HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-5, Page 4• 1.1 11_1-1111_
I THEE �� XT1 .
i Vusl)Ar,, QCSTOBEIt th 19 x:
t Tiil*;c TING TlIL FOAB
. Mrs, ReUO�Frced (tae small da>lgh.
( ' i AS A CROP,, ter) -My darling I want to hell you Official Elect* p
21 secret. Your mother to going to Returns Notice to ����X�U��� �� � '
The progress of the Coiisert'ation to be married hall ;next ivee,k' r or Sale
� V �L D "
Policy of Caiaada, as ,applied to fort st daughter --0h mltanxoa t end alter In Lauth R(urata the Official fi.� Id 'the maitter 04 'the os.tato Sof , , '
gores gtyo T.. , ikterxtcr (p9uearPatiPe James. Shall' o � the villa C � .• FO'R S:�1E"'-Farr ,contatan x. 0•
resources, depa*aids more upon thtl all the trouble �t e had with. X>upa 1.-, naajox'it of 104 oPer l . , Mal.oe�n. B' )) a g Qt 1'�'�tter ,ops. aC fist a1 tl t a
For sake of comparison vve" publish iii the 0aaUty of liur an. Cientletnazi, ao*% Jean a ,tile vit.
}' "[{j .` (�, Forestry �#rauch o:f the Depa,rtm —t Roston Transcript. the viae of September 2.1,191.,. and also,or Octdher,1908, deceased, use o�1 Wooelt�,tam, •Co�od. twc�y�toxppyl
a. i, M. k 0 M R came �l+onso a Hari{ barn, o f y 40
of the Interior than any other cissa- ,,, Notice is hiircby ivrtxu pursuant to, rith up-`to�da� stable, 'foandatiatrg .
lZation, 'U9QU the techu cal know- Fox. the first lime in lts histo SEAl�QRTH R, S, C., 1807,. chap. 129, that ,ati iII'lt shout a xea?c a' o,, i .0 m
PHONE 47, ledge and executive, ability of thi• the ashes of b oramm%ed history SiWAVORTU Wr(�ditors and •others. having, oigmn, �n+anted o t s b it d a!
Peram wero Lib, con. a�ai t 'the sto to t>f Jalziels 13ne11 t+hr oghou , Also
o, coati
posits Electric' Light Plant Forestry 1lraxtoli depends rho futurv� placed %n'Estmiser, Abbey Qu Sat, lYa. 1 Lib Cyon. 1: xJlar 24x16 with cement 'top, andeirl
ardav, 'The ashes, wero t4osa of the, 2 N°, x 102 ..0 w a' of tied Millon of 5�xetar sangway, OView ~driving shed of .Dox+:
Of the forest on 16 ,900,000 (acres of 2G 41 2 t51 42 • ilia or. or abo.u: vo ted steel Is 24 4 ;lion ` lteV, iliol�iil�4on DuokVpoxflx, oa011 ,&,nd 3 2 , 3 ,� the 17th day of September 09,11 are iia+ E" x 9 • house
Dominion Forest Reserves, as well sub -dean of Westminster a4d t�ekeot 4 ,1 � 32 29 ,7ailt Algo a good supply of Ooit
14 31 4 guired! on or befora rho 20th day of
deep happy in the Home hs upon the large area of non-agricul• lireaahev at Cammbridge who died last 5 43 28 2!9 cit be 0 ud ;hard wa,er. The farm ,is tharw
C) ,-o r 1 ,11 ito i wd by post
?ay getting YOUR tural .forest laud in Western. Canada tveeki 7.hey. SYeira placed Ali. St• I''sikth 44 5 _01• 42 ughlly Araia od; and we'll !fenped.
Cpapel, --^ _ __ preliaid or delivor to ]3lciaexs, nosily with all new wire fesugetg, i4lr
high far the goad Qf the country - ' 210 210 275 196 F,ladma'n & Sbaubpry, of ;th,e villagg+e a t�eu acres of gQod03ulsh oktA
HOUSEHOLD may yet be set aside as .permanent . '« � . « * « • majority of 1',?tc�twr, SaUioitors for Exr , .. y bapra
EXETER J y 70 eo4tors of the sa4d decealsei µheir itvead, x''aor particulars' appy .,to :VIT•rept•: �-
forest reserves, In addition to ,look- E TR3 ' vUrlstiau and surha 'es' a re oy !Shier, Woodham, Ont. 171"
NECES;������ ins after Dominion lands; fire F Flub• -•And you say you are, saris- Na, 1 2#1 6$ l.V'a, l 25 m , dd sem
ores. fied to be making only $15 a week? 2 2fl 6$ 66 and ,ftsoriptions, !the full par,tiwaa --- .,
2 32 Gfl ia;re. of their claims, the statemge!nt
Ltere,. We Handle only liry branch is horn being asked by. Dub -Sure. If lT made moxa than 3 35 52 3 32 62 of .their accounts nd'tho
x • ' e r : Eastern lazed owners to furnish ad- that some girl would come along and 4 58 63 4 k ai nature of �®���� ���
he BEST and we liaP6S`di��" A►'
ve ythfng you need at viae as to the best means of securing want to marry arae -Eifel � -- — � 7i k`he no'muri'ties. if any, hdlci bye ,t,hem,
X51 239 And further 'tape noti..,a that a'ft�r Four houiva�s, for sole, and shop ><
alk Seacoast at the earliest date a profitable Drop • « « « « '• 1$7 258 such last mentioned date the calor
,of timber on waste, land or ivaod-lots, Majority $$ MajoritylExeo1AQrs will c Wanted. Apply xo Dir. and hie•,,. D, -�..,••-'••• w��,
• of BAYFIELP 121 proceed to . dist,ru» Tirana. ibil r
Connau h Ozute"the assets of'ttia tl'eaea sad amp.i
� � AND�OC �o The Proper administration of forest His Royal
igh ve s the. Duke
ukeneraT Y Ln tt�o aztta is •
[ Na, ] 24 81 No, it 85 82 regard s titled thereto, hahich = -
lands requires a special knowledge of of .Canada will arrive in'Quebec on Majority b only .to the claims hre of ,aVJgi
ANTDD--Choice Batter and the trees best adapted to each reg- Friday the I th .of Ootobor� Tb4 of Majority 47 'they shall •t'fieAlXave uatIce and
Fresh Eggs, Voial TUCKERSMITH sand Executors lahall xkot be : I1Gably For Sale
g ion, of their uses, and of the markets urogram for the. will be .`DC1iERs1}tITIi
as. follows; At noon his Royal high- 0.1 76 , 29 No,1 70 31 the said assets or any part there -
y Portlier there is headed knowledge ness will take the oath as Governor. N 2 49 37 of 'to, any Person or For4t5?ale at once -200 acres Stanley
I ;of the habits of all trees, especially General in the Executive Council 3 49 2 51 47 l Iiersan'a of whose .3rd "eon, 3 "les from .Clinton. Sohoo4
17 ' ,claims notice shall not &"a been 4p rads. 'In good ata'te of cdltlivatimoI:
_ of the merchantable species, so that Chamber, cvh%ah has been especially 4 6B 18 71 reodived by ithem at he time of such
* b 0 it May be known, hoes- rapidly they renovated for the event. At: ^r, 5 61 2917 distribution, 100 ¢uere's sue grain. 10 acres alfalfa.
Ivu P. iii, dinner will be served and at 6 64 23 6 � 328 GLADMAN & STANIiURT, Dares brush, rest limy and pas'ture@..
I Br
• grow, hasv they produce their' seed, 8:30 there will be a reception at - _ I9o)Jisiltors for Tlxebutors• i Stone t&*use. ttwo storey, slate rooff
ll swhen and under what conditions the Spencerwood. The entire city will 305 153 Dated a't Exeter 'this 20th day of cement floor ori cellar. furnace ailsternl
seed germinates and in what way the be illuminated iii the evanin and 4 179 , , telepher*6. One yb�tian 85x56, wdardm
his Royal ighness after, a drivo 111ajorlty 212 Majority 218 "SePtembaz` 1'93$i: pumper, tvs'terwoxlrs. 'Stablimi 4b ,
seedlings and young trees are affect his Royale Highness after a drive STANLEY
� , Elect11 STAN7GEY `--+1'--- head ycalt!t1e alakl 9 bonsai. (13erpxidi
ed by their asurxonndinga. Such city, ,wIM leave for Ottawa b sec. No, 1 55
knowledge a is barn 50x40. 'Hay barn 50�i35. Oro'
g gained only by lou„ ial train 2 60 19 24 o,2 55 34 Na1]('� tQ Cred�t�rs esold 500th farm if idesbed. Apply X
y � p 27 N M.
24 3 80 29 Malcolzi$ McEweb, .Box 56, mintdii,. +
,ti�On that of Cause elle sans- study and experience. lit order that 3
the new Rocky Mountain iRest'rP,a, + �' " �° " " 4 15 4.9 4 152
ol:tla Our Fire Sale of IT, the maL'ter of tira esfata of
. may ,be administered according to Mr. Wibbles-11rhat fine dark hair 5 58 39 5 71 45 [Wm. !Coward of the township of " '
Coal is causing at the present the latest scientific knosvledgw and you have, Miss Knox. iMy wife, who' -- - - r[Tsborne 1n the KJogrity of �uroxt ' : � "�
is younger than you are, has her ,hair 207 23'1 2r27 260 Farmer. deceased r „`,i
lime best experience. the Forestry Branch quite gray. Majority_ 30 majority 83 Notice is hereby given nursuant to " ��;
' In order to make room to is now making detailed studies pf Miss i�nox--Yes, and .if I'd been 02� ' . {•: ;i,
TJSBORNE UsnoRNE ; A. S. O., 18'97, chapter 123, that all I ,,.1;,;
the, habits of flea merchan'tablo s so your ~wife no doubt my hair would No,.1 46 89 creditors and others having claims moi! r'_ r
rebuild we are offering abaut� p -" lizave been NO.1 48
1 b les. of trees on the Eastern slope of script, grey too. -Boston T.rran- 2 61 53 .,, 2 59 102 against the estate of the said �'�=='-' ,. 1,
the Rookies in Alberta and has sent -+ 8 53 103 3 337 105 Wm.. (Coward who died on or: i i5EALED TENDERS addressed ' 14" . '
K ego' Tons o g y 48 4 69 60 about the 5th day of September 19:11, the Test Master CSan+eral twill:be; r,ali
one of the men in charge of t a sv�rk are required on or before the '20th Delved alt O'tttaws 'azVbil 1�Tovn ,Dui; I'riC,`
' ' ® to study the system of forest manage NORTH MIDDLESEX RETURNS 201 .___
293 213 336 day of Ochi 19.11 to send by lioa't lira- day the 27th .October, 191,1 for ithW
.t��'lth ra i meant practised during the past few The official majority of George Majority 92 'pand or deliver to Xessr4 sGlaidman ,conveyance of His M�ajes'ty'a Mails, oft
�✓ i✓ Elliott in North Middlesex in the re Majority 123 &Stahbury of the villa,3••x of Exdter a Proposed contract for faux
7 1 ;nears to the highly developed Unit- HAY o . Solicitors for Executors of !tha six round ytri s year•-
r d ed states Forest liervioa in '#ha Na- cent ellection is given as 53 in the $A p per weak Over tthq
complete report which has been hand-. No'.1 s7 24 No,1 4 4 34 said deceased, their christian and sur. Dashwaod .Special Rural Route Nos.
tional Forests of Montana. Tile ed in by Returning Officer Dawson. 48 17 2 22 names,. addresses and descriptions 'Rural Mail Delivery from 'tb;al
� . COAL at United States foresters have spenr The returns are as follows: 3 67 87 3 the full particulars of their claims
115 92 post master 'General's ples+.aure. Putn{i•,_
sums of money and availed Elliott. Smith 4 45 6a 4 6015 the statement of their accounts' and ed ndtioes containing further im~'
Adelaide ' 12 5 33 47 31 the nature of the securities, if, any 'formation las to conditions of pro . $6 a TON
themselves of the experience of many Bidduiph 158 6 41 68 g held by them. And further take ed iContraat may be s:4em and blame .
men in developing pians of lumber- Lobo 171 7 22 49 52 notice that after such last mentioned
25 forms of tender'may ba ob'tain,ed ab
!ng which do not inconvenience the McGillivray 77 97 8 47 22 8 62 18 date the said Executors will pro- the pont office of Dashwood and eBraw;
The Offer 1S for immediate East Williams -- _ Beed to distribute the assets of the.de. iter and at the Offloa of 'Cha peso
lumbermen but which ensure the West Williams 1 338 3,56 2- ceased among the parties entitled' Office Inspector at London
1.�ceegtlilce and the coal must protection and reproduction of 'the Parkhill 57 Majority thereto having regard only to the Post Office Department, Maii'rsez{==
be removed at Once. forest and the Canadian 'Forestry .Ailsa Craig 83 ] y is Majority 164 claims of which they.sbail then have. vine 'branch Ottawa 11th of Xe ,U se*
Branch intends to benefit largely by MORILLOP a9dfloo, and that said Ex,cutors 191kvice IG, E. ttawaa1th pup, ,
Luean ?5 MarslLLsir ' tvyll not be liable F.or staid. _ __ No.1 101 22 No,1 125 22 i
A. . T i their eaperienez. 367 314 2 63 77 3 102 r,� or any part thereof to , any person
CZRANTOlY j 1 " - Majority for Mr. Elliott, 53, 3 63 78 ®r persons of whose claim notice .
Voters names on list 4,529 4 54 59 4 75 r 63 shall not have been received ty them Ladies Wanted
ONTA%10 Note and C®I11111CI1t Votes poled 3,4$3 "" — _ at the time of such distribution.
Ballot papers spoiled 5 , 309 216 365 219 GLADMAN & BTANBURY,
To have what we Scant is riches, Ballot papers rejected Majority i4olioitors for Adrnin;i�tra'hDr3 r ARIES to ila Iain etilr3 $fgb,'.6 Via.
j 19 j 93 Majority 146 Dated dt'Exeter tie F20 th day of 'Sep. JW Ing at home,whole or spare ti1'14w- '�"~
OUR FATHERS but to be able to do without is power ♦, HENS ALL
WHERE ARE T, IEYY -Geo. McDonald, HMIGALL Itbmbar 2911t. good pay wort: sent any distad*-, '
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY No. 1 83 03 Nn, 1 91 110 charges paid Send stampfor paititk
'es where are our fathers? ire, rev- . . . +o r , Ma crit -- ulars. National Manufacturing " .
�Te tl aslr An eminent scientist ilia other dap acturin
"" -i I courage .and � 'Delia -Ye can gave his opinion that the most won- Majority , 10 Majority (° Montrea,1 , r , = i
•patience #tecam get a suit just like derful 8iseover of recent years , p , 10 Clearing :Aa:C�I®� S(��e � �t
i pliafistl file task � .your missis's velvet wan for fin dol- Y ye s tt•as STEFgEtiT ,'�Z'EPHEI�
Lars in Bar the . discovery of Zam-Buk. Just
I . J
.Of laying foundations tvhereoxi we gain. Sizosvn Brothers. think f As soon as a sin Ie thin layer No. 1 27 58 No, 1 29 61 tom' FARM: STOCK & IMPLEM'EN�`5 ' -
may_ ,build. , Vorah-Yes, an' I can get gran far g yeT 2 17 46 2 16 46 Mr. Thos. Cameron has received in A les f, I r Sate
if ;worthy decendents we'll sow w ars nothin' by telling me misses abort the of Zam-Buk is applied to a around or 3 ,
a sore, such injury is insured against 4 50 49 3 59 55 structions from th cunflLOT 11 N
they tilled, van in Bargain Brown Brothers. blood r 56 68 4 67 66 sell by Public Auction on LOT 1> C011& First class winter varieties in bar-
-Harper's Weekly, poison! Not one species of 5 42 34 5 57 29. 12r aHIBBERT, on FRIDAY the 113th cels ,or loose, delivered, or at my or-
mtcz6lie hag beeif f4u_V fiNit.74m Buk 6 42 79 6 4t3 day of OCTODM4 11' li' at 1 o clack chard, Lot 13, Con. .3, Stephen: (,_
`Iiey left the Did home -land and „ „ „ „ . a N does not rillI 7 61 9 74 sharp the following valuable
friendships so dear, Then again As soon as Zam-Buk _ 3-• 7 55 ¢¢ prop J; Iiogarth 2s_g�2
` _ a nese country, their hopes The immigration arrivals in Can- is applied to a sore, or a cut` or to S 23 56 8 16 65 erty' ( t.!,•-'.'
blue' d with fear, 9 HORSES -1 brood mare to foal this
oda for the five months ending Sep- skin disease it stops the smarting. 50 60 9 50 6a month, agricultural; 1 mare 10 years
lt`rom the land of their fathers they tember 1 last numbered 212,854. That is why children are such friends 368 old, -agricultural; l amara 7 pears old
1'� journeyed abroad.: of Zam-Buk, T1zey care •nothing for 395 505 fix,
They parted with kindred, but four- the science of £he thin. .AII` 'thi'y Majprit general purpose, with foal; 1 geldinY A�eats Wanted a a, r t e
'"gook not their Gad. b Y 114 Majority 110 0 years old, general a os
Salesman -These are our bast know is that Zam-Buk stops )their RECAPITULATION ; P A e, 2 drew- In this vicinity to handle our kine ,of i
RLenri�uLaT275 ing mares.
They came to this new land equipped ring mattressess. Pain. Mothers should never forget Seaforth 2 CATTLE -1 cow due to calf at time sweaters, coats and hand knit novel+
q ppad this. 10 220 Seaforth 275 196 of sale; •1 fresh cow; 3 cows due in ties,
with a store, bars• Yoringbride-But haven't yen Tttokersmith 365. 1v3 Tuek'ith 39¢ 176
any winter ones? -Boston Transcript Again. As soon as Zam-Buk is ap- Exeter 151 March .and"A ril• S steers 2 ears The i"iallCl i{,$]j �O1Cl1l�any. r
Of strength for endurance not tech P 239 Exeter 137 �,g P , , ` y .
> plied to the wound or to a diseas9d 293 Usborne g
neral lore; Usborne 201 213 336 old cod feeders 3 heifers 2 years 75 Yon;;e St. Try RONTd3,
°'.$�itth Purpose heroic the with one +� « � part the cells beneath the skin sur- Stephen 368 old;, 2 steers 1 � •
accord. y ' face are so stimulated that new 482 Stephen 395 505 year old; 2 heifers 1
Hensail S3 93 Hensall 91 110 year old; 4 spring calves.
Ottatwa is ra idl tocsin its Italian health tissue is Quickly formed. This HOGS -2 sows with litter aft foot f
Endured all their hardships in the -rapidly g y q y Bayfield 24 81 Ba field
strength of the Lord. population. The declaration of war forming a fresh healthy tissue from Staple y 35 82 , a
I 1.between Italy and' Turkey has eausad below is Zam-auk's secret of healing ga y7 237 Stanley 227 260 sow. due this month', 6iltogs 410Q lb. �YSS �e�l�t �I�bb� j
a run on the Io al railcvap and sterno- The tissue thus formed i.9 worked u y 338 356. Hay ¢ri4 290 .seight; a numbor of hens and pullets ai11P
As through trackless deserts Jehovah ship offices by Ifaleans eager to get "to the surface 'and literally casts off McKillop 309 216 McKillop 365 219 IMPI,EMENTfi-1- 'wagon ' bos and Violin instructor is prepared to ac-
y __ pail completegnearly new, to bu • sept pupils. Apply at James street,_
bestowed, home to participate !n the tear; They the deceased tissue above it This is _-- --- p g$y. +
, On Israel his guidance by pillar and • 2256 2360 pair; bobsl'ef hs. 1' otuter,T binder it Methodist Parsonage. ,
Cloud. ' are for the most part army researvists why Zam-Bak cures are permanent. 2580 2¢32 mower 1 hay track,t i IIayerake'1 clan- s
E'en so, through the #crests in the Only the ether day Mr, Marsh of Majority 104 Majority 154. nthC mill 2 seederd and drills;•I larbe
101 Delorimier Avetarthal. Montreal, called furrow plow;l walking plo�g 1 a
if land of their choice, upon the for over
Company and told 1. set harrows scuffler' ' Children l" ry
ley followed their Shepherd and fol- them that for over twenty-five years disc, gravel
lowed his voice. $e $ad beep a'iAart9r to oczema. II" There are many forma of nervous . , bog; 1 pig rack 1 cream separatozr® FLE�CH�R°5
gloves, .four years ago Zam-Bak was debility in men fhat yield to the use nearly new.; 1 car rope and slipgs y
tL Ciea�°�1 Actlon Sale�� li set C A S T C� a, E
IT&Y pushed back the forest and liew hands were at one timq so covered of Carter's Iron Pills, Those who ora stew 1 pais logging bunks;
ed out a home. with sores that he had to aleep in troubled with nervous weakness double harness 2 scoop shovels, 1 ,�
Established God's altar and bowed introduced to him and in a : few right sweats etc, should 'fry them. ' ' ' -OF.-- half bushel measure; Root pulpery 11. I
at the throne, months it cured him. To -day -over FARM STOC$ IMPLEMENTS, ditch scraper 2 pair, of whiffletrees 1 - 1
°'Whough lacking earth's riches they Corrected Quickly by elle Use of watez trough 1 grindstone; wheel
three years after his cure to a disease HAY and STRAW on barrow' stone boat; •.3 -horse :whiffle-
ir offs to rear, he had for twenty-fiveyears-he is LOT 4, CON, 2, USBORNE on TUES trees to . , s �, .
Their offspring in knowledge and still cured and h had no trace of dtt logging chains forks shovels+,;»
true Godly fear. Catarrhul'one
`� Suffered ere ����.� DAY, OCT. 17, .�t one o'clock the foI- hoes and other articles to numerous ",� t Y ��
Any return of the eczema. s lowing:- to motion 1 stack of 'hay land a
All druggists -sell Zam-Buk at 50e.
Some answ'rinn th•• call to go farther �J�HORSES-2 brood mares, supposed ituantity of li'ay in barn,
,afield, Catarrh is an inflammation. Where box. or the will send free trial box if Y�� j.a Back."" ppoaed 1 f. TERMS 5.00 and under cash
you send this advertisement and a ie to be in foal; agricultural; l filly 2 -yr. '�
Resolved to their country their taI- there o inflammation there is always to
resultiia" from weak agricul,; 2 filllea 1 ear old, a ricultur- over that amount 9 mon'ths credit
entn to yield, more or less offensive secretion. In- Stamp to pay return upstage. Ad- al; s fill suckers, a g will be given on furnishing appedit
And sought to secure for the land flammation may be of the' very active dress. Zam-Buk Co. Toronto. kidneys, a bad cold,& other cause Y agricultural,
' t I CATTLE -1 cow due time of sale, ed joint note. !3,percent Per annum j
and its youth. sort, but it is often of the slow kind, usually renders the sufferer unfit 1 off for cash on all sums enti0led to
and this is the particular form in ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR A renewed cow• 5 cows due in March and
The bid -rock foundation of justice for work and often results in per- Aril 3 steers 2 credit.
and truth, which the .breath is rendered offensive GOOD STOMACH April; years old; 3 heifers 2 T. Cameron Mrs: J. Campbell.
and the manent disabilit HUNTERS. 1
presence of the sufferer be- << Y• years old; 4steers 1 year, old;4 calves. Auctioneer Proprietress
I 11!comes an offence to every person of This offer' should be a warning to I suffered for years with my HOGS- 2 brood sows; 4, 1130 -lb hogs;
'i'o some came with power and convic- derivate sensibility. Every man and women back, or kidney trouble, and have 10 shoats, 1 Berkshire Boar,
tion. :sublime, The news �
Bad breath is in itself sufficient to papers and medical jour- tried a number of remedies from •A number of hens. and pulletb..
" ll'roin the Lord of the Harvest 'Ehe urge you to correct it, because one dis- nals recently have had much to say IMP'
summons divine. likes to be unpleasant to their friends, relative to a famous Millionaire's of- different physicians. More than a IMPLEMENTS - Lumber wagon, District News
"leo work in my vineyard" and world but this form of catarrh is dangerous fer of a mililon dollars for a new ear a o Y top buggy, open buggy, pair sleighs,
wide proclaim because it supplies a' hotbed for the stomach. t Y g ,one of our local druggists cutter, binder nearly new, mower, I(irkton Fair on :1! rids .
induced me to try steel rake, 1 large 2 -fu tee ' y
' " •Redemption from Sin, through 'the development of Consumption or of This great multi -millionaire was to g crow plow, walk Mr.,W. J. Wass of the 11th hoar.,
.T,atrib that. was slain. other diseases of the throat and lungs, busy to Ivory about the condition of ®P• MaIeS9 A1'f1t9-PBY79 PIII§ ins Plow, disc, Cultivator, land roller, of Blanchard has sold his farm to A
harrows, scuffler, seed drill, fanning thur :Baker of L' r
Bad breath is an evidence that the his stomach. Ile allowed dyspepsia g ions 73ead, Mr:
With humble devotion the call they microbes have found a good resting to run from had to -worse and after using them some three mill, 1200 Ib. scales, root ul er ' aker w' -
se until in the �, p p ,grind- B ill likely take possession in
obeyed. place and are carrying on their evil end it became uncarabie: months I found a decided improve- I stone, 2 set heavy harness, single her• the spring, i
Oft struggling with hardships and inroads into the health of the body. flea misfortune meat in nese, hay rank gravel
almost 'dismay Catarrhozone acts at once and de-: a serves as a ,warning my kidneys, and I am glad I ropes a ' g . P l box, hay forks, James Nimpek, a pioneer, of West
to oth d a li
'Butthey toiled for 'their lord inch aitroys these minute organisms, but it v ors' to say that I hope sooh to be fully ihoe a Ings, forks, chains, shovels 1Zorra, passed away on Friday last
D cry onn tcho suffers with dyspep- restored to health." J. P; ALLEN a etc, at the. advanced age of 92' years , V,
the crown and W611 done does more it heals .the inflamed sur- . A quantity
' faces in. which they found a nesting ala for a���� years will give_ ever • 4 y„ of first class ba
y` Ex -Jud a Cit y Court Gfas o ' acres of man uld y' oaths ands 27 days, He was born
ll`br by faith they beheld the Invisible place and consequently removes both thing he owns fora new stomach,. g Y ., g , Y g s and turnips, also a in Cornwall. St. Lawrence Count
One' cause and effects of, their action. Iyyspepsia is commonly caused by As long as pain is present in an ' ' fall silo of ensilage, a lot of cut straw Ont, and settled on L'ot 28 'con, Ii
Y in barn to be.fed on farm.' • W '
y g y an abnormal state of the •; art ayf the bod � ' ,, est -Zona about 70 Years'ago. o I{
We, sons o1 atich fathers; begotten in if we only hi hl estimated the gastric uc- p y, rest is Impossible dream se y g + e
pxayez value of prevention and used Catarrh- es or by lack of tone in the walls ,of pa4'ator, new; steel range, is .survived by a widow.
' tlfe stomach. The result is •that the and the system becorningweakened 2 beating atones; 1 incubator and four d love sons, and
aomm%ttcd in childhood to God's ser- ozone at the beginning ,of a cold or bio o daughters.
gust before i£ becomes well seated, the stomach loses its ;rower to digest food rs exposed to any form of disease to brooder;'2 hives of bees and a'number '
vier, and rare, �feadly ravages of Consumption 'would We are are now able to su of bee boxes ass Here is a women who speaks from
Shall tlieer mantle h pply cer- which the sufferer ,tray be inclined. t:,,sX cupboard, nearly ersonal knowl d e
y service your be stayed aitd the terrible agonies• of fain missing elements -to help i to r� - : new, extensioi5,table now; a:h And long ettp�r-
sbouidcrs adorn. , i es s rt ;w,. and a lot lance viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of Wil -
sufferers of ..Asthma or Sronohitis com- tort, to the j g' ®r» (H��N!S /I1t1�1-pat3iiltA 1'�IIS of other articles of furniture, „
ELnd tir.c bu.rderts they litre b thz:lr iatei abolished. five gestic niece their it di es- pa. who says„ i know from exper..
y p Y Power. and aid in making the. ley steaidying the irritated nerve TE��s-$5;ancl under Crib; over fence that Chamberlain's pCr
pring tra, borne S. that amount 12 months D,erlain s Cough Rem-
. :There is no remedy as effective fol'' stomach strong and well. centers make .refreshen • - t s credit on sp. ed is fax superior
bad breath, 'Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asth- We know that Rexall dyspepsia r g sleep poi roved oinCridtes Y • nothing
tri any other, it,
6Vhy :i: k you. wb,i re r 1? J . 5 per cent, cif for
are' the tvlien zna, etc„ as Cataxrhozone, 13ealctea Tablets are a most de siblc, thereby enabling the body to cash on. croup three is nothing Sha. excells it,
.randiant irolind dependable rem g y the credit amounts. For
being healing' and soothing it is germ edy for disordered stomach - recover lost stre : i T110 . sale by all dealers. y;
s nidiges ngth, As aremedy RCYb , CAMFJI�()1.
In prclus;oti fhe trui`rs of thnfr. la)aars clestroying, biitat)aing Byer offered to tion • b
abound, t we
dyspepsia. for pain of an d•6`scri tion Dr IPi6prtetdr, Aetioneer, 1 .�' .en you have a bad rcyld and sbu
the public Can comparq with it in i s w e wa:nt yoti: to try there and will , Y p , want the beset m adicine ob.a nab is
Their blood flows within yoti, their VtumPtness, efficiency, antis perinan Miles Anti -Pain: Pills are unsur- S, 1
return L+Xan pour money !f you are not ,-- _ . , so as, to cure. it: with is lea-.tle delay
IG iinac, 3a.tr bear, eriCy oP gC.terxx . xicl,yott. Cin ..htl ;.: 1i7',.. ., a
than satisfied wit t'h , r passed, as possible ' Ilcrr is a dru
li c res xit, ,., ggest:Y o1,-
ixod help you 1;1te`ir Paitii and devotion iitorn azkVV ;, , ' ee sizes '26cents 5atd by, alt inion "I have sold Chamberlain's
11 Ito e, plat ,tlrn iiexnin"i n b. & s o, .. r. and, 50c., and " �'a AiI a �' � � C�,' s I Chaiinbexlaiu s
• � y mail, ftor h - $1.00. Remember you earn obtain antee aasurinq the retain of iho rltle Cough Remedy for fiftee..n 't, ars." ,
J, '1 . Voss, t algarp, Alttt, rn$ 1,00 szaes y' a, i says Enos Lollar of S' r , _
starrlroxarle'o.r 8uffalgp i�1%lt.,ti exal> RetnEdies billy at stir stoxa - of the fast box Ir' no tsenoflt rg'sulie, a cross; lad,.
1CSi stow Olttr rf he Rexall Store W. l9. Cole: I,, ' .INTI. C t, C Coro K . „and consider it the best on i` c, mar-
n Iret. ox sale by ill do alers.
fl�'' u ',
of rietl r lititrl ` rx M� t i •
11..11.... c, r;� /
"� p ►s9 n acsditlanat ttvo can stomi , tor, i "' , ;"^� x,vn r 1 ii,, I ,
@t Ili.
P ... fir 3 boxei t a+ll U s „ ... ,..: . ,.
Toro1.nto, girt. : tae ivlrl ttr j _.. deaitlzd >< , & uiser C s e
a r elr duih tttore prGrnpt 1 i , he t c�._ 7Ia rc.os Jtlac leaden: ,v 1J1tS�c
Ell„ of ^ rice b `i' a Iliia'`i,, 1 Ex if1630n a1a111
: r P.» ., . Ilrn' :' h - , , "rel j Iwfi di�V
Return.Tickets at Bingle Fare-.
OCT, 9th to NOV. 11th
to paints in Temagami,points Matta-• '
wn to Timiskaming iind'Xlpawa, Qua,
inclusive, -also to certain points in Quo* -
Obec, New: Bruns nick, Nova Scotia and.
ne. w
OCT. 19th to NOV. lith
to Mvskoka lakes, Penetang, Latae of''
Bags, Midland, h1aganetawan River, .
Lakefield, Madawaska to Parry Sound
Argyle to Coboebuk, LiiSdsay to Bali.
burton. Pointsfrom Severn to North
Bay inclusive and certain pointoreach.
ed by Northern Navigation Ca.
All tickets valid for return aintfl
Thursday December 14th, except too
points reached by steamer lines. Tues.,,'
day ?Yovenibpr 14th,
Colonist r excursions
Daily until October igt,Si
To 8pok,uie, WREN. • Neison
Vancouw-r, B.C.: Westminster, 3i.to'; ;
Seattle, 'Wiser ; Tac, mar, "'ash•;.Po1,t- '
land, Ore„ Sha F1`80 esc o, Los An-
lZeles, Sian 1)i,.gn, Ofd,: aced Ne;i1to
One way Second Class, : V t '
}�lti:ip8 a LOW
p111,1lcniNrp Prrirr itt I -Gr
ri nnk fn,t kis- arty:
�' 11 Ntltli,
A. S, t)lrl'F,
Tl P. A T.•roii'l+o,,
.lrlliul�C .