HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-26, Page 2:�.Aill. _.,�17:111111 . ._171 .
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. IH tET ` MES
0-F ME �.�tRTS
Vanity. thx One `Trait Criminals Can- A Feast That Somewhat I3ewrildered ITher'ASIS DA• VSON•••••I,1rLr k"TOws.
cfi v
n G1 erco _
�.�._.-.,. me. a Trawler, _.
i'1 HE DANCE WAS ORIt,•.NALLY A The overpowering, S*a'ni•ty which dU. A woman whass'Duropeah wander- IF YOU }Y ,?T '1'O S ML A: FARM
tinguishes professional criminals leads. lags last sttlhmer included Norway consult me,
1 ELIGiQl1S PRACTICE. more often, than anythinj else to their wits lucky edtougIt to ,receive an itivi
...,..,,. oa tore, says a noted I,repch det•ec- tation to. a to, dinner ill the lat- consult tae. V. .
. tive, When Trance decided to abolish ter country, -She tells the story of
�As Vque Ceremonies't,':ere Closely Con- the pain; of death, a; large number of the din ". "" r 4 .,�•,
her, beginning with the throw- I HAVO Sal2t, Ol' � aL++ 13:E4 8'11 I'RVI1�,
i hocted With the Church, Until the Apaches .were apparently genuinely 'in open of the doors ' Your Steth 1•• a I�a1 eri 41)*, r.i}awll tl>tc e r: -
g at eight o Cloak. o # Ztig tario on nay list at rl,;ht prld� � t Pu. OIa
. Sixteenth Century-Egyptian»Paint ' distressed because file guillotine with AAs the chief guests of the even- Organ It _
. its publicity seethed a fitting end for Ing," she says, " ill be WOCse at
Ing of 3,000 B.C.r.e edea: Earliest' Y " the were forced to pre- �T, p:A�PSON, NICETY COIs-
g their careers Vanity drives thein to ,cede the ,eighty others, and as the 'ribs. Time of Year. BORNt Stro3t To+o.nt . '
d o
Representations In E)ctstence of the 'buy capitis of the loafers \wluCld have signal teas given the �fauxt,! ourselves
Terpsichorean. Art, accounts of (heir crime. This has impelled forward,. the ladies flocking , SWAP IN SAM
helped the police. on many all ocea- behind while the gentlemen remained 'Vigor aad Ener Pull Low in IMPROVED sect personally
.e origin of dencilig may be said sion. .In spite of the danger the crim- seated in the g3' � , personally little great dratving•xoom, cerci for steam plow;. one-quarter nolo
2tto be lost in the mists of antiquity. inal cannot rc-;:t the temptation to "Thai we were confronted with . Spring -Unless You Use from station; $25.00 an acre; one-quarter
l that is the idea to be derived from. carry around \vith•ham a description serious problem—what to do, Nona cash,. balance easy'terins, L. A. Fish,'
of �p Clo tie
that, they s us knew, far facia us were three Ido V a q Minn.' - ' .
his deeds. More than g
tan interesting little volume, entitled actually boast a€ thein in public at substazztiall' covered tabl -.
11 Y es with redo MISCELLANEOilS,
"The Dance," by "An Antiquary" and times and are brought to arrest tilt$ chairs before them. Then appeared _ ETERAN
adorned with historic illustrations of way, a guardian angel who whispered, 'Do -ep�fe FoodY GRANTS WANTED ON-
danCin from 3;300 II,CI, to,191 A.1). Their imprudence is a chaiaatertatll as I da anti with that side be an TARIO, unlocated or located -in any
> p p helpin herself, g It may be the stomach, the heart, township or district, Northern' Ontario,
g which of course, helps the older ex- a '
IDancing is probably one of the old- tremely, They have read again and +_ the Iungs, the filtering or excretory Highest cash price paid, Mulholland
est arts, seeing that as soon as man again abort finger prints serving as and flea o£ plates, napkins, hives organs, but if there is a weak point Co., Toronto.
marks of identification,. yet the lower the table,
appeared at intervals down it. ;s likely to show up at this time , SED POSTCARDS 3W GOLD
a,-.,.• . w. -a ratan; he doubtless began to gestic able, and, taking one of each we
u to w' f f ce d class cannot refrain from eating and of year, and oolozs• Halloween, Thank$giv-
la deli his a ba y and limbs. des back to tide drawing -room from The blood is thin and ware Ing,Christmas iWw Years, assorted; 10o.
drinking what they find in the house which we had come where in the ' Iter dozen, postpaid. C. aTowie Boebo
! . td general rule antique dancing was the may rob. They know that there ' falls to supply proper nouxfsltment, e p p ,
closely eonnec`ad with religious ccr- fingers will leave marks, but they c1Qe2ntime the servants had arranged The. a11 -essential nerve force is IaGk.0 '
closezes, a 'connection which was net care. The are gamblers why du A y small tables, We seated our- ing„ and you .eel the effects first In
Y selPes with our impedimenta, only to our :weak'' MALE. HELP WANTED.
ma,, ained ftp to the sixteenth con- not think of the future, Y est axgari;
I find that the gentlemen in turn lead +1 � 'IV':A.NIl44''O1�tEN EV'ERY�T$F,tiF
tu••y, and still found is some countries, They are imprudent iii other ways, disappeared Your trouble may take the form oft
It is curious to. remember this fact too. They sand foolish telegrams to ed - and. -Too comfortably Indigestion o condpar business ce their own;
A seated in -the dining -room, Navin ,you may have neuralgia can start -In spare time; excellent o or -
g has been each other, and sere assassin dressed choice of t hist or twinges of sciatic rheumatism. The tuzzity to open new fields profits g
when it recall.d how dancing � g , p sgood;
0 •-.ounnd ,by many ,churches and re- out his wife in the clothes and jewels , he various dishes which cause is the. same -weak blood. Write t assured; no books io cauPassing;
ligiou- denominations tit different of leis victim. It is, indeed, a marked were afterward presented li us. I?r, Chase's Nervy .food will help .write to -clay for information. The Wil-
times. and very useful characteristic. "First,there was a delicious soup you as nothing else can, because it Batt Publishing Company, Waukesha,
with forcemeat balls floating in it; Wis.
to Beat representation of dans It is not a question of forgettinu so then a bewildering variety g supplies in condensed and easily aa -
fag are found, say; the author in ser- much as not stopping to think of the dishes, but potatoes 3 of made sfmilated form the elements which AGENTS WANTED
twin I,,ayptian paintings of about 3,000 consequences, A .curious example of R p yes teexe the only are necessary for the strengthening
vegetables offered. The chief waiter YOUNG MEN WITH COMI�-40N AND
ane, some of the posters and # this imprudence is their tendency to took us in charge and often took our and invigorating of the Parlous or- ugh School trainin want' d as tele
firer have been handed down to the (' keep things like picture postcards. gaits of the body. ra hers, frbi ht and Ing
- Jerks on
forks from our hands in order to 6 p
per t Tit time :.nion•n, the Greek dalic. (Tho=v 'like tattooing, and they I}t:E: transfer to our plates some s cola 1 Every dose of this great restorative anadian Pas o, Grand TrunI:' itiaod. Can-
\ t in first place pt,rt of ti (pt �tttre lrustearEls, and both hell, til: dainty tidbit from the lis} p y organ goes to form new, red •eotpuscles, ticlian Northern railways. Regular rail
sell=1 .us rite ,end with n)as:e it forth.• ro lc,r ort niany an occasion On,.' man ' i he carried. in the bloacl-to make the blood dish way -'sires and, station forms used with
ed the 't ie air. rut thi+rc= were at=nlcic'nieEl that he h;tl been in Italc, but Course follawre.d course of these and reel. The faltering or atis Teatime speoial instruction books. By enrolling
gt mass .,' or to:litarr, dances suc}t a.; t he. was found to have a lot of pir:urrz . ?t`ade dishes, and these were followed their functions a g g this month a position will be awaitin
in turn by aIi almost equal varlet of .appetite itnptove's, you in April, Fred Book i6 explains work
ill, Pyril e onnet•. which sv,'.ns tit; cf t!tat country, and tits gravety coin- 1 Y digestion becomes good, and gradual- hIldwa p
r !puddings and cakes, There was no wages, Dominion School Telegraphy,
have been Tt ;: %lod as ii use-uI tcint' Pcillisod thereby, In the sante way ly hely energy and vigor find -their Toronto..
of drill, and the Dorf ;r+4 eonsidt' t'tl l t) y leave bluttin. pastry, but the .cakes and puddings way to ever nook and corner of the
3 pnp:.r abvet, and were marval of richness and delzcac y EPRESENTTATIv WANTED AT
their success in battle n a True to tI?.; I surds theirun are put together. Norwegian cream is like Alderney ` body. To keep strong and well this onto to work in your. locality; will
celerity and trainhi rc• + =d i) .-� -- g y spring use Dr. Chases Nerve Food,• c
•�" practice of this dance. 1',f. l';,,;i.r. Prayi�� r`, cream, thick and golden, and this was gguarantee $ :00 to X3.00 per day; pppor-
�� used in great profusion, likewise eggs, 50 cents a box, B for $2.50, at all City to advance rapidly,. will pay inter-
zia,+cs wa ;ntroduced int.. R=•n,•• +rr Praying cai) a rocent dt-parture often twenty to tliirfiv being requ led dealers, or Ldmansoa, Bates & 'Co., ally for spare time; work not difficult;
•}u' C% r• Under t" E i'iup •' } wolt:oa , h,•at.g ar, are , A, r't:•:;.It of in the z,:zkin of a single 1::nnted, Toronto. eaporienoo not rogttired. Intnlstational
It pudding Bible Press, Spadina avenue; Toronto.
];,<* dege-.__A.'. _d. •rL.l Ti -TI t N:-re:i•eE t ItUi .eaaOn Iii �"Iz°C.:tet} Pitt' and an Amerlaaxd. Iir)USE?\'life tVOtild a
hr;r : .„t�l thz Saturn,din and n .ti u;:Iiin ry.is the uutgrm'vOl of tit.; throw up 'her hands at tht'ir lavish Ways With thb 1'••'lbad. REAL ESTATE.
` c:cC ' fho- i et'he'r in r tn^irg, but cu . gut of wum-,n to,go about in but use. Some of the east African ladI�es.
u:t y ?.t lttuc.t it+i^t't)T'E'Pi'?tL t0 t?;E� t\t i lest Cvittruut a tiEad cuv,t:uQ. "i'r,e "Various Wins accompanied th shave their heads wvitll,.a lY' ''' >;NTICTON-SOUTHERN O%ANA-
p e ma31, s afip, GA'
r—Fruit orchards, ranch ro-
ir,�r , ;trot r zu: nl1. ,it ,:ie time. r\ oleo uttt'nding chore. aE rvaccs, dinner, and shortly after the feast be- razor -like knives, first softening .the P
Yt t\y. ar}:n.,,t=d } t e+)ttnec`i + t h tet \cr. di�cuyerr>d that tltt•y ewers gan the idose nig os ad a toast f ' party or town lots; unequalled climate;
after r }fair with 'goat milk. Other Afri- dlyisxonal pointT Kettle VallE3y railway;
v i; , :•sus cereuronias in tho Chr ss- \ orating t.le rule'. which larotlC}sits ,a t Navin;; first drunk 'Volkommen' to all, cans keep it stye off 'to about two terminal �
t 'h at an tgrip date t;:rl sett! t\„rttaE) trvif•, E'ntel'Irrg Crit:lana a Itcatl( r t orthernrailway; electric
. 4..b i::,t . t et'rtain Batt\+films ,- and their, oar nanies•belna giv n, with inches in length •arid slick down with light, power and water works systems
^' in cot Grin• hu the wan•en ,trot toOether -Velkommen til Noris ' or `5T't Iaont: getable ci'ls. Girls: of Pili , values will double
with -vegetable ”' under construction
.a ` t..rtt t 'Tit. It u f .rufEl. : ; a l tt. 7.';L,l the "praylug ear,�_"'they to Nor\way,' fullpwerl by a seemingly stiff 2n their leclts with tree gums, before six months. Forfuli in%ranatlon
. bi !rc,rl)i::!tai fl l,, in tat, 'ar. ,nr:tll. circular ea sof black etr,th o and soft, fluffy haft is considered a write W. M. Jermyn, Penticton, B.C.
,:, p it erinfnab•le lis. embracing all the 42 9•
t -v to , t ,c:ircely can be ascii w!trn err? . ;'s.
11 ' 1 s tet= u^eirrcta ,l it. :) p tE u.i on tlie heads ref Eiarly-hart=;tl g curse. �u'o3TZE?ho+v some of the races _
a At the end everybody advanced to that have the stiffest hair try to
rn r•, .;6kr tint.':t here n. i3n nthan made n Light: r cu.urc:d e yri «h,l im the Itatitess and skiool: hands, saying, male it stiffer, .rad those that have
u La: blonde women E, ho do I "
t4• r n•, r. :!nd Tarn , f Pal: for Maden,' or `Tliariks fair the the softest try to make it lie down, MONTHS
Tern i tt art it l hitt i/; r,- to \wear consgictxotrs black repair' and in turn received the an. and still other races do just the op:
�.e• - , `+ = mkt n it, nl•,cp -tm :r, t oea Ear_ A supply of the caps hits saver, `Vel bekommen," .or `i4lay it Posit'e. �"�� 1��I:S���1�T
t' r sr t'r x nts f nvarEl= tido' b t -. .N=rte: t! 'n;tda thE� eiitrancE' orf ages •, with pion.' 3��
t* _ t. tit eE'ti'). c:�ntu \ f)n-' f otic• +,f the cheral:s', and any watuatt "Then, like Chinese mandarins, i le Lived a Long Time. kA
*' at�rtaiit =>tirl\ works on wno tl:>;:res to attend tisk services everybody bowed to everybody else, `Villiam Billin s counbringseachweek }ockettitethat
,d: \, r r.'rtt7n by r r:vrrr�t h.t:l •s; ni;;y Eta so in the future with- g died in England in ts, t serves the poci[ethrteresU
and \viten aofF a teas served It was the of the investor, 25 Broad St., New York City.
t+'r' c ,• Cr ir+n lr i.rrrgris, uCi fcEr ui wiulating cbure•!t Titles, same, anti at last came the farewell `11 ut fo f age of Ill years. He was
.M11.1-11.li' I t't Stu lr of th -t ---- wit4 the never to be forotten farm ' lliy Test opU en Anne's officers.
*+ ,: >f d VVIopin+z =tern t'i That Ended It
�.`i I , T, '1'a: for idag' or `Thank, for d —
a -z- ,, .4 to r4, ind coni n gip. )f
}tr.t r , , ,: to Face' been to n +rt ,:f
D e,?ttsr he was tou 'snit -hearted to
Following the dinner came many na-
e'n+•tt.=•.t •»;r= rt, to iud<g fro n 'OVIP ,f
ask poverty-stricken landlady to
buy now rugs for his room, the
tional games in which the old and
1 --t',%�a'nnn s rr•ennrn rdrtiln 1,•
Frit• i
istic young man bought several sa)ali
young Joined; then at midnight a sup -
per sweets and ices, fruit and
-gins", he wntr's: Flold the
i:e:tri nild body strright, have a count-
rusts and z -,)read them over the floor.
Immediately after the
was served, and the adieus were made
enAi'Cr of ;urancE'. snit and cough
'f:•tt'lt•. if ace.
nest sweeping
da she r
S P esented a bill for the week's
at a late hour with the accompanying
thanks and finall • a Iasi
arid. nE y camndls you,
tr • vr.ur fact- the other
expenditures. Item, roans rent, break-
good night,
or 'Tak for sidst'."
:id,'. and use
xt b-laiittfitl whit handkerchief. Talk
fasts, laundry and beatiug rugs. 25
I �Resignatrvrr.
grnc *t 'y in gentle and honest speech,
"Hello," -aid the altruistic yuurig
-. 3•`e-W.'t r }rttiug your hands hang as if
man "shat does this mean?.'
insects, so that it !s specially suited
to mangy use$,
,&,-a -t4•. or -tan full of gesticulation. Be
"Just -what it says," she returllyd.
Tree in China Produces Number of
rlre.se'd cleanly. 'avec In chausses bien
"H f lk
• 10 Churchill Ave., Toronto.
Hann IAL L1110
The "Double Adjustable Anti -
friction Slip Socket" is the greatest
boon ever devised for artificial
relieves the jar to tie system and '
affords ease and comfort as no
other artificial limb can.
of every description at Moderate
Tires pt 1'escarpfn Drapes'," '
ThF- modern ball owes its origin to.
o a moat cover tNerr floor with
extra rugs they'Il have to pay for Fi at-
There Is a tree Ill China which. 'per-
der children are forced to go
all winter a cold barn of
A��t�ictA1. �iS CO.,
the= court of Prance, and, indeed, the
ing that's all. I can't mord to
do it for nothing
haps is unequalled in the numbeof
355 College 52., Toronto,
nwd rn ballet also The Court balls
L lttl VIII Ivry.., YIV,
dad from that moment sitrttidnt In=_t
Its timber,
which it produces, in
thou;!i hat vbtainabL in Iarge sizes,
a Growth oa am rt of
the body. of a Sore tlrat.wJltstotheal? _>
Shone C 32.26.
of. Aid .
TiFet=a �lrs tirr+r r. all# aprgtou.i usP. t.
g t
a disciple.
1&4 _,s
is sett axil wh;te )elz=n •new, but,be-
- _
..ger 'hard., durable
If you have, erste, ddecribb the trouble, and
this paper and tvewill inside
MI' astonishing' splendor." �f��COLtrse,
the beginning ,.. the' the ballet
I �Resignatrvrr.
co.mes8nd IS ha P•a � ��Plsir�e»)velope,part,cuinrd�fthe
and a$ it
g '. p i Taus to water and
P d#less Moine gNreat)taaeut
;;,••�:•�='u" • -
$ -
to be lanai lit a very remote anti-
there totes danct'r
he last hu,>yatxd f13t•p
Jack -No; he just re•,sigrr.,&
insects, so that it !s specially suited
to mangy use$,
Write to.da y
' Tf you aro think-
a V!' -
"; { !•z lhgabouta
quite , e well a n#
zu early F.-ynt as well a3 in GreEk
How �'
A fibre is obtained from the tree and
• 10 Churchill Ave., Toronto.
�, , �� BUSINESS
c'ranta In Italy a lift. ! of ' -list arose
t ,
in t , nur�Penkh century and from
\would you cTe.r:zt> tasted-
moray?" "As a merger that i,+ Yr> tl."
is spun and 'woven into a >»seful cloth;
but it s the fruit which is principally
, OUR Caisse ,N �
the influence of Catherine I
! Tile
- - __ •-- '
d, bled cis the ballet came to Prance.
tree is cad t•
y of cul svatfon 'and
.1 IN
6.Y -�
Tilt billet was only introduced into'
! in `from three to six years bears free-
f lrling from
' i ���
""' iGRlvesinrorma•
7E:nr1, .. in 1?^4 when two French;
dance E madH a great st:ccess at Cov-;
Y, yi 20 to 5J rounds of
nuts a }ear for the follo�wina ten
Pn Garden iii `.fir ndnr :uEd Cxalatra. ' i
An",ong •.)e most fanlaEis dancers of,
or so.
Some idea of its valuable qualities
can be
Moe'CpMPLCTeCOtriigyg,r • ,•
.•'i;��, ;
, TNrice
'' �2li11011� 6efanfi
the last century were Mlle. Ta;;Eoni,;
gathered from the var'..ety of
MEDICAL-suRurc\r a,vp ,
:.';' a
arrl lranu� lllssler; white at this ra=- I
�^r' r
adL fi 0 �: ala s,
uses to which the t hlne3- put the
a a<sel�aP+s® tE;
%- y ,
sett rise cctu;rlt great r Q m = P f
f pe F z rr_ Nava
ar):,•ri ii;• blue. Adeline C;enee ant!
ilio• Erna Piylowa tan','Pile rest
` q A bond is a first fls6rfgag
split up into denomirlationsr of
mL It serves as fuel and as oil for
lamps.. It watFzprovfs paper for um-
brelttts and other purpo-ea It i d
MA55AGC-5weorswhloveeblcrt �r
'---••--�. '
, y'::s:•,' w >•voacliir®
' b' .' 6
+ , g a..4. . 3 else ottne G„w,•,reo O„Gnngeat,a,e•
est a tang•:s that has taken place in one hundreddoliarsandtrpsssreiy, for vanishing boats and all sorts of ...,A,, 4. ". 44
the ht!lt t has been the contintrnICy in-, Bonds are a cornpainz vely atoodr•nrk and for tuaking cloth water. �a,.poy , 7
modern form .of itivesa:en,, proof: i'lte swot resulting from its CIT)- �J -.r"3`
creaser+ -^gaud of the dartinun The 4 a,,,�, •
F'reviomly a corporatlao ex ixr,-• erfect combu,srtion gives the Ewell- 'g' yh''
tau=tE t nl riarminr of to++ original; dettakingde iringtortiselrtsrs•e;• mown Chinese ink.
Court ba lr t- were, 'slow anJ =tett>ly, i
Lnlh tt\rovl+r, who compoi;c,l notch „P against their assets Wasregatmd" Combined with lime, clay, sand and ,„-,,,�.-
thl, :wver,tcE nrh ccrttury. CntrrrftucE•t! to place in one orswveza.1fx,:„;� earth it forms a conlpos;tfon almodti ALV R'S QEAIi Cis�l3;�1E14T �••-.. ,�;ar
mortgages. ids strong as granite. Tate gilt 1>ft aft,•r stir^s l:ez + ;F x
taus., nxart= rapid ennccntents, and tlsi< em t, S•tl%hrtr sl :,stat .
Nowadays -t - e,ss .
t ,ct,•r a as isstsc c }sur11.1i ti K tr ?i
E. ha> ennt,.,ucui 7']tc> •Aller• � • � f h..:�= S t_ riot itael:, nl:�eci tvit't the: l'lw, hen ail ugh,>rsirave to{t- •s=.
uar • 'ut clu •,K ” is rnadeinstead. ' vii, produces a past �"I. :+cnttoxtty:altlress. friss ^ .7r ,
q Y E i cies ti 1 cement i liters tit/g * 1 + thiol) is d .;n•.tib t;,, .. 111ritts„ 1, -
sketch of the development of thy+ danEe 19 Bonds are a convenient €arid. tied "Ire On'lua _or cat,Ikin,, buat5 alld- ,.x,ver, 0 V;%y street,:1oronto. « ;v
with an allusion to them "bare -fret” . of mortgage, and those bands makes a good filling for pre' grin• • iter• Alvc:r,_.uLa_r h{r: I da `fid+' til,
dancing which Ira t so sudd,>ui • irf which we offer are tboraatshl wood for a first coat of aim. p d rerntnmend your Cream- flint -r �i�/ i1
p y to Y one O the D ment, for It cured my Peg of • eczema"of ten
fashion and of whfcil he hae, �Itnf a investigated to determine tl`,ety pe•callar qualities of the yearo standhig in three months. I shall air-
" high i,pinion. He remarks rathn•r '
�. .the, payment, o£ intet;e,t Axa, oil is that. on heating above a certain serer any communication f:•om anyone cort-
Iti Ii cream;; this. I am sincerely yours, Andrew
sc'Etiltllgly that it i "':i}l:tnt ar,tigtlr,' Principal is absolutely asatsmd. g' temperature it coagulates into a i'ombcrt n, syr, on>
and adds that "the idea that runniui fJ We h�e literature rdore fitufvfc7,- substance resembling amber and can-
. 'TI1.URSDA.Y OCT, ' 6th.
._.I—— �-
Ber n
I srWIN' 4
.t hwil) .Sere
'File world's big men get rich by investing their0
.1 •
. Money axd banking their dividends, Your Capi t' 11
tal in the bank at - 3 per cent. is like a grown •
mala. Working for boy's wages.
is being earned to -day by hulidreds of manufac. I
turers who are six lin the 'people I.
pp Y g P pie with what 1.
THny USE vERY DAX' IN 1 •H Ip, Hoxss, •;t,
hat s the kin of-busmess to invest in --if yo -a can.
We want you to @end us a post card TO -DAY for our book,
"The Ideal. Business.II It will .prove to you that ani ves.
Jment of $50 $100, $500, $1,000 in this Company will not alone
be absolutely SAFE, but will ;pay you big; sure profits. The
Company has earned over 50 per cent. in SIX moN`.OHS
working in limited areas; which ,ie only awaitin a
. rimi g
ted amount of new cap;ttal• to duplicate this reaord all
over Oanada, The cost of introducing the goods is. almost met
. by tales from the start and permanent sale established. ',The
preferred acid protected stook pays is per cent. ; the common ++
stools, which goes FREE with the referred as a BONUS �i
should pay 50 to 100 per cent., because ",the Company manu- i
factures at a large profit something that every household needs !
and will use EVERY day in the. year.
A ggenuine opportunity. Get the facts. It costs nbthing
to do that,
"r rhe ideal Business" Ps a money -making massage to you, ,
Write for, It TO -DAY. $,
(7 -1, _ I
[ W..... � .
Vi. ��'.
�. '' . �
. IV ,
-1, I. 41
r I
I &� A L G n A -IS. y
. .
11 .
! *-% W--*, �
E ,12 Rik
Calgary Has Grown in Population From
17,000 to 6ot000 in Five. Years.
;' ..
. inu NOW ._ ..�,_
a®. . �,,
P�I►pulation Means Increased
Real Estate slues.
1—picee o $200 Per Lot
TURMS �$io.00 DOWN, $5.00 PIR MONTH.
Government title. bots guaranteed HIGH, DRY AND I,I$Vr~L.
On a c®a9 �� i ed;
To.RoN'ro Ola FlCE---ROOM i66, 14. .KING ST. BAST. •
1, G -
"i, .1
`4 ,4
. 1�1
C6The Tweed" Sanitaru
L� uid Chemical Closet ,
"The Tweed" is a dant- A DEATHTRAP. torriy Liquid Chemical Closet i
which can be installed In F The greatest death trap' 6
any dwelling, without water _" » !� ' ever inented by man Is the .
works or plumbing, Try unsanitary, draughtq and t
disgusting out-of-doors 1
It Is perfectly odorless and V �i i i Closet.
with ordinary care and at. ;tied Delicate women and ten
tenuou will lust for years.
der children are forced to go
all winter a cold barn of
: i
Nothing r. go wrong or get
out-oi order.
a place called a closet and
there sit over bad sn)ellsand
No 1-'
se t respeettn;; father
a draughty seat. No woA•+
nrhusband would perrnfthis
r:Jfe sand
dertheybocomean eas
to disenso
rhitdren to ase a
death trap" after lee reads
germs. colla ars
frequent. 1 ubereviosisoften
: I
This announceme tat
p an enc[ to a precious life
, r-
Chemical Closest brie)_,
: i
health and ha Ines
rural dwellers Pp s to Ali
Send for
the Tweed ,.susltaryy Liquid
Clionaical Closet. 1Vrite for
o It the stage, to dla hanou cera- sore sag oncs ,a general os ae,. wn not tneteafwr be softened by heat. --- -._ ._. .._ /����;t �vr��t�t7� _ }��y� Igo Particulars today�'y�T�py
a p Bcadfgpissues, icalo the will fo glo• * ts, - � ..d®. �.� er .. 9.�PlE STEEL TALVt.d,4,.. { B �l�� P1i lel d i
turn e: with eailyenttonal mimic ry hirci acnci uposs ap;siication. 5ead fa¢ x . _._ - - Wanted Further Deta'rts. CO..9 t
brit acttan, is classic or beatlt?r"til t� :z A Peculiar Clay. "I had a mighty queer 9
R- -L' .t'; the term aesthetic may cov. The ccn$tittteatd' of "loess,". a fine ° � this morni surprise " '�J
t r, lent dict redeem it. There is not yellowish sandy c1rly found in vari. L. mv en
ng," remarked a local stock
broker. "I put one
an old pair I `VVilsOn Pays the Freight
keen the art of the ordinary ballet- � , ,. ons parts of the world and reaching trousers, and in one of the pockets 'I �
dancer discernible in these proceeti a thickness of over a thousaylcl feet in ���1�, is a®�� found a big Toil of bills which I had i0i1
;nasi' At the same time he regret: : T~ 1:„ Ch"Ta, has given rise to controversy entirely forgotten." get wholesale prices
Y - Y g
tht> uglirre-.- of the ordinary costume ti "n � � ; among geologists. The pxwsence of the i •fhat ANYONt "Were any of them recefpted?" ask. li ordered 110
warn. by the Prima Ballerina, which � i}�>b � �i �� shells of umails that feed on plants can use ed a listener, who seemed to be a Special
is neither graceful nor necessary. It OF li9CtW�ktk 4i, E D y, indicates the for;ner� presence of �! pessimist. ,
was apparently introduced
about 1830 pants. �� pflCeS te-llay. Ess
to i,al%JgND (NJEEit{ ST5, lccarling.y it has r,•centiy' ��. SIN auu4 w~. _ _--.._...-�•-- � �� ---. � . � �
- T 1�ftoilTrCl been suggested t' .t the genesis o{ ' stills t6 pejl
Life Preservers these rcanlatl;al'.e ct .gilts Islay be fu1- K, RY NURIKE EYE RENER
Life preservers far ua" to Zee; , WH1TE MrzraWar ly accnuxfte.l for by tcirtf action, cr)u- t t: ^ For Red,iYea&,We urate Eyes wetlT$
,,11:)- MO,V•rrtFAt_*VL�FD"C-r)AL6FAx-tar40,1N4ZP4&.f' lid aith•tfte »fie ry.Y - - ,�`,,1 _
nvre,el s were unknown hi+fnrr lt'20 M.,,a I) grG\ttld of platers whiekl
have and 8a and thl aCta'..t the brawn NltzrineDoesn't ��
, 11
%-._,.,._.. .�;.:.. _.-....-..,.;.. .•--- dust slid sari n� way tttltt sand Smart• -Soothes Eye
s a 1 ° • : . .. = Mn »,m w t Dr Pita Sett
r , in t Palk
11 i u •.i6,.s, ws-;,.mrt.�. a k, -.I'_ "vjz" - 7 tluiie ;late s civ u',t E lgl , t sec Marine Eye R'ctaetlr. iigaiil23e 56c, $$.06 °
Saw at4,Ys>.:., «zr :w m i •1: i I.. 3, Urrt�. - Marine Eye Saive, in Aseptic Tubes, 25d, 1:Ot1
7nElOrt Ahs t'�.'a;.11 .1 I dyed ALL fPeeSe LYE to0XS AND ADVICE DIME $Y MAIL Bl )ESPLANADE ST. X
s - � ' _ 4Vol}, Rat! -t I , DIFFERENT Ffrf'• 3 neEymReanedyC*.,Ch,Ieag® xnrlTu, CAN.
C, WILS0I S��I, T�
F U. Pis I sof` Goods ----------4*-- •
Jae, Jaai*son' (shuwz„�s e ty Icy K1zc ---- -
• faun) --With all yopr' city gdcl:eatltvrt, ifs'”' 14h ffno LryA „ A Severe Condition, ---�
211i.inf0 1't�ra-,.,!0n i I9C"1a1 s'; S 1 to sonny, I'll warrant 1^ou don't'know R CLA RE ' �•Terey, ,ahnI There isn't a thing in Real Balm of Gilead .
which side ou milli the eQtt: Frond? t the ho .se fit to eat l The real ,bahn of Gilead is the dried
i' 'et, a vafuny xt:o£c're d,, z I kno v it, Maria; that's why L juice of a how shxub; it is said,, which
the Boy -brise, I dol it's the under g Y
side. • A brow ht hurl to ginner. I want ,him to grows in Syria, It is . ver valuable
Au > O r CO., see how f.tiL.tl we live. Hes Iny, grin- and scarce, for, the amount of baht.
"" . elnal creditors." — yielded b one-shrnb- n ver 4xcoedod
A More Trifle. NEDY ALL KINDS Y p y I'
itlEeartllbt Ir`s 'JCmrrtt)tritGaeli ib:ejlty, `Rut father,,' sold efts peau ifal Toa crcoeos sixty drops, !r•da ACordfn, to ,io•
.,,J Squire's Perfectl Healthy , sophus, the balm or baialt-at of Gilead
., iAtIttdlEP%5' sAl *LPaC,,26 ROAIy CRE'T gfrl•, rementbcr that lie is rich its ell l lie, Wife -I really cion t was one f ,
o the ,presents Ll,ive,n by the
tis' ixaiidsotne."' LEAN guh Sita P LIE to use,. ` think it can be healthy having your Queen of Sheba'to "
1t'CSl' x;31+,1 ro-1' Idliw•1h! �rd�i,Itr- "Vioh'nothin'1" rep the stsrtt:'1 lid NK)chnnceoNfiln eWRONGbyefoetheGHodi Q Xing ,5'�lo,re.c , )ed
iaxd, ` ``1'll bel fie on haa toch)ar, t Cotte,. irutfi our brugatlt dr X'igs SQ neat' the han$e, ancient I ewi$'ll h $iCi
t re than r,Direr. rPrnro <`.araan,rsryarcvra�riuleirr, a?hC F rmer' with ri e - ,' >xns .fres
, C p d > Nona o it evidently far
w wa1J5 fl,klliQ fit ltxa alt alis hn oN sun Cts-; Idmlra,l, rNontrn4f, r 3nyspepsia, d. melan-
uwM Y U
-�•� �i ° _ i�ll^tac�thein s illness. clioli;a,
w pi 3 has ever had a dtt
i y
."."'.. I 4I