HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-09-02, Page 244UUERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1981 -PAGE 5A SUPER BUY ! Mountain Dew, or REGULAR OR DIET PEPSI -COLA carton of 6---750 ml btls 49 //IMMO Aattort.d HOSTAS HOSTESS . 200 g pkg 9 POTATO CHIPS (Vegetable Beef 1041 -oz tin 2 for 99c ) HEINZ Mushroom SOUPS 1" -oz tin for LIGHT 'N LIVELY SAVE 18¢ Wildmere .401114ii, FIRST GRADE BUTTER 16 (Limit 3 per Family with a minimum $10.00 purchase) (Our Regular Price 2.07) Assorted Varieties Including Beef & Irish PURITAN STEWS 24 -fl -oz tin (Our Reg. Prce 1.49 - SAVE 50c) Limit 4 per family purchase Beef, Chicken, Salisbury Steak or 'Turkey SAVARIN Pks FROZEN DINNERS Sealtest Grade "A" - YOGURT LARGE EGGS 175 g tub ( Limit 3 dozen, with minimum $10.00 order 00 BUY 3, SAVE 955/ (Our Regular Price 65c) Assorted Flavours CHATEAU BEVERAGES Case of 24 10 -fl -oz tins 99 COTTS ASSORTED FLAVOURS BEVERAGES 6 PACK OF 10 -FL -OZ BUS 1.75 AI))) GREAT GEEAWAYS &GIIJEAWAYS TRAVEL DREAICEHROUGH Collect up to $'500 and more in A&P Great, Getaway Giveaway 2$tC certilwdtea wlevTyOa tookattotrday or travel- ttaiv yla TCA - World Travel Service Save up to 30% on Hertz car rental. too Get tree maps and travel information Pick up brochure at your A&P store 440111119 !A'll Illtm'' dozen (Our Regular Price 1.30) Frozen, Concentrated, Clear or Pink SUN PACK LEMONADE. 123 fl -oz tins SAVE 20¢ (Our Regular Price 59c) d Charcoal (Our Reg. Price 3.39 - SAVE 40c) KINGSFORD q 9 BRIQUETS 10 -Ib bag Process Deluxe Cheese KRAFT SLICES 99 500 g pkg SAVE 82? (Our Regular Price 2.81 Limit 3 pkgs with minimum $10.00 order Silverwood, Light Touch COTTAGE CHEESE SO® g ttn SAVE 52,' (Our Regular Price 1.51 ) SAVE 5451 remium RED SOCKEYE SALMON 73/4 -oz tin (Compare to our regular retail pric. of Clover Loaf at 2.53) With Garlic or Potish Ogorki tif§r DILL PICKLES SAVE 50se ib Combination Pack - Loin PORK CHOPS Ib Contains: 2 Rib End 2 Loin End 4 Centre Cut (Our Regular Price Ib 2.19) SMALL PORTION MEAT PACKAGING To provide you with convenience and service •our meat department has small portion packaging. Great far one or two _people. Select from an assortment of steaks, stewing meat, chops, ground meats, chicken, sausages and small roasts. SAVE up to 1.00 Ib Cut from Canada's Finest Grade 'A' Beef Semi -Boneless Blade -Chuck Short Rib 16 BEEF ROAS (Our Regular Price lb up to 2.79) Blade - Chuck Short Rib .- Shoulder BONELESS A 9 BEEF ROASTS ISAVE 4051 lb Rib Portion or 3 -31/2 -Ib Cut Tenderloin Portion ROASTS PORK Ib ( Boneless Rib Portion Ib 2.59) (Our Regular Price Ib 2.09) ROAST OR CHOPS • BONELESS LB 4-99 Pork Loin CE Ila 1099 PORK LOIN RIB PORTION, COUNTRY STYLE Spare Ribs ib1.89 A&P BRAND, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon. 5OOgpkg1.99 TOWN CWB, SLICED Side Bacon 500 g pkg 1,99 MAPLE LEAF BRAND, SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC Cottage Rolls Ib 1.99 MAPLE LEAF, READY -TO -SERVE QUARTERS LB 2.59 Hams vac pac Half Ib 2.79 Utility Grade, Frozen 6 to 10 -Ib average TUR.KEYS1b9 (Our Reg. Price Ib 1.19 - SAVE 20c lb) Frozen Grade "A" Turkeys foto 14 -lb average Ib 1.19 SLICED, SKINLESS AND DEVEINED, PREVIOUSLY FROZEN Beef Liver , 1b 99¢ 50a9 Pkg 2.39 1 -Ib vac pac 1.49 MAPLE LEAF• BAVARIAN Sausage SWIFT PREMIUM Wieners CANADA PACKERS DEVON BRAND, STORE PACK Sausage Breakfast Ib 1.39 SHOPSY BRAND, SLICED 975 g PKO Bologna All Beef 1.39 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1.49 PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, $ VARIETIES 17S g PKG Cooked Meats 89? In Stores with Deli Shop! BRICK; FARMER, COLBY OR AMERICAN MOZZARELLA Cheese' PCANAtiA ACKERS 1b 239 SHOPSY (POTATO !L EGG SALAD LB 1.49) Crearn Cole Slaw Ib 1.09 PRIDE, OF CANADA VAC PAC Bologna Chunks 1b1.39 MAPLE LEAF BRAND, COIL Polish Sausage lb 1.99 MAPLE LEAF, READY -TO -SERVE, BONELESS VAC PAC Dinner Hams 162.89 SHOPSY BRAND, POTATO SALAD OR 500 g CTN Cole Slaw 1.39 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Cross Rib Roast lb 2.09 EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 61.79 FRESH, MEDIUM "GREAT ON TILE &B.Q." Ground Beef ib1.79 SHOULDER CUTS Stewing Beef 1b1.89 STRIP OR CUBED Stewing Beef 662.09 -GRADE '=Ai'-,.-P&PP 5EU-DASTING OR- MAPLE LEAF -- MIRACLE BASTE, FROZEN Turkeys 6 to 12 Ib avg 16 1.39 JJisabled get guide Handicapped residents and visitors to Huron County will soon have an ac- cessibility guide to help them plan their, movements around the county. A team of five students, working under a Summer Works' grant, is nearing completion of a survey it has .made of public buildings and private businesses. In the remaining three weeks of summer, the students will assemble the facts and ,figures they have collected to produce a guide which the handicapped can use. "Lake a phone book," says project manager Stewart Huyck. The survey covers ap- proxini.ately 1,400 building in towns, villages, and hamlets in Huron. Focusing on the features of buildings impor- tant to a mobility -unpaired person, the survey supplies information about door wid- ths, aisle mobility, parking, steps, curbs, and washroom facilities. After a building „ was aveyed, a description of its facilities was sent to the manager. Mr. Huyck said about 10 per cent of all managers phoned about corrections. The Huron Day Centre for the Homebound, in con- nection with the Action League for Physically Handicapped Adults in Huron (ALPHA -HURON) will distribute the guides to handicapped residents in the county. Mr. Huyck estimated there are 350 handicapped residents in Huron One thousand copies will be printed, and 50 copies will go to the March of Dimes. The remainder of the guides will be placed in libraries in Huron County, across Canada and the United States. Mr. Huyck says a library in Montreal has requested a copy. The copies in distant places will be for the benefit of han- dicapped people planning a visit to this area. Copies will also be available at the Canadian border, and -in- formation centres. The cost for producing the guides is not covered by the grant, so Mr. Huyck hopes the production cost of $3,000 can be covered by ap- proaching towns in the county and asking them to help foot the bill. Service ,clubs may also be ap- proached. All donations to the guide will be mentioned in it, and will be payable to the Huron Day Centre since it is a registered charitable organization. Donations will be tax deductable. Mr. Huyck has found organizations and businesses -generally helpful, but sometimes defensive. Many think we're con- demning their building but, we're . not. We're trying to help."` He said any business wt;iich wants information on making a building more accessible • . could contact him. The Reddi-Chef inSeaforth is converting for easier accessibility for the han- dicapped. It consulted Mr. Huyck on obtaining grab - bars for its washrooms. Project workers are Mary • Jane Scott, Brucefield; Mary Peckitt, Clinton; Sherry Robinson, Bluevale; and Lydia Schuurman, Clinton. For any information concerning this project, call , 482,3451 ext. 259. Clamp down on shoplifters a LISTOWEI, - Detectives have been hired by several Listowel , store owners who are clamping down on the amount of shoplifting that has been occurring in the area over the past couple of months. Local store owners have hired the services of Four Winds Investigations, an operation based in dwen Sound • as a means of cracking down op the shoplifters. Police Chief William Sachs (if the Listowel Police Force sacs that • the rate of shoplifting •hasn't increased. but the number of people being caught has risen because of the hiring of the undercover __.,security.. per- sonnel. Four Winds Investigation iS now working for about 35 stores in Grey and Bruce ('(tint les