HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-21, Page 31.41
I P , o ! m . , i ,; , m I I I . . I . - — I 11 I -
. , I
t. ...... !".++++.�++++* .............. +++
� +
I �."++
"'10m Molsons BAnk
— I C
firsts, $5,40; -geconds, $4.90; winter wheat
+ I
Attack on Stolypin Was Made .
I Ipporpor0ed 18%
+ f
+ I
. . I
at Secret Service Man,
I 1.V
CAP11TAL(paidup).... �, .,,,. - .... $4 00 )�1000_100
"RESERVE .... $4,',400,000.0
. (
I ,
"I am one -of those persons whose
FuND .... .... .... I .. 1.
ofricim Statio ned In Theatre at Kiev N
*. ,
TOTAL.A$SETS OVER .... .... - $44,000,600,00
to Protect Russian Prinie Minister N
, I
Has 81 Branches in Canada, and Agents and 0orreSpoUF0UL9'1UAl1
+ ',
Is $aid to Have Been t :-.)�Assail4nt,
the principal Cities In the World. .
I .
. V
and Jewish Band of .Social Revelu. T
� �
A General Bankinp, Business Tramacted
tionists and Finnish Patriot sr- t
Savings Bank Depa ftment
+ .
-Massacres Are Feared, 0
. 11
pain ully bruised as the result a]
n ,
for the liver I have found. I have,
+ -
St. Petersburg, Russla,.Sept. 16.-
y #
Ata,1113rauches. Interes allowedatRighe ourrenbRates.
There have been Sensational -develop-
ments in the inquiry at Kiev into t
I ,+L
'Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N 0 HURDON,,Nfauager,
the shooting �qt At-, Stolypin. The in�
. .. $�+
. e to be of f
qUIT." d ared the crilla (
revof�ut'j'o'nii�y('IoTigin and carried out.
liver, kidftqr, or stomach trouble corn-
pares -with Dr, Rarnilton's Pllls� they
. .
� , —!!-! - -
by in 'agent -of the protective political I
all dealers, 25c, per box, or The COL-
"4 J1,&afon Ont,
1poli6e especially stationed in th6 thea, I
, ' .
re to guard M. Stolypin.
Sault Stu. Marie, Cat., Sept. 16.-
14 11
James Currie, alled 25, "It ell"PlOye Of
1.1 It is deoltm! thO Ibis ruSt 'Attem.
the Canadian jF;idge Co. I who hails
111-% r1t
1v e-r�onsn
laf j �avl. .6 ,of t'
' Ur k_1UMMLKk_1t I )
-CAPITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - $8,000;000
1 .
'The Money Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are a safe,
Convenient and economical �method of rer�itting small sums of money.
r , They are payable without charge at every branch of a chartered bank in
. iCanada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of
the United States. - I .
. The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained
.on application at the Bank. I I L .
. Ili the event of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of
a satisfactory guarantee, rnalie arrangetfients to refund the amount of
I .
.the'lost Order. I . A232
t _! Exeter Brancli—W. Jr. CollinsManager
-Branob also
. at arddifell. ;
- L I
- _ _ . R,fy L . --- - - Canada's Lasi Chafice.
441 PA ' EDED * .
'Siirl � -
BOR NE Tzlingston, Sept., A. -Sir R* r
. . — Cartwright ,was main speaker- at the
, � meeting held ill the City Hall last
IhIs Is Decision of Laborites' night ill the interest of John Ma ' cdon-
a Mowat, the Liberal candidate. Sir
: Id T
Meeting in CatgarY. RioharA dwelt almost entirely upon
! the reciprocity issue.
, As regrards the statement that Ca-.i-
voerrilbers of Congress Get Back to
Work and Deal With the Resolu-
tion"everal Are Passed Without
I Discussion - Technical Education
Favored, But Not Trade School—
Commission to Examine Acc;dents.
1,10,1gary, Sept. U. -After enjoying
;I I ... ! . 14 recreation at Banff Thursday$
i, "' Tiades and Labor Congress 'Of
" . � ada reilimed its deliberations in.
Y I �
I "'
� �,Pagat Hall yesterday moraing.Mille �
i - ,, ll�usiness' was the taking up � Of
.. utions which had not been passed
I . ,.
. .. .Ppugress. Some time was
-i UP in discussing the W&kn]:4�n!s
,� ensation Act, as it, applied7 in
i 'sh Columbia, and in the tenor
I e remarks made by the various
J - t k1eTS ther seemed to be an opill-
. - lat in order ,
., among the delegates t-1
: 1� -have legislation passed in the ill-
, t ,of .organized labor political me-
� - hat labor men
; �� �-
.11, uld be returil&l to Parliament to
.le"ot such legislation.
� The following resolutions wer,�,
agreed to without discussion: -
,81ftpendiary try -eases
I I miners ftconsi?d (if violence or in-
TLidation. .
promotion of a better demand for
.,union label gdod.,. .
Bringing Of C;iiiiese laundr�es with-
-.in. the Factory Act.
In'the eveDt of the passage of the
.,pj !.day bill, ,Am*
,%.h:thoui 1), ployers be com-
, a�
� , a llv,llg wage.
i15 led to I
in favor of technical and industrial
4e4ucation, bat not in favor of trade
j4ahools. - . -
TO prohibit silb-letting of buildinog
4ontracts. I I
Lengthening of seetions -of railroads
lothe detriment of workmen and the
ravoling public. I
Requesting the Government to aP--
'"iat a royal commission, to discuss
.causes of many fatal accidents,
Mo,re Sanitary metliods of pecking
Expressing appreciation of the ef-
JOrts of Canadian ciar�et weavers ill
jig�lc 16'r tl,le righ.1 to or -
their str . .
, ganize. �
� Etna's Losses Enormous.
Catania, Sicily, i3opt. 16.-Clotich; Of
t -smoke f r lie
� Om IvIoulit E tna bides t
.sun, alld n3okes the atmosphere in
Ahe vicinity intolerable. I
Tile volcano contAmos, ' to throw out
q&va, cinders alid, aslies from the cra-
.ters and a hundred new fissures.
The river of lava flowing Lto the
-north has qen[LTated into four main
- -gest of which is,MOV-
.streams, the fai
Ang toward Alcantara,_ and is two
1-hiles lion, 1�1*:Illcavilia, The railway
� station of SoEcobillita, is in in"glediatG
danger. 1. .
It iA
. estilylated that the�, preserit
eraptibn has causcd so -far a pToporf,Y
'loss of $20,000,000. .
- .-�
. . :1 Anti -Fight Campaign.
!London, Sept. 16.-,L communica,
Aion made public by -which the Na-
�, 'Tee Church Council, 'exPlaill-
,- ,sionnl F -ouneil'is "not, attailk-
.16g that tile ' (
-i�ij gen icrally the art of self-defence,"
, , , tell
"Im only a Specific coritost, is tal,
,hs .C;,,Uf:L;ma,ti'on,ol-tlle's,eiggestion that
I ' -
.-tale.intervention, against the Johnson -
,,Vells battle is largely due to OPPOS'
I .:�&On to a, fight between a colored man
-and'a wbate man, whic-li, may lead to
1;xacial bitterness,
The cc�awjl ,appeals t6 All minis.
.,LOTS to staTt an saiti-figId campaign
' ' , 'S tO-mOr,r0w, an(1- $0
,,a the charcht
4 t�,rouse tile conscience 01 the natioA.
17 , I _______.� .
Oaptuped Bomb TArower.
ill Now York, 'Sept, 16, -An . Italitn
'esterday With
,agea 19 was caught y I I
bomb i� his possession. and with I
ada was at the parting of the ways,
it was in a sense true, he said, be-
cause if the people of Canada, refus-
ed the agreement it would be a, long
time before such an agreement would
be -again offered by any President
of the States. The ,speaker declared
that the offer Of Taft was even, better
than that which had been asked for
in 3690. Why should we refuse. it?
There -was a chance to trade with
half the continent, and we should look
Aerial Mails In United States.
Washingt, . oil, D.C., Sept. 16. -Not to
O the British postal all-
thorities in the carrying of niails
through the air, tbe latest method of
letter, transportation., Postmaster -Gen-
eral Hitchelock last night give his
,consent to the establishment of an
experimental hirPlanc mail route be-
tween one of the Outlying branches of
the Brooklyn, N.Y., postoffice and the
aerOidrolne at Xa�sau boulevard, Long
Isla.lid,during t;ae; international avia-
ti.on meet, wiliell will be held there
from Sept. 23 to Oct. 1. Aviators and
their assistallt$� who will be stationed
on the field throughout the meet, will
be able therefore to receive their mail
*aylnost as quickly as tholl-11 thEV
Weire in one of the large citijb. .
- .- — I
Dropped Dead.
Kingston, Sept. .1G. -All -,S Anna Ilwb-
eTts, a well-known resiclent. ol the
Perth road, <Irop.ped dead of heart
failure- . .
j$,Lue Ivloore, ta�,ed 196, wife of John
Moore, is dead. ,13he was a -, r I esident of
. Storlington Town's -1.1) :.Or e-glity years.
l Mrs. Th(.nas Mcinnis of Lavant
died very s,udde"IY as ,the result Of
heart failuxo.
- --- I
. cao U '3 September 030. .
Liverp. ol, ,��,,, I. "A. -The steamship
cOmp,1n4,,s en � gaind in the Atlantic
tradeycstd,�Y d�-�ci'lcd that the ? in-
crease of t -M I'Xr ueiit. in the Irt" ;,) t
mtes arryend r--.' la -'I Iveck shall be.
Tome dice-, "'t-i't. ^. . .
— -.-----,- -Z.�� _=�;;Z.��
'by �the exeoutive ,coxnl------- - I
I Ke, �
Jowish Band of Social Revolutionis i
bmd Finnish, revolutionists, who, ac-
0or mation, recent- ,'
liI rate . Th6l%rapid progress -of
e leldiquiry -was due to the eagerness �
�f thb municipality to clear itself of
�a charge' ot reckless distribution of .:
admission -cards to, the theatre.
Admission card Number 406, ea- '
titling its holder to a seat in the :
gli!teenth "Ow of the thiiatre, was
,gund on B(groff. R was issued -by -
. ipality upon a personal re- ,
t_oie murac.
Wu6st, sigiied by Inspector of Politic -al
�)Polfoe Xliliabko and by him handed
bver to the agent of Bogroff, The
raunicipality had taken the precau-,
d6n to photograph Kuliabko's receipt,
ond in the face -of this overwhelming. '
ideilce, produced at police headquar. -
terk i . t was admitted.
. Dmitry' Bogroff is an. orthodox Jew,
Ue.graduated from Kiev University
�n 1906. During his ,course there, he -
1philillci` the Social revolationary group,
W entrusted- to him in 19011 Sev-
eTal serious commissions, Re was se-
�evred for the second ,attempt On M-
Stalypin's life., but did not carry out
Ilis orders. Instead, he informed the
police and Itetrayed 6, large number
.6f his comrades, using the tactics of
&u lie Azef, who in 1909 played the
,oul'ale role of leader of the revolu�
tiollary socialist and political spy to
kaln ,the confidence of the police
ch e s.
May Result In Massacres.
Ct. Petersburg, Sept. 16. -The great-
ist aiL-dety is, entertained here re-
bpecting the effect of the attempted
assassination of Premier Stolypin, up-
on the masses � i South Russia, where
the hostility t,i the Jews ,is most
acute. �
Reports are expected momentarily
of anti-Jewisli outbreaks, particularly
�n Bessarabia. In fact, unofficial re-
ports to that effect have already
teached the capital, but it has thus
tar been impossible�to secure any
confirmation. .
It is unofficialli whispered that the
condition of Premier Stolypin is'al-
hiost hopeless, thathis injuries, while
apparently small, are exceedingly dan-
This -complicates the situation .very
much. The population. !a the south of
Russia -have for months been antici-
tating the Imperial visit, and have
een worked up to such a degree Of
patriotic, fervor that if anti-Jewish
outbreaks occur at this time it is not
easy to See how far they *ill go, or
c rolled.
Bets or Bribes?
Berlin, Sept. 16.-A band of seven
Liberals ar-e known to have started
out On a betting campaign. The bets
are small ones, for one dollar each,
but the design seems cleverly plan-
ned for JbLe evident purpose of queer-
ing Conservative voters on election
diy. Orne man in Waterloo is known
to have made fourteen of these bets.
Victory is comb�g WeicheVs way,
and the Liberals are b5ginning to re.
ali;;e this, and the riding will have
To be watched very cl6iiely in ,otder
ito,sa-ve, it from a repetition ,Qf 1899,
when it was besmirched with bribery
in an Oiltaxio election. by Liberals.
I Sues For Libel.
,Monteral, Sept, 16. -The second libel
action 'bf the ,election painp n was
entered yesterday by Mr..J. V Rain-
ville,l Opposition candidkiii Ili 0 am-
bly-Ver�hexes.-who tdok suit aRkinst
Mr. �Mme GeoffTlon, a merchant of
St. Paal street, for $5,000, as a 'result
6f charges inade by Mr. Geoffrion. at a
I I � .11 lited match In his "halla. A MaZolle U�y � LI.,
I pl� .-IiArl t1le ,, �6 , SO, ;f,#011t,o_. (ra�,eleetea), arst, vio
6V . - � . _,
t I ., . r etectives quick 0A 6 ,
I .
� � . nd c,aPt11±e thO Y'0�11'tll� after
I . � . . . east
. . �. M" .,�Im to. the -fool of, g
� . i siii's; 1 ,
. .
I I . f 6
I � . e efi,,*�jent ho,ase on, exe �anging.
. . I . I SGveyal shots- " arrested ,a ))!)f-P1)L
. .. sudt boforo 'he WAS '' .
�. I .1 1 '111.61, p0,
.." ::, I : � I . -wag rllplode�,, ill,A tone A S1.1 I �, i
: , I— 4 _ _�, � r, 11, AA
Dr. Hamilton's P11, US 11'pr�
. I Vt,
. I Afamily Modicine vo
� " I zo,
� �-!, .
AW, " ...... y I , �- . ?�:
*�,�,�`, be-_--.-!------""
,,*P,4- --, ',-it��'%',�7,��,.;�?o.._ , I � �
.0 '' .
9 , W, - - � �01,_ �_� .1 "�
hiefs at $Avlt $to� Marie 1-104 Their
Convention. -
Sault Sie, Marie, Ont, Sqt, .16�--
royin,ojal fire chiefs of Ontanov, nuai,
�ring 30� met in convention, here
�sterday, 1Xho first topic ulido� dis
,ission .was a paper, on "Aims, &a�i
bjects of the At� J ti " kid by
" lon� re
ice -President 11'ralloo of the Bay
(.,agoxx Works, Woodstock. France!
aalt with I the work to, be undertaken
long the lines (if a fire marshal and
rovincial fiTenlen's Pensiox� fund. The
3port also dealt with tke stanilardi-
%tion. of municilm, file applisucel
ad the establishment of a bureau of
ItOrmatiolt and technical library in
onjunction with the office at secre-
iry. The report was adopted.
Municipal inspectionlo, axd byla,ws
overninq $time was dealt with by
,life( Rains of Owen. Sa=d. The pa-
er had reference to the inspection of
Xechiefg1or fire 17revention purposes,
I . rep r was adopted,,
. ef lixiell, 01 .(Gx' I
.1 ,,, � ib. raad an in -
et6STIA pape- � , �I �e Advisability
It - ng a Fire Usb�tl Jor t�j,
?ro, ce of nialiG, is ut! . h
�ualifioations." A strong committee
vas appointed to urte upon the Pro-
,inoial Govevnineut the necessity of
�reating such an office. The question
if pensions. was referred to the com-'
nittee mentioned abc,ve to report at
he next meeting of the association.-
�he feeling Ili regard to the ap �adl
nent -of a provincial tire nl� L 8,
he. pen'sion fund met the tinanimous
LpprOVa1 '01 thB Members of the asso-
Suspected of Burglary.
Brockville, Sept. 16. -The Brockville
.3olice,haxe, in custody a young Indid.a
iamed Joseph Bach -of St. Regis, -who,
,a suspected -of being implicated ia
�he burgla'ry of Levi Bailey's jewelry
-tore at Cornwall this week. Ile was
pic�ked up as a drunk, but inhis pos-
�ession was f6und several articles of
�ewelzy which the police afterwaxds
[earned lie offered for sale around
[;own. When questioned, Bach said
�xe puchased a bracelet from,& Brook-
ville man and was made a present- of
bhe other articles. A description" of
tile articles tallies with some of the
goods missing from the fwtory town.
The Cornwall authorities have been
communicated with. I
Falsified the Books.
Mcntreal�; Sept. 16.-Adel�rd Duval
wAs -sentenced to three years in the
St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary by
Magistrate Lanetot yesterday. The ac-
cused had pleaded guilty to stealing
$200 from tile Laing Packing &, Pro -
v-1sion Co., but the evidence showed
that the accused had stolen the sum
of $1,800 in, eighteen months, and af-
ter his arrest he returned to the offi-
cials of the company the slim of
$1,200, but.refused to make any state-
M4�nt regarding the balance.
The accused had been. the manager
of a store and by falsifying the books
from day to day, lie managed to steal .
tile money.
I Dynamite Brioge.
Bilbao, Spaii�, Sept. 16. -The situa-
tion. here growing out of the i6neral
stTihe continUes exceedingly grave.
Street fighting between troops and
the strikers continued throughout
the day and the strikers blew up with
dynamite the Amoralla Railroad
To add to the difficulties ill, the city,
heavy storms have. caused floods in
w n ,and food is becom�
in,- scarce.
I Considerable . Progress Miade.
Berlill, S(,pt. 13.-Cc.n�,it'erable pro
grLss is beRiwt,d to have .b�en mad(
last night tAm,,,rd it settli-Mlelit, Of th(
C-Gai'AJVL',"SY 1�0t.,v,n France and Ger
msily OV41' __,r-,.cC').
The Frv�i,`,l ,*�bazz-ador last even
ing do1ivci-c,,l -",P(,r,i " L 'Ater Voy
J.'i(lt?rl:,-,'�-'V,�,,�O.'�.L,r. IP r,!,n,1e,1,i, reply tA
I ards th,
1'4erma1.N'-; nott, -111 afterw
Lwo diplomats (i*nga-,,�Nl in a confer
ence lastin.- an nour and a hall.
fTpr "I"
11 a '2
- UK
DOU I U'a"
R a
a N
. Cured by Lydia E . - Pink
C . anifton, Ont. � "I had beed a gret
suffe-rer for five years. One doct(
told Die it Nyas ulcers of the uteru
and another told MO it 'was a fibro:
tumor. No 011
F' _'7"'*'�'�" imows what I SU
I— "i , " , * fered. I woul
, I ". - .. I k ",
-,�-�---'..."`- ..v`,�_.l
..* t i", I` ..." -.1 �1 1'. wn,pl
- I. TH,E MAHKIA M 11UPOLF14 VILi I 00 IVIVIUV I . __3v;,A..� �1".),� I. . 11 11 I
. .
iverpool and Chicago, Wheat Future$ I __ � � �'A k�0141. , ... I
, I
close 40wer-Live Stock- . r) f - .. 11 0 - I i
Li , Rtes I tati , I , Huge f3urglary Is Pulled Off In . rrr "I I
. t Quo ong. I New Westminster, - �� 11. I I I'll
-With buyers .
CHICAGO, Sept, 15, 16, 'Vote N �, I I .
� . IV I . .
aclined to awalt the C1100410M . . I 111. � I I
a reciprocity, the wheat WiLrIfet to', pritroal Is Enter I 1. I .
ay proved, A heavY dragging affg,ir, 15ank of N1 vd by Fly$ � , . ,� �,
aosirig prices were 1-20, to 7-80 to 10 Men Who Carry Off All.th _. .14. I Ntz ; .
leading 11.1 . 11 11 "I � . �
. 11
mder last aiglit, All other �� I
liet decline$--COTP able Wealth and Are $eon by NO, I 11 �
taples tob� showed I I . .. I . �
.20 to, 5 -Se to 4�4% Oats 14c to 6-90 body Bu. I t the Chinese Caretaker- . . .. "I 1- 11 t 1, � ;
0 3_�40 and hog products 2 1-20 0 3A - Bank Will Follow Them at Any I -11, ... I I I ..M' I I.
- . . I , , "', . 1
40. 1 . 4i 1 ,... I I
I h1:1(mm I
TIie Llverpool market closed W�day' '4 � cost. I � I
ower t1tan ),esterday on wh( 4 1 . I . . _, I ... I i .,,/
,wer on corn. Antwerp oloseI , . Sept. I$.- , I 0 . 101) WIN . I . , . 41 . I
,, "Ill New Westminster, B,C�, . 6� 1 �
�1'1 1014W'a on wheat, Berlin Via ioweri aud , "I-
�uaapest i%e IoNver. I .11" ThreLi hundred and fifteen thou=ad I . . 1, � �
. -.1 � dollaTs vas Stolen e8ZlY yesterday J . ,�,4 1 L
Winnilieg Options' TVom tile branch of the Bank of I IL - . _ I I
n W . ,,, t I
�� * .
. " �
Close. 01je - High, L11 , 0111111 Moritre4l in this city,
i'vheat- I )Fiyp� b ag ars enteved t�e bank by . 11 �
Oct, _ % 08% mgt �981/8 98% 1 51 .. u& i stre'tions,mlist U
Dec. 9114 97 97 0GI/2 903if jh� VO b ,ioor, � �Tohe thro, h"'tW,' EThese articles and Illu M I
Xay :,�::: :102% .A'$. -1 WIN* mie 4 coaung. i e va�,. without opeolal pe .. ,4 1
. I '. I ,�,t, blew tht , be reprinted I .,10 � � I
. , -charges I yeerjA� w , giqto ., .. I I
D tk 9 I I :
�cC ..... 4.-�,I. ...';' - '. .'� _- QA el Ity � I I
Dec, .. 411/4, , � .... : ... 42 I got ,6, � f I atfifliefr bo t'* ' I .11. - I I � 11 11 �
May ..... .... ... � ': Ou 'If, aWri, ep't Vy a-03hIlynIese .
. t4yi. t be ng se n tx,c . I THE MoLt. ,
Toronto Grain Market, oaxOaker. . It robins 4'ad wrens lost all t4��,
� ��
, They probably escaPed down the � Of ��
Wheat, fall, bushel ........ $0 87 to ;Q 83 pussy, -
Wheat, gookiL, busllel ...... 0 V -1 Fraset *14veT in EL. lal.lach or else by feathers At once, W041dalt - 1
,,�40, ,, 1111
Rye, bushel .................. 070 .- aiAomobije toward Vairco-aver. � lotp ot bird breakfastO I I'll
� .
Oats, blisbel ................ 0 0 0 rm Tkitake *as in all $350,000 in, the', But who, hais..seeri MrS. Itobla in 04,
� '
0 1151 L 4ef of Police Bra4shaw - xudo mamMy he�o
Barley busliel .............. 070 b aude like sozae old, , '! ' '
Buck�v%eat, bushel 0 48 060 an ss,fps, 01 �4ell it 1� 1.
'Peas, bushel � .......... ::::, 0 7$ 6 W) believes the men would llaiys wbo, s'em to have, no resjAc� for t f �
' Id have ,carried ji. .As e �
I Toronto Dairy Market. 41� it they cou coaventioualO ,Take those , Pull I
iL Was 1.),1ey trck all they could carry i I 1
M .
Butter, store iota ..._. 017 0 is � Perhaps you are surpAsed to.. k4 1
Evtter, sep4rator, clatry, *�;: 0 4 024 jl,wky, leaving all the silver and notes that pullets molt four times ., e i
131.1tter, creamery, lb. roils_ 0 23 0 V of small denominations as well as I ,
Butter, creamery, solids_ - 0 24 .... � and $10 bil eathers follo. t .. �
damaged $50C I is lying laying, their new f - I I
110neYconibs, dozew ......... 250 - und the floor and tables of the TOOM old so, quickly as to escape notice
'new-lald ............... 0 21 022 . -ara I .If : theit i1rst egg is u . . ego' '
ot laid � 0
RN e. new, lb ....... � ....... I . �
C 9;�� 023 u14 of one of the clerks. .. ., I
Montreal Grain and Produce, The first known of the robbery was I§ept. 1, they do not alormall, : I
. when a -chitese caretaker ap eaked at agaia for & year. I i 11
MONTIM AL, Sept.16.-The export trade t 3�
in grain is very quiet, owing to the limlt- lie Police statiOn, at 5-30 0 0 ock and Hens ofiould Inolt birdlike, but 01
anaged to I I . "I
ed denaand aud the tact that'vie prices 9a,ve the alarm. He had xia 2
whicy, f&tfies disrobe quick, weak hei 0 �, �'
bid to�day were 3c lower for Afanitobs, work loose from the bonds with. -I'll, . .. " I ,
spring wheat. The local inarket for oatel
is strong at the recent ad�vaxce in prices,
with a fair trade passing. There was 110,
ohange in flour, prices being well inaln-
,�� and a fair' aniount of business
pa�slng. 11111feed Is firn?, under a good
dernand and small offerings. Cheese JS
strong, and prices have, scored another
advance. The demand for butter is quiet.
Vggs firni and provIslons fairly active,.
Dressed bogs�A,battolr, $10.50 to Wr.75
per 100 lbs, . .
Beef -Plate, half -barrels, ,100 lbsq r,-sa;
barrels, 200 lbs., $IC50; flerces, 40 It's.,
$01. 50 . I
Ea�dcowpoui,d tierces, a75 -IbS., W-5.0; J
boxes, 60 lbs. net (parehmen't llned), 9-1s'e*,
tubs, 50 lbs. net grained, two. handllis I
, , �
91A.c: palls, wood, 20 11?s. net,. Dy4c; tin Pifis,
20 lbs. g,ross, 9%c.
Pork -Heavy Canada short cut mess
barrels, 85 to 45 plece.% $23.50, half-bii�_,
rels, $18; Canada short cut and ba,cli:
pork, 45 to 55 pieces, barrels, $23; Cana,dii,
clear por1c, barrels, 30 to 35 Pieces, $20,50;
pleces, but fat, barrels,
Oats-Canadim v.restern, 10. 2, 47Yge.
ear lots, ex -store; extra 'Xo. 1 feecl, 4TC;
No. 3 C.W., 461ha; IJ,o. 2 local white, 4%je;
No. 3 local wlitte, 49c; No. 4 local whAe,
-he had been tied .after the eT5
had departed.
Chief of police Bradshaw hurried
to the Scene .and ,all of the available
officers -knre pressed into service, but
the only obtainable claewas that giv,
en by the Clibiaman.
Prolli the thoroughness of t1lo job
and the tools � NV,tl_l .,wlliob, the Work
was done, the local ,officers believe
the ,same gang which has been at
work in Vancouver turned the work
'here. I � I
I Wh . ere's Sleuth Burris?
M�ontreal, Sept. 16, -At the Bank of
* 'Vincent
igo-atreal yesterday Mr. H.
Meredith stated that it was quite
true that the Va"ItS Of t5e branch at
New Westminster had been, blowa� to
pieces and a very large sum Of money
stolen. I I
Detectives of the two P,TOMilleat
Services -will I e di S.tely L to
a bp sex -it inim ' L
tale Nvest, aad the bailk will spend,
41,- tmorter ,of &
Meeting in kongueull 1111TSCaY aluer-
noon. It is alleged by Mr. Rainville
v%o Y^U 11'SE PhILLS 7
that Mr. Geoffrion accused him of
1) V 0
-having sold the este6 provilicial
firsts, $5,40; -geconds, $4.90; winter wheat
election case in R�nville in 1909, and
? —
If In Doubt About the Right
thd,t in doing so he had deceived his
alleged ,client, Mr. George Arcs,
Pills to Use Read the Fol-
I Officials W�nt Off.
lowing Leiter Carefully;
Montreal, Sept. 16,-& al"vemea is
and both, ]lie human hens, take a long �
on foot at tYie City Hall . tD !aiake
Chatham, Out., Sept. 16�-A terrific
lightning Storm passed
Thursday, election day, 'a civic holi.
I ,
"I am one -of those persons whose
day. It* is pointed out tha,t many
. �
. . s ara returning ,offi6exs�
system requires aid�ll writes Mr. Young
Gledhill, from.FictOn, "but it iD so
civic �
quite a number have to go outof towil
easily affected by reason of the great
to vote, and as the yolls are onl�
sensitiveness of. the bowels th3,t Or-
,open from 9 to 5, the t'itY Hall. mus]
dinary drastic pills inflict great In-
give each employe two hours' leave Ac
jury to the delicate coating, and excite
such persistent activity as to be with
��te according to law. This will inter
jere with 'thewbusiness at the Cit3
difficulty chocked.
"I wish in the highest terms to ex-
� �
Hall, so the j�IEII -Of PrOmulgating i
civic holiday is favored.
� PrIegs the great'value of Dr. Hamilton's
. �
Pills in cases like mine, and, I am sure
I Conductor fn�ure&
also for elderly people and the Very. � � I
wea,lt, there Is 110 pill like the M. 9 Brochvi-lle, Sel:Lt. 16.-T� W. Higgin
feSpeaking of my Own experience with
4 son, a Grand 11 %nk ,onductor, i�a
Dr., Slamilton'z Fill$, Y can say they
bi%6uy,�t to .his home he�e yesterdw,
� 'of
have proved the most stithulating .pill$
pain ully bruised as the result a]
n ,
for the liver I have found. I have,
) accident sustained at Cloteau. by lic
proved their tOnie Motion upon diges-
tion -and the garne Mull,$ have been
-upon whom X ,have
- t-'uok by -a shunter. His clotb
� 3'119 S X
, ing onaught one �Of the axles Of th
sec�red by frle&s
urged their use, The manufacturers
tei1jdar and h� was dragged a cOX
sideraibI6 distance before his PrOdief
are to be congra-tlilatOd upon possess-
ing so valuable a prescription, and the
Mont was noticeed I by the, engiliew
should know that so ,valuable 0,
Higginson, h&d a clon�, shave from bc,
[comedy has been placed. a,t their com-
, ing dragged under the wheols.
ma;nd.11 I
No ot4r pill for constipation, fop
� —
�. Architects Elett Officers.
liver, kidftqr, or stomach trouble corn-
pares -with Dr, Rarnilton's Pllls� they
I Ottawa, Sept. 16,- -At the uloetii)
the 06uncil of tho Onta,rio Assi
are inild'and SlIre always to restor�,
health. Itefuse Substitutes, Sold by
, of -
,,ciation of &cMtects yesterday the fo
all dealers, 25c, per box, or The COL-
"4 J1,&afon Ont,
JO;W�ng 'Officers were' ,elected for tf
I PATain ve4r: J�Irasideait -A. F, Wiel
I I � .11 lited match In his "halla. A MaZolle U�y � LI.,
I pl� .-IiArl t1le ,, �6 , SO, ;f,#011t,o_. (ra�,eleetea), arst, vio
6V . - � . _,
t I ., . r etectives quick 0A 6 ,
I .
� � . nd c,aPt11±e thO Y'0�11'tll� after
I . � . . . east
. . �. M" .,�Im to. the -fool of, g
� . i siii's; 1 ,
. .
I I . f 6
I � . e efi,,*�jent ho,ase on, exe �anging.
. . I . I SGveyal shots- " arrested ,a ))!)f-P1)L
. .. sudt boforo 'he WAS '' .
�. I .1 1 '111.61, p0,
.." ::, I : � I . -wag rllplode�,, ill,A tone A S1.1 I �, i
: , I— 4 _ _�, � r, 11, AA
Dr. Hamilton's P11, US 11'pr�
. I Vt,
. I Afamily Modicine vo
� " I zo,
� �-!, .
AW, " ...... y I , �- . ?�:
*�,�,�`, be-_--.-!------""
,,*P,4- --, ',-it��'%',�7,��,.;�?o.._ , I � �
.0 '' .
9 , W, - - � �01,_ �_� .1 "�
hiefs at $Avlt $to� Marie 1-104 Their
Convention. -
Sault Sie, Marie, Ont, Sqt, .16�--
royin,ojal fire chiefs of Ontanov, nuai,
�ring 30� met in convention, here
�sterday, 1Xho first topic ulido� dis
,ission .was a paper, on "Aims, &a�i
bjects of the At� J ti " kid by
" lon� re
ice -President 11'ralloo of the Bay
(.,agoxx Works, Woodstock. France!
aalt with I the work to, be undertaken
long the lines (if a fire marshal and
rovincial fiTenlen's Pensiox� fund. The
3port also dealt with tke stanilardi-
%tion. of municilm, file applisucel
ad the establishment of a bureau of
ItOrmatiolt and technical library in
onjunction with the office at secre-
iry. The report was adopted.
Municipal inspectionlo, axd byla,ws
overninq $time was dealt with by
,life( Rains of Owen. Sa=d. The pa-
er had reference to the inspection of
Xechiefg1or fire 17revention purposes,
I . rep r was adopted,,
. ef lixiell, 01 .(Gx' I
.1 ,,, � ib. raad an in -
et6STIA pape- � , �I �e Advisability
It - ng a Fire Usb�tl Jor t�j,
?ro, ce of nialiG, is ut! . h
�ualifioations." A strong committee
vas appointed to urte upon the Pro-
,inoial Govevnineut the necessity of
�reating such an office. The question
if pensions. was referred to the com-'
nittee mentioned abc,ve to report at
he next meeting of the association.-
�he feeling Ili regard to the ap �adl
nent -of a provincial tire nl� L 8,
he. pen'sion fund met the tinanimous
LpprOVa1 '01 thB Members of the asso-
Suspected of Burglary.
Brockville, Sept. 16. -The Brockville
.3olice,haxe, in custody a young Indid.a
iamed Joseph Bach -of St. Regis, -who,
,a suspected -of being implicated ia
�he burgla'ry of Levi Bailey's jewelry
-tore at Cornwall this week. Ile was
pic�ked up as a drunk, but inhis pos-
�ession was f6und several articles of
�ewelzy which the police afterwaxds
[earned lie offered for sale around
[;own. When questioned, Bach said
�xe puchased a bracelet from,& Brook-
ville man and was made a present- of
bhe other articles. A description" of
tile articles tallies with some of the
goods missing from the fwtory town.
The Cornwall authorities have been
communicated with. I
Falsified the Books.
Mcntreal�; Sept. 16.-Adel�rd Duval
wAs -sentenced to three years in the
St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary by
Magistrate Lanetot yesterday. The ac-
cused had pleaded guilty to stealing
$200 from tile Laing Packing &, Pro -
v-1sion Co., but the evidence showed
that the accused had stolen the sum
of $1,800 in, eighteen months, and af-
ter his arrest he returned to the offi-
cials of the company the slim of
$1,200, but.refused to make any state-
M4�nt regarding the balance.
The accused had been. the manager
of a store and by falsifying the books
from day to day, lie managed to steal .
tile money.
I Dynamite Brioge.
Bilbao, Spaii�, Sept. 16. -The situa-
tion. here growing out of the i6neral
stTihe continUes exceedingly grave.
Street fighting between troops and
the strikers continued throughout
the day and the strikers blew up with
dynamite the Amoralla Railroad
To add to the difficulties ill, the city,
heavy storms have. caused floods in
w n ,and food is becom�
in,- scarce.
I Considerable . Progress Miade.
Berlill, S(,pt. 13.-Cc.n�,it'erable pro
grLss is beRiwt,d to have .b�en mad(
last night tAm,,,rd it settli-Mlelit, Of th(
C-Gai'AJVL',"SY 1�0t.,v,n France and Ger
msily OV41' __,r-,.cC').
The Frv�i,`,l ,*�bazz-ador last even
ing do1ivci-c,,l -",P(,r,i " L 'Ater Voy
J.'i(lt?rl:,-,'�-'V,�,,�O.'�.L,r. IP r,!,n,1e,1,i, reply tA
I ards th,
1'4erma1.N'-; nott, -111 afterw
Lwo diplomats (i*nga-,,�Nl in a confer
ence lastin.- an nour and a hall.
fTpr "I"
11 a '2
- UK
DOU I U'a"
R a
a N
. Cured by Lydia E . - Pink
C . anifton, Ont. � "I had beed a gret
suffe-rer for five years. One doct(
told Die it Nyas ulcers of the uteru
and another told MO it 'was a fibro:
tumor. No 011
F' _'7"'*'�'�" imows what I SU
I— "i , " , * fered. I woul
, I ". - .. I k ",
-,�-�---'..."`- ..v`,�_.l
..* t i", I` ..." -.1 �1 1'. wn,pl
- I. TH,E MAHKIA M 11UPOLF14 VILi I 00 IVIVIUV I . __3v;,A..� �1".),� I. . 11 11 I
. .
iverpool and Chicago, Wheat Future$ I __ � � �'A k�0141. , ... I
, I
close 40wer-Live Stock- . r) f - .. 11 0 - I i
Li , Rtes I tati , I , Huge f3urglary Is Pulled Off In . rrr "I I
. t Quo ong. I New Westminster, - �� 11. I I I'll
-With buyers .
CHICAGO, Sept, 15, 16, 'Vote N �, I I .
� . IV I . .
aclined to awalt the C1100410M . . I 111. � I I
a reciprocity, the wheat WiLrIfet to', pritroal Is Enter I 1. I .
ay proved, A heavY dragging affg,ir, 15ank of N1 vd by Fly$ � , . ,� �,
aosirig prices were 1-20, to 7-80 to 10 Men Who Carry Off All.th _. .14. I Ntz ; .
leading 11.1 . 11 11 "I � . �
. 11
mder last aiglit, All other �� I
liet decline$--COTP able Wealth and Are $eon by NO, I 11 �
taples tob� showed I I . .. I . �
.20 to, 5 -Se to 4�4% Oats 14c to 6-90 body Bu. I t the Chinese Caretaker- . . .. "I 1- 11 t 1, � ;
0 3_�40 and hog products 2 1-20 0 3A - Bank Will Follow Them at Any I -11, ... I I I ..M' I I.
- . . I , , "', . 1
40. 1 . 4i 1 ,... I I
I h1:1(mm I
TIie Llverpool market closed W�day' '4 � cost. I � I
ower t1tan ),esterday on wh( 4 1 . I . . _, I ... I i .,,/
,wer on corn. Antwerp oloseI , . Sept. I$.- , I 0 . 101) WIN . I . , . 41 . I
,, "Ill New Westminster, B,C�, . 6� 1 �
�1'1 1014W'a on wheat, Berlin Via ioweri aud , "I-
�uaapest i%e IoNver. I .11" ThreLi hundred and fifteen thou=ad I . . 1, � �
. -.1 � dollaTs vas Stolen e8ZlY yesterday J . ,�,4 1 L
Winnilieg Options' TVom tile branch of the Bank of I IL - . _ I I
n W . ,,, t I
�� * .
. " �
Close. 01je - High, L11 , 0111111 Moritre4l in this city,
i'vheat- I )Fiyp� b ag ars enteved t�e bank by . 11 �
Oct, _ % 08% mgt �981/8 98% 1 51 .. u& i stre'tions,mlist U
Dec. 9114 97 97 0GI/2 903if jh� VO b ,ioor, � �Tohe thro, h"'tW,' EThese articles and Illu M I
Xay :,�::: :102% .A'$. -1 WIN* mie 4 coaung. i e va�,. without opeolal pe .. ,4 1
. I '. I ,�,t, blew tht , be reprinted I .,10 � � I
. , -charges I yeerjA� w , giqto ., .. I I
D tk 9 I I :
�cC ..... 4.-�,I. ...';' - '. .'� _- QA el Ity � I I
Dec, .. 411/4, , � .... : ... 42 I got ,6, � f I atfifliefr bo t'* ' I .11. - I I � 11 11 �
May ..... .... ... � ': Ou 'If, aWri, ep't Vy a-03hIlynIese .
. t4yi. t be ng se n tx,c . I THE MoLt. ,
Toronto Grain Market, oaxOaker. . It robins 4'ad wrens lost all t4��,
� ��
, They probably escaPed down the � Of ��
Wheat, fall, bushel ........ $0 87 to ;Q 83 pussy, -
Wheat, gookiL, busllel ...... 0 V -1 Fraset *14veT in EL. lal.lach or else by feathers At once, W041dalt - 1
,,�40, ,, 1111
Rye, bushel .................. 070 .- aiAomobije toward Vairco-aver. � lotp ot bird breakfastO I I'll
� .
Oats, blisbel ................ 0 0 0 rm Tkitake *as in all $350,000 in, the', But who, hais..seeri MrS. Itobla in 04,
� '
0 1151 L 4ef of Police Bra4shaw - xudo mamMy he�o
Barley busliel .............. 070 b aude like sozae old, , '! ' '
Buck�v%eat, bushel 0 48 060 an ss,fps, 01 �4ell it 1� 1.
'Peas, bushel � .......... ::::, 0 7$ 6 W) believes the men would llaiys wbo, s'em to have, no resjAc� for t f �
' Id have ,carried ji. .As e �
I Toronto Dairy Market. 41� it they cou coaventioualO ,Take those , Pull I
iL Was 1.),1ey trck all they could carry i I 1
M .
Butter, store iota ..._. 017 0 is � Perhaps you are surpAsed to.. k4 1
Evtter, sep4rator, clatry, *�;: 0 4 024 jl,wky, leaving all the silver and notes that pullets molt four times ., e i
131.1tter, creamery, lb. roils_ 0 23 0 V of small denominations as well as I ,
Butter, creamery, solids_ - 0 24 .... � and $10 bil eathers follo. t .. �
damaged $50C I is lying laying, their new f - I I
110neYconibs, dozew ......... 250 - und the floor and tables of the TOOM old so, quickly as to escape notice
'new-lald ............... 0 21 022 . -ara I .If : theit i1rst egg is u . . ego' '
ot laid � 0
RN e. new, lb ....... � ....... I . �
C 9;�� 023 u14 of one of the clerks. .. ., I
Montreal Grain and Produce, The first known of the robbery was I§ept. 1, they do not alormall, : I
. when a -chitese caretaker ap eaked at agaia for & year. I i 11
MONTIM AL, Sept.16.-The export trade t 3�
in grain is very quiet, owing to the limlt- lie Police statiOn, at 5-30 0 0 ock and Hens ofiould Inolt birdlike, but 01
anaged to I I . "I
ed denaand aud the tact that'vie prices 9a,ve the alarm. He had xia 2
whicy, f&tfies disrobe quick, weak hei 0 �, �'
bid to�day were 3c lower for Afanitobs, work loose from the bonds with. -I'll, . .. " I ,
spring wheat. The local inarket for oatel
is strong at the recent ad�vaxce in prices,
with a fair trade passing. There was 110,
ohange in flour, prices being well inaln-
,�� and a fair' aniount of business
pa�slng. 11111feed Is firn?, under a good
dernand and small offerings. Cheese JS
strong, and prices have, scored another
advance. The demand for butter is quiet.
Vggs firni and provIslons fairly active,.
Dressed bogs�A,battolr, $10.50 to Wr.75
per 100 lbs, . .
Beef -Plate, half -barrels, ,100 lbsq r,-sa;
barrels, 200 lbs., $IC50; flerces, 40 It's.,
$01. 50 . I
Ea�dcowpoui,d tierces, a75 -IbS., W-5.0; J
boxes, 60 lbs. net (parehmen't llned), 9-1s'e*,
tubs, 50 lbs. net grained, two. handllis I
, , �
91A.c: palls, wood, 20 11?s. net,. Dy4c; tin Pifis,
20 lbs. g,ross, 9%c.
Pork -Heavy Canada short cut mess
barrels, 85 to 45 plece.% $23.50, half-bii�_,
rels, $18; Canada short cut and ba,cli:
pork, 45 to 55 pieces, barrels, $23; Cana,dii,
clear por1c, barrels, 30 to 35 Pieces, $20,50;
pleces, but fat, barrels,
Oats-Canadim v.restern, 10. 2, 47Yge.
ear lots, ex -store; extra 'Xo. 1 feecl, 4TC;
No. 3 C.W., 461ha; IJ,o. 2 local white, 4%je;
No. 3 local wlitte, 49c; No. 4 local whAe,
-he had been tied .after the eT5
had departed.
Chief of police Bradshaw hurried
to the Scene .and ,all of the available
officers -knre pressed into service, but
the only obtainable claewas that giv,
en by the Clibiaman.
Prolli the thoroughness of t1lo job
and the tools � NV,tl_l .,wlliob, the Work
was done, the local ,officers believe
the ,same gang which has been at
work in Vancouver turned the work
'here. I � I
I Wh . ere's Sleuth Burris?
M�ontreal, Sept. 16, -At the Bank of
* 'Vincent
igo-atreal yesterday Mr. H.
Meredith stated that it was quite
true that the Va"ItS Of t5e branch at
New Westminster had been, blowa� to
pieces and a very large sum Of money
stolen. I I
Detectives of the two P,TOMilleat
Services -will I e di S.tely L to
a bp sex -it inim ' L
tale Nvest, aad the bailk will spend,
41,- tmorter ,of &
ii nQoessais, - I
in tracking the burglar$ ajad
'I ; I I
Flour-'Maailtoba spring wheat pa.tentg,
photo by C, M. Barnitz. _�_j
firsts, $5,40; -geconds, $4.90; winter wheat
prosecuting them.
I I I I . I
� .
patents, $4.75; strong bakers', $4.70;
straight rollers, $4.2 in bags $1.35 to
5�a %
PO1,z,r'WA:NTS A DDEM 1 �
Rolled vats -Per rrel, $51; bgLg 0
Lightning Does DaMlagf)-
and both, ]lie human hens, take a long �
90 lbs., $2.50. . -
Corn-Aniericau, No. 3 yellow, Whe.
Chatham, Out., Sept. 16�-A terrific
lightning Storm passed
bMe to dress. Look at Polly. 116's I �
Millfeed-Bran, Ontario, ;23 to S24; MaZi-
toba, $028; middlings, Ontario, $27 to $28,
thunder and
over this ,city at, midnight. It lasted
too chesty. , I 1.
� , - � lie bas -,
Like Biddies w"fat bustles
shorts, Manitoba, $25; mouillIG, $26 tO 4M
Eggs -Selected, 240 ta'26el, 11TO. I '�tO'0114
for a lull two holirs -and the lm infall
was the greatest it has been this Year..
, ,
� . I
had too much carbohydrates, and W,_Ik:��
20r to 22C.
Cheese-Westerias, 14%c to 141he; east-
18%c to 14c.
Lightning burned out the Bell
Telephone CO.'s eable On Park ave-
urs no nitrogen to , .
protein, and so I ,
make feathers, 'Re needla'�Iess seed � �.
Butter -Choicest, 26c; seconds, 251he to
nue, and cut off all long-distance com-
and more boiled meat'm' iiis systenL , ��
I ".;
munication east and west, as Well as
Wh6mL normal, liens, Molt In WS-rUl .
New York Dairy Market.
burning out fuses and private 'phones.
weather, yearlings finishing in abotd._ I—_
,Nrz,W YORIC, sept. i5. - Butter -
elptir 7666.,
Steady and unchanged; rec, ,
Thq,,.Chatham Qas & lRectric CO.,5
, I them'
w1res,"., loading. t�) NcrtbL, ,Gha
4a., T"e.gr. �
eighty-five days, two and Uule . I I I I
. hens. "llidIffla to- 'ffi 00 "td 165 4AYS.- �:t �
cheese�Flrin; rfte&Pts,.. 3"S" gts,tG'
whole ynllk, 1314a to -:ta-a-4e; stgLte.
lie to 130,
arned in two and citizens O
were,'b n
that side -of the -river had no lights.
old . 1,
Zeavy. la7tng isn't u&tllrftl; It"is' �-
whole milk, lower gra4�.s,
whole, milk. dairies best, 14 1-4c.
A bolt -hit a bain on the premises of
against fertility and throws a hen offl-_
" " "
zggs-lrregular and unchan.-ed; re-
R. J. Dunlop, Riclinnond street, and
. ;,
her molt, so that heaviest layers gea- -
ceipts. 10,1W .
tore a. port.ion of the roof.off, driving
� � �1-
eraUy moit last, thougEL quiekest,.F�, 4 I
he -as on the green, to let them loaf I I
the lining into the hay, but did not
,thus early winter eggs are lost. It iS
set the building on fire, A new dwell-
wise to discourage heavy laying to- I . 11
ing being erected by Albert Tomlin-
. V . .
East Buffalo Cattle Market.
RA,ST BUFFAL0, ,S,ept. 15--Cattle-Re-
celpts, 250 )lead: inarket active, steadY;
Prime steers, 117.zu -to �i-1;0; butcher grades,
$8.50 to $7.
CeLives-Recelpts, go head; market ac-
tiv". $1 per cw%. bigber; cull to choice,
$5,75 to S10.50.
$I,,c_,ep avid Lwaibs--Recell?ts, 4000 h..d I .
rnarl;:et aL,tive; Iambs 15a higher; she.,,
rlrni; choice lambii, $6-15 to $6-90; cull to
fair, $5 to �6.50; Yearlings, $4.50 to %;
sheep, $2 to K2&
1.10gs-Revellas, 5950; rnarket active and
- ags, 5
firm; yorkers, $7-65 to �r-70: st, P-150
to $6, pigs, $7 I,' mixed, Sz.55 to $TAO;
&vy, .20. .
be, rt.50; roUghs, $6 to $6
New York Live Stock,
,N.r,,"r yORK, ,gept. 15-BeeveS-11e-
celpts, 3200 head; steers, steady Lo
str,png; bulls 0-1-J cows, fully steady;
stevirs, $4.50 to $7.75; biL111S, $3.25 to
$5,25-, cows, $1.75 to $5.
C,p,I.ves_Re,celPt9, 434 head; market
,,r;, veal% ,$7 to $10.25; grassers
anil butter'I""Ilks, $3.50 to $5.
wlk,p and lambs; - 'RecelPts, 3433
bea'a- ..11eep, $2.25 to $4; lainbs, $5 to
$a. .
, C1311s, $8.76 to $4.25. -
:kJogs-Receipts, 3"(OO head; market
Steady at $-j.50 to $7.75.
. Chicago Live Stock. .
CHICAGO, Selit- 15,-Cattle-Recelpts
estlTne,tea at 25M; market steady; beeves,
$4.90 to $8.10; Texas steers, $4.40 to 046;
w%erns steers, $4 to V; StOckeis and
fe ers, $3 tb $5.70; cows and heifers, $2.25
to $6.20; calves, $6.25 to $9.60.
Hogs-Ijeceipts estimated at 12,000; inar-.
ket s,low, weak; light, $&85 to $7.40; InIxed,
$6,80,to $7.40; heavy, $6,65 to, $7.30; rough,
to66 to $6.86; good to choice, heavy $6,85
$7.zo, pigs, ;4.60 to $2.05; bulk of'sales,
$6.90 to $7,25. .
Sheep arid Lambs-Recelpts estimated
at 12,000; marltet- steady; native, $2-.25 to
$3:1o; t westeras, U.5o to $4,10;,year,lings,
To 0 S.1.60; laiubs, uative, 4 to $5,190;
western, $4.25 to $6.
I Cheese Markets,
. CoAi.;WALL, Sept. l5.-(SPeCla,l-)-
� -,- -A-.1- - H'. 0.�"%V.11 r.,AAA�A
son on Lorne avenue was also struck.
. .." _'. �
There it tore a chimney -to pieces and
�t ,.'M'�r
_,�',., ., . MINIS
.,�k , -*�gg�
ripped up a chicken coop beneath In-
-.1'.1-11-1_'..- I.,
� *,,
"m .
,,�., , " ". �
�,,.,;,�;:;, �.`
to, splintem
Reports from various parts of tiv�
'n:�%;: 1,
,�,��M.l . -.0
.M." _ �
_ "'N"'I'�:.;:01
"� .". , I
.. N- .k, �.
"p. .: , , , . " �
� 0"Js::iJ.n:::;,n*5*: �.
county are to tile effect that heavy
_.t -
,_ � . I
frosts have done much damage to the
1: g _ I -1
. .,g,,��,.-, -,
.. . _,,11<.�Ili
ilig '�;:�;�;:","::,,��,i7.":",�,k�,,��.�I
tobacco crop. which is a very heav
, �,'..,:.'�'11..4 ,�M,�, .�,
�- ..'." *:�,. ... Y.1�1, ,g
"i ..'� � �ft_ �
:,.'.,,. ...,
"I '
� � Z@:�Ilk_
clie. Y)n many Kent. farms
. . .,_.,;�.K.:::.,.N,
..... ��.'�,,.Zr
-1" '�' � %X"!, ... �k.le; .,
,� .1
, ,g �
�`,K =Ml�
%j'%�,.'.,',��- . ......... Zk%"::%:,�X��-.NRO
arc,v�,ers of tobacec� will realiz('� $400 to
- ,� 1.1.1_�-.r ...
., ..,.-.. _..... 11'.1 _11�-
f10:ia.:11:.:-X1 _.._.._.. , - t;"�,:�:�
$500 an acre for tile Weed. 0110NO-45
- - ,__
4. ."...�_, 11_14.1V,.`.`"."1,� M- 4 ,
man who rented four acres of
�11� 1!
1�,�,.�.,,,.1:1;- �Ii
` """"' ,
11 just outside the limit has clear-
11- 1
i, �',
ed Over, $1,000 on his tobacco, after
-�*,�i . I
�.,! � 1�
paying all e�,Pelx`, for hired help, etc.
1. L
This is a quick return for three
. 4'
months of anxiety.
I � I.,
. I I
I �� ,
. ,
Canadian Strike Law.
I �
.. . , .
.1 � . I I
-London, Sept. 16,Hon. Pember
.. 11 ,
1. . .1
Reeves, whose views ,of the present
induatrial troubles have been widely
,� � -.f .1"..'.. � ,,,
4 . �.
-s not coll.11der the Calls.
sought, doL
. . : I
r .
diall systein, of .arbitration the Tight,
one for England because he Says it
Photo by C. AL Barnitz� I 1�
deprives the trade unionist of his most
valuable weapon, the power of strik-
ing at the shortest Or without
It ddes not give the award legall.y
ward end of cheap egg, season, to tam
binding on tile LIMPIOYey, while it is
he -as on the green, to let them loaf I I
of little use for the inquiry board
In shade and to remove thoS& BiddYt, *
between employer ,and labor, owing
"bustles with auttfat. .
to the inability to give binding
Hens thus become normal for th6 I
awards. .
ordeal, and with a ration riab ia Oro-_ �:
tein for nitrogen for feathers and some , ��
Toronto Worker Killed.
I oil to :Curnish heat for their bodi,eg they I , ',
Sault Stu. Marie, Cat., Sept. 16.-
molt naturally and for future prolit.. , I
James Currie, alled 25, "It ell"PlOye Of
Meat, oilmeal, gluten, sunfloWOr , , ,
the Canadian jF;idge Co. I who hails
,Seed, clover, alfalfa, the grains and ,�
from Toronto, was instantly killed by
byproduct$, make up the rational, ra- , ,
falling filtv feet from the bridge w1lich
in construction over the
I tion for molt, and it should be romOtd- ��7
is . of
Montreal river.
bered ,what hens lose before aud at .
I �.
,,%� 4i._ %,,_oi ,a fiip rorristin,.k lmre
time'Of molt they raust gain beford I
_ - I...:.,;: ou VV-.- V-- f
....V�:. ,
, * 1&Z .,.*;'-,�',1 and ne-ver WAS
uluar" I'll. _ .- ___ "-----
and S40 eolored� The white sold a t
yvnv: . ..... y " ------- -,------
ope'lled -,in inque,,A, I
.,,.*.: ." .`-':�' - � regular, and t li 0
. ,
14 18-16c and the colored at 14 7-8c,
r ,�:,.1..,-.,.:, ,
,_."".�., 4.1.-, , *:,., . � I , I w ii
, , �� _. .. ,,,, b e. a r in g - d o
;.%_%�.:: W ... terrible,
wbich are the higliest prices ever pald
for in tl*,is, district. At this
Duke dind Housing Scheme,
....... ":". -1 "i allas Nvere
: ,*.,'::L , -, ,�!�
.,.. .!, T �raS Very ill in
date laot year choese Sow be -re at Ile..
London, Sept. 16.-(G.A.P'. Cable.)-
in full
-`111. " '..
."...".I..- . ...: luidthedoctor
. .. . bed �
told me I Would
pl,�,qjzj, Sept. 15. -The Finch cheese
. Tlipre were sb-t
board met to-o�igbt,
Vie Duke Of Connaught is
sYMP,tthy With the scheme of housing
� 1; ,I have to have ,in
hundred whlte`,�arid two hundred and
co-partneTship wlli,�h wag illallgurmted
r / ,
. , ... . operation, and
jolir coloroa. Aft -,sold for 15 cents.
D'Illillio.t last year, slid Nvill
in tho o �t to t1w
, movement
L . � that I might (lie
. during the operation, I 'wrote to MY
BRANTY ORID, SePt. 15--A-t t1l 0
13rantford cheese market to -day there
give every SuPl'�: �
,ts Earl Grey's zmacessor,
. sister,ibout it and she advised me to
were ,offered,440 boxes. Ml Sold: 00 at
. I I I
� take Lydia 301 Pinkham's VO�Otstble
14 3-8c, 350 at 14 5-80. N I ext market
. Baron Lochee Dead.
. Comp � expe.
q,nd Through per onal
ll�ve foG� it the, best Inedi-
rirlda.Y, Sept. .
Sepj,. 15,-28 boxes ' of
London, &O. 16 The Right I -Ion.
I oine in the world for Teniale troubles,
ored Were
white and 1,36 boxes Of 001 '
i,�<Jmull(l rwbort.,oil, First B Lo -
cljp�p, f Cx,owrio. is dead. He was bora
I for it has cured ine, -md I did not have
boarded oil tile clieese board to-da,7,
in, IL�4�. Re was Liboyal INLP, for
to have the operation afte,r all. The
and ,all Sold at 14 7-8c.
Dundee from 1865 to nog, Civil 1oTd
Compound also belped Me While a S.
Life "-Wrs-
1�,E1\1pW1L1.,r,,, Sept. M-400 bolteg
boarded to-lilght aad
of A(PhliTnIty 1892-05, fl,ad Seett4arY 01
ing through Change of
. Ti
L IVITI,& BLAIR, 091tifton, 6xit", 0.
or olleese Nvere
'8,10 were so Id. for 16c. .
I tile Admiralty 1904 A08- .
I- I 1
LydIOX. rinkham!s 'Vegetable Com-
15.-1665 boxes Of
' pruRTH, SePL 4 at
cbee%,0 were boarded and all Sol
ranch Soldiers Go HOMO.
F� .
,)OuUd, M, al-nd herbs
'tile from,
,e tas to be tly), Inost Silveessful
the 1�ullng� price of 14;3-40 t0-Ilk'17.
% paris, supt, 16�-'Tt wag annoulle'ed,
", t1le Worst fo�C,*AS of
I t c,arillp
I- remedy f
, AMS I J5,-_Cheeua
here to -day boarded 445 White Rnd140
ar ye .�rday
[Lt the Allinistry. of NV. ,st(
that the Soldiers whose tyrnit ol Seto
female fl[K b1clildiny. displaeeinallt%
boxes of colored; 28D sold ittt 141.9-16c',
vice are, expiring would reLurn to
h iaaflqn, Abroi WIAOTS, irttgll'
!.1 14T6 1AJ
'balance refused thIS, I I
11'.;'o .1��"Os as ording,tv yeaTI,
. V%pT0%1dcati4U . 11,�1_1"It ja a 1)�, 1'. , -periodlo,ptiiins, bultaellp" 1)606t- 't,toQuols so 15�--�-At regular I I
�J� � f Ili 1.� , . Tllis -�41,do Much. t0lalieve tile T,tklo-
r f St witTo n. 'O),Nq1 feeling�i gata i Ile 'In eld
11 I eleting of 16�,ctunls, choese boara h . -
10; ,r6gls I ' i.Ml nervou.,,5 tostva . 0 '. ost!; la,ro td�day 11,05 1','.mo; I)f''L"plorol(olleeso I li,�, collcoril; I - 11 .. 1, �.
. 11 - ma d - cr ,$ lla,t ,)4.�rr,,I. All ,�01(1 �,.Ji )Zmrd at 1.#2�4c, i , i " I * I �� ; I
. ,. ... .I- ; titfte to I rN, e . .1 . - " . . ' i �,
Px��*e _�;_._, .1" 11-* , q % liff 1, I . , .1 . . �, ".. , , , , I
1 � I � -uTt' . VY 0, I �'- � 14' � � , '.I -
, f"yt . ,
I ,� hlIA1116 . I : � , ,
I �� � . 11 ::: "I . I - I " �". I
. � � 11 �� .� ,",_ . 11� gah&., ,4.
1 - , ,.
....�_I_ I L'', I . � . ".., . �, . ��_�: . .... I �� .... ��� am � -.1-10"',
- __ ------- . .
I rwns, - . . . . �;
Don!t feed eg.- force, to vulletx Kud �1�
molting hells. . . 11
I)ou,t forget tll,,it filth is the rO4 "''
mites, Incubator, ' I I
I)ojl*t fail to ettre and Store (110042�, I
1. I
the, great egg maker. I � I
,Don't bury dead fOw3fs In the U63
yard. . TJSe them tot grapevine for-, ,
tilize - r, . . ' I . I .��
I)oVt food mu,ch now Wheat ttt R I r
weal, It arrdets.hells as new liaYd0" �, �.
tho horse. . I I . ,� .
r)oll,t tldvertis6 a colossal businems ,
with only a baek lot coop lull Olt Milo
to bac,_ it, . "I
Don't lot droplitugs tiLecumulate, Utt, 1)
der roosts In summer with the 140a. -`
that because they drY upi they atO 40t'
li f� �.,�
I , 1 ,�
wittious. , I
rioln?t ridicule bald heads. UOMOWI ',
bor that ,.Vben dhildrou t6 Utishst Wdfl! -1,
1.41GO tip, go, tip" Rioll old I.iald bettdPl the' *'
bears caple roarlwx from the, Avood ana , "
/med thnsoUldo tot, 1>r0AlT.,fa44t11X)1 �
Li--', , I ,� :.
,, _ miiwww","