HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-21, Page 8�04"WOORF"Wowoo Iwo E IsTiS X" "R TIMES 0104 0 m. I M 110 Afarket Ile p folliomIua 115 Zurich :Fair (to,day) ThursdAy� 'Or' Mr. Thos, Oke of London was in -,-,q nrll� 11�_. September 4.Ukt town Tiiesda�. 1W` e%,491tondard 93o, Tlhe Plfwe Wbere Gooct + 0, lothes Qome From + WART M M! S Jt Mattart, of London visited + CARLING 40 In town on Fair Day. "0 "0 4 r 11,`Iv b2o. t 5 0 0 e. I a t s UM Abel, of Seafortli, visited, Mrs. + 4 Peaa 70 (o 75 teh6l. A. 1, Ford this week, PHONE 16 Bra a 22 00 + Miss Ida Cottle is sliending a couple + f weeks at hel. home, + sh $ """ 0 Model flour Q>, 0 SEE Kr,. al -oh, mis$0,tA of tLondon vis- + 'Feed flour $1,45 Now Fall Coats 03uttler QO cents#., V(4d 1�11 town om, Supday� Eggs 21 "Uts Mr. and Mrs, David Russell Jr. were Potatoes 100 cents. in London Thursday and Friday, + Hay 010. Misa Thompsan of Xaple Lodge, its We handle only the Celebrated Oontin Ilogs Rye $7.05 Vf1sitino-, her Lftsber Mr* 8 Martin, , + OUR I evital Coatti for Women, and Rogers Coats hoice export eteers 6.25 to 6,40 + forMisses and Girls, The Coats we show L export eboers "K90 to 8,10 you are new and they have a Style and Fin- holoe heif,�rs 6,00 to 6 25 liambebli o.A.TJrtxrsAay of lastl week, i + Mrs. Vrooman and child, Harrisburg + + ish to them not found in other garments. gedium helfeis 5�80 to 5J10 + 4k are IF + + The cut i epresents a line that Nv e predict will Chmee; bwzcher 5.N to 5,8,0 isiting Mr, and Mrs, G. Anderson, + + be a good ieller but we want you to see the Mediam, 5,30 to 5.� 10 Mrs. Gen, Parker of London s entia FALL. rest of them before you make your choice. Choice, butcher cows 4.80 fo 5,00 few dayswith her mother Mrs. per. + �i + Medium butcher cows 4.00 to 4,60 Mrs, Chas. Bro ooks of Prince Albert Atk to see the new garments Common cows 8.50 to 3.75 Bask, is visiting friends in and around + Choice lambs 5.75 to 6,00 town. + C hoice Sbeep 3.50 to '00 Iss Lydia Oke, of Toronto, is holi-. daying with her parents, luv. and Mrs. Su 11T, '9 1, Oke. + T y )Lfr� Harry Parsons of London was Dress Goods Pouhr home a couple of days the foreparb of this week., + + As of old, we always are quick 1to show Mr. Geo. Downie and bride of W in- T Ct we will y till advised the follow- rd 0 M& 0,* you what is new, Our New Dress Goods peg, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Downie 1, g for Popary in trade. ast WATCH TML n it week, TdMall W111110 wo + disappoint you. Everything that + Chicken alive 10c,,:4ry picked 12ce Miss Delight Hobb.; returned home is riew*nd up-to-date will be shown in I Th if Hens 8 00c. last week after li�r summer outing at ty Man's this department. Special value a yard at I Boosters cia� 00c. Muskoka. Tailor f4 g 12 Turke j f 11 14c Boy Wanted Good smart boy + Ys if S"C. t:0 *11.29 00 D ucks Ile wanted to learn tne Printing. Apply One cent peii� nd less in each case at Times Office. + for cash, + Mrs. (Rev.) H. A. Graham, of Lou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. + t* Watch this space every week for don visited her sister Mrs. Jno. White + SPACE NEXT prices. Sr. on Monday. 60 Black Silks Paillette Silks %n'A Hilda Hoskins of THIRTf YEARS 4 Misses Reta Jones Q& May R 0 Oar yard wide silk -9 in Paito� In all colors, This is a beau- irkton visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Par- + + Our Seven tiful quality of silk and is + established lette an Taffetta are unbea�, sons this week. - s have been %# Co"e the past 00 Mrs. H. V, Hutton and daughter d,.ri,;gL' + able. They have a'-beautifal very suitable for trimming $ years. 'The largest trainerk-ln V# soft, bright finish s Evelyn of Brantford were visitors at q# uftable for and for an odd waist 19 in. + - .Canada. Owin�, to Ir waists and dresses. the parsonage last week. our conpec * _+ wide at per yard — '1� tion all ov?r Ontario. we dq + * * 0 LOCALS 0 Mrs. Robt, Alexander of Chisel- + 0$1.00) $1.25, $1.50 #* * 4;#,0!i hi better for our graduates �Llian W EEK4 # 50 cents. &kt yisited her sister Mrs. Thos, Ker- ++ any other school. 'You, may + few days this week. study at home or patty alt M!is.s Mary Welsh iis vls'*tln�r er iss 3. J. Allan the Sight Specialist home. and finish -it the college. a --w llw� W g_-% brother Mr. John Welsh of BLAtli"aaJ will be at 'th6 Commercial Hotel, on Affiliated with the Coriameroial + Saturday, Sept. 30th. One Day, Educators' Association of Can- _Zp Y. A* t ir Coc& t ad 4 Mrs. T Wilswn� who has been, vi,�ibm-k 4"Miss Lulu. Godbolt of Usborne has a. It wouldbe Avell for you. This will be the biggest Sweater Coat Season ever. We are '0 ing her parents in Uredito,n, returned returned home after spending the to investigate before Choosing 4- 0. expecting the third shipmenb of Lidies, and ObildTen's Coats home last week. past month with friends in Toronto- Exclusive right for Ontario oi this week, All Styles, Colors and New Weaves shown at + Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Collingwooi and the Nvorld-famous Bliss Book- + + 50C. to $5.L Mr. and Mrs �.IThos- Dansford, - + keeping System. which is Uri- + of family of Port Huron, are visiting , re- equalled. Marlette 111jich., are, , viisit-rug with latives in town and also at Dashwood. It is Actual Business + 00 fidends in towrxL Miss Ada Harris of Munro spent from Start- To 'Finish, and the + MILp4sM. A. Tom returned,homa'Sat- e student keo�ps sarno books as + the last week and a half w + ith her Chartered Banks and Whole. + + + urEy evening after visiting for two friend Misis-.'Etta Kerslake. London sale Houses. Enter any time. + + 0 weeks in Toronto. Road. + + Men's Overcoats Sweater Coats Individual Instraction. + Misis May Rivers nc�turnocl i,r Mr. Jno. Newman of Owen Sound Write, call or phone for + + Rather early to talk about —FOR MEN— last Friday after vis1t)ng. �,or sever:. Darticulars 4 winter clothinj but our new Splendid showing he andMr. and Mrs. R,Gb, Taylor of + re if at days, in He6asall. Zion visited Mrs. Geo. Rook on Fri- Fall term from Aug 28th overcoats for men have arriv. You want a sweater Coat. bi [as Lillian Blj-�Obt isamq u very ac- day lgpt. + ed and we will be pleased to + h Mr. and Mrs. Jas Hisk&ett axid + + The newest styles and colors ceptable iaolo in Main s1treet churc I show you them. Specials at at prices that are bound to last Fanday 'evenlhg. + A daazhfcr Mists Lovie, of Undon, please, at a garment, Clinton Business ++ j, Mrs. Herman Kelly and children of Yted in to-v0n on Saturday,. CA SU336 + + $109 $129 & $15 --600. to 34 50 0 Stra:tfoxd are here v�isiting her par� day Oe vis0ted Mxs. Diso t,t's Ot or e in h t ents, Ur. and Mrs. Goo. Smallacambo at Dashwo(,a. College + MrA. kB. S. PhillipA and Miss PI1­1- f YQLI know the real value of Cham- + + 001 rapsi leay.e to�day (Thitirsday) for Ow" berlain's Liniment for lame back sor-a- UEO. SPOTTON, President + + wen So,and where ftey ujill visi1t fo ness of `tba muscles spraia and rhu- + + S #* 41+ King Hats Beresford on + +0 Sh a tane' w1ah to + Miss B. F. Ward, Principal + .00 mwtic pains you would never + 4 In New, Fall Styles. You Dr. L. 'L. and Mr, -,i F ollick a iid Nbe-vithotrE it. F or sale by fall dealers -i .......... . + 4. Are made for men ........ i + will like them. They arejust and young lson,..also M,_Qis Mabel FdAick The Liberals will receive theelection for Style, Comfort and af St. Marys came. over in their atito returns in their committee rooms just 1010 a little ditterent from the or- Wear they are sure to give 0 0-d Sun' ay and visiteid with Mr. andi north of thePost Office� Special seats + 0 dinary. One Price Only— satisfaction. * Mr.4. R. Follickr for ladies The- Conservatives will re Dental Offices Closed. + L% LN ettirus at th� Town Hall,. 4, Children's Day—Next Sunday ceive the r t ICin<lly take notice (liat my office + Caven Church 10hrildren's Day %N7111 bp Miss CharlbUd"S weet returned home is closed every Wednesday afbar + noom + + Carl -,'*,u Z$4 $4,50 9 held when ;speclal aermo-ns wi�t &� last week after undergoing treatment ....... +++++++++ ...... + preached by the pa-sVo.r. Rev. �S. F.- at the St. Joseph's Hospital, Londo DR. ROULSTON, + Sharp. IB 1), Miss Sweet is mWelf improved in bealth CLOSINr, NOTICE s Miss Mae Webster has returned af- dnd, *klks- the distance of several Please remember that my Dental + ........ #* +4 ................... Suit Cas%W.5 and 'ImAl."A ter vis7rtin- in London: and Toronto. blocks every day. Office is Closed ever Wednesday after- + A Big range to choose from at She was �7ccompanied home by Miss Mr. and Mrs. Soo. ff. Doupe, Pleas. noon. —DR. KINSMAN + EL -,Ie Wilcox, (�f Toronto, who wM ant View Farm, Kirktou, Ont., an- + visit in Exeter for �a few days. nounce the engagement of their oldest -------- + to 8.75 Mr. and Mrs - Wh,itilnt- DON'T BE + of 1oindoln, daughter, Margaret Eunice to Mr. ss A.Bissc't4t is'dble(,to be around vi,,nfed Mr. John Welsh, London Rtdla' Joseph Minor'- Dobbs of Lucani the her recent illness. + Noxftb. dnr�.nq The forepart of thi, marriage to take p!aee early in Oc- afte + wele4 Mr.- WthJUng bad U 4,aah­ tober, Mir. S. Marlfrn tetntried hom,,� TuesV + ALARMED Ju An fuL exhibit of flowers at the fair. Mrs. S. T. Hogarth of Stephen re- day from a trip through t)h.e werAti, + + NTEWAK08"T Mrs. John Piper a-ud daughter, Mrs. ceived word -of- the death of He 5repoxts excellent rrops In somi-� + + her broth- 9- + Bai!thNvai;te,,t.,he former of Exeter and er, Mr. James A. Whiteford, which rost and + Enjoy the luxury of wakin places whila in dthers the, f Sleep late in the mornin + mberls;nd, Wis., on + up whenever you feel like it + hail has Aamaged 'them. 'The grain + 9 the latter of London vis'itied their son took place at'Ou and lbroiLber, 'Mr. ftarry Piper Soath Sept6mber 16tb, at the age of i snearly all sitooked. 44 years + if you Can but if you can't Ward fare. week.—MitchLll,Advocate The deceased foringrly lived at Centra- On 1harj4day Ja9t -a larg + t a 'number better get one of our Coundillor L. Day has.,erected a new lia and moved to Cumberland twVnty from town tool- in the fair at Lo.ri- +1i gratum aadItian. tia fiot nou;se wrXfc1V years ago. don. Many',of them got caiugh,t . in + . . . . . . + NVill anatite him tb produca a. grela:%U Thip. R.1flo Club which h(oJd it very 'the raLn and owiaig �oAhe large crowd + Clocks, many more Planta aixd flowexs. Dar�- success-tu at ',he London Staitinu were anable, + + I shodt, afew weeksagolias + Ing, tbe pa�st year,,he, was unablei to decided to hold 'another Da VrI,4,i.V to get shelter and gdt quite a dremoh- + Watches supply, the larget demand. af bernoon of thlis? week ary the, Gira 9 Mr. Itivings#.-ane l3etter.; — Rov. Club around,% Pri7e�s will befawaxd- TeaSpoons, Berry Spoons, 5 -10 -ES and 25C Variety Store ed­�ptlhe, dWareitil,'eviontiq. Ai s all An article that'has real mer�t + James, 1L(1vhn,3stone. of Wite + _Dla'monds�. Cut + hell,"who ould in time become popular. That + Cold Meat Forks. Ci%ke Forks + ROWIRI.A.,"S RAZAAR ta well hnown�, in town, and who has adinlispion fi�c vvill he charged, 1, son been sach is the case w4th Cliambarlain�s Upoonz, Pie Knives, Ser1fo LISIY ill for s4,vcraL.IV,?ek,s, Lrybody Nvelcomv� Caugh (Remedy has beon attested by + Pearl- andled Butter Knives, Glass, Silver= + PHONE 55 at Ithe lbomo� of Itlev. S. J. Allin, W�ad- What might have been a very oer 4. Knives and Forks, + act, has so far recoverQ accidentbefel many dealers 11torirl is on6 of them + d to hope- 0118 1 Mr. Joseph re H. IW: Hendrickson.' Ohio Falls. iltd, + Fish Servers, carving Sets, + to lbe. able. ti return home Ldm!s wc,&_, of the Lake, Road o turda, . ware, Pins, Etc. + la writes:"Chamberlain% COugh Reni- + Mr. Uyingpitone's illness was �diu-� .'o He wa* driving a -t re. in engi edy is `t -he bes,t for coughscoldsand + + 4 Patx�malinc polisonir-q ar.d cv�,n',Lially when the head of f I + Wedding Rings AST WEEK we b o er blew 0 + Gr * put in anothpr shipMent, of China and 0 typhaiddever. scalding him severely Althoughth erq(ip, and is my best seller,` For sale. + + , Iteware, a whopper. The Ch by all dealers. + c e fromr an Ir W13 Ci- Harness returned �Big Stock to hoos + L )c mostly at 106 burns are painful Mr'Green is -doing + and, 25c. The Grandeware is wil tnufaegtorert; Seconds, home last 1wedn-esday evcm,itat�,01-1,, a well as can be expected A' Good (Record.—On Sabdrjday olf slightly spotted but the price will make You wonder. Big Bat- (spen(Vaig fillie summer i,ry the west. la ek aev. E. Or, Powell, of town + JEWELER,& OPTICIAN gains eyery da y*. This big not forget the "Seven Socis,111 in Mr. Harness is a mason (and Lsliortj�- e, a athipped ian. Ancon''a Rooster to Mr. 4 ............................ 4o .............. res yterianChurch, t So'clock 5as, Walker, af ;Berfln. In bhesprl lyl after lgoimg wMj hie had� t1te mis evenln Sep� ­Per- rida' 4 22nd, T1 M. fcrtune to fall Jrom a tsicaffoYd f and . 11 sold Xr� Walker a set - an t" June , Perfect Mr. Powe dr -1111, Ir P programme break flime-small boines.!,nonfe of - trbng o,f',vggs from which, eigilit pultets� V glu r ided. roceeds in ai of W. (J. T. mom 0 A 1h U. Mission among .0 ankle's which ineels.3itaitpd th wero xa isied the first of" which - bogaq the lumbermen, 4 ln�P off work for is)me Line. 11a Seven cents admission and I,Yijig at foor montih,4 and 12' day� * now, able 10 be., around 10! seven and' Me 'rest at 'f�ve mointh.j. Mr, N.A'tha u cents dismission. Children dismissed 14 send! of ondon or Toronto for sti6 e r flia, Ar - have riloulbla"the Stock of Purichial(Uy can be oultivalted. cona breed. He has; had in thh! neighi�- will save you dollars if you oilly conie,*� test it. No need of a .4vlalkjm� carie. Powell Ls quijtt� al chicken fancit 1* Toys this,3�e' goods now. We w *4�eloawberry Oiop—OnMon- and is makimr, a specialty Qf,; 14* aa so don't forge I AT 10, conize home t to pat- Slow coacbi.,s can be ctired Somv, day there were brought into our Office borhood of `two h, stores first, I I - aiardvd appilications, 'd ;Lbat the Only ay to a couple of for his chickens. catch a train is to [':rne strawberries that were picked from sa i one has IV good-sized well -ripened a lin Johns of town Besides the ripe ones there w # ad. izi this pi-1hy lies M J Educatlional the[ the garden of r o Siermons—Rev. Dr.. gi8t of I.,h,e o 1, nly 0111.0 of 01,0., habit of Graham, Qf Toronto, Secrethry, of 1 * -junchialk0ly. Two rilles graw ere a t1ha Eduextioinal'departruo,nt oX klie. Thursday and bturday_..w& Out 0-1 couple of small green ones. Straw - it - is "AlIvays begin Methodiet ohar6h conducted s,,rvicos i (;. One in tAle, to berries iff the middle of September is f get ready and lba 0,61wr i's Whe,n io the'ble,thodi.5F cburoh"s on /Suladay This week will have Special Offerings. there is several things to be donio, indeed a novelty last In. AND _,',hc,1aiOrn;'ng hepraache.d rin Berlin Wool Sc an oz. de(?tde which is the rnost imporLa,0t Aedident—On Monday last T"* John Shetland Floss, 313 Brand 8 the Jamesis.-froet ohruch ;and iint the, 14 Zepher Wool Se 1, C, Skein and do that first. ViincLonflit:y is a Charlton met a serious accld,mv whicti tvening tip, Phe Main s�treet church. !4 3 for 20 cents, Blue, Black, Pink comfortable virbuc, in tbo family and will lay him UP for some time. He I While they last Crochet Cotton Tle iis, ai; torectul epkeicer jand d -,O .4 had loaded soniamachiuery�ont irn !4� slip �off in business and 1,5 ciii-frolY depLadaAf, the work `bl� the eolh1qcs, at hearg. I .,per Soles 20 1/ Silkin 5c a spool o the We are going out of the Wool bu' J d and was tor # FURNITURE 4ALMS upan (your, will. t ray nivig around when 10s, sermans wera, much fappreclated, stness so here's Your Chance Rally S unday—Nex e Sunday Iv�ll be he dray overbalanced, Mr. Charlton In Lth�e aliternoo", &t 'addresis-ed flio W Drop An often or YD was thrown to the ground and the Sn,Liday School r.;n James st, reet church U May Miss Manv Bargains -ERA Sunday ;Scho.ol Rally (�;u.nday in the 0 Methodist tharches of to machinery fell -on his leg breaking % Rev. Mrg Powell preachad lin James. nw, 'Rev. couple of corft� O"r the. knee atid also eireet charch -iiin the cvxV0ng. W S. Bartlett, oX Toronto, Gelperal bruising the leg considerably, e Carr,y a Complete Stock in All Lines For Specials.Everytime Searetary of $unday schools bud Ep- I ick's Forcensts—A (Ratio'lonary Watch Our * warbh 1cagues,, ivi,ll b%� f)res,ent Jond Aged Lady fftxrt.�Daring the past You Pass d Mrsi G, Floyd has been suf- Windows 0 asbist (in �ffhe In Ma Ca, stf, 1 fe 4(0,lift period falld at One oentr, "I of Earth's autiannal equinor_.Tom . . . . . . 1A 1bhr'moxn,,in(,,y Rev, Kr�, Plowell wiff fei!iZ from the effects of &-fall swtai n- 'the 19 -ib, to the 22nd', Thron,r�r-ning tacach a opect'al s,e'�cmoin to the, youjn�j I :d ft,,lalchh.,�g her foot in thQ . carpet 5torms wi% ixiore Or less Violence, nd ut YOU in a Peoille- In 1:1hre 'aNlvrinoon) Mr, 113art- a he floor. Mrs. Floyd is will be perfectly nd!tural at taiis tim.0 I PHONOGRAPH + felt II,01 adregs tha 'Sunday lqohoot arid over 00 Years of Age and has been a re- or ;I ny hirne 1,11 this part of i he month. 0 Sunday & Night Calls Let Us p "X t t Phone Store 0 he %rill ricach at njqht� 11in James: markably smatt wornan. She is one Now inoon oil (-he tw,ointy second * T '0 eers f his Fall str, 1. Ar. SortleA w0l prekaeli esp,�c- Of the P, t) 0 tho villAge having will prolong loiv baromelter bigh 6env- 0 1:9,11Y to L(lic �cfuin,-r in ,th(, morning lived here since coming to. This country- loins gela. vexatare and stormy eonditi 20A 20B 0 In the aflternoo�li, ia, mass m,,7.4qring Ivill over fift Wring tb8 sum - 4 -Whitch %vill, b -o addre,�ged, b�, y years ago. - erally a day at, two lo.ngart han nor - 4 be hield met, she bits lived atone and often en mat at-, 'bas time. Chances for good, 0 * Mr. 111ar'Clett'land Arv3Wc�j-e,:nh,ammcr, joyed rather long w1gkis to visit Nome general rdihs now grow better as w') I PSI * rxmeipal o)f Itthe Lschool� Both ohur,h of her old friiatids, One dA previous appronch the Close of Sopknnb�r. aza Y do wRI be specially decorated for �the to her fall she walked about two flea change lio much Cooler n bout the 2zua mi M occasion, Jtev, Mr. Powell will preach and felt little effbets at the end of the (l'o vo, 'g5tb' first In the lVest rogro'ssing in the morn,hig Riev, ar powell Ivi,l day. ill soon be It is hoped that she e a,4 t, Kind soath, A mdrkn�d, Sol Kowe Nr Sunday School ln.Tames stroot chur ' able to be around again and etij Atkinsion i Ch oy her period icovers t�ho 10th to 251h, being I'd Jameo street In, the, ev,;%hing. accustomed good health. ift ! T a i y1i k_i cedital,on the 92nd,