HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-09-16, Page 18PAGE 2A -- GODE RICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1981 Productive sumer Genealogical S The Huron County Branch of the Genealogical Society has had an active and productive summer. At the September 2nd meeting, it was reported that the membership had mushroomed during little over a year to 192! Most of these members live outside Huron County one as far away as Hawaii - proving that many people the world over have roots in Huron County and are interested in its history and background. The librarian was able to report that we had had many family history booklets and some church and town, histories donated since our inception, and these are all most welcome. It was decided that we would make every effort to obtain such printed histories so that they can be used as reference materials by people trying to trace their roots here. If ciety's membershi anyone knows of any person or organization who has published such a history, please .encourage them to send a copy to our archives. We are already handling a number of queries from people who live at quite a distance and want to find out more about a specific area in Huron (County. Such references could be in- valuable to our organization. Since our treasury is quite low we would hope to have Robin McDonald and Heather Murray were tired but happy on Sunday when they completed a 10 km route in Goderich in support of Terry Fox Day. Approximately 100 runners, walkers and joggers turned out to raise ;2,070.15 for cancer research. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Centre prepares for fall The Vanastra Recreation Centre is now preparing for its Fall program. With the ,summer session just over, the Fall brochure should be coming to you through the ' mail. •Look through it carefully and keep it for reference in the future. The Centre is introducing some new programs, as well as the popular ones of the past, ,• - John Lawson is' back teaching the men's gym class. With- •Mr. Lawson ' in charge, a large turnout is expected, so don't be left out as registration is limited. ' The ladies' popular "Fall Into Shape" will ' run one afternoon and evening class. Mrs. Drusilla Le itch- Twynham, who will be in- structing, has 'expanded her knowledge of fitness through various courses and programs. Her program will prove very interesting and enjoyable. Both men's gym and ladies' 'Fall Into Shape' can be accompanied by a sauna and swim. Two new classes are in- troduced: square dancing and euchre. Square dancing will be under the instruction 1f you re NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the ercorne ark, hostess at 524-716S You'll be glad you did ... v71. yy >y' of lion Fleming who will lead' you through dances and help you become familiar with instructions and calls. Euchre will be a social event as well as playing•the game to improve your skills. Bring a foursome or a friend. • Karen .Cudmore will be back to teach the- flexible, relaxing art of yoga. Gymnastics for both boys and girls is returning. Miss Seda Unsal will be teaching the basics, as well as proper use on gym equipment and routines. The special needs programs dare 'directing classes to. arthritic or Parkinson Disease suffers. The arthritic class will be . held in the pool. The Parkinsons class will be a series of exercises to learn, so you can do them at home: These, as well as syn chroni.zed swimming, bronze, adults and recreational swims, will be listed' in the Fall brochure, so watch for it. For further information, call 482-3544. 411 Wo en's ■ Educaion Program AT THE CLINTON CAMPUS WOMEN AND MONEY: Learning how to get the most from your money. Wednesday, 7-9:30 p.m. Starting September 23. Fee: '30. for eight sessions. FOR WIDOWS ONLY: Dealing with the difficulties and challenges of being a widow. Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Storting October 1. Fee: '15. for five sessions. For more Information, or to register, contact: Edith Torbay at (519) 623-4898 er the Clinton campus at (519) 482-3458. 444. • /'A - Conestoga College of .• ies1 Arts and .wnology we've got a lot to ate r. these donated, but would consider purchasing them'if necessary. First, and foremost, we have to know about the existence et such histories and would ap- preciate it if readers would notify us about new, or old, histories. (482-7167 or 524- 9022) . The guest speaker at the July meeting was Don Read, a member from the Ottawa area. He brought along a copy of his newly published family history book, Our Family History 1600-1980, and explained . the format and background of the ex- cellent work. Members were most interested in his comments on the casts of publishing such a booklet, and the advantages of using an ISBN number and ushr copywrite protection., An evening workshop was held July 22nd at the Herron County Library in Goderich. Bill Partridge, county librarian, gave an outline of the genealogical and historical • materials available at their offices and also the variety of microfilm resources available by, or- der. The Huron County Historical Society_ also had members present to show their extensive holdings in the fire -proof vault down- stairs. An evening wot,kshop was 'held July 22nd at the Huron County Library in Goderich. Bill Partridge, county librarian, gave an outline of the genealogical and historical materials available at their offices and oms to 1 2 also the variety of microfilm resources available by or- der. The Huron County Historical Society also had members present to show their extensive holdings in the fire -proof vault down- stairs. Andrew Arksey, a member from Granton, spoke at the August meeting. Don Pullen, Huron's Agricultural Representative, introduced his friend, and Andrew gave us some background history regarding 'his family tree research. We were ableto look over the excellent hard- cover books prepared covering his families. The history found in such books, and the variety of layout plans, makes them most interesting to all our members. Carole Robinson, branch chairlady, spoke on her family history at the most recent meeting. Of par- ticular interest was a family write-up done many years ago based on recollections of stories told by her great - great -grandmother to her grandfather about Capt. Hathaway and Samuel Green, re the battle of- Lundys Lane circa (1l70). Fascinating accounts of life in a different era, that en- thralled all. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 7th at 7:30 p.m. at the Assessment Office and the speaker will be Elaine McKinnon. of Gorrie. A librarian for many years, she will be talking about the proper care of books. THE GLASUOW INN (formerly The Sandpiper Inn Vunustra) NOW OPEN DAILY 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sit down dining and our Smorgasbord Ph. 482®3581 IN IATION I• FIBERGuks CANADA "CHIP' Canadian Home Insulation Program Of The Government Of Canada! Ir \R"\. cA TRUCKLOAD INSULATION WAv SALE I foo `�SQ`rM "CHIP'" is a program that could save you money on, our •insulation costs. If you have not previously applied, . and should your home qualify for a '"CHIP': grant, the following costs, could be rebated to you by the Federal Govern • ment: (Al 100°%o of the cost of your •insulation materials up to a maximum of•$350.00. (B) 1/3 of the .cost of labour required to install the in sulation materials•up to a maximum of $150.00. COST OF MATERIALS YOU MAY CLAIM IN CLUDE: INSULATION INCL JDING VAPOUR, BARRIER, ' WEATHERSTRIPPING AND • CAULKING MATERIALS. • It's NOT A Urea Formaldehyde Basel Pol cel One rorycei One Insulating Foarn 6-02. 499(1 Stops drafts and air Teaks Caulks and Insulates. One 1,2 oz. can yields as much product as 15 standard • tubes of caulking .Our Reg' 5 39 ' 39 12 oz.19 . Our. Reg 7 99 4'x8' RIGID INgULATION r. Our Rr;d 99 3/4"x4' X8 3 59 /2 x4' 8 Our Reg659 x8 699 1 ' 2" AND 2" SIZES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE Save Now On ZONOUTE ATTIC INSULATION Zonolite pouring Insulation closes off heal leaks to ergy make a house more efficient All mineral fireproof vermiculite i OUR REG, 4.19 %ea 51/4 Kg. Bag FIBERGLAS "PINK" Insulation Batts. Think Pink' These are the famous nr uonally advertised Fiberglas Pink Insulation batts and CASHWAY'S. GOT THEM' For 1,6' ' or 23" D.0 Installation between joists and rafters' 2 DAYS ONLY! Friday, September 18 Saturday, September 19 R-12 31/2'') R -2O156 7�)E 50 SQ. FT CARTON OUR REG. 15.25 15- WIDE 90. SQ FT ,CARTON IINSULATION EXEMPT FROM ONT. SALES TAX OUR REG. 16.49 • R2O(6'!) For truss roof applications;. R-20 99 in 23" widths. 76 Sq Ft Carton Our Reg: 22.95, now — .CARTON SAVE NOW AT CASHWAY ON POLYETHYLENE FILM 500 SQ• FT ROLLS2 MIL u6rgg5.99 Protect your valuable Insulation with Poly 4 M I L Our Rey 0 �� 'Film Both sizes on sale 1 1 95• ASHWAY BUILDING. DENT GODERICH 1 D 155 ANGLESEA ST., MAIM ST PHONE 524-8389/594.83133 PHONE 356.4114 OPEN WEEKDAYS E A.M.-6 P.M. 'FRIDAYS 8 A.M. • 0 P.M., SATURDAYS 8:30 A.M.. S'P.M. t