HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-26, Page 12PAGE 12 --GODERICH SIGNATAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26,1981 %w�&Country_ CL SSIRE phone 524x8331 38. Auction sole 38. Auction sale Storey auction Service) 562 FIRST STREET LONDON, ONTARIO. N5V 1Z3 NEW BUILDING MATERIALS, LUMBER. HARDWARE. PAINTS,' PLUMBING. PANELLING. VANITIES. CUPBOAR- DS, WINDOWS, etc.. etc., etc.. To Be Sold By PUBLIC AUCTION Without Reserve - Everyone Welcome The Contents of a Very Large Area Lumber and Home Improvement Outlet with Other Repossessions. Bankruptcy Seizures and Liquidation Assets. Starting 9 am SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 LABOUR DAY WEEKEND and Selling Until All Items Sold LUMBER From Molding to 2 x 4's to 4 x 4's - Sheets of Top Quality PANELLING, Kitchen Cupboards. Marble Vanities, Louvre Doors, Shutters. BI -Fold Doors. WIN- DOWS In Many Shapes and Sizes. Interior and Exterior Doors, Trim, Shower Doors, Bathtubs, Paints, Varnishes, Stains, Plumbing from Sink Plugs to Water Softeners. HARDWARE for all facets of home improvements. Gas BBQ's, shingles. Woodstoves, Electrical Wire, Fittings, Lamps. Plug. Cable, Panels. etc.. INSULATION, ABS and Copper Fittings. Flooring, etc., etc.. OVER 12.000 sq. ft. Indoors and 3 -Acres Outdoors from Basement to Attic, Foundation to Roof - YOU'LL FIND WHAT YOU NEED AT A PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY AT THIS ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCE... Full Delivery Service Available Cosh - Visa - Mastercard - American Express - Certified Cheques 10% Deposit on Bid Price will Hold 'Til 5:00 pm Monday. YOUR CONSIGNMENT NOW ACCEPTED 4 Fully Licensed Auctioneers i'o serve you. Col. Dennis N. Storey Auctioneer - Appraiser (519) 455-5414 UNRESERVED" ************ AUCTIONS. *********** OF REAL ESTATE ************* TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES:- . 28, 30, 34,..36 and 4%99119911.$7* AND TWO NEW HOUSES ON KING ST. CLINTON. ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th • at7:00P.M. We have received instructions from MICHAEL B. BIDERMAN, solicitor for the mortgagee in possession to sell by public auction without reserve or minimum subject to standard con- ditions of sales these SEVEN SEMI-DETACHED HOMES being back splits in new condition on fully, landscaped Tots. Each unit comprises three bedrooms. Nvingrooms, dining areas, large kit- chens. 4 -piece bath, lower level recreation room with roughed In fireplace and basement with laundry facilities THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO PUR- CHASE TOP QUALITY HOUSING AT A SMALL FRAC- TION OF REPLACEMENT COST ON TODAY'S MARKET - ALSO AN IDEAL INVESTMENT POR- TFOLIO FOR RENTAL INCOME. NO RESERVE -YOU PAY. YOUR PRICE! • Standard Terms of Sale -. deposit of '1•,000.00 Day of Sale By Certified Cheque Payable To Michael B. Biderman, in trust, balance on closing. 30 days. Further Information by contacting the offices of the Auctioneers in London at: 439-0194 MICHAEL B. BIDERMAN- SOLICITOR FOR THE MORTGAGEE GARDNER AUCTIONS INC. AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS 38. Auction sale 38. Auction sale REAL ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION 14 Fifth Ave.,,VANASTR (CLINTON) ONT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 6:30 PM This desirable property Is located In Vanastro, Ont. Land 98' x 1W, building 50' x 100', 20' ceiling & mez- zanine. Total office & shop facilities 6.200 sq- ft. This is ideal for truck repair. body shop. machine shop; metal fabricating, Implement repair. storage, in fact hos multiple uses according to YOUR NEEDS! TERMS: '5.000. cash or certified cheque at time of sale. ° balance to be paid in 15 days. Sublect to reasonable reserve. For further information call the office of the auctioneer 15191 743-5286. M.R. JUTZI & CO. Inc. Industrial Liquidators, Appraisers & Auctioneers 69 Sydney Street KITCHENER, ONT. 40. Lost & Found LOST — Lady's Seiko watch at Goderich Public Beach. great sentimental value, July 12..> Phone Linda collect 1-455- 7635.-34 41. To give away FOUR-YEAR-OLD male. part Golden Retriever to a good farm home. Grew . up • with children. Recently had all shots. Phone 524-7059.-34,35 44. Engagements 46. In memoriam • KERNIGHAN In loving memory of Gertrude, who passed away are year ago, August 17, 1980, Time slips by but memories stay. ASTLE-KERR Mrs. Irene Kerr, London, is pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of her daughter, Judith Anne to Mr. David John Astle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Astle, Wood- stock. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, September 12, 1981 at, 6 p.m. inoNew St. Paul's Anglican Church; Woodstock, -34 RITCHIE-POW ELL Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powell of :Auburn and Mr. and Mrs. •Allan ' Ritchie of R.R.3 Lucknow wish to announce the engagement of their children, Wendy Louise Powell fo Bryce Allan Ritchie. The wedding is to take place September 4. 1981 in Knox United Church, Auburn at 7 p.m. Reception to follow in Lucknow Complex. Music by Country Com- panions. Everyone welcome. 34 46. In memoriam STIRLING In loving memory of my dear husband, William (Bili Stirling, who passed away one year ago. August29, 1980. One sad and lonely year has passed, Since the great sorrow fell, The shock that I.received that day, No one can ever tell.'" • Your end came sad and sud- den, No time tosa'y goodbye, You were gone before i knew it, And only God knows why. —Loved alnd sadly missed by wife Myrtle. -34x Quietly remembered every day, u . Happy thoughts of times together. Memories that will last forever. —Always remembered by husband John' and family. -34x , MILLS . In loving, memory of a wife, mother and grandmother, Lula, who passed away five years ago on August 27th. There is a link death cannbt sever Love and remembrance last forever. -Always remembered and missed by husband Ted, daughters June and Joan and families. -34 .. 47. Card of thanks FEAGAN Ross and I want to thank Donald and Isabel Harris and their family for the,lovely:35th Wedding Anniversary Dinner at the•. Duke of Bedford. also thanking Ruth Talbot and her family for the Open House at her home in Bayfield and the dainty lunch served by Ruth's family; ',also for the gifts. flowers, money and cards. This all made a Special day for us and was Very much ap- preciated.—Ross and Bet- ty. -34 KNISLEY • 1 would like to thank all those friends who remembered me with calls, cards, flowers and, gifts, while i was a patient in Alexandra Marine Hpspital. A very special thank you to Dr. Walker, Dr. Thomson, the Rev. Ball. and Claude Kalb- fleisch, for their care, concern and understanding. Thank you to the nurses on second floor, both East and West, for their excellent care. I appreciated ,the contacts made. by the Canadian Legion, the Cancer Society, Lions Club; the Housing Authority and the Harbouraires.—W. Harold Knisley.-34x 47. Card of thanks THE COMMITTEE of Management .of Huronview express sincere appreciation to all Huronview staff for their prompt and efficient action following the explosion" on August 20, 1981 Thanks also to everyone who, assisted .in any way:—Committee of Management of Huron- view.—J4ar ROY 1 would like to take this op- portunity to thank my relatives. -friends and neigh- bors for the flowers; gifts and cards. Special thanks to Dr. ('auchi, Dr. Lambert and nurses during my stay in A.M.&G. Hospital. Your kindness will always be remembered.-- Elizabeth Hoy.— 34 "FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY" wish to thank everyone who. made, the Bake Sale at the .Goderich Library so successful. Special thanks to those individuals who donated baking and to Zehrs Bakery for their generous contribution. -34 MacDO f(: ALL 1 would like to thank my friends and relatives for corning to the bridal shower held for me at Meneset Park. And for all the. lovely gifts 1 received. A very special thanks to Linda German and l'rsala Richardson, who took time to arrange the, bridal shower and for 'the lovely luncheon that followed.—Debbie MacDougall34 --- 'MacDOI'GALI. We would like to sincerely thank a 11. our. friends for giving us such a wonderful Stag and Doe party. A special thanks to Dave and Linda German and .to Matt and Ursala Richar- dson, who took the time. out from their own busy lives, to arrange - the party and for making it a very enjoyable evening for both of us.—Grant and Debbie MacDougall°—:34 MAINES 1M1'g would like to •extend our grateful . thanks to. all those who so kindly, capably and graciously ministered to mother's physical and spiritual needs during her last illness and thus niade her last days•on earth as comfortable and satisfying as possible. We are also very grateful to our friends who at the time of her passing and since have ex- pressed their sympathy • through memorial donations, cards and flowers and in .count less. other ways and thus made -our bereavement easier to bear. A Special Thanks to You All.—RonandShirley.-34 47. Card of thanks PARK What a wonderful surprise we - had to honor our 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday.. August 15, the dinner and social evening at the ('all dlelight and the many visitors throughout the week. To our relatives.and friends we give a sincere:thanks for sharing in our joy. We express our love and appreciation to our family, Valerie and Mike, Stephen•and Debbie, Vicki, Tom, Wanda. Patti, Todd and Brad for making this a very special event which will be amongst our fondest memories. Bill and Marie Park.- 34nx — STEWART 1 would like to say "Thanks" to ,our friends, neighbors and relatives for calls, cards, visits and for helping in any way while i was a ,patient in A.M:&G. Hospital in Goderich and in St. Joseph's Hospital in London, Special thanks to our family, who were so con siderate and helpful as always. Also special thanks to the nurses at both hospitals and 1)r. Lowe and Dr. ,lames Rourke in Goderich and Dr Mand, Dr. Wiggins, 1)r Vallely and Dr. Sales in London.—Mel Stewart.- :145 WILLIS 1' would like to thank family and friends for all the flowers. cards and visits 1 received during my ,stay. in Alexandra Illariiie and General Hospital. Special thanks to nurses and staff on 1st floor.- Connie Hillis. -34x i TOO LATE TO ! CLASSIFY j IA ANTED = Ride to Sea for th 6:a.m. Monday through Friday. Phone a tater 6 p.m. 524 29417 -- :34,35 ' VANSTONE In loving memory of Albert S. Vanstone, who passed away August 25th, 1972. Time goes on • with many changes. ,toys and•sorrows. seniles and tears, But your memory never leaves us With the passing of the years —Ever remembered by wife ..lean and family.— 34X ALLIN • Thank you to 11r. Milburn for 'helping me to the hospita I after my ' car ' accident. 1t was gratefully appreciated by both my parents and myself sincerely thank you,-.lanice Allin.-34n,. SITTER 1 would like to thank my friends and relatives for their cards„f I)nwers a nd visits, while 1 Was i,nAlex andra Marine and 'General Hospital. Special • thanks t'o;the nurses and staff on first floor`, also Doctors L. Rourke. Gleason and Hol lingworth.-•Elizabeth Sitter.- 34x SPROUL . i would, like to take this. op • - portunity to thank the nurses on first floor east, and the nurses in - emergency; . also Doctors ('auchi, Rourke and Neil. 'and visits from friends and relatives while i was in hospital. — Howard Sproul -=34 • • Take us back to college with YOUhthIS fall.Gderich 9ILNAL=STAR Any student away at college wants to know the news from home. And there's no better way to get it, than with a regular subscription to the paper. That's why we offer special rates to college studimts for 8 months (the school year), Special Student Subscription Rate................. ®mDmmL®p®®®®a9®®,®0x50, mmmmmemmee®®®,e6m®mma®amp®® 00 tri GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR N7A 486 P.A. BOX 220 PHONE 524-8331 GODERICH. ONT. Student Name Address Starting Date cm®000 k5der. 00000.00,.: k.mxm000m000 0©am ea. mod art ¢a ,0,® Colborne Council Financing nc The Council of Colborne Township met for their regular meeting at 8:90 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, 1981. Treasurer B. Straughan presented his financial review for the first seven months of the year ending July 31, 1901, and.,reported that because of the current short fall in tax revenue, it will be necessary to. secure interim financing in the amount of $100,000. Council approved the request and Borrowing By-law No. 14 for 1981 in that amount was passed. The Treasurer ,read a directive from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and (lousing, in which Bill 121, The Municipal Interest and Discount -Rates Act, 1981, sets out the procedures which allows municipalities to increase the interest rate on tax arrears and the penal- ty on current taxes overdue. Council agreed that the pro- cedures should be applied on 1982 taxes. A home improvement loan under the provincially spon- sored Ontario Home Renewal Programme was approved for , Tennis Kolkman, Lot 2, Concession Iake Road West. Mr. W.J.M. Egener, solicitor for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paolin, Nile,* ap- peared to request clarifica- tionof points to be covered in an agreement between the Paolins and the Township regarding a proposed sub- division by severence at Nile. Residents of the Ridgewood Park and Meneset Trailer Park ex- tension had petitioned Coun- cil sometime ago to have Saw Mill Road paved from Airport. Road (County Road 37) to the township road, now known as Ridgewood Park Road. Mr. Egener appeared, on behalf of the petitioners to receive Councils' reply to the. petition and was advised by Council that the road would not be . paved in • the foretseeable future and cited two major reasons for their decision. (a) there would be no M.T:C. subsidy on the cost of paving so that 100 percent of the cost would have to be borne by . the township, and (b) the low tax revenue from properties of the area . was not sufficient to warrant such an undertaking. Mr: Egener thanked Council arid said he would advise those concerned of Council's posi- tion. Council accepted with regret` the letter of resigna- tion of Glen Ribey from the Board of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Mr. Ribey cited . personal business pressures as the' reason he could no longer give the attention required as a member of the Board. Mr. Murray Rourke, R.R. No. 3, Auburn, was inter- viewed by Council regarding his interest and availability to accept appointment to the position vacated by Mr.,. Ribey. Mr. Rourke is a farmer resident of Colborne Township, his farm being. located at Lot 8, Concession 9,,East Division. A resolution was passed appointing Mur- ray Rourke as Township representative to the Board of Directors of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Road Superintendent Ron Durnin reported to Council on a number of matters. He reported that the relocation of Hydro and Bell Canada cables on Lake Avenue at the west end of the Goderich Air- port was nearing completion and that brush clearing for the erection of a fence between the Airport and east boundary of Lake Avenue. would be started shortly. He reported on a request from Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Davids to have speed restric- tion signs erected to the west of their property located just west of Balls Bridge and also a request that a warning sign for operators of heavy trucks and buses regarding the con- dition of Balls Bridge be' erected. In considering the .re-' quests, Council felt that speed signs would have little : effect and the feeling of . Council members living in the area was that to their knowledge, buses and heavy trucks did not, make frequent use of that bridge. It was decided to take no action on • the request. , - On a matter of concern regarding severe erosion to the Lamb Municipal Drain located in the North Part of Block E on the farm land of George, Wraith, R.R. No. 2' Goderich, Council appointed E.W. Shifflett, P. Eng., Guelph, Ohtario, as.drainage • engineer to inquire into the cause of the severe erosion and to prepare a report of his findings and submit a plan of repair and stabilization for the effected area. A building permit was issued to John Feagan, Lot 8, ed Concession 4 WD, for a milk- ing parlour and manure loading area and pit, Demolition Permits were issued to Heinrich and Veronica Stoecker, fon the burying of an old house foun- dation on Lot 10, Concession 8 WD, and for the demolition, burning and burying of an old house, barn, 'shed and two silos on Lot 7, Conces- sion 9 WD. A Demoliton Per- mit was issued to B.M. Ross, 79 Wellington Street, Goderich, to demolish and burn an old barn on Lot 8, Concession 2 WD. Discussion took place by Council members with regard to the appointments held by the Clerk, Hudson Milburn, for Building In- spector, By-law Enforce- ment Officer and Animal, Control Officer in conjunc- tion with the office of Clerk. They feel that there is chance for conflict of in- terest and have therefore asked the Clerk to inquire for persons who would be in- terested in applying for the position of Building In- spector, By-law Enforce- ment Officer and Animal Control Officer.' In response to a request from the Huron Tract Spinners and Weavers Guild, permis- sion was given for that group to hold their 3rd Annual Ex- hibition and Sale of spinning and weaving on November 7 and 8, 1981 at the Benmiller River Mill. A grant of $50 was approv- ed for the Huron Plowmen's Association for their 'use in their Plowing "Match ' on September 18 and 19, 1981 my the Brussels area. The next scheduled regular meeting will be held at 8:00 p.m. • on Tuesday, September 1, 1981. Million t. v. sets on The equivalent of one million TV sets were switch- ed on across' Ontario in the early hours of July 29 for the Royal wedding, according to Ontario Hydro figures. By 6 a.m. power demands were about 300,000 kilowatts above normal, . almost enough to supplythe needs of a city the size of London, On- tario. I "We haven't 'seen an' in- crease like that since. Tiny Tim got . •married on the Johnny Carson show,” said a Hydro spokesman. - • • A leading eligible starter in Thursday night's Ontario Sires Stakes racing feature at Goderich Raceway is the three- year-old filly Spring Mint. Driven by Norm McNight Jr. for the Wheeling By Stables of Grand Bend, the pacer is a multiple Stakes winner with over $45,000 in purse earnings and a speed record of 2:00. Spring Mint, which is trained by Jean Poulin, seeks her fifth victory of the year in Thusday's Sires Stakes which is expected to have a total value of nearly $20,000. Raceway Schedule for Aug. 27 - post -time 7:45 p.m. Race No. 1 EMMA C LEE REAL BAY NANCY MEADOW MAD JACK DADDY BING DILLERS FURY UTAH COUNSEL A.E. • MARLYSS CHECK SWIFT HONEY , Race No. 2 HIGHLAND ROCKET BYE RIDGE GENE PAUL) COLLEENS BABE FERkIC KNIGHT COU NNTSTAR " DAVY JOHN A.E. JOLLY KILLEAN HIGHLAND Ci,ASSiC Race No. 3 lINLOR LiZ EARLY DOi. HIGHLAND BRAVO VIS IMAGE OK TO TOUCH MAGISTRATE MISST.REENPAEK A.E. HIGH AMES DiNOS DOLLY Race Na. 4 WiNDSPUN AMF,S SHADOW Purse $450 J. Duckworth J. Muir^ 0. Roebuck R. Henry J. Pollard F. Sadler R. Henry R. Battin W. R. McLean Purse $500 S. Williams H. Smalley R. Williamson • R. McLean F. Maguire M. MacKenzie R. Mclean R. Henry B. German Purse $400 BrVanstone B. Woodburn P. Maguire K. Coates • F. Sadler G. Woodburn F: Sadler J. Duckworth J. Muir Purse4450 R. Mclean W. R. McLean FLY N EMPEROR DEEP RUN SUPER SMOOTH SETON ANNETT SLIPPER HIIJS DREAM A.E. ADORABLE PAT NOBLE, AMY N. Windsor W. 0. McLean M. Borland C. Fisher B. German R. Henry R. McLean Race No. 5 Purse $8418.33 OSS 3 year old filly pace LiNFiELDS DUCHESS N. McKnight SENSATIONAL R. McLean I, HUCKS GIRL H. Smalley P,J COUNTESS T. Kerr J J'S TOOT C. Stemmler Race No. 6 IRENE HOPE CLEVER ANGIE J D PRiDE COUNTESS KAREN MiSS KRISTA HM. DONNAS BEST MUGGINS - A.E. ARROCHAR RUTH .(AMR() FIA Purse $600 1.. Rocheleau R. Mclean F. Sadler T. Kerr R. Henry R. McLean W. R. Mclean R. Henry 3. Pollard Race No. 7 Purse $8818.33 0,435 3 year old filly pace JALYNDO @B. Fritz SOUTIIIMAMPTON VERA S. Rowe BRA NSDALE PRIDE 5. Brown NEVADA ' T. Kerr BLACK BROILA P. Walker REBECCA FISII R, Manders • Race No, 8 Purse $800 I.tif'AN ROY C. Young urrr r1v L' EVERLIN D R SKIPPY CHEATER BARS JOSIE DO0 LITTLE SUSAN CANUCK R. Jerry J. Muir D. Larkin J. Pollard R. Battin L. Grienage Race No. 9 Purse $6618.33 OSS 3 year old filly pace RUBY D,aJ T. Kerr MARJOR°IE VICT;ORiA S. Brown ROSIES IMAGE N. McKnight Jr. BARKLEYSGIRL B. Fritz TRUE TESTIMONY D. McFadden NORTHERNETTE 0, Wallis Race No. 10 Purse $400 QUICK ALMAHURST J. Muir ANITRAM MacMILLAN J. Bryan TOSCANO HI R. Williamson DANDY CREEK R. Battin DAINTY MEADOW R. Vanstone SILENT SAM J. Lester BETTY T FREEDOM R. Henry A.E. ARMES JERSY R. Battin AMBER PATCHES K. Hopkins I03 entries in box. Draw made by: Grant Fisher and Jim Kerr, Coolers: Race 1: Hoffmeyer Plumb- ing lumbing and Heating; Race 2: OHHA; Race 4: H & R Block. Bridge Club scores In Goderich Bridge Club play on August 18, there were eight tables in a Mit- chell game. Evelyn Galbraith and Dawna Sproule combined for 63 per cent to win first on the Norah -South side. Ma rg Hall and Eveleen McDonagh were second with 55 per cent, and third with 53 per cent were Prank and Jim Don- nelly. On the East-West side, the team of Joanne Duckworth and Lee Ryan was first with 59 per cent. There was a tie for second with 52 per cent between the teams of Theresa and John Donatis, and Gord Ratledge and Rick Somers. Tied for third place with 49 per cent were Helen Gardiner and Audrey Tobin. and Vic Alexander and P.K. Venki.