HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-21, Page 1F .1 �i_ .e I TUlRTV-1ElGI1'rH YEXR—NO' 1974 No No More Warts 1, No r1airo Tooder Foett C04EIPS R_ N CURE Y. McLean, was held in the, James at v the or opeedy OM and Bunions, 04%tslutooa. 2�c a Wam BOVA Coley$ Drug Storo "EXETER, ONTi OARADA, THURSDAY XORNING SEPTEMBER 21st 1,9111 $ 1 .00 per,year Iq 44TA004 JONES& MAY PtJONE 32 ,OUR MILLINERY DISPLAY NOW,,,,,OPEN TO, ALL. EVERYTHING that is new for I Iiis Season will Vfound on Our Tables. Dr6p in:and see our Wonderful Disph�.v, and securI of our— T. READY—TO—WEARS tl h I Prj y- S DRESS GOODS 'We. are the only sellers of Priestow ley's Dress Goods in Town, and are .90 showing a magnificent lot of Blacks -and Blues in all this, seiiiori's popu- lar. cloths- 2riestty's'Wool Taffeta, SandcI Will 00aiing, CoantV Coating, Silk war Eudora', Casino Cord Ravenna' Wool Valetta, Wool.berges an, POplinS. T "M 0 i L 2 0 WAKI Do not fail to get a TistWour' Priestly's. Dress or SkIrt Guarariti-ed $ERGES, New Winter Coats 0- �F_ .0. Oil— For Ladles,. Mls�se% and Children livere never We are opening up every dAy W 0 0 L more popular something New in the comb line and are showing a nice lot of FaI Tweeds which are stylish; also a lot VELEM $1 of plain Biacks and Blues. You will do well to see our Winter Coats. JCONCORD is in line wit I h, COATING New Coat Sweatersi fashion!s call, SERGES' In all the 6e"oLs New Colors for sof w I IN...... Black, Navy, a6nrmai,,�- --a-Aa C ream Have the appearance and give- the wear Rollod on the "VansUhcd Board"! ' t ,Phone 32 and combination of colors at *2.00 to 154.00 Fall. K"ain.Coats Just, in a lot of the New�Tblng in Rain. 6ats Black,. Blue, Grey or Fawn. Sole agents for Sanford's Ready-made Clotbing. a Woo I yelelld� materials for -- ,Fall Suits MOOL' VELETTA makes up at- tractively and givessplendid Service. Jones.1 May Exeter Lettar of Condolence To FrIend R. X Rowet Dear Sir And.rixiend—We the off icers and members of the Exetter Caumoil No 94. 0. 01 C'. F. wish to express LO - �Vii our I heartfelt" syllipathy ,n the greAt loss You have sustained 1 by the death of Your bdoved daugh- tor and 5-vitille we may - isympathize tvith yon. 'we cannot fully realize, of a father who has lost tho sorrov; a lorli-I daughter bift in bowing to the iv;111 of a Divine Providienc-4 You ivill ve lonaukea a say Tny will oo done and we hop,d.aInd trusti that your loss- -will be Heaven's 'HOP gain. lug You i will submit to 1him who rules Heaven and Qaftih and hope some day� You wrill join with Lill..c wbo nas, just gone before you 'to her rest- sLbcjvt, When through the deen waters I oall thee to 'go. - .The rivers of sorrow shall noit overa f lo�v For 1 411 be- with 'thide thy Itria,18 to blesis And isanatify ko thee 1hy dI a gned on bobalf of tba Exeter Conn. - oil No 01, Canada R. Delbridge Chief Caunciller Mrs. ..P Bawden vice cou,6cillor On Monday even-itig a meefbigg :in tle intI of Recinrocity and lvr Ex'eterLCO"nell Obituary EMER FALL FAlk ,rhe Council met at the Town Hall, JACKSON The London Advertiser of Monday ,eyening.the 15th ivat. Uem Excellent W-eather,,& large attend- betre a I present; minutes of the last contained the following account Of aupe, arld good ex-hibita werat the pw� meeting. were read and approved, the death of Mr. Louis Jackson son of vailling features ito makeli*, Itbe Ant� Comm, unIca * tions weve read and or. Air, M son of St. Thomas, form" success, that It ivalq dered filed. o Jack nual fall fair tbe' W nt erly of Exeter and who is well known on. isf Tue'Iday, 'The faney- on.day add Lovett and Dav that the piping on Ivy a to �'many of )txr citizens.,—"A young wark exhlbit of the ladleat ill the Cryis- Main street which was formerly used harvester, Louis Jackson, aged ft who tal Palace wakk , of a high order and for watering the street be taken up came from St Thomas, committe , d sul. som4abeacitiful work Was shown. vxuit and replacedbu Ca rlingawid. Marlboro cide ab Brandon Saturdayatternoon weret fairly plwltiful with the exoeI to Victoria and hydrants be placed at by throwing himself in front of an ex- tioiu of plains, there blI ;bone` of the corner of Carling andMilr1boro st. press train ills head mnd bOtbL arms the lwtter prI y ou t 0 Carried, were cur, off As tile train was coming Levetti and. Rivers that the street The showling of horses 'and pattle along Tackson. was on the snow fence watering be discontinued after Satur- but on its near approach he made a Nvag Lip, w the usual claas of excel" day the 1601-inst. Carried. leidt anmals", Rivers A n -d Day that, the Reeve I and oudden. rush towards the. rapidIVap- d a' Lon- Kwalize protiching engine and threw himself The Highland Pipers ban f Treasurer borrow IT -500 for current ex- headlong In front of A L A fairaniount dion furnished excellent inusic on Tues. penses. Carried. of cash Was in his packets He can- day. Day and Rivers that the following ducted himself very strangely in the On the whole the day Was a uecess passed and -ordere, issueii early parb of the; da� and in conversa- and the directors are well satisfied in payment. T.'B. Carling postage, tion with several people made it evi- with the large turnoat.:1 291=1112121A 'thle Chance accounts be 5 -ft * Mrs. Frank Mallott cleaning dent that he was suffering from a do - town ball 50c;. Richard Murphy two Jusion that he was being chased byan MA concert was held in the Opera House in the evenfi�g and there was wheels 50c;, Canadian express, 2.95-, automobile Queen City Oil Co. .0soline 15,101 W. a good attendance. Heaman ac.43,25, Ern Elliott Insur- -------- *-- I'll HAZELWOOD 14� j$peedlng Events ancib 13.30; John Bell labor waterwork W ar"e 292.50; R. Quance do'AWtWin. Hatter, Death removed another of the old open! Race do 10.68; ThoR. S&I do 0.62; S, residents oX 1,1,xeter, on Monday last, Road Mastter jr; Murdock (1.11 Bloomfield do 0,62; Thus. Houlden do in the person of Anna. Uaria Marsha)l Jack Uuniter, Eaber 2.22; Baby Ac 7.37; Goo. Ogrange,do 8.So; Sno. Norry beloved witla of Mr. Thomas, Hai6l-' W.111feds, iffouxe, 0.83 - 6 2.10 e -ace aing do 20,00; Jas. Willis do 4.87; Isaiah NI at the age Pf Q yearq Ofiv Hall do 9.98; Walter Weatcatt,do 8.73 MDZthl, About -eleven years ago the J?earh BarA, Bassenbarry, J.11 93an Jac. Gl6uchei, do l0i6% Sno, Ky4d do deepaged was. strickied ,Oth a. para:-' Brook. Broadfleld. 2�292, Tricks, spara� 12,43; N61son.Vale db 17.50- W. Welsh lytic7 sI and &Incej that timS has i1ing, 19 T do 12.78, Win. Gilleaple do'0.70; Thoq. been tin, inviLlid. beling lAble, to bie' HOUSES� Webster do aroand oia.ly by the;uoi of a wheeled HeayvDraaght—Brood inare acloni. 11:13'7;R_D&vis do 9,65; to Eli Snell do 15.75-,. W.-ni, Snell lead and chair, Abolit a week previous to panied by foaj, WQ Drover, Wi -Oke, Oakum 98.55; Adani-GlIducher do 9.10; her death sha, was take,,A seriou,41y it] Foal, W. Drov�r W. Oke, A.".13, BI M. Bloomfield do'5 25; R, � Robbins do and passadaway on Monday ieven[in,,,% thiee, yaar4 J, Sparrow W. Johns J 8.22; Win. Gillespief'reight 4.06; -Nel- The deceased was born i.n. )3oltop. AII- Sparrow, tivo.years old, IV. 11i, Pa,: , gry 'ova d ',0. AlVri-4ht'; e soliVale labor, 2.144LR. Davis do 2.62; blon'. Lp. Oulit, and afterwards m %more, A. Buchanan, an Win. Welsh (to 2, 18�' ,Walter Westcott with her parent -A taUAbolII Id AN year old -R. Gardinexi. do 8.75,-,Tno. Glaucher; do 87c.; Sun. she was'niarried to %er now s6xr()NIt�' AZrilcultural—Broaa mare . accom- i Kydd 88c.; Fred Wells do 1,75; Thos. hsaband wh o alone survives her. paritte(I by foal H..'Randle W( Xood3l Houlden. do 6.13; TfioB, Sanders, do husband who alone survi*es her. R. M Bell jr. . 417oal in 1911 R. Noxtb� 2,25; Fred Bloomfield do 1.75- Jno Bell Ttley moved to Blanchard and ten, cattt, W,Moody, R. D, Bell jr, Filly oil do 2.00; R. Quan6e do.462; te'tal iA.26 years aftewards moved to Usborne or -geld-in ld Jas. Rortoln Tas Horton; CC, illy or geldlingr 'U"KING g three yearst a Lovett adjournmen f where they resided until 1891 when III Oke � L U � 1� t4e Reeve. to the call 0 the-ymoved to town. The deceased two years! old III Drove.r. 11 Harris. was a member of 'the Methchist R. Birch; Filly or gelding'ene year,, M. 33.L 04BLI-NO.. Clerk. Church. The funeral was held Wel- oild R.D. 'Bell ill. T, Glenn G. r, ergasi­! - 1. 0 nesday, interment taking place in the on;, -Team W. Brock J Ale Bride a 1-4 Fire at Granton Exeter Cemetery. General purpast�—Brood mare ac- UNJU 14 companiled by foal D. Birch, A Xicka� GmVtoli Nva,-, VIslitedby ajYdther big JAMES SNELL A. ElcoIi cal foaled in 19-1 t Ai Hicks fire, on rharsd-ay mornibb last'r when A., BIc1:qt T. Thompsion; Filly or On Sunday morning last Mr. James gelding three years old R. Birch Daw- th-e gralia.-elavatox at xtho MdLqod Svell passed away at his residence on as; - vdl]� or geldlng tilro Years W, E A R Milling Dompany a ' btd the coal yards, main Stat the age of 70 years and 8 "an Br?erguEon, i33� Soararli-s.. 41 Etb- of A. J. Clatwor"fb_y itind W l, W.. Baker months. The deceased was born at .01 '1 . exineton-, Filly or geldDA? one Tear weXe diestrayeiiI.- (The, orilgin, of '91k,l Barrin ton Parish, England in Town- old W. Stevenson ,Teara J. D-acker sx�, f ire W not 'knowa. hitill it j!A thought aryv IS and came to C IS that, �t ivas caused t '01 A. D,w..W. Armstron- by some 110 jesidin bear,kn g in the city of London for Judge JuA HendU01500. gta!te gs!�, tar -though 11hose in bbarg�e sometime, From there he moved to —Filli or gelding three that, tho in SHOL a6hinexy !,a the fiI concession of Biddulph where years old 0. Wright, C .7ruemmer. the elovator. mr-as not rtinnimg a, I axing he took up a bush farni. On the 7th 1. Deeker; Filly oi golding two yeara �the uftern(loa- aof very 1:1,I "in the of October 1854, 'he Was married to olia Ja, X19'_NT@1il A. Ythct�ligtoin, It,. moTnj-ing, previous 'to the fin. Tho, Miss Elizabeth Huxtable. FOrfiwontY u. 9 . cAjt1Xar -"Filly or gelding onei An A. R i zi _1VI'th ctualytivag 0 el,iV' a h yp", I Irl 10, It 1�1 horses, W. *R _2,endee, H A elevator la bitluatiod. 'nviar Xhia 'GlIand five -years they resided on the falm, in �,I IT. Me -Nell, Trunk L Bidd 1p andthenmovedtothe Arst d er O -Tide, and e6neeaglou of -St(5p1xeW-',twO miles �y X. J a -c -th-e alevator with Itsi contotdtist Gxeiger.,11'I aerry; 'Single. carrlagec 0 the adidinling' H.* Collinp south of Exeter in the year 1870. 'In r, A. G; Rbne the year 1887 he was bereaved of his .41 wife. Three years later be was mar- Brood ni�re a0c� a and pottiona of charred tim1tiq -d. #mp 114, leaving no'Uhlat 'but a heap of sI r-4, smnalderIIII coal. Tied to Mary Balkwill, and moved to D*db'kIer. u. nidinal, o:- tk- .1 town where he resided until the time-, Trtieinncr Real foa'led in,�'1911 T. J. gj The loas in every itngtance�,,,vii be, of his �:death. The' deceased w as a Amy. �'Jlt R"Ale, J Duck,:,�r.: XbrAa heavy � espeolially. to the, McLeod , 1%1il-- member of the Satnes'street Methodist yearq H, Daters and son, A X, 41 Ting ',Company. !In the elevator. 1,11ere VP were, abdWt 8,000 bushels of Zr church and was a Liberal in POUitics. toIn- two years old J. I)eck.,r IT. J� Amy am He was a quiet, unassuming man, and one Year!oId. X-Doclwr F .11akiKa, G. made up- of oa:bs wb-eat and peas, bep SOA dides % large quentity of flour. 'rbis was. held in the highest esteem by * his F erguaI a -.L Pair roadsters in aarink1w togeth-6r with th-a loss! of about $800 many relatives and friends. Besides buggy J.):Deok,6r ;,ir. C,, Ulabbs F - E IV worth oi machinery amourdta to abou!t his sorrowing wfte. six sons and three ertifigton. 'SIAI roadst�ar in haruess daughters are left to mourn his -loss, and buggy X. Hawldnsi, J . McClymclut, $0,810 whIch was paxtly covered by of London tp. Ref. 3. A. of Beildoon J.t �Nicclymcnt. Wesley, of Exeter, Frank of Exeter, Aackney-`three yearat ol(4 R. Nor - Locals, Warren of Toronto, Mrs. J. K, Baker, ri:s two years old T. Brock jr. ................ Ithsara.uce. vjz: William, of Usborne. tp; Sydney W1. Oke, Ladv Deaver �V; LL Elliott TIES of Grey tp, Mrs. Biesett of Brantford, Jadge. T. W Shopard. A larga number from town attiI Mrs. Hoare, of Clinton. The funeral sph,(y14T, p1,t1z.n.S the nomitiationsatHousall on Thurs- took place Tuesday morning, intep- H. Spackman Lady Drilver- Very t h i I] g day las(t. meub being in the Exeter cemetery. Mflidttl; )D. Rustqpl colt iin Jtoadstl� Uri and Mrg W1. G. Mssalelb reburn, 0 Class !T, J., -Alny;,1N1olI 413n nk Ifeavy ed Monday eveI �f`I VISI'I in MRS. THOMAS LAMY: Diaagdtf or Agr"Iculhiral Team Win. Rochedta.'r, N. X,, Tbronto und �Iamt- Tic funeral tookp lace on Wedneg- BroI rl3eer imnro rind foal In itlbA day.Sept.'20th from her liate re4denec. iltan. ftoads�ter, Class. John Decker; NV -X 11asinin �4.u.klc carriago horse, W. 'H. A Na0y Fall -On Monday laatf Arrs; Lot 181,concespion 9, fSbepbiI of A MAN SUII LUgrice, rI %vito'of ur. CollinrA S.- Wartin sueldn': u 'r colt 9�, eS ina.' to fall the, heavy'draught closs W. Drover; ktoer had the mi.9forka ard, . I ged :68 years and 9. Lruikimg her he�d and. 'Th' 6mas Amy, ag " L. *Amy di Sajhk of Commerce; Exebar Filly or Inflidting u very pai'liful wound. montli-A. Mrs. -ed on Sa-fardal, ever-irIg after a lin',gexing, -'llmsizl Geldling in 11th& b1I draiI class Mial� J. Alarray reLurnedi home On Sho was born on Deoemb-r 15th 1843 Jasi.11enderson, Monday ibt,ar vWith3q, in London and in Norfolk, �Cing.. -mnd cante to Canada CATTLE Wea s A Iogier,soll. She. was accompaI I parent-sy when fivo years of A!,Xed cow 33 Snifth-1 and 2 Two year, home by her. liftle li�ioe Miss Audrey age tand aj6ttiled gn Oxford Couitityt old belofer 71. Smilth; Oni, trear old Tordon, of London. Mate . Jord.in near �Voc&-otock. When �22 yNars of heifer, Ir. glitfith, I arid 2;UI calf HL SmIth I and 21 Built calf H. ivent to Goderich the sam-o, morning age III; maxriod to h -or now sor- I to Visit. JIerd U ices uaran ce -2, 'A 't; I CaI at Pri o, t d rowang hazliand an/1 mttNe;d .to Ste- Smitth land Milten by Dog-O.a Frlday�of laat phan ivhere &I residad antil her 'Snivt N. - 1�1 week fMr. W, O.Campbell, of Exeltor, . death. Tbe deceaspiditvas a kind And Grados�-Aged row F. EllarI yvar a](]. hpikor J 5w"Actual luivia affectionate wifeand mother and bore Nor,tYhad bbe mEsfortune, to m A,Hooper; T'-vo to be bel w a -nasty wound in, the, foot caused by her Lstifferin�s i'vith great patf-unce Shaptan T. Flasr�el W. 11. Dearing a dog bite. He wa.% going into e oill, dealth rehaved her. Sbc� has ben Ond year *aid. bvii'tor F. Rlf,�rin;tion farmers; on the third --mlicessiob of a oowaantl member of th.Ii 1&!Ithodiiat J- Weis(h J. V. l3papt&u ; 116fer calf Wst� a 4,1 o r less Stephen when (be dog grabbed him ChOLICh from her youth. She is� pur- A, Sled,0 W. S. Jobris. -Tire year old Wing him near the aulde. vfived by ilier bczeaved linobund rtnl. Acer 4T. R. shaptoli W. 11. Dearing, e - ton ehildien, Urro. John, Trovlathick, 2nd kind 31rd Oii.Lt year ,Alaor J. H., money than you can J30RN of 113rinAley; Welingtani of Crandalit, ShaPtoll I elad Itwo W. H.Denrrar. Ufa PAS!,89ORE -In 10ardstan, IS. AL141a,, on Mam, Alva and Wilbert of Oa�t�nok, Jersicy-Bos'l comr W. Artnvttron�� T. pro. .Brook jr. Two Year old hol-tar T. btly the Sallie d'HaPlia, Sop t, (13 0%, to Xr. and iMrs- A:� J. Bask_ lGarnet of 'Calgary; Wny. 4 somo 2assmore, a, daughter, Mlawbinneyi Moses �Xid Joso.ph of Brock sr.;; One year bid 1tjifer fr� BOON -'In Exdtor, 8abarday, Sept iUbji Stephen and 11311a lailid. EUIA ati home'; Brock 9r. Hv�fc . r on If T. Brock jr, 'to, Mr. and Birs, . R. M. 13pon (nee also o-ne brother Jonah of O.X­ Ball caff T,`Droc)c,!w, of, goods at any place Miss F. Andcrsav�,a dau;rnt�r,- Card Co., who have Itho, iq:.ncere .9ym­ .1 acl go Wm. Prfdhamf patlty of their relatives and trinidd 61-1.13132 .'STAIRRILED In the. Dorsw Horn,od-class C. qlar- III Canada, MALCOfillf - t n anir Loromvvniiltat� Tho Ain.,rall a,% rmn(ladtod by jJlcItev. jR. vey ltook Tive f;r&tr. and' three seconds SePt 6tb , itt Me res,11ditace of tb,,i 1v TR �hp VDv.n,n class G. r-exthale brfida's, f0-.h-er bytli�� RII C - ut. of Oxediton. took sixII in dlivo oeconds.� Co.uzens �f trolinesvil-a asAI by A �Yod rant A. Eloott Rov. C. 1;� L. Co.,tizems of SI Mr. Richos may not bring happin-ms but Le4cosber- d.2; Ram BOYS' CLOTHIN6 Sheirhing riiT�i A. Mll I Oin J, T. Malcolm bf ll'ibbert to Miss 'neither dOes pov�crl:V, lamb G.Ten-b-7 R, t3w%li '.1 Ewe havri-I Mary Popper of Lo4, n "I'D. 'The man Mio gets mad about what raCied lambg 0 '. 4 ethale Rr .13'ek . Dir"B", nfvi-spappre say about him should rv- Shoix1ing P-- ft. VvIl I �Incri U; Elve SACRIFICED BIDT-11n. Dashwood, on. Thursday, tarn ibmks three times a day fPr' lamb, rX, 17'e'nale I nind 2 Sept '1411[h, Mrs., Jov. a�dt in her- for what me I wsvaper knvaiv abom' him TGS ff T ay, Sepb It doselet take a lVome?a lon� to v I. a -In Sxelber on Su SNAw"t" 63 , Yetar. tixitl sapressed� fwo%yeors -old R'. A Bl' ,a 6 a, SNELL nd, Birch ; Mar �-T h "t"' games. Snell. oged 79 Ye(ars cc rn a to (1he polin It kinless, slit 15 sharp- NVI igtaarl ; :tl,,,lr IiRifcred in 19,111' arid 8 moobbs', . ening tL Pe'nell. now1wo',year el'fl It. Pirah. MY-Tift Stephan, ='Satarday 'Sopt "Par- BUY' BEFORE You A Yng -, sow, (w nrIold, R. Birch, 0% 16th Sa%ana, Lagifical belavod whf01 1Tftrvny; An%' r d. in tK11,1 Birch of %homas Amy, Pr., ege,d 68 ycar,- OtiTbtirsdo,yoflA-qtwp.(-klvli,sI. Jos, �V S- witid 9 moftftKs,, Eidt at bar home in her 68 vear. She varl� n, ARE 00 LATE 1-IAZ3LWOOD-1n Extiter' on, iltilb. issurvivedbyhebusbane And soven BorkbYro- c1d Dawson Bros. I ("Itirk -Cjx" day �ep.t. ITSfih, A,)Int Mlarla Mar'. children. three sons and foup dAuglit- I Ind 2 .,4b, , era who have the sincere sympr6ths of )._,I&z1l,,wtelovcd w06 of Mr, Thomas Boar Ll't I, a L d, )agod 6 3years and -6 the entire community. It and '2; t.1W oara old Dawson A se'vere electrical storm passed Broa. M, 6ver W8 section, early, on Peiday. jildgei I J*ACXSON--la Brandon at Septem. morning last. Thp barn belotigivia 1,0 "pity. ber 16t,h, Louis laekoon aged 24 vOnysIt fe-merly of Exeter Mt. David Hatobigon, 140, enn of d XEGLAND -In Victorim anspi'tm, Stephen was Atruck by lightning and 7, y Mat' was destroypd hV fire together with Aer, Ck 111rout bondon , I" Septembpr IUb, an f1oI Y thew Itellana age(I 82 yearsib itsc"tlat�, Thti6ilso b0a);.4-1r;gto athor var Mr. jolr, R114i,AUd was 0go, P-t.roekqnd & 'a -, chiel".1- WHITEFORD-At Camberlaild, Wis4 the abitmI knocked plaott,r 'a., T?Toln Leghorna"C iflog ;r ,11rown, leg - COT -gin, SeptI6,1011,01raln".10 A, White- ktockod off the wall beal ford.,%ge(l 44 years, r1yof, Con. �wigp 4. d�en J t41% rfill* Y. McLean, was held in the, James at Examine the "Canada" 'Steel Ranges also dhareb ohpds. Mr X. B -I Rtkinson, Editor of the "Taronto Star. and Pdr Thoa. WcMillan assisiI tour Stoves,' Ranges and Heaters before Buy and -gave' an excellent. ad.dresli �hero was a good a f tende noe, prt:,se n6 T it cantidonoa that M1,117 he implici ings people have in Chamberlain's Cholio Cholera and diarrhoea R-emiedy 'is S HARDWARE' AND STOVE STOR founded on � their experie"hIce in the use of thaVremedy their. kuawL 11EAMAN and ledge the of many remax kablo:. cures at obolic. djarrhoea and dyaoh.f.ary GOOD POSIPTIONS aith student is instructed priva Y that it has af footed, P or Sale by all It lais or ber own desk,� otudery(a M dealers. !-on Buslilegs C011c9d iL% fl, The Ofinlit Wor"thy link in a chain of' S$vell, I'Iasi r Gto ,ter any day. Many is�tudeatg d a at home and others partly at, 116me , "Been taxiing You -11 .14 UJ'Y?` asked the ocalige'. jqcso Colleges localed in Ue ciltlw of London, Faterboro, Welland and itbe Ard firlish Ed -the College. As spotw fov� Colleges are 'the la�geall trainers ,yes'- said the paltient "I looked. all through, a newspapett of a hundxed' oringeville, Walkerton. towns of ind VIiA0%- Owinig"to, its Wingham 's In Can-nda. and have thirlty years qx- perience, it would be vv0l for. young and forty four pages whiell came thtougbfi the mail.'to me hearing the gfffl' high -glade' work it, I lated wYth the Commcrivitil Eduentons' A880000 Ir trai Ing Ahere. people to get Khel n Last year Mr. Spotfon trained over words Matked. copy. "No wonder yout, . eyes, aniar,01 'a angda., It Is freely admitt(�.d n, 1,o the 10U`0116 its OT L;. se cobi 1200 young people tindplaced Ith Ell in . ',good I)OW101tim, What My has done "that isnt the wordt of if. 'I diZo�:tl'afmd aUythiAg. got the very IseA pot4tl 6ns. for t1lousarids of dtherd fie com do ',.s taglo, gxpre," f - A 2 fth and are on. Adta. bilf 111s Folinol for YdJ,;' J I " at Ile Ex'eterLCO"nell Obituary EMER FALL FAlk ,rhe Council met at the Town Hall, JACKSON The London Advertiser of Monday ,eyening.the 15th ivat. Uem Excellent W-eather,,& large attend- betre a I present; minutes of the last contained the following account Of aupe, arld good ex-hibita werat the pw� meeting. were read and approved, the death of Mr. Louis Jackson son of vailling features ito makeli*, Itbe Ant� Comm, unIca * tions weve read and or. Air, M son of St. Thomas, form" success, that It ivalq dered filed. o Jack nual fall fair tbe' W nt erly of Exeter and who is well known on. isf Tue'Iday, 'The faney- on.day add Lovett and Dav that the piping on Ivy a to �'many of )txr citizens.,—"A young wark exhlbit of the ladleat ill the Cryis- Main street which was formerly used harvester, Louis Jackson, aged ft who tal Palace wakk , of a high order and for watering the street be taken up came from St Thomas, committe , d sul. som4abeacitiful work Was shown. vxuit and replacedbu Ca rlingawid. Marlboro cide ab Brandon Saturdayatternoon weret fairly plwltiful with the exoeI to Victoria and hydrants be placed at by throwing himself in front of an ex- tioiu of plains, there blI ;bone` of the corner of Carling andMilr1boro st. press train ills head mnd bOtbL arms the lwtter prI y ou t 0 Carried, were cur, off As tile train was coming Levetti and. Rivers that the street The showling of horses 'and pattle along Tackson. was on the snow fence watering be discontinued after Satur- but on its near approach he made a Nvag Lip, w the usual claas of excel" day the 1601-inst. Carried. leidt anmals", Rivers A n -d Day that, the Reeve I and oudden. rush towards the. rapidIVap- d a' Lon- Kwalize protiching engine and threw himself The Highland Pipers ban f Treasurer borrow IT -500 for current ex- headlong In front of A L A fairaniount dion furnished excellent inusic on Tues. penses. Carried. of cash Was in his packets He can- day. Day and Rivers that the following ducted himself very strangely in the On the whole the day Was a uecess passed and -ordere, issueii early parb of the; da� and in conversa- and the directors are well satisfied in payment. T.'B. Carling postage, tion with several people made it evi- with the large turnoat.:1 291=1112121A 'thle Chance accounts be 5 -ft * Mrs. Frank Mallott cleaning dent that he was suffering from a do - town ball 50c;. Richard Murphy two Jusion that he was being chased byan MA concert was held in the Opera House in the evenfi�g and there was wheels 50c;, Canadian express, 2.95-, automobile Queen City Oil Co. .0soline 15,101 W. a good attendance. Heaman ac.43,25, Ern Elliott Insur- -------- *-- I'll HAZELWOOD 14� j$peedlng Events ancib 13.30; John Bell labor waterwork W ar"e 292.50; R. Quance do'AWtWin. Hatter, Death removed another of the old open! Race do 10.68; ThoR. S&I do 0.62; S, residents oX 1,1,xeter, on Monday last, Road Mastter jr; Murdock (1.11 Bloomfield do 0,62; Thus. Houlden do in the person of Anna. Uaria Marsha)l Jack Uuniter, Eaber 2.22; Baby Ac 7.37; Goo. Ogrange,do 8.So; Sno. Norry beloved witla of Mr. Thomas, Hai6l-' W.111feds, iffouxe, 0.83 - 6 2.10 e -ace aing do 20,00; Jas. Willis do 4.87; Isaiah NI at the age Pf Q yearq Ofiv Hall do 9.98; Walter Weatcatt,do 8.73 MDZthl, About -eleven years ago the J?earh BarA, Bassenbarry, J.11 93an Jac. Gl6uchei, do l0i6% Sno, Ky4d do deepaged was. strickied ,Oth a. para:-' Brook. Broadfleld. 2�292, Tricks, spara� 12,43; N61son.Vale db 17.50- W. Welsh lytic7 sI and &Incej that timS has i1ing, 19 T do 12.78, Win. Gilleaple do'0.70; Thoq. been tin, inviLlid. beling lAble, to bie' HOUSES� Webster do aroand oia.ly by the;uoi of a wheeled HeayvDraaght—Brood inare acloni. 11:13'7;R_D&vis do 9,65; to Eli Snell do 15.75-,. W.-ni, Snell lead and chair, Abolit a week previous to panied by foaj, WQ Drover, Wi -Oke, Oakum 98.55; Adani-GlIducher do 9.10; her death sha, was take,,A seriou,41y it] Foal, W. Drov�r W. Oke, A.".13, BI M. Bloomfield do'5 25; R, � Robbins do and passadaway on Monday ieven[in,,,% thiee, yaar4 J, Sparrow W. Johns J 8.22; Win. Gillespief'reight 4.06; -Nel- The deceased was born i.n. )3oltop. AII- Sparrow, tivo.years old, IV. 11i, Pa,: , gry 'ova d ',0. AlVri-4ht'; e soliVale labor, 2.144LR. Davis do 2.62; blon'. Lp. Oulit, and afterwards m %more, A. Buchanan, an Win. Welsh (to 2, 18�' ,Walter Westcott with her parent -A taUAbolII Id AN year old -R. Gardinexi. do 8.75,-,Tno. Glaucher; do 87c.; Sun. she was'niarried to %er now s6xr()NIt�' AZrilcultural—Broaa mare . accom- i Kydd 88c.; Fred Wells do 1,75; Thos. hsaband wh o alone survives her. paritte(I by foal H..'Randle W( Xood3l Houlden. do 6.13; TfioB, Sanders, do husband who alone survi*es her. R. M Bell jr. . 417oal in 1911 R. Noxtb� 2,25; Fred Bloomfield do 1.75- Jno Bell Ttley moved to Blanchard and ten, cattt, W,Moody, R. D, Bell jr, Filly oil do 2.00; R. Quan6e do.462; te'tal iA.26 years aftewards moved to Usborne or -geld-in ld Jas. Rortoln Tas Horton; CC, illy or geldlingr 'U"KING g three yearst a Lovett adjournmen f where they resided until 1891 when III Oke � L U � 1� t4e Reeve. to the call 0 the-ymoved to town. The deceased two years! old III Drove.r. 11 Harris. was a member of 'the Methchist R. Birch; Filly or gelding'ene year,, M. 33.L 04BLI-NO.. Clerk. Church. The funeral was held Wel- oild R.D. 'Bell ill. T, Glenn G. r, ergasi­! - 1. 0 nesday, interment taking place in the on;, -Team W. Brock J Ale Bride a 1-4 Fire at Granton Exeter Cemetery. General purpast�—Brood mare ac- UNJU 14 companiled by foal D. Birch, A Xicka� GmVtoli Nva,-, VIslitedby ajYdther big JAMES SNELL A. ElcoIi cal foaled in 19-1 t Ai Hicks fire, on rharsd-ay mornibb last'r when A., BIc1:qt T. Thompsion; Filly or On Sunday morning last Mr. James gelding three years old R. Birch Daw- th-e gralia.-elavatox at xtho MdLqod Svell passed away at his residence on as; - vdl]� or geldlng tilro Years W, E A R Milling Dompany a ' btd the coal yards, main Stat the age of 70 years and 8 "an Br?erguEon, i33� Soararli-s.. 41 Etb- of A. J. Clatwor"fb_y itind W l, W.. Baker months. The deceased was born at .01 '1 . exineton-, Filly or geldDA? one Tear weXe diestrayeiiI.- (The, orilgin, of '91k,l Barrin ton Parish, England in Town- old W. Stevenson ,Teara J. D-acker sx�, f ire W not 'knowa. hitill it j!A thought aryv IS and came to C IS that, �t ivas caused t '01 A. D,w..W. Armstron- by some 110 jesidin bear,kn g in the city of London for Judge JuA HendU01500. gta!te gs!�, tar -though 11hose in bbarg�e sometime, From there he moved to —Filli or gelding three that, tho in SHOL a6hinexy !,a the fiI concession of Biddulph where years old 0. Wright, C .7ruemmer. the elovator. mr-as not rtinnimg a, I axing he took up a bush farni. On the 7th 1. Deeker; Filly oi golding two yeara �the uftern(loa- aof very 1:1,I "in the of October 1854, 'he Was married to olia Ja, X19'_NT@1il A. Ythct�ligtoin, It,. moTnj-ing, previous 'to the fin. Tho, Miss Elizabeth Huxtable. FOrfiwontY u. 9 . cAjt1Xar -"Filly or gelding onei An A. R i zi _1VI'th ctualytivag 0 el,iV' a h yp", I Irl 10, It 1�1 horses, W. *R _2,endee, H A elevator la bitluatiod. 'nviar Xhia 'GlIand five -years they resided on the falm, in �,I IT. Me -Nell, Trunk L Bidd 1p andthenmovedtothe Arst d er O -Tide, and e6neeaglou of -St(5p1xeW-',twO miles �y X. J a -c -th-e alevator with Itsi contotdtist Gxeiger.,11'I aerry; 'Single. carrlagec 0 the adidinling' H.* Collinp south of Exeter in the year 1870. 'In r, A. G; Rbne the year 1887 he was bereaved of his .41 wife. Three years later be was mar- Brood ni�re a0c� a and pottiona of charred tim1tiq -d. #mp 114, leaving no'Uhlat 'but a heap of sI r-4, smnalderIIII coal. Tied to Mary Balkwill, and moved to D*db'kIer. u. nidinal, o:- tk- .1 town where he resided until the time-, Trtieinncr Real foa'led in,�'1911 T. J. gj The loas in every itngtance�,,,vii be, of his �:death. The' deceased w as a Amy. �'Jlt R"Ale, J Duck,:,�r.: XbrAa heavy � espeolially. to the, McLeod , 1%1il-- member of the Satnes'street Methodist yearq H, Daters and son, A X, 41 Ting ',Company. !In the elevator. 1,11ere VP were, abdWt 8,000 bushels of Zr church and was a Liberal in POUitics. toIn- two years old J. I)eck.,r IT. J� Amy am He was a quiet, unassuming man, and one Year!oId. X-Doclwr F .11akiKa, G. made up- of oa:bs wb-eat and peas, bep SOA dides % large quentity of flour. 'rbis was. held in the highest esteem by * his F erguaI a -.L Pair roadsters in aarink1w togeth-6r with th-a loss! of about $800 many relatives and friends. Besides buggy J.):Deok,6r ;,ir. C,, Ulabbs F - E IV worth oi machinery amourdta to abou!t his sorrowing wfte. six sons and three ertifigton. 'SIAI roadst�ar in haruess daughters are left to mourn his -loss, and buggy X. Hawldnsi, J . McClymclut, $0,810 whIch was paxtly covered by of London tp. Ref. 3. A. of Beildoon J.t �Nicclymcnt. Wesley, of Exeter, Frank of Exeter, Aackney-`three yearat ol(4 R. Nor - Locals, Warren of Toronto, Mrs. J. K, Baker, ri:s two years old T. Brock jr. ................ Ithsara.uce. vjz: William, of Usborne. tp; Sydney W1. Oke, Ladv Deaver �V; LL Elliott TIES of Grey tp, Mrs. Biesett of Brantford, Jadge. T. W Shopard. A larga number from town attiI Mrs. Hoare, of Clinton. The funeral sph,(y14T, p1,t1z.n.S the nomitiationsatHousall on Thurs- took place Tuesday morning, intep- H. Spackman Lady Drilver- Very t h i I] g day las(t. meub being in the Exeter cemetery. Mflidttl; )D. Rustqpl colt iin Jtoadstl� Uri and Mrg W1. G. Mssalelb reburn, 0 Class !T, J., -Alny;,1N1olI 413n nk Ifeavy ed Monday eveI �f`I VISI'I in MRS. THOMAS LAMY: Diaagdtf or Agr"Iculhiral Team Win. Rochedta.'r, N. X,, Tbronto und �Iamt- Tic funeral tookp lace on Wedneg- BroI rl3eer imnro rind foal In itlbA day.Sept.'20th from her liate re4denec. iltan. ftoads�ter, Class. John Decker; NV -X 11asinin �4.u.klc carriago horse, W. 'H. A Na0y Fall -On Monday laatf Arrs; Lot 181,concespion 9, fSbepbiI of A MAN SUII LUgrice, rI %vito'of ur. CollinrA S.- Wartin sueldn': u 'r colt 9�, eS ina.' to fall the, heavy'draught closs W. Drover; ktoer had the mi.9forka ard, . I ged :68 years and 9. Lruikimg her he�d and. 'Th' 6mas Amy, ag " L. *Amy di Sajhk of Commerce; Exebar Filly or Inflidting u very pai'liful wound. montli-A. Mrs. -ed on Sa-fardal, ever-irIg after a lin',gexing, -'llmsizl Geldling in 11th& b1I draiI class Mial� J. Alarray reLurnedi home On Sho was born on Deoemb-r 15th 1843 Jasi.11enderson, Monday ibt,ar vWith3q, in London and in Norfolk, �Cing.. -mnd cante to Canada CATTLE Wea s A Iogier,soll. She. was accompaI I parent-sy when fivo years of A!,Xed cow 33 Snifth-1 and 2 Two year, home by her. liftle li�ioe Miss Audrey age tand aj6ttiled gn Oxford Couitityt old belofer 71. Smilth; Oni, trear old Tordon, of London. Mate . Jord.in near �Voc&-otock. When �22 yNars of heifer, Ir. glitfith, I arid 2;UI calf HL SmIth I and 21 Built calf H. ivent to Goderich the sam-o, morning age III; maxriod to h -or now sor- I to Visit. JIerd U ices uaran ce -2, 'A 't; I CaI at Pri o, t d rowang hazliand an/1 mttNe;d .to Ste- Smitth land Milten by Dog-O.a Frlday�of laat phan ivhere &I residad antil her 'Snivt N. - 1�1 week fMr. W, O.Campbell, of Exeltor, . death. Tbe deceaspiditvas a kind And Grados�-Aged row F. EllarI yvar a](]. hpikor J 5w"Actual luivia affectionate wifeand mother and bore Nor,tYhad bbe mEsfortune, to m A,Hooper; T'-vo to be bel w a -nasty wound in, the, foot caused by her Lstifferin�s i'vith great patf-unce Shaptan T. Flasr�el W. 11. Dearing a dog bite. He wa.% going into e oill, dealth rehaved her. Sbc� has ben Ond year *aid. bvii'tor F. Rlf,�rin;tion farmers; on the third --mlicessiob of a oowaantl member of th.Ii 1&!Ithodiiat J- Weis(h J. V. l3papt&u ; 116fer calf Wst� a 4,1 o r less Stephen when (be dog grabbed him ChOLICh from her youth. She is� pur- A, Sled,0 W. S. Jobris. -Tire year old Wing him near the aulde. vfived by ilier bczeaved linobund rtnl. Acer 4T. R. shaptoli W. 11. Dearing, e - ton ehildien, Urro. John, Trovlathick, 2nd kind 31rd Oii.Lt year ,Alaor J. H., money than you can J30RN of 113rinAley; Welingtani of Crandalit, ShaPtoll I elad Itwo W. H.Denrrar. Ufa PAS!,89ORE -In 10ardstan, IS. AL141a,, on Mam, Alva and Wilbert of Oa�t�nok, Jersicy-Bos'l comr W. Artnvttron�� T. pro. .Brook jr. Two Year old hol-tar T. btly the Sallie d'HaPlia, Sop t, (13 0%, to Xr. and iMrs- A:� J. Bask_ lGarnet of 'Calgary; Wny. 4 somo 2assmore, a, daughter, Mlawbinneyi Moses �Xid Joso.ph of Brock sr.;; One year bid 1tjifer fr� BOON -'In Exdtor, 8abarday, Sept iUbji Stephen and 11311a lailid. EUIA ati home'; Brock 9r. Hv�fc . r on If T. Brock jr, 'to, Mr. and Birs, . R. M. 13pon (nee also o-ne brother Jonah of O.X­ Ball caff T,`Droc)c,!w, of, goods at any place Miss F. Andcrsav�,a dau;rnt�r,- Card Co., who have Itho, iq:.ncere .9ym­ .1 acl go Wm. Prfdhamf patlty of their relatives and trinidd 61-1.13132 .'STAIRRILED In the. Dorsw Horn,od-class C. qlar- III Canada, MALCOfillf - t n anir Loromvvniiltat� Tho Ain.,rall a,% rmn(ladtod by jJlcItev. jR. vey ltook Tive f;r&tr. and' three seconds SePt 6tb , itt Me res,11ditace of tb,,i 1v TR �hp VDv.n,n class G. r-exthale brfida's, f0-.h-er bytli�� RII C - ut. of Oxediton. took sixII in dlivo oeconds.� Co.uzens �f trolinesvil-a asAI by A �Yod rant A. Eloott Rov. C. 1;� L. Co.,tizems of SI Mr. Richos may not bring happin-ms but Le4cosber- d.2; Ram BOYS' CLOTHIN6 Sheirhing riiT�i A. Mll I Oin J, T. Malcolm bf ll'ibbert to Miss 'neither dOes pov�crl:V, lamb G.Ten-b-7 R, t3w%li '.1 Ewe havri-I Mary Popper of Lo4, n "I'D. 'The man Mio gets mad about what raCied lambg 0 '. 4 ethale Rr .13'ek . Dir"B", nfvi-spappre say about him should rv- Shoix1ing P-- ft. VvIl I �Incri U; Elve SACRIFICED BIDT-11n. Dashwood, on. Thursday, tarn ibmks three times a day fPr' lamb, rX, 17'e'nale I nind 2 Sept '1411[h, Mrs., Jov. a�dt in her- for what me I wsvaper knvaiv abom' him TGS ff T ay, Sepb It doselet take a lVome?a lon� to v I. a -In Sxelber on Su SNAw"t" 63 , Yetar. tixitl sapressed� fwo%yeors -old R'. A Bl' ,a 6 a, SNELL nd, Birch ; Mar �-T h "t"' games. Snell. oged 79 Ye(ars cc rn a to (1he polin It kinless, slit 15 sharp- NVI igtaarl ; :tl,,,lr IiRifcred in 19,111' arid 8 moobbs', . ening tL Pe'nell. now1wo',year el'fl It. Pirah. MY-Tift Stephan, ='Satarday 'Sopt "Par- BUY' BEFORE You A Yng -, sow, (w nrIold, R. Birch, 0% 16th Sa%ana, Lagifical belavod whf01 1Tftrvny; An%' r d. in tK11,1 Birch of %homas Amy, Pr., ege,d 68 ycar,- OtiTbtirsdo,yoflA-qtwp.(-klvli,sI. Jos, �V S- witid 9 moftftKs,, Eidt at bar home in her 68 vear. She varl� n, ARE 00 LATE 1-IAZ3LWOOD-1n Extiter' on, iltilb. issurvivedbyhebusbane And soven BorkbYro- c1d Dawson Bros. I ("Itirk -Cjx" day �ep.t. ITSfih, A,)Int Mlarla Mar'. children. three sons and foup dAuglit- I Ind 2 .,4b, , era who have the sincere sympr6ths of )._,I&z1l,,wtelovcd w06 of Mr, Thomas Boar Ll't I, a L d, )agod 6 3years and -6 the entire community. It and '2; t.1W oara old Dawson A se'vere electrical storm passed Broa. M, 6ver W8 section, early, on Peiday. jildgei I J*ACXSON--la Brandon at Septem. morning last. Thp barn belotigivia 1,0 "pity. ber 16t,h, Louis laekoon aged 24 vOnysIt fe-merly of Exeter Mt. David Hatobigon, 140, enn of d XEGLAND -In Victorim anspi'tm, Stephen was Atruck by lightning and 7, y Mat' was destroypd hV fire together with Aer, Ck 111rout bondon , I" Septembpr IUb, an f1oI Y thew Itellana age(I 82 yearsib itsc"tlat�, Thti6ilso b0a);.4-1r;gto athor var Mr. jolr, R114i,AUd was 0go, P-t.roekqnd & 'a -, chiel".1- WHITEFORD-At Camberlaild, Wis4 the abitmI knocked plaott,r 'a., T?Toln Leghorna"C iflog ;r ,11rown, leg - COT -gin, SeptI6,1011,01raln".10 A, White- ktockod off the wall beal ford.,%ge(l 44 years, r1yof, Con. �wigp 4. d�en J t41% rfill*