HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-12, Page 6TIMES , EN DOWNING STREET VERY POUT The Arietoceatic Body 01 napanees Protectore of the Public. t.SHABOY HOUSE iS THE SEAT OF TheJapanese pollee, one' of whose BRITAIN'S POWER. chiefs has been studying, Htigitsh Methods at Scotland yard with a view of furthering improvements in his own force, was originally the most aristoeratia body of the kited in the world. Its eatablishmerit was almost coincident With the Emperor's decree forbidding the wearing of swords By a stroke of the imperial pert the Sa- murai were deprivet of cherished weapons, by which the gentlemen. of Japan had been aocustomed from memorial times to advertise their rank, So they went into the peliee, where it was still possible to terry a ewbrd, and a very formidable weapon it was, being of the two-handed var. iety Perhaps the polite of 20 years ago were rather too fond of ohopping a prisoner in half insteadof arresting but they vere very expert and there was seldom any evidence to con- tradiet their own perverison of the in- oident. To persons of their own rank and to foreigners they are polite to a degree which would seem Iuelierous anywhere except in the land of honor - lace. One incident illustrates this trait well enough., At Osaka during a. water festival the bridges were kept clear of spectators by a, rope at either end guarded by a policeman. With, the contempt for authority which distinguishes the Englishman 'abroad, two or three tourists stood on the wrong side of the rope out of the crowd, so as to get a better view, but the policeman was equal to the Oc- casion. With apologetic bows he un- tied one eied of -the rope and then fat_ tened it an in front of the foreigners and they had the good sense to accept the rebuke. !Downina Street Is Only 100 Yards 1-ong and 10 Yards Wide, But In 1 the Cabinet Room There Gather Regulariy the Ablest Men In the Realm—One Box For Most Import.. 1 ant Foreign Despatches, "A door knocker is to a roan's house whet a sign is to a shop or a taveru, and often it is something more. I re - Allied this," says a writer he Tile. National Magazine, when I stood en the doorstep of 10 Downing street, 'Westraintser, and gazed at the dull old door of the official residence of Ohl In negland's Prime Minister. "What a 'meeker! What an inter - eating specimen..of ehisled metal work! It is probably intended to represent lion's head ,and yet Lord Beacons. field once described to a friend tb.is ineetieularlar knacker as having a Marked eesemblance to the feature of hie political opponent, Mr, Gladstone. "There is probably no other knocker in existence that has been handled by so many distinguished persons, Fer many Prime Ministers have resid- ed in the dingy little red brick man- sion so conveniently situated for the Houses of Parliament, and many great to have been their visitors. "Downing Street is 100 yards long and la yards wide, and No. 10 is mean nd shablaY; but unimpressive as it is, '33 the very thele •of the British exient. acre Palmerston., Beacons- 4ejcl, Pitt, Gladstone, and many an- ther Premier have presided over Cab. '41 meetings fraught with the destiny of te Empire. 1 I.,‘ lthough Cabinet councils may be b.14, 1 anywhere, their proper locale is Downing Street. The Cabinet room, i. nated on the ground. floor,isa fine- ly proportioned apartment divided by 001amns in the Corinthian style, and idle walls are completely lined with • bookcases filled with works of ,refer- ' ee ealee and. innumerable volumes of Par- liamentary reports, familiarly known as blue books. "As befits a meeting plate of such a secret character, the doors are double 'and communicate with edeefully guarded ante -rooms. There are five double windows, three of which look ; AC out into the garden at the rear of the ' - ihouse, The room has a. very business - ;like appearance, not unlike that of a Iforeign court of justice. The seats are arranged in what one might call a - series of pews, grouped round a cen- tral table covered with green baize. Desks upon folding rests are provided, tand the seats are comfortably uphol- stered. "The chamber is by no meane the lkind of a plate for a lounge. In the :days of Greville the Ministers were trenowned for their knack of taking it easy. At that period the Cabinet met. lings were held in a long, narrow, old - 'fashioned room upstairs, where Minis- ters sat at very close quarters, so ,close indeed that one right honorable ;member 'became unpopular with his a colleagut,s owing to the fact that he ;had fallen into the bad habit of kick- .= n -ng the shins of those around him at --; ‘. oat *nra !Monte OT SO. •: .'"In Mr. Gladstone's later days the :meetings of the Cabinet were often held in a smaller and more oonven- nent, apartment because the :Grand Old ;Man o1 politics had turned the Calai- met room into an office for his seem- Itaries. Lord Beaconsfield had much *----e-hraffection for the room on the ground :floor, however, and he had rneved intr. •it for his own personal USP the ehai- 'in which the groat Pitt used to sit. "The office .-,f the Prime Minister at - • ---- '.Np. 10 le -what sombre room ' ' ' - and is «t eh desks similar to those to le• ..erill in the manager'e ixoom c,f a bank. When Mr. Balfour was Premier he had a grand piano ;placed in this departersent. It stood •-close t,) the door with keyboard in- vitingly open, so that the First Lord f the Treasuey could at any moment ,soothe his harassed brain with the zengs of Mendelssohn or the melee :divas movements ol B?ethoven, "It is interesting to know that eace member ef the Cabinet is supplied with a key which fits the lock of a 'certain despatch box retained by the iPritne lennister. At any particular !crisis when important papers reaeli :Downing Street the Premier, eller perusing them, nlaces them in the &- spatial box end hands the box to a • speciel messenger, who take e it roun•I • te 1:etch member of the Cabinet it, sucenai ,n, Eieh member opens it with hie key and anooks it after h..' ;has read the documents it coutain,. fin this way the papers are prevented from falling into the hand.; of 'grans- fers or members of Parliament wh,; ' are not in the Cabinet. - "Now and again it is found neve,- !sery to print eopi•es of a 'secret' whieh ;comes un •for discussion at a mePtinu !of thr. Cabinet. The document is cat , ,up into many small pieces and di,- !tributecl among a goodly number of -com'eositors in the Government print- ling works, each of whom sets up his little piece. and the little piece may represent only a dozen tines of type. 'When all the fragments are in typ,1 •a highly trusted official collects both the Copy and the type and puts lie latter together. The printing of the docutnent is then done in secret un- der the eyes of this official, and the men who work the printing machiu. •are forbidden to handle any of the paper after it is printed upon." A Poor Kay. • The corkscrew is a poor key to tht 33 entiatiou. fe C1( *Th 3.0 • Mi del bu Full Information Furnished and • Orders Carefully Executed. At the Shindig. A prominent college professor took unto himself as wife a very charming and highly -cultured German lady who is exquisitely particular about all small matters. Several years ago, just after she ebad come to live in this country, she was ever on the qui vive for new forms of expression. Oe night the professor came home worn out with the troubles of com- mencement. As he was dressing to attend a very formal reception he re- marked: "I wish we weren't going to this shindig.” "Shindig!" repeated his wife. "What is that?" "It's the sort of thing we're going to to -night," answered her husband. At the these of a very enjoyable evenimg the professor heard his wife saying, "Oh, Mts. B., I have so much enjoyed your shindig!" • The Horse. A horse will live twenty-five daye without solid food, merely drinking water, seventeen days without either eating or drinking and only five days when partaking of solid food without water. Gift to Church Army. The Queen has made a gift of a bath chair to the Church A:my. SECURITY IN BUYING SPIDERS AS PETS,, , Great Men Who HAYS Made Friends With Creepy Insects. Of all creatures to choose us pets, spiders seem the strangest. One could\ scarcely imagine a woman having such a pet. Butmany tam - ons men have formed real friendships with spiders. There was, for instanee, Beethoven. When studying the violin as a boy of eight, it was his custom to shut himself up alone in a little • room because it was inhabited by a spider which loved his music so much that when ,the boy played, it left its web and came near to listen, and, at last climbed upon the arm with which he was holding the bow, says IViodern 'Society. The young musician became very fond of the spider. Of another great violinist—perhaps the greatest of them all--Paganini, it is related that whenever he pleyed a certain air a spider approaehed hunt and stood still listening until he had finished. Silvio PeIlico tells in "My.Prisons" how he watched a fine big spider weave hie web in a comet of the cell and fed it on mosquitos and flies. He and the spider became so friendly that it would walk up over his hand and eat oub of his fingers. In the early winter of 1704 General Pichegra became convinced. of the futility of his campaign against Hol- land, which the 'Dutch burghers had flooded. He was about to retire when he received a anelssage from his adjutantegeheral, who was a prison- er at Utrecht., informing him that the spiders had predicted a severe frost within ten days. Piche'gru wait- ed; the frost came and turned the floods to ice; and the French army marched across it and captured Am- sterdam. The soldier who hadilmade friends with the senders in his oell and had interpreted their behavior, was rescued and borne back to Paris in triumph. King Christian II. of Denmark— nicknamed the Nero of the North— was taken prisoner in 1531 by Fred- erick I., who had been chosen king in his. place. In his oell' he, too, contracted a friendship with a spider. This creature knew the sound of his voice, came when called, and ate out of his hand. q Bonds are the safest irriest- ment a person can make because they are secured by first mort- gage on the whole assets of the Corporation issuing them. q Bonds are the best investment a person can make because no other investment offering the same security pays as high a rate •of interest. J Bonds offered by us are nor - roughly investigated as to their safety before being offered to oar clients. q Write us to -day for literature on Bond Investments and a list of those we recommend. SECUR ITIEs CORPORATION 1.1114TIEV BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDIT4C, YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO R. M. WHITE - Manager MONTREAL-01JEBEC-HALIFAX-L-ONDON(ENG.7 tf are think - 'Mg about • BUSINESS COURSE Tt.gtvec informs. tam in n rottshelt IT IS FREE Write ,fioridif EIica Tit a ONT.) 6 east,: POPCUPNE alt 1 a si Avis tier trig, • ‘4,:0; ' , t WA RaEN* GZOWSIO •& CO., •'gain bora Toronto Stock txCitalige. TRADERS BANK r3t.D0.„ 20 BROAD sTREgi, Ittnt5ftrro. new *song. t BRIBERY IN RUSSIA. One Firm Alone Has Paid Away $l0,- 000,000 1 n Bribes. Fifty Russian officers are on trial at Moscow, and an astounding state of corruption in the Supply Department of the Russian army has been reveal- ed. It is stated that one firm alone has paid away over $10,000,000 in bribes in the last twenty-five years1 One of the members of the receiving committee is alleged to have been paid $135,000 on one transaction alone. So heavy has been the bribery that the clerks of the Department deliberately spoiled the samples of any firm whieh did not give bribes It is calculated that the Russian. Government have lost $50,000,000 at least in the last few years o'n this account. Russia has always had an unenvi- able reputation for coruption. When Fort Arthur surrendered a large nut:1;- bn of continental critics of the land, of the Czar did not hesitate to openly accuse Gen. Stoessel of having ac- cepted a large bribe from the Japan- ese Reports ware floating round at the time that half hie staff were sub- sidized by the Japanese. These re ports were manifestly absurd, ba there is at least one ease on record where a commander has been known to surrender for a consideration. This was said of Marshal Bazaine about the fall of Metz. The French Government investigated the terrible charges against him, and found him guilty. He was sentenced to death, though this was afterwards commuten to imprisonment for life. At tke time the amount of the bribe sail to have ben paid to Bazaine by we German Intellegence Department was delimit -1e Stated to be 11,0500001 Though tine French Government found P,azaiue guilty, there were grave doubts cast opon the verdict, this cannot be said ot tire eurr,nder of Selo in 1522 to the Tarks. lu con- sideration of this surrender the 'I roke paid out a sum of $850,000. This p:ece of rank trt,aehery resulted in tee most terrible massacre in modern history. eneen people &hang :nein, Imprisonment by Instalment Britishers ecenetimee complain the; their laws are eccentric. But what about those of other countriee? What, for instance, would our wives, sisters, sweethearts, ani mothers say if they lived in Lucerne, where a law forbids the wearing of hats more than 15 inches in diameter, or the wearine of fureign fea.tners anu artificial flowers? To wear ribbons of silk and gauze, the Lucerne ladiee have to get a Ircense, which cost -s ebout 3s. 4d. a year!, Even these laws are not so amaz- ing as others. By law, a woman in ' Norway who wishes to wed must first present to the authorities a certificate showing that she is competent in the arts of cooking, sewing, knitting, and embroidery. In Madagascar a man must be a father, or pay fax the default. If he is unmarred or childless at the se of twenty-five, he roust contribute to the support of the state, as must also a woman who has remained single or is childless at twenty-four. Any actor who appears on the stage wear.ng a military or ecclesiastical costume in Austria ;s fined, and al- thoti6:1 they are permitted in Ger- =ay, they must be correct down to the hist loop and button. Alai a man who is sentenced to imprisonment for ill treating bis wife in the Fatherland does not serve hie sentence eontinuously, and so deprive his family of his sieges. • He has to work out his punishment in week ende Britishers pleaae copy. • Spring Finds the Human System Loaded With Impurities, Which Cause Pains, Aches and Peelings of Fatigue. When the Liver and Kidneys Are Overworked and Break Down Get Them Right by Using DR. CHASE'S KIDNEYNLIVER PILLS In the spring the human system 15 load with poisons which httve etplUlated as a result of artificial winter life. There has been :too much breadline; of poisoned indoor_ air, too little outdoor eitereise, too much eating of • heavy, indigestible food, especially too much meat and too little fruit. The liver and kidneys struggle to oyercome this condition, but the task is too great for them and. they get sluggish and torpid, fail in their work and often become 'diseased them. selves. • They mnst have help, such as is given them by the use of Dr. Chase's, Kidney -Liver Pills. There ,is no great mystereoof how these pills purify the blood and take away the cause of tired, spring feelings, backaches, headaches, bodily pains or derange- ments of the digestive system. If the blood is to be purified the liver and kidneys must do it. And, they will, if you awaken their, action by using Dr. Chase's KidneY-Liver Pills. It will not take long to get these blood filters into working order if you use this 'treatment. A few hours will bring iraproVement and you will learn how to keep these organs healthy and active. One pill a dose, 25c. a box, at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Her Second Marriage. Just as the pretteher -hail i Mart y.ug a outt,I0 tonal, had gone to the pareollage !or that pureuse, the Bride gav her head toss aed Said "IVY firoL husband was te pretty good sort of a man. 1 don't know 11,, will flint out-mtbottgit ,e7y highly," - That's the Question. Sillicus—I wonder if the average wo- man will be happy in heaven.? Cynicus—Certainly not, Judging from her passion. for hats, how is she going to make one halo last her through eternity?" Air Movements. The movement of air is variously designated, according to its velocity, as a zephyr, breeze, wind, gale or hur- ricane. .A dense or thick fog, accord- ing to the weather bureau, obscures objects at a distance of 1,000 feet. Acoustics Bad. First Actor—How are the acoustic properties of the new playhpuse? Second Actor—Fierce. Your voice carries finely out to the audience, but you can beroly hear the applause! lamosaoh, H. H. Nightingale STOCK BROKER Member Standard Stock and writes eicliatiga•eiitet; LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN Correspondence invited. 33 MELLNDA ST., TORONTO. Ourt COua5E'r4 1 • 1,72:et/els.: 4044 illtDICAL-5UP.414. MODYCONPL[TCCOuR5E.5, AND NURztria, riASSAGt-5WEOMNPINEMENT Dan.ci-wo Cm.r.rreo• atacaKst....non. Wilson Pays the Freight You got wholasala prices• rtrderila ETA Rectal to --°41, Easy tcrais 4i Jj.- SPLA N A DP. sm. & 'VILSO%& ,i0BuNoro, PORCUPINE information direct from the sines from the best men in the Canadian bush, cost, Ing us thousands of dollars, in 'delivered to you in "THE LETTER ON PORCU- PINE," absolutely free. Send for a copy and we will Include a large map of the new camp. Investors value our 111- formatIon scoriae very blE11131; v" 1 win, once you see it. SECURITY CO., LTD. Members Dominion Stook Exchange, 1035 KENT BUILDING, TORONTO, CAN. trin .WannEniiii A *retie:ete IL A. LSON. LYON 13. L PLUMMER PLUMMER Members Tontine Weis Exchange. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold an Taranto, Montreal, New York and Leo - don, England, Stock Enchanget. Dealpra th oovenoueoi IOW Municipal De- bentutes and INVESTMENT SECURMES. • • lipportq on any CanitdiA) or American secti.Ity 1 strand/co 4)n application V."1 "1" gltrn l'orflin4A. Teivo.wock a 41404. Loki: " - FARMS FOR 5ALS. ASK DAWSON—UK KNOWS..-- Tr YOU WANT TO Sitter! A F.A.Bnl consult me. IF YOU WANT TO BUT A VAltht -h consult me. H.A.nr S 0 letel OF T FIR BelST FttnTIT, esoek, grain aol d itry fie ni in. On- tario on my dist at right prieee. n W. 'DAWSON, IIINTETIC 001h. BORNS Street, Toronto. • MISCELLANEOUZI. VETERAN GATS WANTED—ON, VETERAN unlobated or loaated—in any, township or distriet,,Northern ()Uteri°. Highest cash price paid. Mulholland ela Co, Toronto, POULVRY. Troll SALE — BUFF ORPINGTON. -"" cockerels and pullets from prize win- ning nook headed by silver cup winner. Rev. G. ,A,. Mason, 'Wrest Shefford, Que. 41-2 pITRE BRED COOIKERELS—LARGE, hardy, gorkt color Marred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds.; winter laying strain; $1.00 each; a few females. Miss Collin- son, Scotia junctidn, Ont. * MALE HELP VVANTED. (4.00D POSITIONS PAYING 550 TO $100sper,month on Canadian railways maybe had by Studyjns telegraphy and station or here., Wires 'leading from Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern On- tario railways "losore you practical work and it positibti 'When qualified. Froa Book 15 oxplaln�. aYelZil-apmhay,iIT°o°r7nses mIoxS000l t The: D°. AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS WANTED -'-A LINE PPR 1"rst eel vaegle7nht agents' ue pwifelbseus • fhoarvecluthue°greakr- estagenoy preposition'in Canada ho -day; no outlay necessary. Apply British Can- acidtiatauwaIudustrie,1 Co„ SW Albert street, HOW TO CURE CRAMPS, VITURSDAin, •OD 101t Effective Treatment For Aliment That Often Causes Drowning. Cramp: Who hateet had a pleasant swim in gloeious weather spoiled at one time or another by this most per- nideus of sudden seizures? Bneltow cheering to know that it is not a proof of cages incorapetenee and that It attaone both good and indifferent swimmers alike, Never bathe soon after a meal, as indigestion in many eases causes 'cramp.' And do not exhaust your- self in 'a vain endeavor to, outriiriti soma oPPansat, as the overexertion of muscles that have been, little used will prove just as dengerons, This horrible bunching of the mils - ohs is generally telt in the eau of the leg, just below the knee, So eurioue is the sensation of the "knotted" nerds that the suffere seems to lose all -rea- son for he time being and is over- • powered. with Mingled pain and ter- ror. To effect a remedy turn over on. 'the hack at once, kiok out the afflicted leg in the air, disregarding the pap if possible. Rub the spot smartly with one hand, while employing the other in paddling to keep afloat: To finish o the ewe draw the toes fore- ibly upward toward the knee. These instructions are for the passably good winaruer.. As toethe beginner4livell, he will probably be near the shore and oan be banned out. TY MVISPIE EYE REMEI For Itte1,WesdrptrO .Widory Eyes anti fomkutier EVELX_IDS MurineRobsn't Sioart-rSootissilaYerain IiIntssisto $ell *41610* Somatr,444425r, $9481140' Muria• Ey Salve. in Aseptic TOW, 4$C. s1106 AND AIMEE PMEE.lile Mukiner elitemodyCo..Chicago .REPRESENT4TIVE WANTED_ AT -h"' once to. work in your l'boality;.will guarantee $2.00 to $3.00 per day; oppor- 'tnnity to advent° rapidly; will pay libel.- ally 'for spare time; work not diffi.cult1 experience not required. International Bible Press, Spactina avenue,' Toronto. WANTED — REPRESENTA,TIVES— either sex, locallv, on ,goods neces.; nary- as bread; salary two dollars per day' and commission; experience unnecessary. J. L. Nichols Co.. Limited, Toronto. 37-4 ,PROM•••••••••• ALVER'SCREAM OINTMENT cures Eczema Salt Rheum and • ' Piles when all' others have fail -t, ed. ent to any address. Price 500. t`trialbox, 25e. "Write 0. P. Alver, 169 Bay street, Toronto. Mr. Alver,—Dear Sir: I do ,iflirecommend your Cream Oint- ment, for it cured my leg Of eczema of ten years' standing in three months. I shall an. swer any,communicatiou from anyone con- cerning this. I am, sincerely yours, ndrew Pembtrton, Ayr, Ont. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS - The "Double Adjustable AntI- friction Slip-Sdeket" is the greatest boon ever devised for artificial limbs. IT SATISFIES relieves the jar to the system and affords ease and comfort as no other artificial limb can. • TRUSSES of eery description at Moderate Prices. DOMINION ARTIFICIAL LIM3 CO., 355 College St., Toronto. Phone C 3226. A 11TED . i1) In Western Canada. Farm Lands City Property Name Address Fill In the above for full free information State whether in. farm lands or city pro- perty. RUCE SCOTT, 40 VICTORIA ST, TORONTO. moms FREE THE INVESTMENT NEWS BUREAU It brings each week Information that counts. It serves the pocket Interests of tLe Investor. 15 Broad St., New York City. j 1304' r-71 r 1 anti Tobacco A. NicTAGOART, zNahits References as to Dr. lireTaggart' professional standing and personal integrity permitted by: Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice. Sir G. W. Ross ex -Premier of On- tario. Rev, N. Burwash, D.D., President Vietoria College. Right Rev. J. F. Sweeney, Bishop of Toronto. Bon. Thomas Coffey, Senator. "Ca- tholic Rebord," London. Dr. McTaggart's vegetable reme- dies for the liquor and tobacco habits are healthful, safe, inexpen- sive home treatments. No hypo- dermic injections ; no publicity; no loss of time from business, and a certain cure. Consultation or cot - respondence invited. To ensure attention address DR. McTAGGART, Care Central Press Agency, •70 Pearl Street, Toronto Noeth Sse Fishiee, • a ,.in ,,t • . . Hard ; Enough. A soft answer may turn aWay wrath, but sometimes it comes hard ell, Well! t rum is 110A400,11ti 1111.11/11!4 41)itt A_PIYON ''roan,441' • I r fitt 441911V—,' 1d. LIO ve__,-„;,) with The $M DUe. IuSCd, CILIAN 'aria 61lyirLE to 11.0 chande of pelnu tha WRONO,Dy e foisthe 00:744 1:07111:1: tig;;In Ala& s'afl:t 21, ,rho Jobtiotr-Ftichcirdslon. 00., 1,1!Olted, ANOER E. D, livan1,-Discoverer of the famous Must', Caneer.Oure, desires all wIto puffer with Cancer; to wrile to him. Two days' treatment cures ternal or internal cancer. 'Write to N.D. Ryas Brandiai. Manitoba. Canada. •aolograsmone Ho*, to Whiten Tea Towels. • Save all the lemon hulls, drop the into the vessel in Which.you boll yoi. Oa towels, and, it will whiten therf wonderfully, and there will be a clea$ freshness about.thera 'that is very 6'1 sirable. NEC% C.P.A.-41. 1911. aummommon.•••••• Profits A LITTLE. MONEY WILL MAKE B -IG MONEY A Chance for Small Investors Calgary is a 'magic. pot. It is :the centre of gravity. of the Wesit. allgsay • Rias grown phenorrievagy, -hart is true, but it has only jt latl‘rted to comments thi 'beginning of what it will be . in a, fete' Mrs.' Chicago was a small f$'Wri ..nicrt,,so many years ago; • so was NinimiliPeig. and Calgary Will be as big. as they. More money will be 'made 'in Calgary real. e.state than in any other place in Canada. Magic of Calgaris ,growth turns lithe money into •tv., ,properly invested. ,The selection of the best piece of real tee te hasbaffled Easterners, who'felt they were at a dies -Vantage tub t being. ori the spote. Yon can rely on us. • Our selection of that splendid, well -located plateau called TUX DO PARK has made it possible for small investors to get a Piece of the best located, low -pieced property in the city of -Calgary. It is only two miles, from and is one .and a half nines INSIDE the city limits, and is the most central of any sub --division 'being of- fered for sale. Tuxedo Park is already -being bought up by Cal- gary residents, who are 'building .their homes in the new section. Tlesee out of every four -lots sold are bought by Calgary people. 11.these lots look god& 6the investor. on th,e Spot, they are equally, good for you top. Water, sewers and pavements are going in rapidly. It is the best developed, most attractive and fastest selling property in Cal- gary. Word has been received that the street cars started running in Tuxedo Park Sept. 17th. We Expect Every Buyer Will Get a Large Advance on 'Present Prices in Six Months These statements can be proven. The words of leading Calgary business men can be quoted, authentic maps will show the exact location, and letters irons scores of people right in Calgary who have purchased lots can be referred to as proof 'positive that what we say is true. - Our Proposition Stands the Fullest Investigation—the More. You Look into It the Better You Will Like It If you are interested in a safe 'investment, with large and quick profits, Iook into our offer. Let us send you maps and literature fully describing Tuxedo Park; also our handsomely illustrated book about Calgary. Lots are $200 and Upwards Terms: One -Third Down, Balance 12 and 18 Months If you cannot can, send your name and address to Tin and and Geleral Investment Offipany United 25 Birkbeet Eddade str.e.; Fast, :oralto Send in this Coupon before October coupon is This 1 5 1 91 1 leitt9ne-'s good for one map of Calgary and a copy of. our Beautiful Illustrated Book, 12 inches x 10 inches, entitled "Calgary, that was, is, and will be." Sent postage raid, FREE. Address ... , , Prov: . TBE LAND A'. -D GENERAL MI/MI.41"NT U., LIMIER/ 25 BIRBECK BU;LD1NGe ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TORONTO. eronateetteeele neelinatialagailiSMUSLITaSTMED=10.222EIZIESeatnit. CENTRAL PRESS A.GENCY, LIMITED Canada's Leading Electrotyping House ' ELECTROTYPING STER,E0TYPING ENGRAVING,' DESIGNING ' READY -SET NEWSPAPER PLATE'S A.DVERTISINC CONTRACTORS GOOD WORE t PROMPT I Mir.] VERN : MODit1.A1'14. PRICES Inen.t.147,, ST. - • • talitam,j6Mnrelr-v+,--!.,*t40, - TORONTO an. • 11 .5