HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-14, Page 2� , I
! I
"-�, I . , , ..... . . ".1 I'l-Z- -,--., __,______,_._,__�_.___, , ___,_-_.___1_� - - 'I'll, I. �. 1________;-- 1-1-11-1 . . . . . . . . . . ____ _._ _______,_,____ I � ._ . I . � I .
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... I --=_11:114 I 11 1:�,�� � ��: I �"_ of sugar and boil five minutes Ion- it. Tho. total Water pwor of the
, I 'I, . Is I 11 I , =-"=:==—_.14- 41011 IN WATERFALL4 7. All � kinds of music—X*te� tl
I .
. I I I i , ,Aerili ed 0 3 �
. ger. TUTU !atc, - 1 4 , il"W". , Iguasou Esll, whioll 10, 21 feet higis leisurely reiteration of tho vari,
I I .
�_ . I . I I � I � - . that it cau well spare 4 few� o t so SOME CURIOUS CALENDARS I
. . . and avuly two inilps, wide, is -osti- 6.11 I .
. . - 0 a , 111 instruments, just an in -verses 2 d
. .1 H ints f r B ,, sy, . flousekeepi�rs, LITTLE HE LP0. 11 mateoi as about 14,QW,000' -hor.e� Sweden, likewiso, the Falls of 3 the officers am twice li�ted, Coal- . — , ' .
. � I
I . . . . . . I ., I.. . . I . power, This.is approximately equal Tr,ollha.,ttA, the most celebrated of pare, also verses 10 and 15, TREES AND STONES . TRAT .
''. . � . � .1.1 . 1. I . I I To Peel Eggplailt.—Cut the � waterfalls, have , �
I I . 1. . , . egg, Plant, in slices about wa eighth to the, agg�regate water power 6f all been 4.1�nost. entirely annihilated as 8 -18 ---The charge against the I . .
�.. . I . I I . � � Ro*, col A*# Ot�or ViOltable Intarmation of an inch thick� Then take a Scandinavia., whieh. is rich in wat- objects of na,tural. beauty. Nearly three Hebrew youths, all.,' their TE'TIL OV . PASSIS'G YEARS-
. I of Poirt1cm1or lwcere t t9 " � I 1. � I orfalls, -or about ten times the to- ly� .
. . 4 k*,otnex Volk& grap,ofruit kaife, and rlta it around all of their wat-er is now employed rep I -_
�1',.., I 1, 1. the ,edge of each. slice. This will fal water power of Germany. The for the production of 'electricity. S. Chaldeans—In the, book of .1 .
: I---.---- temptation to .e,xploib this -great, Daniel the word is descriptive, not Vxtraordinary Natural Calendar to
. I — -��__ move, the� peeling all in one Piece. The Governmei itself lia,s re- .
I . I I .... � . IN � � . � � ,�1 , � 11 ;=-. I - - 11 I re it
I 11 11 I I I I �
� of a nation, as elsewhere in the Old 40 Seen, in the, British . I
��, ��:�� . I. . I . � Besides saying time and avoiding in-exhatistible, ,never fr,eeziag �con ly established here .% po, wor
I . � � I t -
�: I : I FROZEN SWEETS stream as a. source of power for t - I at% Testament, but of a, leaxned class �
1 �, . , I I thoroughly the meat, onions,.crack- waste by thick Peeling your pieces I ioA,*itll a oapacity of 40,000 horse- Xxseunt.
;'' 1. I
I . I � ,,r lodustrial purposes luay be easily I
11., , I . . 11 I I Ice Oreant Hints—ITOw that frooz- t meat, salt, and pqper. Fill; of egg Plant are a better shape. � I power,.This, now the largest water among'the Babylonians. It was
. � , i I I era are, to be, had at a ri the peppers with the mixtilre, put- The 41 I � .
�: ", . I , p ice so addition of a generous pinch .imagine power station in Europe, will soon made up Of thO Prie0a, whose du-, 19aw.through the trunk of an oak,
! . . I reaso6able that every one, can af. ting a teaspoonful of butter Q.n,cop. of sugar to all boiling, vegetables A� Present such exploitation is be surprised, however, by the sta- ties, lay largely in thp tealin of 'Count the rings and the -se will tell
, . I . . t .
I � ford to have one, no family alioul Best ou the tops and tie, in Place , quite impossible as he Iguassu tion at Rjulcan, in Norway and by you the ago of -the tree.
� I A except potatoes gives a, flaN. or which , magic, astrology, and divination.
i I be without oil with white string. Put tomatoes Fall is too far from the beaten .
i I e, as the heieit of once, tried will be repeattol. a, still larger station in the north ' Brought accuntion — Literally, �ut, they Will tell you more than .A
� ��.'11 : . dessert. excellence is reached in '011 fire, adding one can of water and With plain apple pie �ierve crusli- tracks -of commerce to make it pro- of Sweden, which ,will sorve for "they ate the, torn pieces -of the this, The rings vary width, and, by
,. I. i , � . many frozen sweets impOssible, to when boiling point is reached drop ed maple suga,r, . fitable to establish any electrical the Operation of the Lofodert Rail- Jews," This shows that back 'ol ,studying the Ott, can Mys
. G 'in
"'.1 I . in the stuffed peppers. Boil one rawberry power station, but it Will probab- their ,charge was an exoe�,,ii-,e -.,L,t- This ,year, ,eig'h'Ib�e'aea'yr'iags -ago, wafs
.. procure ill'any but the largest city hour, or until peppers are soft. To Servo a, dish of tart at. , � ly not be long before these� falls Way. I . 0,
confectioneries. In fact, in in i -d-dressing the Icing, they a ,fine -one, There must bate been
%�'. i bat jellv with macaroni. The� Porjus Fall, at which. this lousy, In a .
�` serve, cut peppers in halves, length-, Nhth sliced. tomatoes, parsley will be threatened with the fate of 'a station will be, use the standing. formula� employed plenty of warmth and a fair amoutib
1. I communities And in the rural 4is- wis.e. Lay two halves ou lettuce Niagara. This undesirablo. poszi- 'a t mentioned
11 tricts it is even. impossible to get may be used and, a French dressing placed, is only one fall, or rathei elsewhere in Daniel (compare 12, 4). of mositure, for the tree made , big
�, I bility has been foreseen by the in.- I r I2. Jews whom thou hast appoi*.:iL- growth, And this, thirty-one ,ring I a -1 __
. 1. : a simple ice, the only thing nvail- leaf. Pour remaining tomato sauce, spread over both. ' Argeri- rapid, of ,a, long ,series formed by "11
I I . thickened stiff, on each half, about terested States, Brazil and secret of their back, was a. I )an year, cold, and * �,
. I able being ice cream, in Pour a, little maple syrup over I � I
I . I tina, which have &Iready begun W
I the size� of a, silver dollar. 9prinkle plain vanilla i ,�_ Abe Lule-R,lf near its source in -.he malice. These ,disappointed, aspir- With a lack of 'sunshine, for in that -_
�� �., � I . vanilla and chocolate flavors. With lightly with red pepper. Ga.rX ice cream. gotiations designed to protect the lake, region of Laplaqid. � , - - U W40 .1
,�; I a freezer a,t home a variety of lisli Boil tiny new potatoes with green . . The largest .and most. beautiful ants for imperial honors seized cag- year the 'growth was b t t -
� �,, I ea,ch half with a stuffed olive in falls. -erly this chance. to bring a charge thirds of the average." I
1. creams, as -well as ices, frappes, Peas And serve with ,cream gravy. . of these falls is the celebrated Har- trunk is, in fact, a calendar
�. ,� I I et,c,,s is possible, and one has the center. ..-..* I There is nothin& better- for a The largest,qf the earth's water- -bich forms the siibject of of disloyalty against the youths Who The
! .
� . I . I 0 falls, the Victoria Falls of the Zam- aprang, W �
.11., I . satisfaction of feeling that the best I cold than castor oil, and a very many legends. The Porjus power had outstripped them it; th6ir own of a kin,6, . I I
11 . I DESSERT. simple way to give it to children besi River in Rhodesia, -which are craft.. The most extraordinary natural
�, '
��.L:l : I and cleanest materials go into . 6 feet high and mofe than a mile station is. expected to reach com- ar in existe,606 is to be seen r
� . theta, a -ad the), have a delicious r F ruit Dessert.-4� most pleasing is to make a pan of molasses candy 3,$ pletion in 1914 and to develop aboll' 13, Nebuchadnezzar in his rage— calend
�, li "homey" flavor impossible to pro- and dessert can be ,n oil to it wide and which were discovered by It is said that this Icing war iub- in the British Museum. Iteonsists
, � , I ecoamical a d add plenty of castor Livingstone in 1855, have also be- afts6rw4rd about 80,000 horse -power, Ject to sudden outlattra a like, this. of� a, largest one,, known as the "Sun-
� . I cure in oreaa5is or ices procured at made from one box of strawberries, just before removing from the -ire. . I yet the, wild beauty of the porjus at .
P, I . come the subject of a compromise He could not tolerate what seeined day Stone," and was retribved from
I . the stores. Listed below are a one pineapple, and pint of peaches, The ,taste of oil in it cannot be do- Fall willbe little affected, as it, is , � . a drain in an English coal -mine.
�_ ,:. . I between the conflicting demands of I , basia. ingratitudia, and insubpr#111.11-
: 'I'll, . iiated 11"Pow- . I
�. I � number�,,pf tested recipes, wid also . Slioe,,-.pineapple Rae or grate it, slices teCtftl I - IV_ .1 rs esth that its total watc. tion lie When the mine was working the. �-
I' � . . tlie 16�e� of nature. and th� pro-' . on the"part of those whom - � I
� : used in ice', strawberries lengthwise, peaches, moters. -of industry. The water er in summer, afteir its sources of ha,cl favored. , I coal-dast-col'ored wats�r left a ' black -
,_ , creams, and method of making the use either.fresh or eanned. This I -supply have been regulated, will be deposit, but at night, ,as well as on
, ,
�,. cream. If you -want the rich, full dessert can be placed on ice to power of these falls ,is estimated about 300,000 liorse"pbwer. _T 0 Stind,.,�YS -,
, � I � 14. Is it of purpose I he king ii . and holidays, the watex
� I - be fully I I ,
. . � bodied delicacy kn,owii as Phila. chill as eaTly as you like. Sweeten THE WORLD'S WATERFALLS to In the Porjus Rapid the river de- willing to put the beat constructioll running clear left a white deposit. ,
�.,�".. delphia, ice cream, scald half the the fruits after they are all placed I 35,000,000 HORSB-POWTR, soeads, 164 feet in about 2 miles. upon their act. Perhaps after � all
, I
, � . , The Harsprang is also half water- they. had not intended openly to A PLACE OF HONOR,
L� cream used. This portion of the together, to taste. You can use any
� . I I two and one-half times that of the
7_;��_ � " cream will increase slightly in of these fruits canned with. the THEIR RELATION TO IN' D r's" Iguassu and five times that, of Xi- fall and half rapid and accomplish- defy him. , He will give, thein the These deposits, in codi-se of time., I 1;
% I., . qua,ntity when freezing,, while the fresh fruit, -or use all three can1le,d. I . Priv -
� , . TRY AND CollgSERVA,TJON. agara. By way of comparison it os a deseentof 244 feel in ly, miles ilege of recanting at, any rate. built 4p the :stone. Its section A
. 5- Who is that god that shall de- shows a black streak for each day .
C_ �, raw ,cream will almost double its If all ca,nned fruits are used cook should �.,e� li6ted that the aggregate The Harsprang would therefore l
i.1 .
, .
,-, bulk. Ice cream ma,de from scald- the strawberries down thick, and . I than the Porjus, liver you?—A deliant challenge to of work, a white one for night, And
, . I .Water ptiwer of the Whole of Europe yield more power clayo �
ed cream is too rich for most tastes pour off some of the jilices 'of the Is in Africa—Power of cannot greatly exceed 35,D00,0,00 but it is to remain untouchad for thO God Of Israel. Similar chal- wider ,white etre&ks for Sun � _ 14,
and unnecessarily costly, while, oil Naches and pineapple. When You Tictoria Fal the, present, and it is to be hoped lenges, and -their answers, may be and holidays.
" 4 , horse -power. I
� '. I I . Nature provides 'Lis with orther
I th studied in Exod. 5. 2, Isa. 36. 120,
" e other hand, ice �;,earn made are putting up these fruits place the-Iguassu Riy,er in It is certainly possible to derive that it will be forever preserved 2 Chron, 32, -13-17. . calendars of an intereating dezerip-
� from all raw cream is neither so some in pi-ats, to have ready for W* million horse-powor. from th � , r
� South Xmerica. . a fe is -as a natural monument. Sweden
smooth nor so rich as when half this dessert. with'its great W.e,�Iifilnw` ater pow- 18. But if �kcst—The three young I
�. If tart taste is de- I great fall without appreciably 6- ,., � tion . . . Every glacier, fo instance,
� scalded cream is used. For freez- sired use a few cherries, but don't The earth have er, can well afford such a luxury, men bad no doubts as to God's 10, in a way, a calendar. The ice,
� � I . I . waterfalls of the tractin '- from its majestic beauty. I - shows layers rather resembling the
!. ng ice cream the ice should be spoil this dessert. b;come the subject of a conflict The. demands which are made at Even little Finland isendeavoring ability to help them in. this hour . .
., : smaller than walnuts and mixed Almond, Ice Cream.—Blanch, which is yea.rly increasi-.ag in"vi-o- present are still more modest. The to preserve natural beaidy and has of peril. It might not be in accortl rings in a tree -trunk. Each layer
I I with rock salt, two portions ice to chop and brown inoven four dozen lenee. The lovers of nature wish Vibtoria, Falls Power Company ask decided to keep her greatest wat- with his full purpage. to do so. Even represents a winter's -snowfall, and
. I * erfall indta Original condition as a �so, they would not bo unfaithful. by their varying thickness the sev-
�_ - one of salt. After cream is frozen sweet almonds. Make a custard of to preserve the waterfalls in their for only 150,000 horse -power, less erity -of past winters can be roughly
" it can be kept hard by covering one quart of milk, two, yolks of ,original condition as far as 'pba- than one two -hundredth part of the na-Wral monument, and to allow no The, steadf&stne'ss of their faith and calculated
� o . 0 11 e a eT station to ,be erected ,courage is admirable. 's . . I
'. with larger pieces of ic; over top ,e gs, and One-half pound sugar, sible for all time, while the engia- Whole, and the plans f r the f tur I rge pow - "It 'a man The thosts"wonderful calendar in
I � of can, usbig half as much ,salt as and when cold add one quart whip- eers and industrial promoters seek development of the sta-tioll involve on its banks. This fall is the oele- testimony to his i adomitable belied the -world is, the stone known to
�when freezing cream. Be sure ,to ped cream and the four dozen to ,exploit them as s7ources of cheap no danger -of the annihilation -e brated Imatra Fall of the Wouxen that the things of sense are not to
�:, I , of th archaeologists as the Azbec Calen-
keep waste hole in tub open duririg browned almonds and freeze. Tb ,power for ele-etro-technical purpos- falls. The British Goveramentand River.. The total descent is only 66 be valued in comparison to that dar. It is, properly speaking, a
this time, Too large ice or too littl- ol rved in sugar. es. The accomplishment of this ob- the colonists know very well that feet in twol, miles, but the volume high happiness which arises from zodiac carved out Of'. -solid rock,. and
�� . salt while freezing means extra la- baskets. It is well to set freeziag ject on a 4arge scale necessarily in- the Victoria Falls, which since 1905 is very great and the depth con- 'obedience to the laws of conscience, is no less than elevers. feet eight
:. , bor and buttery, greasy cream, and machine two or three hours before volves the total destruction or 'seri- have, been easily reached by the Biderable, While the width of the and that no extremities of agony inches in dianieter. It weighs
�. too much salt makes coarse, wat- time to start freezing, as it freezer. ous injury to the waterfalls, re- Cape to , Cairo' Railway, which streamcontracts from 5'70 to 150 feet are commensurate with apostasy.,' twenty-five tons. . *�_
..: I ery cream. 'Water ice or frozen much quicker and saves lots of la-, gard,ed as picturet'que additions to crosses the Zambesi immediately in in the course of the falls. .1 19-27�-Tlle yo a ths delivered; -
, I I At the time that Columbits discov
I 11 fruit will not freeze so readily ,%a bor. the landscaper. �' front of the principal fall, will cer- -__44 _�_ . 19. The furnace—Pr,oba'bly one. er-eid America it .had been in posi-
1, I ice cream, therefore use lalkger pro- Devil's Food.—Yolk of one egg - recent years tainly bring as much money into used for the customary cremation tion for thirteen years. After the
. . . portion of ice andfirter ice, Fresh half cug milk, half cup grated p co) It is only within ' STUgy , of ,the dead. .
ho- that waterfalls ha,ve been consid- the country by attracting tourists �
L� I . . 21. Mantles—Though the namea Conquest the fanatical Spanish
� fruits for flavoring should be mash- colate. Boil until thick- 'Add ered from the commercial point of as by producing, electri=1 power. U ,priests pulled it down, .and flung it
ed or cut fine a few hours before' table -spoon butter, one cup sugar, view, but since it has been recog- There is no other waterfall in . of these garments arg at most only 'n _,4 .
� . �
I . using and mixed with sufficieat half cup milk, one teaspoon vanil- I nized that'the energy of flowing the -world Which is at aJ1 c' par- conjectures this is probably the Thirty years later it came. to the
. . . I I sugar to sweeten and draw out the la, one small teaspoon soda, sifted water in very many cases furnishes able in greatness With the "in INTE R'NATIONAL LE SSON, best word 'for the robe, a long, , surface, but they buried it again, ,
. . . flavor. All fruit flavors should be with one and a half cups flour. a cheap and almost inexhaustible si, Igu&ssu or the Niagar Zaxnbe-. . loose,one, and therefore most apt ;tnd. there it lay �orggotten for near- I
, . . a. Asia,
._.wW__ ., added -to cream when Partially Make icing with white of egg,'stiff- substitute for coal, which is yeaxly notwithstanding its -colossal moun- . . . SEPTE UUR 17. � to catch the flames.. ly two, and t. half centuries. It was .4
1!7 1 . frozen, to avoid any chance of ly beaten; to which is slowly added e costly 'and more tain . = aratively Poor I - r.,.., , �, 22. The fire slew those men—In President Diaz who recovered it,
. � becoming met ranges, as comp ' , i
." I I I e Septu'agi*rit, - -.rhi!Zh- -:nu1,,a.ts�,a and it now accu�i�erh-plat-6-Th-ttm---.Tn4..,.�,
I cureling. syrup of one cup sugar and one- largely consumed, the great water- in large waterfalls,'which are found th � , I . - ,
; .
�� I ". Sultana Roll.—This is one of the quarter cup water, boiled until it falls, which as impediments to an- most abundanty'. in Afri Lesson XII.—Daniel's Cbrapanions en C; Mexi�iL'Nation�i Museum. I I
I ca wid . . . I "Song of the Three Caildr ," th- .
daintiest of all frozen desserts. A threads. Beat until thick and te,nal navigation have hitherto North America. The -larges.� Afri- in the Fiery Furnace, Dail. 3. #ames are 'ie.pres-ented as stream- ' .11 .,,59i YEARS OLD. '
round mold is lined with pistachio creamy. . .� I been worse than worthless from the ean -streams especially are inter- . ing,forth severity -five feet. I '
. Sid Golden Text, Rob. 13. 6. 24. The king was astonished—The The most ancient and interesting
ice cream, the center filled with Doughnuts.—One-half cup sugar, viewpoint of social economy, have rupted by many falls of con er- I . - . -of British calendar stones is the so -
whipped cream, slightly colored one-half cup mashed potatoes (hot)', suddenly become objects of very able height. The Congo has sever- words imply that he was alarmed called Friar'a.lfeel,'-at Stonehenge.
pink-, and mixed with sultanas. e ortening, two great value. lal .high falls which, owing to the Verses 1-7—The king's proclama- as well as amazed, so much so thab Stonehenge was obviously built to.
,, Pistachio Cream.—Blanch, chop ,eggs, one cup's -our milk, ,one tea- The, failing water drives the tur- great volume of the- river about tion regarding the image.. the rose up in agitation from the face the r1aing *sun at the midium-
" I . is .
. as, sixteen times that of the Nile may . * seat from wli;ch he, had been watch ."
`___� fine and pound to & paste fourl spoon soda, flour to make a stiff bines of electrical power statio. Nebuchadnezzar—Wo -date * - . mer * . solstice. Its axis is a line
� � ounces of pistachio nuts. Add while dough, spices. and one teaspoon pfoolucing -electric light and. pow- be counted among the most import- given, but there seems to'be war ing the, proe-eedings. drawn through the centre of tbc
pounding, drop or two at a time, vanilla. I I er, which in many cases are tra.ns- ant sources of water power on rant for assuming that it yvas about Z55. The fourth is like a son of tha', altax stone of -the slaughter stone
I a. teaspoon of bitter almond ex- mitted over hundreds and even earth. I the eighteenth year of his reign, 90ds—Th,i king could i.dentify the and -of the outer stone, the Friar's
. tract. Scald a. pint of cream, dold after some notable, victory. threie youths whose- " fetters were Heel.
� '
seven oune I es of sugar; when sugar TOMATOES. . thousands of miles. The war over THE, STANLEY FALLS, An imagq of gold—Not necessar- burned away, so that they wero It is reasonable to supose that ,
the waterfalls which is now beitiff .
I is ,dissolved take � from fire, and Sweet Pickles.—Fifte.en PO'1111 waged by the friends of natur ano ily of solid gold. In all probability loose, but whose bodies appeared this line pointed exactly to sunrise
I,, when cream is cold add gradually of.sliced green tomatoes, let stand , e d in the middle reach of the river, it was simply overlaid with gold. unscathed. ,But the fourth hr,d an when the*templ4e ' as built. Now
pistachio paste. Add another pint over night with a little salt sprink- the promOters.of industry is likely consist of seven successive falls, of As no mention is made of any par- angelic appearance. This is al! the place of sunrise' changes of -the
I I of cream, and .when mixture is icy led over; drain; five pounds of soon to inerea,se greatly in bitter- a total. height of 164 feet and a ticular dp#y it,,is -likely,the image that is meant 'by the expression. earth's cours
I I ness, for many I . width -of nearly 4,000 feet,- a -ad of- e round the -sun -
I . cold freeze. Pack your round sugar; o'ne'quaxt of best cider viae� represented, the king'himself, this Nebuchadnezzar could not have , Sir Norman Lockyer has made a
molds in a tub with ice and salt. gar, *,tie ounce Of whole cloves, two CELEBRATED FALLS. fer an exeeedingl3,.- rich source of D calculation of the 'year when the
power which probably will soon be be"" a not unc.ommon practice of used the phras6 "Son of God," , 4
Whip a pint of cream to stiff froth,'l ounces 'of stick cinnamon; boil fif- have already been destroyed or exploited. Still more important is the Assyrian kings. These images found in our authorized version, axis line of Stonehenge would point
mix -with it two tabl�spoons sligar J teen or twenty minutes; skim Out. have at least suff ered a,esthetic in- the total water power which the were set up in conquered places, with the. Christian meaThing we at. precisely to the i4inrise. This was
. (powdered) * and half a cup of sul- I tomatoes and boil the syrup until itiry from the establishment of pow- Congo develops in the, tion-navi- and .suitably inscribed. It would. tach to it. Besides thc. last word in the year 1680 B.P., and we have,
- I I .. tatias that have been soaked over thicker, if preferred, but it is not er stations. I . gable, section -extending from its require an enormous. amount of is actually plural, "gools." ' . therefore, reasonable grounds for .
� .
; .- .11. night in sherry (they must be necessary. - I The famous falls of the Rhine at. moutb. to Stanley'Pool. Here the gold for a statu,e ninety feet high 28-30—The king's d6xology,, ,�dict sayin, that this marvellous old
I., . I. drained dry), or add half a cup Tomato Relish.—One peck ripe Schaffhausen are at present the river, confined in a channel only 9, and nine feet broad, but it was a of toleration, and promotion of the 19�10'a;Tinenti is at pres.,ent 3,591 years I
� choppe4 Maraschino cherries. Line tomato --Is chopped fine (drain over subject of heated controv few hundred yards wide, and with matter of pride with these men- faithful Jewz-. I I % old,—London Answers. I
ol ersy. Sev- � _41__-_ I
the molds with pistachio ice cream, night), six medium sized onions, eral power stations already stand h of water of nearly archs of the, East that they had so 29, Shall be out ii piecez—The '_
� . a dept 300 feet 11 , OLD LOWDOINT SUNDAY. LAWS -
� making wall and bottom at least chopped fine, two cups chopped On their banks and sap .t��ir life flows with a velocity of 48 feet a much gold. The plain, or valley, violence c4 this punishment is'ka I .
. on -e inch in thickness; fill ,center celery, three tiny red 'peppers or blood. The Swiss Government,, second, so that 'at every point of of Dura, has. bee � a partially identi- keeping With the. ,spirit of Orie:i� A, soventeentri century Sunday in
with whipped cream, put on a lay- one-fourt.h. tea,spoon ca,yenne Pep- however, takes care t the stream 25,000 to 3o,000 cubic fied by a huge brick mound, which tal butcheries such, as .were com- London was a day of trials, says the -1
er Of pistachio ice cream over the per, two pounds brown sugar, three sufficiently large volume of water . may have formed tfie pedestal -of a monly .
egar, two ounces white to maintain the, character of the feet of water, are hurled a . ntic image. It is located about Persian <Iespots., but to fetch or carry to break the
top and put on lid. Dip strips of pints vin meters, or about a million cubic practised by Assy"an and London Chronicle. For one had
I . long with 9191 The threat', to .0 .
. wo - - 0 "Charin Cross," noteii a few
� . I muslin in melted parafin and wrap mustard seed, one ounce sago ,-,in- fall's as a notable spectacle and an irresistible force, while. thirty -t six miles below Babylon. transform a house into a diindhill Sabbath, Mr. Macmichael, in his
I I joints ,of mold, This will prevent namon, three cupfuls salt. Bottle attraction for tourists, writes Dr. rapids and water -falls lower. the 2. The dedication of the Imaole— Was also common (Ezra 6. I I ; Dan. 9
; . . salt water from entering molds it cold without cooking. Richard Herring in lTebe� Land level of the st-ream by 820 feet in a '.those. invited to the solemn f,a:,stil- ,�>. 5). - .. . I I items from the ,overseer'st accounts !
� . - .
: � they should be defective. Cover all Tomato Soup.—Two quarts stew- urid, Meer. A still more bitter strife stretch of 170 miles. � val are named with minute, fullness SO. Promoted—That is, a a a is f. c,:l of St. Martin's. Fines were IMPOS
I . over with salt and ice and let stand ed tomatoes, t ' * I I tR 2
�, wo small onions chop- has been engendered in America by thewriter, It is difficult to gi-ve illeifi, in V�riolis` ways so-�that their ed.for. "carrying linen " "carrying
, The lower.Nile in Egypt Possesses ' I .. a haunch of venison," "carryin- a .
11 e
� . . 'y
. two hours. When ready to serve pea fine, -four bay leaves, one tea- by the question of the preservation an specific description of thes course. in the, province would be a -
� I of , a of rapids, the celebrated : pair of slices," and on a marilot
.1 lun(y cans instantly in hot water, spoon salt; season highly -with pep- or destruction of the Falls Ni- a serie . functionaries. The satra.ps were rosperous one.
I I p ae no water- P I
� __-1 turn out pudding and serve. Claret Per, cook thirty minutes, alid,srain; agara. These famous falls have al- cataracts of the Nile, but chief rulers of a province. The gov- I I "hi-, Wife swearing on a Sunday," * .
I � 1_1.,,_,sauce—Boil & cup of sugar With add one quart can bouillon -"one ready narrowly escaped entire ab- fall in the. stiiet -sense of the word. ernor8 were perhaps the rulers of � . _______1Py_. Anol were not the Duke of Bucking- - " ,11
I I h',%kf cup of -water five minutes, take tablespoon butter; thicken Wit'll On'O, sorption in the pipes of power sta- True waterfalls occur on the upper conquered provinces. The name.% ham and Sir ,Charles Seolley fined
� . itice of lem-on, cup of large spoon offlour mixed in water. tions, and very energetic a�ction on . seem to be &'catalogue of Assyrian, . COMPLAINT. again ant] again for ridinz in theii
� � I froi��,P,, add j Nile, the most beautiful of them at . ROOT OF THE, .
. I . ,claret, mild stand on ice until per- Sealed Totnta,toes.—Select firm, the part- of lawmakers both in the the point where the stream issues Babylonian, and Persian titles, and Bellingham waa -a. long-suffering coacbesonSunday'? Thissirictaes�
. a I upon travelling was not confined to
� fectly cold. In serving the pudding not overripe, tomatoes; Pack United States and Canada, has been from Lake Victoria Nyanza. Thi may represent the three classes, of man and a, patient one. Never had London, nor yet the I riding- in
,cut it in slices one inch thick, dish closely as possible in a jar, leaving required to keep intact from indus- Ripon fall is only a few yards in civil military, and legal officers. lie tried to interrupt the continumis coaches. A sventeenth century
I .
� . and pour satice over. three inches of space at top of jar. trial invasion and preserve in its height, b,ut, the volume of Water 'a Amolng the other rulers of the prQv- flow. of conversation which Mrs. , '. I
. so great,tha.t it priesents .9, magni- a ped6strain was .caught in the act �f
� I . Over tomatoes pour boiling lard, original beauty.at least a remnant ce probably included the Bellingham provided. At last� strollincr frorn. Bristo to bath on a
o � in �e
I I TASTY DISHES, when cold spread layer of salt Over of this great wonder of the world� ,ficent BPqcta0le- . th e, Hebrew children. The st6ry however, his nerves gave ..out, baid Sandayvand fined a -sovereign. ..
� � larolf to keep out insects and keel) There is a popular but erroneous Comparatively few Persons know has nothing to emy .about Danief. tile doctor wa's called in. , .. I - . --".— I
I Aleab Patties.—Take a pound Or in a cool, dry. placo. impression thai the Falls of Xi- which is thes., high -eat waterfall in Ac'was an exceptionally high di - I "He must have, sleep anol''rest, " THE WORLD'$ EXTREME,S
1 vo of fresh round steak, cut off the . I agara are the greatest in the world, Europe. The most, voluminous of nitary (Daniel 2. 49). . 9- .was thedoctor3s. verdict, He look. I . " -
Jat and run through,meat chopper. I and even those more enlightened European ,wa,terfalls,' strictly so 4. Peoples, nations, and I 1. at Mrs. liellivabarn thought,'-.ffly �,The coldest p ace on earth An- I 4
, JELLIES, I . angu- ,ed I .
� . geparate into small Patties and in persons who know tha.t the Vic� called, are the Rhine Falls at ages—This redundancy of,, expres- "Madam, I wX spnd up -some .ileep- habited by man is Verkholansk, I
��he centre. of. each place a pinch of Prune Telly.—Remove stones toria Falls. of the Zambesi River Schaffha,useii,. but the high6st are sion is common in. Daniel and'Re- ing-POWders. which must be used ab-ove the- Arctic Circle in North-
. .
I %alt and small pinch of pepper. (If from twenty boiled prunes. Replace in Africa are twice as broad and the Rjuken Falls of the Maan-EIE yelation. The crowd Present wolf1d exactly as 1Xxift..ka ,sm the box Will eastern Siberia- , In this icy re-Nion - I
, . the tberinometer drops to 90 4e -
I tond,of onions, a small shred of on- the prunes in the water in which mojr4e than twice as high as,thoio River, in the, Norwegian, province include not -only Bmbylwnions, but You Pr-Onllge to do this, or must, I gre , I �
,sign . The principal fall .Greeks, Phoenicians, Arabs, Jews, .
. . [on, also)� Fold the meat over p they were boiled, add ,gelatin, ac- of Niagara almost invariably as - of Telernarken � 1. ord-or him to the hospitall".- �es b6low zero in January, btit
. I mes, rises to, 86 degree, :
,that -seasoning is in center. Dip cording to directions on package, to Niagara the second rank among 'is 800 feet high and the botal height and Assyrians, "I promise," said Mrs. BsIlingm sOnleti a ttbovo. I
I �
I each patty int4o beaten egg, which- and h crystal of citric acid 01'e- the great waterfalls of the earth, of -the two chief falls with the, inter- a. All kinds of music--�Rere agaln, ham, readilyetiougl), althotigh won- zero in July, dropping, however, to , �
� also. has been seasoned, then into fourth inch in diameter. Boil till Even this is an err�r, for ,South veningrapids amounts to 1,837 feet, we, have a plethora of descriptive 4ering why he made. so odd i, re- the freezipg-poinb on the warmest , � , 'r*', � !
cracker crumbs, and fry in hot fat gelatin and acid ' are dissolved . quest. Sh I elearned when the box summer n,ightg, The hottest'places .
, Arnerica possesses;& waterfall ,which while, the average'�flow of water is words, whose meaning it. is very , in the world is the, interior of the I
,L until nice and.'brown on both sides. Stand in. a, cold placo and in a fe 50 cubic meters, or 1 760 cubic feet hard to define. Three of the names, came from the druggist's, and� ehe � �,
� �. rnish with P&rslP r EXCEEDS .NIAGARA I . I great Sahara desert, in Ah'ca, 11 , .�
, Ga. ,Y. hours the jelly. will harden. It is per second. The ' uken Falls .tho-se for harp, Psaltery., and dulci- read on the label:— I
� . Rj v �
I � Deviled Peppers. --Six green pep- nice- served with aweetened cream. both,in width and in height and is wibb, their total energy of 250,000 iner, ire Greek words' one of the "Sl"ping Powders, to� be#taken where the tliermometer vi-ses to 129 .
� . pers, tbree-quarters of a pound,of Crabapple Xelly.—Wash the ap- actually the second largest Water- horse -power, are already things of evidences of the late I authorah ',ght and moraing:-by Mrs, B,j) degrees. Greytown, Nivaragua,4 :
I .ip, ni .cord for being the wet- I
b I eee 13 a n � the Past � . I liolols the to .
,:,�.� 11 � eef, and orle-quarter of a Polinol ples and cut them into pi s: are- f 11 i the, world. , forothey hav6 been irre- The sackbut was it sniall triangu- __._44�___ test place on the, earth, the mean I : ,
�� ,� of pork ground together, two on- IV cover theyn, with water and cook This little known wa'tevfa,I1 is that voeably perverted to industrial lai: instrument, having fqu;v string ual r 'nfall being tie, legs than I ..
I , I I . I . I I. Ann Al I I
�et, �, 'o long chopped, two sada crackers slowly uqtil tender, then strain of the Iguassu River, tributary of uses. � .1 s. A burning fiery furnac!6, -: Such What good does it do to know 26 inches. The place, of �Ieast rain ' I
I . . I ,,j �i
,� % , :� roJI-ed fine, tw-9 cans of tomatoes. throiigh a, c-heesecloth bag. 'Poil -blle Parana, and like Niagara, it A siinilar fato thr�atefis other cruel -he ., - 1)6hind tlie darkest o iR Po,rb.I�Tolloth, in*South Afrina, :
�, I 1. i . puilightprits we�re affei't, , thit, loud the
. I I
11 I I C U t off to of peppers, refftove', the juice'twonty minutes. Measure ig oituatad-at th,e boun4aryx-)f 1.wo amall Norw-ogi&n.falh, but Norway manner of th'01ime (Compare 'Ter., -It i�, Mll'nill.g, if you havenot: 0,11, whetle� sometittig's, NO' -thalft an inch . . . I
I � ; ,
: �� - SO I I I
i �_�=_I=_--.j I
;�� � ieods'�pid 1TIP, and wash vm:*. Mix't iuice and add an <Aqual amoubtl st 0 1 1 . I I � ,. I I � , I
. I . Ile . ,§�-� 8, ca�cli (tf V�hic'� OWns half, .Q1 � iq".Vo. I ... I 1. 11 . . LIILI)�L,�Ia:aL.Lhe,tinle,j�, � - '. ." - �,:, � � � ..
- '
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