HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-26, Page 20ENGAGEMENT (;11111-13.011A ‘lr. and !Hrs. C. Stuart [inn. n. Ilarkhani. Ontario. and %Ir. and Mrs. 'Hobert (Abb. Kal. field. Ontario» announce the forthcoming • Marriage of theirchildren. Barbara 1 » nti and Geoffrtl Robert. The wedding will take place on De,.cinber 12. 1981 in London. I hntario. 4,17, 1•001. SALE! August 28 - September 12 POOL KIT INCLUDES •30 mil. vinyl liner • 14 gauge gal steel walls •Bullnose coping ,*Return fittings • Main dram •Sand filter with pump *Vacuum kit •Main tenance kit •6' diving board •3 step ladder *Installation includes concrete and pool pad bottom *skimmer I 00! pool kits and all invert 0 tory including patio fur- = offniture, games, chemicals and accessories. Beat inflation! Order now for fall installation. Middegaal • 234 Main St.North, Seaforth 527-0104 PAGE 4A —GODERICHSIGN AL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1981 mtv5 ,August 19 to August 25 WEDNESDAY AUG.26. 1981 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 pm MAGAZIN E 7:30 BEWITCHED 8:00 REAL PEOPLE . 9:00 DIFFRENT STROKES 9:30 THE FACTS OF LIFE 10:00 QUINCY 11:00 NEWS 11 : 30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 12:30 TOMORROW COAST- TO-COAST • THURSDAY AUG.27.1981 EVENING' 6:09 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00PM MAGAZINE • , 7 : 30 BEWITCHED 8:00 NBC MAGAZINE WITH DAVID BRINKLEY ' 9:00 THURSDAY NIGHT AT • THE MOVIES: "BURNT OFFERINGS-. Karen Black - Oliver Reed 11:00 NEWS 11 : 30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 12:30 TOMORROW COAST- TO-COAST FRIDAY AUG.28, t981 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS ' 7:00PM MAGAZINE " 1 :30 MUPPET SHOW • 8:00 NEWS 50N LOCATION • 8:30 BASEBALL 12:30 ROADSHOW 2:00 AMERICA'S TOP 10 2: 30 ROCK CONCERT 4:00 MOVIE: "STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS" • Barbara Stanwyc-Kirk lc • Douglas SATURDAY • AUG.29,1981 MORNING • 6: 00 BEWITCHED 6:30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7: 00 JONNY QUEST 7:30 FLINTSTCINE COMEDY SHOW 8:00 FLINTSTON E COMEDY SHOW • 9 : 00 GODZILLA 9:30 BATMAN AND THE. SUPER SEVEN 10: 30,DAFFY DUCK SHOW 11 :00 J ETSONS 11:30 HONG KONG PHOOEY AFTERNOON • 12:00 SOULTRAIN 1:00 BIONIC WOMAN 2:00 MOVIE: "SERGEANT DEADHEAD". Frankie Avalon -Deborah Walley 3:30 MOVIE: "PAPER MAN". Dean Stockwell - Stefanie Powers 5: 00 SHA NANA 5:30 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN MONDAY AUG. 3i, 1981 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NW, NEWS • • 7:00 PM MAGAZINE 7 : 30 BEWITCHED 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE ON. THE PRAIRIE 9:00 MONDAY NIGHT • AT THE MOVIES: "AIRPORT .77- Jack Le mpaon-Brenda Vaccaro 11:00 NEWS 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 12:30 TOMORROW COAST- TO-COAST vs4' EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 HEE HAW. 7: 30 PiNK PANTHER 8:00 BARBARA MANDRELL AND THE. MANDRELL SISTERS • • 9:00 SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "THE COUNTRY WESTERN • MURDERS". Sonny Bono -Lee Purcell 11 : 00 NEWS 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1: 00 BENNY HILL SHOW 1:30 MOVIE: "A VERY SPECIAL FAVOR". Rock Hudson -Leslie Caron SUNDAY AUG.:10, 1981 MORNING TUESDAY SEPT. 1. 1981 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7: nu PM MAGAZINE 7:30 BEWITCHED 8:00 TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: "THE EAGLE HAS L A NDED" . Michael Caine -Donald Sutherland II: t10 NEWS 11 : 30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 12:30 TOMORROW COAST- TO-COAST " • WED THRIU TOES • ,. MORNING 5 : 1 5 VARIOUS PROGRAMMING (Exc. Mon.) 545 U OF M PRESENTS 6 : 15 VARIOUS PROGRAMMING 6: 30 SCOPE (Fri. / 6:45 NEWS 7 00TODAY '" 9:00 MOVIE: "GRAVE OE THE VAMPIRE- k Wed "FRANKENSTEIN : THE TRUE STORY" Part I (Thurs./ "FRANKENSTEIN : THE TRUE STORY" Part 11 (Eri. ) "HEALERS" (Mon. ) " MEDICAL STORY " (Tues.) 11 : 00•HOUR MAGAZINE :WTERNOON 12:00 NEWS • 12:30 DOCTORS 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 ANOTHER WORLD • 3:00 TEXAS 4:00 MOVIE: "HERCULES UNCHAINED" Wed.) "VIKING QUEEN" (Thurs.) "THE WHITE WARRIOR" (Fri. / "INTERVAL" Mon. "THE LAST CHILD" Tues. 530 M .A Beef night planned 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7: 00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 HEALTH FIELD li: 00 DAY OE DISCOVERY 8:30 REX HUMBARD 9:00 OFIAL ROBERTS 9:3(1 TV MASS 10:00 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 10:30 LAUREL AND HARDY 11:00 MOVIE: "WEE WILLIE WINKLE". Shirley Temple - Victor McLaglen On Monday, August 31, the Huron -Middlesex and Perth Cattlemen's Associations are sponsoring -.a beef infor- mation night at the Kirkton- Woodham Community Cen- tre. A social hour from 531) - 6:30 p.m. will te followed by a beef dinner at 6:30 (reservations necessary) and speakers' program at 7:45. O.V.C.'s Wayne • Martin will report on "Further Fin- dings from the Bruce County Health Study". Bill Gunn of Price, Waterhouse Chartered Actountants, Lon don, will speak on "Financ- ing Beef .Operations in Tough Times". Alan Scott, Perth Agricilitural. Representative ,will outline "producer methods of monitoring, costs • and what they can afford to pay for replacements"., Charlie Gracey of Canadian. /1FTER NOON 12:30 MEET THE PRESS 1 : 0 0 AMERICAN LIFESTYLE 1:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2 :00 SPARKY AND AL 2:15 BASEBALL 4:30 BLUE JEAN NETWORK PRESENTS: TEDDY PENDERGRASS Cattlemen's Association CoMpletes the program with thoughts on the »Beef Cy- cle". • - Peoducers • Will have the opportunity to run buying and selling examples through an O.M:A.F. 'breakeven • computer model during the course of the evening. Wives and agribusiness people are welcome. •Proud father Rick Kingsley and proud grandmother Eunice Kingsley of Goderich were» •pleased when Nicole Ruth Ann Kingsley won the 9-12 month category in the baby contest at Dungannon fair on Saturday. Nicole's mom is Joyce (nee Henderson). Alicia Johnston placed second and Catherine Brindley placed third in this category. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Cattle assistance The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food 1980 Cattle Assistance Program for Stocker Cattle claim forms are now available at the O.M.A.F. offices. To be eligible beef pro- ducers must have: (1) been a resident of On- tario in 1980 (2) sold a minimum of 10 stockers Eligible animals must have been: (1) purchased by the appli- cant as calves (2) fed in Ontario for at least 150 days (3) sold in 1980 for finishing purposes (4) weighing 600 pounds or more when sold. Payment is $20 per head. Applications are to be com- pleted by November 30.1981. Pick up your application at your local O.M.A.F. office or phone 482-3428, or long distance Zenith 7-3040. EVENING 6:00 NEViiS 6:30 WILD WILD WORLDOF AN 7:04) DISNEY'S WON- DERE1:L WORLD " Tht10-CHIPs • - • - 9:00 THE SUNDAY BIG EVENT: "AIRPORT '77" Jack Lernmon-Lee Gra nt 11:00 NEWS It: 30 MOVIE "LIFE AT THE TOP'» Laurence Harvey -Jean Simmons Dungannon hall was jam-packed with pickles, preserves, home baking, quilting, school work and a variety of crafts on the weekend. All had been judged as part of the Dungannon fair and were on display for the crowds which visited. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) ..„ . • 40. .40.•',(0,41•••••,,,04,:o •,(A. 1;.•••••• Step one, two, three Urierva Marching in the Dungannon fair's parade onSaturday seems to be serious business for these young members of the Dungannon TwirlOttes. The parade was only one of many features at the two-day annual fair. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Be safe -r not sorry 1,0 credible 10,000 pair dearout! Right now Sandy's is offering you incredible back to school savings on over 10,000 pairs of fine, medium and wide wale cords from Roadrunner. ( 11 %It( \ la VISA 11111111111.11 Regular prices to 2500 Don't wait -shop early for the best selection of colours, sizes and styles. 9 different styles to choose from in black, broum, beige, navy, camel, grey and bordeaux. Not all colours and styles available in all stores. Sandy »f guaranie;c ratirfatimn or money refunded teal) proof of purchace 10 SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH Hanover • Walkerton 6 PoriElih* Kinrardine Cor4ertitt • Lisrosvel Fergus • Orangeville • Stratford • Woodstock • St. Thomas • London