HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-26, Page 22PAGE 6A—GODERIC H SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1981 Winter at Blyth There's something for everyone at the Blyth Centre this winter. Famous per- formers in comedy, drama, music and puppetry are featured in the theatre, music and children's series now on sale at the Blyth Cen- tre. Buy your subscription series now for the best seat selection. Tickets for in- dividual events go on sale September 14. Phone (519)523-930Q for informa- tion. Television and opera star, Jan Rubes, kicks off the music series on October 25 at 2 p,m. with a concert that blends folk music, popular tunes and opera. The Christmas season.will be rung in at Blyth .by Tafelmusic on December 13 with their version of Handel's Messiah, played as Handel would have heard it on the original baroque in- struments. On April 14 at 8 p.m. Blyth theatre -goers will be treated to a concert by the interna- tionally renowned Liona Boyd. Liona Boyd is known as Canada's "first lady of the guitar" and has been the toast of critics around the world for her delicate inter- pretations of the classics of guitar. A concert by John Arpin on May 9at2p.m. is the final event of Blyth's music series. John Arpin is a pianist whose' concert pro- gram gives, a perspective of music from the turn of the century I,to the present day, including selections from ragtime, jazz, stride piano and film and stage songs that span the era. • Music series subscriptions are only $18 for four -events; individual tickets range from $6 to $8 for each event. The theatre series blends •mystery, comedy and music in three events for the series price of $14. Beth Ann Cole sings Songs From the Theatre on October 7 at 8 p.m., a program including Shakespearean, songs, • Broadway and vaudeville songs, and revivals of songs from the French stage and . fromFanny,:Brice. • Barry Morse stars in Blyth's,.next offering,. the mystery . thriller Sleuth by Anthony Shaffer on March 2 at 8 p.m. Sleuth comes straight from successful runs in Toronto and' at . Muskoka's Summer Festival. ` • The magic of Stephen Leacock's mythical Mariposa is re-created by former Wingham and. Lon- don resident Ric Wellwood in Leacock at Leisure on • April 21 at 8 p.m. Wellwood takes many of, the famous, hilarious Leacock stories and makes them as warm and refreshing as his imper- sonation of the • great Cana- dian humourist from Orillia. The tiny members of the family have not been forgot- ten at Blyth either. Six dollars buys three after- noons of the best in children's entertainment this winter — a bargain that woild be hard to beat anywhere. On October 17 at 2 p.m., the Camerata quartet makes music by Brahms, Schubert and Beethoven the craziest and funniest concert ever. Kids of all ages will be sure to enjoy the humour and. hi-jinks of these talented per- formers. Every child knows "Charlotte's Web", the story of Wilbur the pig and other _barnyard animals, and all will love " this imaginative adaptation for the stage us- ing masks, mime and music, scheduled for March 13 at 2 p.m. Frog Print Theatre brings their latest puppetry ex- travaganza "Moments Mousical" to Blyth on May 8 at 2 p.m. Two mice stumble into an attic chock-full of scarves, picture frames, old books and all sorts of treasures. In addition to these series events, children's films will be shown monthly at Memorial Hall from October through March. Watch for details of times and films. In addition to the series events, there will 'be several special events throughout the winter. On November 15, 1981 The Travellers will br- ing their particular and venerable brand of folk inusic to the Blyth hall. The Travellers have Toured the world, recorded 14 albums and appeared in many television shows over the more than 20 years they Turas to page 7A • • UNCI"I NINES CAKE MIXES ASSORTED VARIETIES OUR REG. 1.43 520 g. SIZE POTATO CHIPS ZEHRS BRAND REGULAR, RIPPLE, SALT & VINEGAR OR BARBEQUE OUR REG. 1.09 200 9. PKG. LIBBYS BEANS DEEP BROWN BEANS WITH PORK BEANS 01 TOMATO SAUCE OR BEANS WITH MOLASSES 14 FL. OZ. TIN OUR REG. 74$ ZEHRS FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE OUR REG. 1.15 48 FL. OZ. TIN BUTTE GRANNYS FRESH OUR REG. 1079 PACKAGE OF 10 CANADA DRY REGULAR GINGER ALE, WINK OR CLUB SODA OUR REG. 8.99 CASE OF 24 x 10 oz. TINS ZEHRS BUTTER 1 L.B. SIZE eic u►'�flMi MARKERS ORANGE, GRAPE, LEMONADE OR APPLE ZEHRS DRINK CRYSTALS 11.5 TO 15 oz. PKG. OF 4 2, 99 HIGH LINER FROZEN SOLE FILLETS 1 �B. HIGH LINER FROZEN FILLETS S • 99 HADDOCK 1 LB. PKG. GAY LEA SWISS STYLE ' YOGURT 500 g. TUB SEALTEST 2 LITRE BAG ORANGE JUICE . 1.7'9 9° WESTON BREAD -16 OL LOAF COUNTRY _HARV.EST . wuiw COLOURING •«ao.2%0 PKGOF. S9#PENCILS$2.47 ERASABLE PEN BALL ERASERMATE'I.44B1C cuc_ 89° PANTYI1OSE� u SURE FIT ' 69� BIC _ PKG. OF DICTiONARYI.99 KNEEPI'S39RANDOM NOUSE SURE FIT ° 2% • PARTLY SKIMMED FRESH MILK 3 QT. BAG or JUG PLUS JUG DEPOSIT BOLD 3 LAUNDRY DETERGENT 6 LITRE 2.4 Kg. BOX McCAIN CHOCOLATE, MARBLE • VANILLA OR BANANA DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS CAKES FROZEN 19 oz. SIZE DIETRICHS FRESH APPLE STRUDEL- S 482 g. SIZE WHOLE WHEAT, SHORTCAKE,. CHOC. CHIP, DIGESTIVE, SUNWHEAT McCORMICKS COOKIES S OUR REG. 1.89 400 g. PKG. COLBY, BRICK OR FARMERS st 99 BADEN CHEESE 2 oz. SUNNY FROZEN ORANGE DRINK 12 oz. TIN SUNNY FROZEN LIMEADE 92 oz. TIN 79' WELCHS CONCORD OR WHITE 40 FL GRAPE JUICE .� 129 DR.BALLARDS ASSTD VARIETIES 25 oz CAT FOOD .... TINS DEL MONTE SLICED OR HALVES 14 oz. BARTLETT PEARS'" LIBBYS WINE FLAVOURED 90 SAUERKRAUT . 32 oz . CLEANER WITH SPRAYER $ 4 GLASS PLUS s8 ml:. 9 FOR DISHWASHERS CALGONITE 1 82 K9. 1.79 ESPRIT NORMAL OR OILY $40 20 SHAMPOO 300 rnl. . OIAQUAFRESH REGULAR OR MINT Sa 019 TOOTHPASTE 10 mi.i•diC i��%i/i;'!;,�/ .,,./ ./ WE RESERVE THE RIGHf TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE 'WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS