Exeter Times, 1911-10-12, Page 4e
I1IONE 47.
Opposite Electric Light Plant
Keep Happy in the Horne
by getting 'YOUR,
Here. We handle only
he BEST and we have
everything you need at
all Seasons,
WANTBD-Ohoice Butter and
Fresh Eggs.
Bribery in
Would not cause the sens-
ation that our Fire Sale of
Coal is causing at the present
In order to make room to
rebuild we are offering about
200 Tons of
$6 a TON
The offer is for . immediate
acceptance and the coal must
be removed at once.
Note and Comment
If a -e never flattered ourselves, the
lattery of others would not hurt us.
'Sortie men just drift and drift and
,expect to drift luta an easy place, but
at , is generally on the rocks.
4 4 * * * * 4
Yesterday is dead -forget it.
To -day is here -use it.
To -morrow does not exist - don't
worry. ( : i
:• a t
:Every man who makes a success in
life does it exactIe- ehe same' way. 'lle
,travels a road that is easier than the
rough road to failure and disgrace.
'The rules for success are not difficult
if: practised in rime- Too many men
have to make up for lost'time.
N • 4 4 •
`Another proof that Dr. Cook is n
fakir is the finding of the famous
tie box: minus the papers and records
that were e o prove his claim to hav-
ing discovered the North Pole.
4 4 4 * 4
Mr. Borden bas announced his Cab-
inet. The lucky ones wear a smile
-that won't wear off, while others will
feel a Iittle disappointed. Too bad•
there wasn't enough of 'the rip', juicy
fruit to go around to all the hungry
office hunters instead of having to
hand oat lemons to some of them.
That some men fail to make good
tsauses little surprise when their meth.
ods of doing things are looked into.
Take a drive into any part of the
country and you can pick out the fel-
low who is plrying a losing game with-
out getting out of the rig. A hay
loader, a plow, a cultivator or some
other piece of machinery that costs
good money to buy, left in the open to
fall a prey to all sorts and conditions
.of weather tells 'the tale. Farmerls
that will neglect machinery will ne-
glect the farm and !the same is true
of any business life. Study the bus-
iness methods of the succesisful busi-
ness man and you wil1 find a close
,scrutiny of small details. The little
leaks that drain the profits spell de -
teat if not properly looked into.
1' 1 S. 0, No. 4. STEPHEN
'The following is the report of S.
/Beelike 4, Stephen for the month of
September. Tbe names being in or-
der of merit. Sr. IV -Edna Amy, Ilia.
Either, Lavine; Snith, Jr. IV -jos -
Schwarz, Clinton Morlock. Sr. 111-
J. Carrie Schroeder, Clara Moriock;. Jr.
ly dX -Mary Wild, Adeline Wein. Ir. II
Doris Schroeder, Earl 'Schwarz, Elgin•
atEilber, Melvin Wein, Clifford Brok-
bi e%aishi:re, Pt. IT -Fern Schroeder, Lily
it :JEailher, Gordon Morlack, Alma Smith
Pt. I --Clarence Wild. No. on roll 21
moorage afteadanc,r 13. J. E. Trucial -,
}r, ;bier teacher,
Childreft th y
CASTORit , 9
i3y Annie Campbell Hraestis,
[Annie Cazupbell Huestis was born
in Halifax in 1276, anal is obieiiy
known, as a writer of occasional
terse for the Canadian an,d. Amerieem,
The sky had A gray, gray face,
The touch of the mist was chili,
The earth was -fin eerie place, .
For the wind moaned over the hall;
But the brown eaeth laughed, and the
sky turned blue,
When the Tittle white sure Came peep-
ing through.
The wet leaves saw it and smiled,
The glad birds gave it a song --
A cry irony, a heart, glee -wild,
And the eeboes laugh it along:
And the wind and I went whistling,
When the little white sun came peep-
ing through.
So welcome the chill of rain
And the world in. its dreary guise
To have it over again,
That enoment momentof sweet su
r rise,
When; the brown earth laughs, and
the sky turns blue,
Asthe little white sun comes peep-
ing through!
Kirkton Fair
Continued from page One. •
cars of corn M. Brethour Wm. Sin-
clair.; 10 stalks Ensilage corn and
ears D. Creighton D. Roger, Col of
grain and seed in half pint bottles
correctly named M. Brethour.
Minorco Wm I3rown chicks, W.
Brwon 1 and 2; Plymouth !Rocks
white D. Douglas and son, chicks G.
Bentley. D. Douglas and son; Ply-
mouth rocks barred Geo Bentley
chicks Geo Bentley A. Haines; Rhode
Island reds John Nixon chicks Rev.
B. Snell Jno. Nixon Leg -
horns brown Jos. White chicks
Leghorns brown Jos. White chicks
Jos. White A. E. Duffield; Leghorns
brown rose comb Archie Robinson Jos
White ehicks Jos white, A. Haines
Polands wwhitecrested Geo.Bendy.
chicks G. Bentley; Orphingtons buff
F. Williams; Orphingtons black 1?.
Jamieson 1 & 2 chicks F. Jamieson
1 & 12; Game. 1S. N. Shier.
Geese D. Douglas and son 1 &
chicks D. Douglas and Son Jas. Boy
Ducks D. Douglas and son 1 & 2
chicks D. Douglas and son 1 & 2
Turkeys, J•as. Roy, A. Haines, young
Jas Roy 1&'�
Pets -Collection of Pigeons Jos,
White 1st and 2nd; Pair of Rabbits
Jos. White, R. Selves; Pair of Guinea
Fowl Rd. Selves; P air of Guinea
D. Douglas and Son.„ 1st and 2nd, chick
D. Douglas and Son E. Berry.
Judge A. Goebel.
Yorkshire - Aged • Boar - R -
Birks, W. Sparling; Boar,
littered in. 1911, W. Sparling,
R.Birch. Sow Iittered in 1911 11.
Birch W. Sparling.
Belted Hampshire Boar littered in
19.11 R. "Selves i•
Berkshire Aged boar Dawson Bros
D. Douglas and Son; Boar littered in
1.911 Dawson Bros 1 & 2 ; Sow litter-
ed in :11)11 Dawson ]3roh 1 and 2; t -
Tamworth -Aged Boar. D. Douglass
& Son 1 & 2 Sow. having raised pigs
in 1911. D. Douglas:; & San 1 &
Boar littered in 1911. U. Douglas
1 & 2; Sow Iittered in '1911, D_
Douglas and Son 1 & 2. Judge -
Chas. A. Barnett.
Bushel 'Rural New Yorker potatoes
Richard Birch., M. 13rethour; Beauty
of Hebron John Hodge; Any other
variety correctly named John Hodge
Early St. George, Geo. Bently; col-
Cause. Rush of Blood, Full-
ness, Dizziness.
J. '1. Chetiand, the well-k-nowwm rail-
way engineer of HarnIlton, found the
attain always resting upon men of his
occupation vastly intensified by a
tendency of the blood to rush to his
head, and often at times when clear-
ness of vision and great steadiness
were demanded. Finding some diffi-
culty in •bending -a stiffness with
pain having settled in his back, it oc-
curred to him that his kidneys might
be at fault. "This was a happy idea,
for by it X not only got rid Of the pain
but many other troubles as wen. X
took a. fuel dose cee 17r. Hamilton's Pills
and was glad olg, note that some ob-
struction of tjdneys; which 1 had
lately noticed,„ as at once relieved.
The flushed appearance of my face
gave way to a more rational color and
there was a perceptible improvement
in my appetite. Dr. Hamilton's Pills
certainly act splendidly upon the
blood, removing heat and fulness and
that sort of dizziness that makes a
man at the throttle- wish when it
siezes hfrn that lie were elsewhere."
No medicine gives such, unquestion-
ably good results for stomach, liver,
and blood troubles as Dr. Hamilton's
Pills; they are mild; certain, and al-
ways curative. Refuse any substitute.
A.11 dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's, Pills
260 per box, or The Catarrhozone Cc.,
Megaton, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills
Kidneys and Liver
lection cori'eotly nailed Geo. Bently
3 varieties not named on list Geo.
Reilly; 6 Swedish turnips John Me.
Geo, Hently. 14X. 13rethouz•; 6 Garden
carrots Daxid Foster, Bion, Selves;
O Mengel Wurzel, long red Ratcliffe
phet, M. 13rethoar; 6 Field carrots
tires., Archie Robinson; 10 Mengel
Warr -el. juterreediate Ratcliffe Bros,',
Frank Hamilton; 6 Sugar Mangol.
John 111orphet, W. Hollingshead;
6 Blood Beets, long, Wm. Jamieson
Wilbert Sparling; 6 Turnip Beets, W
Jamieson, Thos. Blake; 3 heads Cab-
bage, white Thos. Crews, Wm. Jamie -
sou; .3 Beads Cabbage. red, Harry
Holiday. Wai, Jamieson; 3 Winning
stead cabbage, Wm. Jamieson, llobt
Robinson; 0 Tomatoes, Wm, Sinclair,
14X. Brethour; 3 heads Cauliflower,
Wm. Jarnieson; 3 Heads Celery Wrn,
Jamieson, .T 'Urquhart; Citron long
D. Foster Wilbert Sparling; Citron
round, W. Sparling, II. Holiday; pump
kin. F. Hamilton, 1T, !Holiday; Water-
melon John Cole. Mrs, Wm. Wiseman.
6 parsnips, Robt, Robinson. Wm, Jam-
ieson; Table squash W. Jamieson, H'
E. Sweitzer; Anions white or yellow
Harry ;Holiday R. R. Copeland; On-
ions, red Wm, Jamieson; Collection of
Vegetables, Wm. Jamieson, M. Bre-
thour. - Speoials-White turnips, Ethel
Atkinson; Popcorn, R. Selves; green
mountains. Arthur Haines, Judges -
A. Burns Wm. Robinson.
of 5
rave ter
PlateG nsns N. C.
Sweitzer,Ed. Copeland;
Plate of On-
tario S. Doupe ; Plate of Wolfe River
Mrs. W. Wiseman, S. Doupe ; Plate of
Northern Spy (1st prize by Chas. Mc-
Call, St. Marys) .Jas, Creighton, Daw
son Bros. Plate of Blenheim pippins,
Ratcliffe Bros„ Ed, Copeland; Plate
Fallawater Ratcliffe Bros., R. Ham-
ilton; Plate of Talman Sweet Rat-
cliffe Bros., David Foster; Plate of
Baldwins Walter Gowans. Eph. Hew-
itt; Plat eof Snows 0. Doupe, {Walter
Gowans; Plate of Rhode Island 'Green
ings. Ed. Copeland, Frank Hamilton
Plate of King of Tompkins, E. Hewitt
W. Sinclair; Plate of Maidens Blush
John Bodge, C. S. Atkinson; Plater of
Mann Walter Gowans. D. Roger;
Plat eof AIexander, Jas. Kemp, S.
Doupe; Plate oC Golden Russets F.
Hamilton,. D. Foster; Plate of Ben
Davis E. Hewitt, W. Gowans; Plate
of Ribson Pippins Jas. Creighton, S.
Doupe; Plat eof Colverts Ed. Cope'-
land, E. Hewitt; Plate of Sweet: Bars
W. Sparling. C. S. Sweitzer; PIate' of
Cayuga Red Streak M. Brethour, R.
N. Shier; Collection of apples S.
Doupe, Ed.Copeland; 12
Crab apples
red, S. Doupe John Urquhart; Crab
apples, yellowy W. Sinclair; 5 Fall
Pears F. Ifamilton S. Doupe; 5 win-
ter pears D. Kernp, F. Hamilton; 3
Clusters open air grapes white Mrs.
Wickwire, Dr. Campbell; 3 Clusters
open air grapes, blue S. Doupe, Geo.
Bently; '3 Clusters open air grapes.
red, S. Doupe. Judge -J. G. Jones.
'35 lbs butter John Hooper & Son
J. N. Hazelwood; 51bs butter (1st
prize by N. L. Brandon. St. Marys)
Miss Kate Doupe, R. N. Shier, J.
Hooper & Son. Judge -J. H. Scott.
Collection of House plants Mrs. S
Brown; 3 or more geraniums Mrs. J.
Robinson, Mrs. S. Brown; 3 or more
Fuchias Mrs. S. Brown; 3 or more
Cacti Mrs. S. Brown. Miss J. Robinson
3 or more rare plants.. Allan Duffield
Dims. Brown; Collection of cut flow-
ers W. Sinclair. H. E. Sweitzer; Bo-
nnet of cut flowers II. E. •Seveitzer,
Mrs. Brown; Col. leaves of trees and
Shrubs, N. C. Sweitzer, Miss Robinson
Col. Wild flowers and plants, A. E.
Duffield. •
Judges Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Facey.
Counterpane crochetted Mrs Ella Mar
riott, Miss 3. Robinson; Counterpane
knitted D. Kemp, Mrs ,E. Marriott;
Patchwork quilt Mrs. E. Hanham M.
Brethour; Crazy patchwork quilt
Mrs. E. Hanham, G..Hazelwood; Ap-
plique Work Mrs. E. Marriott Mrs
Wickwire; Ladies' I:n'erclething Miss
J. Robinson Mrs. Marriott; Roman
Embroidery Mrs. E. Marriott Mrs.
Wickwire; Battenburg Lace, Mrs. E.
Marriott, _lYlrs. N. Doupe.
Slit hers knitted or crocheted Mrs.
\v ieKwu e Mrs. J. Robinson; Chilu're
dress. Mrs. Wickwire ; Rag Carpet,
'l'ea Cosy Mrs. E. Marriott T. Crew
Table Centre pies: and tray cloth F.
Jamieson J. Pringle; Dinner gnats
Miss J. Robinson Mrs. Wickwire ;
pillow Shams Mrs. E. Benham. Mrs
E. Marriott; Afghan Wool, Mrs. E.
Hanham W. Sinclair Afghan
Cotton F. Jamieson Miss 3.
Afghan Cotton F. Jamiessn Miss J.
Robinson; Afghan patchwork Mrs. E
Benham, Miss J. Robinson; Drawn
work Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. Marriott
Knitted .lace in Cotton Miss J. Ham-
ilton, F. Jameson; Collection of ladies
work, Miss E., Marriott, Dawson Bros
collection of novelties, Mrs. Wickwire
Dawson Bros.; P,ead work Jas. Creigh
ton, Miss E. Marriott; Sofa pillow silk
Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. E. Marriott;
Sofa pillow, woollen A. Haynes, Miss
J. Robinson; Embroidery on silk, Mrs
Benham. Mrs. E. Marriott Embroid-
ery on Linen Mrs. .Marriott, Mrs.
Benham; Embroidery in bolting cloth
Mrs. Marriott; Point lace Jas. Creigh.
ton, Mrs. Wickwire; Eyelet Embroid-
ery Mrs. Benham, Mrs. Marriott;
Cdeal t•Ioniton lace Mrs ;Marriott, F.
Jameson; Hardanger work Mrs. Mar-
riott, Mrs. Wickwire; Rag mat M.
Brethour, W. Sinclair ; Handmade
gloves Mrs. Marriott, Miss K. Doupe
Plain woollen stockings, F. Jameson
Miss 3. Robinson; (Plain woollen,
socks, Miss J .Robinson, F. Jameson
Woollen Mitts. Mrs. Marriott, Miss
J. Robinson; Darning on stockings,
J. Creighton, Mrs. Marriott; Mending
two patches, Miss K. Doupe, E. Atkin-
son. Table doylies. Mrs, E, Marriott
F, Jameson t Toilet Mats Miss J. Rob-
inson,, Mrs, Wickwire ; Crochet in
Wool Mrs, Marriott Mrs, Wickwire
Pin cushion, Mrs. Marriott, Thos.
Crews; Machine sewing Mrs. Benham
Plain sewing Jos, Creighton, Mrs. E.
Hanham; Button holes Jos. Creigh-
ton. Mrs. Marriott; 6 Fancy hand-
kerchiefs Miss a. Robinson, Mrs.
Farnham; Handkerchief ease Mrs, W
Wisemaan,. Mrs. Marriott, WettingMrs, Hanham; Ladies cotton Shirt
waist. Mrs. Wickwire; Darning on
net, Mrs. E. Marriott, Jos, Creighton
Working shirt M. Brethour, Miss J'..
Robinson; Dressed doll by girl of'12
Mrs.. N. Doupe, Rev, 13; Snell; '1'ener-
,,,ti117a pc
t ail'tiealers o
iffe Miss E. Brenham, Jas, Creighton
SpecirU-Tatting' P. Jameson,
Crayon er Pastel Rev. 13. Sell.
:t'hurlcwv kYilliazns, Paull Drawing,
Jos, Creighton, 1I, 3, Sweitzer; paint
Mg' on glass Rey. 13, Snell, Mrs. Wick
wire ; :Painting in oil, figure, Rev.
13, Snell,, Mrs. Wickwire; Painting in
oil lundsoape, fult flowers, Bev, 13,
Snell, Mrs, Wickwire; Painting on
China Rev, 33. Snell,, Mrs, Wickwire;
Pen and ink sketch, ,Rev, 13. ;knell, S.
Dot}pe; Pyrography, Burnt work, eol-
leotion Rev, 13. Snell,, Mrs, Wickwire
Watercolor landscape, Mfrs, Wickwire
Ethel Atkinson. Special -Pen and ink
sketch --John Jamieson.
Collection of pickles, Miss J, Rob-
inson; Canned peaches, Jas. Creighton
Miss J.. Robinson; Canned plums, Mrs
Wiseman Archie Robinson; Canned
Currants. Miss 3. Robinson,' Archie
Robinson; Canned cherries, Mrs, E.
Marriott, Jas. Creighton; Canned,
gooseberries, M. Brethour; 'Canned.
raspberries, Jas: Creighton, Geo. Haz-
elwood; Canned tomatoes, Jno. Ur-
quhart, E. Atkinson; Any ether var-
iety canned fruit. E. Atkinson Miss
K. Doupe ; Single set carriage harness
F. A. Taylor; Double set team harness
F. A. Taylor; Home-made bread, Hi-
ram Copeland, Mrs, Wiseman; Honey
extracted E .N, Shier, ,Geo, licitly;
Jelly, S. Doupe, Mrs. Marriott; Maple
sugar Dawson Bros., 3. N, Hazelwood
Maple syrup,
P, Ratcliffe a Bra .
Yule , Display of boots,D. N.Shier;
Suit Canadian tweed, d,
Canned Strawberries -Jos, Creighton
Miss 3. Robinson. Judges -Mrs. R,
W. Sweitzer, Annie M. Roy.
Miss Florence Armitage spent 'the
bast week with her cousin, Miss Ma-
bel Hodgins.
Mrs. Welling and Samuel Basket
also Miss Maud, were in Exeter on
Thursday last.
Mrs. R. Robinson spent Saturday
Met in London.
There was a large crowd attended
the pumpkin pie social last Tuesday
held in the Methodist church.
Quite a few of the Lucan High
School pupils went to Exeter to at-
tend the sports last Friday.
Mr. Harvey alaskett, who has been
out West has returned hone.
Miss K. (McCallum one of the High
School teachers spent the 'week end
in Stratford with her parents:
Miss Jennie Baskett called on Clan-
deboye friends Saturday.
The Lucan High school pupils give
their hearty (thanks to the Exeter
pupils for the enjoyable evening they
A good game of basket -ball was
played in Exeter' between Lucan and
Exeter High Schools, the score beim
7-4 in favor of Lucan.
Palp'tation of th." heart nt rvousuess
tremblings, nervous backache, cold
hands and feet. pain in the back end
other forms of weakness are relievod
by Carter's Iron Pills.. made specially
for the blood nerves and complexion
An interesting _event occurred at
the home of Mise. Graham, Seaforth,
on Wednesday of:'last week when
Miss Emily Ruffles was unite I '-
marriage to Charles A. Waikey. of
Toronto. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. F. H. Larkin and was wit-
nessed by a few of the most intimate
friends of the contracting parties.
Sick headache is caused by disord-
ered stomach Take Chamberlain's
Tablets and correct that and the head
aches will disappear . For sale by all
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Whittingham Clinton, at high noon
on Thursday of last week when their
youngest daughter, Agnes•was united
in tbe holy bonds of matrimony to
Fredrick Edwin Neil of SteDaomas
The parlor ii -as prettly decorated and
the bridal pair took their places un-
der an arch of evergreens ancreflowera
Miss Emma Leww•ieeplag -tedeet*edding
march and the cereenetny was pre-
formed by the Re*. T. WesleyCCasrns
only immediate friends and relatives
being present.
Salt Our aster/ For
uxi iptft ►lel 3nME•
l"hey AkeCif} ►,Else Down
Clearing Auction, Sale
Mr, Thos. Cameron has received bee,
structions Ito sell by public auction
'on LOT 13, CON. 13, 'TOWNSHIP Of
Ilea, on FRDIAY, OCTOBER '20th at
one o'clock sharp the following vale
cable property.
11033SFJS-1 gelding, 4 years old,
agricultural; 1 filly 12 years old, .ag-
rioultural 3 sucking colts, agriaul-
tural, first olrtss animals,.
CAT,T'Li'7-1 cow due to calf at bine
of sale; 13 cows due in Feb; 3 heifers
due in November; 4heifers due in
Feb; 15 steers rising 3 years ,o•1d,
choice feeders; $;stsers rising t2
years old; 4' heifers rising 2 years old
%4 calves. r a
HOGS -1 brood sow due first of
April; a number of store bogs.
IMPLEMENTS -1 lumber wagon; i
7 -foot binder, 1 mower, drill, '1
three -horse cultivator..
All sums of $10 and under( cash, ov-
er' that
v-er'that amount 12 months' oredi ti will
be given on furnishing approved joint
notes, or a discount of 5 per cent,
off for cash. G. Todd, Prop., Mhos.
Cameron, Auctioneer.
Don't knock your town
Don't refuse to advertise !
Don't patronize mail order
Don't fail to give us your
orders for all kinds of
job printing !
Don't forget to stand by your
home paper, and it wit)
stand by you!
New Waltz Popular in Resorts.
"The Sleepy Love" waltz is the new-
est thing in the fashionable seashore
resorts. It was originated recently by
the National Academy of Dancing in
Paris and imported quickly for the en-
tertainment of the young persons who
crowd the seashore hotels. It is danc-
ed to waltz time, but the music is slow.
-a sort of lullaby. It was tried in.
'Atlantic City and became popular. im-
mediately. In Long Branch, Seabright
and on Long Beach It has been taken
up, and the young folk are having,
much fun trying to learn the odd
steps: The orchestras find it difficult
to get the time accurate, but once the
dancers get the spirit of tbe music they
are able to.dance tbe'newv step without:
Brilliant men like to have as
their helpmates brilliant women.
The essence of marriage is com-
panionship, and the woman you
face across the coffee urn, every
morning for i•eui•s Hurst be both
able to nppreeiare yuur jokes and
to sympathize with your aspira-
tions. 1f this Is nut so the man
willestray actually or else chase
the g'hpsts of dead hopes through
the graveyard of his dreams.
Prettiness palls unless it is back-
ed up by intellect. The merely
clever woman is nearly -as bad
as tbe clever man. All those
people who carry most of their
goods in the show window are
beaded for jobs at the button
counter. -Elbert Hubbard.
There are many forms of nervous
debility in men that yield to the use
of Carter's Iron Pills Those who are
troubled with nervous weakness,,
e right sweats etc. should try them.
ta re log
lignFyti 4 c cod o o r
likely- renders. the suf g.re.
o , wrk and often restilets tri er-
* i nenr disaiiility.
"1 suffered for years with my
back, or kidney trouble, and have
tried a number of remedies from
different physicians. More than a
year ago, one of our local druggists
induced me to try
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills
and after using them some three
months I found a decided improve-
ment in my kidneys, and I am glad
to say that I hope soon to be fully
restored to health." J. P. ALLEN,
Ex -Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky.
As long as pain is present in any
part of the body rest is impossible
and the system becoming weakened
is exposed to any form of disease to
which the sufferer may be inclined.
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pani Pills
by steadying the irritated nerve
centers, make refreshing sleep pos-
sible, thereby enabling the body to
recover lost strength. As arernedy
for pain of any description Dr.
Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are unsur-
passed. ) ;
Sold by all druggists under a guar-
antee assuring tho return o1' the price
of the first box it no benefit results.
MILES 11 aalCAL GO., Toronto, Can.
Ceari.ug Anaxon Sale.
RAY and STRAW on
DAY, OCT. 17, at one o'olocle the fol-
ItIORSES-2 brood mares, supposed
to be in foal, agricultural; 1 filly 2 -yr.
agricul,; 2 fillies 1 year old, agricultur-
al;2 filly suckers, agricultural,
CATTLE- 1 cow due time of sale, 1
renewed cow; 5 cows due in March and
April; 3 steers 2 years old; 3' heifers 2
years old; 4 steers X year old; 4 calves,
HOGS -2 brood sows; 4,100 -lb hogs;'
10 shoats,1 Berkshire Boar,
A number of hens and pullete.
IMPLEMENTS -- Lumber wagon,
topbuggy, open'buggy, pair sleighs,
cutter, binder nearly new, mower,
steel rake, 1 large 2 -furrow plow, walk
ing plow, disc, cultivator, land roller,
harrows, muffler, seed drill, fanning
mill, 1200 Ib. scales, root pulper, grind-
stone, 2 set heavy harness, single har-
ness, hay rack, gravel box, hay forks,
ropes and slings, forks, chains, shovels
hoes etc.- '
A quantity of first class hay, 2e•
Peres of mangolds and turnips, also a
full silo of ensilage, a lot of cut straw
in barn to be fed on farm.
Dream separator,
2 heating stoves; 1 'incubator and
brooder; 2 hives of bees and a number
of bee boxes, glass cupboard, nearly
new; extension table, new;and
a lot
of other articles of furniture.
TERMS -$5 and under cash; over
that amount 12 months credit on ap-
proved joint notes, 5 per cent. off for
cash on the credit amonnts.
Proprietor, Actioneer'
Clearing Auction Sale
Mr. Thos. Cameron has received in
struetions from th eundersigned to
sell by Public Auction on LOT 11 CON
HIBBERT, on FRIDAY the 23tb
day of OCTOBER i 11 at 1 o'clock
sharp the following valuable prop-
erty; ,
HORSE'S -1 brood mare to foal this
month, agricultural; 1 mare 10 years
old, agricultural; 1 mare 7 years old
general purpose,
th foal • gelding
3 years old, general pulrose; 2 drry
ing mares,
CATTLE -1 cow due to calf at time
of sale; 1 fresh cow; 3 cows due in
March and April; 8 •
steers, 2 years
old good feeders; 3 heifers 2 years
old; 2 steers 1 year old; 2 heifers 1
year old; 4 spring calves.
HOGS --2 sows with linter at fool
sow due this month;. 6l hogs doll ib,.
weight; a number of hens and pullets.
IMPLEMENTS• -1 wagon box and
all complete nearly new, top buggy;
pair flobsreighs. r ctuter;x binder T
mower 1: hay rack,' 1 Hay -rake 'Han-
ning mill 2 seeders• and drills; 1 lira
2' furrow plow ;1 walking plow, 1
dinc;l 1. 'set harrows, scuffler; gravel
box;a4"pig rack 1 cream separaiond'
nearly new.; 1 car; rope and slings
new '1 ;pair Ioggingi bunks; , 1v set
double harness 2 scoop shovels, '1'
half bushel measure; Root palper;
ditch scraper 2.pair of whiffletrees 1
water trough 1 grindstone; wheel-
barrow stone boat; 3 -horse whiffle -
trees logging chains forks shovels,
hoes and other articles to numerous'
to metion 1 stack of hay land a
quantity of hay in barn. , {
l i
TERMS $5.00 and under cash;
over that amount 9 months . credit
will be given on furnishing approv-
ed. joint rote. 3 percent per . annum
off for cash on alI sums entitled to
T. Cameron Mrs. J. Campbell
Auctioneer Proprietress
Notice to Creditors -
In. the matter of the estate of
James Snell of the virago of Ex. t:r
in the County of Huron Gentleman,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
IL S. 0, 1897, chap.:129, r,ha1 all
o1edirors eruct .utlier:i•, haring claims
ara:nst the estate of James Snell
late of the Village of Exeter
who • died on or about
the 17th day of September 1911 are re-
quired an or before the 20th day •of
October 1x311 to send by post
prepaid . or deliver to Messrs.
Madmen & Stanbury, of the village
of Exeter, Solicitors for." Ex-
ecutors of the said deceased their
chearl inn and su rn tinea, addressee
nd descriptions, the full partiou-
lars of their claims, the atlitemvent
of their accounts and the raat.uro of
the securities, if any, held 'by them.
Arid further take notize that after
such last mentioned date the said.
Executors will proceed to distrix
r,uto the nwsets of the deceased ;amour
the polies entitled, thereto, havinz
regard only to the claims of which
they shall thenr have notice and that
said Executors Isbell not be liable
for the said assets or any part there-
of to any person or iersons of whose
claims notice shall not have been
received by them at ;he time of such
Solicitors. for Executors. '
Dated at Exeter this 20th day of
September 1.9111
Effective September 13111, the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway inaugural ed a
mixed train service to be operated on
the Regina .Branch between Melville
and Regina. This train will run Mon-
days, Wednesdays, and 3ridays, leav-
ing Melville at 10.35 a. m., and arriiv-
ing at Regina at 7.35 p. m. Leaving
Regina Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat-
urdays at 7 a. tn., arriving at Melville
at 4 p. me and will woke stops at the
ntermediate stations,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
13 ears the
Signature of
Farm For Sale
FOR SUE -Farm eoncainin,g 1Q0
.ores of first ola,sa5 /And. at ;tiro vile;
age of Woodfiazla. Good two-ato eat
came house; bank barn, 04 by 84 -
'.1th up -Cordate stable, Ioundatioxlt
suilt abortt a year ago., 'ianr(lainRl
ewi nbed ehrouaglzout. Mao a .aro+aill
'tier 24x13 with eemaent top, undddg
,,angway, ,Naw driving shied of oora
'ogabed stoel sidi,og •24x40; pen bou,se
,7x1$, Also as food supply bf fs+I
ad ;hard waer, The farm is thor
wghiv ,drained, welt, '
uoswly with a�l newand wire feni;feets, A
o ben stores of goodbuis'h, moettl y ba
twey Sood. Flhierpr,Woopat' tioulldhamars,Qnt, apply ,to Wire
Houses for Sale
Four hoteees for sale, and shop if
wanted. Apply o .0 r, r,..tt "r.,: 1),
Braun.. I Sl ...
For Sale
For,,8a1e at onea--2'00 acres Stanley
3rd.'eon., 3 miles from Clinton. School
40( rods, an good state of cultivation
100 acres in grain. 10 acres alfalfa.
12 acre's bush. rest hay and pasture
Stone flows°. two storey, slate roofs
cement floor cellar. furnace ci bek
telephone. One barn 85x56, wrindme
'pumper. waterworks. 'Stabling 4
head !cattle and 9 horses. ieecon,t'
barn 56x40. Hay 'barn 50X35. Crcbpt
sold worth farm if ]desired. 'Apply It{d
Malcolne McEwen, 13ox 56. Ctintdin. e
Ladies Wanted
Li ADIHB to 'do plain and If lee
ing at home, whole or spare tri
good pay work sent any distan .
charges paid Send stamp for part
Mars. National Manufacturing+
Agents Wanted
In this vicinity to handle our line at
eweaters, coats and hand knit novel•
The Hand Knit Company..
75 Yonge St. TORONTO.
Miss Delight Hobbs
Violin instructor is prepared to ac-
cept pupils. Apply at James street,
Methodist Parsonage.
Return Tic sat aro
• OCT. 9th to NOV. llth
to points in Temagami, points Matta-'
wn to Timiekaming and Kipawa, Que.
inclusive, also to certain points in Qtle.
bec, New Bruns.vick, Nova Scotia and
OCT. lath to NOV. llth
to Mvskoka Lakes, Psnetang, Lake OS
Bays, Midland. Maganetawan River,
Lakefield, Madawaska to Parry Souna
Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Hate
burton. Points from Severn to North
Bay inclusive and certain pointsreach.:
ed by Northern Navigation Co.
All tickets valid for return until?'
'Thursday December 14th, except to,
points reached by steamer lines, Tues.•
day November 14th.
Colonist Excursions,
Daily until October tstit
To Spokane, Wash.; Nelson, B. C.;:
Vancouver, B.O.: Westminster, 13. C.;
Seattle, Wash.; Tacoma., Wash.; Port-
ortland, Ore.; San Francisco, Los An-
geles, San Diego, Cal., and Mexico,
One way Second Class. Very Low
Full particulars from any Grand:
Trunk Agent or address
D. P. A., Toronto •
Notice to Creditors,
in the matter of eta estate o£,
Wm. Coward of the township of'
Usleorne in the County of Bnron;•
Farmer. deceased ,
Notice is hereby given pursuant 'ed.
R. S. 0., 1897, chapter 129, that all'
creditors and others having claimt'
against the estate of the saic -
W m. Coward who died on or•
about the 5th day of September 191,1)
are required on or before the 20t'ia.
day of Oot. 1911 to send by post 1prew•
paid or deliver to Messrs.. tGlatdmanl'
& Stanbury of the village of Extltwer
Solicitors for Executors of the
said deceased, their christian and sure
names, addresses ' and description*•
the full particulars of their claimer '
the statement of their accounts and -
the nature of the securities, if any;
held by them. And further take
notice that after cyst) last mentioned
date the said Executors will pro-
need to distribute the assets of the de-
ceased among the parties entitled
thereto having regard only to the:
clarets of which they shall then have,
notice and that said Executors •
will not bo liable for 'said anseta•
or any part tbcreof to any person,,
or Teersorts of whose claim notice
shall riot have beeen, received by them?,
at the time of suchdistribution. •
Soticitore rot Admlr..istrators
!Dated at Exeter the 20 th day of 9e•I►;-"=
iernher 1011.
Children Or
" .. i � �• , AAAA.. AAAA.. AAAA. 1�
viae oro s mit i.trU uuelrM ws°Errrta an salty 1 ti We' cent''atarrir I c,' etin e e Ogild
�' )0 Plc OW dTid"silt' �'�'
1w ;weer nstage,. tom's" aYwwbrw i., taste tit .,tixe tu:lwsjC"
rria,ilc r eitst w} pOst