HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-11-18, Page 23dl •,• .40 . GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Th, DM— PAGE7A Farmers., DEEP BROWN, WITH PORK BATHROOM TISSUE OR WITH PORK & MOLASSES 750mI BOTTLES 5 COLOuRp 14 FL. OZ. TINS PLUS DEPOSIT 4 ROLL PKGS. . IWOW PRICE • ••• .:•:•••TO: • • • W PRICE :::••• • ••:•• 3 QT. BAG OR JUG FRESH MILK HOM0-2%-SKIM WHITE -W. WHEAT -CR. WHEAT ZEHRS BREAD 24 oz. LOAVES FINE GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR 2 Kg. PKG. NO. 1. FRESH ZEHRS BUTTER 1 lb. PRINT QUALITY DOLE OR CHIQUITA BANANAS PLUS DEP. ON JUG TOOTHPASTE CREST REG. OR MINT 150 ml. TUBE CHEESE SLICES MAPLE LEAF INDIV. WRAPPED 500 gr. ;.0 ••::::::•••• • •• oatotitHf •••:•••:•• •:<•••••••••:•:•:•:••••:•:•: PKG. Q4 GREEN GIANT FCYP.GlitEN OR.WAX BEANS. SUMMERSWEET PEAS. CREAM CORN OR NIBLETS CORN 12 OR.14 oz. TINS • •:•:•:•.• • • • • LIBBYS SPAGHETTI WITH CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE 19 oz. TIN yo:•••••• Country Oven Oatmeal or. Peanut Butter COOKIES 1.39 350 g. Country Oven Brown or Crusty ROLLS DOZEN 79' 1/2 PRICE SALE COLOUR ENLARGEMENTS (with lustre finish) 5"x7" .Reg.,52.60 SPECIAL $1.30 87)(10" .Reg. 85.25 SPECIAL $2.62 'From any colour negative size 110, 126 or 135. Offer in effect until Dec. 1 1981. Please allow up to 3 weeks for delivery. Clover Leaf Chunk Ali Kent Frozen 12.5 0 ozi 9 LIGHT TUNA14. fids.8if ORANGE JUICE AS 9-13 oz. PKG. Creamed Regular 109 iittaieDiheeseOCA 500 A AI g• fr 29 Sliced Bluewater Boston Bide 14 OZ. Ready to Serve QUAKER OATMEAL Dole -Chunk, Crushed -or PI N EAPPLEMIII!i9 049 f FISH STICKS • KOSTES TOTINO" PIZZAS PEPPERONI OR 350 OR 370 g. • EA. DELUXE DURACELL BATTERIES CARD OF 2 "D" "C" "AA" "AAA" CARD OF 1 9 VOLT Green Giant -with Mazola Pure CORN OIL 75"I St 69 MeatieliaSauce LASAGNA A FOff 1.49 Stafford. Blueberry Ak Beatrice 5" PIE FILLING '1.29 PUry !riil CREAM 990 Stafford Cherry PIE FILLINGigli39 Medium Old 22 7g.1 49 Cherry Hill Farmers Stafford Apple Colby or 227 9. $49 PIE FILLING 19z.99# MOZZARELLA 1. Scotties-4 colours 200 smNEW-Parkay Soft StyleLB.FACIAL TISSUE OrA MARGARINE '2.59 PKG. OF 6 Mother Parkers Instant Vachon Snacks COFFEE lo oz. JAR4.6 JOS. & LOU1S$149 Gay Lea French Onion Ak Westons Cinnamon OF 8 CHIP DIP 250 g FRESH BUNS '1.09 STP 10 W 30 Grade „ MOTOR OIL 1 LITRE ITY • 40,60 or 100 Watt STP Philips Softone A Gasoline 250 mi A LIGHTBULBS 72. 89Y A1 TREATMENT, 1.ZY STP Gasoline eFREliimi 3/970 8LKD 5dCAerosolE"ICER$119 STP NEILSONS - 5 FLAVOURS FRUITPLUS YOGURT. 125g CUPS THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE HIGHWAY #8 RIO • MONDAY & TUESDAY 9-6 P.M. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY 8:30-6 P.M. * from page SA Food and twobY tbeMhOltil of Natural Resoarces,1. partnership with thee, Ininintriess BJW wil.. tribute upwards of $5.5 million on a variety Of resource d ev elopment programs over the next five years. Additional funding will also be provided by each of these minisstries. Recognizing the in- creasing need for advanced education in agriculture, including c ompute ri zed farm management and high - precision laboratory procedures, a four year program is to be institutedat the agricultural colleges throughout the province. 1Vgcro-computers are to be purchased so students can learn how to use the com- puter on the farm for ac- counting and recording systems, and for budgeting and marketing. High - precision instruments are to be provided for laboratory technology courses that include instruction in food management, animal health and agricultural laboratory technology. The Treasurer said that complex farm machines are becoming normal equipment for many farms and funds will be used to lease or purchase such machines for college in- struction. The second BILD program under the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; is the extensive upgrading of facilities at the Farmers' Market at the Ontario Food Terminal in Toronto, in- cluding greatly increasing the number of stalls and the installation of a roof with a total cost of $3 million of which BILD will pay two thirds, the remainder coming from the food ter- minal board. Suncor The debate on the government's purchase of 25 percent of the shares of Suncor Inc. continued, with the Opposition carrying on a filibuster against the government's motion on supply, which would .have givenaccess to $7 Inks in tax funds to pay provincial bills for the next five months. Debate was lengthy and heated and was only ended when the government in- voked closure. As l'oronto'S, Globe and Mail commented in an editorial on November 5, "For the first time since 1874, an Ontario Government has cut off debate in the Legislature through the invocation of closure. It has done so for a reason which makes a mockery of the parliamentary system - to avoid giving the Opposition Parties detailed information on the purchase, and reasons for purchase, of 25 per cent of Suncor Inc. ofToronto." During the debate, the Leader of the New Democratic Party was ejected from the House and Liberal House Leader Bob Nixon was threatened with the same thing before the Speaker caned a ten minute recess for tempers to cool. Liberal Leader Stuart Smith described the motion of closure as a muzzle on debate and /said that "the government had abused the rights of Parliament and the people". He had condemned the oil company deal as a bad investment of $650 million in tax money at a time when the province is resorting to deficit finan- cing. The money could, he said, have been better used in other areas in Ontario's slumping economy. "The government has made a very expensive purchase ... , and should justify the purchase or go to the people" The justification which he, and the Opposition members seek should - hopefully - be contained in reports prepared by private financial consultants ad- vising the government on the Suncor purchase. Robert Runciman, the new Conservative MPP for Leeds, in an interview, joined the Opposition 18 calling for government disclosure of information on the Suncor deal. Another Conservative Member, Morly Hells (Humber) left the House rather than vote on the closure motion, which he said was "politically stupid" and "the last thing" which should have been done. Even some Cabinet Ministers have expressed, 'privately, their concern about the Suncor deal, saying they should have been told more about one of the lage ng3etafplIdittitO in provinciSlhlstory. Z.