Exeter Times, 1911-9-14, Page 11,
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I " . : dow disturbs us in a dream, 111 -am . . I , ' , "I
I ,;4wool" . , , I 11
1. i , : I . . 1. .. . . 1. . I A New lil6- - GREAT STRE'AMS OF UIN'S, .
.1 going t* be marrie4,11 lie, saW ,V0. TrIvial Circumstances Frolft )y4i I , 0A hi 30 Minutes .1 :, ','
. . ob - , " ..
. . a i tbro*ng. to I h#14 1 a, I
. . -her; 11W11 in They Somethucis Sta rt. . , I 1*0 '011OF . , ,
I rh Lad. ( t. gft. mud`1410.0 _* - . ::,
0 , el I shall, f 14 11-11
I , . I I 1-11 I irlIZ119 co I , . I I i
I . I : the church, the church at Fortitae's ' We, have just recently Come very I I I
. I
. .. . , I I DIANOWDS FOR THE BRIDE y in the voil I -'c*1nQ(JAbl4oA"yt` Inca ' W ULMANO AISTRO'SONVOR's ,
I 1. .. . ; . . 1. I . Ferry7" But the lad, near having another rebellion ,in I I NA w DRU. v Headache Water 1i ri,
: . I L .. I shook her -head, and went on mix- I 1 24. a W.V;tt your drueoW.Orby,mil ft 'ATIQN '
, I . I . Xansu, writes a Titaochow ,00rres. M 28 TUE ORY OF Clt ,
I I I I . . Oro ,a ProPosal by Proxy Ing colors on her palette, "That 1)on4ont of the Shangllai u - 010 - I _ NOUPPAl Pr4r 410A ChOW691 Co- of Ca*4*, UrA,Itod, Montreal, . : ,
I I I I . I
. . L . . I was I&A year," ,,she replied,, ,,it is L , And L it is a, wonder that reb I ellions __ I 1.11 I . I 11 I 11 I.. I - 1. .; 11 ; . . . . , I I
. . -_ -_ I I
i . - 1 L 1. I ---,. too late." Re woke with a start, are so few, when, one conai4ers:tbe " - I . -1 - 11 __ The 8uns Aftrae , ElavIt Othez an 11
. . L -.1 . . _==___=Z- , I I
I . . the words soil iding in 11a ear as, if many ,causes ,for friction betweeal -_ . .1.1 I I
. - I I , . I i . , . I . . .... I..,..-'...-....-.." Out from Wllinipoo t119 country is as
. . HAPTER X. -(C "d) -cy, ,but John, the directly spoL . I I I They Pass awl Prequent,ly I
. I . C olit with the.baronet ,en. - After a. while he religious Moslems And pork fiat as a table, and the horizon. fj U13 .
. I : . , eating I . L
. I .. .. I .It would be impossible to o I pen second son, would inherit his mo- slept and dreamed again, and diffi., of -sixteen years ago started fro m a L LETTERS OF , straight,4i,a the edge of '4 ruler. It eiir- I Came h1to V0119-9011, L " , , .
. . . I
I . -such 4, subject with his wife. .nd ther'o fortune, which was settled cul-ty was again thc' theme,, though 'very insignificant cause. ., I , I I I . pri ed me, to find out tbatt between Wina,J. I I I k
I . Thore is, ill, Loliclon Endavd, at !
Oil er LA Prairie, ) , zp ,
to f" th-eL'younger children. Dulcie 'with a differeuce, I The ,writ ,hap,pen6d 'to be down A SON IN THE MAKIN Dog and Poktnp, 8eut, tirao 4 New
-after it , e, and expect lier to I .0 which is the pre Ze'alaild ': I
face,. the burden of entertainment w"s perhaps the last girl in the In his dream he hail arrived .,,.t a b the Tao River some time ago and . . fifty-six miles west, there is gk rise of University profes'Wr who is deVOtlng I . ,
. I I . I 11, feet. Portage has a pop .
"A' . , on the morrow. Ile must wait t1ill world fitted to be. a clergyman's the expected place, but the eburch was surprised to -see so many peo- TO HIS DAD'. I I L ulation of tile evening of his life to thc'e, ta'b- I Z.
Dulcle. was Sale married and away, te but John Hungerford was strangely altered. There was plo ,with mules and carta loaded I . 4 . I 7,00, ana is quite a town, and one, of lishmeiit of wbat lie believea 6 be
tili'Margaret algo, had taken her = idiplicitly, as Gower did lie chancel, no surpliced priest, no with,grain, furniture and merchan. 11 -13'V 1195f PA, voy, Mauitoba's' Principal grain . 's .
I after hina, to the ripening of intel" chanting choir, b G a ' ,,b dise hurrying acro -F -s the bridge,, marke"' an epoch inaking aStronoinjeal di$_ . r
departure,; wait with a buz,iinl- I 11 spaoe in e I ,, I There are elevators there. of course,. and covery. Prof. 1K 'NV, B
I .1 heart from this midnight on ,,the lect and heart which would pre- aisle filled with a Shabby c ffioe f -Upon inquiring for the cause I was 7 . I __ from . tli . ickerton of I-!
. ur- ere West for a long Way tile"" .0hrischurch, I IW w Zealand -ha6 1 1
P ",
'e'Ve Of Tuesday, till th4e d, sumably follow as she grew out of niture, a, table wi,th pen and ink, A informed that trouble had broken - [Mr., McEvoy will write for are elevators at all the stations. %"'ere . for mope than. thirty yea I I
sy but one , . , among tile Moslems and other . ,P .
I childhood. out , . . I I Ili be two or three elevators at each , rs bee
I after, when. they two would be ,, book of fornis, aD4 beside it all old Chinese in Makiaki, a market town this paper a S_wies of letters ' working on his theory, and 'lie has
I The West laid ,schemes ol mice man who looked like a, ,_,ot&;,y. But I belonging to different. companies, already gain
- - a1one. Alone except for May's in- sixty Ii west of the city: This from the west. They wilj stat on'. .
" . I . and men gang aft agley.11 So runs it mu -at be Aght, he tnoug'at, foi To a ndw-oomer from Ontario t od for it a certain ,
,liese ele. an,A)LInt Of ree
1 e -trusio'n; with no witliesses of di'vis- district is about equally divided be. 'appear 4 from time to time un- vat . Ora, so many . of them, are strange, and ,ognition auxo Dg -1
- .ion but the wwbchfttl, inevitable th ' e old rhyme, and the ganging there was Colonel SwaP'13 and )-)-*F tween pork and non -pork eaters, scientific men, I i
. . a they are all the moro noticeable because -hat some hun- i
. . household, and. the innocent pre- agley of Johri Hungerford's came bride i -her veil. -A ving Imy an the but the most flourishing business is dei, the . above heading, tit lid, the ,country i so flat and there , are tie It is well knowa t 1
Bence of their ,child. with that New Year Yisit when ta,ble, the ring he hatl butiglit for in the hands of the moreenter ris- Nvill give, a picture of I dred millions gtara can be. photo- -
, .
The. ,child , Ernest I Again he Dulcie and Gower first met, and in Dulcie, so small ' in Size that it ing Moslems,, I p . . the big treest. The elevators. can be aI,, for gra hed. in the, Milky Way, 'Aheso
- . I great Canadian west fro w miles. . . P ,.
-covered his face, and, 410 he the course of which they fell in love. *oul& nob p"s o to bis least fra . A Chinese who had received of- . stars. are -of ,all ag n, youvg, mature I
ne 4' I ,
was, Ilia shoulcle'rs heaved withqthe Abu the par'son, in -his leisurely ger. Ile took it up t,) put',on t1le ficial permission to open arestaur- the sta,nd oint of a* N oUllg At Brand= I Wd eyes ou the first I
wooing, -had never reckone-d with bride's hand, but the, iroasurt, ant in the centre of the town was On P v 1. I Nor I thwest Mounted policeman I ever and old. According*to Prof, Biok- I
-dry xendius of a, Bob. How wisely, I taillo man goin.g, out there, erton the suns are travelling in '' ' J
the evil chance thatt the bride would proved to be a, mistake, the destincd the. immediate cause of th tw 'gre at
. -how r , I . . ,,,, They wear red coats, just like those 0 a reams in opposite direc
I .pe fectlyAnn-abel was. trainin 11 to make his way, Theso let- . I I I
. I th6 child, and how sweet and sacredg be *6n beforp, he ,,poke,, That is ai finger Wai. too large, ati-d il. .qtoppec[ Present "trouble. This right, of,411,6 dragoons Nye saw in Toronto, and tions, Th 'y ,attract each other as , I
. . i
I d a o befali'dila- a,t the middle, oint. 4`1 Ncver irdact," hotly contested by' the ' Moha . . J
81, iia.-Bter 'which i apt t j Wa's teirs should be Aill of inte est cow -boy hata- It is said that the red
ie had. 'Reerned to him in her . . . m- . . they pa3s. And frequeut.1,y come,into ,
motherhood. , How fair.-Iiadbeen tory wooers. Secure in his awn con- the bride 'said, "I have, a r;ng R17 medans, who would on no condition for every Oatario father.]. coats were made part of the uniform of callisioa, ,generaRy a partial im- `4
- . I - - - 'hinese to open IL 11 1. . I I
. the O A,ward show, while thiscuker viction that Dulcie was ko young ready, and I do not want avibther.' ': itllowa, pork using C . . the police by, Sir John Macdonald because pact 01, graiing collision. A
I was growiag at the root I If only for marriage, it did not occur to Then he, was required to -ign his a restaurant in the centre. of town. ' - , . the Indians among. whom, the Police had . .
. ' When such a grazing collision. oo-
him other men might not see the 'name in the register, the bride .They refused on the plea. that the their most difficult.work always looked ollrS the parts Coming into ,collision ,
, he might be irt time to snabob. this 1 . Calgary, Aug. 27th, 19it I I I
I -same disa,bility in her childishness. Signing after Fim,,when lerc agaiii water of the stream, which flows I on the soldiers of. tile Queen as their
brand from the burning, he. " I z. coalesce, and forrw a. now body. A.%, 11
- would MY Dear Dad:- li
". endetvvor to put up with that odor It was bitter to him that she'llad W'O'S an error. He looked at the. right throtigh the town, and hence . .. friends. A red -coat would be trusted the Same approach one another at 4
. I
never known the heart of love lie page of the register, and instead is tile common property of all, Since I wrote You from Wiunimg I where anyone else would meet only dis- hundreds of miles asecond- the I :,-
. I I I of singe, tinder his noatriU for all had for h-er-a love out of his fuller of her name of Dulcie she had writ- .would be defiled by the vessels of have left the Prairies behind me. To- trust and suspicion. , The m ' It I J., - "!
a that remained to him of life. - --' o4t Proust- graze does not stop them, thoug I ,:, ,.,
knowledge so , much deeper an4 ten Margaret. I the Chinese restaurant keeper. day. about forty-five miles before reacb- cut building, from the Brand= station, it alters theircourse. The coalesc . "I .. -
, For his Qvi'll comfort, for his The Moslems openly affirmed that inc caicary, I had my, first sight.of the . 1. J
117 - chil,d's sake, lastly for Annabel's mo,re serious (he told himself) than There was a. thirddream before. is a seed warehouse, and this is auothel' ed third body possesses many won- I .
, . I
L . ,,
I , Sal - wu14 be Gower's passion, which morning, and again he drearnt of they would rather rebel than allow Rocky Mountains, They lay 101y' along indication of the charactpr of tbo West. derfulp rvopertiea; it Spin&, it sorts.. , ,
,4 , vat -ion; always there will be m1x_ ' , : L",
I this, and it looked serious enough the Western horizon, like clouds. The :
had*'fla,med up.like a, blaze in straw* ma,,rriage. This time there was a I And the fact that they go in for aari. its. atoms and it is abnormally hot; :11
, ,ed . . I I :,.
111.1 I :motives belifi d our actions. Sel- for a wbile,"'for neither would give only waY You con1d tell they were not , 0 . 11,
, I
. . I for one who was all but a stranger. church and priest, though not the in.. culture wholesale is r'h wit by the adver- it has more energy than it can re- . .1
.. d<nn does a g,00d deed, a. noble re- She had not known 1- There was a church at Fortune's Ferry, and the Mani of the well to do merch- clouds ,was because they did not change tisements to be see offering "Plowing tain, therefore it xplodes. L
solve, grow from a root that is, as n . , .,
. ants, began to move away,, and theft' shape. On the prairies I saw In- on- lea r sale The plowing is done Thus a graze of suns produceg' I I 11;
I . I
" does not we're alone. Hebeard many took refuge in the citv. All dians, looking very civilized with their by engines on,tbe big farm& Out on the ill ee.bodies, two revolving torn I I :;
i I it were, 6.11 in, air, and r first mistake, complete and,si.-nifi- bride and he .I, ,, or .
o ,some* me cant. Dulcie -was perfectly well the,veryNwords of.the service, the r . I'll
- -here and. so how plunge it- aware, even in the schoolgirl stage, words he bad scanned over the dEky sorts of runiors 'were abroa . ' Bain waggoni, cowboys, and Mounted prairies I saw great big galvanized iron Suns or-ittriable stars and a. third I ..
velf in soil. His life in any case Local officials had tried their best poucemeA,'but I must tell everything in ld- explosively hot. body, which is a. .
-cile,the parties but without its turn, Before I go any fi rther, I want Ing gasoline for running the plowing eu- tem I 1
'would be a. thing of shreds and of the Reverend John's Sentiments; before, that his part in them might to recon tanks. which I thought miist be for ho
it had been a delight to her to be familiar., "Those ,%,vho)n orary star. This star appears - . , %
patches after the, agony of this , God success. The Viceroy finally des- to ask You to be sure to send me the gines, but man on the .train said that Z K'nly, expands for a time and is ,
, play with him, like a kitten with a hath joined together " read the patched a deputy, who visited the ne par om oc,ieeljut a' 7
night; and here was the highest . . o ), .
If mouse, a ws Pe fr h In f s like these were portable granarics into which finally.dissipated into atomic 'dust. !
.,Il the while 'lie thought her parson from his book, "leb no man place several times and, c nfer d I I I
point hia arpiration tou hed, o e 13111 Dodson, whom I met in winnipog. the grain is put as it is threshed, until Thezle atoms in their turnbave their -
only he might yet be in time - if unconscious. Her vanity was flat- put asunder." There was his bride with the elders,' but nothing Could He was telling Me that whenever he got it can be talcen in to the el life history, varied and com-61ex. __
. ' teied, but she did not walit'llim. to with the veil ov( r, her- face;. wait- be done to establish quiet ,an evators.
, only his world should not knew. and -1 a paper from home, it was just like meet- , 31Y, the prairies are lonely. -ion. can Prof. Bickerton believes 6at the * , _1 .
there might, be no re -pointing of speak. She was aware that his ing for him to lift it and take the peace -until the ] ermission to the Ing aa old friend, because it told him look from tlie -train window and get,a, light atoms esceipe and farm vast 1. .
,Lbl,p finger of ,%corn. I affection, once avowed, would not, first kiss from her lips, and lod the Chinese restaurant keeper to open . I I...
, all about the folks 'he knew. His fatherL wide sweep for miles and miles, -and per- ensphering shells the aaoma actual- 11
. be easy- to dea,l with unless her own conviction smote him thatthis was .had been cancelled. I gave him a, subscription for a, year as a haps there will only be or.e house I ly flyingaiwa. 1 - nio Ee empty part's .,
heart responded. And, as the event not Dulci6. It N,r ma , So the Moslems Scored a victory - in "the . _
CHAPTER XI.. as a taller Wo n Christmas Present, and he said he whole landscape. And there are n of space, tlie e to laythe' founda- . ,
) proved, -her heart and her anibiti6ft the face was -nearer 6a a levelwith thistime, and rebellion was averted, couldn't have had Emything that would O fences tions of .other cosmic *systems. I ..
. . The church of Fortune a Feriy were, soon to set elsewhere. his own; Dulci,e was only the height !ercoetwrlo -of the leading Moslems . to show that anybody has made their . li
have, pleased him more. If I decide to .. Solar impact then, according to I ;
.. . stood at some distance, from *the Not easy to restrain! It was a of his heart, He lifted the veil in ught before the civil man- mce.q, such as we I p
16-11 -villa&e, but closely a-djacent to the right estimate, and in the last three haste 'and apprehension, 'and t , and *anybod home there. The rall to 'Orof. Bickerton, is the key to the 1*
o . -he darin and bambobed and thus ended stay 0" "", Y at 1101110 have about thd old place, you never see - I I
. mystery of creation. . The basic idea Iz
Court; as if in, building tbO*0011- months Run -e -1 -ford had put it to dream at that instant broke, for an affair which had stirred up a, should want to give me something for out here; wood is too scarce. Why, the I I . 4
. venience of the great house, had the proof. o That Aenial of Fato the face was the face good part of the province I -or a. Christmas, they might think about this. only place about which there was a fence of this theory it the f ormation of the I 1
' I
been. chiefly thought of, not that of . of a stranger! month or two. It -was like living Don't wait till Christmas to send me tim in some of the towns wos the lumber- third b ""hichhe maintains ,has. I -- ,,
. was like rain in the mountains, He got up.,and looked out of the - papor, though, please. . been Id by the astronomers. . .
. .
-the cluster of cott-aies whi-ch form- swelling to a torrent what in fair windo,w, anA the first beginning of.. near a volcano for the time being yard, and this was sure to be protected Talking of his . theory lie says: . I .
I And many of *a poor . o valuable -
,ed the parish nucleus. The church we&ther had been a placid stream. dawn was pale already in the e people. wjl' Say Dad, it you saw the threshing with a his -b. fence. Wood is a I .
a -St. machines that wore ro "My theory shows, the &;beme of I :
have already passed throi I that they say people lock their kindling creation as a whole a.5 one that is ' ':
istasteful; sleep, destructive rebellions, -were fearful- sidings at Winnipeg waiting to be ship. in sAfes before going to bed. I . . .
`.v, w" Bn'aall,'and not remarkable for Hun6rf ord -bad striven with all the His couch was d*' igh 'two . und the railroad
architectural beauty, but the living forc" I
e -of his, will with prayer to if be sle t again, , might b i infinite, and. immortal, without evid- . .
p ring 'a ]y Frightened. ped to the prairies you wouldn't -wondor By.bye for the pre 4 eut. . . "., l,
-was , a fair one as livings go, and it help him and the'austerity 61 Len- repetition of -these vis:ones. He . ON-- I . ence, of a beginn ng r promise of . I .1 1
sebernewhich asa Z I
was in the. ift of the Swa`Yn-e ben fasts, striven to cast out that . threw on his clothes, fo 'wad Ilia way try. These machines, loaded on flat cars 0 ,.
,;, family. W g it fe FOUND RIGHT PATR..aPl that people in the west boom their couu- Your loving son, inf. I an end. ,A cycliel I
... . hen i - 11 vac=nt on the passion, which -once had,.fold-dd-its down the strange stairs, and to a* I - whole is deathless, birthleas and
- .,death of th:p or standing like batteries of guns walt7 - , flawless; blit within tb . at I solienie- "' I
_14d inall*eIlt, Colonel wings in -his brr-east as a -welcome 'door he could en. . After a False Start. ing to b shippedi reminded me of the 1 i&_ 1 1
a, _____97`&yA,e_,ha-vG_' n a h id lie . . . . . -, s, stems such as we call the
. .1. g n6 Pqlated claim- angel. Three Ino th a go by, Outsid6 .was the Xiesh gp South African war pictures of shipping L1DIES, 11OW ABOUT THIS ? COSM
., ant,. presented it to tY6 second Pon th - withmornIn "In 1890 I began.to drink co s;ara born, bome to maturfi,y .
I I I -e first dark hours of the bridal chill as yet, and grew clew. He ffee. guns and ammunition to the front. Ther6 I univer, I .
, %. of his old friend Sir Basil Hunger- day had struck upon the dial, and, turned to the big er ground above "At that time I was healthy and and deca .
1 I - is just as much hustle here. At the sia. o9ejpntiSt prophe,SjeS )1611 ta y I
-..., ford. 161in Hungerford was at.this .despite of Lentenfa t, of prayerful the river, and there saw he, .sun enjoyed life. At first I noticed no .1 S elles "Suns and planets are born tlte I
I I ' . tion, all along the line, are indre ma -
K time about thir years .of Age, and desire the passion in his breast was of his we . e 'Ind Deards for Women. planet dies and becomes but'cind- .'' :
,; , ty dding morning conle up bad ffects from the indulgence, but chinos waiting to be unloaded, and empty crof its former self, and then it
i : . I .
:. had been knocked up in his, Lpast- still Zve, the stream still thunder- ,above the horizon, a shield.of gold in course of time found that various bl 05 .i;---- - ,%.,
11 I I End curacy with fever and- over- ed'in flood. I box cars are being collected on the aid- A Danish scientist has just pub- -out into efflorescence of vege, able I
: I 1. 4 Perhaps the 'solemn over the white mists of the valley troubles were*coming upon me lished a work containing a ,pro- - :
11,1, work. He had born -e- some share gervice of that .day,. patt of which sending dowil a ray where Dulcie, ,"Palpitation of the heart took ings to move the crop out. Everybody phecy wliieh the -world ,of to,day ud ,animal life. This is its watur- ...., .. - .,
11 of the heat wid burden of the day, Ilia own lips. would px,onounce, w 'unto itself sick , says that it is to be a bumper crop this ity, then comes its deca)r. , 1! . - I,;.,
- may consider as rather uncomfort- " .
Ind t!16 lat,- and nervous head- year, and bigger than ever before. What '!Ld so of e very sun, planet and , .1 __11_1_1
S ayne ,still. slept beh: . .
I I so it was not unbecaming that* he might avail as &.,final exorcism, to fices of Fortune's Court. . aches, kidney troubles followed and Yen can see from the train certainly able, . organization in the universe, . i
I Taking whiskers as his theme, the . . 1:
I should rest in green pastures and - chasten and transmute his affection n door, eventually my. stomach became so looks good.. They ... have got cutting well whether organic or morge.nic; we 1.
beside still waters -at any rate, for ifit could'not altogether die. There and re-a'scarided the, stair' deranged that even a light meal scientist shows that the human . I . , .
... I I a in time under way now have the same system of pro, reaa I
11 a Ume. - . . I . thilti akin to horror in the to make a more careful toilet before ca itsed me serious distress. . . beard is the result of -an effort on: and development ..: 1.
. was Bonle It's funny the way the towns out west the part of human life to decorate throughout. A I
1. It is strange bow accidents ap- thoug;IG that he, a priest, might the breakfas hour. The church 'Our- physician's prescript.i6i,,is advertise. You frequently come to towns being travelling through eternity. on . I I
.. pear to -shape out life for its. If Still love another man's wife, and bell wa-s sounding for matins, which f iled to help me and then I dosed and arm itself. He contends that, the wings of light would -see a per- I . j
", .. a where sign boards have been erected at women ought to be regarded as the . q
, I old Mr. Bidelow, who -had kept one so Iolate the gospel law. Hungerford was well 'Used to '64'C17 myself with patent medicines till the stations telling of the advantages, precursors petual restlessness but no .more , I
1, I . ef . I fl of future typLeS, 4nd that permane I .
. foot in tbe gra-ve and one out of it, It was only a bri snatch of Ing to empty benches. Sometini -& was thoroughly -disgusted and hopol -the towns have to offer settlers. Back the time.. will oome when, posse I Bsing nt change than a, sea, bird . . I
for some half4l-A n ye . ars, had put .sleep which visited his eyes that Mrs. Swayne would be there bt% le . . , . V -
Bs I ,A at Port Arthur they had an attractive I moustaches and beards of their own does as it watches the wave changes "
. foot some tweli e night; for hours -he knelt, in prayer this eventful mor "Finally I began to suspect tbab little one-story brick building, what I they *ill not have to envy men, . .
I in the second . ning did noi fin '8 , 8 of' of the -ocean." ,
Ir . months earlier than lie did it is' in the small recess which was fitted her a -t her prayers. .1 0offee was the cause of ray I -+- , . I
I ) I moublei. called a klosk, which is a bureau of in' ' n6st the equal in I ..... .
" I experimented by leaving it off, formation. At Fort Willi in ere w POLYGAMY DY14NG OU . T. .1,
I 11, I whom they ar" till,
. . very possible that John Hunger- &s an oratoxy,,the lattice over the Hilligerford's face i0oked wh - a th as politics. . I
I .
. ut his' - except for one small cup at break- ...
, ford wouhd have had a differe . porch open and uneurta'ined, and and .0rawn 'when lie came irio a big sign- "Fort William the Pulse of 'This savant argiies that even now
tory. For then Margaret was a the agonized figure on the Cr4oss breakfast. "Ali, poor fell&' , J fast., This helped ,.)me, but did - the Dominion: the bulk of East and West tell per cent. oi the young women TiLrlus Find It Too Expensive To . I I I . 11 I
daughter living it the Court, and whit;6 in the'moonligbt on the wall. thought Gower, "fasts and ' . I Rave Nom. Than One Wife. I . 11
I . I o P'. vigils not altogether relieve my distress. traffie passes through, this town." There have Sprouting mousiaches. He I . .. I I'll
I probably the young : vicar would There was a, strange prep6ssession don't agree- with him, but the It Satisfied me, however, that I was is another big sign there, but Ahere Is makes the bold a-,sertion that tile. There exists in E-tirope. a, mls : , 1.
. have been attracted to her, and she which. from the beginning whis- guest was ,far . from. guessing to on the right, track. so much crowded on it, and the print Colored hairs of the.6 moustaches I taken notion ihat almo ,tevery mar-
. I ,:,.
. in her turn might have b in the midst of his despair, what purpose the 'vigils had been - 'TO I gave up coffee altogether was so small that I could not read it are plucked out. . ried Turk has several wives, that he 1:1,
pressed by, his somewhat striking an emissary, doubtless, of- the kvil directed. He was. a careful host, and began to use Postum. In ten from the train. Indian Head is another By way of sdtenhig th ,hock i is at liberty to marry as many times .
b e !
'al F
personality, . But it is no use specu- One,- And against all reaso'it and pouring out the coffee as deftly as days I found myself greatly improv- place that advertises in this -way. on which the prospect of e,d wo- i as he likes, and I h 1:
o I 1' I just as easy to divorce a. wife as to 11
la.tin on might-have-beens. When probability it was whispering even a, woman, and pressing on fhe Oct,' my nerves sLen,dy, my he.u-1 one side of the track is the sign: "In- men may -vvell -cause, lie believes
I . - Hungerford read him -self in to his now. Perhaps it Ivats this which bridegroom such good things as his clear, my kidneys working better than Head, Saskatchewan's -33eauty Spot. that -the number will onlydnerease change an overcoat.. Now poly- , :
cure of souls, that breaell of defi-.."turned his prayers round in the housekeeper had sqntin tinder Shia- and better, my heart's action r3p- Good land $20 to $50 per mere." Across Slowly. According to bis'propliecy, gamy is Turkey is. tile, exception,
i li
anee. between Margaret and her fa- air" and nullified fait and vigil. ing covers. The Vicar4ge did not idly. improving, my appetite, im- the track on the other aide is a, sign -women will grow beards quicker i and not the rule, tile, majority., of I ,
. ther wa,s already made. The doors It,wbispered that Something would starve its guests, though the mas- proved and the ability to Pat a. which reads, "Dominion acivernment than moustaches. JVomcm with I the Osmaulis having only one wife., I
of the paternal home had be en happen to break. the tie betwee)-i ter's fare might be a,scetic And he -arty meal without S'Llbsequent forest nurserk, 480 acres, one mile from moustaches may not be expected be- In the metropolis 'itself - polyganly .
closed on , ven d . d W ) iffering restored to me. And this fore two centuries. I does not amount to -five per cent, It I
,)ler in anger, an4 she, was Gower and Dulcie.; suggesting e - to- ay the boar as Spread for at town: Distributed annually, 3,000,000 trees .
I 3 rarely met with in other big
. a watcher at the bedside of the dy7 now, at the eleventh 'hour, hard on feast rather than z` a a b. I condition remains. . free to settlers. Visitore can inspect at . -4L--- .2
. Ing mother in France (To be continued.)'' Unless a, man is alive to, Ilia OP - among the richest and most power . 11
I . the .noon of accomplishment, that . "Leaving off coffee anti using any time." Yon would think that It I centres of the Ottoman empire., save
-1- 10 n a he is a de -ad -one. ful functionaries, and even th I
There was no Maxgareb, Stately the 'wedding might never be . Postum did this, with no help from these towns wanted to advertise they I rtu itie. en I
in her early womanhood, to fall Ill . Fiend, avaunt theel he was say- A VOTIVE HONEYMOGN I drugs, as I abandoned -the use of would do it in Ontario Papers. Of course, I . I .
, . . -- I plt rality of N,V res xaan exception. I "..
love with at " t there ing in effect, though in other words, I medicines when I began to use the thousands of people read the signs by 1 1 w 0 11, d cIes make 'Ille legal number of wives is four.
was a very pretty'and piquante lit- during that. vigil on his knees. A well known Spanish barrister food drink." Name given by Pos- the railroad track, but by ,the time they holley 11 queried the inquisitive -'----'L
. .
at could prevent the marriage and a young lady belonging to'the tum. Co., Battle Creek, Mich. see, them they have tickets to their des- I 3 replied his I ed to h ,. more, be -Ing a pe,rd_,
tle schoolgirl, whQ came home three Wh '. I Only the padishah and klialif are alr'
tinies a year ., fo , wi h but the, bridegroom's death, wad best Society became engaged to'each "There's a reason," and it is ex- tivatio and are not likely to stop Off. youth. "I Suppose, I 0 V aV( . I
r the, holidays, it I . other . some time ago, but W ing to plained in the' . If riend, "'they make it to cell 1" beyond and above limitatibns ,and . .1
whom the Reverend Jo'bn wastoon was the thought and wish render- little book, "The _ -_ - - restriction8 of that kind, -
. . a succession -..-..,-- The Pro 1 .
0n. terms of intimate, friendship, 1119 him a murderer in his ,heart? of unfortunate circum- Road to Wellville," in pkgs. _ -_ - phet Mahommed had ,seven Nvlivei,
. I
It . was not long before he - High, c' stances it ,seemed at one time as if , Ever read the above letter? A ne%V one -_ I ____ and Ali, the fourth in the su . coession. I 1.
,aM6 to Oh, priest of the Most appears from time to time. They afre . 1 1.
. .. I I
on- tbey would have very little chaiiae gonulne, trues and full of human interest. of the Kba.lifate had nine, I ,
. the conclusion that Dulcie I o olj Becrated and vowed, for shame, of ever getting married, ,says the. I I -,--.. - - . ".
. I could make him hap Dulcie. at eternally for shame I. I *14.- one of the chief causes of the ,,, ,
. .
I 11 py, . I Lon -don Globe. At that time, do- I plurality of wives being so free i . I "
, I -bey both made A PERSIAN WEDDING _1D I 11, .
some time 4n the future, ,when she This. night, so troubled and so presse(i by despiliT, ,t . THE PREE4ERViNG T I -
, 1. emerged into, womanhood and. left wakeful to, his .hosb,' was disturbed a vow that if ever f ortune, favored A smart Persian wedding is cluite, . - . , among the Turks is that, -when the .
- 1. .
\ off being a cbil d,. Ha was in no also for Gower. Stretched on -010, th 1, prophet and koran permit the faith 'I,
em .and they attained ' happiness a serious affair. It way cx -end FOR NEARLY 60 Y ,'ARS . -::.
Id I..
k I , very unaccustomed bed, he slept readily, they wou walk together f I fill worabippers of Islam to inarry . 1.
. * burry matrimonlalr r; he.could rom over a ,week. On the last day- of I , , I . I ;i.
livell wait,, he thought' for. that e,x- but he. slept only to dream. 'Was 14adrid to the shrine of the patron ,the wedding the. bride, who has I four times, they also provide striol; I I 1. ,.
y I--- I . . I . : I :::
I , ,.,
I . I . I Pected development; the friondship the devilish fancy which beset the sainG of Saragossa, Recently it been treatod as a sort of. outcast, . injunctions .of a rtligiotts, And othi-, I , .. 11
I I . AV S cal natum, -which every Mus, I ['
I .. between them, wbich an unkind priest in his or&tory whispering at came to pass that after many tribill- is conducted by a, near relative. to .elman- : , .
. I looker-on might,bavt charuterized, his ear as well, or was it a distorted , atipns they succeeded in being . . - a, room, where she undergoes fur- 1. has to, wadhem to if lie' does not . .1 : ,::
I - join I ,to be eu6mmunic teA frorn . I. I., :
. Want I a . I I ,::".,
on Dulcie's side'at least, as a flirta- presentation of the fear which, dur. od at the altar, and as a honeymoon ther and more elaborate d0corft- , _% tho fol of orthodor, Islawisrn. I
. tian, satisfied him for the present. ing..thege last weeks, had haunted the powly wed -couple -set off on foot tion. She then returns to the guest I .ft I- Tllu . L :::
. It k, 11ol'S4,04ijoug 4f "oJill, I
, _ III the future, lie liope,d to teach her his waking hours? r I Ile was wan- froI4 Imadricl and covered the dis- room and -her dowry is laid before I . . I . r IV 0 - .,
11 , "., . I ..
1.0. tracLinga ,Beeond mar,rim )u)ij
If to regard him ai 4 husband, and he dering in the leafy aisles of a forest, tance,tO SArAgOsaa of OvOr'910 miles, her Ili trayS. Th4 do,wry, often . I I I I ge is Ix , I I
. . . I I I
d olonel Swayne all about -him was the gloom I -0 comprizes such qu I .an ,explicit, law . 1. '111
oer thin ' 16 b .
id not think 0 of in,4en days, thus mailitaining th 1. ga as " , . by to,pro 1; his, I
i . , .
ZC .qepa:Vata I ,
. 'hew life "Compa-woll "., . I I , , 1,;
would be likely' -to reject Ilia suit. shadowing boughs, the perspective creditable average of twenty-one .0he,.%p and ,highly aolartd 61 " E ng 'place 11 - c ,
I , miles a day.. 'Tho ieturn journey . 3 dwelli 11 `0VcJ",y_ 1*6,4pe t . , ..
it'..'Was before the days df Gower of straight, Stems; ho had lost 18 I irapbo, gaudy, vasel, bird ca;00; . . . . I , ; . : : : . . ,1
11 . ' hi I however, was made in the s&I,00n and hoilsohol has Stoad the' searching test o L aimilar to that- 11111ir,first wife) 41M ..
d Grandob, and, had he, been Uk- L way to t4p, -ch where Pulde, as . articb6a. ' Having I f proserring Jbile. , , m1i'9"is only . , :, I I
< chut . ' I I , t 111)61' of slaves) serwimba ,,,
, of a expresstrain. ,_... #onible. because of its consistent high cl-attlit' an equa I 11,
kissed t6lhear6hstone of her home, . Y, ., ..t ,11"
Qd for Dulefd, probable, Col - .he thougiAt 'wda - ,vrditini,. Thea I - .4 . . .1 -and, I,- C a. This is doDo r)0f,o11l.y . : :
, onel Swayne, . she is given bread, sa,lt and a piete . . I I . Ne sake of the, princip , ,` I
w willingly I ha'vt out of the gloom lie, broke through - - ,,Vl I l.p of , ,
I iem x man is angry, ., P. " ,. .
consented., If not & brilliant war- into A glade full of moonlight, and 1318, 11-1,18 of gbld itod thus, 'equipped alidl I I -e,(
. - . tt . . . . Tilky, 80 bighly Proi ouncod ill 11 I 1-11
I ""
; I
1 `,Iy!
I i I I
'%i _Aw
11 I I
k l , . '_ ___
E "'T ,
I ill -
1, 11- ex- 11
rf4ge fox, Ills young daughter, thore 11 'I I =: J "I I I M&I10"Inno,dan nistrilijejulal relation.
I , yo whablie thhnks of you." ,,yea; 81.68,61Y veiA.'st la hoi,ited,61),to &I The Canada 80gar Rofilming Co., LIMIted, M611tv , , ' . ,
66re, una,ccotontably, was a girl and when A woman is Atijry allo. kgily gdorne,d 0 6P ship ". .1 1
. WoUld at least have be -an &'aufraci- sibLing a b her ' . do.111rty, and aceow-*! a, hilt chiefly In ort?61 not to .
I I ,. . ite jealousy, gnd rivalry,
, ,
, I ency Of meand.. What ,Sir Basil w1hite* dress emol, Slit, wore, "a tells Vott ,*hat.sho,thinks 41 ou Anied by * oirouglike procession I Established in 18 54 by John Rodpadt I . . I-. .11 . I 1. exci , I I 1 4
. U4 I I e rorybo4y eilep thinks of ' I : .1 11' I .. .il !11111 1 1 . I . - . I same PA. 'eho
'- ' )rid&l vell, 411<1 and Aat' of fri, n& go -is q h-ar f uturo home I I , - ncipla mu8t 44 Q )served 14 . I
I -.Uun&orf*rd,10-j PQ UaVO, Would 0 het'occupati n'.might 1mve, seomed f) N I . , -
i 11 ' I - I . ,
I , I .. I . . .. . . I 4 0 - - , , . . you, .1 where her' husband A ts lier, 71 I., iim 4100 ____ . I .. . .... I I I . ::: - - - - t1le tl it44,And. .
- . I I . - I I I !# I !io i owilo Aowww- t . I., I I . , i it r f li I PAft T,rt ag*, . 1.
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.. .. . I I
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1 I . . I I I . I I . I I . .___evwv M- wwhii ., . I I . I I I 11 . . . I I I I I I , . . 4 1 41
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- 2,dL_ ,;Awmon ,-11 . 4 / , I "I