HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-02, Page 20. PAGE 20—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1981 Tells delegates to make decisions for farmers The 1981 Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture annual convention convened in Toronto'" on Tuesday, November 24. Before in- troducing. Father Quellette from Beaverton to give the invocation, President Ralph Barriereminded delegates to make decisions for fanners. Mr. Barrie told the shock- ed delegates of the sudden death the evening before of Grant Wallace. Mr. Wallace, a long-time employee of OFA, was widely known and respected across Ontario. Mr. Wallace had served OFA in many capacities, in- cluding Director of Field Services and most recently as Director of OFA In- surance Programs:- Following rograms:Following the invocation the convention immediately, began to deal with the many resolutions and committee recommendations, which prompted a great deal of Huron Farm and Home News Prevent Cow Injury A popular area of interest in dairy housing, and this may be of greater interest to the free stall opera tion, is the use of the. "Scabbier," to help roughen slippery concrete. Hundreds of dollars are lost every year by dairymen who,have been faced with the problem of slipppery con- crete flooring causing permanent injury to milking cows and heifers. One alternative into roughen the surface using a, wheel mounted device called a scabbier, which has a series of air -driven hammers or bits with hardened steel. points. U$ reports indicate heat detection has been easier because cows . are more sure en their feet and less afraid of falling. The "Scabbier" is distributed, in . Canada by: Allan Pyfe Equipment, 261 Bes ;Road, ` Thornhill (l igwhway 7 near • Keele)'. Phone: 416.609-1313, and sells for $2,878• complete (five head L5 unlit). The distributo"r was aware of the. following rental outlets. which have the "Scabbier" available: Newmarket Rentals, 180 Davis Drive, Newmarket, Ontario (895- 2345) - Charges $60 per day plus $40 per day for com- pressor. (if -:desired): Will demonstrate for groups anywhere if the interest. 'would make it worth their while (five head unit). Ray Gordon, Ltd., 21 Milvam Drive, Weston, Ontario. (one . mile. west of Highway 400 north of Finch) (742-3190) - Charges $75 per day plus $40 per day for the, compressor. There is an additional charge of $195 for sharpening the bits each time the machine in returned (seven head unit). Retizel Rentals, . 85 Bridgeport East, Waterloo, Ontario, (885.5000) - Charges 545 per day plus 530 per day for the compressor. The person renting must supply his town bits, which they have for sale for 5250 per set (five head unit); also available through other Reitzel outlets (London) ;, all rental charges are for a 24-hour period. -Detmbi Martin, Assoc. Ag. Rep. Drainage Law In a previous article, 1 discussed the law pertaining to surface and subsurface water. If someone has collected water by anY means and is dumping it on your land, (not in a natural watercourse) thereare a few ways to deal with it. (1) If the water is coming from a small watershed i.e. 50 acres or less, you might consider an agreement drain. You and your neigh - hour would share the cast of the outlet and future maintenance, An agreement should be drawn up and filed in the registry office. Your local agricultural engineer may help with the agreement. (2) If there are three or more properties involved or if the watershed is large i.e. over 50 acres, a municipal drain should be considered. This type of nutlet is paid for by all the owners in the watershed but the municipality administers the paperwork and a consulting engineering firm draws up thereport. The following lists the procedure for municipal chains: The owners desiring drainage, circulates a petition . and obtains a majority of noes of other owners in the area requiring drainage or the names of owners holding 80 percent of the acreage in the area requiring drainage. A road superintendent can also initiate a drain The owner then presents the signed petition to council. A municipal drain is eligible for a 33 and one-third percent grant on the total costs of the drain. There are two other alternatives and I will discuss these in a future article, For further in- formation, contact Sam Bradshaw, O.M.A.F., Clinton. - Sam Bradshaw, 'Engineering Assist. heated debate over the next three days. A committee report was adopted calling on the Ontario government to increase funding for tile drainage loans to the minimum level of 75 percent of all applications. During the discussion it was pointed out that funding for the pro- gram has been held at a con- stant level while tile drainage has been increas- ing until the present funding level is near 40 percent. At the present rate of decrease the program will soon be meaningless. Other resolutions dealt with the first morning in- cluded: +a demand that govern- ment enact regulations to prevent private takeovers of cooperatives; +better pipeline easement agreements; +legislation to enforce pro- per use of slow moving vehi- cle signs, and +protesting the recent in- terest rate increase on FCC loans. The morning was highlighted by the. Presi- dent's address. It was a sober speech built around` the convention theme "Search for Stability". Ralph Barrie summed up the depressed state of agriculture and the frustra- tions.felt by many farmers in saying, "The risk involved isn't owning a farm, it's try- ing to farm the damn thing,". Mr. Barrie made a wide ranging attack on.. governments for their lack of support of agriculture, FHP SHEAVES . WITH SPLITTAPER BUSHINGS, EASY TO MOUN1 i REMOVE. salmi DOMINION r ow•NE 30 VICTORIA St. N. GODERICH 524.0311 TRADE -UP TO 1980 CHEVROLET SPORT TRUCK 30,00 MILES (s0,0111KM.t Short step box, full factory special dross up package, dual stacks, tinted glass, 4 wfeite tettered tiros and wheels, Olt wheal, crafts control; acorror+iical 385 VI, autornotic, power steering, power brakes, radio, fancy whorefs, tonneau sever, Lk. No. ER13021. 16895 NicGEE GiKC Trucks f a lton Street, God rich, 5 - 391 EVEN LESS WITH TRADE-IN ES, P. Model E2091/1 • Spix position Diaf-A-Nap® rias precise settings for rrraximorn power on most carpets --even prof fern shags • Pawerfuf &somotor • Mf-metalap Vi1rra-Grdomer® • Top -filling dust bag and drier Edge Kfeeoerr. 'Average Figure Goderich Vacuum Centre s2 W" 5'7 GOOERICH 5244112 pointing out that govern- ment spending on agriculture hart declined from two percent to one per- cent of the provincial budget. "The guys in Ottawa aren't exactly playing Santa Claus either," said Mr. Bar- rie, referring to the recent Federal budget. Mr. Barrie saved some of his criticism for farmers themselves, sug- gesting over -optimism, poor planning, an obsession with being independent and, the failure to accept the respon- sibility for creating the necessary changes have con- tributed to farmers' pro- blems. Mr. Barrie challenged the farmers of Ontario to become more united and get behind their leaders saying, "We can't fight the battle for all of Ontario farmers with only a third of them paying dues. The size of OFA's membership gives the Federation its security, while we search for stability for the entire agricultural in- dustry, Everyone of -us will have to put ourselves out if we are ever to get stability in agriculture." •••• • • • • 1/ ••• ♦• 00••40•'•••• CONTESTCLOSESDEC.12,19$1 ••.r••••••••••••\OI • ROYALE CATELLI NEILSON SUNSPUN PAPER TOWELS `SPAGHETTI & INSTANT HOT PARCHMENt • B '09 'MACARONI a CHOCOLATE 9.1MARGARINE • 2ROLLPKG. 1` 69 10 ENV, 3 494 Dr. Mark Raithby of Goderich presented the George E. Ralthby' trophy, in honor of his late father's many achievements in the. cattle industry, to Lorne Ella and family members at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair last week. The trophy was donated by the Alumni Association of the University of Guelph and won by the over-all Champion Jersey Herd owned by Rock Ella Jersey Farms Ltd. of R.R. 1 Hornby, Ontario. Dr. Mark Ralthby was one of five veterinarians chosen from across Canada to represent administration of Contagious Disease Control and has spent the past two weeks in Toronto at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. ( Photo by Gall Snoddon) gif ill can %inn ENTER TODAY AT YOUR RED & WHITE • • EAGLE NANO REALEMON • SWEETEN.p RECON. LEMON • CONDENSED JUICE • MILK $ 1•6 9 *Is ML. .$ 1 3 9 MAL. • •I CRISCO • SHORTENING • 994 . u. DURHAM CORNSTARCH Soo GRAM 594 REYNOLD'S ALUMINUM FOIL 11" 25' ROLL • MAXWELL HOUSE VAC PAC COFFEE . :KG. • • VALLA1Mata • KRINKLE CU? FRENCH • •, FRIES • • .SLS. SAG S • FAMILY PACK 1 TO A PKG. RIBS LOINPORK CHOPS TENDERLOIN ENd %1 .69 ROBIN HOOD • ALL PURPOSE • FLOUR •. T,r LB, $2,99 • 2.59.Pk.. • 1.49_ SCHNEIDER'S OLE FASHIONED BONELESS SMOKED HAMS $3.98 LB. STORE SLICED COOKED HAM $2.49 LB.. r:. SUNLIGHT • LIQUID • •1 $1 99 • • • KIST • GINGERALE • 1'50 ML; • STOCK UP • FOR XMAS i a.. • 3. 994 OZ. • • PLUS MAPLE LEAP LB` 311 GRAM 994 • IMP, PEAMEAL BACON X2.99 .� GROUND SUET $1 . 3 9 • MAPLE LEAF 1'OZ,. "....L.„,', 0 FL, dZ, •PANCYRED SOCKEYE SALMON1 .99 DELMONTEPANCY TOMATO JUICE . 99: • COLONIAL WHITE OR PINK t • • `HOC" CHIP FLORIDA SEEDLESS .GRAPEFRUIT 5 LB. BAG , ,2 DISHWASHER • • COOKIES FLORIDA • • 9 1 • vExAR s Le. Bay$ 1 ALL • • 45oGRAM PACK JUICE ORANGES .29 1.4 KG.• • $ CH(OU/1A PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE ` � BANANAS 2 LOS. FOR , 4 CABBAGE994a3.49• 9!GREEN_2 AOR • • SCHNEIDER'S 500 GRAM MINI SIZZLERS $ 1 .5 8 STORE PACKED WIENERS $1.19 POLISH SAUSAGE x,1.9 9 sod GRAM SAUSAGE MEAT ROLLS $ 1 .49 PORK RIBLETS 500 GRAM DEVON BACON BY THE PC. BOLOGNA 79aLa. VALLEYFARM CHOICE PEAS 2 -LB. BAG 4 FoOZEN 9 9 1.79PKG. 994 1.0. BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 11 .5 9 • • • • • • • • NABOB • COFFEE • VAC PACK • 1 -LB. PKG, PORKBUTTCHOPS $1 .49. $2.69 • AYLMER CHOICE • • CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEP CHEF wr A TOMATOES �•► PRIME RIB ROASTS ST1/LE 2R FL. • • VAN CAMP 5UNfCt51NAVEL ORANGES I 1 •39 WILD BIRD SEEDG $2 2.4 9 CAMPBELL • • BEANS RODUCE OF U.S,A„CAN. NO. GRADE — PRODUCE OF U.S.A., CAN. NO. GRADE VEGETABLE •• •41111 • WITH PORK 14 FL, crit. EMPEROR GRAPES394B. LB, RADISHES 1 L 9 SO P 10 FL. OZ, 59•L FOa 69' • • • • • CARPET • •FRESH •MOGRM1•7'9 • • 0 • SWEPT ES • • TURKEY div • WINNERS • was. K. itro • 40.40•••••• INS1ANt MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1°FL O�I 5.29 JAR SKIPPY PEANUTBUTTER 100004M $ U1.99 BLACK DIAMOHO SINGLES CHEESEFOOD SLICES.... x'4'4 2.49 0 . DELMONTE • TROPICAL • FRUIT SALAD • 14,FL. ax, 894 • *0 • • • • J.IIII.�OTT LIIIAITED►��., vamsenvi vriffitaffl. RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 41 VICTORIA S1'., GODERICH OPEN It A.M.10 PUN, MONDAY tO SATURDAY, CLOUD SUNDAY TO LIMO OUANIPTIE al`di'I?f OA* 1048 p.m, 3afraday, Dae.. 5, 1451 v srdl(t* creo,atttt s kW, ••••••••••••'•••••••••••••••-•••