HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-26, Page 14PAGE 14 GODERICH SU NALrSTAR, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1981
e'�11 covert all m for You.
*Residential *Farms *Commercial *Cottages *Florida Properties
�/ W . J e Hughes Realty Limited
OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M.
Lakefront cottage located on large lot. walk outto
beach, 3 bdrm.. fireplace. all furniture to remain. H-
2 Ebb Ross 524-8786
Maintenance free one floor home on nice lot, close
to Square. 5-159 Don McCauley 5244226
Duplex or single. optional use. extra kitchen and
bath up. self contained. Now used as a single
dwelling, Immaculate. 0-41 Ebb Ross 524-8786
Magnificent like -new .unique rancher. 4 bdrm..
diningroom, rec room, stone fireplace. W-185 Rita
Alien 524-8480
Raised ranch bungalow. 3 bdrms.. Angeistone
fireplace,° walkout basement, minutes to 'sandy
beach. Asking '39,900. Norma Taylor 524-6018
'29,900 - private mtge..2 bdrms., immaculate con-
dition, low taxes, garage. M-209. Norma Taylor 524-
3 bdrms., finished rec. rm, on large lot, west end
location. K-348 Don McCauley 524-4226
Greenhouse, family home, spacious rooms, finished
basement,, mature trees. F-166 Rita Allen 524-8480
Beautiful custom built rancher with famllyroom on
Y, acre. Owner relocating. Reduced to sell.
1'/3 STOREY, cosy 3 bedrooms,
completely renovated home,
close to Square. Priced in low 30's.
S-62. Gerry Paolin 529-7931.
priced homes, 2 and 3 bedrooms in
town or close by. Make your
choice today. Ebb Ross 524-8786.
GOOD INVESTMENT lots for im-
mediate construction or as a
hedge against inflation, as low es
'6,500. Ebb Ross 524-5786.
'34,500. 3 bdrm: home on quiet
street, close to uptown, good
starter home. P-38. Don McCauley
location for privacy, large lot,
pine kitchen, fireplace, barn.
Priced in 40's. H-213. Rita Allen
IT SPARKLES, 11/2 storey, 3 bdrms.,
2 baths, vinyl siding, garage, well
maintained home, asking '44,900.
5-62. Norma Taylor 524-6018.
TREES & PRIVACY, new cedar ex-
terior cottage, 3 bdrms., franklin
fireplace, patio doors to deck, in-
sulated, wide sandy beach, lot 80'
x 260'. R-20. Norma Taylor 524-
ESTATE SALE, 150 Palmerston St.,
priced in 30's, 3 bdrms., plus den,
mature trees, lot 62' x 134', gas
heat. C-150. Rita Allen 524-8480.
BETTER THAN ' NEW. 3 bdrm.
bungalow, tip top condition.
finished rec. room, extra bdrm.
and bath. Asking '41,000. A-125.
Norma Taylor 524-6018.
10% MTGE., 2 bdrm. bungalow on
quiet street, garage, well lan-
dscaped. low 30's. H-114. Rita
Alien 524-8480.
QUIET SETTING, Gilley country
living within walking distance of
the lake, 3 bedrooms, well main-
tained. '45,500. R-47. Don Mc-
Cauley 524-4226.
Ebb Ross 524-8786 -Don McCauley 524 -4226 -Rita Allen 524 -8480 -Norma Taylor 524-8480 -Sharon Elliott 524.7798
248 ACRES BASH CROP, Kincardine
Twp. Excellent financing
available. Coil Gerry Paolin.
200 ACRES CASH CROP close to
Goderich on paved road. Call Ken
Cdunty, steel granary, silo, barn.
good house. 7-MK3. Call Fronk
Kincardine Twp. 1 -ME, 1 -MN. Call
Gerry Panlln,.
200 ACRES, Huron County, moder-
nised borne, good hardwood
Ken Thompson 524-7514
Nevin Gingerich 886-8811
bush. 2 -RD. Call Jim Thompson.
80 ACRES, Goderich Twp. '1,800
per acre. 2 -VR. Call Gerry Paolin.
300 ACRES, cash crop, pigs & beef,
Huron County. Excellent
buildings. 2 -MN. Call Gerry
100 ACRES, Huron County. Priced
to telt at '1,400. per acre. 2 -AN.
Call Gerry Paolin.
700 acres beef & cash crop, Bruce
Twp. Priced right. Call Jim Thom-
FARROW TO FINISH. 150 acres,
Gerry Paolin 529-7931
Helga Hasenbergor 524-7266
Perth County. Good buildings. 7 -
SE. Call Frank Gabler.
100 ACRE dairy farm, Ashfield
Twp. Call Helga Hasenbergor.
88 ACRES, Hullett Twp. New pig
barn, modern home. 2 -GS. Call
Jim Thompson.
CAGE LAYERS 20,000 basic quota,
fully automated, excellent home.
50 acres of top crop land In
southern Ontario. Cali Ken
acres, large broiler quota and
12;000 bn-sir layer quota: 2 houses:
Call Kan Thompson.
Jim Thompson 524-8179
Frank Gabler 348-8209
Kincardine man first
Peter Simmons, of Kincar-
dine, received a first place
ribbon for a clear round in
the stadium jumping event
at the 'D' Rally, held at
Caledon Hunt Club, by the
Western Ontario Pony Club,
on Sun., Aug. 16.
Peter, along with Karin
Silverstone of Ripley,
represented the Huron -
Bruce Pony Club at the rally,
an annual event where
children of varying abilities
compete in three areas:
dressage, cross-country
jumping and stadium jump-
& Insurance Inc.
53 West St.', Goderich
JOHN TALBOT 521-2520
STANLEY TWP, - Excellent cash crop form, 200
acres clay loam, large barns, 4 bdrm. ranch style
home. S1
GODERICH TWP. - 85 acres cash crop farm, tiled
last year, excellent 4 bdrm. home. Priced to sell.
ASHFIELD TWP. - 100 acre cash crop farm with ex-
cellent steel barn, set up for hogs. New 40 x 80
shed. Good 4 bedroom home.A-3
GODERICH TWP. - 80 acres of cash crop land, 2
storey home, Targe barn. G-2
STANLEY TWP, - 150_41cri cash crop farm, 100
acres workable, 5iardwood bush, clay
loam soil, excellen uyS-3
ASHFIELD TWP, 100 acre Dairy or Cash Crop farm,
can be purchased with or without cows & quota. -
Good 4 bdrm. Ranch style home, large barn &
machine shed: A-4
STANLEY TWP. Excellent cash crop farm, 146
acres of systematically tiled, cloy loam, features
large barn & good 4 bdrm. home. S-4
LUCKNOW AREA - 50 acres of Huron clay loam
presently pasture and hay, no buildings, Located
on Hwy. No. 86. Priced for quick sale.
STANLEY TWP.- 200 acres of clay & sand loam,
systematically tiled, good barn and 4 bdrm. home.
ASHFIELD TWP. 237 acres, beef or cash crop
farm, good 4 bedroom home, large barn and
machine shed. 10% mortgage available. A-2
HULLETT TWP. - Two 100 acre parcels of cash crop
land systematically tiled, no buildings. Winter
wheat to sell with property. Priced to sell. HT1
COLBORNETWP. - Farrow to finish operation, 144
acres of tiled land, excellent barns, w 2 harvestor
20 x 25, excellent 11/2 storey, 5 bedroom home,
drilled well. C-1
HAY TWP. - 100 acres prime farm land, 95
workable, excellent 4 bedroom home, Call Phyllis
Johnson 235-2420 or 237.3547. H-3
560 ACRES - ranch near Lake Huron. Beauty
cow/calf operation. 360 acres workable, balance
seeded to trefoil and hay. Featuring 4 barns and
3 homes. Excellent water supply. May be bought
with or without ecittle. Priced for . quick sale.
GODERICH TOWNSHIP - 80 acres of cash crop
land: No buildings. Priced for quick sale. G3 -
GODERICH TOWNSHIP - 80 acres of recreational
or retreat property. Featuring 10 acres of
reforestration with spring creek. G4
BAYFIELD AREA - executive retreat or retirement
property located ,near beautiful Lake Huron
minutes away from one of Ontario's finest
marinas. Featuring an executive split level home
with 3 bedrooms, family room with fireplace,
living room, dining room, Targe kitchen, two car
garage, small barn 8 many more attractive
features. All this situated on 8 acres of beautiful
property with spring creek. HB -9
CLOSE TO GODERICH - country property, ex-
cellent 3 bedroom ranch. wi h large rec room. This
'4 acre property kribilliND tor 'garage with
workshop, small bo>a`14few in 1974. Spring creek
through, bock of property, drilled wetland an extra
lot that can be severed. HB -1
WEST WAWANOSH - Cheap country living; 4
bedroom home and small barn featured on 1.3
acres with beautiful view. Priced to sell. W•1
HOLMESVILLE, AREA - 13 acre hobby farm,
modern ranch style home with car garage and
paved drive. Barn suitable for horses, cattle or
sows. 7 acres of pasture, 6 acres of bush with trout
stream through property. Owner says sell. HB -2
NEAR BENMILLER - Beautiful country retreat
suitable for retirement or hobby form, formerly
one of Huron County's finest riding schools with
large -riding arena and horse barn featuring
beautiful Bavarian style home with many imported
features. All this on 15 acres of scenic property
near Lake Huron. Priced for quick Sale. 14'/. %
mortgage. HB -7
HOLMESVILLE AREA - 60 Acre Country retreat
twenty acres tiled & suitable for market gar-
dening. Small home gutted and ready to be
renovated, Good 24' x 40' shed. Make us an Offer.
NEAR AUBURN - 25, acres of beautiful country
property with small bush and spring creek, presen-
tly horse farm and riding stable, features large
riding arena with stable area, workshop and tack
room. Also small barn. Attractive 1'/, storey, 4
bedroom home with fireplace. Owner says sell.
Good mortgage available. W-2
GODERICH AREA - 28 acres of scenic property
with two lakes suitable for fish farming, featuring
1'-; storey, 4 bedroom home with recreation room.
Also small barn. Must be sold, make us an offer.
31/4 MILES FROM GODERICH - beautiful country
home with small barn featured with 50 acres tiled
land with spring creek. Suitable for retirement or
hobby farm purposes. Priced for quick sale. HB10
BUSH PROPERTY - 25 acres of beautiful bush cap -
proximately 12 acres of cedar 8 12 acres of har•
dwood, with spring creek. Possible gravel deposit
on property. '17,500 or best offer.
30 ACRES - apple orchard mixed varieties has
been pruned and sprayed this year. Excellent in-
come opportunity. Large cold storage and packing
shed, four bedroom home and barn for farrowing
operation. Make us an offer. G-3
GRAVEL PIT - 38 acres located near Holmesville.
Sold with pits and quarry.
INCOME PROPERTY - 14 acres. Close to Goderich.
Presently prosperous market gardening operation.
With storage and packing shed. large strawberry
and raspberry patch. Featuring 4 bedrooms, raised
ranch. Large kitchen+, rec room and deck. HB -13
LAKEFRONT - Well treed lot in the Kingsbridge
area. May be sold with 8 by 30 trailer.
We hovel over 1,000 acres of
crash crop form property
eavollabih in Huron County
Get ready for take off! It wasn't all work and no play for these two members of the
Dungannon Twirlettes. After marching in the Dungannon fair parade on Saturday, they had
some fun on the midway rides. ( Photo by Joanne Buchanan)
Separate board turns down
pay increase for trustees
By Susan White
Trustees of the Huron
Perth Roman Catholic
Separate School Board turn-
ed down an increase in their
honorarium in an m camera
session at their meeting
Monday night in Dublin.
. Board vice chairman Vince
Young of .Goderich said the
proposed raise, to $200 a
month from the present $180,
was defeated by a large vote,
with only four trustees in
At the same meeting
trustees reviewed copies of a
provincial report on the role
of the school trustee. One of
its conclusions is that the
minimum pay for trustees
should be $400 a month, fund-
ed by provincial grant and
local taxes. The report con-
tinues local boards have the'
right to pay themselves
more than $400 a month but
the extra should be charged
against local taxes.
Trustees did however
agree to a mileage increase
for themselves... from 25c to
28c per mile, effective in
September'. The same
mileage will be paid newly
hired speech pathologist
Mary La Berge, who starts
September 1.
Board members recon-
sidered and rescinded a mo-
tion from the June meeting
giving a leave of absence
without pay for a year to
Sister Teresa Mader, former
principal of St. James'
Separate School, Seaforth.
She will now receive a year's.
leave of absence.
In other business Director
of Education Bill Eckert
reported the board's conven-
tion and meeting fund is
about $1800 over budget.
Because trustees John
-O'Leary and Tim McDonnell
were absent the board didn't
hear a full report on the Con-
gress of Education meeting
they attended in June • with
vice-chairman Young.
Mr. Eckert suggested
some trustees try to attend a
meeting on the challenges of
the province's new bill 82
which requires boards to
supply special education,
which is sponsored by the
Ontario Catholic System Of-
ficers Association in Toronto
next month. It should pro-
vide "a particularly Catholic
point of view, with implica-
tions for Catholic schools as
opposed to schools in
general," he said.
Superintendent of educa-
tion John McCauley told
trustees he has been in touch
with the Lambton separate
board which is one of the
pilot projects in the province
for the implementation of
the special education provi-
sions of the new law. A
province -wide conference on
implementing the program
will be held in Toronto Oct. 1
The director suggested a
member of the board's
assessment committee at-
tend a meeting on planning
with assessment in Toronto
Sept. 17 and 18.
The board's accommoda-
tions review committee will
set a meeting for September
to look over data collected by
the administration.
The board agreed to pay
Eileen Williams, the custo-
dian at St. Patrick's school
in Dublin, an hour per day of
pupil attendance at the .re- .
,cent summer school for
Huron and Perth students
held at the school. Cecilia
Ryan was hired as part-time
custodian at St. Columban
School, effective July 1.
The HPRCSS board will
meet again Sept. 14.
Reader responds
to Witness story
Dear Editor,
This is a letter in response
to the article titled
"Witnesses meet in Lon-
don", on page 10A, The
Goderich Signal -Star,
Wednesday, August 12, 1981.
In the article it is stated
that Mr. Grant Suiter of New
York addressed The
Jehovah's Witnesses on the
subject "The signs of the
Times - What do they Mean
to You?"
"In his prepared remarks,
Sutter stressed Armageddon
will not be a final conflict
between nations but, rather,
Divine intervention in
human affairs in a war con-
ducted by God through his
Son, Jesus Christ." -
What was not stated in the
article is that the Wat-
chtower Society has
predicted the end of the
world or Armageddon at
least 30 times in the last 100
1975 supposed to have been
Armageddon time, with
everyone except the
Jehovah's Witnesses
destroyed, all Christian
Churches wiped out and the
governments of this world
gone forever.
How long will the
Jehovah's Witnesses keep on
swallowing this malarky?
How long will the public
allow themselves to be
duped by these self-styled
prophets of doom, who have
cried wolf for so long? When
will individuals turn to the
Bible for the answer instead
of allowing books and
magazines printed at
Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
by the Jehovah's Witnesses
to influence their way of
When Russell-, the founder
of the Watchtower religion,
wrote his book THE TIME IS
AT HAND, he predicted that
the last member of the
144,000 would he glorified
and raptured sometime
1914. He lived until 1916, pro-
ving either his 'calculations
were wrong or he wasn't one'
of the faithful 144,000.
Strange also that a few years
later, Rutherford, his suc-
cessor, would begin fillipg in
that number so that today
there are still a few thousand
of them walking the earth
according to the; Wat-
Ironically, both the
physical and spiritual
aspects of his predictions
failed! He, said 'the Great
Tribulation , would end in
1914. Modern Watchtower
Witnesses were waiting for it
to be Armageddon time in
1975. That did not ' happen
either! And.rather than God
crushing the Gentile image
and bringing about world
peace with the sta"rt of the
Millennium, World War I
came and since that time
even greater wars and
rumors of wars. • .
One's Christian compas-
sion goes out 'to a man like
Russell and his deluded
disciples; ' Jehovah's
Witnesses. Every one of his
predictions, like those of so
many men before and after
him, failed! And like many
others, he created many ex-
planations to cover the er-
rors. The 50 -year period
between 1874 and 1914 didn't
prove to be the "Day of
God'sVrath," neither did
.Jehovah separate the wheat
from the tares, instead,
modern Witnesses of the
Watchtower, his spiritual
offspring, claim to be doing
that separation through their
door-to-door activities.
Let the Witnesses cry.wolf
as loud as they want, true
followers of Christ will heed
Jesus' ,words "...Take heed
lest any man deceive you".
•(Mark 13;5b.J, ...... .
Respectfully. yours,
Daniel '1';laene,
Dil-i'c•i It one Way
- To Jesus Ministry.
i,ambeth, Ontario.