Exeter Times, 1911-9-28, Page 8T HX E 32: or, Em Tf
X44*at lleportA�Tho CQjjOjjrjU$; ja The,, latest
. If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . repQrts, give, Air. Bor.
de 's ajority tit 4R.
reoted u to s(q)tvillb;�r :!,�Ih 1111, Thn Plaoe Whore QoQd
A Wheat" taudard iS,14- cout-i, 'Xiss Uil'a INartin was hooli, frolu o. lothes. Oome Fron'l,
Clinton Satu ay, "Aw'LINC
V IF, Oats 40 cel� .4. rday' and 8und,
Bilarley ',15 to �5 Mr. S. J,, IloRarth is aoverti.jing
Buckwheat 60 cents i apples for six EXETER
le� saLI a4d on pag,,� four Phone 18
peag 77o it) 76 ceball�. May` of Allpoliell, sp(�Uj, IMON 0 ON-1-11--moolm! 111, "11 1m,11 to
Bra a J4 00 +
shorts $74UG a q0uple Of days in town this weak.
Xodel flour 0. 0 Mr. and LiNford of Port Hope SEE
Lj d 'Flour, 1,50 "Bited. Mr. till(l .�jrs. 8� htart;n, 01),
Butter 140 ceoutsh Tuesday.
Eggs 21 -cents, AM W -ft, FALL
pumtoes 100 cents CMr. and �Ajr�% j. llunkin, �ftjr�
Fee a. . ailtoed
1140 g S I J V (� 6 . ()5 . An and Mjss N. Ferguson
to R i +
1)4)("11 S U '4�
1 -Togs Rve $7,06 W -L
Of course every woman is interest.
st"Vrs 6.2� t
choice Axpol a 0 6.40 Dr. RoUlston, returned home Tuem.
ed in knowing what is new in Millinery 7Xedlum. eXport steers 06 to 6,00 day Ovenft'Q� frou p, five Ive-01c's trip �j
for Fall 1011. Come here and yoWli C 5 to 0 to the Britisii Isles, REACHM) U*j
lioice, export hPifors 15.,q .00
find us very glad to show you. Every Medium export beirors 5.50 to 5.70 +
Claoica butchers cows 1.75 to 5.00 POWell bw� returned lionae
woman that takes pride in her appear� a FALL
Medium butchers cows 4.40 to 4.50 ttar Sliellf(lin" the mummer at ber
&nee should see our Fall Display. common 00--va ��00 to 3.$0 cottage Elt, Grand Bend. And we are prepared to show you,
JQ;s, Beer returned me. Sat�' 4.
oz +
ds in all Wool Ven
fitter visiting lier daughter, A -W eflang Ott +
Choice sheep'. 3.75 to 1.00 urday S$600''
Choice lambs 5.60 to 5.60 re
X;w. GOO. i*oung_of Lo tdon, 4*
man ords, P-Plin, Serd s, Plaids etc,
number, fi.,om R xetor High School 501fings C
,4 IL +
90 to Lupan Friday to take part in
tile school
L a d Is, lot tuats Poul ry POrts Of tbwt place.
Zurich Fair will be held to -day, + 4k
(Thursilay . Wo. w0re in error in
We are-wonderfallyr pleased with '*r We will pay till advised �he fbllow� stating Lait it held laidt Nretk. +
Ing for Poultry in trade. +
ad to Stratford oil ik 4- We have them in We have a few
this Fall. Our Garments have a dis- Chicken &live 10c, dry picked 12c' Saturda i I
our- showing of Girls and Ladies Coats A'lrs, IT. Relly ard children, return.
+ Hens 64 So 't0r visiting Mr. �,d Mrs. Gy SM'st "7 W. W, Taman +
Unction in style of which the wearer 000'. White, -Red, 13
combe., rown Sweater Coats for men,
Might Wellr feel . peouid. The Childrens Roosters $a, 000. at only $1.25 il� Ore
0 Turkeys 12c. 14c Mr. Fred Sot:theott who hils 2 The Nifty'.7ftn's T. andGrey, from $2.50
4 114 pelyt y
V 1 'Coats &TO exceptionally pretty this D.ucks 000, lie, the Summer a-, (�rand Bend, spent Taftorr t to $4,50', also for i child and Xavy Blue.
season, One cent per pound less in each cas� Thursday in to -,n Oil his way to his .1 .
* renfiom, 50C to 850.
for cash. home in Toront +
Ask for Catalogue Long sugar Beet -011 Tuesday Iftsi +
*# Watch this space every week for Mr. T,.hii Pedla, Pulled a "g, +
prices.,,.. ar beet ........
ill Mr. G. Oudalorals �fi ......
old, that meas. +
ured 137 inches in length. ? + Wool Shawls
Jones & may + You" men .
A Petition has been "circulated + THIRTf YEARS 9
Which 'will. be presented to the coun- If you want
Some fine wool
QjUsela'- s 0 011f cil asking, them that th 1k - ice
e crossing on + Our Seven Colleges hav��., been shawli in plain rr
0 Main street in front of Mr. J. Grigg:s established during the past 00 White, neat soft Felt Hat in
4 be + Grey, Red, Black and Grey, Brown and
relaid years. 'The largest traine
Be PEIrtIcUlar to get the right + TS in
LOCALS The Rifle Club held a Canada. Owing to our con
successful nec colored from 65c, to
**41041*4pa shoot on Friday afternoon * tion all over Ontario. %ro dQ Green just come in and
B.&LCORSET last. Qatle. $3.00 also so' h
a numberi)-ere Present and to + better, for oux &a.duates ffhah me eavy
ok part + "You: may let us bavii the pleasr-
It has been espe�ciallv desig Miss Nellie Crews spent Saturday Some good prizes 'were offe + any other school. + Grey shawls at $3,00.
ned red for +
for your figure and YOV willfee in London. the differeht events. study at home -or parlty aff, + tire of showing them
. i and finish tit the college. to you.
perfectly at ease in the most fa hi! Xr. Alf. Taylor v! Something Ns -ant wrorn. ,,jqjh the home , +
sited Affiliated with the Commercial +
+ .1 P '1,7xe tar Sal' . Educators' Association of Oan-
onable or simplest, of gowns. + in tO'%T d,illi,g
Thursday. machine at the
Works and Xr, C. -Perkins
of Patrol -
bliss Helen Brown, of Detroit, is 18 ada' It %vouldbe well for you 4
1.00 to 4.00 an az:Dert driller is here this lva0k to investigate before choosing. .10
home on her holidays. m',lking the 'necessary repairs. I +
+ Exclusive right for Ontario of +
It Mr. J, G. Tones was in Mitchell on F r'xcter School will celebrate their + Stanfields Underwear
.1. the -%vorld-famons Bliss Book- + +
* Friday last on busines§. ield Day on Friday Oct. 6th. come + + 4.
+ keeping Bystem. which is un; +
and enjoy YOurzelf with the boys and equalled. It is Actual Dusines
4 Mr, J. D. Grant, of London, was in iris. Oil % + + This is the only Unshrinlracle Undetwear that
towu Monday on b - ;,.school Will a. change vis- from Start, 'to IF inish, and the +
usiness. + Ladies and G
its again with Lucan 11. S. S they student keeps same books aa + ents should iN epr, We have the Ladies
did last year. a
U n, d e r e a r Mr. R. Seldon is improving lits 1 , I
# ; + Chartered Banks and Whole- in all sizes, Prices from 7,50 to $1,115 and Gents in
property by a cement stable. The implicit confidence tha + sale Houses. Enter any timej + +
We sell PENMANS', ELLIS, People have in Chamberla&S .. 11,11Y + + + Red and Blue Labels, Prices from V.25 to I'll
6. - 4 + Miss labiille 'wa=:P Individual Instruction. �1
and STANFIELDS UNDEP Handford. s home. Cholera .75 a
WEAR 'and d! alic, + +
Every Garment will give absolute from SL Thomas over Sunday, fa arrhoa "Reme is + $ .4. garment.
+ anded on t7110ir in the + Write, call or phone -for + + IN,
Satisfaction and is guaranteed, in
Mr. JLan +
every way at a garment 0 * Sutton has gone to Rod- use Of thatl"remedy and their, kncjv� jDarticulars
+ ney to run an apple evaporator. remar kable: +
ledge of the man carefS + We also handle Penman's Natural'w
r Y 001 Under- +
toney, of London, spent a of oliclic. diarrhoea and dyso'b!tiery + + wear for both Men and Ladies. +
couple of days in townlast week. thatlif bas ttffected. For Sale b 4.
50c to $1.75 y all + + .. ,
dealer* + + +
Clinton Business +
0 Miss Maud Xotals left Monday to 'Death Of a Little Child +
4 -attend the, Normal school at Londph�. -The many ;. p +
friend, Of Mr. and -Mrs. T. W.!. I-rcy- + Collef- *". Highest Prices paid for Produce & Fowl +
0 returned home wood, 0 Usli-rue, sympathize 'with +4- + +
0 last ireek from his trip to +
'mr' Harry Hooper Winnipeg. them in the loss of their little daugh-
GEO. SPOTTON, President +
Mr- J. %17� 31allett is wearing c. ter, Theda 'Thelma, aged I year, 5 +
brand new suit sijae�, elect +
ioal, day. mOntlis and 12 days. Ittle one bliss B. r, . Ward, Pxincipal + A-_ 44
KING H ARTS a' 00 The 11
0 Z, 0 Mrs. Win. Downing, Of London, is had been ill only a short time. The +
visiting friends in and around town. funeral took place to the Eiliniville ........................
it + 4 -
Mr. Itichard Davis is able to be'. large number of sorrowing
arouRd again and has discarded his +
FOR MEN 0 friends.
10.0 # * crutches. + 'W 0 UAarl 410
4,0 c i'y on T esday and was alt -end- +
ad by
40.� Teachers' C6:4vention-Tbe thirty- + 4.
Miss Alaild flickert, of ITippen, vis- fourth annual meeting of the Nvest, Dental Off ices Closed. ....... ++
4� ited at Mr. W. +
In the New Fa'l �Shapes J. Bowden's. Fairfieldi Huron Teachers' Association will be Kindly 'take notice i hat my office .01
0 last weel-. ! ,
held in the Public School Exeter, on Ls closed e4ry Wednesday afternoom
Mrs. Arthur Francis. of 1&-jrkt�.n Thursday and, Rxiday Oct. 12 and 13 DR. ROU
AftAsso2ltmeut to-Choosefrom,
041. is visitin_- her mother Mrs. 0. Harrj�, An excellent program has bee . ...... 4 ...........
-0 ep n pre -
son, of town. par�d and included in the eaker
41 There is already talk of a new will be S. J. Radcliffel; 13. APP s +
Pric f the Pf6ase remember that my Dental +
D. A. Me- Office is closed ever Wednesday after- I'll
%PAO 00 come too soon. Lao anada Business col- noon. -DR + T E
KIN's-brAN +
Postoffice for Exeter. It cannot London Normal Saba 1 and 0 'B
2 hlan, of the C c
a very
'64, 41 Miss Jennie Murray man. lege, Chatham, Ont. DON
0 0 * Pleasing solo in Caven church on Sun. , lanada's apple .,Crop . this fall Nvill
-last Year& At
0 day ev�e'ning. be just double, that Of
any-Tabe, th�s is irbat 'Mr. Silas 8tanla a, jr., gave -a
The mushroom hunters are very the largel for-. ALARMED
0 busy these mornings and eign buyfars and shIPPeX19 nniv in Cani. splendid address at, Mr. T E Hand-
some re� ada are figuring on. F. Hamilton ford's class in Al +
Port good hauls. Sleep late ing
40 ain street charell + in the morn.
Liverpool Wh'o %vas in Torc,2�&o� jo,:1 pri'_ Sunday afternoon
The bowlers have about Nyound ill) day states, itilat the or E njoy the luxury of wakin� +
Ju A. WAV Ak R ml "
Op, is riot Only.. An. article that,has re� UP whenever -you feel like it;
their season's sport as th 93 L.Wice as large as lazt Ye r
a evanin al mer�b
cLuahty o f apples
but the . should in ItIme become popular. That T You can, but if you can't +
get too damp for play. is battlar. I In. IsOme such 'is the ease w11,h Chainberlainfs better get one of our
Mr. -Mack Vincent, who ja JIVI g at districts the apple crop sufferQ
or' n d,.but Cough gemedy has beern faib!xsted by +
osshill, near Berlin, was home last on. a whole ithera� will be a bumper man d-wers _114rq is on +
'week for a few days. crop. rt.is axpecte a 4of them ,. 44
d that more. Cen.� H. H,ndriickaon' Ohio ']�nd, +
Ilk Clocks) .0"
b/liss Ellen Russell left Tuesdayev- aPPIcs will be 9111iii),ed (to )�hdi writes. "Chjinberlain's Cough Rem -
ening for Toronto where she will re- old country this -year than over -be-fore
edy is %,.he beat far coughs colft and Watches
same her 'University studies. H'icks' Foreeilats - A
re-ular crotap, and is Iny best seller For Sale +
Mr. S. Hardy has rented Mr. At, Storm' Per;od covers the last I we-,bk by all deelers: Tea Spoons, BerrT Spoons,,
in September, + D I.
.0 kinson's house on And a- street re- -�bd Cold Meat:.Forks, CakeForks
he crisis of the per iamonds, C t
4 r On Saturda,� afterntoon las,t thu�r`,;; +
4 cently vacated by Mr. H, Spackman. t8lling` du the 26 th 27th a;ad-2ft.. + Soup Spoone, Pie Knives,
was some speculation as to where. the +
kutumnal Storms will be menaral at
101 5-io-xt and 25CVariety Store Mrs, G. Halman, of Seatorth, who Joud cann.on-like e'xplosions -were eom Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Glass, Silver=
this time and cool nights �fPlih frosts in-', from. Mr. W. Runt.6 had taken Knives and Forks,
F�' 0 W 1B IL L, " S E3AZAAF? -has been visiting at air. Jas. 11 -and- in -ma,� states may be expected aq + Servers, 0arving Sets,
* ford's, left Saturday to Visit friends Fish
PHONE 55 4 we pass into October. For the afternoon off and weLs fcelebratin� + -ware, Pins, Etc.
0 in! Usborne. nars_wa have pe thirty the return of the Conservative part + +
17-5isfintly �trlven to
;, his blacksmith L;fho�. Ire would +
Xi- and Mrs. JOB. Senior were in correct the �rror that �.,qufiaootiaA- '11 + Wedding Rings,
London a few days during the past storms ire to be experati--cl Only f` I a help- in his lanvil, with p�)wdar +
week- Mr. Senior is remaining for Karclti- and Sep tem b Oil and tben I:Xnite it causIng the ex- + Big Stock to c1fow-e trom. hand 44.,
er 21st and 22rba. plosion.. 'This was ke t up all + R. Mar6 11
ftaatment. i F or Ithree OT four weeks before and noon.. P 4%
RdajOr Shannon, of Laildon, + 0- JEWELER& OPTICIAN
made after these oeintral dates:'eqlAEnoctial
We Must Have Room -f or Our- an official visit of inspeb Death'of Mrs. 1. R. Bissetf-T413 ++,+++++, ....... ............ 4%.+4; ......................
tion to the Sto-rins are liabl? to come begiR
armories of F. Company, Urd Reg,t in &Ugu9t, and oft6ao�ocouring 1 n1,ng` sad news. was received here, Tuesdaly
n Ojct-
on Tuesday. of the death of Charlotte.. Louise, Me-
aberi, The gradual opproach
of rhe
3Xr M A 5 S T ke) C K Mrs J'. G. Stanbury Sa"v" Sun Lo, and recession trom th,e Falls, beloved -wife of X.rtjl. R. 331s -
in& passed equa-
the necessary examinations Or. conspiring with otber' avtroraom.,e
t matt of Stratbroy,- and formerly of -
has been, Exeter in the P8th Year of 'her age.
cau,�ea ZX'glven times. bring an gre-at
Hence a Wd gazetted as permanent Lieutendat in She was a daughter of Mr. Robt,
the ;83rd Regiment. equinoctical elorms vfieeksl beforeand �11.�alls, of London. Besides her bus
after the c -antral days ,
40 Qufte a'uumber from towr attend band two children, Marion and Mur -
is edfte hot fowl suppen given by the
Penhale-Restle-A ved Pretty bat
Evangeheal church at Orodlton. , on quiet wedding took place at the bome iel are left'toi mourn her loss. - The'
Iff X -S Fxiday evening las-V. of Mr. bnd Mrs. Nelson Kestle funeral Will take Place at Exeter On 01 A
on Thursdayon the arrival of the morn
Wednesday at 12,30 Welonk "w
A The Young men of Exc�ex ara giv- their 'eldest dau, illter, Pa ' he" ing train. The bereaved have fhe
i . arI, was, SYMPathy of many friends -in town.
43 WEE Fig a social dande in McDonnells Ball united in marriage. to Mr. Luther J.
riday night. The Tony Vita Harp- Penhale, of t Cclabra4oa-A number of Conserv-
ers -svil.l furnish the musle, - own. The ceremony was a ek rA
Performed by Rev. T. D�Kastle. unella atives of tow alebr,�tied their via-'
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dansford,. tory
]MIMI of Of the groom, assisted by Rev. A. j. Friday evening by a torch light
Marlattej ,-Mich., who have been--vls- Kestle of Collimbus, Ohio, in - the Pracessibn tbrough town� 11,04dqd, by
iting friends around here -for two I o about twenty-five ivl!�.d the fife and, drum ban,d, followed by
Presence f
weeks. retuxned honle this 'week. guest -Q! The bride who was unaftena 8,31 Offl,gY -of 'Sir Wtlfr'id Lauri-er in X43
IREDUCT10"N SALE [If Yo'a know t1be real value of Chain. 041, vvorL a prett:V crerLin Puggy a number of boys with torchs 0
barlain's Liniment for lame back Sere- with _Marl and satin trimm:ngs, and the 011cooseful candidate J, T, 41 aw
'Is &liven away by bet father while , robed north als
1INT ALL GRANIT'W"WARE 10 aess of the muscles spraini and rhu,- Mernaran an auto ma'
matic-pains you would never wish, to Mendelssohn's vvedilig niareb far �as 'the M,atropoli,16an, hotol 'and E6
be *%r1thqmt it. V or sale by tali dealers, W -ed by Miss Gladys 13issett. Thc back -to thO)Town 10oll, Aft th-a Town
A surprise party .,V&s qqven by Lot Pbride- carxied a Hall speealies w.
4 AND' 001111NAWARE boqUet of ivhit�, ppfl�r,� jf, DIckson.. R6,. 11, 1,tivemed by A.
4 .0 number Of young people at� the hd nations. Arter' 0h,61dov'Uniony jdafii- vc, Z, W, Taylor, Rev
.0 of Mr. and ]Vrrs A. Dow on W. me, ty wedding dinne r* waij sorvud, D. W. CoMils, Mr. Rolmon; of sea -
rooms, were decorated with whit, forth an
4 daV av,elling of last W01t in lyonor d Mr. XJ J. Werner Atr IT
Bring Your Frileuds atid Get First 4 of Hiss Anna, wbo I ters, flicluded'in the nian Z Carling aetedas eh We Car'ry a- Complete St-vock: in All Lines
on Monday to liti-
y bta
0 attend (th,6 Norb3al ec 00, at.jO -do presents
Choice. S, Ito the bride was'a ki4efian
n. n� r arvest Ilonii.-The LA&ta 'Aj(jr of
4 shower that was prese t6a on T
A - 10V a It mes stroiwt Methoditsit chijilch
Mr. B�, S. PhIllips tirs- the J a
A IROtday day eveDing last when a. nuinber or will hold !their IlaxwrSt t'loni'L' Postj�
A for Owen 18ound 6 atte�d tho, w6d-, YOUD9 PeOP)e surprised Mis�; R�,,stl - val on )Sunday �a nd Monelay Oaf.
ding or hi's sea Wilbur to Htsi§, lslftud at her home and spont a voq�y,,�,njoy_ JsL and 2nd. On Zuhja�ayr inor,j) IS
!in 4
Phone Store
,art. which evoilt took plijee tin alble evening, Both tbe bridil aid Rer, Robert Hicks, T3, D. will preaefi Sunday & Nigbt Cal
day f voting PaoP1 a and are h.11d in
Remimmbftor the Placle 4 P'lla wedt -to,Owen SOulld on Tburs krooni are very POPular aniong tha 'and in the iave
(h,,, MI'llyard, On, Monday evoninr,� tb'
o a
highest esteem. Thoy 1,�,ft. on lUl,o ov. ladies will sarvc tea in, harmany i%,:th
The Quat . terly Beard of Jamea r3U " t, 20A
_ning train amid sholl.,,rd Of 6ojoeetti their roputation, from 5 -to'a. 210B
ded da for Sarnia. Detroit, and 6thQr PeWs.' after whicb,a s�fendid
gethodl,,�t church hgLve *.xtW oldl ek 4,
n _, r '119 alval i . r
invitation to Rev. George W. The brid S 90, cokkine was be 1,,ondorcd in the a urch,, T'he
rogram will
Powell AL� �1� ''
1f* I DcN�v'Y, ot Empitc�s Ave Metjodlp'. a n.a4vy Mile vith baCto ma,tdh. on
ahurcli, LoAdon, Ito beco ' Ministers of tli-i, town will gilvi, ad. #
ni`L' 'tb'clr Pam- 00*ir return they Will Itake tiP Ovir dresses. The choir, crgftjlj$t, Mi.,,
residenev on -�Andre,%k, 'I'll floblis ilild''tho,
0 1-lobbs' pastorate, in Juna ne% t, Mr Male
4, 6E I# Ill 'loin jvqth . the Quar,
i f many friondi w, tette will farni.shr d KOWe Atkinson
R ha,
9 ACCOP10d subJect Wto tha Times !,I �v'jah�ng them _�y. any yd
the StAr ars 'treat worth tho trionvy, 0,
action of Voning'rcbMWltt0"' Of h,,:tp
pinccs.,�altrd prosperity. adults 135 cerits, clifldron 25 ex!.01�4,