Exeter Times, 1911-10-26, Page 1. erU b iU Telt. The txulli ttC las sarins has by the v¢ >rt icy leamu• s,a: -: oi4 the xrynn b, VP uc,'r•ri• tried i. Rei don't exprr iii Stu UwG' Remelt and get results ,1 )AI t i:R. liex:t.Il OXu been pxovent S a1I 1lemec'iv. you will b. a7loRe IR'1'Y 1:' ll ii a U EAR --N0 1979' Huron 80 Middlesex Gazett EXETER, ONT *OL OT 011 .014 14^1,.iQVM (naemonlr of wool tlae best on tlae'xnarlcet. Itis a puellie4 septiel an4 de ag1 ;flu pct perfultaet I it x opt wanta ou aa. the best ,tit r Violet Duke Talcoult o , Cole's Drug Stare CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26th 1911 $1.00 per year in adva. TONES & MAY PHONE 32 tti mmigrassmirommommemouggignimigmegiumessamossommimmommenum LTIPUL D Fabrics Falx and Winter & Silks For Style Beauty and Authenticity of Colorings oar Fresent extensive display is worth re ulinr b nit and seeing,Everything that is New and Nobby in Tall and Winter Naturals are here for your approval. We want. YOU to get acquainted with our showing New Snitings & Coatings We are stole inga'an Extensive line of Ser„ RG: Cheviots & Tweeds in rough and fine weaves. These materials are j u it right for Tailored Suits.an;t1 1)recs,,s. Prices from 50c to $1 50 per Yard Colored Silks Are very ret .1 for Dresses or Waists. Pal, let t,b Silks inall the New Shad' s 5 per Yard Taffettt, Silks in very Shade at 50 rnd -`.c. per yd; Satins at 500. anti 57 cents per yard earah.les Lad it- 4 'C4' inter Coats_ at! :., '4'1 intit r Furs a cl Tllt i 1"wear Hos{, an:! Gloves' Coat 3w eaters. Fon-.,. I )resses Phone 32 •: a:.Sat-,.'ter Hardware Big wain and OvGr6odt Shco $7,000 of New Clothing $7,000 Just arrived $7,000 worth of Men's and Boys Fall and Winter Suits Overcoats and Odd Pants made by the W. E. SANDFORD CLOTHING CO. the largest wholesale clothing "hoRse_in Canada. Every Garment bought at a big re- duction. Whole lines cleared • out at Job Prices. Now is YOUR Time for Bargains Men's Good $1 O' Suits for only $7 15& 16 ' 10, 20&23 " 13&15 5& 6 Parts 3: 2.25 • " 1,50 5Sit Suits- .• 3,50 7 .& 8.3 piece Suits 5 Overcoats by the Score for Men or Boys at Bargain Prices.: cc cc 66 Boys Good ii Jones & May, Exeter. 1 Exeter Council Exeter Depot The council met at the .'own Hall Destroyed by Fire Friday evening October '20th mem- lu bersall present; with. • the exception o1 Mr. Rivers. The minutes of last On Friday morning last the Grand Tr Meeting were read and approvedTrunk station was completely cies,- Mr. Wu r Bagshaw waited on the troycd by fire about two o'clock in council asking to have erossiug ac.>;oss on the ease side of Wellington north to creamery, On motion of Day and Wallin' owing to the, lateness of the <teason no action be taken. Carried, Day and Walper tba t the following I accounts be, paid; -- Jones and May an 15e.: D. ,Russell . ac 10,3,rx, Gro, Orange cemetery 1.75 T. Houlden do 1,75; Jno I3e11 water works 10.00; labor 1.00' Geo Orange do 4.37; Thos. Moulden do 1.75 do as tllc:re was no, fire in the burld:ng 0'.75; Fred Hector do 6.13, do 7,00; and no train ha- Passed through after .1t. Davis water works 2.50; R, Quance the regular, L, di. and B. at 5,45. The do 2.28; .Geo. Cudnaoxe labor 9.25; Gt. fire seemed to' start near the top of Powed:. F. Ivfalictticlean- the building .and work downward, ing Town o. 1Mia25; lvlrsll 50o;• lvlrs. Jno White The joistsand part of the flooring do1,50; Nelson: Vale labor 3.50; gable not bar t; out but, were badly Pickard auditor 4,0t?; Joseph Davis ,charred. Thcxe were 15 tons of coal do 4,00;' total 103,F(3, in the cellar but this dict aiot get Devote and Wainer that by-law to stat' a•L+`xeter. depot was one rof the raise .be' ass-s.m.nt ethic th h dlley. of Exeter County of Iluron the sum finest on the line, being steam heated of $141155:26 for general and other and well furnished with polishe'doak purposes he read the s Gond end third furniture and frescoed walls The. agent Mr. a:ime and finally passed: Carried, J. J. ,Ginighfr, had a person- Levett and Walper that the supply al interest in its appearance and had threebeautifulone the skating rink with water for the palms ' .of which sum of $10.00 per season, Cariied..stood over., rightfeett h'igli.. Levett and Day that . the council coach, is at' present' being used inert et the- Town HallMonday'at for the eceommodation of passengers. 1.3.0 pt -'m. for the purpose of looking -+-- ing over the town with a view to ex- Skin Torn From tending th9 water mains. Levett adjournment to Mond"y the the morning, with loss about $2,500. The fire was discovered after : it had secured a sweeping stat and it was impossible to save anything ^tua't was in the building;.. A traveller's trunk containing several shot guns, valued at $700 was destroyed. ,13esides the building twea trucks that were on the platform were burnt A car partly filled with potatoes caught lire and was putty destroyed, do '11,75, do 10,25 Boy Horn do 1,75, he origin of: the fire is a mystery 1 Paints & •Oils Ladies are Delighted with y sCAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN for re-staininrf end finishing Furniture, Wood- work and ,Floors They con • do the work .themselves with ellent restates All colors hi stock in tins at 15, 25, 45 and 85 VATC g f le ' he on t camel Lady itis qui s 'ut►h window. She will be here A ..! short ty to .letnonstrate ()ht•nILmel. See how she beautifies t he lmcexe. For Fhis Fall's rgili tri l , Up USE MARTIN SE OURS and Ei ,EPH T PAINTS 18, 25, 35 and up to 2.45 per fin ;1J EAMAN'S HARDWARE & STQYE STORE vPunibing Furnaces Apples Those wanting goon Na. 1 Winter` Apples call at J01168 Mau Reform Convention of .South Huron for; Provincial, Purposes Will be held in Hensall on WED'- NESDAY NOV..1st at 11: a. m, tor the purpose of. choosing a candidate. A meeting.; will ~ be held in each sub division on Monday Oct. 30th at a p. m. tot 'lc/loose delegates for the con- vention.:. , A large representatioo. is requested, . • New Barber Shop -Opus I desire to ennounoe to the Citizens of Exeter and sue - rounding conlniunity that on Saturday next, I will open up a Barber Shop in the roorns above Mr. T. Wilson's Store, Opposite Central Rotel where 1 will be prepared to give the best of service to all who will favor' are with a Call. An Invitation is extended to Everyone The Times to January 1913 for One Dollar FRAN K BoYL Face and Hands 23rd inst. • • I ()n Monday while Miss Clara Oes- 1•r ' he r was as runningon.a cinder e Locals path at the Crediton. School, she had the misfortune, to fall. and have the skin badly torn from her face and hands, Her nose was laid bare to the bone ane the forehead badly .scalped The skin was also torn from the palms of her hands. Read the sale adds. on page four .Mr. Geo. 1 ierthway of Berlin was in town Tuesday. Mr. A. Steer 'of Dashwood spent ..today in town: J. Richardson of London cal- ler! " townMonday. District News Methodists to 'Vote on Church Unniolix The question. of churebt union is .to to• submitted to the official board. and the membership of the M etho, dist church within the next .6 uronthr The General Cotifex'enee special corn- mittee: at its annual rneetixi W,ed- nesday. Oct, 18th in the board room at Wesley buildings directed that a vote be (taken' by .the official koarde not later 'Jaen the third quarterly meeting of the boards in the conger-.. a ice year, that is in February, and that a vote of the membership shall be taken not latter than April 15th. The superintendents of (Armlets and missions will be instructed to arrango that •tile fullest possilele vote of the incnabcrsbip b' secured. A sufficient number of copies of the basis of un- ion will be sent to race superintend- ent to enable him to present a copy to each family on his charge. There will be three ballots proper. ed -one for the members of the,offie- ial boards, one for the members of the church eighteen years of age, and over and one for'the members taf the church: eighteen years of ago. A separate ballot for information ,only will be taken of the adherents.. 1 Three question will be on the' ballot papers; 1, are you in favor of .organic) union with the Presbyterian and Congregational churches? 2,Do you approve of the proposed basis of eh - ion? - iota? Have you any suggestions or alternatives to offer? Huron County Fall Assizes Messrs. J. W. Welsh of the Lon- don Rd. North, and Mr. ltd. Gould of tote u wc, ere in Godericlast week as members of the Grand Jury and Petit jury respectively at the- fall sittings of the high court of justice,before Hr. Justice Riddell. Two of the most Important civil actions which were on the docket were not tried. The case of Eels - stead vs. Goderich Organ Co. to rel. Mrs: (Itev)Collins.. returned home cover $5.000' .damages for injuries re - from Toronto Saturday. The Conservatives of South Perth eeived while at ~work in 'the d lend-! ' eats factory, was settled out of court Logan, as their standard bearer for and the aettion entered b Mrs. R lvir. ,las. -Walters was in Hamilton have selected Mr.John I3ennew ies n y um- C ANi GIVING IL1OAY •eeee e +ee`emeeeeneaeeees♦. We are prepared to make your Thanksgiv ing SUIT or OVERCOAT 'ate. w eek on business, fdrs. Bennet of 'Toronto is visiting- Mr. isiting Mr. end Mrs. J. At. Stewart. Mrs. E. Christie visited Mrs. R. R Rogers. in Toronto the past week. Miss Edith Parsons entertained a number of her friends on 'Wednesday evening. Mr. :las. Sparks is back to work with Jones May after two- weelc' holiday. Mae and 1Mr j New to 11 13aker have returned home £recd their: 3 n.onaths' visit 3ti, he west: !Mrs. S., Nerdy left Wednesday for • nv'll Mich. where she will \a:. - it for a couple- ofweeks. wits. Jno. (McInnis left this 'week for New Richmond, Wis.; where she will remain for the winter. Mr. Martin" has moved into 14 r. Sam It s itew home on James street recent- ly ccen rt pare i led :rout Miss J rayne. . til .. ,1 tmm. Fletcher returned home Saturday after spending th . hast week visitin • ht r (laughter Mrs. D. t o,tidine Woodli:am. 14Irs. Robt. 'Rowe. and, daughter: Beta, have returned home from min - Lan epee! a pleasant, visit w•il.tt Mrs. Holloway. r Mrs. 1{ow eiki mother, AT"" and' Mrs Rd. ltobinsrn Reeve chis ,vc.ek for .1%1 hig n...whtrue•1hey will speed- the rini:er. ''Nfr". Murray Miller accampanied there then:. • Eye Burnt -On Monday Mr.Jas. Gould had the misfortune to"get some ashes in his eye which sl:ghtly burned, the optic and caused consider- able pain: •lvlrs. T (McTavish., and little daugh- ter Isabelle returned to Shakdspeare last . week after spending a couple, of. weeks with her parents. R eev, J. W. and Mrs. Taylor. 1ivirs. F. J. 'Wickwire Ls in Detroit this 'week attending .the Werner-' White wedding. Nrhich took place on 125th' lvli .W t Wednesday. Oct.r. White is a grandson of Mrs, Jno. White' Sr Blood `Poisoning -Mr. T. Elliott.' is laid off . work this week owing to blood poisoning in his left hand. He was picking.fowland was pricked in bya quill. 'Little.. 'atlten- the hand tion was paid to it at .firs!t, but it later developed •into' blood poisoning and is very painful at present. SALE REGISTER the Legislature. Hon. Nelson Mon- pie, o Cintoa. against the Toronto teith was offered the nomination but 3 Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Co. was transferred to oe heard in Flaw- .ilton Mrs. Rumple's husband was an engineer on. this railway and while so employed met his death; The claim was tor $5.000 The Plaintiff Mrs. Isher Wood in a breach of promise case against a young man named Sanderson, of Hul- ett, awarded $1,000 by the jury. injuries. Mrs. Potts was rendered An actions of seduction was entered oenoonseheas anti died Sunday with- by the father of the girl and the same :t regaining coitscionsness. !'r = ( jury rendered a verdict for 8Q0.dam- ages • Neither cases were defended by counsel or otherwise represented as the present. ,v e i bo theid - h r a cryo f e fendeut are unk o v ntn The only criminal case fried was that bran ai .i:hir,coal and wharftngcr bus- t of the charge preferred against Al- ni en for ecaxiy half a century. He ( bert Jardine of unlawfully .wounding wee an necompromising, Conservative 1 David Brown a Jewish junk dealer in ,'olities and always .took an active tt W. Proudfoot IC. C. of Goderich re- stated it was impossible, to accept lit.. An accident which might result fa- tally occured in Goderich on Satur- day last. A runaway team going down the Saltford hill collided with a buggy going• in the same direction Mr. and Mrs. W. Potts. two aged peo- ple. occupants of, the buggy, were thrown out. Both sustained serious William Lee, one of the oldest ci- tizens of Goderich diad Friday morn- ing last aged '70 years.. Mr. Lea was known by all lake captains land vessel men on the upper lakes, having tit. in paablie affairs, having been presented the accused-, white. !the I crer n s .case was conducted b:mid( . JJ. n rc:iIor for' a number of retry. He Gamble, at Toronto. '!The cee was was a membri of. tome .A lican church ice.- ro,mnvia'oc1 laat:rtnlie =vc crag the ;a i l is starvicacl Xis 'tills widow airci`onc hearing of the evidence took up;' about •son, Chas. Lee. who is in the horde 'th.ree hours., ''a' ware business. The evidence of the two sons of the fl.• .James Shaw aged forty years complainant 11 end 12 years of age a foreman of Goderich Ont has been given in a straight forward mariner varded f gnthe Carnei a T•Terdand they proved to be suchntelli , n t Fend .a bronze, medal and the sum of witness iha. the ju('g,e in.summing up 41.900 for the purposel of liquidating the cine ;,ate it was a matter of a mortgage on his property Fie r t s greet ri• j•x eira;r to l>itn that Jewish cited ifarry M. Videan aged thirty- children ere big so well •ducateci six yeails a Iaboror from a rnachine and gave: promise of being such good at Goderich Sept 14th 12 08 Shaw Canadian Citizens: after having failed in one attempt 'rhe jury retired at 11 `30 a, nt. Af- puiled'off a belt running at the rate tri being out an hour and sir minutes of forty ihousand feet a minute in they returned with a verdict on as - of to a cry from idrau ,who suiting in such a way as to do actual entangled in. a rope and' vas be- bodily harm. • a : (' ; ing crashed by the machine:. The On Wednesday the Grand Jury made their tour of inspection of the belt came off just as one of Shaw's A arm's came in contact with a 1?alley public buildings such as the court b :t he •cna not. injured„ Videau House Jail, hospital register, office was badly injured but recovered. and. House of Refuge at Clinton At Over 110' teach rs answer -ed tthe the Court. house a large quantity of roll call •at'ithe Eat 'Kevon Teacher's old papers was found too near the furnace a was ordered r 'd inc'i'ting' ni Seefoi'th•on Thursday and fu a nd ainmates . Elide v o£' last week 'Prof Coleman. At the jail 'there are 'three in o had delivered Attention was Gaited to one who had of the Toronto tniyersity, been an inmate of the House of Ref - splendid addresses. the one on "Na- age but oaving'te, his violent temper • tional ideals in, , Eclecation, g teach- ers ,rh ' a appreciated. , is rlarl trait 9 end their friends were 'treated to rte "at' home" and onto rtain- n,enf '$'1" irs+lay evening' at which Prof. Kelly and his danghter, of Gnelph, furnished the ;Thursday Nov, "Jth-Auction..Sale of musical hart, assisted by Mrs. W. Mo- team, of this town. Principal Curtis Farm stock and implements, (the pro -of the public school and his staff were Petty of Jos. Stephens, Lot 15, west ."eservedl , complimented for their ef- boundary of Blanshard. three -quart- forts in making the convention a ors of a mile south of Woodham. pleasing success: The following are Sale at one o'clock. Jos. White, Auc- tioneer. " ben BORN MCDONALD--]3osangnet, Sunday, 'Oc- tober '8 to Mr.; and Mrs., Allan Mc- Donald, a seta., • POOBE-J;3osanquet Sunday Oct. eth. to Mr. and Mrs. George Poore, a daughter. YO NG-Corbet Monday Oct. 16t h, to Mr. and Mrs. .Wilbert Young. a daughter. (311N11Aivl-Parkhill. Saturday Oct., 14th to Mr, and Mrs. A. 13. lIen- ha.tu; a. daughter. DIED 13 CKINGHAM-In Exeter, on Sat - 9y, Oelober. 21st. Samuel 13uck- ei 'Vitra. erred .1 rears and 7months THE OED Wil To Cure a Cold THE NEW WIY Take Ilotvey's Capsules the officers deleted for the ensuing year. rres'dent, Cleo W. l=ir loran : 1st vice -Pres., 3. T. Curtis; 2nd vice -Pres Miss 13. 11. ilull; see-treas. John hart ley; eeeelit.iee enmpuitt,e. Messrs. Scott, 'Stalker, Higgins and Misses Brock and Yrhompsoai. Wingham was selected as the next place of meeting. • t.rt ',• (tri 'r' "r who has asked for tee e,r 1-"Ye•e'll only drink it I •saap- t, t:', i"stea'i of taking it home to yo'ar wife." l n•'rele-"1 ain't gat a wife, lidy X'm earnin nae own living." he was committed to the jail. The 1th 'ur thought( this was•a best lace 1 y gA for him.- On im.,On Wednesday afternoon 'the House of Refugeeat Clinton was visited and everything found in No. 1 condition There were 85 inmates in the instit- ution three of them being from Exe- ter. One' of the inmates is a lady. 105 years ofd. This year besides raising enough po- tatoes for their own use a large; quantity has been sold. A quantity of Dutch Sett onions has also been sold in Ilensall. After raising what they can of the: 50 acres, the main- tenance of the inmates costs about $1 a week per inmate The jory were well pleased with the management' of the keeper Mr. Mutch and his wile and believe they are the' right persons, for thte pos- ition. 'Mr. and Mrs. Match get $800 a year and the jury thought the salary a little small but the et ling of the salary rests with the Coun ty Council, The, ease, of Mr. Cross o1 Exeter comes up this week, 81[01 11(1111 Eyes These long Evenings trying to read but make life a teleasnte by getting the proper kind df Glasses with cor rept test at HOWEY'SDRDQ STOI Prices the Lo `'Q41.1 And Guarantee YOU erfect Satisfaction in Every Way. 1000 Samples of CLOTH 9• A'IY 9i+ 04 +b d9 b O ki StA 40 STYLES of SUITS ==AND►== Overcoats We Save YOU 25 Per Cent on your Tailored Clothes and give you entirely Better SatISo faction. would like We would Show YOU 110 ae*v'w•••••el►see0404ee.....N Sandy '0T