HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-09-16, Page 21DEADLINE...5 P.M. MONDAv Canadian nttflo•.lelevisia n and , Telecom n enica1Rna ConunPss9on CCI%5a5�*iI� ae f8 radie0IPoa ton el dee o= knmuokadena canadiennee BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200:00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over. -2-52x CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. -1-52x LUCKNOW FALL FAIR Sept. 18, 19. "Parade at 1 p.m. (Saturday) Concert in Com- munity Centre at 8:30 p.m. featuring Dicky Dean, an all new magic show. Crowning of Miss Mid -Western Ontario at 10 p.m. Family dance to follow. —37 CASH BINGO, St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, Thursday, September 17 at 8 p,m. No children under 16. Sponsored by Kingsbridge Area Seniors. -36-37 MUSHROOMING IN ON- TARIO - Royal Botanical Gardens, nature study pro- gram at Goderich Branch Library Thursday, Sept. 24, 1981, 1:30 p.m. Free admis- sion, sponsored by Huron County Library, funded by Outreach Ontario. -37,38 THE FAMILY of Roy and Grace Easom of Blyth are having an open house in honor of their parents 50th wedding anniversary, Sun- day, September 27, 1981, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. Friends and relatives are cordially in- vited. Best wishes only. -37 JAPANESE CUISINE, Sunday, Sept. 20, '4-8 p.m. Vanastra Centre. Adults $7.50, children $3.00. Proceeds for Town & Country Homemakers. Tickets available at door or Town' & Country Homemakers, tel. 357-3222, also available at SUZ-A- DOR.-36,37 DANCE in honour of Donald and Dorothy Farrish, on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary, Saturday, September 19, Lucknow Legion Hall at 9 p.m. -37 DISC JOCKEY - Those who choose quality music for their dance parties, ban- quets, anniversaries or whatever, choose Music in Gold by Bruno. Phone 524- 2832.-37-43x BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH FOWL SUPPER Wednesday, October 28th, 1981. Two sittings 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Adults $5.00, children I2 and under $2.50. Tickets phone Mrs. 'John Wood 524-2756, Mrs. Dan Willis 524-8078.-37 UPCOMING BUS TRIPS with Blanche Deeves - Oct. 7, Elmira; Oct. 28 Mystery Trip; Oct. 13-14 Jack Miner's Sanctuary, Colasantes' Nursery, overnight stay in Pt. Pelee, ,buffet supper in- cluded, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Dresden. November - Royal Winter Fair. Please call 482- 3383 for further information on these trips.-37nx NILE UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICE - is , being held on Sunday, September 27th, at 11:00 a.m. with Dr. R. Gordon Hazelwood. Everyone welcome. —37-38 MacKAY CENTRE is holding a meeting Sept. 23rd. at 7:30 p.m. Film on Don Messer & the Wheeler & Dealers will entertain. Ad- mission $1.00. Lunch. For a taxi call 524-7305.-37 PLAY BINGO , at MacKay Centre September 18 at 7:30 p.m. Admission $1.00. Cash prizes. -37 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETING in the Auxiliary Room of A.M. & G. Hospital, Monday, Sept. 21 at 2:00 p.m. Guest speakers Dr: M. M. Cauchi and Mrs. C. Bolsby.-37 THIRD 'ANNUAL STRATHROY Antique Show and Sale at Strathroy Arena. October 2nd, 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; October 3rd, 10:00 a.m. to6:00 p.m.-37bc BLUEWATER CENTRE Volunteer Association joint meeting and picnic with Volunteer Liaison Commit- tee Monday, September 21, 1981, 12:30 p.m. at Canip- site.-37 SEAFORTH Fall Fair An- nual Pork B.B.Q. and Dance, Seaforth Arena, Saturday, Sept. 19. B.B.Q. 6:00 - 7:30. Dance 9:00 - 1:00. Music by Shannon. Tickets $7.50. Dance only $3.00. Tickets available at The Huron Ex- positor. ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH'S ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER will be held Wednesday, September 23. First sitting 5 p.m., second sitting 6:15 p.m. Adults $5.75, children (under 12) $3.00. Dessert includes our famous "home-made pies". Our first sitting sold out .'last year. Please get your tickets early to avoid disappointment. Tickets available at Camp- bell's of Goderich and Mor- ris' Draperies and board members. -35.36,37 OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION FOR LYNDA AND MARK MONTGOMERY (nee Melick) on September 26/'81 AT SALTFORD FOR DELICIOUS CHINESE DINING THE ESQUIRE RESTAURANT THE SQUARE, GODERICH PHONE 524-2242 OPEN HOUSE notice : public ,hearing 40thW Ted and Helen Dragstra The CRTC will hold a public hearing beginning on 26 Oc- tober 1901, to be held at the Conference Centre, Phase 4, 140 Promenade du Portage. Hull. Quebec to consider the following. GODERICH, CLINTON, HOLMESVILLE, Ont.: Ap- plication (810747100) by Bluewa.tOr TV Cable tai amend its cable television broadcasting licence for the above-mentioned locations, by increasing the maximum monthly fee from '7 to °8. The application may be examined at R.R. No. 2. Clin- ton. HOW TO INTERVENE: anyone wishing to comment on an application must submit o written Intervention, stating clearly and concisely the relevant facts and the reasons for the intervenor's support for, opposition to, or proposed modification of, the application; also. whether or not the inter- venor wishes to appear at the hearing. DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF INTERVENTIONS AT THE COMMISSION AND WITH THE APPLICANT: 6 OCTOBER 1981, to be sent by registered mall or personal delivery to the applicant and CRTC Ottawa. Ont. K1A ON2 with proof of service. Must be actually received on specified date. not merely posted on this date. EXAMINATION OF AP- PLICATIONS AND DOCUMEN- TS: at local address given in this notice and at the Com- mission. Central Building, Les terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage. Hull, Quebec and at the CRTC's Vancouver office. Suite 1130. 701 Georgia St. W.. Vancouver, B.C. Further information is outlined in the CRTC "Rules, 'of Procedure". available for the sum of '1.50 from: The Publishing Centre. ;Depar- tment of Supply and Ser- vices. Ottawa. Ont. K 1 A -0S9. Information: Write to CRTC or phone 819-997-1027 or 997- 1323 (NPIH-57) Canada Open Wedding Reception SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 tiI'AItT1�'( AT9:001'.4I. for Doug & Karen. Marshall (nee Koren Harris) . . at Bayfield i GO ER1CH LEGION BR. 109 on Sunday, Sept. 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. & 7 to 9 p.m. for Mrs. Elma Young 171 Huron Rd.. God.rich IN HONOUR OF HER NTH BIRTHDAY Best Wishes Only! peannawannuminunnninra OPEN 0 01 RECEPTION 0 Ell FOR 0 p DORIS NAYLOR S ® AND Ls § PATERICK MELADY d 03 IN 04 ® SALTFORD VALLEY HALL 0 00 SAT., SEPT. 19/1981 0 0 AT Ka 9 P.M. RI BINGO OPEN RECEPTION AT. LONDESBOWOUGH HALL FROM 8 p.m till 11 pow SATURDAY, SEPT® 19/1981 GODERI(QI SIGNAL -TAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1901—PAGE 5A TRY OUR TAKE OUT -PAG un at n t ' tGO to - Ladies and Gentlemen! Keep the date WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14th open for an autumn extravaganza of class and colour! Oa they rough d wea •its . k COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES G.D.C.I. Friday, September 25" AT 8:00 P.M. 239 Huron -Road, Goderich (Hwy. No® 8 next to Canadian Tire) FOR FAST SERVICE Phone Ahead PHONE: 524-9995 OPEN: 11 to 11 SUNDAE SPECIALS the L OPEN WEDDING RECEPTION FOR -ROAST TURKEY DINNER -CRANBERRY SAUCE -CHOICE OF POTATO -SOUP OR JUICE -BREAD OR ROLL -TEA OR COFFEE MR. & MRS. PERRY WOOD (NEE JANET SCHOENHALS) pres id. for siding 1 soon) n will 1 -Work's aging st Go :omey sday >e C efle 3ode atched' a call ppage Ie lat rafalg ely to : to a fr tion of paw ONLY SATURDAY, SEPT. 19th BLYTH EVERYONE WELCOME! FISHERMAN PLATTER -CHOICE OF POTATO -SOUP OR JUICE -BREAD OR ROLL -TEA OR COFFEE l $495 • WHILE IT LASTS.. Ir t !d at nom ly Lon N $5.95 "BEST PART'S INSIDE" - G RESTAURANT very. 21 NORTH NEAR AIRPORT EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT LEGION HALL 11 Regular Games - 93.00, 4 Spatial Letter Games -'18.00 4 "Share the Wealth" with a chance at the Jackpot. Three door prizes. $1 1 0 .00 in 56 calls ADMISSION '1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 "HAPPY 30th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY" HURON FISH AND GAME CLUB CLINTON eS BLACK POWDER sh0l94 1 SHOOTING MATCH TO ROXIE AND CHARLIE ADAMS MARRIED AT AUBURN UNITED CHURCH ON SEPT. 15/1951 LOVE LARRY AND KEVIN Kentucky Fried- Chicken :Multiple Savings Double up on savings this fall with TWO GREAT DEALS on finger lickin' good chicken. The colonel's secret recipe makes it the best tasting chicken there is. th •10n nd th, We cern coup e J 'oath Fridii tiqUi legiate Public bunch` the Giant tips .the abard • 4• linen et'vice Joint 'or•'" the ill b is to of the toren -alive place ehool r and fered edr,�n,,frng. in 'lose were wl. • 3tion ittee s for the 1 for 'tire 4 *SHOOT FOR HAMS* September 20th - OPEN: 1:00 P.M. At the Farm 2'/a miles west of Clinton and 2 miles north. Bring your Hunting Rifle for The Running Deer Target. BROWNIES DRIVE-IN THEATRE 161 Beech St., Clinton 482-7030 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 PM THIS WEEKEND: SEPTEMBER 18-19-20 SPECIAL MEALS AT SPECIAL PRICES EVERY DAY kiticky fChicken r® SAVE S10° on a BUCKET. DAILY SPECIALS Different Every Day Mon. -Tues. -Wed. 11:30 to 2:30 p.m. '2.15 end '3.23 Includes soup of the day, potatoes, vegetable DOUBLE DECKER BUS TOURS English double deck bus Is available till the end of September only. We still have a few openings available for group tours, such as Schools. Churches, Youth groups, etc. Rate Is '25 for 30 minute tour. up to 40 people. Call 524-4703 for mor® Information. DINNER SPECIAL Served S p.m, to 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Different Special $ 95 CHILDREN UNDER 12 Every Week 6 • HALF PRICE THE CANDLELIGHT GEORGE HAMILTON is �„,PAREMTAL kdouioAac: bno RESTAURANT & TAVERN k1NFIFI.Ii14P idtltlNli it • 524-7711 94 Elgin Ave. GODERICH Bnngthis coupon to your. nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken store for a Bucket -with 15 pieces 'of finger ickin good chicken And pay only $8.50 jr • •Offer••expurICS October 4th Ketuck9 dried C1t4enmpg ..�` SNACK PACK for ONLY 1 60 94 Elgin Ave. GODERICH entuek� Fried Reg. '2.10 Bring this coupon to your nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken store for a Snack Pack -with?. pieces of finger Iickin good chicken and golden french encs And.rav . only;1.60 Offer expires October 4th 'tucker ,• inor one can - :key rent .key that test- in - the 1 ted aide be of ; in Ind son rer the lic nts uts ng on 1st jet • rm 11111ifMAm moi...--_. .l-.L_LL afihal ne at rk e 1......... ... r