HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-14, Page 4, - -_7_____ .... . . . . . . . �� -1 ��� . � _ ____ _ - _­ ....... 11 11 11 ­ -.11,111,11111,F)Iillr)',"'-, igw­ I I - 1111177,7� I . 1 � � "I ­ ..... I �:,711 I— 7.""� ,","", : p I �- ­ , , - 7- , . I ,. , , I , , , I , .i'. , . � I , I � . I � I I I -.1.1. flItImpm".11411 III I ­­­ ­ _,___._._,.._. � � " Y�t_l , R, 0� 11 mi I'l. �141 -_1.___.___- I "I-- "M I ii � 0 q , !� . . I VR '_ ., I . � , I . 1. .."I � 11 11, "I � I � I �11­ � . I I I I 1. I I 1 ­ � � . I- I 11 I I I I .1 1i i I I 1� I I , '. I . . : S I ,� Mott, And each and every one steem � wed Froln He . I W PO 4 (17111111). 'r 11 e,r Q,alle4. 11 � . � . offe I BOWS R, PLA "bossO.' and "good to , H, � t � , tier," itud when I I I , � � I Not 1, I I . I 11 I returned blowe his f,iice wove the sm � , , "i'':1. ''I ear , Could . .: . f always. seeti ou i lie r.lt.e or a go , )�Iau , ,� I . a Scheme o Reform All . It I" a � Ile Has ' saillO that telln of t I 11 I happiriess. of till,- Asuul� tic triatter bo � . Stand Hard WoA- -the Tramps. much tlie body amy be suffe , 1, . I AL Alk I I - . , ,ring fro .1 I . . . Mrs� Hart I torpid liver. 7 $mith, 31 Eagle Ave., The philanthropist was up 11r, 110 , . Brantford, Ont write , ; - before his w -nal tiine� . r10 burilp(l I ": � I � s.,_oi have suff- WOULD PUT THEM TO WORK , I fored with ;,V -'b ' I . I I I eart, a groat deal, auc,l. An old s,ui( (o pilt (111, Xir,z. flows I J ,Could not stand any bard work, T was 4 � I doctoring. with�the Doctor and he told He Tells His Wife That Kind Words raw that he %vasw t going to tile 4,11ic r , 00 I had to stop doing anything, but, and Sympathy Will Do Wonders In ,but It was nomi beforo slie kno .however,. a friend told me about your Aiding. the Unfortunate -Ho, Learns where he wit$, Mbum!s I-Teart and Nerve pill$, so I He came to luticli so full of h �. got a� box And tried them. I had to take Why Efforts, at Cha � , .pity Go Wrong. . e I se're,rMl boxes before I felt any benefit, Schem Of Veit, rewl rl()rl that he had _ . but After doing so I found they Were .1 By M ' r ' QUAD. talk or bust, . beginning to help me so I . , ,,, I r . Aoutinued (copyright, 19U. by A.ssodtate4 xAtemry ,,well, rve got it ,under way - , . their use�,aad am aow 'a 00ition. to, do PressJ said- I , all my Own ,work, williellalpfelt I would HEN Mr. 13owser comes home "You are redeeming tramps. eh?" �j I have to give up," r . , W from the officii witli hU "I am, When I was out last evemin I Milburn's ITeart and Nerve pill, are. If, IF chest swelled out and an i1n. I bad a talk with a dozen of th �' ,, ,r . a specific for all weak run down womoni, portaut luvk on, bis face Each and every one of tbem was " I .� I whether troubled with their heart or UrR. Bowser lets him alone. If not Victim ;of Misfortune, and some 0 11 I " 06t'fe' 0% and if You Will only give them � trial We 6.4r arsure YOU that they W.% � 11, questioned he will, like any other hus� their tales were pitiful to hear, Tha � . I . . � hsV4 the desired effect. band,. go oil and tell all about it in .18 a true saying, Mrs. Bowser, thil � I I I , . . I Price. 50c. per box or 3 boxer, for $1 25 good time, She saw the signs of 1%ome. 'man's Inhumanity to m0a. mak � . for sale at all dealers or mailed di�ecl thing doing" the other night and wait- countlessIr thousands mourn.' " on receipt of price b The T. Milburn "0 ed.. He was just dying to, be ques- "If You have any money to give ou, . . " �� Limited, Toronto, ant. . tioned, but as notiling was said up to Mr. Bowser, please remember that � 11 L I . -_ -- the time dinner was finished and his need hosiery about as badly as tramp , � � I r r cigar alight he swelled out still more need redeeming.q . I � I I . TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. . and began: 1. Fourteen Tramps at Work. "�,� I I -_ "'Afxs. Bowser, do you know what "I have given no money as yet. I k makes a tramp of a good man?" � 1. $ugar advanced 20 cents, ' have rented a vacant lot down th �1 incendiary fires are frequent at "Nothing does," she replied. "A good street and got foUrte �� . ea tramps to spad r :� � Belleville, � man to always a good man. If you ask Ing and making garden beds and plant � � The Vrameo-German dirpute regard. me what makes a trAmp i" , I of Just a so Ing. This evening I shall pity tben:t 1i , � ing Morocco has not yet been settled, so man I Will answer that it's laziness dollar apiece. I have also agreed t I � �� , r� Ifiss Neflie Beese, a.Berlin scalp. and whisky.'* 1�r a pilot's .Ucense "You are wrong. woman. Trace the give them shares in tire enterprise � No man ever saw men work better , yesterday, and the firsi, aviatress in Germany. , I career of any tramp back and you will They realize that it is a chance to re 3 , 1, ,,, Because�of failing health "()ld Bill" � find discouragement and misfortune deem themselves. Indeed, I had t a" . X, iuer, train robber, aged 69, lid been as the basis. He is simply driven into caution them not tb overwork. If ter I serit to the * Atlanta, Ga., prison farm It. and it is such heartless persons as other men in this city will follow my I to serve h�s 20-yoar sentence. you who keep him down." example there won't be a tramp on. z I . Stanley ,Niowry formerly Lit Torun- "I don!t remem.her that I have for- street corner. I believe the idea wil ,. �, , to, was scalded io death in. a boiler bidden a tramp to rise in theworld.11 spread half 'round the world," , , :, , explosion at the Saskatchewa.il Lum- "But bow many have you turned ber Kill here yosterday moiaiing "Do you expect to be interviewed b,) : I The 'araine Huts 1n. 011ting,zol'i' are from your door feeling that they were tiny newspaper men?" asked Mrs.. Bow I 1 ' ' � � .11 spres,di..Z, anJ tile American Baptist despised and looked down on? Have ser. . ,�t Chapel rivar Qa.ij,;an has.been racked you one single time In your life ex- "One h . � � ad an interview with me an I bY a band i_ in%rauders from Suchaa, 1. I I boar ago, and there will be others this I A bl_g raft of l.gs in tow of three - . . ik . afternoon. That makes me think . if I tugs was broken up by the storm oil __.. . I _ . � .a;. 4 any of them come to the house. you are Lake 11uron iu�.ar Sarnia, and tale , - to say nothing -nothing whatever. You I I loss scattered along the beach for . nliles. 1. 1��. are notla this thing at all. Youmigbt I I Arabs ii, Xo�?--potamia have acel. ­ " I say that you have always considered a . , "., . . dentaLy dismver-.:d one of the an- . , tramp a hullagn, h a. and -1 � . . - ,J�en, been as . r 7- clent Chaldozi clmies, Urnma, 61 the .- - mean a Su 9 ru -�hirn as you . �� -- olden taue, at tile site known to -day possji,vy-coul , but don't -i;O,,0 taking . � . I as Youkha. . � , I al revenue 1�___ �, � aylbredit for what I'akdoing� !rhisis � I The tot -of the Dominion � Mwser, and BOWsO2, alone. Well; ,I � I for 'the first Ave jilonths of the fiscal . Aust hurry back -co my men.pv . � year wai "2,036,616 as cvmpered with I Mr. Bowjjc*r bad bought spades and � I 1 .$46,930,870 fur trie'same period. last . 11 I I I I ; Ishovell-e and hoes and seeds, Ire hadn't i year, an increase of $6,206,246.- " X) � 95u�_ Into the tramp redeeming bust- � I A youri- i--omau NNith a prayer book I !I I . aess on no I . -clasped iii her hands was f -und dead ,- two cent scale. He reached I . I I beside the railroad tracks �n I � \Y I, I I , I Z , the lot to find ouly one man in sight, 11 I Park, Chicago. Police believerleg I 1:1 , - and he was a butcher with a grin on . � x -night have L��ea murdered and her : his face. I - I body placoti oil tile track -1- . ,N�, i � "In. there," he said, pointing to a sa. . . . I . .I- A badoon. aad P,Lrachuf,E performes . e , , . . , �. \ loon. , I . Woodward iiad a narrow es a J I 1". - I r,amed I - "What is It?" � from death at CornvFall Fair, wcha,pn . ( . I 11 "Your tools." : h's pitrachute fn:l�d to open and b: �_ � � 1 � . ..CLrojp� 'd, t, th I "But I don't anderstund.1- � � � ud a cons- �rable distance 11raund. He is said not to be seriously I All the Tool's Pawned. . . hart. . I . "Tramps pawned them for beer. I Tolia D.,_Vi,-: of AIontreal, L \ �I , was - __ I 1.,Zy - - I They told. me to tell you that they had _ ­­ � -, br6tigbt I.- I tim hiai�fi'al Nvith his hands - , I �and le,gs burned. Davis is employed ' cAr-Lrm lum A. -'GOOD veLLmLy, given N the matter their most serious. ,. 1. -11, . consideration and bad come to the � i1a the -powder and dynamite plant tended a helping hand td a tramp? conclusion that they didn't want to � " and a cigarette spark ignited the ,Have you in auy manner sought to lift , Carticles of liowder and dynamite in him out of himself?" be uplifted. They said as how you s clothin.- a.,, --r work. might ,try it on the cold storage men. �Nlllllr . ____ Kind and Encouraging Words. Is there anything else I can do for you , 0. N. R. bo H'ave Lake Line. "You have never left any money to today?" - I , Winnipeg, Sopt ' 9�131r Donald I 11.1ind out to them to give them a Air. Bowier grabbed I fann. arrived in thLe city yesferday sta rt." him by the hair ,and shored him ��� and was in. a reminiscent mood, cc&- -But kind and encouraging words to against a billboard and then flung him , mentin- that it was just thirty years an unfortunate man are sometimes . down. Then he entered the saloon 11 --since �e firsT set foot I- Winnipeg,� 1 better than money." and found that every implement had and"riclihig ehan.-Ps. He anno,unced I "Well. I spoke kind and encouraging been pawned for fire drinks of beer hicidontally that ne,ctyear the Cana- "110f.ds to one rhe other day. I fed him ail around. Ile would h.ire had .I , than Northern W`11 proceed to the arld pitied trim find then offered to light about It, but the bouncer bid ' �:1 establishment of a hne of passenger I i give him a quarter to remoTe those him out and halt way . e ,). Is tbe str.-et � boats on the great 14k a r - -to 6e in the sprilig oes' flr';t ss"Ung etlas and bottles ill the back yard. In before he could open biq roolith. . I ... - - f 1913. tbree m1nutes lie was going tip th( Then a erbwd gathered. and the I . V4nder Twine Famine. - ftlle�v. It seemed that be didn't want philanthropist was asked if he ,wa:,;,,'t I I High ..Iver,? .1it-, Svpt. 9.-A bin- to Lie encouraged. Sb, -Ill I seat tile fee [Ing well and whiit idiot asylul� 'be . 4d�r tvih-�,- fam, -v i,, r% ajnwg tin acUtt! next one In tile library and put a rol i�� had escaped trom and lots� of othor I etage i.-- Sou -it r,l ;*,t11),rta , 'H.gli itiv- ' ull- of .109kespeare before bim?" mean things, mr. Bowser was cru -b � 4 1 .er ,r%al-,;i hhvL J)vc-n Z",q) lalva to by "Woman. don't trifle aboitt tbi.,4 mat ed. Ele bowed his head nud w"'�ut , 4 - . - . wwfis I o"ll U­� �,U_, U_i, tto��, ,�, te;.' It is a serious thin,-. Tbous:ind.- home. Mrs. Bowser mor bial at the : here ar�: lolv and, ill tile ovirl'on ' � . . Of Of lives are at stake. ,rhe day is hert- door without ii sarca.stic smile Or a 1, IMPI'V1111'at men, i1i"aluelelit lar 1()CsL whon this tran,r) problem tias got to be word to hurt and led Itim to Ili,, natlex-S. niet. They hare got to be given a lounge and laid him down rind cor � Ao W! ,:,V:ate tqu,�P.y is in sight, and � auy i;­wers wi.-itz,ve ti cut wit, chance to redeern themselves. Some ered him up and then sat by him and '- �, . I � luut tw ... L.. I �. hare sunk so low that it's no use, but smoothed his marble brow Vill be slept. . I � � the great majority can be made honest, - - --- � . �," I . Not Room For All. I hardworking Imen again--i-men whose I 1: �� I He Got the Pass. � 1 I Xhig ton, Sept. D. -Forty pupils labor will add to the wealth of 6le "I want a . ., � ,,I I , . . pass." -V", I �, � , � frow -.at.-�ide Xingston have made ap- country." 11rass? You're not entitled to a pit%., I I pllcat�v:i for entrance to the colie- "A -re you going Into the tramp re. You are not an employee. Sorry." r . g!ate, L.,t there will not be room for deeming busleess. Air. Bowserr, Virns "No but here the anti -pass law. sil,ys , 1, I j 111ein all, owing to the. large attend- � I. , �� � I anee. * Those Living nearest to tile asked as . he walked up and down the free icansportation can be granted 6 � � , ruout. .r � CAY may be accommodated, but the . '. ,! ,- .'riecessary caretal-ers. o? TI-ve 'stock, � , othexs v,111 have to go elsewhere. "I am," was the answer. _�.�. pbulfry and fruit.' Well. I'm going on �L ' . "Got it a -Il planned?" .,�� , �� . . - this trip. with an aunt tbat's'a hen- :� .­ 1. ­ - I - - . Cook Trusted a Tramp. . there's your 60tiltr:y: a girt thtifsr a � . ' I .,"I have, -and I dolilt want you stteir- I 1� L I " peach -there's Your fruit, and, a I - . f With I g your nose into It, either. I feel nephew that's a mule -there's your �� WIMs Troubled IT that I owe something to my fellovp live stock. Gimme a priss."-Way Birl. I " C1 I , ­ . man, I want to see hiln get ii1ong and ____ - , . 11, � ,�" - I I . � � V 11 � NN . omach thrive and t�tke soifie &omfort. If he WAS TP.OUSLED WITH i Our Stu Is willing to work, Bad wark for him � ' � :r 1, �,, . If he shoVs the true spirit. thou trust 2 INIH ar I . 111 IQ , IL him and confide In -bira." H E A 0"'A CMIE I &F a _= i � (a n d rpi iousness .'As the cook did a month ago, when FOR OVER TEN VEARS ! . I I she ' left a tramp. at tfie dinner table Dr. told him to try . i � and he skipped with a box of your cl, I , � , I miss Berrie O'Leary, Campbellford, ga.rSiff Burdock Blood E ' "That's nothing to do with the case", I , Ifters ` Ont., writes I-" I was troubled with sour shouted Ur� Bowser. "'That tramp saw Mr. Heary Sirot, Dumas, Sa,sl(., writes, , . � ! . stomach and biliousness for two'years that the Cook mistrusted him, and in "For over ten years I have I been troubleO i'' , and Could get no relief until I tried his hu I * . initiation he wanted to got I With'hevada0hes every morning, accom- t I I'll Milburn's Laxa-Li-ver Pills. I had Only even." panitid by an, acidity or bitter taste in q .I taken them I a short time when I felt like "But you went out and looked for the moutk. Thinking the cause of it I � t . L' a new person, and now r can recommend him and, said yowd brealC his,infernal was the too great use of smoking tobacco. � I , theill to ,.ill sufferers." neek If you found hw, you atso set I havF quit the �ipe for . . . I , There 9 I ,re very few people ,who have I the police iifter hira.0 but it Was two niontlis I . . always tHe same. I went to t : never suffered from a sour stomach or "That 9nda AVI said the pdlg4tb;ro, the doctor and he told me to try some o I l4lioustless', but to'thoae who are we can Pist, with a wave ofshis hand. A-1101 6f your Burdock Blood Bitters. I got c I - highly recommend our Milburn's Lai�xx- anot�er wOrd about IL'You can. con. A bottl� and found quite a relief before , Liver Pills, as they are a specific for III, ` to ef, r - � ue ky aroimd a heart of stone, I had done with it. I then bouglit q �. � these not dangerous but very unpleaswit and I sball 'do as_ my feelings dictate another one and used it all. NOW I can complaints." I I I Wbatfyoa colne-to �our dying be4 say that T a.n perfectly cured, 1*usod h . . I I I The price of Milburn's Laxs,-LiVdr, don't yell and holler for the recording to be witliout appetite especially in j�jle, � L '60 A11414 .to ftirgive ybU, for he won't do � pills is 26d. per viII or 5 vials for $1. morning and now I feel as good '. as a 1;dw I at all dealers or'rd fled direct on receipt it.1" . I al cannot too highly recothmend � I . of price by The T. Milburn Co., United, , - Starts Plan Gol"f(i , . tar6docl Blood Bitters to Alt porsom 6 � I � Toronto, Orit. That eudoiS&tfie d1getig,ston. Me. no.v. suffering from headaches and sour � I . stomach," I �� ,O . .. ., Oer Put On �18,'hitt and walked out. 1; N " �, � - . I 101*84d aoa�v&aed with neapl Durdookl3lood tters(jrnanqf,q,�turcA . I - I ­­ - � ,.. , ­­ I . ­ x.'�Aoxvl, �, 'I, J, . � , I � & OblY by The 7% Wilburn Co,p Linlited '.1". � ,��,,A � I . ..��., . � -, 0 -�b� O'. Out. ,J , I =,�. � -P, � ic - worout I - . _9��� V % I . . I I 11 ��, . I 1: I . I . . , I 1:11 X � I 11 : . . � .. � . I � I � �� I I I . I . I � �� I . , I I ,L I I I 11 I . I LLLLLLLLLLL I "I'll, I . . ..... I I . � I'll � . , � ,, . � ii N:11 Pi ill , I 1 1 1, I � . ­� .1 ,� � ; L� I -1 IF, 4w-� 1 �! !:.: :1.1": I;, :11" __�, � , - -7 1. ­ � � I I - 0 ,� - SARTORIAL VAGARIES. I - I I I I � 1W - -_ � I , I lie Win P2000 FOvlos For the Summa I Ile, TolloroO Suit., I .. r , ll S W �' od Tolled elfeets, for evening 4re'much, 17 W01flafl orld � W to fashion, , Fli= - w Waterproof rftop Is inanufactured , . 1, I Mips Elsie 00 Wolfe -Latest . . m in P141n Or cliall.q.able colors. it � $0ccess In Hotm�- Decoration, Of soft Ond lustrous texture and is 11. . =======�-: _J tic available for all sit clocial purposes, 4pa - Ill 4161) for bible d( I , Noration. � ' 'F - " -, ell It Is the fashion to wear a collar �1� ,F,,�,,-"T,: ..M."..."","..Ill 1 , ­� ."V" (,� I :;q.�..�." g-'-g,�k.. __ -g,,gv,g,, . " � ,�;�,� and jabot, of do"u4 net or the heavy REII'.�,*P'11-. k� �.,.g�g . ., .'�Ils ,�,�� I, ,...,g . ,,, � k.. . ,.�:,�. . . -X1 , "'I""', I,.,.., ; .1, IR , - - .�,�,,.,.,.,�-,,,..,.�,.�;"."&��,,- .,Nlg--�.'.�,�`.*,� . 011 ` " 11 ­;i�i��..�,�`.. ,� ., . g., . �, ,,� "� .1. !, kv meshed ecru net, bound oil tire edges �. I.I.-i .. Ri.�� i. -,.,,*g I ..K. --agg" I I �*..­.� with material 0 the frock. I ,Xg . _ ...... .1; , I � ", - , , _ �- � . ,'I , ­. �", , � ., 1 ." - .. - ... - , mm .3 I ­�,.. ,-.* .� k,k, 'IN Is Satln,. either the real 01.1clo or the �.',,&­-' �',.ggg.&,�.--, 'n �%X �L ""' " , , " "" , , "' ,­�­;"".,..,,::.i:-��."..,.�,.-.,.�,�: ..:. �:�*-�. '. Z �,., ,.,-,--: . ­ ,,, "..gm. q�. , �,. . *t ..X`x�il� 1�; '. 'k -.;'1.:;1:::1' '... � .., ... 11.11-1.11 ,."� ". �.\�.� .. �% ..,.��R to cloth bilcke& rarlety, Is popular tot , '1�11 , . .....,;: 1-­,%1,;".\111-101�'11;:� dressy skirts, and suits, Surah and �:;;. ... ...::: .K�;X".:3., X111" ..' , . " .�- ,�'­11 , I., � ....1010 , , ..., !�31 " e taffeta run it a close second. I , �R��.'NI�11111.1\-_` - 'S 1-1*.`��..`.�k'§'�� ­.. ,.k',' .-.-I',.,. W", .11%.- I ...... ..... I In the morning people uqo with .nMI:2.. "I Z; .1 11,0111.11. ;,.;;:.:" , . .�:�:.Z. I ... - their simple ballor dresses tiny scluare I " ''T ...... ` .', ... �; �. I .1. ,:: ... :::: .... ., . ­;:,"', .,. - g lkndkerchiefs of white t)ntisto. �1­1..'* .\. , - , '. � broidered in khaIrl, rose, blue or gela: . " . ra; I ... ..:",. .. ,.,.. it , . . 1. . with small monograms to match, I 1;",i�,: "" . ... : �..., .,;;-;�;1:;-1-0i:,�1:-:. I .. " ...�,,, , . .:�., f This. fancy blouse and four piece .. .. t Okirt make a ebarming gown for a � g'�?..l I .� ... "..k..!i .. .:. '! �� �:.... 11­�, ., I , I 011.,10. - � . '.. - ;;;;;..­ , , . t . . .. -;.�, . .. . Is , - I I �, I : . � ... I t, I : A - , I . : 44:,. , � s � "T. � ..k� .. . , I .. �.. " ;­��:::: ...'AK'Al.". 1 C. . I ...-IN, 1:.:-Ir�8 , . , . j�.'Mx_,\Rl � 14. 1 - ! ,. M.. I . . . _t '. �%, , k e .. A , I � I I � - ­ , I a 11 I . 0 1 1 Photo by American ?ress Association, � �1 �, 11 Xiss BrIsto DIC WOLM. I . V 11 'J. 1 1 , I Ttte woman ,wLio thinks it Is neces- . I I I 0 I . . saty to have a large house to display, . 'I one's taste and Ingenuity ill decor4- I Con should see it. small New York : , I � home which has been furnish I . -ed ac- , . ., I ' I � 1� I , �! cording &.Miss Elsie De* Wolfe;s Ideas. I ; I I I There are it number of good points in . 19 11 � . the sill,on and the sleeping roqnAr for i , - - 1� J I I I I I I the woman who is going to be her own . ! ,I � : I I Interior decorator next spring. , I I I . Tqle pictures ill the saion are French, t I �In­gllt framer, and tb6 I � I- � I long wire to . the MOIdillg IS C07ered with plaited ­ I ribbon in a dull old rose shade; This . I/ � V, 11� Is a novel feature which ,Vill be copied �. , � �, I by -the. ,Majority of. women who see - I �, . I It. , lilies of wire stretching over a '. tinted wall have always been an ob- I sta4le to, beauty, and this Ingenious method of sol,ving the problim will be fil I received with gratitude. The appliques . I In this room are F rench In. design, . hol(U;g branches .of lights gbove a . mm�s head. � � The sleeping rooms have many nov. . . - elties in the way of decoration. Each � G=S LINSK DPMM ftmishes half a dozen ideas to the . . I Young girl. 'White line% trim I med WOmanwho is,on the lookout for some - With rose color, to in this case used tbingmewand something better to put over an embroidery gulmpe. A band. in her own ioom. For instance, �n One t some eftect wofild be of pongee, with room there Is a Chintz bed. This gay tvimming of gobelln blue or brown. Colored cotton is let into a frameivork e The gown may be made up for small Of wood. The canopy; which. begins in , Women. to whom it is very becoming. the mIddlefis dlvidgd lato four Parts, b JUDIC CHOLLET. each part dra,wu to -.1 corner of the bed - I and caught with � ring ol! the material These May Manton patterne are cut in edged with crimson fritjg(�. The lower sizes for misses of fourteen. sixteen and framework of She bed'-wbere It comes eighteen years of age. Send 10 cents to against the mattress is padded with this offloe. giving. atl�nbers-6966 foe the blouse and 6388 for the sklrt-and eltber cot -ton and covered wIfh crimson silk, Will be promptly forwarded to you by as English fendcr� are, - This Is a color t MILIL U in haste send an additional two nOt4 for tho7woman wh4b has always cent stamp for letter postage. which in- I Objected, to the -sharp line of wood . Zur82 InOiei prompt delivery. I against the draperi,of tile bed. The . - I I outer coverlet Is* of crimson silk to A CAPTIVATING CONCEITS. Match this padded'wood. The dress - Ing room ' which opens into this sleep - Morning ]Frocks and I . Hats of Many , Ing roo'in, gives the ap Bright and Airy Material.a. I house of glass. its walls are mirror- i Cate little turiviown collars (if sort ' ed, the dressing table I * s covered with p yellow. white slid wne linen are offer- I glo�ss, and a triple mirror is also of I . ed for the negligLe Shirt %vallst. � glass, edged with a tiny band of ornate S I For wear in town or country a viniet . gil� I I . or* heliotrope bued linen one pieve I Minor details that eatizit the eye In t gowa, with sliawl collar otwhite pirlue I the whole house are the French haid. S is very smart The new modt-Is of till*' I ware locks 6ut on the doors and the h kind open In'front. In6oducticut of a mirror wberever It Is fr Morning frocks of liner, have simple iiOssible 1V insert a piece -of glass' in (f I the wall, Every good decorator knows p Sleeve, eruphasizing the litait.ao s4ort I that reflection pires size,and in this 11 . I � 1". . I ei . - .. I gliteen foot house this me * thod has t ' I . 0 -d s su 1 - ., I P an works, o, ccessfiilly one often � I . - has the feeling of looking down a vista 0 1. I when one is Inclosed by four walls. . . I , f In every room there is on available ­- - and convehiant table' which )IIss De 11 �.. * I i Wolfe calls a kidhe,j�.table and whIch k� I sh'e has tn�enteI. Thl� odd�y slinped I - " , I I .. 1. ..Z.� I Idece of furniture is of dull wood and . . I I ' I I .. . Is p1ticed near the fireplace or sofa or I'll , . I... � ., . , . .1 a boQk�helf, , IV it - .". � . , . ... I I. - I I .1 I - For Clewifn� Lingerie Collars� I " I , i Those who wear lingerie waists with .. . . . lace collars will find It useful to know I . 1. a Aai'.� ,and easy waytoelcan lbene�-lm% � I I " which are apt to become soiled N,vbcn I I . . . 11 I tltc�, .waists are comparatively Slean. I, . � I . Esporially Is ibis theleasdIn travelhig. I I ; ; and !IIPtV.V a woman has.been obllgo,l I I I t; �;7RT lri;�lirdto, the. - laundry sluiply I ;. ;I I . . i because of 'a btaci, Tlin� around the 1�, . I cattat, from a dusty coat . ; In ,14uch cases It colut-s as :I rt-11of t, 11 to,fon'vu tbat a snnnll n­l,!,)Ial.4l1 .,:n,,� � t � I tht, ordinary bathroom soap, 11 -111 clon, le 11 111i��,!71.,!`_, P ) i ly, applied, YI IIS I el , �, I f(wfly., T9ke the walst and place tbe. . , i .11 'i h - I . 1 coll,-r Cal'�Tllllv on ilie edge of ill- . � I I blatbroom V�arff-ibowl. Be sure only tile. I collar tonchm the marble, Tbon #ret .1 I -- ­ftrtlol' - -- ,- I ,�W, I the nalldAus.11. )TIth W,R�L soapsudg ana IrA,Ncrf FEASANW'BLOUSIL . brusli It iagdly over the soiled placo;�. Do noO.rinse the collar In the borfl. lealve, the collarliess bodices and the bu,t allow It to, remain, on the edge of igh'Itnell. P&bap8 a touch of hand_1 the bowl, and with the nailbrush rrj- inbrol&ry tkins some of them. , .±b. I Q'ilontly 4116ped In, fresh water keop ' 0 Skkiih Iflustrates''a novel varI4. , b�ashi�ftj, the lace until, the soap la owx,of thiI.peatsaut.blcuse. .Tlie V ' entirmy out of it., Next bin cc Lhe -v�algt haved opoAing'dlspJays a gilimpe and : ,6reftilly over * the back of n chair QTQ�k eillace,' which also sliov�s below ! up,ou. wblqh a turki8h towel has b.,(q, , he'. elbow 'sleeves, Thl'q pattern is 4rianied- to b`;1d. the 'wet c011at �Ite as sultablw&r the witlit of a . . 1l6ip6 just af;i It 'was removed fr6m M4 ne,'OsiteiTal'gown as for the separate boastn edge. If Ws ftiethod Is tAelit ousre. JTIDTC CHOLL4T. Af n.1ght, the next morning ;will fita I --- , . the collar clean and r4hapely for an. . Vhis May zfentoll pattern.le out ln,olies other day's wear. . � )r a tUio*-Cour, t rty-ght, Uirty-elght, I , Notfilug Is more e1ec1tvo for cleatio vt r ,,.y da4,6rtg4w 141i bust Measure. , )609."� ,-60np 1 Mg tri,iii, lace dollars tball this motho& . tills ,o0lo!,f.gIv1fig nurn- It �f On It, �Vrjft be 0ofttly foi;w,ardo of brdshlIng thoirtreleari'vAth the fimop, �. A 4 tyialt If I - ft 'haAte send at! ' t ilcu,qb 'tind plaejtj�t fljrp MU`10�()LLNO Cent Atd-trip for lettv We .m '00, tkv . xi� I`08(* b0b fo-.vellug to firyf , I ,,� whia Inskr44 oford 4)rouipt delfvdr* I . 1- I I . 11 7,,109%� I . .e __ . ..:­. I . ­_ . ,� . . . LA4 10" . ". , � '. � . . . 1WAC1'*10.1"____1__­ - - __ - I I , - I 1 4 : I I . I . I _. I � ; . �. I I I . I., 11 � I * , ep �% , I ;� I I . . . � . I � . -1 . I—— ­­_ .W � . I � � - __ . - _.. � I I ­ ­ I 11 � . . . I I ' . . . 11 ­ I ­­ � - . ­ , -1 ­ � I � I I I NNW= � I -_ - � - , I I 11 11 I 11 , I I I .1 . I 11 . I kill (1i I 11'stI11111 11111 LI) ilp 11111 11t1J) I I 11111111 I 1111)111 11011011111111A I � , I . : I I � - � . __ CA , 19MY111711 ­­1S..T0R1A . - For Infants and Children. ..",I.i�ii.ii..",..,..,..'�'..",..�'ll..I."Ill�ill'.11111".,�ilil(liiq � __ ___ � ,. - . ,. �__ = - - - = 'Z- � __ = - = = W The Kind You, Have 9 . = � - I � ,11 ... MMIM111011 ... 1'.1 .... I .... 1.1 ........... , ........ � ................ ­­Ilm Always Bought AVe9etqb1dPN-ep&radqnfbrAs- 1 1 , ' (5 1- I similatitig Uterbod atici Ito .ata- I � 1 find theStrimarls rind 13 Of . I Bears the I , � /W As 4, -----..--- !�,;U_� I . I I I I - 4patu.re S i Pr0M0tes1)i4eshon,C1iP,errU17 I I '11C*SindRest.Coatains neither I I � ( I � Opium,'Morphine nor It= al. 11, i NOW WAlt CC) TIC. � . I I ! . I . - I 11 Z,WG6-r0rdBrX4N=F&=? ,, I � � - 'F�'.34ZWJ &Vj- ".,Xwwa # I i :I , AM& I& S.b - Anise. Sced * 11 . S I n A * Awlr-113.4. Nn at allon Hospithl. He.was a vo'Z.11- oine. of this home treafinent, ['4&7�r Seed - . q.�,,.,,_-., - - &&y1-,W----1aIW- - e for trial,. lvitli references � § Use , Aper(cct Remedy forConsfipa- ". to the hospital . HP harl heart troaL.'e. . ested; lln�diate relief tncl tton, sour,15tomach,Diarrhoea, N-Vorms,Co,-ivutsions,Feveristi- erina-nenf cure assure'd., Sencl *1 �, For'Over aess andLoss OF SLZEP. � aged. �0, for thiTty years a flagman * iis offer.. Write to -day to Mrsfil * *Box - .. FacSitnite Signaturr of I a-111 411�W11_72Z__y- . Summers, P 84l,Wi:ft:d$Qrj1 Thirty Years IIMNV' ly'oluc. . I . a Aft , , I F - , . . tw 4 - I mlnn � . Blk 11 .. IV . '. i t - I ��t ! .. . _. _. - I i * CAN" . EXACT COPY OF WEAPFF-13, .. 1I � I THE OCNTAUR COMPANV. ft ­,W YOMK CITY. � I MENEREM mmm 0 1 1 .1 I , . - - I . . . . - � I I � Salting the Butter. ,k .� . Never use coarse salt in Salting but- ter -intended for market It will be impossible to Propirly distribute the FortheChildren salt through the butter, and it the salt is nat distributed, perfectly the butter . can never command anything like a A Gravestone and respet-t;1ille price on the markeL &Iost Sundial Combined. dalry experts advise salting the --..-. .I . in the chura wben it is in the gran. � I I . I ularfOrM. However, excellent results are obtained .by salting when the working is being done- - bairy . Cow Requirements. The dairy Cow should have twenty. four pounds of dry matter for each housand pounds of weight, It ad this ra. Ion should be go balanced that it will obtala 2.4 pounds of digestible pro- etn and 18.4 pounds of digestible car. ohydrates aLta t&t- I . , - -_ ____ i Knew How'to Sell Goods. Salesman- You,]: tind these good . I . --* . 114 . I . : 1.46 soct's, Sir CUStOluer-Rathw- 1011d. ain't they? ' *­ - ____�� " i � 5 -nib � In an old graveyamr.I.W., F --T f 4RA � Salesman-Yeit. sir. BIIE that keeps Wales, is a stone-6ros's I b ls both " Ile feet from goln., l'o sleep. -Tit -Bits. . . a gravestone and, a sundim. The I - shadow Is cast by. the arms and sides .1 ILES CURED HOME of the inclined cross In- a� very ingeti- at tons way, the hours being cut Ili tile by New Absorption Method. sides of the cross shaft The iime ta- . dicated by the shadow at the moaterit If you mffer, frouf ,�bleedifig,, . the gravestone -was photograpiwd is tching, - 'blind or protruding ' iles, about 10:30. I , send me your ti:ddress,, , qj_;4 will tell you how to cure youn , I I Volunteer Died In -, . ,, Hospital. - elf at honie by the absorption . . Sept , Xing5ton, . 9.-Jaines Pa -,ter- . . aged 54, Belleville, died -_ie' matment ; Ancl will, als6 sena, Nn at allon Hospithl. He.was a vo'Z.11- oine. of this home treafinent, teer at the recent camp, and V.ls . e for trial,. lvitli references taken,ill while on4.paTade and remw� d oin your OWU locality if re -i to the hospital . HP harl heart troaL.'e. . ested; lln�diate relief tncl . . Fla . gman Dropped Dead. . erina-nenf cure assure'd., Sencl Kingston, Sept.' 9. -Geo. P. Ruff, 4 a rnoney$ buf tell otliers, of aged. �0, for thiTty years a flagman * iis offer.. Write to -day to Mrsfil * *Box on the Grand Trunk at this city, dropped dead at Varlachar.. He Summers, P 84l,Wi:ft:d$Qrj1 was i7i good 1141th when,he left Xingston. ii�- . _.- -­ ___ . I W . � Vb ILIPPIWAr -Nrl, Rvo u 5 VE " A A 0VR NEW METHOD TREATMENT -%vill cure you and malce a man of er i's influence the br.da becoaiesai�tive, the blood purified so that all D0M4ls`s,r`b`1o',c:iesabd u1cers he.:1 up', the ncrve's becoine strong as steel, so that pervousnew.4, U,Oifulacm and dQzpondenw� disa:r.mar. Cae eyva become bright, the' face hill anJ clear. -,,crgy rettirn i I,o the bodly, aad tb-) moral, pbyAlcal atid mental wsterris exr, '-,.,,,, -oral. e a; all d --.ng ecaso-no .r*. ore v-1., I wasto from the system. You feel yourv�f m rq-.n and Lnow rnarri=,e cannot ba Li failure. Don't lot quacks and f4kirs rolo ,rou of your hard earned dollars. . . !7!� 149 NANIP VSWD KF7H()VT WRIT70 CQN$9NT � - . .1. . 11 . .1 I . . YNVEATENED W -4177N PARALYSIS � , P . eter 3011. S.,s rolat tes his experle3acc! . i � .N "1,"*astrci;'.)�ed-;,;,.`.:i lZe:-voll,4 Debi it . , k anyyears. I,'.,*(. ; y � 0 ,., , . for m. I' . to indiscretion I , and c.zcesaes in y -w.1 I. I became ver 1. I , , i I , -�,;,� 0"' ft-,--_ r,qv de,pouden' . aml ulo.i't; caro whufficl, i ��, I , r not. I ima,-mcd evory'.;oZy r, I - - "--- - . . - '12 ., V$ "ho ,�"kod at Me 9UC,S.-0d my searrm �_,.�r� iV, , . G., , _ . . )A.X1ai;LMULL-o dreams at night weike=i '��_, , - I . I , ne-rly b,allt agaer.t, Jlad pains In 1e A I - I , f" 1� k)_ -(,',,LJ: my head, 11anas ana feet T,-�ro .. t" " - CORI, tilled D2 the morning, poor aiiiietile, _ W I fingers were shalcy, eyea blin-rod, bair -, I . i9loose, inernory paor, ow. Nnunbries3in , I. .... In 'Vile 1111=11's sec in GULL Wo cioc".,r t , 7 I I .11 . ke foarea pra-mysis. I tool� V.,,l jri�11111s_li .. _.. , riedleLics and tried many fir-t-cl,.Iss , . plays 101=4, wore r'l C 1 e ctr i 2 1" c:t 6., tGre e �� - .1 . ... . nlolv"`11 )­�, =c:N%,d ll�tlo lmnellb. I - .". . " 13EFORE TRcAThirNT War 1;1�11rced' to consult Drs. I-Zannedy & I ,Xennedyj though I W lost nll raitil in AFTER TRCATM6-r doctors, Likes drOwning nian I etomninnocd the W-7 AIETI , 101) Twwr-*xXT aud ib savedinyllfe. The hilprovementivas litterna u I thenerves. 1wascuredwentall", ,lic-1 could feel the vigor going throu h ,ud physica ly. I liava sent th jrugny pAtle-Ts an(lroudnuctpaQ"._._v,,,, ' . I I ( I I CURES 6C.ItANTEi2b OP h1c) r,AV' ` � � �;,,,_ We treat'wia etv.'VARtc� -,,� VMNS, NERVOU8 )AMILITY, BLOOD AND VAINARY COMPLAI TS, fap.'.,_�; Y, AND BLADDER DISEASES and *11 Dboases . udo. I � CrONSULTATION PRE& _1�01CS'ppyX., If unable to call wrile. for a lQueallon Blank for Hbwe Treatment. I I � .­.�­11-�, . _�M AENNEDY ;_- � 1) IRS. KEN K,,'--`7'1)Y8X COL Michi-01-1 Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. I I ' I I letters from Canada must be addressed to to our Canadian Correspwidence Depart - I JOTICE A' v!rM0EM=mnxnE= trient in Windsor, Ont., 11 you desire to see Is personally call at our Medical Institute fil, D,etroit as 'we see and tr"t 11110 #Afldnts in Our Windsor, OMces whiCil are for corrospond6ace and Lsrb6tator�r for Canadiau business 01,17, . Adr1r4sA all letters as JOUOWS. DRS. KF.MEt)Y & KENNED11r, Winaxor, Out, I write fOr 0%,± privtlta 44di*e.g. , ..a--...----.�.---.-�.,-.,--,--- ,, . J 11 . I '.1 , 1, . . . ., I . . I 1� I � 11 , . I I . . � � I I I I I � - � . I I 11 . . I I , .: I I I ,� . - . . � . . I .0 . I � � . �,, �� ,,,, **, L, . .1. I I � .. : :: 'i I I �� , - 1. .1 I I I I I . I ,� .1.1 I . . . 1.� I � . I I I I.i I 11 , I . � .1 .1 . . I ,. I � .. ''I I � , . � I � . I I I . . . I ,. 1. . :�. � . . � � I 11 . L, ,,, I . � .. . . . 11 I .... . .. I I . , I11'1_ \,�, , . . ,.? . 11 . . . � � I I I � I � � � I . I . � I � 11 . � . � I I 1��. 111. ,� 1: 1� I—— � 1��,­ . I .. �11 �11 -,: 11.- ���1.1�.�,.,-,:��.:�.��"..�.::'L',�L, , 116� __, . ___.". �.. 1. I I � I . I I . I ,1. , : ,� .. 1: 1. I � I I I �:, �. I .1 , , hwl��', ': � _ , I , .. .. Ili, ,��� � , � . I � I.. .4i,LMj"_ , ,. - _�:_. ., � ­ ,,, ". . �'. ­ � I , 1 � . -, . , ,�. 1tNWjWJEJJWJ"­ �­ �, ,,_.,�,­, Y� 1. I ": I 10699&, ,, -, � ­�, � . � �. ,_w 1" W.N*0WkA"W , 1� ,,,, �,.� " � I I � , I I '' 1. I I . . I 1; ". ., , I I .1 I , ''. " I A 1. ,,,, ,�: I : i ,, , � J , � , � , �&'&', N I ­ = ­ 1-1. � A__J.. �, :1 �, I �::, I . . 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