HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-10-28, Page 5Reaser offers res Dear Editor, This is a letter in response to C.F. Barney's letter in the Goderich Signal -Star, titled: "SOULS DON'T GO TO HEAVEN". After a period of complete silence, Mr. Barney has conte out of hibernation with one more Watchtower gem, quoted verbatum from the Watchtower. It seems rather odd that Mr. Barney would continue parroting the utterances of the Watchtower printing machine in Brooklyn, New York, and swallow it all 100 percent as gospel truth, without researching the sub- ject himself. But that is "mission impossible" with the Jehovah's Witnesses. They will believe without question, accept everything the Watchtower tells them, and are not allowed to study the Bible apart from their so- called "bible study aids", produced by the Wat- chtower. Should they ven- ture out on a bible study on their own, Zap! sure destruc- tion at Armageddon. But let us get back to this business of "Soul sleep", which the Witnesses (including Mr. Barney) believe in. The Watchtower also is quite ready to quote liberal "preachers" and modernists who are of Seventh-Day Adventist, Unitarian, Christadelphian or similar background, and believe the same as they do on the subject. Mr. Barney gives a quote from Justin Martyr, but does not refer us to the source of his quote. So why should we believe it? Then he also mentions Ieenaeus, Ignatius, Polycarp, Lactantius and other church fathers. But once again, no substantial proof is offered; we have on- ly the word of the Wat- chtower, and Mr. Barney. The idea of soul -sleep GODEi IIM SIGI+1fAL+Si' ►R., V.IE N 'SDAY, OCTOBER 28, lath --PAG'' b t onse on letter about souls going to heaven began in Eden when Satan deceived the first family by saying, "You will not surely die,," (Gen. 3:4) Soul -sleep is an unscriptural misunderstanding based on a few Old Testament passages, but Christ brought "life and inunortality to light through the gospel" ( 2 Tim. 1:10). Solomon's mus- ings in Ecclesiastes were those of a doubting intellec- tual who through human wisdom. (as do the Jehovah's Witnesses) . tried to com- prehend spiritual things: the bewilderment of a sensuous man steeped in carnal living (Eccl. 2:1-2). Don't confuse con- sciousness after death with: a. Immortality, which only God has now. Genuine Chris- tians will enjoy it in our now- mortal bodies after the resurrection (1 Cor. 15:53,54). b. Eternal life, which is spiritual, abundant life, belonging only to believers who have been regenerated (born-again) as a free gift of God. c. Eternal existence, which every man has spiritually in his inner man, and which is not physical or corruptible (1 Peter 3:4). Enoch was translated that he should not see death (Heb. 11:5). When a Jehovah's Witness points to verse 13, "These all died in the faith, not having receiv- ed the promise, "he only begs the question. The context speaks of Abraham and his sons not finding their city and has nothing to do with Enoch. Verse 5 says "THAT HE SHOULD NOT SEE DEATH"! King Saul believed in con- sciousness after 'death, otherwise there would have been no purpose in his visiting the witch of Endor to bring up Samuel for guidance (1 Sam. 28:11). Ancient spelling is difficult to read Old and ancient spelling is extremely dificult tu read. Our spelling must be up- dated by abolishing silent and deceptiv letters. I ask the London Free Press to lead the way. It's our chois. Ken Tillema, Chatham Dear Editor: As a member of the Cana- dian Linguistic Association, the Simplified Spelling Society ( Patron Prince Philip) an associate member of the U.S. Phonemic Spelling Council, and pro- ducer of Orthografi, amove- ment tu correct spelling, I applaud the London Free Press for choosing its spell- ing. Under the headline "Choice of spelling irritates reader", June 2, 1981 a reader. writes "...regarding mispelling of the word jewellery...I thought so- meone just made an honest . mistake...Is (the reporter) an American or just a poor speller or does she feel that (jewelry) is the correct spelling...I hate to think that some (younger) reader could be influenced..." The editor's note stated: "Our reporter was following the Free Press style in the spell- ing of jewelry. Oxford: dic- tionary lists both jewelry and jewellery as accepted spellings. We have chosen to use jewelry". This raises an interesting question, "Who determines proper spelling?"' I know, that many road signs in Canada use "thru" without a "gh" symbol for a previous- ly pronounced throat sound. Here in Chatham, Ontario all the children in a grade six spelling bee spelled "favor" as f -a -v -o -r. I saw "lite" used in a typewritten electronic message on television. So I asked the folks at Merriam - Webster dictionary com- pany, owned by En- cyclopedia Britannica in Springfield, Mass., "Wy du yu spel winds the way yu du?" I was told that dictionaries du not dictate spelling but that in our society everyone is free tu spel as they wish. Usage determines proper spelling. If everyone spelled eight, height, light, without the gh, then the shorter spell- ing wud be O.K. There is no correct way of spelling, only spelling which can be understood. Because dictionary com- panies record spellings used by newspapers, the editors of this London, Ontario paper need not base its chois of spelling on whether it may or may not be listed in a dictionary. The London Free Press can chooz tu spel by sound. A six-year-old child can tel yu that "lout„ is mor correct than .`tdoubt" in which a lexiconer inserted erroneously a mute character. Spelling is a ritten representation for the token word. Spelling is in- dependent of meaning. If "night" were ritten "nite", then that spelling wud stil represent a meaning op- posite tu "day" and stil hav the same origin: a saxon word.. Words du not hav mean- ings, but meanings hav words. Meanings can not be determined from spelling. If yu know the meanings represented by the five let- ters, "ortho" and if yu know the meaning of "graphy", yu can not put one and one together and come up with the meaning of "or- thography". From pronun- ciation of "ortho" and the pronunciation of "graphy" yu can not deduce the pro- nunciation of "or- thography". Yu can ges but that's about it. Under -stand? Does the "w" in rong in- dicate the meaning and history of the word "rong"? Is it a Danish word? .4441 The homemade brake table is always a popular spot at Colborne Township's Christmas Country Fair. Preserves, fresh baked bread, pies, cakes and muffins made by local women were on sale at last week's 16th annual fair. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Kinsmen hold appreciation night for police, firemen Police and Firemen Ap- preciation Night was the theme for the October 19 general ' meeting of the Kinsmen Club of Goderich. Twenty-one members of the Goderich O.P.P., Goderich Police Department and Goderich Fire Department were guests of the Kinsmen in appreciation of their sup- port and co-operation in various Kinsmen activities over the past year. Kinsmen members voted to pledge $10,000 to the ICU Building Fund. $2500 has already been donated, with $2500 pledged for 1982 and $5,000 pledged for 1983. The money will be used to pur- chase four beds for the inten- --- viv car ni ...._.._. Kin life -member Bob McDougall is chairman of a small building project at the rliamsmen Centre on Keays Street. A rear porch area will be enclosed to facilitate receiving materials for the ARC Industries workshop and cafeteria and to increase storage room. Kin life -member Bill Kirkey, on behalf of the club, presented vice-president Ron Blue with a plaque recognizing his election as Kinsman of the Year for the 1980-81 term. President John Erb welcomed three new members to the Kinsmen Club. They are Tim Colwell, Doug Cooke and Dwight Williams. Chairman Kin Stan Con- nelly reminded members of t Shind or- - inie—at GDCI on October 29 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. In addition to donating blood, Kinsmen members have for many years assisted in promoting the clinic, unloading and loading the Red Cross equip- ment, transporting donors who need rides and serving refreshments. . President John Erb will participate in a remem- brance service at the Grave of the Unknown Sailors on November 6. Kin Director Dennis Johnston reported that plans are progressing smoothly for the annual Fall Fun Night and Buffet Dinner to be held Sat., Nov. 14 at the Goderich Memorial Arena. Tickets 'are available from Kinsmen members and various local businesses. $2,000 in prizes ww - be.--given—away -ire- ..an - elimination draw. The grand prize is $1,000 or a trip to Las Vegas. Need members • from page 4 geriatrics chair, and equipment for a hairdressing room. At the September meeting it was decided to donate the $2500 or more required to purchase a portable monitor which is urgently needed in the hospital. In 1982 and 1983 our energies will be directed towards raising money to buy equipment for the new Intensive Care Unit. We need your help! You are invited to attend a special meeting on Wed- nesday, November 4 at 8:00 p.m. in the meeting room at MacKay Centre; for Seniors ( Nelson St. entrance) . We are very -fortunate in having Mrs. Peggy Menzies as our guest speaker at this meeting. Mrs. Menzies has been actively involved in ,Hospital Auxiliary work in Clinton and at present is Vice-president of the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario. She is an excellent speaker and will, be able to answer any questions which you may have. Do try to attend this important meeting. Yours sincerely, Janet Kalbfleisch Irene White Grace Hunter Samuel was dead (verse 15), yet he carne up from Paradise (verse 15), spoke to Saul and knew his cir- cumstances (verses 16, 17), and gave him prophetic guidance from the Lord Jehovah (verses 16, 19). No demon would have done that. The witch was frightened, proving this wasn't a satanic impersonation to which she was accustomed, and which the Witnesses believe it was, much less a lying spirit. It was Samuel himself, brought there as an act of Jehovah. The Apostle Paul said "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" ( 2 Cor. 5:6-8). If there is nothing to man except the physical • body, Paul was mistaken in telling us „that one can be absent FROM the body and present WITH the Lord. In Philippians 1:21-23 Paul wrote: "to die is gain... hav- ing a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better." The NWT (Wat- chtower Bible) implications that Paul was anxious to be released at Christ's coming is a confusion as well as in- correct translation. How could Paul's dying be gain, when he would he un- conscious in the grave until the resurrection? Answer BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders B ig Jim Silo Unloeders Volume Belt Feeders •Convey-mFeed Cattle Feeders Single Chain Conveyors Barn Cleaners Oswalt Ensllmixers FARMATIC-` B lender Hammer Mills B lander Roller Mills Blender Mills for Ground HI.Molsturs Corn Augers Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners Hydraulic Manure Pumps WESTEEL-ROSCO Grain Bins - 1,350 to 230,000 bu. B ulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems ASTON - Ventilation Systems B &L. Complete Hog Con- finement Systems SLURRY -SLINGER Liquid Manure Spreaders CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment AERO -FLUSH Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators WE HANDLE. EVERYTHING - ALMOST LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS, RR1, Kincardine, Ont. Phone 395-54E6 ALVIN'S T.V. Your Headquarters for •TV TOWER INSTALLATIONS, REPAIR & SERVICE •DELHI & CHANNEL MASTER •TOWERS. ANTENNAS & BOOSTERS •SHARP COLOUR TV •QUAZAR COLOUR TV ALVIN'S T.V. 162 MARY ST. 0ODERICH 524-9089 Nuke sure ypu ia from infItion. Peter S. MacEwan Insurance 38 St. David St. _..524 %* ._. m Wv 31 - GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS that one 1V1r. Barney! 2 Timothy 4:6 establishes Paul's context showing he meant physical death, then" .,.. and the due time for my releasing is imminent." Paul had finished his course with honor and was ready to be with Christ. Now, Mr. Barney, You can do a little research of your own, and I will give you. the references. Josephus (37-95 A.D.), Jewish historian, wrote that the Sadducees, a religious sect with whom Jesus dealt, believed "that souls die ,like the bodies" (Antiquities of the Jews, Bk. 18, 1:4). "They take away the belief of the immortal existence of the soul" (War, Bk.2,8:14) . In Acts 23:8, Luke wrote that the Sadducees "say there is no resurrection, neither angels; nor SPIRIT". Jesus answered them by saying, "GOD IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING AND NOT THE DEAD," taking His answer from the Pentateuch, the on- ly portion of the Scriptures they accepted. He proved their theories wrong because He knew man continued to exist after the death of the physical body! In answering the pet text , of Jehovah's Witnesses Eccl. 9:5-6, I like to point out the key words "under the sun." The phrase "the dead know not anything" must be seen W.J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524-8132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 hr. FILM DEVELOPING in this context. "Neither have they any more a por- tion forever in anything that is done under the sun," is the way Solomon expresses it. Understanding this passage as the Watchtower Society views it, leaves them unable to come back to earth again in the New World Society. Mr. Barney, you have built your house of faith on sand, and it crumbles to pieces in the light of the Scriptures. Yes Soule go to heaven at -, th. The Bible teaches ft! Sincerely yoo Daniel D'Haene Dju'ector►�rle Way'to Jesus Ministry, Lambeth. t.. Wall Units Pre -Christmas Special '99 BREAK A, BALLOON WITH EVERY PURCHASE AND WIN AN INSTANT CASH REBATE UP TO THE VALUE OF YOUR PURCHASE. 3 position Recliners Pre-Clwistmas 08 Special I EP Stereo Component Systems Special $1la 39 Any size Waterbed Pre -Christmas sPecial /97 * SPECTACULAR SAVINGS * WHY PAY MORE * •CASH *VISA *CHEQUE UNCLAIMED FURNITURE SALES OPEN DAILY 10 • 9 SATURDAYS TIL 6 NO 7 HIGHWAY EAST OF McDONALD'S . Stratford 273.30 EASY BUDGET TERMS IT'S A MAD MAD MAD Similar Ghouliah savings have been brewed up at Etc. Next Door. lfi NINTH STREET SHOPPERS SQI ARi GODERIcH 524.8572