HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-09-16, Page 10) PAGE 10 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1981' T&r CL � SSIFIED CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for sole 2 Yard sole 3 Garage sole 4 Antiques for sole 5 Cors for sole 6 Trucks for sole 7 11,V s for sole 6. Marine 9 Automotive „ 10. Pets for sole I livestock for sole 12 Real estate for sole 13 Mobile homes 14 Recreohonol propertu s 15 Out of town properT,ea 16. For rent 17 Apartments for rent 18 -Houses for revt 19. Rooms for rent 34. Wonted to rent 30 Employment wonted 20. Room 8 board ,25. Wonted to buy 31' Service directory 21 Cottages for rent 26. Help wanted 32 Custom work 22. Lots for rent 27 Wanted (general) 33 Form services 23 Commercial property 28. Business opportunity 34 Personol for rent 29 tenders 35 Notice to creditors 3k. Announcements. notices 37. Mortgages ' 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. lost 8 Found 41 To give away 42. Death notice 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47 Cord of thanks . Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing rna,'hines, vacuum cleaners., parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rental. We also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 106 The Square, Goderieh, 524- 8431.-lt far, AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl (leaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in The corner of your toilet tank. Available al Hoff !Beyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1tflur 1961 FORD Thunderbird, good condition;. Franklin stove; two bicycles.. Items have to be moved. Phone.236-4691,-36,37 SECTIONAL chesterfield suite; .chrome kitchen set with swivel chairs; garage door, 7' x 8', less hardware. All in A-1 condition. 225 Britannia Road East. Phone•524-89,,13.-36,37x TOMATOES;. potatoes, -broccoli and other garden vegetables . by the basket. Phone 524-7809between 12 torn - 1 p:.m. and 5 p.m. - 6 . GREEN BROCADE high back rocker recliner, excellent ' condition. reasonable. Phone 324-2748.-36,37 TWO DASHWOOD picture windows, wooden casement, 4 ft. x 7 ft.. gliders on each -end. ,Thermal pane, set of storm windows to fit same, only one year old. Asking $700.00 for lot or will sell separately. Large window door and'fdur antique pine doors. Phone 524- 991X1,-36,37 OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltfar SiCK ROOM SUPPLIES, patient aids, support gar-'. . ments, convalescent, products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy., 14 Shoppers Square. Goderich, 524-7241.-itfar ONE RECEIVER, turntable, and eight -track. Stand and speakers included. Excellent condition. Phone 524-2006 anytime.-31tfnic STOVE AND CAMP FIREWOOD FOR SALE Phone 482-3294 482-3509 See us for delicious HOPPER FED TENDER LEAN BEEF CUT, WRAPPED AND QUICK FROZEN FOR TOUR FREEZER, FREE FRESH FROM THE FARM SIDES FRONTS LB. 51.s9 LB.$1•25 WHILE THEY LAST! MILD, MED., OLD PINE RIVER CHEESE LB. $2.99 COUNTRY STYLE HOMEMADE SAUSAGE s 89 PURE PORK LB. 1 s CLOSING FRIDAY AT 6 PM OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 AM TO 6 PM LOCKERS FOR RENT For after hour service call Sandy Brown. 524-4473 THE BUTCHER SHOP (JEAN'S MEAT MARKET) 4g HAMILTON TO6'f ST., 524-wbr2 1. Articles for sale TOMATOES, eating, canning and freezing varieties by basket or bushel, Call 524- 6473.-33-38 . PELLET RIFLE, 1981 model, used only on four occasions. Brand new condition, single shot type. Phone 524- 7775.-36,37 SMALL TRAILER for motorcycle or small car. Phone 526-7719.-36,37nx � THREE - as length coats, one beige camel hair, size 16; one brown leather coat with op -in lining, size 18; one tan fur lined, size 42.One 3 -piece beige pant suit, size 16. Phone 528- 2008.-36,37x FIREWOOD - quality hard- wood, cut andseasoned. Phone Auburn 526-7230.-36-411x,41-47 BELL & HOWELL Super 11 movie camera, also projector, screen and film editor, Phone S24-7961.-37 ' SIMPLIC1TY'wringer washer, in good condition. Phone 524- 81 t9 -37x FRIDGE, in good condition. Natural gas, 90,000 B.T.U. furnace, excellent condition. Phone 524-7225 after 6 p, tri, -37x DOUBLE SIZE box spring. mattress and frame, $125.00, Phone 324-4480.-37x TWO C 78-14 whitewall snow tires, used one season; one GSW 12 gallon Fiberglas lined, electric- water tank; one-third ' h.p. Jet shallow well pump, used three winters. Phone 524- 2060.-37 • EXTEND growing season three months. with nationally advertised greenery season extender. 44" )c. 44" x 49". Regularly $99.99, now only $49.99. Order C.O.D. Haliburton Machine & Manufacturing Ltd., Box 2, Haliburton, Ont. • KOM ISO. (7ft51457-2(832.-37b.c. VANASTRA HOME FURNISHING • 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No.4 •NEW OR USED HOME FURNISHINGS !APPLIANCES t \•LAWN ORNAMENTS Open 6 Days A Week i. 482-7922 1: Articles for sale FREEZER , cookbook. 191 pages. Recipes, instructions and money saving ideas. Seed $1.50 plus 50c 'handling to Freezing Information Bureau, Box 840, Station Q, Toronto, M4T 2N7.-37b.c. FILING CABINET; table, couch and chair, suitable for rec room; desk and chair: typewriter; GM car seat; Gendron baby buggy and Stroller; Swing-o-matic. Phone 524-2916.-37 ONE BUILT-IN Westinghouse oven and matching set of built- in countertop burners, $60.00 apiece or $110.00 for the set. A 1969 Thunderbolt 650 B.S.A. in excellent condition. Best offer over $510.00. Two pair of Chinese Golden Pheasants, ti0.00 a pair. One McClary Easy refrigerator, in good condition. $50.00. Phone 524- 11175,-37,a8nx ONE QUEBEC heater, 36" high in good condition. Phone 524.7625.-:17x PROPANE or Natural'. Gas heater. $60.00. Phone 524- 67011,-37-39 ARKLA GAS barbecue, complete with rotisserie and gas tank. Excellent shape. Phone 524-4628.-37 KITCHEN CHROME -table. . with laminated .top, four chrome chairs. padded seats and backs. 524-71165, after 5 MARTIN'S MARKET LOCAL PRODUCE EGGS Small - 654 Doz. MEDIUM - DOZ, LARGE - 11.20 Doz. EXTRA LARGE -'1,23 DOZ. ,LPPLE$ MacINTOSH - 4 qt. -'2.23 COURTLAND - 4 qt. -'2.23 GRAPES SWEET ONTARIO BLUE OR WHITE 2 qt. - "1.75 PRUNE PLUMS • 4 qt. '3.25 TOMATOES 4 qt. - 61.44 11 qt. - 64.80 BEANS GREEN A WAX - 69' L8. ONE QUARTER MiLE EAST OF BEN - MILLER: CORNER ON I.0W"s , 8. PWerrt° - 524-1024 TOMATOES Pick your owner ready picked by Order CABBAGE. BRUSSELS SPROUTS POTATOES AND APPLES CARROTS available by basket or bushel for freezing Huron Ridge Acres R.R. 2 ZURICH 565-2122 CLOSED SUNDAYS WALLPAPER 20% OFF MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED PRICE IN STOCK WALLPAPER S O% OFF Le Trousseau 13 Hamilton St., Goderich Phone 524-2448 EVAN'S FARM MARKET 2 mi. North of Bayfield 482-7562 U -PICK TOMATOES 45.09 Bushel U -PICK BEANS 45.00 Bushel U -PICK PEPPERS (Green A Red) '6.00 Bushel U -PICK CUCS "5.00 Bushel Freezer Corn '1. doz. Also Carrots, Apples, Squash, Pumpkin, Spanish 4, cooking t. Articles for sale 45 POUND Fiberglas recurve bow, $25.00. Phone 524- 7886,-:37 COMMODE CHAIR, like new. Phone 524-7887 between 2-4 p.m. and8-t0 p.m.-37,38nx TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial 524-7231.-Itfar HOMELITE and Jonsereds chain saws. New, used and demos. Steve Argyle, Bayfield 565-281X1.-34-37 ROXTON Colonial solid maple dinette suite with four cap- tain's chairs. Excellent con- dition. Table 48" round closed with one 18! board. Phone 524-4165.-:T7 BOX OF BOY'S clothing, sizes ranging from 2-:3X, includes two-piece snowsuit, boots, pyjamas, shirts. ,slacks. etc. Phone 52476536.-- 1`7x KAWASAKI 100, excellent running condition and a real money saver. Also included two helmets and wuthield. T750.00 or best offer. Phone after 4 p.m. 524-6625,-37nx ('VILD'S TWO-PIECE snai'suit, turquoise and white pile. detachable mitts and feet, size 18 months. $5.10. Phone 324-6753 after 5::313 p:m. week- days, anytime oh weeken- d.-37nx ' 70 SQ. YARDS Crossley Karastan carpet, 'Lime Frost 12 •tone' Green) , excellent condition, $5:00 sq. yard. Cash. Phone 524-7284.-:7x 1980 250 TS SUZUKI. 2;500 kilometres, $1,500.06 or best offer, 524-1202.-37.38 MASSEY FERGUSON„ 43 three fure0W :3 •p.h, plow in good condition. Three furrow international drag plow: Case blower. Hard maple wood for. sale. Phone529.7661 -37. SiLK AND Poly flowers. New colors. New display: The Country Spire, 2L'I-6341.-:37tf MAKE YOUR R own clocks..Use your design. Quartz battery movements. Quantity discount to schools. Available at The ('oun try -Spire, 2x1-6341.-:37tf S X-l'EAIt-OLD. 26" color TV, Fleetwood cabinet. Phone 524- 7508.-:c-7 . 1'A4I ()F' Don Jackson figure' skates, size 3, Coronation Ace blades. Phone 524-61187- 37 ('ARI(6)TS, BEETS. potatoes, eggs, spanish onions. Phone in your order. 529-7615. - :17.38 EXERCISE BiKE with tension control, adjustable seat and mileage indicator. Phone 524- 4723.- 24-47'23.- :37 IU)TOTII,LFat, $50.10; 1974 Ski -Whiz snow " machine., 62111.110; swing set $:10.00. - Phone -524.7527- 37 _ _..- _ _ STOCK 17' for winter with bushels of carrots, beets, squash, potatoes, peppers. You pick tomatoes. TEEM- Farm, R.It.I , Hayfield. 462- 1,940,- 82- !040•- 37a r MacINTOSH ANi) ('OR- TI,AND apples, prune ,plums, red and while potatoes and honey. Special 11 qt. baskets of prune plums, 85.1313; 6 tots. of apples, $2.11(1. Phone 524-8037, Art Bell's Fruit Farm. - :37tfar EXERCISE Bi('Y('LE in good condition. Phone 524 44:14 after p.m .--:37 MASTECTOMY services now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Itieek i.D.A.' Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524 7241 - 21 )far SNOWMOBILES .19 h.p. Sno- .Jet, electric start, one Elan, electric start; $230.10 each or both for $4313.00. Men's size 8 Lange skates, used five times, $45.00, regular $99.95. Phone 526 7238.-37.38 OFF'IC'E DESK plate glass top. $100,00, green living room chair, $25.00; miscellaneous items. Phone 524-4506.. 37 14 F'OR.SYTHIA bushes, 4 ft. high, $3,00each. Dig your own. Phone 524-6474 - 37 2. Yard Sale CLOTHES, dishes, odds and ends. Two families. Saturday, September 19, 1981 at 9:30 a.m., rain or shine. 275. Christina Court, Goderich. 37 SEPTEMBER 18, 19, 20 - 1973 Monte Carlo, some antiques, television, stereo component, knick-knacks, odds and ends. 271 Tilt Street . Starts at 10 a .m till p.m. -37x Buying? .Selling? Renting? Reach over 11,000 potential customers with a (LAiS4IF'1,D WANT AD. Cali The Goderich Signal -Star at 5246331, 3. Garage sale GARAGE SALE - furniture, dishes, clothes and antiques. Anytime until October loth. 11.11.31 Auburn, phone • 529 7684.-36,37 GARAGE SALE • Saturday, September 26. 1981 at 11 a.m., '' • mile south of Dungannon on County Road 1 at Harvey (' ulbert's. 150. 8 track tapes, 8 track component set, 8 track. portable player. cross country skit, ,snowshoes, .boat and motor, Tupperware. size 9 wom.en's leather boots, baby needs, 130 Allis Chalmers combine,'Gemoat roller, video game, electronic project kit, sheet metal box stove, other articles too numerous to mention.- =:17.38 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, September . 19, 128 Warren Street. 8 track tape deck for car, trailer mirrors, rocking chairs, books, records, etc- c. -37x ' AT 2.45 ELDON Street. Goderich, Saturday. Se.p- tember - 29th, 9 to 6, luggage, chairs. typewriter, picnic table,.rug remnants, oak•desk chair, clothing. -37 • -COME- TO, our sheighborhood 'garage sale in'tifelast block on Suncoast . Dr. W. Saturday, September 19th, 10 a.m, if rained out will be held the following Saturday, Sep- temtxr26th, 1981.-37x • ' 5. Cars for sole. 1178 CORDOBA. 68,0110 km, excellent condition; as is. Phone 524-95:30a fter 5 p.m .- 37 1976 ('l'TLAtS Sports Coupe,. 3.50 V8. bucket seats and console. Phone 524-7281 after a p.m. 37 1979 FORMULA, under 20,008). kilometres, never winter. driven. Must be seen. Phone 524 -It ln► after 7 p.m. -37 197:3 MONTE ('ARLO. ('an be seen at 271 Tilt Street., Must sell, best offer. Phone 524- x 3 ---- -------- 1975- PONTIAC. ,certified: asking $1,300 i0 .or, best offer. Phone 324-9127 between 10a .m. and 2 p.m. or 10 p.m. and 12 p.m. - 37,:38 6. Trucks for sale 1972 Ful(D PICKUP. '1 ton. :351. V8 automatic, power brakes. •Western vehicle. no rust. Certified $1,895.10. Phone 524-9111 or 524-1,711_- 37,38 1176 F'()RD F'25() pickup. Super cab, power steering, power hrakcs..air conditioned, needs some work,' $1,2(0.10. Phone 326 753:3 Auburn. 37,38x • 6. Trucks'for sale 1972 GMC short box Stepside, needs work, some new parts. $1.000,00 as is. 524-9477.-36,37x 7. R. V.'s for sale HEADING south this i® Enjoy economy living with this 1976 Dodge camper van, :118 V8, 56,000 miles; fully loaded. Price $7,500.00. Phone 524- 853:3.-37,38 9. Automotive Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2'121 $11 95 Now only is 8 • GODERICH 11, Livestock for sale 12, Real estate for sale • DUNGANNON area - 6 acres, very attractive three bedroom brick home tastefully decorated, Five-year-old 20 x 40 workshop, 40 x 60 barn. Owner most anxious to sell. Contact Mel Mothers, 357-3208 (Wingham) rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. -37 13. Mobile homes 14 X 70 MOBILE home, three bedroom large living room, eat -in kitchen, laundry room, 6250.00 per month plus utilities. Available November 1st, 1981. Phone 524-4552 or 524- 2214.-36,37x ,38t f, FOR SALE - Landrace Boars and Gilts. R.O.P. 'tested, Reasonably priced'" Guaranteed breeders. Phone John Vessels, 524-6917.-34.52x' THREE high .productive milking goatsand four young ones. anda billy goat. Phone • 524-7081.-36x,37 ' 12, Real estate - for sale COMMERCiAL. RESIDEN-' TIAL, large Victorian home, 28110 sq. ft., garage. three fireplaces, stained glass, ideal for restaurant, office or retail with apartment'upstairs. 80 Hamilton St; corner of Vic- toria. Phone 524-7940.-33tf FOR SALE -1 Well maintained ' two .bedroom bungalow, full basement, detached garage.. Quiet. convenient location. Call Chatham 352.3947.-:36.38x ('i)NSIDER a lot with full underground services and, asphalt roads. for your resort - retirement home in vibrant. Lakeshore Kincardine. $12.100. ('a II 1519 1396 37b .Cu ('O'1'fAGE for sale. Midhuron Beach. accessible year round. Winterized, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, fully In- sulated. aluminum siding, large deck, close to 12 acre of ' land. 647.510. Phone .1519)65:3- 454(3 or 529-78(18 weekends. -37 TW() BAY Service Station in Village of Hensall with pit and hoist. also own gas pumps, .plenty of parking space. good t location for mechanic to have own husiness: Will consider mortgage at reasonable rate. 1•or more 'inlorinat ion phone 1- 262-2810 or I-262.25:35.---:37 Al lit RN. store and attached dwelling, Store presently a Ceramics shop. Opportunity to convert 10 a four plex as a profitable investment property. Contact Mel Mothers. :357-32(83 1 Wingham rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate I,td. -•37 60 POLICE Cars, Trucks, Vans and Station Wagon 20. 1979 & 80 Chevrolets, Fords, Plymouths & Cougars 1978 Dodge Station Wagon ' 1977 GMC 3/4 ton 4 x 4 with plough 2 - 1977 & 78 Blazer & Ram Chargers 3 - 1976 Dodge Window Vans 26 - 1975 & 78 '/2: 9/4 and 1 ton pickups 4-1974 & 75 1 ton, cab and chassis with duals DC Welder 400 amp mounted on 74 Dodge 3/4 ton truck 1 lift tow dolly 1975 Ford as low as 6595.°® Licence No. LTY 058 MIGHTON CAR SALES 6 miles East of Hanover on No. 4 Highway Phone Mohan; 369-3136 E COMPLETELY FUR- NISHED 2 bedroom Coachman 60' mobile home. 1'/� baths, large cedar deck, skirted. Located at 2 Cherokee Road, Meneset Park. No. 234. HURON HAVEN PARK - 71 Comm 59'. 3 con '11, fon. IA. 234. MARLETTE MOBILE with she Price 26 C 12' by . A-1 d at for of - Tool !deck. '10,000.00. .okee Drive. No. 254. . IDEAL .COTTAGE or home.' Well maintained 3 bedroom mobile. 2 baths. 3 side porches. utility shed. Completely furnished. Terms available. 4 Cherokee Drive. No. 257. NOW REDUCED .- 121 mortgage: '153.00 mon- thly payments. 64 Cherokee Rd., Meneset Pork. Immediate Possession. Name your own down payment. No. 166. MANY EXTRAS are In- cluded In this Homelite mobile. Listed for quick sale, only '9000:00. 73 Algonquin Drive. Drive past, and give us a call to Inspect. No. 130. BUY LAND NOW - see this exceptionally well maintained• mobile home which has an ad- dition built on plus a full basement. Located in the Village of Auburn is this tate and cozy bedroom home on its own 112' x 133' lot. No. 260 THE WAY A MOBILE SELLS depends on how It is handled.. We are old ' enough, to be ,experien- ced, xperien-cud, young enough to be aggressive, large enough to be" efficient, small enough to be per- sonalized. . For • a professional market survey on when buying' - or soiling your mobile. please call. Enid Deli 324 • - 3191 or 8111 Clifford Realtor.524-4951. DEADLINES: Classified wont ads of 12 -noon Tuesday. Too tote to classify ads will be ac- cepted until 4 p.m some day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.25 min./22 words, 15' a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.35 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cords of Thanks '3.25 min./25 words, 5' o word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy chonge. /isk about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m.-5 P.m - 5 833 13. Mobile homes FOR SAL- - 12• ft. x 60 ft. GENERAL mobile home, three bedroom. Phone 482-3746 after 4 p.m. -36,37 MOBILE on two lots, in Dungannon, worth looking at, price in mid -teens. Phone 529- 7894 evenings. -36,37 FOR SALE - 12 ft. x 60 ft. two bedroom with' appliances and sun deck. All bids considered. For more information call 524- 2611, ask for Frank. -:37 FOR SALE - 60' x 12' New Yorker with large add -a -room and verandah. 68 Iroquois St., Meneset Park, Goderich. $14,500. Phone482-7066.-37,38 .16. For Rent RENTING - 27 ft. Itasca class A motor home. Air, generator, stereo. Excellent condition, sleeps six or seven. Phone 524- 8620-35tf FOR RENT - Farmland, -65 acres, 5 mile north of Kintail; on the Lakeside of Hwy. 21. Available •now. Phone 1-313- • 651-5753.-37.39' FOR REALLY • CLEAN CARPETS Do It yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Sluowater Cleaners 324- 6231. 17. Apartments .for rent ONE, BEDROOM apartment «-and twobedroom apartment available immediately. No appliances. Phone 524- 2946.-3ltf- BED -SITTING room, kitchen, to stilt two people. Twin beds. Phone 524-2731.-:35tf • MODERN one . bedroom apartment, available October .Ist, near lake. Goderich. Phone 527-1315 or 482- 7081.-35t f. LARGE three.bedroom heated apartment. Functional fireplace. located above Dave White's Clothing Store on the Square. Call Kincardine 396, 2241.-35t f • a SELF-CONTAINED bachelor apartment. centrally located in . Goderich. Main floor. Private. yard. parking. Reasonable' 'rent. Available November 1,. 1981. Phone owner. 1.433-6224 (Lon- don 11:37,:38 APARTMENTS„ central location, immediate possession. includes stove and fridge. Rents 6200.01) and $225,09. Phone 524- 8480.-24tfar SALTFORD AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1st, two bedroom. ground floor apartment. new carpet throughout. $200.00 per month. plus utilities. Phone '524-91136.-aatf HURON HAVEN NORTHLANDER 12 x 60 with sandeck, storage shed and add a room 8 x 12. Refrigerator, stove, drapes, washer and dryer. For economical living at a reasonable price. Mortgage available. CaII John Talbot 524-2118 OR 524-2520 MOBILE HOME 1OR SALE Beautiful Prince Caravan 14 x 70 3 bedroom (one fur- nished Queen Size), 3 appliances (includes dishwasher, all curtains t., drapes like new, natural fireplace, lan- dscaped with triple driveway. 63 Algonquin Poch, Goderich. *MM. D. 1._.�_���1© fa 17. Apartments for rent ONE BEDROOM apartment, private entrance, close to Square, heat and hydro in- cluded. Phone S24-6290.-37,38 TWO BEDROOM duplex, $250.00 per month, utilities paid, available October 1st. Apply in writing to Drawer 86, c -o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, N7A 4B6. -37,38x 18. Houses for rent THREE BEDROOM brick home near Square. Call 524- 9:187.-37,:38 LARGE FOUR bedroom house with family room,. modern kitchen; two baths, fult basement, dining and living room. Available immediately, with option to buy, Phone 524- 2916.-37 NEW TWO bedroom house in country, 6350.00 plus utilities. Available immediately. Phone 529-7880, -37,,38 19. Rooms for rent LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room„ includes stove, fridge, TV. all cooking and eating utensils, clean bedding weekly, close to the Square, available .immediately. Phone 524-'2725. -37tf EXTRA LARGE housekeeping room, includes stove, fridge, TV, all cooking and eating utensils; clean bedding weekly, suitable for oneor two adults, • close to the Square, available October . 1. 1981. Phone 524-2725.-37tf 20. Room & board COMING AVAILABLE for winter: double and single bedrooms, cable TV, one bedsitting room with private bath three meals daily. Mrs. ('. Van Damme Holida•yHome, ('Iinton.482-3685.-37tf 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717 .-3tf - Offices To Rent 524-8.382 STORE FOR RENT Good Location. Air conditioned. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 524-2261. 24. Wanted to rent VOL'SE or winterized cottage. Married couple with newborn. Need house for winter months November to April, Goderich or surrounding area. Call collect Tiverton 368.5322.- 35- :38 MiDDLE AGED coupe require one or two bedroom apartment. Ground floor or entrance with about five steps. References Phone 524-2765 .or 324-4436.-3.7 FAMILY OF SiX would like 4 or 5 bedroom, older brick home, possibility of pur• chasing later this year, willing to sign lease. Phone Mrs. Donna Rourassa, 524- 64118.. -.:17,313 WANTED TO RENT 2 bedroom house or apartment within 4 5 miles of Benmiller Call 524 8006 after 6 p m - 37x 25 Wanted to bug' i Nil3RF 1 LA stroller wanted Phone 524 2952 36,37