The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-09-16, Page 5These three girls decided to take it easy and walk the 10 km to raise $2,070. 15 for cancer research. ( Photo by Joanne. route around town Sunday in. support of Terry Fox Day. Buchanan) About 100 walkers, runners, cyclists and joggers turned out Auburn WMS studies missionary The Auburn Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society met for its September meeting at the home of Mrs. Warner Andrews. The presi- dent, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son was in charge and gave the call to worship followed by the reading in unison of the hymn Lead Kindly Light. She welcomed alland for her scripture lesson read Ephe- sians 5th chapter, verses 1 to 14. The meditation had the theme, Father of Light, Car- riers of Light, followed by prayer. The roll call was answered with a Bible verse containing the word, Light. The minutes were approv- ed as read by the secretary, Mrs. Lillian Letherland. An invitation was received from the Goderich WMS to attend the special Goderich WMS service at Knox Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, September 20 at 11' a.m. The Reverend H. T. Ellis of Taiwanwill be the guest DungannonUnited plans service Mr. George Cowan spoke Sunday School began .on en the topic, The Greatest, Sunday after having been based on theverse in the discontinued for the summer Bible where the disciples months. We are proud of the asked Jesus who would be children and grateful to their greatest in heaven and he parents, teachers and super - answered, "Except ye be- come as a little child, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven": The choir sang• the an- them, A Mansion on the Hilltop. The children's story was entitled, God Has Made Everything, and was demon- strated by three stores of varying sizes. intendent. Dungannon anniversary service is next Sunday, Sept- ember 20 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Wilena Brown of Varna as guest minister. Nile anniversary service is Sunday, September 27 at 11 a.m. with . Dr. R. Gordon Hazelwood as guest 'minist- Auburn couples club bowls The Couples Club of Knox United Church enjoyed lawn bon ling at the Clinton bowl- ing greens last Saturday evening with 27 from Auburn attending. Some of the Clin- ton Club members acted as skips. High prizes went to Margaret Bakker and Gor- don Gross. Low prizes went to Irene Millian and Orval McPhee. Members returned to the church where a short business meeting was held. The new officers are*: presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gross; vice- presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen °Webster; secretary - treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bean and press reporters, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer. More plans will be made at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. . Elliott Lapp volunteered to look after the October meeting. Lt)nch was served by the committee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Webster and Mr. and , Mrs. Tom Cunn- ingham. • 126TH ANNIVERSARY Dungannon United Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1981 11:00 a.m. Guest Speaker Rev. Wilena Brown, Varna Solist • Helen Elliott Combined Service of Dungannon and Nile Charges DANCE FIT DEMONSTRATION Preview for new fall session THURSDAY, SEPT. 24 7:30 P.M. Goderich A District Memorial .Community Centre - Auditorium EVERYONE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE Please bring your running shoes and loose fitting clothing. more mfoPrtratiallfsailGirdmich fraprreationDaps6r- • :Intent 524-2125. er. Dr. Hazelwood has been supplying in the pulpit at. Brussels currently. A training workshop for Sunday School teachers is, being held at Five Oaks. Christian Centre' next week- end, September 18 - 20. Newborn news KEEGAN David and . Carolyn are delighted to announce the birth of their second son, Graham Edward, • at ,St. Joseph's Hospital on August 19, 1981. A brother for Gregory, a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Keegan of Simcoe and Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Graham of Goderich. speaker. It was announced that the Huron Presbyterial would be held October. 14 at Belgrave Presbyterian Church at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Allan Neal of Sar-„ nia, London Synodical presi- dent, will be the guest speaker. The „ treasurer, Mrs: Frances ; Clark, gave the financial statement. The mission study was on the first ordained woman missionary in .the Presbyterian Church in Nigeria-Mgheke Okore. The hymn Revive Thy Work 0 Lord .. closed the meeting with the benediction by Mrs. Sanderson. Lunch was served by Mrs. Andrews assisted by Mrs. Frances Clark.. Ct GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981—PAGE 5 Knox VVpl.ans special Taiwan missionary service Knox Church WMS After- noon Auxiliary September meeting was held in the church parlour Tuesday, September 8. President, Mrs. Gordon Henderson opened the meeting, welcoming all who then join- ed in singing the hymn, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" with Mrs. G. Kaitting at the piano. This was follow- ed by prayer by the presi- dent. Minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs, James Horton and the treasurer, Mrs. G. G. MacEwan gave a favourable report. Mrs. 0. :Fal.kiner, cor- responding secretary, reported get well cards had been sent to several members and Mrs. E. Bogie, Friendship and Service secretary reported that she had visited in the hospital. Several members also reported they had visited other members in hospital. Roll call was answered by 25 members and there was one visitor. Plans were finalized for ti:e special missionary ser- vice to -be held in Knox Chur- ch, Goderich on Sunday, September 20. The Reverend Ted Ellis, on furlough from Taiwan, will be the guest speaker. Members agreed to revert back to the third Tuesday in the month for the monthly meetings and the October Thankoffering meeting will be Tuesday, October 20 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Edna Pollock will be the guest speaker. The Presbyterial Fall Ral- ly will be held in •Belgrave, Wednesday, October 14 at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. A. Neal of Sarnia, Synodical President, will be the guest speaker. • A letter was read from Barbara Woodriff. A letter from Children Services of Goderich and District Association for the Mentally Retarded was read and filed. Offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. Jean Croft, whose group was in charge of devo- tions, then presided. Miss Ida White read the scripture from Isaiah Chapter 55 and offered prayer. Huronview death JONATHAN MILLER FISHER Jonathan Miller Fisher of Huronview died Sunday, -September 13 at his residence at the age of 85., He was born in Colborne Township on July 2, 1896 to Charles and Elizabeth (Neal) Fisher. He farmed in Colborne Township until moving to Goderich in 1958. He moved to Huronview in 1979. •• During World War 'I, he enlisted in London in 1918 and served with the artillery, being discharged in London in1919. • He was a member of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 and' Victoria Street United Church. • On March 15, 1922 he married Mary Viola Steep in" Saltford. She survives him. Also surviving are six children, Gordon of Waterloo, William, Gerald and Terrance, all of Goderich, Mrs. Ed. (Noreen) • Classen of Alliston and - Edward of Kitchener; one sister, Mrs. D.W.. (Helen) Cornish of Clinton;. 16 grandchildren and 12 great- • grandchildren. He was predeceased by MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING IL REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 PRIME MONUMENTS BUSINESS EST. 1920 to kutoClub Members From Our WINDSOR, KINGSVILLE, LEAMINGTON, CHATHAM, SARNIA, CLINTON, ORANGEVILLE AND OWEN SOUND AREAS Between Sept.21st and Oct. 2nd VALUED AT $14.95 34 -POINT Fall VEHICLE INSPECTION v«` by qualified mechanics i not o "Safety Check '1 For Your Appointrl�lent CaII 255-1212 in Windsor Or For All Other Areas Call Toll Free 1-800-265-5681 �ar,n,o L Anther Exclusive Service APPROVED AUTO REPAIR SERVibF S one son, Bob in 1924 and one sister, Mrs. Harold (Georgina) Allin of Goderich. A funeral service was held at Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich on Wednesday, September 16 at 2 p.m. The Reverend John D.M. Wood officiated. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 109 held a' service at the funeral home on Tuesday evening, September 15 at 9 p.m. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery.'• Pallbearers Were Frank and Harvey McMichael, Grant Fisher and Carman Brindley. Flower. bearers • were• grandsons Perry, Jeffery, Allan, Lonnie and • 'David Fisher. Mrs. Croft introduced the guest speaker, her sister-in- law, Mrs. Talbot, who gave a very impressive talk on Isaiah Chapter '55, verse 1 with the theme "An Invita- tion". „ She likened the an- ticipation and joy at being in- vited and attending a tea given by the Quer of 'England to the joy of being received by God. In her talk, she mentioned several phrases that have deep meaning, some of which were: "Do what you' sliould do and you will not have time to do what you should not" and the blessing "May the roads rise with you and the wind be always in your back and may the Lord hold you in the hollow of His hand." Mrs. Irene,Young thanked the speakerand presented her with a gift. The president thanked the speaker and closed the meeting with the hymn "0 Master Let Me Walk With Thee" and the Benediction, after which the members en- joyed a social half hour with lunch served by the social committee. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS firs Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Atea Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 Nigh Street Clinton 482-9441 LOOK YOUR BEST THIS FALL 11 ELECTROLYSIS TREATMENTS -PERMANENT HAIR I REMOVAL - CALL FOR FREE —. CONSULTATION ATo®e ieick 'n dram SKIN CARE STUDIO 32 Newgate St, Goderich 524-4403 Of course not. Why set up shop if you don't have anything to offer? A church, too, has to be more than an empty store, It can't just be a place for social gather- ings. It has tohave real answers to personal problems. In .our Churches, we don'tclaim to have all the answers, but we know Somebody who does.. We believe in.the Bible -and in a per- sonal God who really cares about you. We believe life can have .hope, purpose, and meaning. Why not visit us this Sunday and find out more. We'll give you more than empty promises. Sponsored by: ' , . GODERICH . 80 DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION "A s• It begins whet e "A Thief in the Night ENDED THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO SEE THIS EXCITING FEATURE-LENGTH COLOUR MOVIE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. AT 7:00 P.M. Bethel Pentecostal Assembly 321 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 1�..�.. .._.. .,.._..,..�..�.._..�..e..�..T ..,.._ .e..,.._ .�.. ..�..� .�.. e .- j CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH HAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor t L �1T1t��lall Eefilriiici t 1iiir:11 (? Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School e 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. % 4 Pastor: Rev, H. Vrlend 524-7484 10:00 a.m. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday 0 t 18th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 1 11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. DR. GERRY BENN MUSIC: ENSEMBLE. LONDON BAPTIST SEMINARY 6:90 p.m. THE OLYMPIAN PROGRAM 7:30 p.m.- PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH r r#ij # �lltti#r� lyh.itrrI at 10 30 a.m.-for the "Back to God Hour" BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH '9.15 Sunday School and Bible Classes Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive 10:39 Worship } Marvin L. Barz, Pastor Welcomes you to Worship Each Sunday tl "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ He at 11:00 a.m. c e • Acts 10:36 Sept.20'81 Sept. 27'81 Family Worship & S.S. Registration 524.2235 is Lord of all" Worship and S.S.:K-Gr. B n Knox Presbyterian Church Nursery/Tot care for all Services The United Church invites you to watch the T.V. Special, on GLOBAL, Tuesday, September 22 at 8: "THESE THINGS WE SHARE". THE REV G. LOCKHART ROYAL, j } !t A. M. DIV MINISTER I t LORNE H DOTTERER. Director of Praise SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 tl 19:00 a.m. Sunda School Y 19:000.m. Divine Worship Sermon: THE POWER OF GOD" (Nursery Facilities), "'MISSION SUNDAY --- The Rev. Ted Ellis, B.A., B.D., Taiwan (Service under auplces of the W.M.S.) (Sunday School retires from the Service) VISITATION SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 27 Enter to Worehlpf The Anglican Church of Canoda ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North and Nelson Streets Gedertch Rector The Reverend Robert Crocker Orgoms't Cho,rmoster Joseph 8 Herdmon . rS' Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity September 20th 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:00 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast. 11:00 a.m. Church School (begins in the church). Nur- sery. 11:00 a.m. Choral Eucharist. Sermon: "Faith and Wholeness" ; St. Luke 17:19 12:45 p.m. Holy B6ptlsm. 4:30 p.m. Deanery Brotherhood Farr+lly Picnic at Huron Church Camp. Wed., Sept. 23, Annual Fowl Supper, 5:00 and 6:15 p.m. -You are always welcome at St. George's. Depart to Serve z /THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO Sr,5 524 Q34 4 ,/ d % 9 45 A M SUNDAY SCHOOL 1' s`. 11 00 A M FAMILY WORSHIP % i ..... _- 6- A #1- -C V l= N-1-N•G--54:-[2 VI -E E ).- ii l Ail Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship ...•.�.....•.-.-se �.•-<-• ,......•..1 (. ......... 40...4... ...... ..-.a....S......, i.;... ...•• •..,.....• .r�. ..••.•_....•.�.•; ease