HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-5, Page 8"## ****♦+Ir#####4#4-# ' yet**+I+M♦. **** !4.44 4044 .410 * 4 ** 4 4 *o • t4 i• * 4 ♦ 4* 4. 4.** *v 4, 4♦. t! 4a 4 • 4* 4 C Corsets,! S WART'S f • ♦* e♦ PONE 16.. MILLINERY Of course every woman is interest. ed in knowing what tenant' in Millinery for Fall 1911. Ooxue here: and you'll find us very glad to ,]blow you„ Every woman that takespride in her appear - =CO should see our Fail. Display. Ladies Coats We are wonderfully pleased with our showing of Girls and ladies Coats this Fall. Our Garments have a dis- tinction in style of which the wearer might well feel proud. The Childrens. Coats are exceptionally pretty this season. Ask for Catalogue $« Be particular to get the right • 44 • B. & L CORSET 44 * It has been espeecially designed ,♦ for esur figure and YOU will feel f. Peileetly wt, ease in the most ratabl- e.; * enable or simplest of gowns. • * *, . *i * * Underwear as 4 We sell PENMAN'S', ELLIS' ®P and STAN FIELDS UNDERWEAR •@ Every Garment will give absolute • satisfaction and is guaranteed in ♦, every way at a garment * LOO to 4.00 50c to $1.75 KING II FOR MEN In the New Fn`l Shapes A Big Assortment to Choose from J. A. STEWART 4A ** *4 *♦ A ♦; .4 ♦� 4� ♦ ` • 4► ♦♦ ♦+ 40 0•40 4♦ ♦♦ *• ♦4 ♦♦ ♦ ♦• ♦4, ♦♦ ♦* • * r • •4• ii ♦ a * • ••• 4* ea ** 1a • *9 4 • Q► • ♦♦♦ 4♦ •♦ ♦i *•♦ •• ♦♦ P♦ ♦• 'e•a O ♦ 0 ♦ Oe Ao ♦a 00 ♦♦ ♦• 4 4♦ • ♦0 4e, O a4 4♦ 4♦ 00 04 0‹, ♦4 4* *********04. 04.004, 444.•••••••••••••••••••••• 4,404y80+444.44'4tyeode•••••44®*♦4•••••44+4A4♦A♦4♦♦♦AAA♦4♦•* • 444434♦4.040446440*4.440404.1 A♦94♦4•4 .4*4♦♦4♦♦♦4♦444I44>4+ 4 4 4 4r 4 4 4 4 4r 4 4m 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 4• 4 4. 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 ,4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 • 4 ♦ 4 4 * 4• 4 4 ♦ 4 4 4 * 4 b 4 * • 4♦ 5-10-i5 and 25c Variety Store POWELL'S I3AZAAR PHONE 55 We Must have Room for Our XMAS STOCK Bence a Big WEEKS REDUCTION SALE IN ALL DRANITwARE AND CHINAWARE Bring Your Friends and Get et First Choices Remember 4 0 • 4 0 4 4 4 e • 4 • -A• A 4 4 4 e 4 m * 4 4 m 4 4 4 4 'r♦' * Lawyers in Majority -Lawyers as *' usual, will be far more numerous in ♦• otherstV vocation.. Parliament tin.. Arhan men of review of any •me; nbers returned shelve the legal'.. 4 professhion to have 15 representa- e tines. There are,'36 formers, ,132 tner- 4 chants, 21 doctors, 17 manufectur- z* ers, 10 lunigermen, 8 newspap:'rrnen 7 notaires, 2 canners, 1 law student, 1 druggist, 1 labor many and 1 real es- tate to a enh, 1 livestoek exporter, 1 licensed victualler, and lion, George P. Foster, Who is difficult to classify There are three stock brokers elcat- =il for four seats. Bodolph Forget hs been elected for two of them.. Market 1t.eltort4,--T,4e followdatg its: t.ha te,'ort u, ,Lxe+c,+r markets eor- rested up to October; Wheat st.rndatrd 65e. (tats' 4:0 eine, Barley 00 to 'IO cents, Buckwheat 50 oettts Peas 70 to8Q cents, Bra ti 3I or is $.25,00 Model flour 2, 150 Feed Flo .r 1.50 Batter 20 cents. Eggs 22 cents. s. Potatoes 75 cents, Hogs live $0. 40. Choice export steers .6.25 to 6.50 Medium export steers 9.00 to 6,15 Choice export heifers 5.90 to 6 00 Medium epxort heifers 5.75 to 5.65 Choice b..teher cow 4.75 to 5.00 Common COWS 3,50 to 4,00 Choice lambs 5.50 to 5.7:+. Choice sheep 4.00 to 4.50. heavy sheep 3.00 to 150 Poultry We will pry till advised the follow- ing for Pantie y he tt•xde.. Chicken alive 10c', dry picked I2u' Hens . Su, e 00c, Roosters " (h+.'+ 00c. Turkeys '" 12,•140 Ducks " 00e'," llc Otte cent per pound I. a,. in en ch case for cash, Watch this ep.ue every week for prices, Jones & ay OP+DflPY►O$•�¢.>,td¢tl,�r 4.QrbV•+c.Fi.'Wi`6 • • LOCALS • • ••4444.44 rmr.seiy+ October Mr. S .G; Bawden was in London Monday. Mrs. Powell is having a telephone placed in her house. Mr. E. Rowcliffc is moving into. Mr. A. Cottle's residence on Ann street. The tax rate for Goderich for 1911 has been fixed et twenty-six and a half mills. Miss Stella Bisdon, of St. Thomas visited. with Mr. and Mrs. W. <. .Lea- man the latter part of last week. Mrs. Geo. Parker, of London, is in attendance upon her mother, Mrs, Piper, who is ill at her home on Ann street. Miss Hastings, of Croswell, who visited for several days with Mr. and Mrs. A1. Hastings returned home Sat- urday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford; who have been visiting relatives in town returned to their home in Marlette, Mich., on Tuedsay. Mr. Luther Penhale and bride ar- rived home Saturday after .a short honeymoon trip aiid have taken np 'their residence on Andrew street. Mrs. Southcott is expected home on Friday of this week after five months treatment at "Homewood" Sanitorium at Guelph. She is much improved in health. On .Monday the Jackson Mfg. Qo. changed their hours for work. They now go to work at eight o'clock and stop at six instead of seven and five as they have during the summer. Mack Vincent, Entertainer-, Miss Jean terelker, Elocutionist, of Londnn and R Phillips, A. L. C. M., and other talent will furnish a rare treat in the Opera House, Exeter, Monday Oct. 16. Messrs. W. G. Medd and Joshua Johns, of Elimville, will conduct the services at the Methodist church, Crediton, on Sunday next, in the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev. R. Hicks who is holidaying an Toronto. The annual convention of the W. C. T. TT. for Huron County will be held in the Temperance Hall. God - Crich on Oct 10 and 11th and will be attended by delegates from all a ver the county. At the public meeting on the evening of the 10th Rev. Mr. Dewy of London will be the speaker Exeter Old 13oy Successful -Mr. T B. Hooper, formerly of. Exeter, and nephew of Mr. and Mrs, W, G. Bis- sett, and who has been studyin; law in .Regina, Sask., is to be congratr- Iated passing first in his final 1:, w exams and is being awarded the gold medal by the Law Society. of Regina` He has made a good start and we hope he may always continue to be a top-.noclter. Mr. and Mrs__.,,)� George Hockey, of Brantford, mo6ed their household ef- fects from Brantford on Saturday last and have Laken up their resi- dence in Mr. Bissett's house on 'Wil- liam street. Mr, Hockey has resum- ed his o d position in W. J Ilea- man's hardware store. Mrs. t4.. Sheere who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. hockey in flrantford dur- ing the past month returned home with theme hick's Forecasts --A regular storm eriod T is at its center, wiith full moon on the equator, on the 7th This Is one of the most decided storm periods of this month Violent disturbances should be watched against, both in the Jake and gulf regions. Rain wind and thunder will visit most parts bf the interuior during Ithis period. From the 4 th to the 11th, central on the 7th, onstitwtecs 'a. grave seismic period. Snow northard. arising barometer and much colder will wind up this period, + well' sa ♦ 4a 4444444'444*444444444♦44r4b 444444+♦44 A*l4444444144♦l444l4r 9 ri •td., II dealers' 'ep1 T 5 Miss Al'vt, Meek, itas been eu the sick list, The Jewesh New Yea r was on. Mon- day Oct, 2zzt ; S. Polalestone, of Blyth, was in town Monday. Mr. 1+`. Boyle was in London W'ed- nesday on business, Messrs, J, ,Mayes and l', 17. Boyle of London, spent Friday in town, Kiss Laura Hobbs apent Thursday and ,friday of last week visiting in Londq. Mr, and Mrs, A, Dow visited in. $t, Marys on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mr and Mrs Nelson Gast and child- ren of Sarnia, are visiting with, re1- . tzv'es in towers. Mr. A. Yost of Toronto, visited, .Dr G. 1+. and Mrs, Rculston for several days during the past week, .Miss Edna ,Bissett left Tuesday for Strathroy where she will visit beer brother lsaae for an indefinite tiute. Mrs. Thomas, of Hamilton, has ret- urned home after visiting for a few days with Mr,. and Mrs, leasterbrook, Rev. S. F. Sharp is in Toronto this week attending the lieumeuieal Conference of the Methodist church. Mr and Mrs. T. G. klandford of Palmyra, Wisconsin, are visiting the forme r's parent's Mr. and Mrs, 5. Mrs. 3. MoTav:six and little daugh- ter, Isabella, of ehakespeare, are visiting Mrs. Mc'Tavish's parents. Reeve John ana Mrs. Taylor. Friday will be Wield Day for the l:ligh School scholars. There will be spurts and games also a bazicluet and program in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Haryr Rowe and 1 tle daughter Mildred, and Mr. a Mrs. oJhjrt Rowe left last week visit in Brantford and Idamllton. Messers Geo. Knight of f tdert and Charles Knight, of St. Thom spent Sunday visiting their moth Mrs. Chas. Knight who is very low. Sick headache is caused by disord- ered stomach Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the head aches will disappear . For sal. by all dealers. I Miss Lizzie Penhale, of Vancouver 13, C., arrived here on Saturday morn lag to visit her brother, Mr. Wm. Bethele. Miss Penhale is one of a party who have been touring around the world The dance which was held in Mc- Donnell's Mali last Friday evening was a success. The Tony Vita Or- chestra, of London provided the mus- ic. During the evening refreshments were served. Messrs Garnet and Clarence Hey- wood left Monday morning for Inger- soll where they have been engaged to paint and decorate several houses. The boys are gaining an enviable reputation as decorators, - Mr. Ed, trowel' who has spent the summer visiting in town and at Grand Bend left last Thursday in his auto for Detroit. He was accompan- pied there by Messars W. May and W W. Taman who spene several days in the city. , :. it- nd t0 R T.I . 11M7 Tbm Place Where 0Q91 lothea :orae Frol'O SEE OUR FALL Sailings W. W. Taman The Nifty Man's Tailor +++++++++++ +++++++++++++++1 ++1 THIRTY' YEARS I Our Seven Colleges have been. * established during the past 00 onlyears. The largest trainers ,in +€' as, ,'fig, Canada. Owing to our connec * ex, tion till over Ontario. we do 4. 4 better for our graduates than 4. Band Instruments Here --The Band instruments that had been sent to Toronto - for repairs arrived back on Monday. .The instruments will be distributeamong the boys and prac- tice will commence sometime during the coming week. J. W. Copeland, of Dayton Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy for his boy who had a cold and before the bottle was all used the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a five dollar doctor's bill? For sale by all dealers Fire !, Fire I, -Mr. Ilalstead will be here another week in the renovat- ing of feather bedl§' and pillows. liewishes tabes any person or persons rubel have such will avail themselves of the privilege of fetching them in. lie will not be here any more. Sat- isfaction guaranteed or no pay. Kirkton Fair will be held on Thurs .lay and Friday of this week. Liber- al prizes ane big attractions nave been prepared, The Maxwell Maple Leaf Band," of St. Marys have been engaged for the second -day. Other attractions will be speeding in the ring, ladies hitching contest, • lady drivers, school drill competition and foot races. • A week in Exeter -Mr. W. L. Clark who has had a wide experience in dealing with. young people especially boys and young men, will hold a. week of special services in the Meth- odist churches of town beginning est Sunday morning in the Main sr, ch ireh. At 3.30 p. mi. he will address a electing, for men only in James at. church and will address a meeting in James street in the evening. The services will be continued during the week. Better Fishing in the Aux Sable -- another consignment of fish has been placed in the Aux Sable river at Ailsa Craig, They were received from the Government hatcheries, New Castle. This time it was two cans of smell mouthed bass. They arrived on Friday last accompanied by. A. W. McLeod, of Government fisheries department. TThey were taken down to the e river a o0 c inlanied b y a t w e enthusiastic anglers. With the assistance of T. Stephenson, sec- retary of the Angler's Association, Mr. 'McLeod consigned them to their new home. The last consignment re- ceived was.0 one O 4i f .60 ,000 is • xal fry. The anglers are begientn.kc.y to feel that there will be goof fishing In the river again. The apples crop for which this sec- tion, has always had an enviable rep- utation, is not a very good one again this year. The crop is an improve- ment on last year but still there will be very few barrels for export. Thal Nation Land Fruit and Packing Cotzi- pakty, 'which began operations izt th's art of O P ntar'o t last s spring', ]tn ,and p g, has under lease from the farmers from this distrtct to above lC'.ncardine, orchards containing. 13,400,,, trees, hes not had a profitable tear. ;Fortun- ately they are a -wealthy eoneirn, having a capital of $1.500,000, so arm stand an off year. having-. Cull confi- deuce that the orehards of this sec- tion will again return to thole' old time productiveness, th:' Company intends increasing the number. Of or- chards they have ' under lease, and earring on the pruning etc, „ any other school, You. may ',1;study at home or party at home and finish at the college. Affiliated with the Commercial 4' Educators' Association of Can- ada. It wouldbe well for you + to investigate before choosing. 'g' * Exclusive right for Ontario of * + the world-famous Bliss Book- •I+ + keeping System, - which is stn- ,'g,, equalled. It is Actual Business 4., from Start to Finish, and the + student keeps same books as 4 : Chartered Banks and Whole- * sale Houses. Enter any timet *'g' * Individual Instruction. +'' .II�1.. .o Write, call or phone for 4. + DartieuIars 4 4 Clinton Business College 4 •1- GEO. SPOTTON, President ,'gg, 4 Miss D. 13. •Ward, Principal + ••••+++++++4-e+++4.#4.+++++++ Dental Offices Closed. Kindly take notice Teat my office is closed .very Wednesday afternoon. DR. LIOULS.TON., CLOSIN° NOTICE Please remember that my Dental Office is closed ever Wednesday after- noon. -Dn. KINSMAN Miss Edna Brook is visiting in Chatham, Miss U. Grigg is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, of Zion, Miss Mabel Walters, of London, vis- ited at her home here on Tues'iay' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Follick are vis- iting for a few days at Grand Bend. Mr. Will Westaway, of Montreal visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford on Saturday and Sul day last. Mrs. R. R. Rodgers is in Chicago making preparations to move their, household effects to Toronto. Miss Olive Quance accompanied by two friends, Miss Park and ° Miss Dorman, of Ailsa Craig, visited ' in M townMonday evening. Reseeved seat at Oole'e drug tore Saturday O t, sale for Entertatuwent to to held in Opera. House, Oct. 16th. Prices, 15, 25 and reserved seats, 85 cents. Laid to Rest. -The funeral of the late Charlotte Louise McFtills, be- loved wife of Mx I. R. Bissett, of Strathroy, reference to the death of whom was made last week, .was held from the Exeter Depot on Thursday morning last. Among those who were present at the funeral were Mr,' and Mrs. R. McFalls and son Stanley of London; Mr. and Mrs. S. 1Q: Mul- cahy son, o of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ,MeFalls, of Detroit, and hir. and Mrs,' ]ld. Irwin of Norwich, Rev. D. W. Collins, of town, officiat- ed. The floral tributes were very beautiful and bespeak the sincere sympathy Y 0 f many relatives iv es and friends. The I. O, F. of which the deceased WAS a member, turned out in a body. A. Pioneer of Usborne Passes -On Tuesday of this week the ren+ains of the late Mrs,Davidzl oned ' the evening gtr'ain and were taken to the home of Me, and Mrs. John $ell the funeral being conducted from! there on Wednesday morning to the Kirkton Stone Church Cemetery, The deceased was one of the early settlers of .Ftxllarton, l++tet moving to Unborn • and living at Intekton. She was born at KR/archon. Scotland on May 5th, 1882, her maiden name being Mary 1Jodgert. •In 1832 she came to 0anad,, w' it h her parents, seal' p to in the co Lanark. Early g un• to laytrried id al, re ands they Was eatnar- ried 'only about five years when Mr. II Lillie trod, leaving her . with foot, stn++il children, three of whom have sine„ died. About 1853 the deceased Moved to Fellarton later to Usborne, where she lived for a number of years, when. she Left to make her home with her daughter Mrs. Pickering, of New- bury, who is the only one of the faint- ly surviving* Mr. and Mrs. Pickering and eon aeectmpan ied the corpse Lyme, Telu3 sDAY, OQTol E tb I * K�'Q+'1•�IIi• 6•A'Q•' +1"i•++' "II'�R'•I•+1 ' fi H Q4.4 s i• 3•• 'I"> 'fi"1 �i'•�♦���•1••F+'4�'l �i"i'fi''1 1, CARLINC'S Phone 18 EXETER NIONIMUNINEIMMEINNINAII;FALL HAS e REACHED 4 . 4 And we are prepared to show you Dress Goods in all Wool Venetian, Otto,_a. man Cords, Poplin, Serges, Plaids etc. Sweater Coats * We have them in White, Red, Brown * and Grey, from $2.50 a to $4,50 also for child ' ren from 50c to 85c. * We have a few Sweater Coats for men at only $1.25 in trey and Navy Blue. Wool Shawls Some fine wool shawls in plain White, Grey, Red, Black and colored from 65c. to $3.00 also some heavy Grey shawls at $3.00. Young Men If you want a nice neat soft Felt Hat in * Grey, Brown and Green just come inapt] let us have the pleas- are of showing them to you. ISt+nf ie1ds Underwear 1 * This is the only Unshrinkacle Underwear that * Ladies and Gents should wf:.r. We have the Ladies in all sizes, Prices from 75c to $1.,15 and Gents in 2 Red and Blue Labels, Prices from $1.25 to $1.75 a garment. 4 4. * We also handle Penman's Natural wool Under- wear for both Men and Ladies. + d- 4♦. 4. 4. + +g. 4 4. Highest Prices paid for Produce & Fowl. .I. 4 4 4 ! 11 *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,+++++++++++++-e++ alk ". ,ly J. Ca 4 4 * A +l' * +F' * 4 4 ✓r 'l' 4 a 4 3'r. * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II+.wg„II•,IIl,ig.,;"i..3'.l.,II'•. + •F++i''r+ +++3++II•+ +•k'+*g..l.'g.g.'F +++ c. Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Butter Knives, .Knives and Forks, Fieh Servers, Carving $eta, I DON'T BE ALARMED Sleep late in the morning. Enjoy the luxury of waking up whenever you feel like it 1f you can, but if you can't better get one of our Clocks, Watches Diamonds, Cut Glass, Silver= ware, Pins, Etc. �. Mdr6lidll 4. JEWELER & OPTICIAN'4. +.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t 4)444♦0♦A4♦4m 46b484♦ a*4•♦00♦*e♦♦♦♦♦®®♦4 A♦*♦♦♦♦♦ZD♦O♦A♦O** 4 ♦ 4s 4 4 4i ♦ O ♦ • ♦ • ♦ 4 4 0 4 r O ♦ ♦ ATK�N ,t� ;;'ERTAKBks. So.Y AND FURNITURE DEALERS 4 4 4 4 ♦ * ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 lit' ♦ 4 * • We CarrY a Complete Stock in All Lines Sunday St Night Calls I Phone Store •• 2®A 1 2013 �we X Atkinson 4444:44.!li+ $44. itdEfAibstt4 s.hA4♦1t1++ +++..44.4.4 -?.- y, ti