HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-26, Page 27GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1981 -PAGE 11 SAVE 54¢ Partly Skimmed FRESH 2Vo MILK 3 -quart bag ( limit 3 per Family with a minimum =10.00 purchase) (Our Regular Price 2.23) \\o\°°anuuinu//v, \Pre - Holiday, =SALE/ (Our Regular Price 4.99) SAVE 1.00 Contains Rich Brazilian Coffees - Instant 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 1"z jar (Our Reg. Price up to 910 SAVE up to 22c Spaghetti, Alpha-getti or Zoodles, In Tomato Sauce LIBBY'S PASTAS 194,1 -oz tin. SAVE 30¢ Sun Pae, Concentrated FROZEN ORANGE (Our Regular Price 89c) �\\\\�ppUllllluUgi, ' IH®day SALE. Blanched (Our Regular Price 4:79) - SAVE 30c BEAVER vac eget 350 g ' 49 tin PEANUTS You'll do hotter with - "sy FROZEN FOODS from A&P! White or Yellow (Our Reg. Price 1.59 - SAVE 40c) Frozen, Concentrated, Limeade, White or Pink VIVA DECORATOR119 MINUTE. MAID. 1Z.S.f,. k of TOWELS s oils -- F LEMONADE tin PRIMA - LENTILS OR AAP, FROZEN PKG OF FOUR - S -INCH PIES Chick Peas 19.fI-ortin 59 Cheese .Pizza. 1.99 PRIMO R.S-FLOZ TIN . YORK, FROZEN,.CONCENTRATED Tomato Paste 2 for 79¢ Apple Juice PRIMO ARCTIC GARDENS, FROZEN " 500 g PKG Pizza . Sauce 7.0-ortin 2 for89¢ Green Bean Salad 1.49 12.5 -fl -os tin 89¢ SMILE 200 g JAR AAP, FROZEN, ASSORTED CATS • Peanut Spread .1.49 French Fries 3.5_,,p,91.39 ��auunur7„ • Pre - Primo, Pure Holiday= \SALE, "0nnan„„0, VEGETABLE OIL 3 Titre tin 99 SAVE 1.00 ( Our Regular Price 4.99) GREAT GEFAWAYS &GIVEAVVAYS TRAVEL DREAKTHBOUGH 'i 4 �«��Il�IIiIIII Collect up to $500 and mole in A&P Great Getaway Giveaway gift certificates when you book a holiday or Naiad through TCA World travel Service Save up to 30% on )lertr car rental too Ger treemaps and travel inform'iod1 Ask your A .P cashier for detu75 11 CO•CA-COLA Case of 24, 10 -fl -oz tins 99, (Our Reg. Price 8.99) (300 ml ret. btl. available at regular price) (limit 3 cases with a $10.00 purchase excluding cigarettes and this product.) (Our Reg. Price up to 1.59) SAVE up to 60c 5 Varieties Incl. Fancy Peas, Corn, Green Beans AQP FROZEN 2 -Ib VEGETABLES P°lybag Gal Frozen SOLE Ib 169 FILLETS FROZEN, DRESSED Whitefish 1689¢ FROZEN Cohoe Salmon 162.29 SEALTEST REGULAR 500 g CARTON Cottage Cheese 1.35 IMPERIAL Soft Margarine 1-Ibtub 1.O9 PURE CORN Mazola Oil 1 Titre bottle 2E29 PEACH HALVES, BARTLETT PEAR HALVES 0* Sl(- ES iV-f1-oi tin del Monte Fruits 79? ANN PAGE, ASSO-VIED VARIETIET, - 475 mi BOTTLES Salad Dressings 1.29 SAVE 50ti Assorted Varieties PRIMO PASTAS 900 g pkg (Our Regular Price 1.49) (Our Regular Price 1.39) Primo, Plain SPAGHETTI 7 SAUCE2841 -oz tin SAVE 305i lb SAVE 60c with supennadiet SAVE 1.00 Ib Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef BONELESS ROUND ROAST 1 Outside Cut, Eye Removed 9 (Our Regular Price 3.59 lb) (Our Regular Price 3.69 Ib) SAVE 80c Rt "Greet on the 1.5.0.", Full Slid ROUND ib 89. STEAK willisvpsdnistpuissa Burns Pride of Canada, Grade "A" "Self -Basting" with pop-up timer Ib ROASTING CHICKENS 29 (Our Regular Price 1.59 lb) SAVE UP TO 1.00 Ib Rump, Sirloin Tip or Inside Cut Round BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Ib mommaio (Our Regular Price up to 3.79 lb) "Great on the B.B.Q." (Our Regular Price 2.79 Ib) SAVE 80c Ib FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF Inside Cut Round or -"Great on .the B.B.Q." Our Reg. Price up to 3.99 Ib SAVE up to 1.00 SIRLOIN TIP T EA S K 16299. CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE "A" BEEF TENDERIZED Cube Steaks 1b3.29 "GREAT ON THE B.B.O." MAPLE LEAF, REGULAR, ALL BEEF OR B.B.O. Wieners 1 -lb vac pec 1.79 AAP REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF, HINT OF MAPLE, REGULAR OR THICK SLICED Side Bacon 500 a VAC PAC 1.99 500 a VAC PAC 1.99 MAPLE LEAF, SKINLESS OR GOLDEN FRY Sausages 5O 9 pkg 2.39 In stores with Deli shop! CLAREMONT SALAD Ib 1.09 Salad Mustard i Potato Ib 99,1 SCHNEIDERS Polish_ Sausage I6 2.29 CANADA PACKERS, BRICK, FARMER, AMERICAN MOZERELLA OR Colby Cheese 162.79 TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC Cottage Rolls 161.89 SWIFT OLD MILL, BREAKFAST Sausages 161.49 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Ham 1.49 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING MAC. A CHEESE A LUNCHEON 175 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 99a BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA, SLICED, CHICKEN LOAF, MAC. & CHEESE, LUNCHEON, BOLOGNA 375 g VAC PAC Cooked Meats 1.49 PLUMROSE BRAND, READY -to -SERVE, VAC PAC Dinner Hams 162 69 PLUMROSE BRAND, READY -to -SERVE, VAC PAC, OLD DANISH Country Hams 1b 3.69 SHOPSY - COLE SLAW OR 680 g CARTON Potato Salad "1.49 SHOPSY - PASTRAMI OR PKG OF 4-50 g POUCHES Corrned Beef 229 Round 9n About.... e from page 10A told me the names. "The big kid started it," he kep saying, "I didn't throw some". Well, you should have seen the big brown messes oir my new expensive - siding! I think it was the "expensive" that made me mad but I still object to kids coming into your property just to defy you or be mischievous. The snitcher -kept up a con- versation,,but I went looking for the other two and soon found their home. A beautiful young woman answered the door - almost made me forget what I wanted to say- but her smile reassured me and I told her what•happened. She said she would send them back to my house, but that, evening and next day went by and I was feeling badly, thinking I had mis- judged her. But the next morning the two "runaways" and a friend knocked at the door. The smallest fellow piped up, "I'm sorry I threw those old apples and I wanted to tell you .. My mother told me fit„ Well, I was painting at the time - my easel near the door, and before I could say anything they crowded around and kept telling me I was "real good". Who doesn't appreciate a little praise from good looking young men? I really ap- preciated the way the apology was presented - no hesitation, just straight for- ward. We discussed painting - they were real interested but I felt they should know that I felt very, badly about what they had done. So we pulled on the hose and tried to wash off the mess - not much luck, so.I still felt they • should feel that they had been punished, so I said, "Would you like to rake up those old apples for me?" Quick as a wink they were raking and putting"them in a box and out for the garbage man. Well, you've guessed the rest. I rewarded them for the • raking and they suggested they would,"come back next Friday, when the rest fall down!" So we parted good friends - I feel just 'GREAT - even though I'll have to take 'a brush to the stains! My . faith in the younger generation has been. restored. Here is something I picked up somewhere: We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the im- possible for the ungrateful. We have, done so much for so long, with so little we are now qualified to do ANYTHING - with nothing. During the war year, I worked in gauge -control in a gun plant in ,Windsor. I would check the gauger from the job or on the job. Those • that were out the least little bit, I would correct - re -set -- them. them. A very interesting job and I loved it. But it was a case of - the difficult we do at once the IMPOSSIBLE takes a little longer and I still think this happens to all of us. Often I feel I can safely say - "I have done so much for so long, with so little that I am qualified to do anything with NOTHING!" Somehow it seems to fit the way I operate. Drive carefully. BUCKLE UP. Love. Martha. Attention ladies Centralia College of Agricultural Technology and Conestoga College are hosting "Directions: a con- ference for women living In rural areas".. August 28 and .29. "Women are playing an increasingly valuable role in agriculture and this con- ference is the fiI'st we're .ever held specifically designed for rural women". says Don Cameron. head of communications at ('en- tralia where the conference is being held. Cameron encourages all interested women to contact the college and register ear- ly because there is room for only 120 delegates. The con- ference fee is $20 and acconi- moda1ibn is ataiTa`bTe traha College for S10. For more information or• to photte=m r cru r 1 e KrStration. •contact Mr. . Cameron at 5191228-6691 • p