HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-10-5, Page 1fairest Offer Ever Made Costs you noth;iug unless they give you '!i itisfaction. The famous. REXAL1. REm tiles of which there io one for each ailment. should mean Knuth to you, Consmlt ue Iehen in need of home remedies. COLE'S DRUQ STORE e EURT -EIGHTH YEAR -No 176 MOTfER$ ATT E %° '"ION 1 lei by boo dlritresv irk the atom It bowel dlo04'dere►I teethiog pains: o� trouble due to lm gated d estiou.ive 'l little one IMQTI 1 ERQI E'.S f TT ZINC CoRl x L•: Mild, oat's and rehab ih 2,5 wogs a bottle. Cole's Drug tori . Iluron eic Ziliddiesex Gazette JONES NAY. PHONE 32 mummemanommamirmaimemaamilimaislimimmalfilmaim Big Showing of Winter Coats In all the Leading Cloths We have all theL Lead` les in Ladies, ing'StyMisses and Children's Coats in the very best of Cloths. ' Fancy Tweeds are the very newest in the Coat Line and we are also show- ing the good Staple Lines of Blacks and Blues. . Try One and be Convinced. Prices Right. Ladiesand Childrens' Furs Buy Early and Get the Bestea This will be a good Fur Season and weare well prepar- ed for it with a Big Assortment. Ladies' Furs Ruffs, Stoles, Muffs in Marmot; Sable, Seal. Fox, Persian Lamb and Wolfe, See Them before you Buy. Ladies • fur=lined Coats We have the Best Val- ues ues this year we have ever shown,. Muskratlining with genuine Sable or • Isabella Collars. Childrens Furs Little Muffs and Neck Furs in White Fox, Ohini- chillian, Hare, Lamb and Stone Martin. All Little Beauties. Fur Collar Coats With Quilted or Plush Lining. We have a very large lot of of these Coats to show you at $20 to $25 Each Fall Dress 'Goods Fancy Tweeds are ver strongandwill be .y found here in all Weaves. Plain Serges in all Colors come next also a good showing of all color- ed and Black Dress Goods. New Waistings New Fancy any c Delaines in all patterns.New Silk Striped Taffetta Cloths and the New Silks in all the leadingshades also Velours and Velvets. Gehtilurnishings for Fall, NEW SHIR NEW COLL \ 1tS NEW TIES • NEW GLOV.:S NEW SOX NEW UNDERWEAR NEW SWEATERS NEW SWEATER COATS NEW FANCY VESTS NEW SUITINGg NEW OVERCOATS NEW RAINCOATS NEW FALL SUITS NEW HATS & CAPS NEW SHOES' Phone 32' eateeeethettesaieltea Jones 86 May, Exeter 1 41444,+++++++4-44++++++++++44 14.0++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++44++++++++++*+ ,. -1• .1. 1 Hardware Paints & Oils `, It Will Pay to Examine our Big Stock of ii, RANGES, HEATERS, HAS RHRNERS4. ' 4. 4. it Canada Steel Ranges with Resevoir and Closet.... ..$50.00 .; Jewell ,, ,� . - 50,00 . pf. Imperial Oxford Cast Range with Resevoir and Shelf 38.00 ,, '1" Garland " '� 87,00'. e. * Oak Heaters 14.00 . 4 -a. Baseburners , . 82.00 • .1. : ' The Celebrated Art Garland with Oven.......... , . 45.00 ne Also Pipes, Elbows, Tampers, Hods, Mate, Stove Boards, Etc. 1, e ■ ' 4. Big Stook Builders Hardware and Tools ;4. •Air k -4 E LOOK SETS as Cut 50c per Set Others from 60e Co $2.50 per Set House Hardware of All Kinds Barn Hardware, Hangers and " Tracks 50 cents up Latches 20 cents up Hooks, Staples, Hinges, Etc., • Barn Paint, Putty and Glass 1: Samson Portland Cement Apples Those wanting good No. 1 Winter Apples call ` at JOINS & Mal CENTIRALIA On account of the downpour of rain last Sunday the Anniversary services' of the Methodist church were deferr- ed till the 15th. inst. Mr. and Mrs Jessie White and their little son Jackie , of Cotten', County of Essex, visited at Mr. William Oke's over Sunday. Mr. Trothen is gradually j' vowing weaker. F =CAN Master George Hodgins called on r;ucan friends Saturday. Quite a number from Exeter. took in the high school sports. Mrs. John Atkinson was at Park .41. hill Fair. •l• bliss Beta hopping was visiting + Miss A. .Armitage. e. .;. Med Saws 50cto $2 ,Remmers from 5,1 to $t 4'( Miss Blanche Armitage spent a '+1 illy Saws $1 to' $2 Special Good Hammer 45c few days in London Township. 4. Keyhole Sews 25c to 50 Extra Good Carpenters 75c 4 Quite a number of people `took in the 'Merton Ailsa Craig fairs '1' Miss Neva Baskett and lviaybelle HEAIVIAN'S HARDWARE STOVE STORE 4. IrMimsws eGltosck3ariv. trhne llderton fair. and 1�T4ss A. 1. Armitage have returned home frorri • Ailsa Craig. Plumbing Ifyou have young children you' have y g �' perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most tenla:ma ail - Merit To eoxl•ect this you will find Chilntberlain s Stoma eh and ,fiver The Times 'January One llnlla "tablets excellent (They are easy and toa y l 3 for r Furnaces ..: .+,.+.Kir'+++4.444+?lea+,+.1... 4e.telel.44x +fel.+IIr 444•+4.4.4. 4.4,4444+, k ?' easant to take and mild nand gentle 1" al get, Tax sale by 1x1 defilers. School Report high School Department, Fenn 1U Honors. C. !Copeland, 75.5; Pass, R. Dearing, 73,5;; N. Alny, 22,.7; S.. Petty, 72.5; E. Case, 71.7; Cf. Wood 166.7; R. Wood, 14.7; L. Frayne 62; R. Dougall 160.7; No, On roll 26, aver, age attendance 24 W. 13. tWeidenleammer, teacher. Form 1'C Honors. Myra Morgan 78,3, Pass .Linden Harvey 174.6; Arva Broken - shire 74.3;. Mary Hanlon, :74,3; Mary McQueen ,74; Ada Willis 72;6; Lillian Boyle 71; Jean Seidel), 166; Joe Davis 5. 65; Florence TxeibnGr Iia, Ban Case il4.& No. on roll 121; average attend- ance 120. R,.4 Robb, teacher, Terra Honors. N. Teueinner 81 12, . L. Stewart 81; R. Nestle• 0;' J Strang 17$; D. Hall 77 1-2 ; 'rx'. Rivers, 77''J, Allison 76. Pass fA, Jlabkirk 733; G. Morley 73( ; M. Case 72 ,1-2; I. Arc- Dorrell 72; E. Brooks 7:1; I. Sweet, 711; A. Ford. 71; T. ,Harvey 71.; A. Case 71; A. Beverley 70; M, Hanlon, 66; O. Hodgert 64; M. Blatdhford. 64; E. Welsh 62; ,G. Taylor 61; 12. Parsons 60. Commercial Department Honors.. M, Acheson 79. Pass, A! Willis, 72; F. MaDonell 171; E. Day 68; P. Baker 67 1-2; N. Jones 07. Number on roll 41. Average attend- ance 37. M. M. Campbell, teacher: Public School Department. Room IV Sr. IV, Honors, Beatrice Hodgert 93,; Mildred Heywood 91; Alberta Knight 8$ Annie Day, . 80; Minnie May 13,0; Maurice Senior 78. Pass, Willie Manson74;. Gordon. Penhale 60. Middle IV, Honor=,. Carman Pow- ell, 83; Marvin 17'ineent .78; Anna.' Bell 78; Oliver Davie 77, Pass, Harry 'Parsons 73; Lila 2uefle 72; Florence Wood and Marjorie Huston "71; Joe Follick 70; Ettie I3owey 70; Maejor ie Seldon fi9 Melville, Gladman 68; Karl Weidenhammer 64; Alma Mack 62; Gerald Fitton •161, C. Vesper, teacher. Room V Jr. IV, Honors, ]Bertha {Homey 81 Mabel Knott 80. Pass, Jessie Brick - wood, 73.; Fanny :holey .78; Dorothy Kuntz 72; Ina Delve 71; Edith Davis 69.. Jr. 1PL . Honors Marguerite Pickard 78 • Grace Carling. 76. 'Pass as s Ear" Powell 74• Doris (Teo. Ortwein,. 70; ',Gladys Moir 70; Milton Eydd 09; Mildred ;Hardy 68 Gordon Davis 67; . Rhoda Cornish 66 Lula Hastings 63; V$.bla Welsh ' 60; Mary Day 60. J. SaiMurray, teachezt Room VI , Form III Sr. Honors Gladys Har- vey, 92; Winnie Knight 88; Clifford Mallett 76 • Harold Boyle, 75; Irene, Zuefle 75. Pass, Drew Knight 74; Czar Harness 733; Violett Mallett, 71;. Bruce Rivers 69; arm. Deals 67; Viola Jones 66; Alvin Cornish 66; Russell Marshall 66; Wray Redden, 64. Form II, Sr. Honors Clarence Morley 01; Cora Sanders '83; Belle Gould 78; Mildred Marchand 75. Pass Eugene Doyle 64; Clyde Heaman 62. No. enrolled 39; Average attendance 32. H. 1vI. Kinsman, teacher. Room VII Class V, Honors. Mildred Harvey 68; Maurice .Harvey .8; Thclrna Con- nor -882; Pass, Charlie Ford 64. Class 4. Honors, . Eddie Davis 94; Alice VincentPaulme03; Weidenhamer 78 Wilbert Gt1lestS 78;Edward 'Yellow 76. Pass. Paul Collins, 74; Josephine Davis 68; Alvin Andrew 68; Phillipa Harness 68; Blanche Senior 67; Mil- dred Wood :62 Mabel Houlden Class III, Honors Verda Rowcliffe 84; Greta Harness 81; Jim Ferguson 76. Pass Earle Magee 69; Stella Sanders 67, Class 1I, Honors Thos. Rodgers 833; Fred Manns 75; Kelvin Hedden 78, Pass Charlie Salter 70 Clifton Davis 64. Class 1 Honors, Beverley Acheson 81; Mildred Norry Pass Waldo Bellwood 72. No, enrolled 43; avi raga attendance 37. Irene Quackenbush, teacher, Room VIII Jr. T Mabel John 77;r Pt. 1 abs s Doro- thy Baikwill 75; Howard Dignan 72; George Hind 70; Willie Webster, and Arthur Rowcliffe equal 65; Newman Hardy 64; Inez Moir 62;,Levexn Hax- eiess • 60; Reggie Taylor and Pearia Sanders equal 58; Verda Val. 57; Marguerite Kuntz 55; Clyde Hey- wood. 45. Sr. Pt. I Gordon PPowell 76; May Elworthy 62; Willie Ortwein 57; Grebe Hedden 55; Ruby Davis 56' Currier Jacobi 45. Clifford Brtma- combe 330; Eleazer Cookson 25. No. on roll 47; average attendance Al. F. W. Howard, teacher. Mr. W. Somerville, who has been agent of the Canadian Express Com- pany at Seaforth, for the past 22 years, has rd'signed but ,still coritin- ues the G. N. W. Telegraph and Grand Trunk Ticket Agency. --m--. d3ORN SIIEERE-In Brintfdrtd' on Sept 25 to Mr.. and :Mrs, Garfield Shecre a daughter. WILLIS-In Cetftralie, on Friday, Sept; 29th„ to Mr. and Mrs, 'Thomas 4Vtiliaa daughter, Ti~ER' LAKE --On the N. E. Boundary. T•Jdlnn ne, on Sept. 27ah. ter Mr.. mord Mrs, Wellington Kerslake, a son. GUENTBER-fn Crediton, on Mon - awe, Oct. 2nd, to Mr, and IVlrs, Blatt. Guet,4ber, a son. SM Exeter, on Tuesday, Oct 3rd, to Mr. and Mao, Jas. Smith a SOIL. DIED GOODMAN -At Dashvvoocl, on Sept. 26th. Mrs, Fred Goo loran Aged a- bout 72 years Locals Read the sale adds. on page four Miss Nora Arscott of ,Rillerney, Man. is visiting friends in anan4 around Exeter. ^ ' Signs of a Hard, and Long Winter -- Farmers in this part are preparing for a hard winter because the red squir- rels and.ehipnunks are very busy lay- ing in their winter food store, even go, ing to the extent of colleeting green chestnut burro, breaking them open and hiding away for future use the unripe chestnut, It has been report- ed by some that they neyer before knew the squirrel to open green ches- tnut .b rs or to begin storing up food so early. inthe fall. School Sports at Iucan-on . Friday last about forty of the high sebool scholars in charge of Principal Weid- nhammer and Miss Robb drove toLucan and took part inthe school sports there. The weather was wet and disagreeablebut they had a fine time and speak well of the treatment accorded them, A baseball game was played between Exeter and Lucanand resulted 4 to 8 in favor of the home team. A tug of war was held and Lucan won out. A banquet was held in Carlisle hall in the evening. Harvest Home a Success -The Ladies Aid. of the dames street Methodist church 'held successful Harvest Home services on Sunday and Mondav last. The pulpit wasbae ked with beautiful utiful flowers and. other parts of the church were decorated with fruit and maple leaves, Sunday morning being very wet a comparatively small number were present., Rev. Robb. Hicks of Crediton preached a very acceptable sermon. In the evening the church was comfortably filled and an excel- lent sermon was preached by Rev. J, '. E, J. Millyard, of Hensall. On Mon- day evening a tea•meeting was held in the basement of the church when the ladiee seryed an excellent supper, sustaining their reputation for amply providing for a large crowd. After tea a program was held in the auditor- ium when addtesses were given by Revs, E. G. Powell and S. F. Sharp of towns, and Rev.Mr. Steadman of Elim- ville. Miss Delight Hobbs gave two excellent selections on the violin as did also Mr. R, Phillip on the piano. Rev. Mr. Steadman sang two solos and was heartily received. On Tues- day evening a social was held. The proceeds amounted of over $200. Stephen Council The Council of the • Township .of Otephen convened in the Town Hall Crediton on Monday the second 'of October 1911, All members were present excepting the late Reeve. Love -Kellerman -"That Deputy - reeve Sanders act as reeve until the vacency, is filled in pursuance to The Municipal Act." . Carried„ The min- ute . of the previ;ous me etingwe re . re . and. adopted- t L ve'Yearly That the clerk forward the following letter of condolence to. the widow and family of the late reeve Samuel Sweitzer" Carried., As followss i , i Crediton Ont. Oct 2nd 1911 To Mrs. S. Sweitzer and family. It is with deepest sorrow 'and re- eret that we the council of the Town- ship of Stephen refer to your sudden berevement and we wish to assure: of our sincere sympathy in the youThe Missess Almena and Lilla Hey - loss d. and father. loss of your husband wood were here from London to at - It It is hard to lose dear nes after a time of anxiety and suspenea bat tend the Coward and Watson Wedding the sorrow is much greater when Mr. Earl Coward of Chatham spent they are taken as Mr. Swaitzer has last week at his home here. been in the full vigor of health and Miss Jessie Hamilton spent Sunday strength. • at the home of Mr. ando-Mrs. Elford. Yet it will be a consolation (to you.Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and to know that he was spared a long 114Irs. Jno. }leywood and family on. and painful suffering. You must; con account of the loss of their sweet sider of his gain: in that Hevenly baby girt. e rtthat Mrs. Del - We where all the tnfirmitues of Glad toreport s D life are passed away forever. bridge is recovering from her acci- We believe that it will always be dents a pleasure for you to recall his ten The following is the report of the der love. and perfect devotion so frank P er Eaaminatrion held in S. . and and in its expression that all c. shores. Belo v are fihe na es the citizens of the Township of Step- hen coulu rejoice with you in your or part of the examination. happiness as they must now and do Tommy Heywood Wesley Heywood sympathize with you in your sorrow Georle Johns Percy Coward, Vera God alone can comfort such grief Heywood Lewis Cornish Dia Cornish as yours 'and that such consolation Hardwick Cornish and Erie Coward may be yours in full measure is the Coward• 8$6, Inez Creery-547 Fifth clsss total -730 sincere prayer of the council of the Sr. Fourth Class -Total Sr30 Eric Township of Stephen.Jr. IV -Total 830 Gordon Duncan Yearly-1%ellerman-That the bond 708 Llo'd Johns,633' of the fax collector be accep1led and y ; hie Bey- filed with the clerk Carried. wood 599';David Creery 508; Dia Cor - Exeter Council Special meeti4 • of the council was held ?riday evening the 29th: ins', iu the Town Hall for the purpose of striking the rat eof taxation for the current year. All members were pres- er t. , Levett and Wainer that the rate of taxes be r2O mills and by-law be prepared confirming same, Carried,' Walper and. Rivers that we ask for tenders for stove and chesnat coal to he delivered at Town \Hall, Pump Housc and North End Fire Hall. The same to be laid down as required, Carried. Rivera and Levett that the Com- missioner be instructed to lay cement floor in basement of Town Hall lead- ing up to back of furnace. Lovett adjournment to Friday ev- ening October 7th. T. 13. CAItLING, Clerk Winchelsea A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the home of.Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Coward of Winchelsea on ;Wed-, nesday September '27th at 11,30 a, in. when their only daughter Vera May was united in the bonds of matri- mony to. Mr. Nelson Watson, a young farmer near Kirkton. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. Mr, Stead- man. and• nearly one hundred guests assembled to witness the ceremony While W the Sunshine•choirrendered selection of music "Keep 18miling" the bridal party entered and took their place in front of an arch of ever green and aterss under which hung a large bell of dahlias and asters. The bride was given away by her father and looked very pretty in 'a gown of cream duchess satin with trimmings. She wore a bridal veil with lilies of the valley in her hair and carried an exquisite bunch of cream roses. Master Percy Coward acted as page while little Adeliade Jackson of Lon- don performed the duties of flower girl After. the ceremony the young couple received p ave the usual shower o2 eon gratulations and Miss Helena Routly sang a solo. Beautiful Garden of Doses. When the bride and groom bad received • ati the goon wisnee ins, guests were served by a sumptti ous wedding dinner. Tile 'bride received many beautiful and useful presents. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold watch and. chain , n ate to the flower girt a. pearl cresent and to the page a ;p&arl stick -pin The young couple left at L p, m. amid showers of rice and con- fetti en route tor' Toronto. Their' friends in Winchelsea wish them a long prosperous and happy wedded life. On Monday evening a few• of Miss Vera Cowards companions in Sunday School class gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr and presented the .said young4ahiy. ' with, a kitchen show- er._ She was taken completely by stir prise and for an hour or so excites,. went ran high and a noise of tin heard. A pleasant evening wile spent and the social cup of tea drunk round ii1rs. Kerr's hospitable table. At an early hour the young ladies dispersed some 'oaf them wishing their turn would come soon. No names must ae mentioned but perhaps those who were the quickest.to light the candles may be the first to "strike a match". Love -Yearly -The 13y -Law No. 184 being a by -Law to amend By -Law No 171 baying becz Ye. as oistet' run., o' .be passed and signed by the reeve and clerk and the seal of the corpora- tion attached 'thereto. Carried. ' • The following accounts were paid: Gamage and Sons. Wreath and ex- press, 810.40; Canadian Express Co„ Express. 40c.; Mrs. Samuel 5 wei t zer, 9 monthseatery of Reeve. $45.00; Chester Prouty, Gratuity, $25.00;4o Hoist, Tile (J. Wilson), $3 05;.x9: Hod gins tie On., Gas account, 51,05; 1'. Tricbner, Gravel, 40.90; A. fesjard.ine. Rep. bridges, 3 25; S. Morrison, Rep. Creek, 8 00; W. Nicholas, Rep. bridge 2 00; Austin Hayter, Rep. bridge, 8 00; Geo. Lovie, Rep. road 1 50; Richard Webb, Rep. road, L50; William Gem- inate Rep. bridge 4 50; Richard Band- f<oedid,, Commissioner, E. 13.19.00; L. ltavelle. )Fencing 4.00; J. Lawson, Palrt Payment ,of contract; Heist's nish 377; Hardwick Cornish. 363, Jr, I111 -Total 600. buy the same quality Viola Bell 527; Willie Prouty 506. ant You to Realize The Chance We are Offering You to Secure .......................... CLOTHING UNDER= WEAR SIIOES HATS anti CAPS SOX TIES +++4.444.44+4.44+++,1.4.+4.4ittlii&ftri Everything A MAN Wears at Prices guaranteed to be below the actual cost, and f o r less money than you can Myrtle Washburn 479; Lewis Cornish 377; Gordon Delbridge 853; Alden of cods at anyplace Creery-315; Vera Heywood 219,; 3r. II Total 470. l , . _ �v _ .. Mervyn Cam415. Lorena Johns 40'8 Willie Sceriton 404; Francis Heywood 391; Mae Cornich May Heywood 215; PI'. Class Total 410. Frank Skinner 351, Bruce. Medd 1843 Gobson Creery 3.40; Frank Routly. 233; Cora Bali 331.;Miria Cornish 830 Joe. Wilson 20X;• Ray Johns 262 Edythe Johns 224; Reggie Delbridge 180. Jessie Hamilton. teacuer raHIVA The old sign tha•. has been for so many years familiar to the traveller which read, IChiva Hotel13. Cunning- ham, Prop., came clown last week bridge $1000,00; David Webb, Cont• Cori a new man will put up a new; rniesioner 19 00. sign. When the eeuncil of Strphen E TOO LATE QUA®P4'P6'9�0�t•4A9O+DtF�i1►tp�+GitSp BOYS' CLOTHIN SACRIFICED A BIG SNAP BUY BE EFURE YOU The council adjourned tp meet a- gain in the Town Hall, Oreditan, do Monday, the 4th. of December nest at 10a,ni, . Henry l tlber, Township clerk, • The marriage took place on Wed- nesday .Sept 271;4, n,t 'the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Whittingham, of Clinton, of their youngest daughter, saw fit to reduce the number of li- censes by two, this .Housc was in- , eluded. Mr, Cunningham had an alit Lien sale on the 23rd inst and has al- ready taken °barge, of the hotel at llderton, • Mr. Ceeninghain was well known, his being the only place of •'+ens, the post office even being in bis Leese, Mr • en , Mrutiniug- h7rir 'irefea Itepela,rtravel- • r > , „. Miss r , rn l0 Mee 1 rl r. it C lek Edwin rVirl l g iln i7 e„ } i �7 I1 BAILIE -At hTewlrur, illi e v 11 t !.0 'V d t, 2nd , , The, , .Nell or Si. Thomas. "11i;� marriage i• lhe, lisle vert ,1t.'rtir' las id Bailie. fe rinet'ly . 'oR C ' 7.7 A2• T• i.}. 4 ,r•e.r , `. a t Y:,i c .Or) ri; .t).+V AP '5 Mary 1 oc ert relict of llg late TJiv- { .Inf11 ClC"h!P:"p Th 't ..; rrr.Ic v i r; h'. ,e. eey, v done ilex , St, .,�t a}.. �i.: 1, t ;v 1,: 11de4ton.: strait h, tNon.rrl cage 6 ke