� � , I 40 the village lnqt� wook vi.g 'ti,T:T.(i, .. o , SW Gxeter gradod and well grav,elled., sluggish action of the sy.qtem Save a physiciax), ,10d Was advised that hD the James srteeit Church. They Ware 1vir. Tho,s, T:lMing. � I I I I � ,sister Alm Sparks and n'tv,-Vlil',Tlb�'� way, to normal activity. nizzlness, and wonld be gill right in a day or two all well pleased with! -the concert. - . I * . N I . I I I - Stb,80rb$ d1p nd Is used a great deal )i'or 12 1 . . &St, This To, .. headaches cOaSedo appetite, good colorl. I down in Next 34'ondaytls Thanksgiving Da,3% I . - . 111111" of th(� lafte Mi 18111l.t4c-3, I , I I inotoripg in summer time. bei'ng tile and ambitloin. to work returno'cl and on returning ,ilome he sat Mr. an& Mrs, Chas. Taylor return- . I I �, ' vr.�`and Mrs. 15eO. CasV " L Paz'. - ightems it ad the east ha,ve remained, x am like a peW Mali At chair appATOntly' (,a rest, when he . . =AMES 'ROAD I nto during 'th bri I he main r6ail from London a' ,im- Z - for it foll over . home in Washinafton D. � �,�a Wives in Toro I to Grand Bond.and no doubt the and I thv,nJc Dr. Ahmilton? Pills and oxplred.� ed to Itheir f weeks NIT .James Monteith bad the Mis- L WCOU, � - g1l.- . . John A. -Ma'Malion, son. of Mr. -,,Tohil C, n,ftor spending a couple 0 14st . :� , I C1 Cleang provements will be noted with plcas , has been at- with the, lat,terlm. parents Mr. and fortune t& lose a valuable mare _____­*____� .floor an , . � f 11 n y who - I ure by theme peopla,. ' Tbls -was, the experience of J, r. Tvid,14ahon 0 1 1 0 leery teiiding ,the colltgijtg�� lns;titi�te, at Mrs. Wni. Morlock, I � we0t� I I 'CA ST,- GGrSH 'STIM"AALly I Simpson Ireland, of the MaLogaii , Parkhurst, a well-1knowu gro ImIal in winning 14r. a,nd, Mrs, A. IN,forlook, matured ,Wr, anti Mrs, Aldrich have late'ly.- ", I I die carpet. I I , Furniture Comapny, Stratford, �isil- dealer In Jefferson. Vollow his, ad- Seaforth was SUOOO,4 he to 1,11enbeiint on Fridayi,and atteiided oeciriied the'"cofitage on the farm of 11 , lf your, r.ftee is pale, yoilr MOMPIS . I kA�r Scholarship for t . I od big manY relatives an(! friends I'M vloo, use :br. llamllton!si Pills :for your the $109, C 1drew" Cam�lpbell_ " languid and %tojjr ,l,itality wenk, the . (joe weet: free triAl. and nPar this village last week. MX., stomaeth, kidnetys, ,and liver, wid,.:VoWlt oo�lnt� of Huron, William Straellan the ..funeral' at one of their friends Mr, Al 4 'r- ., I , . ,condition of."'Itho bl6od is 00 ca,llge- ' . eWOy long life and robust good healtb4 ­ scholarship aild Alvin there. I . Oelr& Rev, Fletcher who was ealle � L I yours fd� healtb, Ixeland at one -time operated .thel The oaks ago Owing and flows slu,,,P- . - " $40' scholarship, ' I -ulk TaW "_ on - �th 0 grit raturnedl'to her to St Aarys some Nir I it is (bir, and, il . , planing iguill, here.. All dealers sell Dr. X - 11ton'S, PIUS, li�,o ,Miss Nora'Ube . ' � . .9 -em� ft -yellow boxes, 25c, per box, from Th,0 e,m%,U&nt6 at the Sea- home in P,,tshwood after visibiga*Uh 'to the illness of Mrs. Irving rel,turned , r_nshly� through t)USTBANE. Ytind Mr. ao 'ql , --vao "O , I . fthe syst I- � I " -Mrs, Rothaorinel , a Ur,q. th ,ro, boys WOr - - S. Brown. home Xox.iday -night, Mrs, Irving be- 'L ,; . d Vuriflcr� a, most err -Caso b 10 toivrg ogitarr I holzone Co" Xlagston� oat., I"I'i '. tt,'e and great credit Is with lier aunt Mrs . ,� � � I � I 1, I I . I , 1, Call, � Nv0l Bloo 'fyinP',' MS I � ave returned 1� - . ja ing, milch iinlr�rovea in health,, ' tbc- Frank r , ­,iw I , I 'I'ln , Ragers and,bis staff. Tbe four W's met at IthO home Of aeni proparatioll fOr Vltj , 4LL 00CC.1 li.'fter ,,�'pending, the summer noar . . 1, rin.1par . ovening, i ThAuksgiVitg 'Of thei I &h;1n,ar DAfgs r�ll�a r,ink on Monday The annua , pimples, blotelies, 'bolls ,qTld nd of- St,ophon. I I - L' . whon . "ere et Orl, Hamilton's Pills k�� is ,lign 'Missionary ,So,die. I in di. l dl��"lppenll I . .er clig. & sew I . _. ,.. ­40..­�� 4 All ha(l, an enjoyable ev,Cnix1g. Wonler . seal�40q ,140ti" ak I Amon'o the prize winneis at Mr. I .1 NVgiJl.,k 131001 Pl'rirJ,(q* js,tAkell TOP7, W4 OWN � , 1.0hildrefa C-37 Mr, Al. Clark, of Allsa 'Craig, Wks ty wn,6,.beld8uXdav Morning lathe , I ''I I : . , I .. I zimmcr�s annuat shooting match, held 511%-th"U10tte . . 4i toitn Tuesday on busi-aq9,t;, I Prosbyteviall dlwrtii 'Rev. Nicols of � I . I � 1: I 11 7 , 1. : - I �� - vi�,_' �r I I i I � I a I 0 old . B I I I I I � I � 'I , I. I VNVI.�'t, A darlar huys "i fntgn bottlp . B:Kater, Out. 11 here 06 Thll�sday wore XAgsrs. J, E, I FOR FWCHER'S Mr. Col- vh' h' , 10i *j'�,'t at ojjr� stnr(­rb;a! Wigrl:I(Nttl� � Ca 11 Vlallrl) of Olfnto'n Livor and K"Idn r .A#*,L l � we'aro adirry to hear tha(t St. mar,va ppeached very ably 's 10 I - � �, 0 , . . I 1.111 ­ I I loom , .­ I I", " ptelo' and J�ftiqs 1. z -_ 'n Tle was approtiattil by'sill. : �, . , , �� ". , I i d�took, and JTAT. rp___FLjjfrr ll�j .1, *i*M � ' \ I T A on Carmichael is la�,alv, g town, , I , .� � I 1 treatl you ri,ght I I � _ _ _ ____ t.70 *AW7 I 1,,1 . � r ,�i�. ,�, I � I Uill at Woo I . � I I A IS 0 R I .i � . I 11 19 . � � * W"', ''I , . � , 0, 11141VO 6ft- . . I I I I I 11 r , . l . . 1) I � I � I . .1 . I . r ., I � . , , , . � I � . r �1.1 - 11 I ,�, I i I , . � I .), I I , , I , I . 1. � .11'. �r ... I . I I L 11 . , . . .. r, V, I . . I I . � � 11, .1� i I . . �� r , I i I I . I �', . . I I "i, I I I I I I . I. I ... � I , 1 9 r I I I �� 1� � , ,� � , : I I . L' 11 . :� ' r . I ... I r I I � "At V , . " I � I 't, I'll I . I r li.,� L, . I �1. � � . ,� I �� " I �. .r I 111� r I ,. I , "I., r I , , 0 - 'r I � �. ' - 11'', �­ .L . � .� , �­­ �. . � � ' 'r""". , _�.'.�."�.��,�­11�1 1-1 ... ­­AWl§6_­ �11­.,­, _," � , - � I �,,r , ,'r , , ­:� , ,,,,r , ki '' I I 1P , ... V*�rlywkl - �ro , r,� , , ,,,,, f "T�;.'�� -�� I " � , , , - �i,o, " � DOW# � I ... �1;.�. : I --1 � -1-11111 '1-1. 1" - _ � �t*�,,�*,� I i I � ... ... .­ " -:­ "t �'r�i, ., � W. ''."'j. . I i� !��i - .. ... ... ­L�.­1�7�!­­� ..... ­­ � � , � , .", ­ I I I'', I , . �. , *­ 0,� -i .1 . ��_. % . �',�, 1, - '� - I�OL�%�,"",,'111�*' , �'��,�tf .V I " ,_ .r ;._1,!_;,_0, ��,_ � ,�I-mv "ift. hiss . v, i � - .�� I ,,,, � 1! ,�,�*���4�.,.,,,,r�,,������4,�,� i��­' I . 640" � 11 I �, I r . .��.�� , , --r -, , - �, , r �A , 111td, 1,61"o it; . .11d�­&."ifi_-11 I