HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-14, Page 3I I , -
�, I 11 i I I I i 11 1. -1 ..1-1.. ,-11 11 1.1-11- I .111-1111.11 ........ ---I.."- -.11 ... I I—- � "''.", .. I ,�.� .- - 1. � 1. 11.1. 1. � I � 1-11-1 . � I 1. , ': 11140,
" I i I k4ik~ I I r � I . �
I 'k , , � I'll 4 � . I slA ills eol].
I . "A' , I ;; 1� I I Were,
I , I � - —1 I'le, Was n1Q.k With a All'), sense of Ails. iki"',
I 11 - A*ry and poill" yet, 'with that lovoly,
."", I , 4, , ", , - - " , I f ,1611g,bbig race before ulnl� it seeilled !m.
� ,
'. . "
� �.". V00101
A " � I
I - .", I pt-mdblo to be, ungraciolls, tie mu.4
'P,'��i.,.t, I . Out b
� A I � si3liI.N ,he must tulk By is on
. wpq - . Bvhween TNVo Lvy-% v re s I I
� 100101 K0114 W01 11 -1 I I : . . � . I I would 'tell her, and ibere Wouft be sil-ni- f indild.
104118. 01, IN 0 1 . 1 .4 . I , &b.lue, Ili her face nevor more.
� AOXROT14AX) RuGuLAZONO * * * * * * * * . "'.. Ale was 10,01cing up at bial in some 'Ve sh
" �,10 wonder; ,sibe bad 'boon too deeply ab� 'ALI
Azir j@era*,A who is a* 000, Wo- L 1. ... sc.-rbol in her owap happluess to sloti"* we do
, I .. '
OK a UnAry, or way, =44 01W. a _� I 13Y BERTHA M. CLAY, I hinir" Now it slv�ly dawuW across her Wv p
Flou'lls, old may hloi4�ste?A 04 - 14"19 , . . . ... ... . I . . . � I that he geomed rather to, receive her others
809toul a QV41:18iblei OR09,44011 CAL 04 I %14
manito'ba, oaskixtehev.%O, or Wwritiol, Author of "Which Loved Him Bcst," "The We4dln love than to return it. ;.She could ;0.
, 9 � member nothing that ho Vooted
no applicaut,muot appeo,or in Rorao* I I fuld, said; 8tran
, W fox . "ic I ivolulti[4,Yrily, be had not ,.0dressed her-,
at the. Dominion Laxids ARM. ", . . . Ring," "On Her Wedding Morn," Etc:, E. A �J true, ails eyes seemed to devour bot-- lcindly
Oub:!agan",iorthedlistrioti Rntrx " I .----,., . I lox
� no one s+ngio. gianee or word of her$.
kroxx aay 'be had st,the W04OX" 01N � _* , , , maluy
oartain. conidtflonip, by, f atber, matter I I *;��_' ost�aiiied him; but now that she came
., I's hron,- 9&he iftu
*00, daughter, brotlae , or 0113t0vul I to thrialk of it, w1h-at bad be said? Last Many
r 1) will' X
. � �.
tatendi6g, hamw.lt�etrj the $y .� night, In the tumult of Lei, joybo,�
.I , ,
P.MtIe&:-SIX m,03 ugal, ey Y). he I lie), ,at finding hiiii, at*mIlking illrudi troul"ll
300 V0014048, 10,904 kpwa
]a womalm d�i. I wAth him, her pnin lit his obanged ap- tr .
OW awltivixilon a& 6e larLd in e0lit Ala .... -
�i W, three 'Years. A, higmestem4ex WAY where and ho , he would-Tto helpl Shot looked up I is face. pearauce-sbe had. not rexliarl�ea upo,it Aang
we wxithio nine vAlex of .his bomos Ile was westless ,and iniserable. "You mus't grant us 'a ffl,VOT,'� f9he his manner to borself; gibe had fal-wil Which
istead ou a Carm of � get leadt AQ agrat ,,I vililk", he solid to himself, 11thia"C Said, "We tire going 6 kill the tatted it for granted t1hat It WoUld be the 49Th,
isolloV.,owned and occupied by him, RX, no man evex had so un*racious a task calf for you to -day; will you Spend thel same with hini its wIth h(vi,plf. 1\7ow, this
I �
1. Whole day with us') I ' fuld 9
his father, mottbeT,. 60M, 10-24911;t0r, befoTe; I wouid rather kill myself than. 01�res)f loo'kingot him, slia was -,truck Nvith tile ;'Bo"
) hiother or sister . have to meet, the morrowt - ul eyes of Lady I , he replied. I do!)th of paill ill his eyes, tile sad, wag;d-
U certain, distehete a bome0tewd-BIr Xaythan� see her file's flush with Ue*thoukht to himself that every with
10 good standing Ino1r. j)r�,,#,mP� 0, wounded pride. I cannot'lietar if." ocn,09MMA exquinal had a last Tequesit ed expi"Slon, ,the drooping, dejected at-
'C', t MbOav�' It was some little relief- to him whein A,aut6d to him; surel� theme coul- d be tittide, What eo it Mean, when he may
%, n.r-�er sectiVal alanksl;ae W ill(, il�,to Iiina.
, 05-I&I had'found hew? Sile Went . 4�yes
, S - ,4, Fxioe $3, per aare,, DOU tale dzeary breaWast hour had eud�d, ho harm in, his Snatching tWs onq � yorced
, - Muit X.eisw,e six moldths inowd-74 01 at* 10 u s t% -as befoze he "Clintou," She said, very .eutiv, 11,51111 voice
"I, ,. . and he ,co,uld stfwt fox Cliffe I gle�lm, of happinc ,, 'died.
_11 from date of hopVMtead ev#-* 111 w.all -Stuy, VULdly", the replied, You answer.me one question?"
I - "-It will be my last visit there," lie . . "I will answ had
r1on1f4rig �the time required 1 'to oen thought. "I Shall neyer aggain 6re to Then he sinw that Alim LockwooA er as many, my darling,
boim,eat4ad Vaterit) tand edlttytiog see Lady May.11 had quItt6d the room. A Sudden, 4a. as you like to ask," be relilied. ' even
� I . iabout
fifty, acres extra� His last visit! Even If she did not WOOt t's`XU4h11M IlerVOTloiniess game over "Theme le only one," slip said-11oine 6601i.
� Alhomesteader wlie bas e�xhaaobaid solid hini, from her )%r1tJ1 cold, 'proud h0m-4ie, wlio, loved her sN felt almost pl�dn, simple questlan..* Tell me, do yolt
11-:6 homestead Tlg)%'t and exiinat ob- , , L Udy. After her grQat - Me S
. � woxds, lie could never 90 again The afraid at 'ady . love ni& quite as much -as yog need to
" i3*re.em*I0l0t ma�,, take a !9dr. . do? RememlierAll Shall be itellthor hurt boon
� � P9 a - I Wo shadow ,of his uAloved wife Kxy b--- Vx&;eas to him, she would expect, et 4,1t
� IpAa"d fi'omeistead bg certain distri
_ re., 1� lleo�-W40 11, ,wa ' least, - Some kkd words from Lim. .W-h4t, nor anvy If you say no -it will be till
� tween him and his true, love. lilt w,
xeifti id else of 0-iold -ritable, hard to Oould he --what dare he say? my own fault-) but I
OW106 $3, per ae: - ft &ewe Is'some4lAng 06
.. 'S% i's Impattlent, e about yon.; you are not wb
. . IRIX modtAs I She did .not 'give him.much, time 'for sftang at Fler
. ejehirvgte Oft"y acres P.,6a e�est Pletme. Adolphe secretly Wondered bring
% fidr6se. vorth VQ0.00"i - ' what ailed Ilia master. . ,d im; With laugh. You were. Now, tell me truly, do you ,,'"I
Y�Vxfs) refrection; she lookL .at h.
� r. aQ "Goil;-1 nbroud. lifts nat improved his hirs eyes. love me less?" . .
_ 4y, . cried.
ot t7he 1hister Q1 t,b-0 nterlOX `%liurbon, have you Seen ithe Dudhess
. wpuby W. NN . temper," thought that valuable man; Love her aess' He groaned ilayolurt- Vitin
V. B.��IJ4 �Iftlogplg pliblioiltion Ohl c'he never used. to find fault Ili this way ot Roseearn, Yet" she asked. "See, I tarilyi Love -her less! )Vould to Hea- vae.t�
. 11 M t� )en �that he did; the task before &im I
,aWAt Vifflad bd � _______� -nevom." have cards, for heir hall next week. I -would not be so terrible. AfTh
B. CAMINQ, 'bifet Acol4gritg pre and'P P At last he started for cuire i-iouse. sha$1 go, if you wall go'; and -1 promise "Love you less, May'P he replie.d. I pa,rd,o
t � .0061 It might -have been better for hirs. that WIt to, waltz Once-" .
Qlaas �11 o d6110011bg A Vtb 111tato
=a Aut i5neering. =Samin had the pirayed the grand old , -d up in, Gurprise. I it be pow,ble to i
T. Mance, &Ili 9 Ile IoOkL � "No, In all truth. If Of my
. pvtyer, "Lead us not into tempitatioilYl , 'But fhey'l-theii. he heskated-.16aro love you even nVOTe thair I did when (;I d
. , W. BRO,VVNING,, M. D.%M --he wills going into the very midst of it. they friendi of yours, May?" .he ,sk�d. *he fancied foss of You drove Me Died, w1d.
� , i & There was a smile on the face of the "Yes," She replied. "I a -lave ,%chlev- I loye you more now." She
*1W 0 P residerence. J316mi-1111, I ed the wonder some people think pos- icy
I amlty,. tif�c$,"a!aracluate 'Victon old servitor Who opened the dooT to "Do ypu?" she asked, a little sadly.
. b,. ry, Exeter sibIL-4 have dismissed a man, as a Ile smiled -a. smile ten time mor,
him. Sir Clinton atopped to say a few 9 `
Associate Coroner 6f Huran. iAtififl then, tears w,ould have been. It a 0 o
� kindly words to him, and, as he passed lovor, ygt r&udned bim as a, friena, "Do you know," he said, "an old song ligi
on thro,ugh -the euti�ance ball, the old �L'he d`uk0- and myself are on, friendlyt ' re."
;� is M niau Sold to ha=olf: t.eeans;, and his prettywife does me the that never loft me, sleeping or waking, i , 4tKa
Willie I was away from pou-n quatlat, 0
, 188 L1110 -ERIN "I hope it Will be all right at last.,, favom to call meoue of them best friends, sweet Song?,, ineNs
O For Lady Alay's love was pretty 11$ley were very anxious that I should �
well kilown among the members of heir come up to town t�hree weeks ago, but Slie shook her beautiful head In She
household; they judged sale liked Sir I I &d 110t." grave, Sweet saience. ve'l le
Clinton best, because she had ca,red "Why?" he asked, yi[eadIng himself "A song, the Tefraiin of whiall. filled .5".'
1 PUPILS ACCEPTED e swect every moment of my life- Lee ve
Address or Phone CENTRALIA ONT- for no one after be was gone, and be- to the luxury of distening to th � I "Did
., I ,nt ited fox his tones of heir voice --all the music would "is it
, I cause male had evide - ly wed "I am Weary, I am weary
,, � R. 14xight, X. D., X-0- P a4d return, S that Sir Clinton Adair saw te taken from it s6ou, when Slie should - Waiting lor the May.' 11 ' h7ave
0 �
i the fa
R.- p S., Honor Graduate To�o;t; Un- nothing but smiling,faces on his return ealr what he had to say.
?. . , "'Why?" she Tepeated, laughingly; 11-1
TtArsity. Two years r6b1clentphysiol4n to Cliffe House.
� Is it really so?" she aske
I I . vVill tell you, if you Promise nott to be " Dh, 33
Up ct, Offico I den liglit flashni,� in -her face' e'And
yal 6iandra, R0030,1, 81, � . Vain", .
aid relVexce, Dr.' Aiiials' old stand you love me better Oar lif
. _ -j3 ," CHAPTER XXIX. I 11 I-" ,"I pxomiise," -he said. than ever?" �
. LA . A , half
11(a I ( wl�ti EO,Oxet6r. - I "I did, not tare to come bee use you "Better than ever," lie relibed, sadly. PeaT
I A rLAIN QUFSTION. a Then again she Rooked at him Won- kP
IRR. QUA-CKENB_U8Ry � were not here; and it has bbea MY derijig15% ack
V. There was no one in the Zfrawdn,-- ilream that I should Ve able to�tell you, "But, Clinton, you are ql) changed. �pi.
ph"Faician and Surgeon and, Ac- rcom when he entered. Ris heaxt bemt killev You came back, that I had galren 41OM
, :Cast ftS 1110 Saw Once MPTe the famllimx, hp every ,attraction I&ndonn held f6r t In thb time gone past, it I had asked 'But
. . oil such a question, how a would
aqu`cher. Office -Dr. Itollin's old offlee .) .-
on Afain Street. Resid'ence-Cornfix -well-loved room. How often he ha.d your sake." 7 I'Neve
*- YAmes and Albert Street, OPPOS'tfa Set there with her -they had laughed, ".Akud you have done so?" he, aslied, bavrwell, you would have airsw6red Ali
;!1q1nZ8 SLTeet Milhoaist J?ausonap) sung, quarreled, all in that room, but aTeamilY. , . it very ttffereaklv." wered It?'? bnu4d
rimter, 03at. , now, what Was to happen, in it? "Kes," she replied; "and I Would ;do 1111ow should I have anis P len
.. '
Residence 39b . "He alim. k again he asked, t,�yang to throiv off the cara' �n�
.4.Phones-Office 89a, -ircqi help me!" he said to and �ilgaiiii. I wouder at my- , . Tilis,
— ii;elf; 11how Will it end?" But the keen- lbelf., bat When You had gone, it Was that ove�,05do - w. ed him. to raptures, treat
est f�lncies of 1ma.-iliatiou given to him lust as thougla the light bad gone out "Yoxi'would have goale in
"WKSON & CARLINGo rad have made. ever so many pretty [avorit
li� �/ Ay- ncvex'4oresh,ldo-T,@d, Snell an ending as Df my lif-c-I never enjoyed Ones minute speoches," sale replied; "now you take Rvoopl
�� nzd�t4rs, Solicitexe, Notar! eR. (�ilnvs'g�wAO eat which callie, * I Igtorward. Now it is all over, tb=k it coolly, as a matter-of-fac ; and 1,11 eep.
Z VVInft'biciam, Eolloitorg tor the X610ne 'The doo,_- opened Suddenly, and Bliss Eleaven, and light has come in the sbe added with a clbarmln�lt �It. I
ftbw Etc. place of darkness." . slulle-"I His
UDDay tolLoan at lowest rates 0. Interest- Lockwood came in With outstretchea "I will tell -her all I= a fer. minuites.," hinvoinot reached the matter -of. -fact a.p Would
�f liti.aids that trembled in the very eager- �e 7i- 4 Dn
. 'BXETERA ness of their welcome, with hol,�_ht_alyot just now, while she yet.'�
;, - IPFFICE ,-MAIN STBEET_._ t," H. DM]XeC 1% With, eyes 111lea looks so radiantly -happy." "i should hope not," Ole said. 44Aht to co
1i I .a- PAVMINCI B. A tears, I not as well, but �e ba
i * , . ' yes, May, I love You,
(t___1 _-1�4_1, ___ __ - "I canvoi flud, words," she said, lc�in "ClIntoal " she ,saild, with a low, happy il: thousand times better than I did," .
4 - __
, , , , , , , _ ,)�"
-., -, � ,, ." ' ;ii:� �_� wh-mch. to welcome You. Thank Heaven laugh, "Y;lu would have been. toubhed It it man wants to kno-w what real taxess
. 11:1 &�RPIT 1&_=Li0A:K- you have come back to us! you ,11ave had you seeii Miss Lockwood last evetv Itim, ']
I . a �Ke aM oil lit of Pr- va te fuL (is been Sorely . Ing. Silo Was Waiting for Me; she stood lo -re is, and how to increase it let him fui6
. - , findly m9s;ed." by the table there, trembling So that ' believe that the woman lie love's I. lost mjlts�,
V& anavniggopicittrUDE ati'tivyrats She took b6th his hands in hers. , to him; that will teach him -or& than
QLADMAN & $TANBURY 11"Arily did you stay away so Iong')" i;he could hardly talk to me. i1years' of happillesS SPG,nt in her pre- �et he
she asked. . "'Ob, my dear, my deafl' she cried, . said t
Barristers Solicitors, -,Main fti:Rxetct Th,eTe was his c . hance. Ile should Its 50011 AS I e0tMed; 'how-, IS it ail sence. ' hnd a
. "I have been weary. my darl", " _
----------- -A . r.ght-has he made fr4ends with you? , . ft,r th
have answered. , adde�[, pftesio-n&tel,y-"wLaryy walL.. �,
TRC Worn alla fflbbCrt "I h,ye boeu� married, Miss Lock- Do tell me; I am so atimious to know2l fol: my May." " , - lip
, Wood-" but -a. fooli& fear Testrained "I ]a-ugilled at her. . She was more contoutea tbon; vlle The
farmcr,5 Mutual Fire lusur,'i ham. �Ie ought surely, first of all, to tell "'Friends? Certainly, we are the looke(I at the handsome, baggard face, at ails
. Lady May; that Was surely the Im''at greatest of Mends,' I replied; and she . tortuT
UGG ompanu, he could do; the had -no ri'llt to mention thanked Heaven with tears in. her eyes. and smiled. . "Y'D
' "After .%I]," She thought, "the changia this m
Ojead ()fflce Farcluhar,'Ont it to any one until she knew. That Rhe loves You, Clinton. Yoa are veTy in q 1 ca W.ght,f
I Was the excuse which he Made to lalm- ft-irtumite; Bliss Lockwood does not love him is a.11 my fault. It s be use he
1 loved me so much, and sorrowed for me. (1
F�resi&vt: j� F... RUSPELi Self. 1. in-amy people in this weary world." so greatly, Vhat he is altered. I mns� - todd.
vi�oe_plxels.. ROJ3.T.. GA-RDINER "Why have you staid away so long?" "I am fortunate, but I do not deserve try to Win -him round to some Wag like pleasu
she said, half sadiv. "How much hap- Iny good fortune.,," he said, ,gravely.
DIRECTORS. I't CIO; a marl!s es his own old happy Self; no matter how -he
phless you fhave m4sae . atleatt With "
'A ."I think you timate of hard the task, I will be p -t
AGOT. NQ�VRIS, lsta,Ua, "I had not much wAien I went," -lie 11,1111,901f is liever to be taken for truth. . .1 leir."
TOM. RYAN 00101in, replied, With a faint sinile. I can judge of you better than you It*' "I , aAh
. "No, but then she is .lItt_xc(1; T can judge of youxself.c . "Miny," he ,faid. gravely. sftdlY, IP l;aid-
. O,u
ffm E-ROCII, . I twinolielsea. have' nLI-VCr seen any one so 11tered, . .Sir � "All, if sal ) himself have something I wtult to say to YOU. to go
- ' e knew!" the said ti th
FARQUA.&A the t this -"if she only knewy' Ile had screwed his courage np to e tnres
wx, Roy'. Clinton. 1, Shall always think * right point then. She turned a laughing
sorroNy has done her good.. 'Chore Is no ! He know that Ile was C0111%rdly In ealm,
. AGENTS, ' face to him.- . , heire."
� mistake about one thillm—she loved you. deferring his ta k; it had to, be done. ,, �a t I want
J01IN E&3ERY.. Exetex. m4el-ut for 'S I have something also t] , 41 I
jUlsbgr,irei and Yli-AduJoh. all the time, tand -,h(, loved you well." Tp to this time he had no thought of to say to Yon, Clinton. Listen to me She
VER IIARRIS, MunTQ, A0114 "I have only myself to blame," ,he re� tonceftling the truth, never� even the first. Look outside, love. See how the hand.
__ oLI plied. I knintest idea, of such a thing; but now 'Be
j�= j3ibbart, Ppllartola and Lagan, "If you knew 'how anxions -;ho has i -well, it was only for a few minutes; a sun, is Shining; see how the flowers 4
I I J01aN CA'MPAELL been over.you! We tried till that was �epiievo Such al,A a condemued man has ,bloom; so(., how the treog are dressed in said;
groen; listen how the birds sin.- and Cause
, socy.Treai5. -Parciuhar possible to make out vour .iddrv,s,.;, but I .nT,7�-_-= .- - , see how fair and lovely ligain.
the bees hum,
or* we could not. N)'livn the annoniir-oiue�nit I evewythiin.- is, just as tho,ugh. nature he"r- Wrry
. GLADMAN & STANBURV. 80110it of your ititival. appoilrod Ili the papers ----i self were glad because we had found 4,80
-ssxz a S ..
Tiz 1PLa1J_1u1.zd�, I .. 11 I
y,ovtorday, I thow"lit my d:irlln1- would 1-11- . " I 1,'.-�
� 0 ha-vo gone cravy with de,liglih I would .0 . .. I , , cach other. My love, we Will 31,01t '! reirven
- 3am!2lilpi *3:9 *0 ... ... . Serious words or talk of sexio is t in '.
0 )lot tell You till this ])lit that I kany �. I �Ilat
�� �� '�;��-:,
* pou love heT, and I 1,11011' that it 13 .111 _� �: I- . but we will .spend the day I We ..'� t1li"d
. ,,, shine, and it shelf be the h I t .
# : . �? I Still
4# 11 # right. . .. � I I
11 ., 1.1� of ou.r lives." �
�, I 1. , I I 1, plaspe
,; 11
� � I" I ..
0 5-FRATFOiR ONT He bit,his lips with vexation. Would - �- , �, 11 , `
0 . - �11N .;. his al
Jftt t; Heaven taint It were indeed all light! ed1317 � � .11 CHAPTER XXX. - 1X0,J . ,,Ile
* Oar regi9tration greatly ax- 4f - 11 I , I . ,. -Tr "l -aid
itha,t of Trevio,as YeltrSo San% A Els,&PPOIN ,D LADY.
He could have given his life foe Ms 1.1
� - 0 10aeds : freedom, it only for one hour in which J0 q9s V ; Mli
I I - 41The 'm
Whvl. Car school is %he bes�t * he might have loved her and called,hor 00-ri Pugs 'WA . 151013 lb iest day of our liVesp1p re-
QA� # tlij�t 1. 111� , ap�p May. "Oh, Clinton, how "
of its kind in the IV Besb his own. I 0 A), V�=' peated ad , ,
in c6urses -given belit in toaclirs * �� I She
IR34sQm �, I it,ing is it since I had a really happy t1lillka
Tcapl6yed and best in assisting : "I was half Startled," continued Miss Pull aadvd '. CA Vi I .
1. A& Lockwood, "whon she insisted oa com- qq� eurabl V . da�y!neyer since You went aWaY- It Iva
- . There is a rhyme. 4emember
avTadtiates to positibnK Ong now
\. "' -emend. 0 ing to London to see 3 on, I was half *oqo loxvintaq I � it 11 d s
.. ,graduates are, in d ,Bus . . &�. I )1-Ilat you have promised-vot one
11 ihess State that they are * at first; but she Said a, -aud Iln]: "SaftrT � . 11, hn,l I
men # unwilling Just I IN 'word, we
.the best, In the past three days 0 letter might be lost, besides which, the aldmus xoX 0 - '. ,ious look, not one anxious rs, lovill-
We bave ��.Ievcn. applipaltilins for * longest letter that she could -writo wL& - -,",Ill spend the day among the flowe holir,
holp Nvhich wo coula no't sup- t would never tell you how soxTy she wAs, -aumn-Lo,A egup GIC!V711TV OZE and be carelessly happy as two butter- q
W � I �som smi 41,Locr. 'nc& nq� sz, �au flies,in the -still." � I,c a
. ply, "Wo have, Lbrao, depart- * nor how dearly she loved you. Then .SzElellop laot I t re-,.;dst heir. rorgo
mcr�(s 'Cominarcia! Shorthand 0 1 thought -it could not matter, and 'we .111ta u. Rwq He could no F*�! on
I * S1.1equi.T.Soo *SU011valsuill 0009 "I will have one happy day," he $,,lid
all a Telegraphy Ge't our frelo. 4 came up together. But what a gossip nr ,hT,
ca:Lalogue for' full particulars, * X am! Where have you been. all this I '0029ZE 000 *sP,T0J4A 000400V to ,himself; "One (111Y to Which We Can �:] I!r
Commence your course at once.,. * time, Sir Clinton?" .0.,1v,T paprAT47 Aia&r b0h look back as to it last dar in tro"n
1��I # "I have been 11 ng In France," he ia-% R$Tln SAXVEE01�01 . XTao G%L raxtailise. O f ill
P1. , 4 I will tell her to -night before .1
I D. A. MoLACHIUAN. �vi � KE we, part. Ono happy day Out of a life- ,
11� FRneipal. - ,,-tooq 012UT t
� 0
I # __. _____y; and it struck Miss L ck- .S
�,� _ .. tinie-surely Heaven will not grudge me , sell
_ � Wood, even then, that he ,P' d not care -4 tq faTPOCTOTOADUff UV 'espe hir grh
*#0*###+*#* to say -much of his absence. . I �0 P10 -g SJOAG SIGAOC) th,aVI I Wfl,
.. I -T,uOuq "We ,",ill take those books with i1s; t,, he
"In France?" she. repeated. "Well, -S,x.v.Tq11 E)ATJV�=Oq�U-13 U-9 10 thoy will look like an apology fo,r . ..
, 111"I
I time teaches tie many lemons, Sir Clin- oazzoasa pu� rfird o-qq supe oc) '
. . �u wasoting time, and we Will go Into the I, -
I i, C'.4
. tou; It ,Niil I teach. you never to be jonlous -*X-JOA !��, U; AixfauoT� collservatolie, -re you must .tell , 1,:,
CA111"I111, araill.11 � ,s, nol(I the st I
1111111% -olp p92pTxqvurLAt0X Xjz,'til) G,q,L i
,wTVJ0"' RUA "I was a. Mad-Milln't" he cried, $nil- . line, (Illuton, nll,,,that you Nave doilla : III'l!"gal
qinvo we, only
For infants and Children, dtlily. "She has ,the purestt the noblest, M31S93M WV1HH3W 3H.L , n Ile could -be asked ll,i,, .9
I -'-K i the truest heart in all- the, 'I i I I I ; an Wolild t�),,i"V`n,tV,c - over
IT, The Kind'YOU'Have AlWaYS BOUght not worthy to brouthe the sarne'air a ALUVW1011071a no bottey "'r " lc difficulty lay in the
' "I . lellillg� Ile called himseft a coward
"That il. what all lover,s 1, pilint
P Said Miss Lockwood, , tWu "" rX V140 I J;Vta MIR JA X I .and a traitor as he, followed herl; he 11011som
33ears the . lo, SL loathed the I " wi
'It'hod bilil "If, he ight bit
1 .
signature of Th"ll, before-hc,. ,had time to Say more, A& HE N dtl�,; 1,:11c suill,411ine and t -lie, flowers WOO tilt
44W, M_52W_1� the door oi*lled, and Lady Alay ealtom- , , . .
. I . � od, bright and faIT as the morning It- 919USIS BZ,A% Atol'al to ,him; it seemed to Iiiiii thibt rovim
self, a honveli, of weicome in her fftoep ' 11 I and w" on' alfs btow-the Weight and
,'J "ChIldreft 0-'ry . N a MV -03- ft A 9 MN V f his lintold Secret eTush,ed him. ; A
9 .FOR FLET R'S ., her oveei ubioiatir Witt, 11,2111, .. I I I .-.I� BIA
4� 'Ir� CHE .. - ._.� I FE Y. iod o1a way to�. tho coo).
'r 0 1 - �. . . � _,w
� .90 _e A- S w " _ R I A n '.
� I
� �
I � I
,� I I
, I I . ;
1� % , - , , I ,I ,�, - ! .L%,:1 ". - ,� -V , - � ,� �r ,- �!.,� , , , , . , I - , , , - . 11. I :. .1 1. . 1. I r,
'1i*.11 � .111, I.,
�"' , -.1 I *11;�W�4i* � .. I "I I .�� i I I .
� I . " I '00, .� I , 1 I I I'll -1. -11.
pja,eeil wer 'tile. ilowers.
us sit 111(ve", she sald� ODO 'Voll
wr,. Clinton, ,how, Ottea. We have
ore, before you Went awlty? ,This
ch of ,tile baunts I liked boot to
t brooght you so forcibly to my
. alWays, I bli[VrAlly thADught th
, ji�,t
0-1114 sit Itere side by side aguin.11
fe, is all a naystory", ho� said, 111VIly
things, why We say them, why
oTform certain .actaous and leave7
undone, io All Ix mystery.),. I
t was .not (11ifte the reply sho ox,
I and it struck ber, as bo'ng
,0 that he niade no respouse to her
hinkill She roviled, "that we make
of "the mysteries, as *0 MALm
of the troubles, But, Clinton, we
ot discuss elther mysteales oLc
es.yy ,
at gliall we diocuss?" be asked" i
I i
to, affect an, easy carelessness, I
, however, set badly on him. I
re ,axe two subjects litted for,
lovely worilieg," sho Said-111ove �
oweTs!1 I
ought 0 be easily discussed
you " the said; and again Lau,
ralsed her inaticeot, wondering 1
to his face. There was sonlietbing
and unwatural in ,his conduct; his
had not the true dn-., his smile
lot the sunshine, Ns complimenits
h4d soxwthing .unnatural and stiff
them. �
ntou,c� she said, Oil never Saw any �
o changed -as you are; time has �
cruel to you." I
was not time," he said, dreamily; 1!
quick, crimson, blush seemed to �
Win liuok to himself, I
an: ungenerous speech!" he 1
"4am ashamed of myself. I was i
ng aloud, May, you must forgive 1
. i
e thto'light Is just ins difflci4t to 11
3, as the words," she replied. "Oh, 1i
n,'sbafl you never ceiese to think-'
faults?" . I
id not mean ,to meation It," he
Interrupted ,him.
u are right, after all, Clinton—
atirdy my fault. You were, happy
, bright enough before you knew
owing you .has Made ,ill the hap -
6f my life, MRY," he replied.
laid the books down and 'went
him. She placed one white,
d hand -upon. his brow; she traced
ins with, one pretty finger.
L�do this, and ,this?" she slaid.
I Who have changed you—iybo
takeh the Ilgilt and gladness from
ce I love s,.L--U-PL'-%,it I who
riade you XR.Te-worn. anbw-%, - 9
I -ons.
I -i�preve me—I wii .
Y 9", fl� �-11`�e
k .06 Mal"e, Voti 'happy ragaill.", 11,
- .\
�a,tch these Ia,_`1'6'k cn�e by one dis-
; I shall -watch �Vie .light come
. 114 ,
to I your eyes, ,tale fl� 4V . to�,To,ur
I p1whesy that in. tllrei,.�w�s
i 2
low You are your old self ga.. ,
he's -aid to himself, with'a grp,ln,
'never more!" � I
hill be quite patient," sale cou-
, *Ith a chamming sm0e; "so
t that you will say to yourself,
canuot b& Lady May.' I shall
you just as I should one of those
e flowers of mine; if I saw it
ng, I should tend it, L6herish it,
all hurtful influences awav from
shall do jaist the same witii you."
face Rushed with delight, yet be
have jiven the world to esonfic.
e previous evening he lind been
mpletely taken by surprise, that
d not attempted even to evade bee
s; new she was bending over
eT flower-like face near his, bee
dd hair touching his cheek, heir
Warm hinds near to his elasp;
did not dare to touch bee. Ile
0 himself that he was a coward
trailtor but not traltor base emagh
at, He did .not dare to touch with
s tjhe,,Ja�ce so .near his own.
glel felt surprised, then Wondered,
coldaft , s, She little knew the
e lie Was suffexing. ,,
a axe .riot so pielased to see me
ovialing, Clinton, as you were last
' she Said,, at length. I
iM moTe pleased, if possible," he
"Every time I see you, May, the
of seeing you grai - ------- I
pain of parting from you in�re Vit- I
! that da more like Yourself," she
44mare like the Clinton who used
into rages of jealousy and rap -
of love. I hardly know this
cool, collected gentleman Who sits
ardly know myself," he replied.
laid heir fair, soft cheek on his
muse You are so pleased," she
"you hardly know yourself b2 -
you are delighted to be, with me
110h, my love, my love, I am
that you ever went awaylst .
am I," he repeated, in ,it voice so,
t and earnietst she said to herself
sthe must 11raTe been mista-kea in
ng, him cold or changed.
he never touched her, never
d heT4
, hand in ,his -own, never laid
a d on her golden -hair. I
h,as gro.1vii, shy," she Said; "he is
of me; he oniv.,, remembers my
and caprices; he does not think
r love."
drew her chair nearer to bils,
ng io hemself With ,it smile, that
s her turn to be the wooer now,
lie began to'talk to him, as she
wen accustomed to talk, tile light,
sparkling nothings men like to
irom 'the women thev love best.
iiiiised th'in in .spite oi himself; he
f 16.4 trou.bleli and his cares in
lug o brr. .She had n keen sense,
�. _�
mor. and some of ber stories Wl'.re
!)I] it wiis impossible to refrixiii
longliffig. �'ho had no inennpower
nilery,, an -1 roil-, t V 11, r ini-itatioliN
.1411, Clinton into hoa;!,i� fit; of
ter. .
is Is bettter," Monght Lady May
r;:olf, as she I,stuned. I
dually sale eliarined Min out of
fliluess, out of his rc�,ervv: Ilk
q r,-cxned to rise With bai,,. - Ile
od, talked, jested in his old i,tvlv:
ever and allon she, who watob(A
o closely, snm, a dii,vk shii(low sted
hini, an exprev.sion of care and
ill illoturlit. IV, hn' nould' be tha
I? Yet, so hax, she Was we -11 weas-
th'the progress'she %1,,ad made.
is as though our positiolas were
ed,11 silo .said, "wid. I ,had to won
Vin imAO&A of him." '.
Or CL Iii4a, We cham 09 lier Ivan-
gl,aeo, re4glurd th-eir utaiterrover hivi.
alld how;is talking to ber AS it tiolt. ba'I
uot parted them, The only d4rovilev
she. liotleed wals Mat livoevor attooilptod
to pairqoss her; no"giattor how Owe the
4W0,et Wlifte Mimi lay near blill, hit; otivil
never clo"14 over it. She renlelobt-red
When he 11'sed to plehd for one chisp,
of bor whato fingors. What tied olianged
him so? .
Tho idea seiddonly occurred to ber
that he adopted this line, of polldlwt
Atom a, Wish to please lier; 1#at Ale
I bad always be,ni, so coy., atna' mserve
I with him, lie had adopted the same lino
,or bobayloir, thinking, to, wileaso bell
� "I R411 011anged, too", she tbou�ll,�. "T
11�04 'to be so proud,. 'SO hall"lit.y., ho
tiflilkS I am 11 goddilg% toL be 'Vvor$1aj1�pefJ,
not a Woman to be lovo,il." . .
$0, although she had won 1111ti blvlk
to so,mobbiol; -like their o1cl stankling ,
� point, Lady B�ay was goino",btif -ill.---
appointed. She would havo beexi hill)-
pler had, lie taken her once In his arlits
and kissed lier, sa,ying:
$Awe will be friendt,, and linry tlxv�
� vast, decir." . I
But be did nothing Of the 14nd.. TTo I
UAPAI jrayly enough while the ci;ilv,�r
sataft was only of geneTal mattems. 'lilt
the anoment that it became peiqon�, Ile
was mute. He discussed poli,ilt-q, litera-
'ture, net, the news of the day, their
dift-elit: Vicudo, but neltlleiL blinsidt
nor ,her. Site was roused by hearing
the bell for lunch; she looked up at him
playfully. *
"Cilawn, our huppy woolng is all
over; there it; tile bell for lunch. Thds
morning has fone, never to return."
"Never to return," he repeated to
hilmeelf-t "With all its pailis and its
pleasures, never to Teturn!"
They went into, the dinhig-1:00m for
lunch, and Miss Lockwood ' met tbam I
*th a Smiling face. In her own iii -Ind
ir, 0
ish(- thought that by this , time, they I
wotad have settled the weiicling-a,ty. i
Lndy May went to her room to make
spnic pTetty addittion to her toilet, and
Aliss Lockwood followed her. .
"Is it all right, MY d0flr?" she asked,
anxiously. .
Lady May could not explain why she
si0ied, as the replied:
"Yes, CeTtAftil.-y—quite light."
"And have you nothing to tell ine?"
continued the older lady—'Atiothin.- of
any kind?"
Again the Tague sense of disappoint-
ment came over Lady May.
,,Ninliat news should I have?" she ask -
ad, with come Slight annoyance.
"'I thought, peThap,,,," spid Miss Losk-
%rood, "that you had arranggod� your
wedding -day." I
"There is plenty, of time for that,"
.said Lady May, with a careless laugh;
yet the faugh had something of 1xibi in
it. . . . �
N "I know you -will not think any quest-
�qns of iiiine Impertinent, May," Said
,�s, Lockwood, "bee-ause your interest
I I 11114. SOTrO)NIS Etl'e
,, n,e, and .,our joys
Ina,,, . Has: Sir Clinton Said nothing, of
theL weddlug,-day"
"Not yet," laughed Lady, May. "I do .
hot ,think he has quite recovered froin
the surprise of seeing me."
She bad laugliml as she spoke, but
even she owned to herself that it wacs
Dessing Strange. She had been a whole
morning with her lover, and he ,had
rjot said one word to her of love—lie
had not even. mentioned marriage, he
Who had o=e -never weaTied of postring
heT to wame the day.
It was -more than strange. She tried i
to have recourse, to her old formula of
beillet—that it was her own fault, that
she herseif had brought about the
chninge with him; but it was In vain
that reflection, bad not half so much
comfort in it as it had on".
They went down to lunteb, and then
She thaught that surely she had been
Wataken. He was all kindness, all do-
votion; he amused Bliss Lockwood Slid
herself by a hundred anecdotes, by his
description of peop ' le -whom he had mot.
They lingered long.. until Lady Slay
turned to her companion, with a height
"Shall we ride this afternoon?" she
asked. . . �
For a nioniont it flashed across him
that, if the announcement of his max-
ringe had to be made, it would. hardly
do for Win. to be seen *rtding with her.
It would be sure to excite comment and
� remark, therefore it would be better
left alone.
I "I think not,!' he replied; "it is very
wairm. I will road to you if you like. ;1
BAt the answer was given with such
hesitation that Lady May could not
help remarlting it.
"Aly dear," whispered Miss Look -
Wood, as they aeft the drawing-room—
"my dear May, he is really more de-
lightful. than ever; but, do you know, I
have a stmage fan-cy."
"What is i�t9" asked Lady May.
"I thought Ke did not seem to care
about riding out with You; is It so, do
you think?"
"He seemed to hesitate, but it is real-
ly very -warm, and he does not seem
over strong. There could be no othee
possible reason for his deelining."
$11 Suppose niot," said Miss Lockwood;
yet she did not seem (111itC S30U�U.
Alore than once she said to herself, dur-
ing that day, that Sir Clinton Adair Was
quite unlike Vniself.
When, Sir Clinton entered Cliffe
House on that morning, be bad fully
t should be toh.l
before night-JIle had not dreamed of
keeping it after the day was over. It
was one happy day snatched fli)m life-
long pain, yet it Was not all happiness;
every xaom�nt he pn6sed Avith 4er added
to his paini, every charm of hexs—hem
fair. face, her grace of movement, her
grace of woxds, actions and thought,g—
all increased his love for her. He
tbolight'jo himself eveley ,moment what
might linva been, what a cruel differ-
ence between what Was and what might
have been. But fOT that mad marriiage
--that foolish, rand inlierlage of his—he
could now be asking Lady May to
hosten Iter wadding -day. Ho pictured
t(i himself tbe radiant happiness that
would have been his, the 111fe thoy
would livxve led together, now that Lady
May lied learned to love him so Well at
Inst. Now it was all ovo-r—this un-
loved wife ,of his stood between him
and his fair young lovo; she could nevol�
now be his, and alo, Should have to tell
hor go when the day Was ended.
They ament ,a. long. bai)ny. siroav
� �
"' I
6`_ `4 # : I ,f
a �
11 I .1 I I I I I.- -.1- 111. I I I I � ,
, I
%rie,rjio,.,)1n r;ogethp it t ,P ( rawmg-roqm.. .,�
� ,
I li
rell.dy May had �zxhl to him, .
� .3
**kValy, Clinton, we have speat "r, 1
Nrboli�� dny togellie'r, tillij yot You bave.
.1 I
.fit told tile olw s.tl,�;'fe thing t1lat yoll '17
1 1 1 11
�ild while Ynn lvf'ro ni-may. All thoser .
I I �
rnollfhs�llrp goric "tilt 1�f your lifo, Ana.
: �
I know nothing of them", . �
"I '4011 tell YOU all about thein tCr* - I .
I �
night,", be, bad repllt�il, bot his nwn)larl �
, I
I .
waq tdnillge aild vwirt:-f�fl� I I I ,
I I 1, �
Sud4loilly T4 so,p,, " I- ,, fl,at be had,! , ,
I It,
� .
. Ito Xr.-at 10-11 h) �,` , r t Ills iiar .1
't Of �
I I �
� I
10% )+!,fi, 1'11,11,,!�J,, l", 1" 14 pgt3sed It In,; . , fl,
, i
iimit,os, . Idle on,,iiiiing c z her, and, W11101
. I 1.
xUq�anlo to tell lieT .vo- nofbnp� ho� ha4!' .
I 'i I , I",
spent it ill go-hig nill 1;i.;,sly front OX101-
. , 4
Waco to. another. nnil (lid not earo.to,
tell her how colllplotl+� the time ,hall I
I �, �
beeill wasted. She ros4),Ived that it sboulit -1
, : . 4
not happen ligi�%- `�'t Ow wouid speta,lc .1
11 , � i
11, �
W him moire t:' :*.11 - 11%0, lleverluoTo� ..,
I � I I :
of the past—it FIN,.iiltl ho a sealed book , I
bvtwe<)n them. ."'Ie conlil trm:t hinu, ie, �
I �
all those montles .she 1',!t quite ceirtala, ' ,
I �
that he had nover wv,e beon untrue- �`
�h N,
to liar. . I I * ,
. 1. ,
So -tyben 01viv r wtiq o7fir ,axid tf-9 I I
i � . i
fair, dewy, fraprant evv:.i,,i.q ilraulng tol, , ,
I �'
P. close, he knew the -time had ealue,
I � I I I
I I I-,
whell he must break heir: beurt. Itr I
I . �
� 1, ,
oAuat be 4=e. Feo;nJe would soon bp;TM
to, talk about them -4o associate theft
. , 1�
� ,
.� I ,
together. It would -not be fair to heii:
� I , ��
to keep that L Marriage quiet even 0. , . �
: I 1,
allother (lay. L
1� "
. %, I
They had gnn,e, Into one of the prettr
, I ',I I .
little, balconies that led from the 4raw-
I ,
.. I "I .
lug -room windows, -and then he � said tkw
I , I . ,"
himiself that he must tell her ,t4e plain,. ,� ��
. �,� '� �:
unvarnished truth; lie would Make no
1:1 I IL I _`
� :1
L I I .,�
exclises for himself-4ndeed, he had
I ,;
.11�:� ��
none to offer. The 1plain, fact was he . I L,
believed Lady May to be married,: andr .
�: ,:, I ,
. �� � ".
.1 I . , I � , 11
I 4 ��� '11 11
� .4
. I
lost to him forever, and he had Married, . I'll
.1 , .
I rl �
4 ,
pretty, Simple Daisy, because she hail �,
1 1. :V
I .� "I
declamed hewself that she should d1w
, ,
.. , .,,�
when he went away. No tale could be; . I
-1 ,,
.. I :,
,,� , L ,
more simple or more concise, Why-
I :14 :�
I :. �
I .
L" .
sbould it be so difficult to tell? He-
,, ��, ��� "
looked at the face, doubly faix in tale
, L.�
moonlight. Ile saw before him & riisiov
I . ,� . I .
of sallining sflk and soft white lace, r.f
4 .1
I . .
a loyely face, and the ,sheen, of goadeiiii . �
. � �,
hak; he saw the light of her jewels, I
��r I �.,
and the light in her eyes; Ile saw deep, I
c. I . �;
pure, true love for himseU in everx
�-. L L .�
f6ature of her face, and he turned away. I
. ,.,.
with despair more bitter th= death In
� I �;.� �
h13 heaft. Ohl pale, pitiless xnqonlixht�
� I �
� i
I ,
that bad no compassion for -him; pale,. .1
�.- I . � ,� �
. . ,....:�
pitiless stars, that had in them no gleaM , .
: ,
of mercy! He must tell hex—tell bW �'
�. , 1, L:
that he w vinavied, and could nevez � .
1: I
be more to lier while the woTId stood. ,
. � I I
"May," he began in a low, unstendr. . I
voice--J'May, you asked me this mom-
; �
I I �
. �
mg to tell you all that I had done aull
_ ',,�..' ,I
had seen all that I had lived thxaugll�
I I ,� � �,
sluce I had went away. I am readr
. ., �
I : I
to tell You now, if you are ready t*
� �
� If
listen." ,
,�� �:1 I
She was quite slient foT half a =in- I
.1 %, ,c
. � � ,
late, then she said-,
_ i.; ,
& ,_� ''
, ""
"My dearest Clinton, I will not listen .
.. � "'
to on e Word; I refuse absolutely W
, ,
listen. I am quite suTe of one thinn
, ���
You 3may ha-ve wasted, Idled, om even ill-
� I I
. � I
spent the time during which you have
. I , I I
been away, but you hAve bem quitel
� ,
true to me; nothing in the whole wift .
� ..
� 1, I -
world cam. shake my faitti In, that, t0h .
s , - ,
- .,�,;:_,_�_
have kept Your ,love for me free, ate, - �.
- I
pure, and true; the rest does not coXV-, _
ceTn We, and I refuse to Rsten toi�-W't'
. .,
I "I'll,
He made some faint protest-, he beguU
I .
again, but she placed her white. hartc!
- I
on his lips. 1411
. �_
"There," she said, triumphantly, "Y90 f-1-01
I I —
cannot be so rude as to Wk now. I VATP
.. I .1
� I
riot listen. You cannot receive a. grmtec
, �
compliment than for the woman yo,m
love to trust you. Instead of talkint'
I ".
about this past, which I pronounce t,q( _,�_I_...
, � � . ,
.. ,
, ..
. , ,
be dead land burded for both of us, w(* (�
will talk of the futirre—the futuze that
�..'' � li
shines before us, bright and cletex wi, .
� �
the sami heaveins--tallat will have * .
I .1, .
thousand times moire interest for us." .
. . � .
But, to hex sua-ildse, he Te,MTLIn-.# I
mute and dtilnb. . I
. I I I
"It has a charm for you, although just I
I .1 �
at this moment you axe too piroud to�
,.. I
,say so. I flre in it; there IS no hour
�_ ,
. 1:
of. my dif e in which I do not thank Heia-
.: �,
Yen for it," she added, quickly. "Obo,
love I
. xmv love! what' virould thait futum&
r -M �v -�
I .1 I ..
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lit 11 � .'� I .�! ,, ... 01:1
I al I 11 I - "
� i. 11 .. �
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12 ),#-, ,
� rLi a IL -Iff F1 f
and all
Bowel Troubles . -
� I.
, �",
Are Curable by the Use of ,_ �j,
- .
It t"V
I EA vact of
Wild Strawbern,
. JV
. (�_,,�,
� f f,
' '. , . I-)
. ; I � .
I � I I
If an unscrupulous druggist or dealet . ,� I . . I
I I . ; I 4
says ..— . .
L, . . .
I . �
"This is just as good or better," jus�, I I I I
isy—IlGive me 'Dr. Fowler%' I know- ,,,
What, I want when I ask for it, and giv* . ''I ��
. L'
I I , .:�
tne what I ask for." 11 . .
.1. . 470 .1, . � 17,1
The price is 35 cents per bo�.tle., 840 1. � I .''
that the name, The T. Milburn Coij ,: ,
EiimitAd, Toronto, Ont., iappeafs ou thill I � � I I
lAble as we are tho mp'nufacturero =41 ".
.;.ib. o,
iole vr�oNetors of tWs rem .. � . I
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