HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-21, Page 6, ''� , � . , I 1 . . ,.� I I I 1 7 F : � ;� -.� , ----- ----- 1.-�.� , - -,.,- 1 , . . I I I I I , 1. - � �� - 7111111 , .;_:._.,. :, - 7" -,..'-, �
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I . I . I � TliE. EXETER TIMES r I 'U'411st'.
F )f , , . A ....... ".04.-I.- ------ *-_"!-_�"I., ... . "--"4-"�-- I I I I 11 . I 110111 CAS DAY $R[ITFINBU I .
. -1_.__.-__._ ___w�,_ , - 11 I I � 1. , , "" . I 1-11 . I � . . 1. I I .. I- . --
I---- . t*"*04 - �-- ? - .1 1 > 12 > "I � * 1\ �- . _____ I � . I � . :1111"It'li'll, . I
kl'�* I. I A "' " -,--- � .. �� . . . I
1� � FARIPUL P Ri�§- . . . . . . �� 1 004.41 Ile counted tweary-seren. Steps in aft , I I I t
. "I had a Weak Achli-n- , ____ _ .1.
- I 0 hloil 1�11�,W;.,:= - befor- Itis feet Wue,lied soft earth. Ele "'NOWN0011 0111111-011
0 Fashion Demands an Exacit Post oxtitij�tdshed his light for an instant =NM=X= opom��
.1 X NJ For, the Shoe Ovoklo. I THE ==- � I ,.., , '
V I Back wid a, X,, n."i rr ,4or t I <� :ij;d tried to plerve tho darkness with
03-,"'Y' I F �u Children 0 - .
� � I I a � :4, Shoes buckles are no. longer set oil f_,1T1111' ;, Children Cry for Fletcher's I
. X
, . * ill$ eyt�s, . �
, � 11 .
I k� Sick, tl t.. 1� %16 .,�. .:;,,, I Ill au upward position. but they are - - ,� BLA%,.-,,N . I Before he Snapped oa. the light again I
'F , ' ' � I
I Y , I . need perfeetly fint.
'� I I pl� . The Grosbeak a Good .' ariled luto rigidity by the
1#1 - I . . . Auklets tire tlit- last ect;entrielty In Friend of the Farmee. rootstep.,; troading the pas- I
!, "I . Mrs. W, R. H �(I,ew Fi�-Iaiat;, Sa-k� 1mvelry. Some (if tile alit .., I I—— .1111. I . K_d �%ag(, overlll�wl. They came rat)idly I .
- I �wrjtes..�-"A fi�-. lines nighi, re .a,.�voi�d-
�,� . . the shape of sua4es arid lizards -gold I . �1 DA G G ER '.> ' ""
�, ing Doan's Ki_ie� 1.14s. ki.t Oiw k'S, . . I . I Avith shal*11, rapping ellel�s of leatlaer
I set with brilliant Jewels. I . A
N, yTar, I have I na trcui lid vvr% v i:t I I . - boot beels or) sLo1w. ThIs %Tits not the
" � ,with nasty sick na_�d t�-i-eN, vu(t It A 4.4 (Alowas are now made without .,r .-., �- I soft tmddlng of feltod native slippers; W .
, , ,;,� A Story of ChinEk I I
11, � 1 �.�,1!771 1
-1 I I aefiiag back wK,�k ,�nu.,3e�l nie p it -,.I welghl. no matter how they are cut or .�. .. �, . . I It was tile Iread or n fearless man �
" Inisory, for I cou'.1 wit -work. atul wad trimmed. I'll ":_ . I ---
- ", , . 4: I . I - I wearing Eurulwan footgear or perhaps
t, I no wabition for anything. UIN itioacyf eavy linen laces are far ahead of " I III
. �
11 �, I � H , ::_ By CLARISSA MACK American boots like his own. I
and kept tiny other kinds in the race for popu- -�*�.,�]i��:: , . , '
, vere very b,�diy out of I order . 111�.111�.`. ,:, � I * Garland moved briv�ward and away Tile Kinit Yc*a Havo, Al-,=y,J D(rft n', and mr,hiclit. Ilds been
..,,:,;- -..::-:�.1_.�..1111,`-1-1 I Copyright, by American Press Asso- ,�l
. ",.. , . from the .,;teps mitil tits back "
� -
, , I
ZQ, me from sleeping -it xiig�its. I larity. The designers have turned to ::: ',- I elation, ISIL I ,struck iU 'ElSe fO3L- OvCz� _'0 3'(,tl;�5, 11:11 bWrn.oV,--1 signature of
� 1, "I tried many kiads of pills and . history for Ideas. and some very an- .. : f 4> I .0arply agalust,ii . .0
� .�: I cow wall. nere lie � . �1
� � medicines but il� Seemed almost in vnin, , I , I . - I � - a i(I Lla-', 1�( CT I-nado -ander Ills ]PCX-
-,.' . I be4aa to give up in despair of ever .. I .. I '.. i 3; ; . I � "O. 4s�o Stood. a part of the eureloplag black, - ,gon,-.1 .xT1k,r-.-L,,-,6n since its infancy,
I I liess. WL,Ile the footsteps' ,;topped at , A!10-,-.1 :i,o 0:io to deceive yo -vi in tld,%?. . �
I,?., I being well and strong ag.ain, nben a kind - . I Garland and Earpeth we 'on :be Pa- I , 4ez�,Ifz�;Kl
, . � .. 3�:-;,� � � I'll -
"I � nei-libor advised nie to try Doan's 'A. the arclied door, arld then by the flare All Connt&fcits, Iinitrttlon.,4 n. ,1 I 6 ��"zxst-as-oo(l .11 gire bU4, ,.� ,
L C13C liner Tropico. and from the first I . 4
1911.1;�i_�, . 1�.
%,�%� .,.T=1-`k:�-1'.1 ,
I K_iliey Pills, which I did, and am . " Mx-�::.. I of a Sputtering candle jammed in the E'xperihnozats t!iat t:-1 -Io %illt"t n %,"� (�td1I1t;vr tbc health of
,I . , '�::��. � I attracilou of congenial nature$ I , ! 1,
`0 L tbL3.akful forthe relief I obtained from %I-INX, U ,�
ffi, , I
I I` ... , . `� , I Infa,nts and Childre:a-Mixpe _;,�,Iuluu aggainwt Experlineut.
-11, - . I .��;'&,,m I I ,, nv
. g I neck- of a so(la water bottle Garland I
- ��� .11 .
� N1,111 ., R "I I 1 . I
I , � them, for now. I am never troubled uith 111111" developed a warm personal Ildn Saw a pair of trousers descend the first
"u ""'
,r.� I I . -k - "I I
I 11,11 .1.1 � -
I I ........ I -
'. I . 4 0 k k -'r-,' !'-'r�
I � I a sore back or sick headaches. I will - I :: Garland was from the state of malne: I 1� N � e�- '� " , .
. .. .. �� ,.%�� �
� alwa;ys say Doan's Kidney Pills for mine . . � � . . ... I few Steps. Then as the maa came '.., . ' ,-, H ORIA � I
t�,.4 . . and E[Arpigh was a son or California. ' down the candle flawe lighted his shirt I Whe P�'.a
-and can highly recommend them 'to �� . . -_ � � - !
,� any sufferer." - ., ., I Out Oi TO,000,000 human seats fate I front and reached his chin just as a Castoria is a li.,v.,,-rj(,,q1J snbstitato for Oastor 011, P, * ,
1.-�, ' L � ,Price 50c, per box, or 3 boxes fci S1 2& 1 �, . (lad drawn these two, one from the I WhILT of air from out of nowhere in 4tre- t
,, . At all dealers or mailed direct on receipt I . : . ' gorle, Drops and Sootlilng Syrups. It Li pleasant. 4 it , ,
�� of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, ", � J Past .#nd the other from the west, to , particular extinguished the light. ,contains neitlier 0p1V1-.n,, 31o�-I)LL�o iior otb,or Narcotic -
. 1 -4 � [)lay the principal parts In a stran Dash It till!" mutteved the man Ila ' slibstallee. Its �ige J,3 it,,3 gnulj�rnrteo. It do-,stroys Wormsk �
,�, 'W ,. . . Toronto, Out. . t � ge i En"glish, and (larland felt a queer little nnd allays r3 everisli-1. (.�i--- -11 � ror llhwo Ulan tLArty years It .1
z When ordering direct specify " Doan'9.1� .�� " , I incident � . I thrill of relief that the thterloper was lias been in constant z-.-.) icr tlie rolief of Callstipation, �,
� . . ...... ...... ''.. . I I I _ Until recently the grosbeak has been They had left the fairy Islands of riot a. Chinese. I I r,,lattdency, vVin(l co-lic, ,-11 "Teething Tioubles and �,
�,� I considered some*hat of a pest, but Japan far behind and were drawing I -fter some fussing and a final excla. -lie .
.11 ___ - . .4 since the United States department of near .to the flat outline of the China i A ]Dla�rrlioea. Zt r"gr.lates t Stomach and Bowelsp
- assinillates the r, ooel, !, Iving lictilthy and - natural sleep, �
1A . I WfCeON S600b0ND'Eb. agriculture investigated, tile habits of coast I . mation of disgust because he failed to ',I' 11
� ThLe Children'§ Pana-ce-a-Tito X-_7uthe!.,1tj ririe-nd.
� this beautiful bird he. Lins become a find another match -about his person, I
, I Manitoba Bad Man Is Cornered In . desirable citizen. Seven kinds of "Are you goln_ to stop over in ' the ne.wcomer flung his candle aside .
11�_, the Bush. Shatighal?", askod Garland, with a I siln d seemed to stop and consider the
i beak, summer within our boundaries. - ouch of Yankee Inquisit, t tion. 11 �Y -' 'DRIA
. 11 I . I I finches, coramonly'known as the gros- t Iveness. tu (nmumom Qvk, 'Z� I C
... ,�� Nlanitou, Man., Sept. 16. -Word was 'Haven't heard you say." .1 I ALWAYS
I r� .
�,, �� , ceived late yesterday that Bill W11- A. majority of. these are good friends of . Perhaps tie heard Garland's carefully I
son, the alleged assailant of Miss rve to be *id6ly There was a little pause while Har- ; controlled breath4i., f6r suddenly _T0-'e_3xs the Si:znature of
�� , 01-4dys Price, -who was held captive I the farmer and dese 110 S I 4 I - he 0� �
J � liethls�,eyes sought the rising coast'line. 1 asked. - W I here?
0�,, in the woQds near here for thirty hours .known in order that their services pped the word I Garland ,0,�� �,,,ve- P 0 1,
. ,,�,� , the first part of this week, has been may be appreciated. Tile grosbeaks . liesWited and then. &ci !ed �� .
� I - rather sharply. � , ,J .
. ;
led at I are easily distingbished from other ,Garland glanccd� at him curiously. ; would go away now that he was with. . �
, sigglited and po�sitj,,rely identif 0) ; not to answer. Perhaps. the stranger 0-/.� � 0 . , t
, , f 't ., I
� , I Bluff, twelve miles South at Sn.ow� I finches by their stout form, bright "Yon know I really didn't mean to pry I � " �r7l,
I., � .
� � -the in' the Pembina Valley. 1 I
� 1: � fl, 11 plumage, massive bills and melodious out it fl -lit. In the meantime he would 0
'.1. .� 1� "'Iffe have got him surrounded, but . ) 11 voices. They live largely In agri- into your affairs." he said apologetical. ; endeavor to reach his goal by 'edging - e9 . .
. I
I W ! ly. "It's rather a natural question for ! along the wall against which e a
.� � I we want more ilien so that we can . h wa .
.. . . overawe him with numbers,.' is the I : � I cultural regions and secure most of one tourist to ask another."' . leaning. 1`13"k1d th
. I
- 11 .. perform Invalu - I I - You HaN - Al ays Bought .
appeal brought here. -A, is ge posse I I I I'll I their food about cultivated lauds. They "Surely, no harm done." returned . His feet made no sound in the s -ft;
. � I
1. . . was hurriedly organized and sfiarted ,VAi a6le service in destroy Harpeth quickly. "How about your- , earth: and he had made considerable i ne, Mad rd . W
In- many of our worst insect pests. .
; .
toy Bluff. I 11 . � self -you going to stop over?" 1 progress when he became conscious of
Wilson, it is said, was seen on the �_ The rose breasted species ,Is a great ' In Use Feip Ovep 30' Years
I I I It was Garland's turn to show embar- heavy breathing behind him, and he
I edge of the Nvoods bat escaped into , destroyer of the polal. bug. Ho � 7HIC CEZNTAUR CONIPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW 'YORK CITY.
. 4 � I ill"Y11flill i � I
�_ -the doep undergrowth before , �g rassment. The quick look of Interro. 1 knew that the newcomer was follow- 1, 1 I 11011
� 1� -
" V,
, "
I I he could J* , breeds over Kansas and the mountain I - 13 ,11111'��� I
. a . r���
I .1 be captilred. The posse hopes to cap- I � , gation he flashed at his 'companion .1 Ing In his wake. . .
, �M� � of Tennessee. The birds shown in the I
... .
"', ture the fugitive without bloodshed. 4 � ose breasted wast met by Harpeth's expression of ! Garland reached an angle of -the. . � .
I I I 01ficers are being rushed to the scene I .., . . 3 I wall, followed It around, turned again - -- --"- ___1 - � - __ ___. - _ =__
11 I :to prevent possible lynching. � variety. languid Indifference. rt was quib .. .
. plain4hat Harpeth bad asked the ques- i and, once again into a small square re- � W I I d' 13 ii'ai�ts 6ef 'G6 �sa� .
I Miss Price yesterday identified a . . tion merely to make conversation, not i cess which had a window slanting up- . - Ottmva, Sept. 16.�Flve ferocious
. MAM Domino Fortunes. CLAWED BY LION.-
. 1� ghotograph of her assailant. It had 0 animals 'in a midway ineuagerie at,
, , ro , ward to some cuuningI contrived ,
11 -
��ea brought from the police records , Darken the room, burn salt and alco- that be cared a rap about the matter. y
of Winnipeg, where the original, 'un- - I hol in a bowl in the center table, "Maybe I'll stop over to see the eit3%11 opening above ground which admitted Girl at Syrlicuse May Die as ,Res,it thq'falr broke- out of their cages yes-
. I I . der the nanie of Wesley Osborne, was around which are spread dominos. Al- said Garland-. the moonlight to throw a silver cloth I of Temerity. teTcla� 3norxiing, and for nearly an
l ,. . . h,Diir struck terror throughout the
, 1. arrested Some weeks ago as a vag nt. low each one in turn to draw five. Clumsy Junks rame teetering over over a stone table. On the stone table Syracuse, N.Y., Sept. 16.-Clawe,l
I ,ra BLACK SATIN SUIT. grounds. Fortunately, owing to z -4
1 Miss Price's Story, The ingenious fortune teller makes u the sea toward the mouth of the was a small shadowy slit perhaps the and bitteri by a huge lion in a side- )4eavy rain," there were few visitors
Winnipeg, Sep ' p . show at the State Fair yesterday ac- li,b�out. I
, I . et. 16. -Miss Gladvs tique and charming patterns are shown, a thrilling tale, from the following Yangste, but the Tropico, left them width of a dagger's blade. . � I
. 1 - rice the Young .-:chool .teachLr near in venise or in the broad bands *of significations: far behind -as she steamed up to her The two men' reached the table to- ternoon, Laura Burns, 7 years old, of I - The animals were. 9. big East In-
� . I . nowhake, tells of her kidnapping at Irish lace. 6-5 denotes amusement and success. anchorage off Wasting and landed her I gether and in the moonlight stared i Morrisville, is hovering between We I than leopard, an African lion, a Bra-
._- he hands of the bandit on ' and d,gatill to -day at a Syra �
whos � trail Black sip.tin suits are going to be I cu.se hos- zilian jaguar,- a panther, ,and what is
' 6-4 denotes early marriage and much eager passengers on to the Uttle trans- pantingly at each other. The moon pital. known as a by -hybrid. .
: � N An. armed posse of hundreds of men just as popular In the fall as they were happiness. lighted them up to their lips, and above . '
� X10W are. in the spring. This one combines a 6-3 denotes constancy and affection. w nvey them up Spectators were not supposed to go' Their cscape�-,was noticed wh,on the -
. She NY -as seated in the schoolroom, tbe tributary� tidal river, the Huangpu, that their faces were in darkness. nearer than four or five feet from rhc leopard thrust his head into a tent "'�
I I - street blouse made with deer) revers e 6-2 denotes orderliness, industry and " . .
: . she said when a man, said to be Conomy. to hospitable Shanglial. "It you!ve got a light for lieaven!s lion cage. The little girl -climbed the occu ie y one ,o , xe s ow woln�,n.
: Henry �:Tilson, suddenly appeared in arid tunic skirt and is worn over a 64 denotes two marriages and riches In In the crowd Garland afid Harpeth sake turn. It oul" growled the newcom. rope barrier. The lion reachedout its r � le .0131), aninjured was the chief
JUDIC CnOLLET. old age. paw and fUtened'-tts claws in the 'a . Herb,
: � -k lid pointed a rifle at 913!mPe- , trai er, t ertinc, who, was
the doorway -a, -1 missed each other, accidettitaUy or by er impatiently, and Garlaud, as If it
_ - / 11 "'I' I . I I 6 blank denotes the death, of a near design. Garland could scarcely wait was the most natural thing In the ,
I I 'al�! 1-,�er.,Tlle iftle teacher told him to - � childs head. He drew the ,child to- scratched on the. leg bv the lion. �.,
� . shoot. A struggle followed, and Wil- These May Manton pattern� are cut In 1 friend. . . ward the ca e, while her screams rang
J, Double 5 denotes good luck in every ven. for the tug to make her landing at the world fqr him to have met a fellow 9 The animals all took7 to the watr,
son hit tile _--,�l over the head w-th a sizes for the waist from wirty-four to ture, 'jetty before he was off and swinging white man on this secret errand of thro gh the tent. With his other paNv bub were' finally- - oV4_aA&r_-tr,-' ��, '�'
� bottle, and then carried her inj� the torty-two inches bust measure and for the 1 6-4 denotes a marriage with attendant ,,,Way up the buud toward the hotel his, snapped on his lamp and threw he cluaw-ed at the child's face and tried -
; skirt from twenty-two to thirty Inches -overt- lassoed and securod Nvith ron(�.,.
: , wood.A. to draw her through, the birs. I
I 11
All about 'to
'light 10119 -she 'moved
keep warm and watching fur a chanCtg
waist measure. Send 10 ce
these patterns to this office, 'l� .... .. r '
I-1- - __
G Q,
5-3 denotes ample .means and eventual
great wealth. I
of his choice. . its broad white beam across the face
The electric 11-lited hotel, with Its of-Harpeth.. �
0 I
Tile little girl's screams of terror
attractLQ- throngs to the t-nt. Peoph. I
� 1 �
I � I
-to escape, but th, Iliellacmg rifle pre-
bers, skirt 7034 and blouse 7 NC�. .ngd 2ey
will be promptly forwarded to you by .-IL
an unfortunate iove affair.
air of western luxury mingled with "Garland." said Harpeth stupidly.
cro_iyded throu:gli the ontrameo and '
- "ent`�"4, BY (lav:1ght .the gixl said
If In haste send an additional two cent
5 dd.e.nootes
tes an Invitation to an enioyable,
its quiet eastern service, Impressed the And then, With 6erce suspicion he
jammed against t1it, cvV, Avi�oadaat-: -
wilzoza'r 1*�IUOP.11'ri -2-urareftes -ave
, , �
stamp Ziir letter postage. which insures
5 blank denotes danger from gambling
Yankee wanderer most favombly, and . wenton: *'You followed tile. Ithouglit
li�at the -
w-I'll.'i bars and i.roddo,l ;
I .
�out, and tile eff.�,-T- of the liquor
more prorapt de-thery. I
or gami�s of chance- .
he retired to Ills room and bath. whis- better of you than that. old man."
the Ldur'atcd an.ittal'unt.11 the 01ild
I I � �
, _,�_.,__
seemed to wear Of. At o'cock he
finally �consp ',
.nte,l to allow her to
Double 4 denotes (brings) tuck to lovers,
farmers laborers.
ding cheerfully at the prospect of the ; "I was here' first,", eJaculated air-
was rolca�A,!d. ;
Whell th�! little g.rl had boen. finally
I . 1. � . .
turn hoine. " re-
4-3 denotes neither riches nor poverty.
land. blamed if I don't believe
excellent dinner that he was sure - I
freed iz v.,vs ioutm that the lion had
"Don't go I-
.--d f0l them," -,vas his
4-2 denotes a change In circumstances.
awaited him below. you're following me!"
torn ou-c oi�e of li,.�r eyo,s, torn off an
�; ,�
I � "I
arting %%,'--;i.1.. "I'm soiry this
� Street Frocks For Autum ado With
4-1 denotes childlessness, but wealth,
But when' the meal was concluded "You had an errand here?" HarPeth
ear and laccratod her,lace and the
� -,
gappened." .
. Coat Effect. 1
4 blank denotes fame as a writer.
astronomic I put the question hesitatingly.
upper part of h-r b)dy.
I il
Illen tell!, ; ',, in'
, . er lie tended cut-
For early fall street suits are being
3-2 denotes extensive travel by land and
dellghts whichr his fancy had conjured "Yes and yours Is probably the
The grvat thro:�� ,md the shouts of
," i Ul�- t;-' '. ',w-� wires in the
made with revers and side frills. I
3-1 denotes caution in all undertakings.
up he retired to the Sta0king room to same," said Garland, with a trace of
the criiwd and aiz,ndants frightened
,21_�,=Iclltl ,to P�cv-t i:49 capture, he
left her.
There IS a peplum extension that
8 blank denotes deceit of sweetheart.
pore over a queer little map drawn relief In his tones. "I was fearfully
the rest of the b,.-,Lst,4 in the
gives the impression of a coat.
Double 2 denotes thrift and moderate
with brush strokes of India ink on afraid somebody would find out and .
tent. KOepors nrived amoug them
with fevring that
I � _-
Gr�at liberty has been taken, -says
riches. - -
2-1 den tes life of luxury, and single
mottled tissue paper. I get the cinch on me, but somehow It's
_1pad,!t]. w(,H,)wis.
they =)ivh+ nt+.i,, .,, i � .. 1- Q
i I
-_ _'
the Dry Goods Economist, with the,
blessedne's0s. .
It was an hour after midnight when so confoundedly sbooky down. here I'm I
he left the hotel made his i of if it's
. I
The situat-on in Chengtu is very
of the autumn hats. The great
2 blank denotes poverty and continual
and way glad company, even a rival
majority of brims are turned up ei-
luck- .
along the bund to where a flight of I for"- He paused suggestively, I
Thl: f.- L_:;..,_!.-.-, last
ther regularly or irregularly. Curious
stone steps led down to tile river. I "The black dagger?" asked Harpeth
Special Notloeii
,�__ .
, .�7d ti2-K-�cs
yt�ar was* -
over one hundred. and five
convolutions appear In many. They
The Chamois.
Here were several sampaus moored to i quietly. .
11 1liull, ,
are frenuentIr nicked u- and then
chamois Is extremely agile. He
the landing, and the coolies Iminedt- Garla,nd nodded. "I fruess you've
1''. I � - I Spanking does not cure ehildron of bed- I I
� can leap over ravines from sixteen to ately fell t6'fighting for his patronage. , met with Wall Sung Loo, haven't you? wetting. Thereis a constitutional cause for, .0darymen. of ' th& ViTgimias naid .
A Sir '0v;'frid .Laux�dr atuiressed a down. several times at one sIde6_ The
F1, eighteen feet wide. L wall fourteen He settled the matter by stepping into I saw him In Portland." Alaryldnd will ask Congress to repeat
% I : gaWeriuk; of 7;GOU sup, ;,,,..r, L, I-- brim, -with a long, pointed extension this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 84:1
� .� .111 -AL, , . . �U. feet high presents no obstacle to him, one of the little boats, and, being "And I in Los Angeles." admitted Windsor, Onb., will serid free to any mother I �Iic law permitting the killing of c s;
. . R�, %_Ie. in one place that is turned u and ow
11 in the first stages of tuberculosls,4
:11 P and lie passes readily up and down pounced upon by Its delighted owner, I I
�: I �, H. l,aa- rty, a I.-c--lik: .,:k:rv1ii9 a reaches emost to the top of the crown, i Harpeth. "Did he sell you inform&- , her sucoessfa home treatment, with fall I
, precipices which almost no other four he was Soon paddled out into the tion. concerning the black dagger instructions. Send no inoney,but write h r affected. 9
1'�, Z�tvilc,, -I. tile c�,,aaty r.son at 1,.gj:1_ is in ma y Val ations. contending that the -milk is not then
'. . P It -I � . � i
�_� 1c.1, N.�.. ftx .. :: -: tu�',"rg a Long coats this season are made Of footed animal could attempt- Ere Is stream, which glistened in the mooa- which contained one of the biggest ein- bo -day if your children trouble you in this . When- the "Ramona" founded off-,
. I �,)lalle. said to descend obliqndy precipices 1 � I way.
"I I Scotch tweeds, ratines, fancy mix- light like molten silver. Praids in the world and which was I it Don't blame the child, the oha
1� .�n (,!'!1::a1� W -!s �Clt in C'nfl- . . ,,ra noes Spanish Islalid, Alaska, Sunday night,
1, , I . of more than twenty feet that are til- "Kaoyang, Saber' he cried Sharply. 1 concealed by one of Ills thieving an- , can't kelp it, This treatment also
-1 3* .�t"Tv:;.V, 1he waiis or inany build- l , I most perpendicular, -sti"Iflng hil, feet I , ' Dures dults and aged people troubled with she, &rried down $180,000 -of gold but-
,, L �S NN L' C1 --L; ,1A _ vel -I D ��.J_, ." The coolie nodded his. head and ! cestors In this spot? Did lie tell yon adn, 'd'ifficulties by day or night. li9n from t1le Treadwell nline�, con-
� .�', I
, , I . I . _. once or twice against the roc� 8-1, If whirled the sampan about until It how you could reach It, and as he was . signed to San.Fraucisco. The treasure
I V. re iL:, r d. . I . - . 1. . � .
, - - - _. " ,scent and a4g - F or a mile tie pad- dying and might never eome back to I iove
, . A � �'d -a Pago LL,l 1.4 . 11 . to stay or guide his dL .ht headed up stveam. will lie rai -red. '
YOVIta nM'A lr,.�;. , 1;1 I I I
* " ,
I.. I . I - I- -
I �- 1,4_rt'_ �A,j �'�'It r -ay 4- , . - arrow ridge died steadily with his long sweep -like this country he would sell a map of .
h i sku- , Ing securely, often on a It -_ -_ . 1.
I . Vrnuui, ..i. ;,.t_,,,_. u4 __, 1:,",t ,, -.!-1,'. 'k of rock, with his hind feet first and ' Well, he told
! . I . � _. be- . I oar and then suddenly ran the boat in its location for. $100? 1
, 1 1 j hi ckvid b.7- Air aurse. " . bringing the fore feet almost into c0a- between high banks on the north shore me the same yarn, and I -took a cha nee
aAinoux.,,,.,d tj,�,t ,,:.e BI:ti..:1 I I I
; . it is * .. 4_�_ 1 tact wil them. 1 on it too. " I "IRED
! Government cor,�elji,�'4.es tlj� j.�,Ijl; 4�1 . .- and grounded In the mud. t Since I started. however, i
1. _ I i . �.�, - . .,&a it guided by some invisIbIb hand. , Fre had a thousand misgivings, th(L !
I tiOn. of a volr.nteer police force in " 41. 4 VARICOSE VEINS UU
f �=_ An Apple Seed Game. he who could not recollect ever having � chief one being that the old rasc.,11 � ,
� I e&ch of ti.,.�, hl,16V L:VLM!S ul 1,0,1.1U..J � �, I . J -
- _'. Give all guests an apple and a fruit touched foot on this soil be�pre songht � didn't believe the story himset *&'NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT.
� tivil. _. I .1 f. Cbe- :
I- L . On the shoilariLy ,of f1j1g,!r_ F";.. .. L knffe and tell them to pare their ap. for arid found a narrow path winding I lieve that to him It was a tradition- i I
, . print.i on .11 - -, LLLL
I I a dusty pail. of g�ass aad ot..Lr prints t , N ples, trying to take the skin off In one upward to , where a coined temple I nothing more, and he made money out ! Confined to His Home for Weeksi�
on cards .,Lr,L - K I I L
,. ' * X I ileece. . The best parer gets tke prize. crouched among a group of distorted :'Of it' I I
,olied by the pol-ce, a " .� . I .
, " .4H I � "Heavy work, severe straining and evil hal?its In youth brought on
� � _6has. , �_ wind blown cedwa. The moon sent I e stung me, too, and yet�-Ilrrr go- I I Varicose veins. when I worked hard the acning would become
, . L� X 4 yolic yr- I jury ind'eted Ill, I After the one piece skin Is off let the .
Carami tur ba-vlAry I In- to try for tha severe and I was often laid up for a, week at a time. My f 'I
� , . parer throw the snakelike skin over long rays down and here and there � t black dagger, Har- z I'm'
,�', � __ - __ � , I . I �� .... I rhysiciart told me an operationwas Yny only hope -bub I dread.d ff
I L - I . her left shoulder, and the Initial It I Peth. Here's the black dagger lie gave ' triedseveral specialists, but soon found out nU they wanted was my
: � pleread,,the secret places with an illu- i '� 177.*
L I '.. money. I commenced to look upon all. doctors as little better than
J forms when It reaches the ground will minating touclL rt sho ' me, I suppose you've got its mate. i . rogues. one day yny boss salted me why I was off work so much and
' .
� 1. i � 1-0 be the first letter of her married name. wed Garland �' I'll Just drop it in this slit. Well, by I �#k � Ifoldhirnin pol)aIxion. I
� �> Readvisca me to consult Drs. Nennedy &
.L. Nerves 1. I'll ..) �_ . - ____ the outline of a dark arched opening. Jove, it toue6es'something that's giv. .- 13edy, as MICKI t4lrn treatmeal; from them himsbIf and kueW -
, �.' ill -_ and he made for it fearlessly. . ing wayl Now, what do you ifxlnk of i ey wello square anc, skillrul, I ivrote them. And gob TnE NIGIV
I.: 1. I ,1 T -1 � Ren .
I Were A Wreck , I ZuBt before he reached It he dreV � , 1111 110DWREATMENT. Bly progress was somewhat sioNv and during
""', t 11 b
�iO I month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However�
I !, "41 from his pocket the I continue4i treatment for tbreo monl1slonger and was. rewardda
LL, , .�t�l
, !.
't. I 11, - , that?" - - d -J V! i,X0,V , ,
i,', " TheTergible Pains of The t0le top swung up aua slippo.a � . i
I "I., I studied earlier in tlie evening and turn- ,witha enmplete cure. I could only earn Sy & week in a machine I
� Could Not Stand -T* OJ -w � little Map he had t.'-' .
he 0"M 'I L I ' 5,sliop lieFore treatment, now X ain. earning!pi and novar 10000 a day. "
� ed (Ile Bash from his pocket ligbt upon I bacic Giti a' r�t.eq,q disclosIng a sinall I 1 I wish all Bufferers knew of your valuable treatment.
� I N D Wift E Si T1 uAft N I I I Square stone receptacle In whl(,h wus : . , ,
Least Noise , It. . i I 1, : I-IV, N1_3Y 0. LOCUST, k �
�, Pocketing the map and Snapping olf crushed a h(kat) Of tntVwed ,yellow silk, I .
I � I .. � Mr. Wra. It. MaoEwen, Mount Tryon, . the light to hold It In his left baud wlitch droppetl to dust tinder their fln� I I
. I . 0, BEEN DISEASE07,
'Ll . _� . I P -ML, sayn-"For more thin a year I while his right harid closed around gin's, in the heap or.,dust was n dar,ic I t �, r I . _-_�� . I
�', Miss Florence H, Perry, Courtlarid, ... I I ,� suffered with all the terrible ptins of in. bject whioll tial,petil's lingerc; drow ItJ I r
; I BLOOD POMONS are the most prevalen arid, most serious diseases, They sap the ;,
11 . a small repenting vevoirer, Garland n s �rom the syMera Nvill. cause
Ont., writes: -Ill wish to, write you a, Cgrcat� , lveeg life blood of the victim and unless ei y eradicated I I I .
i . ! - digestion, and my, life Was Lone of,th to the light It �vas' a Small da -ger (,us Complications. 1B re
,:L I short letter telling you of the lielp I pluaged into the opening to find him- I �^ d eivare of Mercury. itx1my Suppress tile sympboms-ourmv I
i�l . , OL eRt misery. 16 did not seem to wake any, of finely tempered steel, almost blackk 2LBTll0DeafegLs1IJ)Ioo diseases, . 10. %-.r..v.,.,. I I �
iteeived from the use of your Milburn' I �� diffdrOnca whetker I ate or not, the pal Self In the crooked passage, witich was YOUNG OR 111DI)LE, A0ED DIE'T.-Imprudent gids or later excesges have lbrolco .,
�. , . . .. no ,
I " Heart and Nerve Pills. A ,year ago my w0rd &lwatYs there, accompanied bye, severe lighted down Its length by the moon In color. In the 1111t was get tile lar., dowayotir system You fact U16 s --,:,-L mgstealf overyou, Mentallyghysicallyaul I .� L
- ,
!, . ltierves were 9, real bad wroole and wag so # I a �130 IN I
V, bloatingandabelchfagofwin,EL Idicinot which hung above Its roofless walls, I gest emerald the Anieuic-ang bad evep 'vlfAIIYYoltarenotthenianyouuse,kto eovshoul be, Whiyoulleadtlie angersignaW e'll',
.� . nervous I could not, stand the least even geb relief at night, and sometimes seen. I Arevonavi-Ilml Ila- -.von losi; hope? Ai-eyo-Ltint,onditlg,f,ornnri,y? Has
L , C .
. laoise; My sister had takon. your pills V,kxoY 111,01aS.Z WAIST, On either side of the' white *stone 1 flEADE14ycmr.blorid i;��n Illser. , .'I Rave you. auY vc.0-noss? ur XMV 1VIrTnoD . . �
f. . . hardly gob a bit of sleeT. In my inistry L W.,11,1 there stood but sharply the littl i "It's a good thing It's big enough - Taw.,,ntmv wil, tire you. Wbaf it. J.rz doiie for others it *'Vill f,10 for YOU, ConSUltation I . .
. and adviged me to give them a trial. tur6a and woven sergesi and the lines tried manyromediessai toctireindigtation, WhIchL 0 to divide, so we Won't quarrel over free. No niatter who, bas trcP1.:T you, write Or an honest Cpww rred of Charge.
� , I I bob they did Me not one partiate of good L , said Oirland, and the other nodded k -kee-"Boyliood, ghubooti, � j1herhdod.11 (Illustrated) .ids of moil. '' . ,�
% . 11 took three boxes and saw they were of these coats are veri Stuart black daggers, seemed to point it p- Boo r; r on Disea I . I .
. �. � � helping meL So Ikept on taking them until and t fully expnotod that I would &I$v& F his way, Glancing to the right,ond No L tiar eo Ott .
I '' Such a faadY blouse as this one a proval. . NO NAMES UStQ W1TRM1'!-' WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVA1E. a L
�'. ys III . boXes 6r enV0l*P00. Ever-Ahlni,� �,'.rufidcntlalp Question List and CoA of Trq�mttdont
L I had used five boxes, and I can say in be aillicted in Ghis "way. At this time i4y left, he followed their guldanp�e until "I wonder It Wall Sting Loo knew FREE FOR HOMZ TIMATMEN';'. .
I'' , i true words that � I am strictly cured." finds many uses. It, Is an excellent W6 .
1" 11 brother came home on a vi f ,and urged one hist circling ('UrVe of tile paS'4ftg,c this was I
1'��-:` . L To anyone tro�ibled with their heart Model; too, foe the entire g6wni, and me .to, try KILS11PLUIS LAXA-LIML , hiire?" :b6on Garland speca-
or brought him Miarply up against j1W (at , ,
I . her.VeZ we would stron . Ively as they emerged Into the open It .
: ; L ,a L
,� 'I, - eart; and Nerve no vial I began to im- 4 1 1 y .
1� 'L ,'' y advise'thera It serveo adWrably for the waist of PILLS, and lot; me a, few *10;16, AY the other arefted opening wirfoh, & ve fOvth a 14, 1
. ,. I lighter nlat&W than the skirt bi me I had to, do I I I DY .
L, . I ,.: to take a course of our W. , 0 , .. DR89KENKiiia"D &KEN
I I Pills as we feel congdent that they JUDIO CHOT'LIDT. provo and oottirl eat with some 01i it damp, eartfly smell. (in the 8t-oac I "Never," InteitUpted Harpetit, with : I
I .
�.. I . I , L, - wis grextly elite ah. I Post,�i , tho door ,fti painted another . Cor. Aichigpin Ave, and Griswold SJ.L Detroit, MI I
.1� I wilLrdo them a world of.gopd. I red, and continued' t4kift A grin., "Didnot believe It hirdielf and � L 0 ch.
, �, .
. 1�z I 11 . riot L This May Manton patteft 10 cut In ilzes, the Pills until all tr"ea Of. the trouble hz blaetrclttggel-tiointlngcl(�wnward. oar, I I
. If your drug , I 661fight h6od Stung US for fair-harOly I
, ! , , giat or dealer does djgqlpattred, and I eould once mote ogi,t gll land f1stshea oa big lamp and saw a eill&ll I awNOTICC, All letters froin Calladzl Must be addressed , I I
�: from thirty-four to fOrtr tsidlido bust 4ted we'd com6 out. after ito 'to our Canadian Correspondence Depailf-�
.1. . I kedp thorn, we will mail, than direct on hidailUrs, 6066 1.0 0 kinds of food Without the I I
1, . � slightest inooll- � .Wriggling flight of broken , steps I , fIlIx . � I' i ,
1, 1, 'pt of priw--50c, ,Per box or 9 bo:K63L I , a flot 0orryo though'" chuckled I aent in Whidsor, Out. � 11 you desire to
I I ftto, to thla'afflad, 91* -
11 � I
! iracei h4, ntifnibeff 711 9, and It wfa be p irtnietift. I 1 #;M tro Armly donvinced of d I d Into a blac ii�N",&Nt ,� , see U915btsolialty call at our xedical Institute In Datfoit aa �wo se;
. , ; 1. for, $1.25, ,;I �L I . roffiPtly ,
� . � �, . 4 , ro . . . . . . land no they went, back along tho
, I forwarded, to You by maill It In hasts eir virtue 4A a fArnity MP41.41 o fri,p'ttignt,�ornih ft no Pa ftidsor o1ces which axe for Cotrq4ponde
:1, I . . e And treat
.1. The T. Milburn 00.) Lim"t d T addiftnal cent stamp for 1100ta6ion, in retomr4atiding li �Osltated# st , . . �W"ftth: to the riverr where two'! fients itt otir lWi nee aud
11: � , thom. (p, , . , le�, W: �, SaW L Labdratory for � " . .
. 1 Out. awo, whith"W1 0 601116 P , _ I Idil baoinets only. Addregs all Jb�s as follow$
a Ino rOkbiorii kea,WA Milburn's fjax&-Liver Pills L', 0 a mily'llig ofifti t ti�,. A, h awatto .
. t r , ,4, pof f'' , L , ,, I them with , , �e�j
I I, -
. . . . . . 1 I . - � �'� � . . . for $1,00, at &I , �" or forwar�L - L I I .. : . . I . ,� , I 11 , I 0 , DR:! 1 mmoy 41- ZZTq4%ZD'yi,L WiAla , Y %, I
, "
- ' ,
, .
., � � L I 1 Z I. ", ff'. .KL .. "I .1 . 171111A4 I . 1, L Or
L'LLLLL'LLLLL I I . , Lj�XL'�' . L. ilea diroct Ott taceipt of , I �. ". , I , I 1. I I ",_,"'. tOr M1V,'VrlVIk1AW . I , ,. I 1� , .
, 1� I L%4 'A , , . �. I ._ , 1� . I The I I . . I 1, � . , U;16:._� ,L -, ,, . �, .
�1, , �,k �, L I . I !, ., .. '.-. I 11 I .11/1 .. I I .
. I � I . �. """`_ ,,,� '144 L,.: . _��, *4 'r , k, !", " �� JMLXITP�111111111111 .
L� �, : t , _ L r - .4du 4, , � � I I I I . L
,#,J*�A,r L 'A, _' h :�' . �" � : 1. -,-�.aL-wg�, _ . 1, � '4, �, � I, -IM, JjL,,",L �' 11'10jwljk�,i.,14� "' L _ -1 111111111111 ___. , , - � `�.,, �, -'11i.
, � I ,� , ' , - �, I :� `��, IL � I .1 - " �.�w,,, � '� �, ON , ,I 1111 .... ..... __
i ___ , 17. 11 I , jlli� - I L I ,,_ _ "' L " L .1 I