HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-21, Page 5I "I I .1 I i . I., -11: 11 I -11�1 1-1-1 11� '­­ , T ,� I I ,� . I : I I � � I 11 I I i I I I 11 I I I � - .,;.",:,,:�;;...��.;���;;�,.�.. 1.1-1-N ­ ­ - - - � I � � , � I i W -;PWP99440 1!1 1 q --- . .� . � .... I'll *W ­ I., " "'. , '­. - -------- - I I � , " � � 11 � I I � - 11 I � , . � . I . I � I � I I I � . I I I . � I' ­�,��111111Y��­!I:tl:l i��,�,,,,,,,���,�,���,����,�,.", . � I I � I 11 . I I 11'', � '", I I'll- --17,11111 ,011 I I , I - 11, , I 1. . I I ,, . � , I . I 11 . � . . I : I . I I 11 I I I I �� !.1 I I I ��� . I I I I . . . I . * r � I 11 " I I I . I : ! , , I � I � I � I � I . I � I � . I I I I I I I I I . trAN"'ASDAX SElaug,rit-It" eis,j� . 'M ." n � I � . . I I � - I � JU . ,Wnn,.%-R � I 1 . I . . � . I . � 14111111111!1111�l o1111111! � . TH Mix & IN TIMES . � ,� I I I : ,�.:, � I � . I ­i� r-71-11-11 I . --1 1. Irl. 1, 1:1 ­11:'11111111;%�00""­ 1-1-1--, I . , r � , , I I I . 0 -11. r ­ .1 "-1-"-P----­�. ----.-. - , , �'. . r - r. I r I ----=" I .. R P P L E'81 I General News WSALL , -2"�"=-,*--­"""""-1*-� � j r . r- HE . --. j � - ­ . j- . I * I T , , , , I PECIAL. � T:he k3reat,N91; horse Show in the 004, N'41'aaera weri starll,,�d on &y. � . I - I A car load of winter ap les world is 1110 l4f,erloati(�4?l in London battil wol%i rig lask to, learp, dJaIt Dr . . . . . . . ...... - ���� ����� "I'll", . 11 . p r � CanadianVerSe X.S. Xadal wrtIts a vivid and amus- I Alkerihead s eapr&e ,arld I -#"W- D 11 I I Will Arrive about the I . -50 loaTZ;4 had 4 , I , lu, . I 1 w4o Cie, rlp�laii Of it for the Oetobe,r been Istol'ou sOmECtime duxilig Rltur� I 11 IE,.,R r, I � I r . I �FIRST OF OCTOBER- ., I Scribner with pictures by Fr,. d po,g� day jal;;;�ji% 01, �oorly Sunda), Xytalt�.ag, I 11 KILL ,. ,3 11 . I . I THE W'N OnT,4E NQRTH. ram, on English urt.ist who visited,, i t I lt apl r )ears t4at 1,,be. doctor &d w'tl . nd,7 I I rrr ..... I'll, I 1, " I . I I I EPTEMBER ' recently with M' � . .. . r, Nadal, ' . Leave your orders early � . I � ed'kO Ws lorse for th�.,, night som,ec Ill I � �,*� Ralve 030 equal as a prompt r � Pos- time In tr!he neighbor .... I I ey William TalbO Allison. UVE, Cure fox Sick li,dailaolle, blljoust� o'clock and � FIRST COME -FIRST -SERVED 1? and hood Of d� evoin) .. A ,� 111� � I � gojn�l out to the a'abl(k 11 - I . - ; 6- . EWIlliam Talbot-%Mson was born ne,95 comstipation, Pain In the side and again (belt'N"'O'n Cdgbtand 111=1 Sunda), I I I I -4t 'Unionville, , Ont,, 1874 , all Rver.'traUbleS. Carler's'Little Lly. - handful I I I L IE ' of, . Hsr ii a i er pill.q; ,Xr *them, "'OrIgiWr Mis 'licio thsap surprised d I I I . * r "* R, G- -1 S81,00N I trAduato of Victoria Vinversity, and � y and anAloyed to find that his horse ; 0 . . ., � I The marliage aC lyliss I�ily � I I has 1,yritten occasional yerso I '81'ay and Qu-t1it had bet,n stol,il, Ile at ....... .. IN, � . , ­ -- -- Ill in , � , - - --r- r i I OUR Large 8tock of Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines "ag"Aes- He-livea, in Toron,.j I da'ah'tuar at Mr. flind Mrs. Tho( De D13L ln�QU'ftltect a,"S,o,krahjx4g i!partyl ; �, . I , , . Co,tWtocy ef Lucan tp Mr. 13". S. � 0.)ole and telephoned ,to d,ffer,jat pojr,t4, -1 I "' , 0'r t. � I I a r I I , 14 . " 'll.ington D. C, took plile,! .,A " bttt, up ,to th, .- ` I - Small Musical Instruments, Stationery, Childrens .1itrom out the cold house of the north .11 L' tt !me of - writing he has ,,e4�: .- . I . e,:! Wagons and Bicycle Sundries to be reduced Thor's stalwart children hurtled - September 0 not located his odtfiql further ltba;u ... � IF -rz r I I � � I I I , . I sing, t rough a villar -N0XQRrV)JSryfRlDAV I " . to a price that forth, lltlnrlin�,, up arld'dc.,,vil s�tajrs, "t .was seen,pas­ 11 ,a I Rae I I .0 I sweell- no't ffar from (London r ,ii- . . P ery much . . I ,r I . � . * ,st 'and Isympatby �,s ,oxpr�,rst!d j I ." � 1 W uiit Wake u women jl,eal�,hi or beaue- .111'e"L s . .11 � I �r Orsook their sullen s i a and bending over making beds wil I I V, __ , a cl, " ,PQ�l 'all .1d, !f, Will Command Attention Southward the Gothic e ro .k i � 1. r 'I bards foretold a rf Id -is th, 111. *Wh 0 for t1le*doctor, , i , , �'� 11 �1' ... 30 Days We are carrying too large a stock and fo th , e if ill She must get out of doors, walk I holkie was fill, illimal,a!xi'd the b g- , EN YOU � ' 30 Days ' �- 0 a mileeoriltivo every day and itake gy was . it WH I ,� 1- next 30 days you will receive the benefits And fame, and boundless eas I ,C -ablets to improve her j ban 11? I SWEEP � . �, q I I � . 'r - �, , hamb rla n's t dsome rubber tired ou d I � I Loud rang the shields with so ding - digestion and regulate li�,r List such as would be cavettad, but . � X . .. . ^I,-. rl-^_ . I 0 H F or sale by all dealers, bowel'. it is hoped that he will y,�t ­. , . IV41 ­.'. zluan & Co., Louis X111 . got 'traw - I � - , I blpws, k andpossesision of It,, . scrbs the clust, I . %W, PIANOS.a..., case�, eMaehiol3gtany finish, 4 feet 6 inches 'The f I ab -"'! 1. . I- _ I urious din I An old Plower of Logan'toli,riship in 3"he many relativos ond f.rl,,,-.,tds at � ��i 1 �� � � high. This piano has been used for Adown the dreary land, the perso,n of Christian Suhr, has pas, Mr. James Bell sr. .%,,ill brightens, the i, � ... I A Beantiful Bell Piano, Walnut concert'work for two month . Woden held them in his k sod away in hifs, 186 year as the. reisula� tkha:t at t1he d:atB of 11�r;jting I I' " I . , , S 17,09XVI: 'to karn , � Case, 7J octaves, 4 feet 8 inebeii high, - Regular pi.qre $475 Md hi� is vvry . ,� I .3 Cill . , safely passed the Teliton in at a Paralytic stroke. '7:1,2ifend came low having failed Very mucl, during floor and c1c=$1 " . ." I 11 �� has been rented for a short time, I Special PL -11 d.. .." $350 By every hostile band, very suddenly on Wednesday of last t1he past month or,,so. � L ! " I �1 � . Regular price $300 - ., I -L-elc. Deceased has b,�,en ta re,siden,t Miss Rob - ", � . of Legan for Many yoars pooling t kirk has been hCre for ]the 1 the C-Mpet. � ."'k, 41�1, Special .......... $100 We also offer Twelve other Pianos At length, one day, the host was . o past few Wek-ks visitting her motht,r : � I �J I . IN f A:S TE E RESULT OF A Tip ­--� rangaig' in price from thrilled . this township from 'Mekleburp, Ger, Mr. Albert W6i,fe , . . ,sides 1-jigh Con - One week free trial. . . 4 1� . many when a. Slaung, man . . ; , ,", . . A Weber Piano manufactured by At that glad �ry the foremost s - . of about stable, is alt prpsen( Oa a trip to Tb�,,, 1 iniany a woman Maw ,h,.49 a repdta. � ;hrill- I 11.bn as I WormworthPlano Co. of Ringston ed,- , 1,4,q �yean% at ago. -.11le, if, Survivi,,d!, �by west on OffIC:iLl ii Yours for health, " li�,�� , � I a fine baker who .was $165 to $245 �. _ husinesis . i 1, ". I I Wrialerly known as lbdt, afi or . djklary finished. Ili Mission Oak suitable for : "The sea! A southern sea ill ,"a wilf a iand eleven. ebildrIn. I . The many 1!014;dv��s and fr1eilds of ,�­ 1-1 Sunday school, H�lls, Lodges, Etc. which are Big Values but space will As breathless DUSTBANE ." .,- 11 one. The UP Is Ito ,- stood tl�e northin Few if any mqdidines, have met �j ith Mr, X113. Sparks of this village will I , ,�. USE SNOW DRIF% FLoUR � Regular price $250 not permit us to give details. there, the uniforin success that has attended regree to l"'arn, iha;t he contina,cs, ,:n, 4LL GROCEP.5 I 'I'l, i - I Special Price ...... $170 - The wind swept through their y low the luse of0hamberlain's Colic Cholera very ill hen,lth. . V 1i * � - hair, � and Di,prrhoea Remedy, The rcmar� .Maih,er A. Codinore who is iia%, . I . � .j'..., � . Mhat is all the Secret abon't kV wit! . I is now W. J, WN � I ­ tlie use of Snow Drift flou.r half (the Sewing Machines.,,_. And sang of empery. kable cures of colic and diarrhoea 01)"'"119 at, the station bas iw.,!.I� . I Blundall Piano, Mahogany Case I I which has a�ffeoted -n almost e " . . bilciug b alre,ady done. Witth . i ,,,,y Spending the past Ss`oek or so vfisjt-*;,ni; Exeter, Ont. . J . � J uAPO guarranteed for an unlimited time, 4 50 Machines to choose from Singers, 'Rome's doo in heir " have given It a wide his st" . I : "v- eldli:narY care a �m .was written 3fter,s io Windpor. I I I - 11 I nd skill twice 'ats feet 7 inches Ra. nds, New Williams, New ' , reptaat�iom, Misis 811OL . Londo-a , 1. Iviod resulbs a ,,high, is a first-class piano W eyes, For isale by All dealer,%. bottoill Of neal I I 1, has been used less than Zmo is, visit iii(r, �Jrs, ,ilid trilss g)alla" ,i ..'� I I : three months. hit,, New Horne, Standard. Fell. tumult under sunny skies, 'The dewth accured of Margaret,Lit- r �f ., � , � � ,� : �1� Regular price $275 will buy a Dx9p-head Machine ,, Death on the Golden Horn: .1 11'etisdUy l3epti�.,inb.!r 5, P,k I. ;rj,P'� this village. : The Shirt Waist Question. .1 *�7 . � 11.1 , .1 � � " ..,*, If. Cook. Sons and Co. Sale Price ........ $190 15.50 guarranteed for 5 years. Wow, by the rood, what southern residenca of Jjer son 41,.- IM ,. - 1,4r.. Mr. W. X.. Ilorkins I�rai)rietor of Many girls and womeu make their,; ' " 11 1. �­ I � , . the Commerc.al hat,al Rafter ,an . .,�- 11 , Hensall Ont. I : , slaves, 10t� 2. OM 4 Valthrton ,at 111he ogt! Of ' aU. Own Shirt waists, a task compara ", . . A Mason & Aisch finished in Burl $23 Buys a New Wbite Automatic Or land that any south sea laves 95 years, I mioutbs, �tnd 15d, semea Of a numb -or of malifths easy after one has a Patt tively , 11 , ­ I- - ftf b guarranteed for 10 years dec ays. The Vancouver end ,other ,)art in era that 1".;` � I Walnut, Colonial design, 4 -feet 6 Inch. . Can face the northe'r4, hornp ' eased has been 11). faililn!,,� h,oalth s xetunaed ' ' � I some time, Mrs. DIU wit)h her has, Ile reports havin, .nday wV06"111, last Idiosyncrasies. One young woman, I . I 1� � . es high. This is a high grade piano Buys a Ca for to the Village on MO Perfectly, adapted to her individual.- ' binet Machine band a'na 'two children came to kc,L.ni. ,,, an i�rjayabl,-Iii,ioae ­ , The Fall "I"erm � and is worthy of a good home, , 22.75 guaranteed for 10 years fin. ------4- d noVI,c!d '. and ,%vas pleased upan h is r,� 0 do by thii: I .. . Regular price $375 is -an q11r,- . � ada, from Germany ill ,V it used to have a waist ma . bed in Golden Oak. , see the new ,ho(,ol so Mr,oll fin,'9,be(A most famous S �� I I . 1. Special Price ....... $215 This if a chance to purchase a machine ' FGR E02EMA - years rigo and' abou hht waist maker in the I aft�erxj" I' throughout end re,ady for ocelipancy City. She took It home, pp it . I . at the Right Price. A treaiman't 'that is ,Guaranbecd one year ards, moved'to Fullar- this, week.� ri ed - ,G. ve Ttelie,t to ton and bad lived there ill) to tilc� � . . ........ �- apart, cut an exact pattern of it and' ;,?. I . - A New Scale Williams Piano, W&I- El szema is parasftic in rl&'�Lire. It time of her death Her husband prell ' made her summer waists by the bat.' ., I I.. .- 1� nut finish. This is a Sample piano has Children's Wagons i -s said Ito be a contegeous dise -�e. coed -ed her forty years ago. ,Sho� is Do not suffer from .,,. ok headache a tern. Her waists always fitted her a very fine finish and tone. Until the parasite a' survl�ed by tbrea sons; moment longer. fft is riot .t-,,�c.,,w � I I � �� C01116- C Regular price $375 Buster Brown, Artillery car, Bull or germ hiddart in i Thoobald; of Cart-er's Lilttle Liv,er pil . ary well, but there were some attendant .. . Z 01VD 0/y, 0,-,7 """74:" . -clog Shin is completely dost'reyed and rel- Sebringv fle, Jahn of FutUnrt.on and I I . Special Price ..... $275 and Rail Wagons moved George of Stratford. Dose,o ale lit,lj� 1 1%"'l cure trouble and ex ense, eczema cannot be cured. One daughti,r Y'.a- Pill Small .P . Fully The late Mrs.. George. Schweitzer 't. PrI -0- Sill 11 dose Smoll pill.' commences SePt.5th . 1.25 1 To 2.50 one tEird of all,skin diseases 16 jai ,�he 0 V a A contributor In Harper's Bazar tells' . -- - ' form of "ze'ma Itaffects persons, or, of Sebringville, died Sonic, time ago. --�­ - her plan. She bought a plain patterni: � C all ages and classes. It is very preval- Mrs, Chas. Smirl, of Jimes Ohio. 11� RA INITON and some cheap madras,. cut and care. TWENT"BVEN-TH -YEAR f'OO Writing Pads, 100 sheets to a pad ' edt among people ibel'�WeOla the oges of wri tes fully fitted a waist. ripped It apart - STRONGER THAN EVER I STATIONERY regular price 10c .Sale price ............... 5 20 and 10. I have,us.,ad Qvery remedy f'.'r ' W�ss ,11annah ItayGraft tand j)115 I 4: ck beada che I ' could iho.ar of for td:iv-� Olalgeft for Toronto 111st 1%,o -- We arillesilatiT.gly guar ,,1r. a It WAS only basted, of courbe-and re- cut her pattern by it Then she bad a � - I &ntee to Ire- pas� fifteen y,!ars but Carter's Lit- Mrs. JAbery has Jic,an ;11 for soveraii % -� , 41 Thorough courses in Remember from this on we sell all Popular Music at 1 5c- per copy. tarn every cant paid us for Roxall Ue Li.ver Pills did ine more good than days. Pattern to which she could PITMRN SHORTfifIND This Special Sale is good for THIRTY DAYS from this date, after the El o7ema Gin tment in),IveTY a' ase where all t e ras-... . apply! TYPEWRITING regular prices will prevail, t Vt ,h 'Miss Y. .Goulding, of Ilderton was tucks, embroidery or lace at her Pleas- 4 - 1: We ask you to ialls 'O give entire satisfaction lit (I all U the t g an'tis- 0.eg�(."!� Of Mrs. .1-1. Lang last w,)e,k. ure, doing this before cutting the . . PENMRNSHIP 17015tses'ses "amurkable cleansin Why &Ls liny bti,,f�ess grow yon ask? r 11;axyabd q,. oxg, T.1tarm. 4 goods. . : I I 130OKKBBPING, Etc. Call and Examiule these Values and judge 11* eP ic healing and curvative power. That I can qLVickly �tejl ; f rom. Itlie- I a*ke last w'-eelick ..- "". I I qo trouble in placing graduates. Our � . I for Rs great valu,9, is very Pronounced 11 Starlied �aarly, (in tb,o 'giiine aliss I Ifl-ghly qualified, experienced teachers . in the treatindntp c,f 113czpma whether By 'dvLr,tjsirig welf. Oliva 131711nioni is ospe�nd'trlg a The New Neckwear. . � � Of the dry scaly sort .or of the we�e.p a ' and relatives in Ill,qnsilll ,.Ljld Clinjon. Ili couple ,cf We-alcs holtdays with frivilds ,.So individual attention to students. - lrf�summer Urric and wint This collar and cuiff set represents I nyestigate our record Fir Ing type where there is a constant, 'My mritChnued story. ,ar timc,, M;ss Agi­.iei� Lvnx nX Lon(lon. 11,bo 'the latest Togue in lingerie eirects :r6j� 1. . I . " I st Lesson flow of an ill-ism0ling exeretion 'Or Is (read by those who tak,! the IrLinon has been ougagod jhvad tr"Tilmle, rieck and sleeves. TheyareoltlIlet ' i I in Pitnian Shorthand, 'Catalogue and of the 6'her,intermediary forms, 'Lich .r for * i full information free. S. Martin I Son., Exeter as ringworm acne, iP1m:)!o,s, blots In Be they grit or Tory, for Miss Wilson (arrived in Itne Vil- - I . i, , " iN zzo, Dundas St., London, Ont. l " I . �-- - and discolor&tious, I Chas Politics, I must. admit, tage on Taesilay last. I --- . , I W. E. BLACK, - - Princi0at I =-- ' Rexall Eczc-�ma Ointment 1,5 Vt ry u9c­ I somdt',mes don',t oggruv Carlton ClIrke Cf Reg:'n't Sask. .A.-' .�� I - ---- -, , � I � . � j� V- . fal in Irea"ing ,ulcers. sores wounds MWL'tb 1WA-asures i1at it.he timps Istarld,s PA111 a zbDrL visit Ion wedl]Lday oi �­ I - . Crediton iniect bil'os Wttle rasih and hi-ves. byl las,,. week Ito ll.*�s ,zrarid Parents, ,Mr. - � I � L particularly recommended for t -F Rnd Mrs. ,larrics Grant, fle was an I 1 9� But whatf is that to me? � 4 large number attended Rxeter hLI I've bek4fi a good Tory all my lif,,-, his way to :1it:c1l(1 Sellool of Sci(,nm � � I ,� I I troa'fulent Of children who. are, tor- . I 'I CASTOR 1A I I arn'bound Ito say at Lafayett, Jndhraa�j, - .:::*-;,::-:.:­�. . . I Fair on Tuesday. I merited with itching , bar'ning and .11 a The Bowli- � Mr. R. Sweet is on thesick list. We For Infants and Children. The ,$i�.'gg�,��';9� . Times'is fair-1hat's why my ad ng Clob are Putting on ,,�?.�.g;4 disligarl-rig shin disease. We : . , I � I u r g­-� .�.,;­�.M, ":­: f�;.,.,-�W- . � - I concert in, Marmany 111all . X. � R. all hope for a speedy recovery, � ­��,.I,: Y. M. C. A. BLDG.. I vou Ito ,-ry a box at our risk. Youj; Fs, in lit -cVary day. It first class �­ . ..: . . LOWDON.ONT. . Miss Morlock of Exeter spent a day The Kind You Have AlWayS Bought - - . on Eledt,ibn lA�ht SoPt. 21st Th,, corn ­ �'-.'�!�-%., ­ � � . BUSINESS and SHORTHAJID SUBjECTS. last week the guest -of Mrs. J. Eilber. money waits You. if YOU are mat sat�- - ,..,- Qii��.,gi� I 1. 1-1 .:.,:.:.:. - --�-Z­1- I Parly wlzi,bb they liavL 9�2cared would 7,;,�.,. 1�..,.;,-; .. : , ,�X'.g i . � ­ " 50c and $'1.09. ?i.;,- '. ;�, � . � . :-�-'-:* . I ]Registered last season upwards of 300 Mr. Frazer Braun returned home Bears. the �! �r i ,fied with 1�hc tr'eatment. Two Sizes Ohildren cry have been ,e;k I: ir0y beyo,nd'their means J. � �§::� 111*k "., -, 1, inuTrits and plaeed every graduate. Seven after spending (114' Remember yog can ob- but or the fact L -hat the nilght I ­ .."'.. �11 "I".., .­'-­­� . �'.­. - ,.- 1. a few weeks with Siguatwe Of 4 , 1 7 tain Rexall Eczema Ointment only at FOR FLETCHER'S f Vas Y' ' ...:,:.:.:.,. ­�� �":�',-.'Vg - ��F":-.�....-x'&,w �.. , . -��%:K% :0`,.:�,..'�,,."r,-K ,� 8 �pcially qualified regular teachers. One friends in Chesley. a9fi..�I�r4w- 1W favorable f r ;any town locaitlon, , �> '. .., W -l", ., ,> � , " . 1, -.­.­1r1*11­ --a�'..;-­­:1-. I . . .. � ,?":::`k ­...Z.,�,.N,,� K,*,�., , , Tk'z�'xi.g .,-- M ­ -me." I _1 our store 'U'Roxall store.W. 6 . -Vo,jo . 0% ­-, ..8 I .. '. . .41 �05- � - �'11 . . n., . ­­',.,�: . � ,� 7W.M.:: . " E �,�.;.X. --�­,.-..-wn ,3g,* I � CASTORI an large number from the 0 1111111dred and fifty London firms employ Mr. R. Graham spent Sunday in, A - 'There are ao -.7. . " ., ..� ..., , , ,P 0,- , �* .�,. %., ,. � ,.'�-.':- ""x �.��Y, .. --------*I--- V " ;,; � , I OW trained help. College in session from Exeter. 0 --------0.- J11age hnd surrounding district Seek- .'�l,,�..,';.,!,.,'.�."�.E::..,:��'., '�1111�- .";­;­�­,, Q ,..;. -1�wl 11,� ­ . ,% "... I 3*t. 5 to June SO. Enter any time. Mrs. F. Cawley of Detroit, is spend. ZURICH � higher education at st. Marys and :.;.,.".ii:,,,��,,-.-,.�..-.....-�.I."."".,......"�. , I- ­:: 1 -n��g.�*:�;*�!: -1n,!j.1.-�-1"`­5. I , - - . ,�.i&*rlll,�K'-.'��:,a I—- . .;:::."��.,!,.'�;�:i�,'.�!-��.1,1.i�;�i:,�� "'�,�....'��i*���..-,��,,�.--.- ; . , .,*�; , I . r.11ACKENZIE AND MANN �imt-llatford. Beslides somo wbo were at- �,,?.k;t,�:�:�l:,:���.�.;�;:::-,.:.t::;- 2::;�' . .­:­� .,�:::�.:. ­.-­�. :-,::!:::�:.",;::;!:�:,;.,!":,:��;;".��:��k `��; �11`k� ,. I Catalogue Free, ing a few weeks with her parents Mr. K11IRRITON aliss BerLba Warm returned to Two [SeINMade Canadians Who ­ --,--- - � I ;.,i-�­,P.;.:,,:.:-x-. V. 11 and Mrs, F. Hilber. . De'traht last .Monday. 'Lending last- year Nelli,e. Foremab, � -;::;­',�.,..�;:��.:R.X�� -, ..' Forest Q� ,E, 'a -,V' . b1iss.Doupe returned last week to Built a TranscantiueLntal ,�i;E�.�i�.".'-�..��.�.,i��,,,���,:, ��..;�:.�;.,:..K.,;.,.:,.:.,;.:- - :1. . � . College. Don'tforgetthe big F MiSs Helma Sipple of Detroit is vi;,si! Clifton Langford, TPred 11 �i�.,.,,,:,,.'..�i�i�""�.'�.-'?�.t,i%���., I e 0-- owl Supper : t Roweliffe, ., .11'�-- � which will be given in the new Evan- er ing xela!tives and friends in town, for . I.. 1 li6l , P , - , i ` ... .1 1. J,'W- WESTERVELT, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, ber home ,near Owen Sound aft Railroad 'are the follolvang", who ore commetnO6 �i�wl$`.�'..­... �.,., . Citartered Accountant, p4licipal gelical church sheds next spending some time visiting relatives a few -weeks ,,-� S�,�,ii:�K<:-:;�': .11 � . Ml� - -R,�, Z��ffi�." I I . Friday even- here . ' . .1 M ., , : -, 1 - . ­­ I'll lur,- Everyu " *­ I f L'" ' . : Is , ,Miss Tillie Fisher i)t Po - tfi,�� mending`wRill 'the pnsvint term -E 1� '.-, ­., t . Vice FiinclpaL cighties, whan the warm breath of - One Spriag'morning fearly in the there.,ara-Ithe follaw�ing whoore coral N". - ody come and take in Me rt Artli az 'chinook was loosening 'the 6LOW in A K�,, .., 'k, I - 2==== MiLs Annie B3o.ther � I——. ;.. - - first Fowl Supper this fall. 9 her W: ..11'�-X. ..",1-111 i , -. --% .,­.111:1.."�; � Doupe spent Saturday �js v1sitfLu ' and o,,,, -r sit', Wallis, Mabel K,oftlr. Lloyd Wa.9s, OF ....,:,�: . . - ­i� -X .-M I , - ­ -;..'� .,. and Sunday at ber home here, friend%. gorges.` wrRes 'Isaac F. Marcosson in Robvie Parkinson, Joe ]),0111011, lia'tie . Ai' �x � �: -:r I! Tylansey's Magazine. two. men� . met Caroll,' Y,aiy A-raciiie an(] Arinlie Abory. - A large number attended the Lon- I Rev G. Racey was called to Quebec Wr. und Mrs Xons�tantine return!,k: ­ir 'the little town Of KjCk .j!�;;- ,; �Iri Fair last week. All report a good I last week on account of the death of on Monday after a ­nrec weteks, viz�, Horse -- , �.-'!:-- " I %,:'... ..; * ,4 ­­ , - -, . Mr. and Mrs. . 'V. Ratz of Parkhill I VtA,o ItClitntod-and Tor'on to. I "' e F oat of the illIgnadiab E�R-,i.:.;:.:. Wanted - Cream .v * time, I his Ris,ter. . I ,1',:.,.iQe ' t1 a, ffi�-, i f autoed up and spent Sunday the. I. h k at , .1 ­ ... I . . . . . - I Dr. Ai � -tbur Bettie leff last week for e residence i3ifthla. 'britkos, par- I ie',5. On was big bronzed. iand - ',�. `1 _-,, -,:.�� .. --��.11. guests of their daughter Mrs. Chas. I colle d Mrs. Jo;hriGejger,,-,. Z,ur- � -;i .Madison Wisconsin. to resume his ents, Mr. an b - od on upstandlinrg glant oX a $ , Ik :%,�!!...­ - -X I . . Farmers or dairymen who hii. a oNrr'actor W ho got more wdrk oat -- - .. 4-,71 ­.j!::;�::�'.:..':j;...L�... - ge duties. .an SCIATICA , I.. ,i4�. * . ..:.� - LL -- " -,4 `;;��:!t,;:!.!;,�'! ve Zwicker. ich Road on Wednesday the N-th"inst, "',, �� ", �.: - no goo �.;-.f.,j-:;1:�;.­1% `�, ­ �;.­�..­ - . - %:7:..:?:.. Japan preached in aschc and Ao,, the Canadian Pacific. Dan ' �.;­A­.... :A ...;..;:!,;.. . : id local market should write Rev. H,iuch of I ii�r- Adam Shier is slightly improy. Miss Ej7ma Geiker,*Lo Mr. John G, of 'the navies 'than any other Boas up FXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY -,.--;;�,A"!.:- ­ " , . A � I .:.;��;.;�,:�i�,;, .... �. to -day for quotation card from the the Evangelical church last Sunday e 3�f 7,arich',. I ��..i'�.�,i,!:�.��,�,!;,;",I�..-.*..i . %, I.... ..:::; -, s-.':; - was what they dabbed him. The oth- , -i-@ 11 � � 11 ,,`.:�. leased '.. � ­ . , moning. Everybody was well p Next Sunday is Rally Day in the Mrs. Jus'Lus Demuth ht Alsh 1.1 n 0 L I , - I "..., . I ,! I 111.1 ,! I 11.1 ,V Co. . ­�f'Z M I ,*,*, ;, '.­','��, I SARNIA CREAMER Methodist church. The service will be .Wisc6hsin ,arrived here 'on 8 lurday er man was Ithin airibivy, but with an ';�-,,�,'g .- . ;�:..::.� " , `��'�`� I a, tense ot coneral(iug eliergy b I �ji:: i"..4 - �,, .." �. I �.�." ...W. .:::. -�,, , . .. "..; ,., - ;., ��:%" .. � .. We pay the HIGHEST PR those who missed it missed a whole illaving been summarx.�d tv 'the. d,-ath overcome, If -ire and, flood on trail and IM -­��-'., ! On Tuesday evening be gave a lecture in charge of the Sunday school.' t ot had Another Case Where Lffe I � Silo-filliug has commenced. 'bed Of her mother, Mrs ­-,.i�,��.!Z .111." . .. - ICES. lot. " : . I ,� �"­:.' , ��.,���!:�:��i��-i.. " , I � � ,%. � ,;7� . - , . .; ... . , �, -.i... ,, . 'X--.,.,... - *.1": 1. . ... :::1. , �. . - � ". , I , - : ­;,:�:;,- ­.­� ". . I %- .;f:: "... , I - Truman Tufts spent several clays in Mr. Menno Bedbler's ,bar,xt at itlicl "' Worning? isaid Bill. : � - Restored by "Nerviline.ps ��, .�,�i.�..:­ 15."� 1 We Pay HARD CASH, and we re . C. Fishetr. -river. Tlbey called him Bill. . Was Saved and Maio .11.11 ,.,,..,: ;, wit AFTER EACH SHIPMENT. Mr. Harry Eilber of Hamilton is Toronto daring the Fair, Goshen Li,ne 8aulth was attruck bel ...,,M - :1: �, , %*. ,,�-;';*�,::�*` .�i,��:� ,. ., .." � � ­� . I You can deliver your cream to spendiDgafew days with friendqa. Miss Ross returned last Saturday to ligUtniing on Tluesday �.ighPbut lu C I orning." answered Dan. ­Gr� 1, , JV19' ,. � I .. ­'. ,. I round here. .1 . :�.'1130illg to kown? asked the Xir,qt - -11, . . ;.,', - . -� ,;�,�*Ai .. her home in 8eafortb. , l,'�'Y all, f".i,re O,Aaft,d Somv� shing1w 1 'Yes; grab is 'getting low,- was . � YOUR NEAREST ra I way station. _, ere _,.., ek � ., A trial shipment will convince you The men are certainly getting anx- IVIN Nelson Fletcber has moved ff 11)111 tha loss will b8, It is because ,he feels it his solemn VMLET NST DA HN V.D WIT � . t�at there is good money I ' ious looking for the election which from London to St Marys, Slight. , . the reply. duty to tell to the world his faith in n ship. w:ll be held on Thursday. Redipro t , 9 WOOL. , Ping cream to Sarnia. Wefurnish e day. - -� . "Together they followed the pafth Nerviline that Victor P. Hires makes darned with wooi The wooi stirotipq . best bank references. city is the talk of th a af �the glistening d,nv stool rails laid the following declaration: "For three Write for A few from here attended --- THE WE, E I(LY P AYMENT., - ' !;LAN , on tainarack Lies still fre'sh with the years I was in t may be either In -,o'f (,Wor or in stiad �.-;. I quotation card. . the funer- - - � - - . IThe weekly payment plan affords forest smell he Royal Mail service, � � al of Mr. F. Heintzmann of ,Shipka . -. . Dan 'had boipu layijag and Ili all kinds -of weather had to harmonizing with tile wui,.;, I.,.Itti, . I I ------ Z- last Monday afterDoon. I wage le ' ainers all'oostay an�d sure way sections Bill had,been s-eltijing up snow meet the night trains.. Dampness, cold, which the set is worn. Bands ,)I Iiii I We are sorry to report the death of 4. , .. .of mak zlrg - ; e1r ;ovision for the time 1%,fi.-n s lie s s i Us, o!t and exposur I ,� .,�a n1P .a end a v -mi , b h wera par' e brought on sciatica that gerle, are applied Rbout the edge of tile . Mrs. Thomas Amy which took flace 1; th ng power 'haive cesoad6 VOT of the heroic foroo. that atfected my left side. . a ak- I � example, if 'a man at pres.e,nit ag�d, '40 Sometimes an Collar and cuffs. . .mery Co. -.; was blazing the way of -the ,40anadia(n attack would come oil th-at made me � I Sarnia Cre, I .y aturday evening. She was I . I ears were but unsung � en to Exeter for interment. Thefam-- . ­ I T -to &,pes!(t with 'the 0in- Pacific',across. the backboxie* of wasi. Powerless to woric. I was S � . . I I andlan [Go,vernmenit $1 �a week ur�til o 'nearly a . , �' ".. If ,,Sarnia, Ont. ily have the sincerest ByMpatby in .1 I he was 65 fox the parposo of buying tern Canada. Each had heard of the cOmPlete cripple that I had to give, up Fragrant Sitchet Perfume. � I their sad bereavement., �... ( I il� o1-ber but -now they ware Makling .mY Job- I was In despair, comPleteIy This calls for two ouneps ()f r,.;,4,v ,� ­ I , ,(a a Canadian Governmet!t, A VILIt''-:11chi cast down because the inon.ey I spent lavender flowers. oue-half onn(.p , sq, �, .. - ,�n u, y. 'Silvirl'l; appriisel Axo,ni-ta" ,� �, . 0 1 Take ,be would reoai,'va'$261 a year or th" T on trying to get well was wasted. I Florentine Iris. otip ounce of iwm,te,t. � 11, rein ' . -as. measil tinx smanarn TT.Ivals tne was speaking to my chemist one day, . % ... I � . CENTRALIA 4. 011e I ainder of his days. And if be di-eid first mdedn� bet",`een �V'm- MROX'd'if- and he recommended "Wervillne,,, - A live representative I ; before ha was65 wha:t he ,ha*d,�ajid in zle and Donttld,D,&Iann� I had Ion grains of i1i,,,1,-, I TED The Sunday School is to observe Pill, accumilated at Uperwnt compoun thds good liniment rubbed ,au and ten drops of ,ittar of roqp,. ,�11,v . for Exeter and sur- :t d "Out oif t6at,obance contract spraing several � 11 I R.Ily Day next Sunday at 10:30 a.)n. 111% I n'terest would be refunded to times a day, and got relief, In order together, In."ke Fifil-liets and pinve ill, rounding district to sell, high - �.� # then- ' ' 11118 ,in lalliance which has spelled empir(v W� to build up my gen. drawers among youl. clothes. I I "I olass LNIiss Floi-ence M. Blatchford, daugh heixs . , " Fall )oarUtrauars contsifiafrigi for Carinda !To,day %neXenzie alind stock for op e ' I 11. ing and u. ill spend a few days at the - five yeers if hl�� Or 811 constructive figures in, tlh-a Dominion . femn Saskatchewan on Monday even Mann are t:lle most picturesque and CURED Prove my blood i i ter of Rev. T. W. Blatchford, arrived 11. I 0111 Take . ,the scheme may fop, had by �ally 01110 eral health and im- . 1, '. I'J IV , 0-9-11 it ovel"the ag'o at 0 1 �'he'Fonthill Nurseries I , will app,y to .the Superinbomdeat Of They are still builders only they have used Ferrozone, one Game of Conglomeration. '." . 11 /I , Canadiarl. Govern.i.neLt annuties, . ot- ,six I ­; ., tablet with each . � parsonage. Vr/�, . , Easy. ' Each takes six slips and writes a -Ndre.fruit trees will be planted in 11 a. 'i'Sir" in frout of 'their marries, anel , . .0 - taiva. State ago last ibirthday, (the YEARS Wea-1. I continued word on each. Tht-,4e shuffled. an . . an ,army of man behlindtliern . Oj-,n� , this treatment four J � vall i*,� 1911 and Spring of 1142 than I ' , -age at, whiall Ainnuily i . s desired , are � I , *vei � . C,RAND BENI) I TiXfte What PHI ? begin and the to gle-ihanded thay havo built the Cani- months and wa.,A each drawing six 81jPS must write a ? I before in the history of Ontario, I I - amailyi(b which )rOu udian Northern sysj:am j, I)L,rfor4 oured, I have used all kinds of lini- sentence containing all the words. I I � The Ladies Aid of Grand Ben wa�t �to pay,vich we,ak and, the, 8upi- nients, and can truthfully say that ), h.�t � ,,,n,,. witboat a praco.,ed,anf.,,,'Whtft Other Words may be added or not na I The orchard of the fnture will be Methodist church will hold a grar Why, a Dr. Miles' efriteriden t ,,Vill tell you ,,, amount is wore they still civil it,, I ,Ich is Nervillne is far �stronger, more pene- I . ill' i the beat paying part of the farm, . lAnrralty itle . - the corn any depides. I � Harl e9t Home dinner and tertalp. " payment will buy. equidly.remarkabba. trating, and Infinitely better than, any. P .. We t6&cll Otte men Salesmanship, men t on Tu ' , Auti-Pain Pill, ,Write tonight, thing else fox' TeIleving Pain. - - I � �. -- I- � I "They have pashod f,he [rorillier Off everyone with lumbago, neuralgia, esdayeveningn t, SeRt I urge . 26tb. A fovvl Slipper will - - . : � Tree Culture. and how big ,proffie in held in � t -he map, they.have redeemed the pr- rlieumatism, or sciatica to use Nervi- Forest Friends. I I 1. I the ebur( of course. Good for all kinds of � A wall to do Chicago real �,�st.,tte,, airio province, It may sound peculiar, , . �L fruit-grow1bg cAn be made, -h sheds from 0 to 8. For in. Used to relieve Neup�.Igfa, owner ca s they hav-a 'translated line, I know it -,Vill cure them.- 1, .1 I � i the entertidnMent, part of the evening Ina into a hardware skore, their arnbitiow; into tev,mf 'Yet all Must agree .1 : , � V weekly a ng terms There Isn't a more highly-esteerned Each boy can gecuro I ,AN. , permanenb employ. the commit tee have been fortunate in We dacbe, Nervou�ness, ieu. W thxt -city alid askedtbe proprietor of it hundred t-.6mmuniLies from the citizen 13i Westaliester than Mr. Hires. 1tis appropriate tree, I ,� ''. -4 � ibeft, exclusive territory. secoring tl),k' Services of the celebrated ' iti$ for a pound of naihq. The 0mall pack. nlains to 'the nv)nntai,n.3 . For four- What he says call be relied u'pon, ror � Write, for particulars, and noted Paul Bros., of MrIcton, for- inatism, Sciatica, Kidney t . And they Who their woodland I I � . � ) w me nd �he price a teen years they liave qy-orifyed. a mile ,six years since being Cured he hasn't Companions would know . � I merlr of London Vng�, and assisted b )Lumbago, Locomotor AtkXia ri:akel ,handed 'to th�e knerabant when af )no I ; � , . w 'track tv,,ry cN.y. Snnrl�ly,, ill.- had ti, single relapse. Don't accept any- Ata,Y find them set torth # ( y tile Customer asked af the parchas(i 6luded and this growing 11ro!n of . I Iwo eading elocutionists, they wigl thing from your dealer but "Nervillne.11 � . to - g- i I'Z And may rood as they go. i ":"tone & Wellington ]3gckache, Stomachache, PcriQd-' could be sent to the house which -,vas s 50 cents per bottle, trial size, 25c; sold I ;.: render one of the most pleasing py,(1. � tee] has helped to give Canada a ntow For a wise boy, Osage,, :V, I . I . �� grams ever given theso, parts, I)o 1c.al # Pains of women, and for in q dtistant part OX the city The bixlth ol Indualtrial ond commercial everywhere, or The Catarrhozone Co., Poll a homesick boy, pine; . . . I I 11.1 I not, fAil to bear t1win. Chair will be .paM in any part of iho body. merchant oascnitj,�d arld.caijilig an ar- nawor The !tim,e is in sjgh�t when tha Xingstoii, Ont. For it 11'sherboy, basswood . I I . ; - I . an4 boy handed him th� parcel wital links of0their lines reaching from sea 0, 0 - �, I tttken I y W. T. Meng, of Greeii way. "I have wed Dr. Miles' rried'ic'nes for . UFtgD Irsladbush Is flnelv . I I s)ion Adult,Ei 25 cents children I 1�1 .� t � I , A, ,,��L I Admis 'over 12 years and find them ext5i ! ent. I . tile n�bkel hia. bad jusftl 1-00b;_Oa'd Sor to sea. will join'to form a transeaki'll" ORNS IN 211 noun V or a much loved boy, poplar; " � I I ''. . '-pilt under 14 10 cetits, Byerybody Con, e keep Dr. Milds' Arld-Pain PlIft 'in thp U and s4td hote tforioy fako'&'tar, and an tal sy.vtoin th,i�t, is unjique J.11 the b is- 9 I �, � #% I . house all the 01ne, and would not think take the parcel to Mr. Blanws house You can palnle,gsbr rerhavo any corn, r, or it chilly boy, fir, I I I . 7 t. � 9, L, zow-01, T 0 R I A' and, enjoy the treat. of talthig a journey wit 'WJ)W said ,the ",customer, "at(' yoli (,cry ef railrbailsf. ' , either hard, soft, or bldedlng, by 'Whilo a: boy at tho seashore -� * : Jv",­ " P*% . � hout them, no "The dtory of lmo& raflroads is, tho applyIng Pultnant's Clorn P, ­xtractor. It A beecli niust proftr, .,.. t, � . � niants wl ohildron. ------- 0- matt�r how short a distance I ain going. .90"119 to give k1e boy A M"Okle to tako story of the,men who built Ithom, Yet never burns, leaves no sear, contaltis no P&I a haPPY boy cherry I s� , in elloulth.1f I . aelds, Is harmless, because composed I I cannot praise thd the parsel outf-11 "Willy N.Vta;illy b some ottrionsfreak of fa'N� (-be bull NOMS alwttys first rate, I I t % , -----"� i , , � �;;�., . �, . �, . N� , I - . � '- --�- I ffapadflanyters�ej� � � I I � 1, 1, .1p, � I A W k I I I I " I I �i� �.AA - ­ U155 "k, y I only of heallng gums and balras. virty 11 I I I , gfy' , Lott, M. CHURdg %,� -­Cid %-he moro.hai*01 Wo, And tbo boy V010 loves history ! ",O..".Wl' 4 00 38YO AIWAYS 0009kl Aliln't� (thII'd d0r US 109tin Itho myriad Chances, that years in use. Cure guaranteed, I , . - , I Childreu Cry I 63 High 8i . 11.� Of askih� hi`"mi�­P, � ]k so, far'O, 114 usually, besel, ltb,� lanterprise. ,jqoa by all druggisfs, .Ze bottle$. ,,Uefusd . il I I . . - I I I 1� ­ 1 �Wea - Sold T62trtStoil a date, S � . I , . I ,­rlel�rA , % ,Ipqra �'d Phi ago wbore. In Itha ,wairld, Save in; �flle 1�n- I I 1 7 1�63rs, th*, � I - At all drugql9ts. 9$ dotesi 40. . , is a " . stlbi;tltutes. '. while t110 Pool' JftJUre4 boy I I I � �, I �7.A a 0 ,FOR FLETCHER'$ I � .1 I ''t I -,,A,o 'I as soon �giv WC stab(ia 1prosen-tied ib.r f.fie Vanadlao, PUT 011 Who when sadly distrasse,i . � I . . I ,�" � - I 4,1,11LES MEDICAL Cb.,toponto,69 I I ern, klifts 411 vtotual Constructor I . I I 4 Or 011692�0%, , , 'Iavpi*tmx-,�� �1 , NA ' � �` 1, - V AS, I A .".. .. . .. I 0 - 0 imb It tako ilt I, ,at North M 8 PAINUSS ' up Ilia brulaes , I . - I I . -11 M, .. W,61**W"k*r', I . ­ O,�, I I I 'WO klic, `U be . . I I I - I ,� . r � 7- '-'-' , . ,' * 0- , I -,� el ri 1,11 saw 9t, I I : , L, I . I la , 10 � . ­� . I I 11 I . Companlow � I " 7.-:.� , I I . 'I, I , 'I', . I I . � I - - , I I , , � I I I , . , , '' I I 14" I I � I , : 11 � v , IL , I I � :-1 � I . " -1 11­11� � � � .� � ".1"', 11-1 I . �, - -11-1-1.11 ,� ,11 . I'll-, 1'-:-1111111 �.�,. �;.Ai . Ahilik: '�111111 ­­ 11:­­­­­,� � W . - -d " � 466- 11 I �17" " I ,;� '��� , I I" � .----- I I '". �'. . . . I 1\1 �� I . I 'L -L ­ ­ . . lw.�, -4 ". I � I boeorft6tha 0 *r"4,. +01R , , , V ,, W, , I ) , OT _ I . ( 'Z; dL- I . .-�� - , '' � � 41 � � ii,�,�A iL.­L � ' V