HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-09-09, Page 13Town&Country SSIFIE 26. Help wanted GODFRIC,I1 SIGNALeSTAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1981 -PAGE 13 26. Help wanted Wanted Immediately VAN DRIVER. for Girderick & District Association for Mentally Retarded ADULT WORKSHOP (a) 2 runs dally (b) 11/2 hours for each run (c) morning run 7:00 a.m. (d) afternoon run 4:00 p.m. (e) Class "F" license required. Apply in writing to: G.D.A.M.R. 185 Keays Street, Goderich. ONTARIO HYDRO NUCLEAR CONSTRUCTION LDING INSPECTORS We have a 'number of training positions opened for welding technicians in our welding inspection depar- tment at the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, located on the shores of Lake Huron midway between the towns of Port Elgin and Kincardine. Applicants require a minimum Grade 12 education. Pre- ference will be given to applicants with more advanced related technical training. Salary range '300.00 to °365.00 per week depending on qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits. Please write giving full details of education and ex- perience to: PERSONNEL OFFICE ONTARIO HYDRO BRUCE G.S. CONSTRUCTION Box 1000 Tiverton, Ont. NOG 2T0 THE * 0OLELi * () RESTAURANT 4Ifd‘ & TAVERN ARE NOW LOOKING FOR FULL-TIME • DINING -ROOM PERSONNEL ♦` Must be mature and reliable. CALL FOR AN INTERVIEW. 4(4(* .4( 524-7711 THE CANDLELIGHT* 27. Wanted (general) WANTED!! ACREAGE -lots, cottages, cabins. Any location. 'Any condition. Ron. (416)-22E- 6611 or 161:3 I:t12.3399,=36b c:� RESORT wanted: Northern Ontario. Send pictures, layout of.properly, map of area. Must be on water. Bin Gray, Box 611. Vanderhoof, B.('.. VOJ :3A0 Phone (6.04)567• 9694.-36b.c. 28. Business opportunity • EARN MONEY! Save money! Learn income Tax Preparation at home. For Free Brochure. no obligation, write l' & R Tax Schools, 118 Rox- borough Drive, Toronto. -mita rio M 4W' 1 X 4.- 36b.c. RESTAURANT .& TAVERN • • •5247711- T *********•*4<4t4<4<9t***** BUSY, established Ceramic Shop, ideal for family business located in small town, in Alberta. Offers community evening courses. Good in- vestment while owners retire. Call: (403)843-:321.1 days: evenings ca 11 ( 403 )748.2493. Ask for Louise.-36b.c. • T-SHIRT BUSINESS J. -- FOR SALE • Selling Stock and Equipment Only T-shirts,' transfers, jogging sults, sweat' shirts, and transfer machine. Store is closing - must sell stock and equip- ment. PLEASE quip-ment- PLEASE CONTACT: 565=2188 565-2885 EVENINGS:. BUSINESS FOR 'SALE.. Beauty Salon Located In resort area in HuronCounty: 'Excellent year round business. Owner is. leaving thik area. Interested parties please reply stating name and phone num- ber .toi DRAWER NO. 7 c/.o CLINTON NEWS -RECORD P.O. BOX 39 CLINTON, ONT. NOM ILO 30. Employment wanted ENJOY NEEDLECRAFT'' Work your own hours and earn extra income .demonstrating lovely kits. Generous c.om• mission. No inventory. We train. For information phone" collect 519-534-0308 or ,write Ethel Davidson, R,R,2, Wiarton.-36,37 EXPERIENCED reporter re with vehicle prepared to take over as editor of community newspaper. References. Duties include layout, paste- up, make-up with full staff assistance. Also cub reporter to train in all aspects of newspaper.. Write Box I126, Espanola, Ontario POP 'CO before September 15, 1981 36b.c. WAITER or waitresses wanted for The Restaurant, Maitland Country Club. Please call. weekdays before 12 o'clock noon. 524- 9641.-35,S6ar WANTED - Pleasant people to phone solicit for expanding local company). Excellent income potential. Hours flexible. Send resume to 1' O. Box 509, Goderich or phone 524-7300. from 1-S p m and ask for Ralph. -35,36 27. Wanted (general) \\Tj l Christmas comes early with AVON ' Earn money now selling beautiful gifts guaran- teed to please. Territories available In Goderich and the V.L.A. For information call FLORENCE SOWERBY 524-8589 or collect to 527-023$ INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSPERSON required for Industrial Operation, Supply details of experience & qualifications ' to Goderich Signal Star, Drawer 85, Industrial Park, Goderich, On- tario. 27. Wanted (general) W'ANT.EI): Good used fur niture or complete household); Phone 4112 7922 -- 4t far HELLO KATIMAVIK HAS ARRIVED A nine month volunteer 'Youth In Action' program, sponsored by the Town of Goderich. A group of 22 youths (ages 17.21) will be working on projects such as the Pioneer Museum. Town Jail and the Town Hall. WANTED Fridge. freezer tables, blenders, tea ket- tles, too pots, bed pans end cutlery. CALL 524-414608 524-4673 iDOU'SE('I,EANING . • Willing to do housecleaning and fall clraning :,24 9242 .t5.31ix • \P1:11 5()1 IE()NF: to care for your Child? i'u: kersmith Day \urscry ( Vanastra will do it for you. We"have educational Toys. music. crafts. active and, quiet play times. ind& r and outdoor play areas. hot rneaf. Children f ul h• supervised !half . have Early ( 'hi Idhood Education diplomas Open 6:30 a.m 2-6 years old 87 n0 per clay. 84 75 half day wiIli lu)n•h. $3.7:) ha If da v Fees arc) )came tax deductible i'hone 462 76:34. :3:1,:31; EXt'ERi1•:N('F:l) cook. specializing in pastry. also do housekeeping and housecleaning . 1'hgnc 7)24 7278 :fix EXI'ERih:1('1':I) hahysilter .+ill bahysit •in nn horny. ('all after "1u clack:124 4:1,-,:3 38,37 31 . Service directory 31.16ervice 'directory CUSTOM SEW ING a d 'Alterations. Please phone for appointment.. Diana's Sewing Room. Phone 524-9394.- Mier AIR HAMMER, backhoe, septic bed installations, Cecil Cranston, 529-7691.-2-52x PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service, phone 1- 887-9062 or Granger's TV, 524- 8925. -3-52x ' MAN WITH truck to clean basements, trash to dump, and light delivery. Peter Prevett, phone 524-11553.--16tfar FU'RNITU'RE Repair, Stripping and Refinishing. Free estimates. pick up and delivery. Also. small car- pentry wogStephen Norton. Phone, 4-i 194.-17tfar FOR SEWING and alterations please phone Sheila 524- 9041.-:36.41 MAN WITH pickup to remove debris.. Small deliveries. Phone 524-9005 after 5::9) p.m., Saturdays before 12:30 S'PAN'S INTERIORS, per John Stanley. Painting and wallpapering.•- Neat processional work. Also your distributor for Watkins & Stanhome Products. Phone 524-6941.-36-39x Paper Hanging and Painting Reasonable Rates • Neat, clean work CALL . 524-7961 AFTER 5 P ,,M. ecoratlnc td 33 Huron St., Clinton ' Box 337, Clinton NOM 1L0' 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, • Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies. Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE C.ONSULTIN'G Screened Top -Soil For Lawns, Gardens Flower Beds Call: LYLE MONTGOMERY • - 482-7644 PHONE EVENINGS .APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service . to all makes. Authorized ' service- for Inglis, Enterprise. Magic Chef, Whirlpool. CALL 524-7861 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE ' ENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. ,, 55 Kingston St., Goderich CUSTOM BUILDING * * * R-ENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING 716 DOWII,o.., o. 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 AIbnr$ Dorf Ge„y-Du,a1 JimDurst eiIl Du,s, FALL CLASSES SMOCKING Tuesday evenings frottlm7 p.m. -9:30 p.m. Sep4ember 15th to October 6. Five Septem- berwSTRETCHeSEWiNing week C 16th from.7 p.m. -9:30 p.m. Please register in advance et FABRICS AND MAUR 42 Soueh Stree; Goderich Ph. 524-7260 3). Service directory CLIFFORD HUGILL Backhoe Service 524-7170 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Gorden Centre 116 Bennett. Goderich LAWN CARE ROLLING FERTILIZER SPRING BULBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 ti. For all your Carpet & Upholstery cleaning needs, cat l SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE Our steamvalla Power. brushmethod gets the deep down dirt, others , miss. Phone524-8892 Free Estimates *SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS •BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK *GRAVEL .*TOPSOIL Fora complete job call: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 31. Service 'directory GARDINER'S DELIVERY We deliver and move ainything . large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 We are pleased to an- nounce that Paul Spain who has had extensive experience in delivery and moving service, will operate this business. CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For o complete job call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 STEWART ALUMINUM and INSULATION •AIL types of siding •Blown fibre Insulation FREE ESTIMATES 207 Huron Rd., Goderich PHONE Days 524-8821 or Evenings 524-2803 H.T. DALE Septic Tank. • Service Serving Goderich and area for- i5.years ' PHONE. Clinton -. 482-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 or r . CARPENTRY-. MURRAY . HENDERSON . CARPENTRY- \ Renovations, Add -it -ions, Sheds, Framing, Home Improvements SEAFORTH FREE ESTIMATES 527-0731 v`p- •' CUSTOM BUIt•o� ~G 'Repairs � '' :�. Renovations CaII George Gould. 524-7638 GODERICH INSULATION now has a complete line of ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING ALUMINUM WINDOWS & DOORS *FREE ESTIMATES* Phone 524-6844 CALL: HURON PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SWEEP FOR: FIRE SAFETY FUEL CONSUMPTION CLEANLINESS 524-7300 LITTLE'S PAINTIN AND DECOR Specialising in painting and wallpapering FREE ESTIMATES Greg Little Robert Hodges 524-7449 5244642 31. Service directory 36. Announcements, notices (4 WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS The Humanitarian Service. Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges- have equipment for loan. Contact Amos ' Osbaldeston,.524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.-2eowx CHARLES C. CULBERT •Backhoeiflg` *Septic Beds *Tiling *Basements *Excavations cell 529-7571 PAINTING MINOR HOME REPAIR PH. D. MacDONALD 524-9216 GAFFNEY WELDING Welding & Fabrication in: *STEEL *ALUMINUM *STAINLESS STEEL Mobile Service Available Phone 524-6667 CARPET . ' CARE Rugs 8 Upholstery Pro- fessionally Steam Clean - std. Free Estimates 524-24'40 32. Custom .work CUSTOM BEAN pulling and windrowing. Also combining available. Auburn. Phone 526- 7583.-35,36 • COMBINING OF CORN Call: 524-7023 34. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single. free positive con- fidential support. Help is. as close as our telephone. BIRTHRIGHT ' London )collect ). 432.7107, 527 -(►115 or 7,24-24623.--1-52x • MADAM ANNA'S CARD & PALM READER ADVISOR by appointment only Ph. 271-7392 ,35 Notice to creditors All claims against the Estate of GLENN GEORGE 11(n (.;IIF:RTY. late of the imvn of (;aderich, in the County of Huron. who died on or about the 12th day of .lune. 1981, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before Sept em her - 3o, 1981.) thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims then filed DATED this 20th day of August, 1981 MR AND MRS ItERTRAM 1: DOU(;HERTY. R R 6. Goderich. Ontario. Next of Kin • of the deceased, Glenn George Dougherty. by their solicitors. MESSRS ('AREY & OT TEWEI.I. Barristers & Solicitors 50 Nor) h Street Goderich. Ontario N7 A 2T4 34.36 A1)DRESS LABELS gum med, 300 for $225: presson. 200 for $3.50. Phone The Goderich Signal -Sta r a t 52 4-83:,1 AUCTION SALE valueuble property sand household effects. FRIDAY, SEPETEMBER 11 AT 6 P.M. THEATRE BUILDING 5TH AVENUE-VANASTRA Electric stove; 23" T.V.; 9" T.V.; books; Westinghouse washer spin dryer; sofa bed; wood stove; hot plate; kitchen table & 2 choirs: desk; doors; fluorescent lights; tools; parts; washer, 45 gal. drums; skate sharpening lig; many miscellaneous items. Property - 6,200 sq. ft., 20 ft. clear ceiling, 98', x 156' lot, subject to reserve it not sold earlier, Industrialist's dream. Terms on property - '/2 cosh down. balance 10 days. Terms on contents - cash. VANASTRA 482-3762 38. Auction sale 1981 NORTHERN STOCKER AND ' FEEDER SALES WIARTON ro Thurs. Sept. 17 -10:08 a.m-, 4000 • THESSALON - Wed. Sept. - 23 10:00 a.m., 1700; MANITOULI.N (Little Current) - Thurs. Sept, 24 - 9:30 a.m., 3000; SOUTH RIVER - Fri. Sept. 25 - 10:00 a.m., 1000: NEW LISKEARD - Thurs. Oct. 1 - 11:00 a.m., 1500; RAINY RIVER (Stratton) - Mon. Oct. 5 - 11:00 a.m., 2400; EASTERN ONTARIO (Guletta) - Mon. Oct. 5 - 1:00 p.m., 1000; WIARTON - Thurs- Oct. 8 - 10:00 a.m-. 4009; SOUTH RIVER - Thurs. Oct. 15 - 11:00 a.m., 500: WIARTON - Thurs. Oct. 22 - 10:00 a.m., 3000; PETERBOROUGH (Lin- dsay) - W.d. Oct. 28 - 11:00 a.m., 1000; PETERBOROUGH (Lin- dsay) - Wed. Nov. 4 - 11:00 a.m., 1200. Advertising Manager: S. MacDonald, Box 130. Huntsville, Ontario. POA • TKO Telephone: 705.789.-5491 �1�artast¢a AUCTION MARKET SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 AT 11 A.M. . at the Vanastra Auction Market 2 miles south of Clinton CONSISTING OF: Household ef- fects of Walter Snarey of Clinton and the Reverend Peter Mantel of Vanastra, 'and other con- signments. AUCTION FEATURES: Harvest gold Leonard frost free fridge and electric 30" range, (excellent);. MCCIary automatic washer; RCA dryer; Moffat 19 cu. freezer; Apt. size fridge and stove; console Hi -FI; 5 pc. dlnet, to suite; chesterfield & chairs (2); sofa bed; Elec- trohome T.V.; coffee table set; end tables; lamps; tri -lite; Antique spool bed; Antique single bed; 5 press backs (matching); 1 press back rocker, wicker chair; fainting couch; carved arm chair; 7 pc. oval gate leg table, chain, buffet and china cabinet; 2 gold rugs with underlay; students desk; turn table and -speakers; chest of drawers; dresser; bedroom suite; Antique slide projector; high chair; treadle sewing machine; 8813 Skil-Saw; hand tools; lawn mower; skis; electrical appliances; fin. selection of china and crystal; toys; and many more Interesting items to numerous to mention. TERMS: Cash, known cheque, charger LUNCH BOOTH ON PREMISES VIEWING: 9:30 am till sale time Auctioneer: Jake Thalen Jr. 482-7922 Contact, us for good clean consignments, complete households and estates, liquidations, cars and trucks. Not responsible for accidents day of sole. AUCTION SALE WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE next to the L.C.B.'6 n J. Alexander - Auctioneer ESTATE OF THE LATE NELLIE MALCOLM, LUCKNOW Jas. R. Henderson & Mary Henderson, Executors SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 11:00 A.M. WE RECOMMEND YOU DO NOT MISS THIS SALE Pine flat to the wall 12 pane glass cupboard; Cannon- ball 4 poster rope bed - exc.; walnut tea wagon; an- tique oak writing desk; Heintzman piano - good cond.; Franklin stove; large pine jelly cupboard; antique' 4 drawer, cherry chest; Press back commode chair; 6' hip rest chairs; wickery fernery; pine blanket box; drop leaf console table; 6 oak hip rest chairs - rd. seat; 2 por- table B&W T.V. sets; pine harvest table; 9 x 12 Admin- ster rug - good; 2 accordion hat racks, porcelain tip; model 271 Continental organ; nest of tables; magazine table: floor & table lamps; coal oil lamp; 2 drawer com- bination freezer -fridge, like how; 24" electric stove -late model: excetient dryer; McClary wringer washer - new cond.; 2 small .pine "tables w. drawer; new self- propelled Lawn Boy mower; 1974 DODGE DART AUTOMOBILE • approx. 16,000 miles - UNBELIEVABLE CONDITION - safety checked; lodles.bicycle; twin beds; box springs & mattresses; 3 chests of drawers; several mirrors In frames; small Chinese print; Chinese water colour mural; clean bedding; electric kitchen utensils; dehumidifier; S trunks; 7 crocks - all sizes; round copper boiler; several wicker baskets; Perrin,i,lscult box; new detest) model exercise bicycle; many small wood & metal boxes; hand made bedspreads; knitted throw cover; standard kitchen utensils; quantity old In- teresting jewelle1 ; quantity silver, brass, china, good glass, including Mary Gregory glasses, Demitasse cups, overlay milk glass dish & many interesting pieces too numerous to mention; some antique wind-up toys; quantity sealers; garden tools; several boxes miscellaneous items; knack knacks, etc. AUTOMOBILE TO BE SOLD AT 3 P.M. PREVIEW FRI. SEPT. 11, 2.5 and 7-9 and SAT. MORN. 9 a.m. to sale time. MOBILE LUNCH TEL. 347.1011 & 331.1442 '