Exeter Times, 1911-9-28, Page 1Fe to'st-offer Ever, Made . Coats you nothing Unless they give YOIA 'satisfaction, The ram.ous REXAkLL REMEDIES '44 which there Is one for each allment4 %his should mean much to YOU consult iis ed � twhen lh nee4 of home rem 0. COLW5 DRUG STORE 'THIRTY�RIGFiH YEAR—INO 1975 EXRTP,'R- ovi, 7'" MOTHER$ ATTENTION I I I If boby hos 410voss in the stowar palas or any, e� bowel disor4ers" tpothin trouble dae to lux ira" (1, f, 0SM04 give We M It little ORO MOTU 3 K4tVV 440 IV(44UT144- LIZING CQUIDIAL; M0d, $are and reliabls 26 cento a bottle. Coley$ Mug Storo TTTI ivri-n k. Wr1r1r11i�,Qa-.r 0.aj7Ank+_+,n THURSDAY KORNINGq SEPTEMBER 28st 1911 ar In advance The Government Locals Reeve Sweitzer Overthrown bxrs-.,c. liarrison is on the sielk list S& -NAY, Canada I I Tj00iVd X(�'Cjproolty aL the Last Thursday was the first day of Accidentally Shot W(! Polls on Thursda.y lwvv� It was a Autumn. Mr. Samuel S%yoit-ze eat 1,andslid-e againW '111- Liberaj� Xrs. Joe, Sutton and lit'l son Al- ,r� 01, Shipka _r e reeve of the township of Step party. Sevea ni'nistors of 'th�� Laux- bert are visiting in London. hexi N�as' 4-0 t "1 1, accidently Shot in the leg abovt, ten �er Voyernment w4!J1t* down tk) Acc- f town— vat 'Mr. John Ilyndman, o was O'clock 2'uesday morning and died PRONE, 3-2 including Finance �Ilhiis�er i � ?Idilag roinoTe-d to St. Joseph hospital on about three o'clock in the aft Wall .ernoon. and Aldni,�ur of )Domriio� AVt(l r s 0 n Tuesday. Mr. Sweitzer in company with a 0 who ne.-otiatod lba reciprocify agr(Ac_ at- Con medt aZ Washlngton, Xias Gladys Kestle of Clinton . 1710 of others were out ducl< r, Othor cabln�t tended the Penhale-R-estlit wod Ing Ing ;about Six railes South of V nSinistel-4 rho havo gone down in the I , 4 , So I r!a luld Tuesday. ]Bend. it ems they. war,� gett, rinto a boat when one of the 'gun. to wrack are 'Afeekeuz'ji.. ing, m1n1Stj!r Sho WTV *1 n of Winter Cuts jE labor; 31r Frederick Borden, min. Xrs. Thas. Biston, has rL x tOr'Wil accidently discharged and the con - 4S ister of justiot�, 'Gvf�. 11, Graham, min- home from Tabonto where Bile has tents entered Mr.. Sweltzer, I ly I ister oZ railways; W. 'Z�m�ploman, been visiting her son Mr. 1,1, Higgins The -wound was hurred dr, minister of inland r,�vj,aue, t3ydLley We are unable to get the reports of and Mr. Sweltzer was driven home Fisher, minister o�f ftgilcultu' ro�- The I the election in South Huron by Pei- a distance of about twelve nea ize heavy vot'd of th!� 014ies where Miles, the ling divisionsfor this week and will reachin there in the afternoon. Dr. Cloths manufadtaiinz and financial influe In all the bnadiq nee publish them next week.. Wilson 9 Vas called from Parkhill but was.patent �en=ipaawvd libe. de, could do nothing as life was nearly We have all the Leading.Styles in Ladies, Misses and fea;� of thlt� pact, althouc Miss Mabel Tom, of New York, who h, the farm� gone throiigb loss of blood. f& O.hildren!s Coats in the very bestof Oloths. FancyTweeds frig districts in OViario did�;not -i�jve Am been spending her holidays at her Ile was conscious after reaching are the very newest in the Cost Line and we are also obow- the support in r,�clprooity lbat was home in Goderich, visited her gr and- home and. died shortly afterwards The U11LIKU ing the good Staple Lines of Blacks and Blues, expaob�d af thein, After -fifteen mother �rs,. Jas. Tom on Monday, Mr. Sweltzer was well and favorably years as Premlex and head ot the fan Messrs.. Gladman &,Stanbury have known throughout the dit , t 9' ric " Ile C adian. Government, during which arranged to permanent of- owned a saw mill and fhtx njilla Try One and be Convinced4 0anada has opjayad her period of f 0 on .100 in Hensallpoommaencing October not long.ado was burned out for I izreatest Prosperity, Six Wilfrid Laur Ist, Nr. J. Lorne Scott will be in second time. I We are Prices "Right. !or has gone down to at the charge. Deceased was abo of a f 70 years. ut 00 ypars e 0 age and is survived by a wife, thre 9,Uhe reurns were. heard by the Llb_'_ - Mr. T. A. Russell, and family of boys, and, two girls, orals in their committ,2o rooms la Toronto, Mrs. G. A Ramsden of Mid - Johns' block. and by the Conservativos land, Mr. 1. Bro�� and Miss Jessie Ladles'and Childrens' Furs Offering, in Ito Town. Rall. Itussell of Toronto attended the, Can - Buy Early and Get the Best There was ge4it rejoicing at the non -Russell weddibg on Tuesday. THA�iJVS 'ROAD Town Hall as & ra�ports came in and Mr. .3 Green of'Haywho.wasroo�ml Mr. Andrew Campbell left last This will be a good Fur Season and we are well prepar. choeria.- was frequently in order.. A ly severely scalded on the body and week for Sask. list of retuyns %rill be found on an- go ed for it with a Big Assortment. other thigh by a plag blowing from , a A maxe (belongin to Mr. W . Johns y o to boiler and the scalding 't-vater blown while running aroun.d a field came tin Ladies' Furs Childrens Furs on him is doing! as well as can be c.,:- contact with the plough handles the pected. compact was so great as to brea� Aan� Raffs, Stole�, Muffs. in. Little Muffs and Neck District News There died in town on Friday I!tsc leave about fifteen inches of ecurF. handle embedded in �the anini S Mw*mot, Sable,,Seal, Fox, Furs in White Fox, Chini. Ellen Jory beloved Wife, od Rev. X. D Persian Lamb and Wolfe, chillian, Hare, Lamb and Kestle, The funeral was held Sunday chest. which succumbed to its injur. afternoon to the Exeter cemetery. les shortly afterwards. See Them before you Bay. Stone Martin. All Little ;.Nllks Ldttia Sincla:x was marriea. The bereaved family have the syril., -LISt Sabbath being Rally Day the Beauties. 66 934. J, Drummond, both� or Logan a:t high noon on Sep6. ,at t.j�-a PathY of 09 99m. y, services at both churchee were well IL T A"T Ladies Fur -lined Fur Collar Coats MethodIst parsonage dt Lausilowli. Arbobk 'Lhose Who &t6 attending devotional service in the mlipit, attended, Next FX16117,Y, IVIII be a near Ganano4u-6 the London Normal school are Misses fan church at 2 p. M. when the min- C LOTH, III lu Coats With Qvii1ted or Plush Miss 'Libbic. Ayers. daugbter ott Mr. Gertrude Short, Crediton East, Edna ister from Brucefield will occupy the and Mrs. Samuel Ayers, of Goderich Taylor of Winck �q -very elseal Margaret Pat- pulpit. On Sunday next sacrame _ffT`vV-U U We haye the,Best Val Lining. We have a and Mr� John AreGuIrL of London. tol3, Mount Oarmel and Margaret, M. utal ues this year we have ever lot of these 0oats to were un�ibed in Karriage in St Petervs larrott of Kippen. Muskrablini with large s ervices at K a. m. and 7 p, shown, show you at church Goderioli. on Wednesday of Silo filling as the order of- the day genuine $able or bella last.we4k, Lost -A black satin purse with cord just now. The corn, although t ick $20 to $25 Each attached containing note book with enough is not quite as tall as last, hi U Collars. lea DER Mr.. S. If od.gins. who is in !the em- silver covers and the owners name, year. WE ploy of Mr. David Mitchell, or y also a sum. of money and a key. Find. Friends will be pleas2d fo know i-salsbug him to run lfi� tb.,�,0,r,.:g erwill be sultablv be rewarded by that Miss Edna Duncan is,-blL to geii machCwne, had 'the misfortune to lose leaving particulars with Miss McNab, around again. AR I lntrQ 4 finger ona day last week while Fall Dress Goods New'Wa*st* A-7 Crediton or the Star Office. Mr. Charles Monteith had the mis- F ' working around the machbaa.. Social Evening -The W. 0. T. U ToTtuno to lose a valuable- thorough- ancy Tweeds are very strong and will be New Fancy Delaines in all patterns. New A 'very qiii4at but pr,,,tty wedding held asocial evening in the C bred cow this ireek. i des P-lao Velours and Velvetb, in 'a, FIScher F ullarton, on Wednesday led a seyen social and the number was last Sabbath. 110 E S found here in all Weaves. Plain Serges inall was s6loravixed at th,� home o)f 'Mr. avell , Mr. W Hamilton w ith Ni, ife and fam, Colors'come next also a good showing of all color. Silk Striped Taffetta, Cloths and the New Silks ' church on Monday last. -It was Cal- ily were visitors at Mr. X. Albisonlis ed and Black Dress Goods. all the leading sha Sop,,,- ftr�, wlitan li�s daugh'ter Em- . IL L OX carried out in nearly everything. The W Mr W. (Montelth left Ithis ireek in& lilhorriin,,a, became 'the bri admission was seven cents. The pro�' v Mr. Ezra G.' Schweitzer, od6hiebrin— for ihe Toronto University. L inanse. The Quart.e:r4,, Board or thc Moitho- vule'. gram consisted of seven numbers a rid Mrs Grant, of Guelph, is visitj4 "A' it cost seven cents - to get out. The at th evening w as a success. a v, s'- Hitehiall, -,nttendcd an in- Miss Loigh of- Kirkton, Nvas -.,.Furnishingn for Fall d ' ist church, L Missionaries Safe—Word has been tor in this neighborhood last Sabb��`h vitation. to Rev. J. W Baird. of 11yatit ave church London �o succeed Rev. j received at the, Toronto Me�.hodlst Livingstone, Mission Headquarters that the mis- I th,� ) the 1c_ all safe and that the worst'is o NEW SHIRTS NEW UNDERWEAR when his term expires CENTRALIA NEW OVERCOATS in June next. Mr. Baird, has accept- sionaries of Chengtu, West 0hina.are, L innitation subject ftc ver. 4 Satuxday...,Iast Mr. English had� 0 ii� wh6t­are, 'AAIXC�OATS d 3,U&C, Among those NEW COLLARS NEW SWEATERS. NEW f stationing comri ribs bi`olken by failing from NEW TIES NEW SWF 'The annual county oonveintion oi! 1%rell known he a la'dd6r. I -To -will be laid aside for 0 EATER COATS NEW FALL SUITS r(I., 4te� Mr.'andMIS. the W� 0. T. U wl 'P Westaway, Mr. and Mrs. A.-. R. ;ome time., NEW GLOVEa NEW FANCY VESTS NEW HArs & CAPS Ill be hegi in� thie. J�hns and Dr. F. F. and Mrs. Aldan, Tomperanco 11all. Goderich. on Taos- Dr. Ben Blatchford, of Portland, Oregon, visited at the NEW SOX NEW SUITINGS NEW SHOES day and Wvdno�,!&iy, Octobor 10tb. Rally Day—Sunday last was rally S week. Parsonage and,11th. On1huvVen)n-o,-Ptbel0th day in the Sunday schools of the Met- 'at Miss F. X. Blatchf6rd returned to Rev, Mr. Dowty. of London. 'Will give hodisb churches of town. Rev, E* G, Toronto on Tuesday to resume her an addresi.;, dealin - largely with the Powell of Main street preached a spe- Studies in Victoria and Toronto Uxx- p,csont -Situation �f the temperance cial sermon to thi-t4gldreri while Rev. cause thrbughout tha provinc,­- S. T. Bartlett, General Secretary of iversity. Phone 32 J Ones May, E Asr a f0ft. r Mr. Nv�lmcr L;mith of Goderich. dhed Sunday school work, Toronto, preach- Next Sunday is to lie Anniversary suddenly on Thursday morninz or ed to the children in James streer,. In Sunday in Centralia -Methodist church Services at 10-30 a. in. and 7 p. in. lasb week For geveral wLkr3 he bad the afternoon mass meetings were rho former to be taken by the paitor compla1ined of a pain in tho rogr��)v ield when Mr. Bartlett gave an ad - at his heart. but it was, not thought dress in each school. Mr, W B and the latter by Mr. Goo. A. Stanley 'Chat ithe Illness was of it -w-pus Weldenharnmer also -addresse a� the of Lucan. Special music by the choir WOODHAM character. Hehad bLC'n around dur- scholars in James street and A free-will offering will be tak%m at Every 1A h I ]a "Velley'Shier is rebuilding his house his re- each service. 9 Samician Portlaind ueInwalen, i, and enlargLag it'. ing 'the wock and had atbande,d.Uie inarks were very interesting and in- The Rally Day exercises in conii.-c- fair on Wednesday. The, dc�easeidt structive to the young people, In the tion with the Sunday 'School werc 1&lrs. Jonathan Shlex has been on was in his 66 year. HL,1 is osurvtved- evening Mr. Bartlett preached n quite a success, the Sick list -for Ithe paist weele.. I The neur itelephone directories br by Wis wife one son and one, dau,,,,h ter. Main street and Mr. Powell in James MXS. Fred Cawley retarned to her A MAN r OiVdag to the '111 heal bh of Rov.- Mr., street. The services of the day were home in Detrolt,,after spending a Just received another Car. Unexcelled the St 2V1arys,.Kirkton and Exete Sawyers, Union Presbilteridn ;church largely attended and the discourses of few weeks with her parents Mr. and lines are beinZ placed in 'the hand of the subscribers;, Over five hun'dL Brueef�ald, the pulpit was declared Mr. Bartleft were greatly appreciated lvfg,. F'ied �,'ilber. for Floors, Walks, Walls, Etc., red names of patrons are fouiad vacant on. 'Sunday last- Mr., Saw- Both churches were decorated for the and 11-Irs. Goo. Tre I flor, of D�.- %MMM therein. . yers lbandered his resignation to VAe day. troit, are visiting friends hround Armour Haines will lutva. tvais Presbytery which met in Clin,tom on Excellent Fruit Farm—,During the here. We dil. a week for Toronto where he will atri Sept% 5th and which wa past few weeks a large number. of bas - bend t ve faculfty.for teacher w�iith much regret. Rev. he Colle J kets of peaches and grapes have been 4 ......................... training,. ston, of,Xarna, will ar+ as afodera!tor sold in town, which came from the OARD OF ITHANKS duil'3 (th�e vaoancy, 'The church Choir are making Sped- A AT COST lal preparations for the anniversa . r)r William AndrojNrS, a W., fruit farm tof Mr. W. IEL Trott of Mr. 1homa, llazehvood des- . lrvs to I ]I known Beanisville, formerly of Exeter and thank the �nany friends for their at Prices guaranteed I servIoes ofOct. 8th and ftb. resident cE tho Bayfield litoad, near whoiswellknownby many of our kindness and oseligbance during th, Nixisq Reid returned to London last 17ioderich met %,,itb a fatal accident readers Mr. Trott possesses a beautiful illness 'and ��nhslaquezt death 9f hl'.-;� to be below the actual Balance of Stock of 6, 7, 8 mid 9 Wire week after'two months service in on, Wednesday evening of. last, week- frait garden which visitors saY is belowd the home of,,Mr'. Rinn. He. was going to the G - T, R, g tation one of the finest anywhere. Besides 1DEAL FENCING also all GATES to be sold at . Ernest W'Ilson of the Baii4e Line left with a number of barrels when in the fruit Mr. Trott e,ps an for 'the wast a few days ago. �ome way li-e was jolted from th�, wa- "alsin ate nursery supplyk? BORN cost, and f o r less p Po KEY-ERS—At Blake Sept. lith 110 This is a good Chance to det Fencing In. inter�3stjng aervica wai& held in gon, and the whads Passed over b,.% t week in September lie is- Mr. -Lad Mrs�,Chas Xieyve�sjadaui�h -COST. the Wethodist �ahurch here on Sun- head. He lived orily a few minutes thptfoil posed of 1500 baskets and - '03 bus els itez. 1D money day histo Being Rally j)ay the Sun, after the iaccidedll, Two ninu 'we -re of tomatoes-, 2400 boxes o fit straw er- MARRIE than you can day School assembled in the body on the back of the wagon at t lie 'c.me- ries 3,000 baskets of grapes, and 800 of the chuxeh it the regular 'hour of The deckased was05xty 7ears at, a:�� baskets of peaches besides apples cher- P.HILrAPS—STEWART— At Owen fa worship 10:30.. ik Special pro am He. is survived by a wido,-w, three ries and pears lie also disposed of $50 1 Sound, �%n Vr�udnasday Sopt 28tb, my the same quality gr Wfis- provided by tlia departfa,,!nt at Tor- sows and- two daughteris worth of tomato plants, $21 worth of s Maud Stewart to Mr,, Wil - onto was In use, The IcLisori for the While hitching his hovs,e to attend blackberry busbes 300 peach trees at bur Phillips, of Toronto, and s on RU idy flamlootfinG day based on the li-fal.of Doniel was Gr'eo-away Harvest Home, Rev. Mr. 15c per tree 1,300 currant bushes at 4.1 of lyfrt. and Mrs. B; 3., Phillips of town of cFoods'at any plaed' taken by the paa:tox. As tWxs 6 year is Carrier,�. of Grand Bend, was, fto iS cents per bush This will give some PENfl-TALE—KESTLE—In Exeter on A%U 'the 100th anniversary of tho death of thought stricken with paralysi4, If �" idea of the success Mr. Trott is hav- Tuesday &apt. -:'6tb, Kisk%, Pearl ,--P,AROIDI Q ALITY and A ATITE-nead Rppert Raikes the foander of Sunday was found lying in the yard as if' he ing in fruit, growing and we wish for Kestle, dauzhter of'Mr. and Zlrs� in Canada. "K. y Roof Wdhools an addres.5 on lth,& Lfc, work liad fallen from the buggy. An in. him continued prosperity. Nelson Resile, to Mr� Luther i. and influence of the inin waS :31vcin jury found on hig bead led to the beli,!f 'Penhalo," by Re�: T. D� JK-cs:tle, as - L. 13tavers. the that his condition was due to.:bk, dall &rriap sisted by the Rev A J K"estle of Col� by ?red Stevens. &I 0annon—Russell—The In . ing fron*1$2per Square up. sapefintiondent of itbe -school ably but it jj� no.w' tho 1at this jr�as took place Tuesday afternoon at the �imbus Ohio. u g, h t f. diroebad the cxorois6s of ilbe d,.ty.. not the caw. Mr. CarrIerr 1.9 home of the bride's father Mr. Thos. CANNO' X—RUSSELL— In Exeter on the hour of sv�ry ce 00111c B OYS' CLOTHIN G D"In" ' three- what. improved but is kitill in a. very Russell, of Miss Robertba. 0. Russell Tuesday Sept. 25th Miss.Robertha P bri�-hjyoung childrenkror,o pr,�sonted serious condition. Seldom'havo thv Os�nnon M. D. of Strat- Russel daughterof Mr Thos Russel to Oscar A. alter! for the r;�to of, baptism. relations between4be minister ana ford, The w0aing was of a quiet 'S 7,31nal 'Ma.l (klivory hos be,vqi esitab- the congr,,gatflori been more tender nature OW'ngtOL the illness of the Stratford by the Rev. Colin Flo, STOVES, HEATEIIIS AND RiOGE the SAC"IFICED I to Mr. Oscar A. Cannon M, 7). of K 1:E!hcd np.tho Btus- Lint� eind down the thai , L betwepri Kil, Caxxierc and his grooms mother The ceremony was . A. A W-1, c" rb,7p:on,,[i-:; of her M SNAF A fill Stock e, ih Lh co"naossion to 81, Grand Bend congregation and news performed byRev, Colin Fletcher,51. I DTED A B I af nxi nsly and eag- A. at one o'clock in the presence of the ITEYWOOD—In , sborne, on �unday .1 A , L;7t rcocvory is a 0 orly awriltiod. Immediate relatives. The bride, wbo � t��,of'. 24th, Th da Mhelma, daugh- -,f. Inst wcoh ;n the 1):,rson 0 U- illiam Lowo. of Lile"til, offi- was given awav by her father was at-; 1 xill, Rrlv� W !�,r )f,1Vtr. and BIr J. W llvyw6od, Nfitrr:oft of tho L111'r.' )-tr' :'%I(Lr- oi.otv�l ar Christ Clwr�th. IN7ouvbsilry oil tired In a Pretty gown. of embroidered ym BUY BEFOnH YOU HEAMAN'S HA"I"WADE AND STOVE S was born in Yorkshire raqland, 821 J. r, 5 months and 12, etays FOREI 811L) 'a,i-. '17& hitt,rlor lvp, Silk Marquisette and carried a bridal years nip, )To canio Lo this" ooljnjj� ui b.,,i ITEM WAN__Tr,. Shfifta on Satu da ft,4 T bnquet of white roses. r y I Ivith Fruirl frtlii alld Sop'% 16th, Fredrick Lleitzman, at thch RV cf fiftel'.n and bas 1011'r et..4. Irbe occasion wai (b,1 harvo.,,i: ttans over bbe party, sat down to 9, 1 ozed 71 years. ARE TOO LA E �,been a resident or Btanshard. lf,� survives. T11, con dainty wedding dejeuner. For sev., i made �.T mmforl:abh� bormi for li�tii- Rev; tiou i -van birgn! both niorning �1�d 6ralyears the'bride has been away' Exoter, on Frldai% Supt 51r. Gharlo.bon, ih.o tx�wlyl ap- Ivriss xa:ee Ro'dmoind. of DuKin. li-ail, self and f4miily. 4tnd was it i nd ocoupled the positioD I "001rVtOd rlOrt0r, 6f 4Xrinit,y church. the misfortan, (.veniug. eroin bome a 122nd, PlIen 3'ory, beloved i0ro ot 0 Ito have '-her col lar qnd re&voe(.�d c.tizon. For e, year , , 11r. 1,.oNv(,_s discourse A v.,,t� : 'd i 11t.r. "t. D. xestIC6 Mitchell, is expected to ien L -r upon bono broken. d tile attelftion oC his hean�rs. Now,- oesuperindentoenuises at the M1 - big duties next Sabbalb, past he 'has -bek,.n. in failing health �Ijr3� rorn,(!(I part of 1y1r. 1,( 08 flist la"d hospital, She wits the recipient MARMOTT-Tn Plancliard t And gridually gre'v wo-P.Q., 10111 tho )Ivc )n Titel.- parish 03 yon.rs ago. It �,,t,d of many beautiful wedding gifts, Dr. daY "vpt. 19tb. Amos A�rarrlot.,­ gn NM IV (90W ii, ofid came on tbo 163b IWSL' 'Oil Bull. evening. his '�12nd year, f ally medlibipm, have mot Running up and dowh 8�f`alrsl Lqwecl)� day afternoon at 2 p-, m. 1:*he funeral ville. The purizh prosp(qod 111d IA,,qS train for A honeymoon trip, The SIVI,11 Twh theu�of Glencoe, Newbury and �Vards and Mile, Canuon left on the .6 -he uniform success that has attended ing and bending, over making bAs will .:Tz—ln 'Stovhvii on Mie.�day S�_' a, �LhO (use of Cham,156rIaln's Ocli c 'Chel"a not inake a women . bioOLhy or Maufv serv!06 was' doftdu6fedat the houise by di . videdf '.1 nd through his etrorts a bride"sgoing away suit was & blue klepf. 800, Samool 'Swoitzer.' the Bel. Mr.i`W. 11 V�ayxm All the, fine uew church was built in Menem,, serge with fiat to watch, On tblair or tll(, Township of Stoliben. A)Ad ]DRU7110ea Remedy. Th, reffiar6 ifal She tnuslt,gelt out of doors, walk family were proBf.att. G'X 804n6-in"Jaw 't kab�e eur�s'of bolia and illarrh6aa IL mile r 1two ewa,y doy and take t6V, JVJr, T 0 to, his old return they Will reside at 0 Dnuglas, lRtrttthroy� orl me,111-ty J_,0NE acle ors in Wardsville in tht� -,if- St. Strabfoid. The Times &-"Ik W '1vh1ch liis Affeeled In almoiA overy 4hamberolains tablets to Improve �,er t I ds� pall-bearors. A, large cpu,_ parishion JoInA with IWA ift .6 wide fteetion and regulate Ur i Zrac Of People followed the remisms Ile ill, the Inal)y friends in exte bg con -1 -0 or ,naighborhoo(,l have it to Itirkton Cemetery who" JAter. tornoon. ade, I.o IIN bdi n, Por cole by 'All dodlerg'. Vs or sale by ml dcolamg to atioti witli thv:ti, gro,tulittinns. l3i".0t. in h,� r Z't 1 h I B delft btnt! took 'Vlacet y -I X. WIN