HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-14, Page 127 -q Wl" -1 TAI -W NX ZER TIMMS Z + =49t Aepor4%_The follow4ug DO forget the MXolter Fall Vair J . . . . . . . . . . . .. H%+ . . . . . . er't e Ilk red'ed ap to Mr, Prank AkallQtb is ivorktrg for The,P�aoe Where. Qoocl hoat S*ondaril 83o, + Oats no, Mr. , r, Wilsvp Cloffies (;otno From + T1w:'i;WAJ _416r� t* + RT '0arley 55 Ito 60c, -NI T Jas� and 04f M'olters $pQas CARLINCYS TL:e§Q B'10k-Av4eat, 50 coats ay in Zox�doa Now that August is half gone we are pifering all out- summer + PHONE 16 F�04a-s 70 to 75 cckxt�i, 41rs- Silas Ilandtord 'is visitong it, + D 'a Goods UPI) Bran 4.100 140400U, thio iveek. res fit cost price such as 8 0601arda and Mqajirts Mr. 11;rnost, Vilyan %vas in LondQA etc. Mod -4 floor 12, 111aesd4y all bu,$1Acs,% Whitelawn Food flour M.45 (Miss Cora Wilson, of Hensall is clerk- + White New Fall Coats '13'L15tQ`,r *1'7"C'e`nLS iPT at Polvells Bazaar. HOF + + Ijq + + gs 20c miss Jes"iQ Creech -,,was In Lo.L4o;n + Potatoes 7.5 cents + Ray , Tuesday and Wo ts Waists Underskirts + no. dr.eaday., + we handle only the 0 Hags Live $7,03 Mis's E Me Trebl�. has returned h It + eut elebrated ConOn t* I onle. + Regular $3.00 fOl $2,00 + a,100atsfor Women, and Rogers Coats Choice PXPQrL S%ors 8,25 to 6�40 after Msllio.- in rxoronto, + Regular 75 for $2 + cc $3, 75 ff. Light Suits for 49 1.85 for Misses and Girls. The Co Medium c, 2-75 ats We show, xpo_rt ct��era 6.90 to 0.10 Mrs. Geo, Gra Nvivy is visiting at bar + + you are new and the -v have a Style and Via -,�rs 44 2 Choice helf 6.00 te 6,2� old home near London this week-. + x 6o, -5Q 4$ L75 1611 to them not found in other garments, Medium hcjfx�rs 5.80 to 5'k Hot Wleather + _1 0 A la'r--ee iiamber fxom town are t 'Choice butcher 5.60 to 5.8 al- if cc 14 The cut I e-Preselits A line that u e predict will inT �a the London Pair this + 2,.2.51 1.35 1 2.25 i.6o be a good seller but we want you to see the Medium 5.30 to 5"10 6everal, trom here' took in the boa� + 2.CO 1.20 + rest of the, -,-before you make your choice. Choice botcher qoivs 4.80 to 5,00 Price ;'0 12 up cc 49 2.00 11 1.30 eting at 'Sanshiu�� on Monday nl.Q�bt 1-75 1 1-5, Medium butcher cows 4.00 to 4,60 me ig �,?� + + Atk to see the new garments Common coNvs 3.50 to 3.75 Mrs, B.' 1-h-Axt has rotlarned bomo 1-50 1.05 1,25 '89, 4.1 :Choice lambs 5.75 to 6 00 after visiting f Ora few. �voeks i L It Flani� I Trouser- I 1.2 89 1.00 Choice Sheep 3.50 to4,0� dop� cc 5 9, 1 $' Mwsrs Z SnL-11 aLd F. Mallitt vis- 1.00 + lngs� n the new + -75 + Ited over + + SLinday witli friends in hilt. deso so + Mr. aarry 'Gould starrs the frame All Corset Covers to be Cleared out at cost work of the new skacinz + rink next Dress Goods Poultry As of old, we always are quick sto show weeh,.. + We will pay till vised t follow- 'Miss Gladys end R i,a V ord. returned You what is new. home kbis week lafttr vjsitimg in 1TQr_ Ladies Dutch Collars and Jabots Our New Dress Goods ing for Poultry in; ade. W W. T man will not disappoint you. Everything that + + Chicken alive I dc. icked 12c ' Mrs, W, S� Regular 50c, for 40c. isnewand up-to-date will be shown in The Nifty Man' + Hens veot !and daughter Vera, 'S + this department. Special value a yard at 000- are visiting frifmds in London tbis + 4 + Roosters 000- iveek, Tailor Regular 25c. for 20c. Turkey& c. Soo. to *1.25 D ucks C Reeve �Jabn W. laylor 1,z eXpoted Regular 15c. for 11c. It home fx0in his NN`est�ern rip, + + 0 �cent�perpo` less in each case t "X for De cash, ............. AJso Wash Belts regu_lpr 25c'. for + ' -Mr. 9no. Wood ;tzhipped a. carload + 20 S + + prices. Watch this space every week for of cattle to the Toronto market-, at- + arday. Black Silks 1,t + THIRR YEARS + Paillette Silks + + Ilk + and Hazel [Biss-jt.,t re- t + + 4 + +* Jones res have been B lbri J. I "L 4 4� Our yard -Tde silks in Pail aY turned home Saturday after visidn- Our Seven Colic& a ggan Underwear In all colors, This is a beau- I I lette an Taftetta are unbea :1 's, , in,, Taronuo. established during the past Bo tiful quality of silk and is + They have a beautif for trimming Miss Hobbs, of Birr urho has been Years. The lArgest,trainevs in + in. Egyptian thread and pcif6us knit regular able. very suitable 0 soft. bright, finish sultr4ble andforaziodd waist 19 in, + Canada.. Owing to our con,nec + visiting at the rectory ratartiod home, for 40r,. a garment,lof 30c. a garment. + w4ists and dresses. wide -st per yard - last.,wech-, + tion all Over Ontario. we do + 1� 4 t better for + 4 - LOCALS A hamber of ibe boys an our graduaIes Uan F$1-00, $1.25, $1.60 * . d girls eP- + any' other school, 'rou may .50 cents. 0*0**0401 Joyed a corn roast kasc Friday ni-�ht + + + + studv at home or party a!t + + ents pure i9ilk h4fi hose regular 5 on Dow's flats�. G Elections take Place next'Tharsday. borne and finish at the college. + + Oc-, for 40c - Miss, Charlot:tc Dearing- and Ilr,%. Affiliated with the COWMCLrcial + I + Also Lisle -half hose regular 50C for 40C Mr. Win. May S-and�ayed at,Mftchell p, + + regular 25c ercy (Webb,,r have returned home + Educaton?'Association Ot Can- + + + ZZO!'Poweater Mrs 51cCocnabs and Mrs. TnO -Par- from ifie wesgr, + ada. It wouldbe. well for 20C sons were in, London, Ta,,�sday. Mr. Sam'l 'Gidley of Blyth was hero t to investigate for 70u + + * # N� before ch(i,;�ing. + This will be the biggest Sweater Coat Season ever. Mr� Yercie Hardy of 1XIIii,th, is via- Friday attending, the funeral o E + We are f th, + 'xclusivc right for Ontario of IT it g his P i ave just received a few lineb of Fall Good 0 expecting the tbird shipment of Ladies' and Children's Coats in axents Mr. an.d. L. late 4ert,Zxidley. the woxid-famous 13liss B '0 'P11+ + 0, thisweek, All Styles, Colors and New Weaves shown at ardy, + keeping 15i'stem. Which it oc'� s + Mr. and Mrs. -Alex Stow -aft and + W Td-na Do)vxelturned to Toronto daughtter Tren,� visited fa London a t e(ll allp -* It Actual P siness in plaids and checks suitable fcr childrens + v A., 4 0 50c. to $5.00 duties esdaY Where Blip will -resume her few days tbia 1,i,cek. from Sfirt: fo Q i *,-.nd thi ++ + dresses for school at 12y2c and i5c a yard 00 alt, murzLng. i studci4 Iceeps slwt bOOks as + + + #0 Mbises Maggie and Barbara Chesne + Chartgred + Mr. and Alrs W' El. Collins have of Kippen, visited Mrs. J. 1,. y + 13 and Whole- + Wehave just received several McDon- + a + SPECIAL ale Rouses ;nter any time. + + returned home after spendii�fg the. ald the forepart of the week. + pieces of Flannelette 34 incbes + past Ithree weeks in Toronto and Mon�_' + Individifil InstrueLion. + + + Men's Overcoats Sweater Coats treah Mr. David Langfordand A. L La + Wiiic, call or phone for + wide regular 12y2c Weight for i0c. + ford of Regima ore spendiag a fcw + + This is a good time to buy your Flannelettes for + 0I Rath -FOR MEN- Miss Laura Hobbq. M-10 lilts been days with Mrs. G. F. Roultitoll.. er early to talk about winter clothing but our new + Fall term from Ang 28th Fall before they are sold out Splendid showing here if * spanding the sammer ,Vt Saas Souct on + + overcoats for men have arriv- you want a * 'Georgian Bay retarnt�dzlhoznc on Mr. bmd-Xrs. Mauxice Wexler were sweater coat. Mor� i.li London this woeL-, Mrs + ed and we will be pleased to The new eat styles and colors * day evenj,a&,�, . Wexler + We now have the celebrated BEEBE show you them. Specials at at prices that are bound ill remain to vlsiL Lr a few Weeks, + + PANTbA + Mrs. Mary Ad-cley of + ND SMOCKS. These are + ent, ville'refturne.d. home. Wednesday oft, Xr. +, Clinton, Business + please-, at a garm to 0 Btrafford,%� w J. W- Ortwein- of Herisall, cal- + farinfln made, from the beaviest denni $10, $12$ $15 7 RM9 a week -with her sis- e + + r * + In after spemi I d on friends in town Saturday U + and also MADETO, FIT. 60c- to $4 50 Ortwein is one of t.he on� _ r. ter grs. Mrzn.� R6cke' on King$ of + College- + + Y. qnsali. + Mr, Wes 4andexz 6)f Brant ord a GEO. SPoTTON, President + + Highest Price fbi Produce. Bring, your' Mr. F e d Sanders of - 11 Donild 0. Macgregor is one of the' 4 + Poultry to us. 0 11 sPelft the latitter paj� t of tht v,�, � �ct greatest baritones heard here in along + + + + King Hats Beresford Shoe s ,k J time Hear him Sing at the MISS, B. F� Ward, Principal + we want it., gaest of their parenta Mr. and 1� Opera + + + 'homas Sanders. House Pa;r Night. + 4 + + In New F&II Styles. You Are made for men- ................ - + + That funniest of funny men. Will for �St.Thcrftas where �she will attend + + will like them. They arejaist '6- Miss La Belle Handford lef t Taosday and for Style, Comfort and J.'Wbite fairly convulsed the audlen- + + a little differeat from the or- thas'Alma College. Mr. Handford cic- + Wear they are sure to give ce by his songs and saY ings and t Dental Offices Close'l + + dinary. One Price Only- encores were in order -Barrie Exam- + + riPle compitnied her there,, - satisfaction. W XL,er. Opera House Fair Nigh,. sor tnd + V V Miss Ida Goarley, !of Wind, Kindly take notice 'that nay office + bliss I-lansan. of + Ca,rii + E"allarton vlliitc(� is closLd every Wednesday afternoom I- + $2.25 $4, $4,501 $5,41 On Sunday SepLember 24th the Sun_ Liheir tincle and aun't, Mr.'and Ax.��, !I ..... J ................... + day Schools of 1 -the two Ilethodisx, D. Mills. cne nay �Iast wL k,: lift. RoTiLSTON. + churebez in town win observa Rallv Workmen hro here from Tororito CLOSIN01- NOTICE d a Rev. S, T Bartlett of Tor6mo put,tin-, in the Plumbing inthe Please remember tliat, my Dental ................. S ........... be Present and take part. in 'the new bank of Colhinerce building 11-hich Office is closed ever Wed nesday after - U11. Lases and Trunk services. will be tharbughly up-46-d.ate. A Big range to choose fi ojin at Four auto loads mo -to" tin. Knmrmq red over to Miss Elizabeth Gibson i,f Vlocou- + Btratford an Friday afterao ver aradauate'of 5the orl to take + Deaccnesq Tra-inira- Woront,), Mr. Harvey was in Lan:don on. + 1.50 to S. 75 in 1he Political meeting at �jbich Sir Prcisby4_�riari DON'T BE' + Wilfred fLaurier, Ron, Gee P. "6raham visited Mrs, T.'Kernick during Ithe Friday 1�sU + and Ron. MackenzieKing ,vore chief radt week. . +� I Apeakers, - , - Mr. and Mrs- Wm'.'Moir of I-lensall. + + Bear MacGregor and white at Opera * + A� 'Seven 00chil Will bv heild in t i were visitors atiblr,, Thomas Kernickls ALARMED' + base House Exeter Pair night, G61YG ]:N- 4. 41 ment Of 'th�e ITesbYterian Char h I wonder if MacGregor can i p� Ut riday + + s"ug. wt"� Ju An STEWAKT on Fri day Se p t .28rd. Far th.er part - COMING OUT -I could listen to hi Will J. Whites efforts as a comic + p late in the morning. + f ulars y3ext week. Be sure to attlo, night. in singer crowned with -o were marked + the luxury of waking + Proceeds im aid of Xission, Work in success: Recarriedhis audience in- + u en r you feel like ir, + Lumber Camps: Rev. J. G. �gtaart 13. D of X + if ou can ut if you can't x to convulsion of laughter, so funny 'p. church Undon preached at Ca were his actions and sayings. This is Mr David Spicer, of Brantford, was Church better et e of our t�N;� - a natural and refind co, + in morning a-nd evening -on 81 + a few days last week. mic­-�Toronto was up attendingct He last 'he pastor Eev. S. F, Sharp� B "once -g week". Opera House Fair clocks, + he ftmexal of his taking, the servicesea Loiict� Night Popular Prices. eisuer Mrs. -Andrews of GrantoV.: I + son, Arthur OZ Braniford also Mr FirinkDardl6isthis IN" + + attend- int'O ihc- hoasem eek mov- farraers Advocate;ln commen.',_ + Watches ed �he f uneral. hich be rented -I. from k119 On 'the texhibitis 'at the Torolilto. + Mr. Erne'st H. Gidley of'Duluth Mr. Jas. White on 31ai�n street, Mr�. Exhibition had 'he follo.wiaig. Wl�ls whO Arthux Sanders "is movi + Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, t + 5-10-15 and 25C Variety Store was in lown during the past NvezL, iArto the year the ITamurcrth exhibit was !tc'o Diamond s, Cu' + + Cold Meat Forks,,Pake Forks havi + ng tome over with house ivltiah be ipurehased'fxom -Wit. much one-sided tO,,crXte M11cli the remains of Hy L,mb,,01-- inter Soup SPOOne, Pie Knives, + thex 'the late Bertram ehariva est for the onlo6kers. The usual high earl -handled Butter Knives, R-OWIR111-11's E3AZAAR Gidley Kicked i + -P Glass, Silver= PHONE 5,5 L tylonday for a the Leg. -Mr. Richard class character of the Mitchell b,-x.d + ,�las & Sons waa 'this year + Fish Ser�ers, Carving Sets, Davis bad the misfortune to be kick4d Knives and Forks, whore he Will �isii; his mother prior . of D. Dci, in the left ankle on Sunday hibt. He �,at stronger thanever tin to returning to his home in Duluth. ware, Pins,, Etc. d showing + was engaged, in bedding his horses for lug very li'ttle thle 1vorset for 'their', + + Educa;t*onal Bermons-On Sundai the night, when he happened to touch Wedding R long, Journey to Regi,11a and next Rev. Dr Graham, al -Torontio back Ings AST WEEK the heels of one of the hor I we Pat in adother shipment * will Preach On Ldneational where they capturod practically cv,exy- sermon in sea with a + of China and * the James St fork with tbeabovo result, fleisable tN.,n.- humg up. Their corbpeititors + Big Stock to choose fiorn,_ Gramiteware, a whopper, The China, will go mostly at Joe td be around with. the Mail of crutches, this year L r,4et Charch in tho morn A Marfihaod * iAg kind in tho Main stre,,A church in -vere theentries oX T. Reed- + 4 15c and 25c, The (rraniteware is- Manufacturerti Seconds, * the eve�nl,ng, R�v Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Prior, Mr. -a �,Kenzl�a + 4 slightly spotted but the price will make You wonder. Y- 'G. PowgZl,,Of f E JEWELER & OPTICIAN 4- nd in,, o&wrimlale,,,and Join M( 4 gains eyery day. This big Big Bar- Mal n S tre e t � will p' John jolinij. Misses Grace and Rose i dalle, + readh in the James Cu ....................... 4 ..................... street) church at An! -hl -4 dware, Mr. Geo. Cudihore and Mrs. ;rough�thn.Omc, for Purial-On tFri- y la in Seaforth Monday at. iremeins of the late Ber- Thanksgiving Day 'will'probably be Fraser were l d -al varietystolv Ac3k fixed 10his tend thefuneral of Mrs. Wni, Copp tram .0harles (Gidley %vero broug-lit to Vc-ar for Monday Oet. 20 ing 10 The proolaineftion . who died at the home of her daughter town und interred in the 13xeter cem- 0 fixing the ho etery Ithe funaral taking place from 0 'Will save you. dollars if yo liday only come an� at 1b. No need of 1vill not be iissued antil tjh1c., firstCab� Mr,,J. Lightower Of tnget's011, 4 the sending to London or Torunto for such V-"-! !not 'Council racelflitng aiftQr the 11ec- age of 78. years. Tbt- deceased was the depoit. The deceased Ivas. 34 yrs, Jbods now have d bl -0b don't we Will born in Devonshire, Eng., and cax* 10 rdontlis "and elevoii day,% old. He, a e the Stock of Toys this ye) forget to Pat- tion� tbut the diafte is almost certa!ra to thW Coll lk�, ronize 0 at had been ill only a short tixao home ores lirst. to be settled. Last year Tbanlrazivt- ntrV when quite a' Young and in,,d�y was obsor girl. Herihaidennam6WasAnn -c around the tight bo. wa.q able to ved 6a Octobe Cud- Lb Tht 31st- more. rebe remains were interred in fore he died I On Ta-mclay morn.ifng Huron Cc.'Cou-noll has donated ille following prizes 'to the family plot at$eaforth onl4on- he ivas faund 4qad in bed and on a TUESDAY, Fair Day if be ummer for speci. ',�-Khibiturs day. Post mOrtelft C'xanftinatioa U was f outud from Huron at the Ontario Winter that - de'a th Was due to lo here. W00h r Windows, Fair,Gaelph. on Pec. 11th W 15th 1�41 Conservatives Hold R4.11y.-On Fri cerebral co,rigis-tion. f Fo day evening Mgt a meeting in the in- Mr. 'Gidley lcf t N x tbe best b,,-& Animal shown by teresta of J. 3, Merner. Co here about tivelveyears c1go lor �al 4 00 a,6 amatear exhibitor �r�,si,dp,,nt fhe of nser"tive th, where he rasi,&d untfl his d Thursday and county of Uutoa prize $15, VOr candidate in South Bur -on was held in eath urday_..w&, the 1�ecand bost ,Bojef --Linimal shown the O�era House. L Jho Speakets of He'llfts flapoil cf'thc late Samuel Gidi- AND This week will have Special offerfngs,. ley knd his mother Who sOrviveg him by al) 0,nixteur lexhiblifor �resl,doat of the eVeninir,werp Mr. 0. Spotton. of resldbs in Ilo,htrp-al but owgig to the Udunty of Rarow Berlin Wool 5can oz. Shetland. Floss, � 13 Brand 8c Sk _�_Orize $10, Wirigh-4m;­ Ff. Eilber, 24, P. P., of We" was lanible [to. a ttogid Crediton and the candidate.J. Mer-, His brother Einest'll. 04' Daluth* ac- Zeph�,r Wool 5C ein The fellowl*g is the ameadme-at ner4 Arguments in oppositiOn to re - I * to [the Agrilculture Poci!tles act refer- comPanted 'the rarniii. 3 for 20 cents, Blue�,Blaek, Pink While they last crochet cotton a holrio� Mr, H, rocity were advanced by the �Oeak Slipper,901es 20-Y, off 5c a spool 'in,, fto �the loss of Agrilcult'are 8 '' ip Of towil �,S'9.Uo a Lher, FURNITURE Out RS 4 Silkin I ` - Gidley 49. We &eo going ies by bad ��ca ther 00""' ers but &a we Were in Toronto that day B%, dVe�rtjS,ng Cont ounditions "If bhe ract-One 1w Out Of1h6 Wool business so here'sY`011V Chalice 'SL ormbchdt,�ati on or before the *31st W46 are unable to give ahy detailed I Dropin often Or You May O�� p inanyyoar' V,celv account, of them. the largest individual' adverfls�' J)c, n 1,- 40 SmanyBargglas -in es ProOf contracts evor.obtabded by a Hamilton by' the jo,im,, 6ffidavlt " Vrecasts-A rezalar'storm -sves mogotate'd by the Sp�c_ 0 ef the Progid- 'Mok a I G ent 94d Seer;e;tary,PXL,Speretary#_TL,', newspaper ,ia, 4 p,_Iriod tneroury period and tatok with tla6 tPho fki 'a Qmplete Stock in All Lines mas 0 Wa 0 We carry W ifld.owS FOr Specials l9vecytime uren that rain or;�now has f.11J( ns T;y atch Our at ft,,� autarn*17-* equinox from the 12th 'Limited dep�vtmolat, Stdre. TL t 41 W tO the 16th.L khl's ern.13 You page 'f*0 Waco 'of holding tan �xhibljtloq on iPCr1bd'wl11 bring and Prices Of bhe eontraot Wt!ree I and. before three �Iclock In the aft,er. P b 'noon OL totUrn of faMn - 'baromo,ter, ohftnge to fished by 'the Opivetator 'A 4ow-day-S ni any day'Ot Vhe holding, of' ip warmer clatlZras6. fabl'and 'Ehunder ago, and call doi a fall page of I t -be exhibitian, and, a)Vod his %clug satls� Speo Let Us' but we do'.nolt figore fhat encral and to ran 'every dg,. v 6.1. thxve YOU in aL PHONOG ftod Utat as a cohs�qtxenec, the gab,, abandank, rains, will -,'all w. Phoin-e Store Su 'da RAPH. 'Itb4s, U me year from the X:xs�f'of SeptpmbeV `1�q;l 0 y'& Night -Calls receipts _'VereL less 'than, th,a arvokage Irk h1l probabilify aforial, or West ��n Ithe first Year )A 4 total 1 01 756,400 * ffL 't the Lftes the Price is 9 14c per 'agalbe coast regions., bring1bg danjgetoas� s,17.69; 'for the sor.' '20A Z fy 1'$ Fall Of 1 -be PravioUs Ithre-a ovars of holding Irid�a storMs, wli�mlll the 'exhibiblon, the Lwclg(ty ehall b; Ond yo ent h(_ Rr the rate, 'S" i(tICCI to reocive a'grat�t tga,11 to winds and hedvvrain to,t I ps 3-80 Per agate Rao. amounting to one half Of the difference botWoon the 'and oP the &tlanilc e6aot, �0.,dcan ad the third voiar �> I -!a qAto, receipbs of the cuX1ren,PyQ*Lr "�r,a a ter stbtwa frorAL 110 NOY01v4st and J)OLr -$1 .910 ZWThoma, JMV t line or 8 0. 4 4 n tho gato reddiptA 4f 'through 11o, infetibV P16tv'$ will lie0- Watk!�is eirm thu.4 &y Me 9poLct t the average of " & the previaw,4, thr,es ve, all: if) cooler,weatlid a r's not- excoe�l 0110i't"elion Dart-geroll gales 1, with this Is '64'o�, p pe, ltorti&46ait - a0i. spaper,Sp. is also upod lare. ittAITWthe pos- donti-46f, a0w, n �hgr fhJ)S and O:ther S4., Atkl 'son ars but r but far 11089 VrO- f0b'thteO YearS,6dV�rtlaing he V�!A A;h,411 , $5JL '803 go P . "in othov� WimilUdu pirpors by the %gif- king capee �t rift 0 �7, <