Exeter Times, 1911-9-14, Page 17 _rF-�7-- -7- " '.7 - -- -- 9
RZOAT VALUE—$011 SOUTI" W, "DOW More, cor"s I,
S3 to $5 Fou 7
eu$ *40; Feet t
(warranted 4 xam 014) 'N 0 U RE
he spsoav corno" Warta
while they last, ro woncle,44 le, Quarat%toed.,� 204 a 06x"
first cliolce�valk
come, earl
0,010, rug Moro J
Middlese Gazette _W
X, zo mv
SFPTEMBER 14th 1911 '6
Seve'rvl from Usborne Tak Keelting elf It1he l3oard held in, rkown. On Wednesday of Jasl- ivvek S�
Sixtieth, Anniversary Public School Board
Arin; SpIcer widow bif Ohm JiCtle To
b!q 'we
0 Rall, Monday eept., 111b. absent S.
:ES,, MAY art In (A'lebrating Diamond kavt�iia ,n . ssadawAy attbte
AAdreir of Usbor
to if her daughter, Krs.'D-. gqdg,
Tilie decease
Jub,ilee. Mite followtimg Is 'the order of ithe- so %radto� i d. bad mot x1ir
i'dted and hppoazvh�-� be6a well for llso'mo; time aft'hough abli, 'AM
_7 Per of pravious incielt,
PTb folla1�1p4 a�cqou
Of tile six, to be around. Aboutithre
PHONE a weeks pre"
X2 OotjA, arwarilvers4ry of tlae weddiz.- of lug, Ito ber'dewth elve was compelled,
'RePDXIIS Of*COms- Re air ; M, - v"ItIall
Mr and Mrs Afpnry Francis, former. p a P ra to Ice her'bad tand gradually faile'd
N=r Iv of Uoborna but A01V at JDromwell aces adt Izapeclied, Dustbatiae, xec4v(- I, health until the e)j�d ca
1310'. Sire Iff 'r
Mich. was takoll W -tom 'the 8anilae ed - , Chairs thoreagbly was in. her 67th 5-0, C." The doee;as�d
County O`versei6v at Bept. 8th�. , -on cleaned and walls kalzomized.; wains- was �ora in Darfinag-ton.
OUR MILLINERY DISPLAY NOW OPEN TO ALL Y coiling also p4WbPd and repairs re- . OWnshili
11aesday Of this w6ek a 4,lirted Ito I and when a YO - an mbved 0 to
was held at'tholtame.cf Ur, and Mrse, plasl�prizg ,effeoted, her parerilts to IN _;
golm", K1,843's,h"e,
EVERYTHING that is fiewfor this Season will be found on our' Tables. Dro ;HeAry F ranicis of '�thjs 61,ty which Vx1niclipal, IL.S. ationdance, 98', was Uinfted In W�rl . age to 9r, Jqbju
p t-hosa in gavii4a!tloji fairly eolkpleibe, 1%york I'll 0
in and see our Wonderful Display, and secure one of our— will long be rQmQatbered by r Andrews. who i) , reOer-Mcd her on
c all form:s ingoodshape wilth prope'r],y
attendance the oocai�j,,r beLng the el,, January RtA,190:8�.- After their fmax-
a two aS, rran
Cloth anniversary of fthos. a gecl, time tablos �for teach, papils
rlage��'ttbicy resided on the sixth conces- Realize
REA.DY—TO— WEARS people. gripping the work welL I science Imp, 10,n af Usbarne'Avhera they Itoiled for
(ra aittericlauce Of the colebrA4V, Plies plaeed and copi-sas of study tbei- many, ye;ars. 'Sib cc Ithfa Idealth of Mr.
wera oevl a e 004 gun thus 1,nadvan1ce oif either years.
tQu Ur.- and ZIro, Frarzo!4 had,a"nam. She was a mainven
dist,chs,41i and was high
ber oi- grand children, besides seyeral Wood tind F.; W1. Gladmar. of liheiXeltho
�u of, Chi igh that the PrInolpal's repo.,rt bo adopted "he -4 Chancu
V t living' child- Andrews the deceased has ilLis.dedam. I I
Per R. W. Gladman, and Z. Wond. Ong hor family. I T
friends of the family. Per. F., ly Aiepectlad by all who knew her Sli-0
ie'lleN&eIn tL of, 11N
thalt Ithe is,isarvived by - 6vo' nous alid t,hj&Z1-
oth Xr. andAlrs, Francis are on"
right ffundred, to t4ka dang-hitbrs Ira.. Of Swift Current, Saak
DRESS GOODS** -h and from pres�� aft a salary o;i
j6yi , good',healt . , t, f1he place of f1wat Aasistau:t In the Tf,.
appearance th�y 13,111 live to Onjoy S� 8 . 'Sidney,6f Ceritralla, Mrs. 15.'Hodgs
ectioin, vide Xiss. Jobins,,Van, ret -
and Mrg, D.6ow.cliffe, of Q
-we are the only sellers of Priest- many more years of thoir happy'mar- signed, be conlirtakId. ran'ton and tet arfe*
'66, ried life wiilrch,h,�a not yet been mar, aIrs. A. Xftchell Venitrj�ia... Besid,1..s
tey's Dress Goods in Town, and are tied by don: Ber F, 'Wacia md M W. Gladma�a these two. brothers and aiso
4howing a magnificent lot of Blacks I-Tenr I rane thath the 'Xanitor lie authorizedi ita z4 survive, Mr. D. Spicer, of',Brantford, AM jS it
y IF cis wa.%'bioirn in. Devon.
and Blues in ali this- season's popu- e-ure ta, loaA cf- manure for %ha, bull) Xiog 'Toa Spicer of town;� , �and, Brr.. Aff IL
lar cloths-- shire England 83 iyears ago. 'ge re- be4s. lu
ta-alned 'Ettera 4*11 the,Year 1851' whom Pier F. Wood and V. W1, 01'aft an Ira, Spicer of MevenQr Col.'
J?riestly's Wool Taffeta,'Sandown 'he came 6 4is cotantry ana se�,ttled Jtha!t the organizifXLlon of a Xualor ne'ang
'The passed away on Thursday- morn
Coating, County Coating, Silk warp
in Vinada, Xrs, Firancis was also class in Moderns be, hiald over Xor dis- in,
Eudora, 0asmo Cord, Ravenna, -boxii in Zeromhirja but, one . year car- a uss last one 'of the ploveer medical'
Poplins. Her than, berihu�band, and she' came. of %he 13oard. nracUtlaners of Ruron County in the
to Canada in-fthe year 18.61 seftling Per F. Wi Gladmaii and 11'. Wwd person of 'Mr. Illehard Stanbury, of Hamm,
near I Wbitb Victoria 'y to
Wool Valetta, Wool Serges and tau to e1he next regular mevjtl Bayfield. Gradtratiu� from xy U
y- tha)b ithe eattiing and sloring Of the M 'to �and 13,1-fic,
...,Do not fai Ito get. a Soon after',.thiei4, trrival in Canada mroed be under the dire'dtion of the edical College Toron
gospital New York in 18165 hie on tl-
M-cs Frarkis whose, name,%vas chair.
__�'GuaranTeed'Fist 'then Elizabe . th Vile, 'decided to'
Priestly's Dress or Skirt Colour Mr. and W. Ghadman 'and rs. Wood exed at once uponbis lifers, work at
Rayfield the pretty summertesoxti on
married and ou,�$Cp'tember 5ffi 1961 thait the followibg payments � be aP- L, , Hdron. The, itearly days wepel
were Iniaide man -k Secul 11F.
�tdlvife by the,R�.M. poilfted; G. X H en dry and 'Go, S chool fall of hardships. �but devotion to his
I IThorn on,rowiffead, Suppliis .74.23; J. Grigg Ubraxx eto o osen
0 %bis 1 h
eftt children wer,3 34,66; T, Uaw-kins ;and Son ,Floor( Oil him a' PrOfes4oa alm Isustainad.
nd now there Es scaroaly a
born, land all �are sfill, living. They elte. �U:02 1. Garnet B" 'Heywood kal- hoasioneAl' Tun ittiax soction bart y3as
on joan. ations of I ILI
xancia, R Land Adjoarnment per F.. Wood the tile whichwas%bpenToa. behalf of
ada i William Francis. a Bael'to_,vn� 'GRTGG, Secretary, suffering
Fo7r Laciles, Misses, � humanfty
14ft. Winter Co P r-anclis, lit Exeter, -Can- somining hall 21.55
E RhGES _,_ "0 ada I
ts J -4 are ; 170ebnnxw memories of kindly ministr
nw �__, -4 Born at Merton CL1%
ship; Edwin Fxanc!sViso at �Buel-
;.In Devonshire Englandcsome 77year.q.
and phildren Mrs. 10izabath Coward 'at Exetiar;
i7ere never I -was a milleec
k *** MR W 0, Camada; Mrs. 14� =7116tcher of Ex- ago where his father
We are opening up every day Locals he came to Canada as,in xner,2. Md.
more popular something New 4n the coat line and L 6fer -Candda; Mmrs-SdTah 06affop, Mrs. R, R. Rogorts is Visiting in Tor- was eduea!ted at God,�xleh Grammar
of Buel and Iffris. Carrie Straffort. Of School,and the IN�ormal.School at Xor�-
are showing a nice lo onto for a few d%ys. UNDE"
t of Fancy BaeL All wer& in ILttendazee at th,, X
Tweeds which are stylish; also a lot
- -rsary, w1th the exception bf i-rkins. of Petrolh ht in
annive Mr. 0. PL
ues. You MdGillivxay 'township. Alex Smi-th, exd
Of Plain Blacks and BI VELETTA 'Ursi Cowara,'�vho wjs unable Ito at� in town over Sunday. visited onto and for several years tau -
will do well to see out Winter M-P. forNorth.-Middlesex, was ona ot.
Coats. tiend OVV1116� to the MrVeSs ol ber hLl_,,- I Mr. J. Taman. and XV1. Best. of Blvth his -pal)llg. In 113.69 he married 1-4
band visited in town on Monday. betIX Stuart. daughtex of Rev;
CONCORD AbQuit 22 yearsago Mr., and. Mrs. MissW. Huston, has returned to Stuart, who eurvives him! Four W A
isrin line wi* Frandis came to 1tichigna from their Elamiltonto resume heir millinery children 'were born one iteta,
COATING New Coat Sweaters fashion, Canadian ome,. They first Settled 'duties. dying -eiglaft years ago.. -Th, surviv-
'SERGES s call: in a3acl township, wbere they rpgdo Kies Reta D A -k
for s' their- home until about six years , 4,0 . row, of Toronto, is visit- Ingi members of fb�_, faw. 4%�
ln all the seasons, New ColorE Oft wool when Ithey came to this c t ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Tobai, jaX Toronto, X. G Barrister Of
andoombinati r y S, Fitton. Uxdt�r and -)Tliss Plassle, of the Btaff
on of colors at inaterials for 'They both liket,Crossiv,611 a*
nd stat -a of ithe public school4, Toroato� Dr.
'that 'they expec.�Aa X-emarn he Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Oke and Mrs, ST-anbary alwa,*s took a lively bater-
re dur-
Ing x- Of th,, 08. Juawkius, of -o
*2.00 -to *4.00 Pall Snits . (.be remaiud,2 ir Wei �r Eliraville, v1sited In _e�iin politics, and for some years C-1
�VVhile till in pro- S6,afottth this we,&�
Q �:�Iitbrafion )t, -ion �of r,.�Lvc ot ;fih,�,
.1,,cupied ithe pozs�t
"Mr, and' Northcott returned I village, tand for e. IoLger p,�riod serv-
gress the age(i other and father Mrs. It. I HA I ttud
WOOL were �presonted . with a token from home from their -trip throtigh the cl, al connell. Ile was
Concord Coallng and Creant Fall Rain Coats their children that they hi ly-valae. west, Saturday evening, , e.P1de�,h"f',","%naio1p - - C
ah ny 3,ears in bba Bay
Soma VELETTA 'It was in 'the shape of & me field Preshyberian Church. Thei fun -
Just in a 1* 8sagey Air. A. Bennett, who has had cbgrgf,- I I"V
ot of the New Thing in writken upon a isheet of paper, in! a of the building operations in connec- eral wes.held ot 33ayfield Cemottory
Ha7F the appearan6a Rain. Coats Black, Blue, Grey or fine frame and %con`tainjn� the f allow- tion with the Bank of Commerce, left the large attendance land tthe mass
Pawn. Inakes up at- inS.1 ith Mrs, Bennette and children for of. -beautiful floral offerings iipeaking AP
and give the we'ar "The present celebra'tion. w mparby of the
of th-a Forest where another building is be- tbx� isorrow 4nd the sy
d1kif day and the preseifbe 'here of
Rolled on the I'Varnishea 86le,'agents for Sanfords gives splendid Mr, Coombs, of Blyth, visited"'.4r. The Late A:, Taylor—Cri Tue:day of
traCtively and sixtidth anniversary of your wedo in- put ap., whole, tommunRy. '0
all your eight children. together
and Mrs. Al. 'Hastings on Monday; this week there died at his home in S
Board," zervice. forms an event as full of happy mem- Mr. Coombs, although o-7er 8Q yqikp Exeter
Ready-made Clothing. 9. 00.4. oil; Nomh, Alexander Taylor. The
orles that we deem. the occasion id a game of bow!
of age, enjoyE '19n the deceased was born in Maharah, Coun-
worthy of being bapecially marked. green in the afte ty Derry, Ireland, October 25tb, 1888,
MIN rnoon. He 18 One'Of
Thh, good psovidenca Of 'Our the oldest bowlers in Ontario and
_In the L, With his father, mother, t," o brothers
1,11 nl� Father �you 1ave liv�d to- plays the game as well as many who
g= a happy L a4,d one sister on the 17th day of May,
--Phone 32 rarried Jife for the are much younger in years. Ift he sailed from Belfast and after a
Jones lis.pace afdLsixtv years withotat havinx ).,;s A --A pablle medtfn6� voyage lasting eight weeks and three + + +
May, Exeter 't by 'a '�ither son or daa�,hte� al, Jeeitlli;?�
th ......
is an cloquenI lavideTice th -i 'Jerest, - Reciprocity and of days h9 landed in Quebec. From
in C.,,he in � of
at you M. Y. JrcLean Liberal 'Committee `tz there be came �o Hibbert township
m have kept the 'Commandment with . uron, will be held Cn.Mo(n:da.Y in Perth County where he settled on a
promism and tho:6 God has not been SQ'Ith H
trt.,ialth. at S. o-clook p. mt1n James farm which he and his brotbers clear -
CE NTTRALIA unmindful of your ;good %torks, and street charch sheds t Thatio'llowin., ed. He lived in Hibbert a number of EvIcrythilag
iit is with heartfelt gratlifade to
Anniversary Services in connection the Giver of all ItbinTs that your eight cxcell,,�rit speakers bave been secured years afterwards moving with his
with the -Centralia Circuit of the children have gathered hicre to do J. E. Atkinson, Mana-3ing Editor Tor- family to Hay t6winship living there a
Methodist Church are to be held as honor to an becaefola so and onto Star, Thomas iffeblillan. M mbor number of years and finally movirg
follows:—At 'Centralia, October Ist, to wish yoa many further anniversar- of eXe=tive of 'DOMiniOL Grange and Exeter where be lived nintil his death
Rev. T..W. Blatchford to conduct ser. ies and the contIrtmence of your pros- Ithe Candldail.c, M. X. XcLeAvn�: 'Mrs. September 121b. 1911, at4.55 p.m., aged A MAN
vice at 10,30 a, m. and Mr, Geo. A. ent happiness and to offer to You AtkInzonx is orte of the bi.�t platform 72 years 10 months and -97 days. He
Startle , of Lucan at p, in.; and at our combined gitt which is em lam
b - spcakors In on'tario, NvIlle Mr. Me- was united in marriage October 1,5tb,
Whal;yn, October 22ad at 10.30 and 7. atic of the '.Rixty golden years you 11, ihian is a repres0tative f armor and 186�,> to Charlotte Bayes, of Tacker -
Douglas Blatchford left on Thurs- have lived in happiness and prospera will"deal with 'the subject offectivoily smith township and from this union
day last to teach school near Amherst- fty in humble faith liefom Gad and trom the ;standpoint 'of argricalture were born twelve children, seven sons Wears
burg. & am. Everyone ra?,ardless, of �Plitics- Will and five daughtewr, three of whow
good repWto among ral,
Mrs. T. Hepburn accompanied by lis The inflaertee of ycur life and cor- be madA w-11come. L;adies iespoially have died. Mr, Taylor joined the
'-sister Miss Grace 0 versaXion Met only amoL,- your de- invited. Presbyterian church abent, twenty-
ke iis viisitirigi ., m two years ago of which be was still a
St. Xbowas and iTpoindan. soendenits, Uut upoli all your ireig;a-,
RLITMVILLri member when he died- He leaves to a
W Mr. F red 17rdthart afLondon epen:tt. bors and aectuaintaneceantift be o;�er t Prices ewaranteedN
Sunday -wfOh 'Mr. and Uts Txolthafn eslimaNetil. Many.will rise 'up and, Mr. Wesley Parkinson spent a week mourn his loss his widow, seven sons
Miss I-Tolon rnaitgiboa ol' !Toronto b call yau blessed and 'the example of at the Toronto Fair and reports hav- Robert of Paw Waw,' Mich�; Samu
retaybed home after a months vae� your pattlence and virtuls must be ing a 900 Mich., Alexander D,, of
d time. of Gobleville, to be below tile actual
t y- removed & lump &%skatogp, 8
�0-ipn �1 t heheme pf Mr. j.� Tilapb-turA � deeply felt and ividely sprea(d. Dr. McGillicudd: ask,-, John A of Detroit,
Withainecre and beexit felt love we from'one of the eyes of Mr. John Hicks Mich.: Arthur 8, of Torouto: William,
hope for you, dear parents, happiness and the. eye is now healing nicely. S- Of VMCOUVel'. B 0., alld Ira D. of cost, and f o r less
and proisperRy while you hre witth us Mr. Frank Lingard and Mr. H. Hicks Exeter. Two daughters, Mrs. Wm,
-9-1111-11 CE D Li and when yout are Takem from its a are spending a few days at the West- Reid. of Exeter and Mrq. Win, Blaney
&--- & 1%. of Toronto; also three brothers James JU011ey t
low I happy ciftante inko the imansions ab
eaperated in - era Fair. nd John of Bxeter and Robert, of han
ove wheiv those lave the /17 yon catt
KILLER lard are in joy and felicity anspea OARD 6F: THANKS tratfDrd, besides many friends. His
able.. Mr. James Frayno desires to thank 1 mediate fainfly with the exception f Duy the sam, e,' quality
The toicen bora the-signaturt of I a the diriectors of, th-v .1luxon Wea!ther o William were ot his bedside wben
A eight children All eight axe dev t- TasurQice Kivtivai Go for their just h died. The remains will be interred
ed ,,rfth their hq,,d Par�euts and he and agroeft-ble edttlemoot according i the Rogerville bemetery Thutsday, of doods at any place
handliul f eCtIbor and mather have worlds of I ve to the agreement in, his policy. _pt. 14th, set -vices at the house at
from their offsprings. 'The Ti s
joins Nrlffi the tatiny friends of t in caliada.
(;.n t0a in family in kviabing Mr. and Mrs, V ra Ch- '0-6eral Co-mmittee Ro,oplb BORN
cis and 'flycir children, 'many happy, (CERR'Trt Crediton Eq<;t. on Ad;rust 21
Th' opened *010*
years of success. e Liberals of town have ired Kerr la
a to Mr. and Mrs r
ts D. Johns
tip Committee Rooms in Ur daughter.
PIZI11,10W MOROAN Block. All those who &rein favor of MeDONALD—In T'74�borne an Faturdotv BOYS' CLOTHIN 6
'NO 14ORE DUSTY 1`111DAYSr line I I -lea ws savagn Aq a job-jub bird Reciprocity tire welcome. Sept 9t1h. to tMr. and Mrs Jcshu,;,
that flops around with a-, broken u-nng 51acDonald a son.
a fricadly SACRIFICED
he never saya word, you
Examine the "Canada Sheet Panges on .HEN YOU never bee himdance or stiig, Eia has CORN 1.811—HEY at ihe home of the
a ilork f orbidding scowl, he has a fier 1ilideas parents on &pt 5th. by R��v.
SWEEP cc jaw and whea he
Exeter Fair Days IS and 19,�, A foil line of- Mr, Moss, of mrioh. 'Wr Emerson A 10" S NA&P
speaks its kq grourl that jars yog like mass Mown 1-liw�b:1 Bey B I
2, crosscut raw, I-Te'look.4 around up- second daugh1tor ot 'Chrs;k2in Vey
absorbs the dust,
Stoves, Ranges and Heaters,, on ruankluff as tbough ne'a Ace to of the Uth concess;on Bay.
a ra 8th at
briv.1ifews the "y th cc; the"'oughts Monday Sept,, I D 1E D, BUY BEFOKE YOU
in Xer In his Mind reflected upon his face Corp.—In 111pt-l"mi. on &Iturday,
a. C1 If money malres a man lilim tbaL *,,prd
R EAMAN'S HARDWARE. A ND STOVE STORn'.1 q0or an eans 11 Sept. Otli, Arm 00ninto, toliet of,
and nualcos h4m ba toto sing and dainov, 8000 P. In. tbelate Wm� it) her 7&11.yeowl. ARE TOO LAT
Pin wearing Most year s hat and have
-irpet. TAYLOR—In Rxetet North oil
the cc'
fGOOD POSITIONS itzh Audent is Instructed large patches uponmy pants It Won Taes-
0 Vy froozes up-itthe $oil and makes I ames Street daydSept. l2iti, AJ,-x;t,,vder Tavlo'v,
College h4 11 hate his fellow mon tbo rich inan's wol itge and 27
The 10YInIton Biisinesfi big orberown desk, Gaiddritzmay. One week free trial. 12 yeats, 10 monthe
worthy , 'link irk a chain oir 86voa. lill'si onter any day. Many dtudebtg study Church Sheds days,
-ly nt hoine come to his toll"t' would not be ti
mass Volloges located In ldw ciltina of all at home and others part Yours forhealth,, y fail. W,ben I qo bumping EXETEM, -klt' MsTnO\,"(! an
h -& -the 1001149C. AS SpOt- )�n Ury,,ital ,
London. Peterboro, :Welland and %be -he lirgesTI trainers DUSTBANP.. down' 4he rstreet to buy a volume of Aug 18th..T&u1U,1 Armstrong, �ged 74
ges are It
latolitll C1101111611 y
towns of Oxapa6ville, Walkert6n. in Old Slurt-h the greetings of tho yen imaxih.q,
W.1iloham. and Clin'tom, owing Ito its Panada arttilrave fbirlty yearg ex. 4LL GROCERS !friend.,; )I mvot u, . arm tipon my h)�,,art vRAX10111-1. B. AWnson, Editor 41—In ttu.u� b. Xinn, 13ortrawn
yaigh-gzndo, work it, is affiliated 'mri1l* p646nod. it 1would be "Arell fori, young Ioronto&ttr, Thos, MoMillant t)()- GIDIX
MIL y&*#
, - � A,7,
Poo Is to gelt kheir ftaining the restore iny yotith, P would �aort CharloA ;Ulai v. if� .1 3.1, ytcars-fo
the 'dugatoril row. winion Geatige; M� Y, McLean Llb�
Gona.miroial R Assoc!%- Icir friendly ,;,a0ros the shaking o( mo.nth.s rild 11
tion of 111; is freely admittad tas.6 Year Xr. Sp&kton trained over it, WIN lbeir kbAdly hands, for all tT., Pierpoll eral Candidate. AM)RU, �VS—n r, -,n :oa oil Mdnvs
winv JJ�..P,,eso q 1200 -young Exetep, Out. 401den piles. and t
thaq, a it� !good pos . it people and blated Ithom in h is �railwayt,� itIgMT—Reciprocity and Larger da y 'S �,qrah Ann Spic-
stude, " Poxy best p&qitiort,
I r nnd lands, or I\Mlct
oriAagiisf, 98th and' U
for -thoustchas �of olt�ers he yachts -Markets. John Andr�-w-it
'.0aw do I aw.
lons� Whitlt ha has idolle
for ytst�,
1w dt this 8aiiotv