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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-12, Page 14
ii ty PAGE 14—GODER.I.CH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNE AY, AUGUST 12,1981 COTTAGE $17,000 RLUEWATER REACH Lakeview - 2 bedrooms. MUST SELL Call Nara Taylor 524-8480 (ft 1 pain aIn MI.J. Ilughes Realty Limited WNW1318 The Square. Godelrich REALTY WORLD ttw 5241-7373''4 OK GK GK OK GK OK GK GK GK OK GK 0 0 0 0 O GK REALTY' & Insurance Inc. 53 West St., Goderich 524-2118 YOUR HURON COUNTY FARM SPECIALIST JOHN TALBOT 524-2520 FARMS STANLEY TWP. - Excellent cash crop farm, 200 acres clay loam, large barns, 4 bdrm. ranch style home. Si GODERICH TWP, - 85 acres cash crop farm, tiled last year, excellent 4 bdrm. home. Priced to sell_ 0 IR Q'. lit 0 PC0 X 0 X 0 X G-1 PC ASHFIELD TWP. - 100 acre cash crop farm with ex- cellent steel barn, set up for hogs. ,New 40 x 80 -hed. Good 4 bedroom home.A-3 PC GODERICH TWP. - 80 acres of cash crop land, 2n storey home, large barn_ G-2 PC COLBORNE TWP. -9Cash Crop4farm, ex- cellent home & goodli! aI. C-2 X STANLEY TWP. 150 c cash crop farm, 100 acres workable,� ardwood bush, clay tits loam soil, excellentSuyS-3 ASHFIELD TWP. 100 acre Dairy or Cash Crop farm, G con be purchased with or -without cows & quota. Good 4 bdrm. Ranch style home, large born & machine shed. A-4 ASHFIELD TWP. - 200 s Beef farm, Targe feedlot 0 and good barn mochinery shed, good 4 bdrm. 11/2 store ..ome, level Perth clay loom soil. CI \I A-6 'X STANLEY TWP. - EXcellent cash crop farm, 146 G 'acres of systematically' tiled, clay loam, features X large barn & good 4 bdrm. home. 5-4 le LUCKNOW AREA - 50 acres of Huron clay loam 0 0 presently posture and hay, no buildings.' Located X on Hwy. No. 86. Priced for quick sale. STANLEY TWP.- 200 acres of clay & sand loam, systematically tiled, good barn and 4 bdrm. home. S-5 Y ASHFIELD TWP. - 237 acres,' beet or cosh crop 0 form, good 4 bedroom home, large barn and 0 machine shed. 10% mortgage available. A-2 it ASHFIELD TWP. - 150 overt excellent cosh crop 0faun with good 4 b®b...ome and Targe barn. Spring possession. Mike us an offer. MULLETT TWP. - Two 100 acre parcels of cash crop 0 land systematically tiled, 'no buildings. Winter x wheat to sell with property. Priced to sell. HT1 COLBORNE TWP. - Farrow to finish operation, 144 acres of tiled land, excellent barns, w 2 harvestor 20 x 25. excellent Ph storey, 5 bedroom home, 0 drilled well. C-1 NAY TWP. - 100' acres prime farm land, 95 0 workable. excellent 4 bedroom home, Call Phyllis "A Johnson 235-2420 or 237-3547. H-3 - STANLEY TWP. - 12 IMO cash crop form, 100 acres workable. t; ed, excellent 3 bedroom home, new driving s ed, also large' barn. S-2 . Id GODERICH TOWNSHIP - 80 acres of cash crop. land. No buildings. Priced for quick sale. G3 0 GODERICH TOWNSHIP 80 acres of recreational 'or retreat property. Featuring' 10 acres of 0 reforestrotion with spring creek. G4 he 0 0 0 0 74 0 G 0 0 he GIC 00 G 0 G he he 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOBBY -FARMS BAYFIELD AREA'- executive retreat'or retirement property located near beautiful 2 Lake . Huron minutes away from one of Ontario's finest marinas. Featuring an executive split level.•home with 4 bedrooms,: family room . with fireploce, living room, dining room., large kitchen, two car garage. small barn & many more attractive features. All this situated on 8 acres of'beautiful property with spring creek: .HB -9 CLOSE TO GODERICH .- country property, ex- cellent 3' bedroom ror,ch. wi h large rec room. This A, acre property joreAry car garage with workshop, small ballrilTeW in 1974. Spring creek through back of property, drilled well and an:extra lot that con be severed. HB -1 WEST WAWANOSH - Cheap country living, 4 •bedroom home and • small barn featured on -1.3 acres with beautiful' view. Priced to sell. W.1 • • 'GODERICH TWP. - 13 acre hobby farm, modern ranch style home with car garage and paved drive. Barn suitable for horses, cattle or sows. 7 acres of posture, &acres of bush with trout stream through property. Owner Says sell. HB -2 ' NEAR BENMILLER : Beautiful country retreat suitable for retirement or hobby farm, formerly •one of Huron County's finest riding schools with Targe riding. arena and horse barn featuring beautiful Bavarian style home with many imported features. All this on 15 acres' of scenic property near Lake Huron. Priced for quick sale. 143/4 mortgage. HB,ix HOLMESVILLE AREA - 60 Acre . Country retreot twenty acres tiled & suitable for market. gar- dening. Small home gutted and ready to be renovated, Good 24' x 40' shed. Make us an offer. HB6 NEAR AUBURN - 25 acres of beautiful coOtry property with small bush and spring creek. presen• tly horse farm and riding stable, features large riding arena with stable area, workshop and tack room. Also small barn. Attractive 1' , storey 4 bedroom home with fireplace. Owner says sell Good mo' tgoge available, W•2 GODERICH AREA -'28 acres of scenic property with two lakes suitable for fish forming. featuring 1' , storey. 4 bedroom home with recreation room. .Also small barn. Must be sold. make us an offer HB12 3'/, MILES FROM GODERICH - beautiful country home with small horn featured with 50 acres tiled land with spring creek. Suitable for retirement or hobby farm purposes. Priced for quick sale, 1-4B10 BUSH PROPERTY - 25 acres of beautiful bush. op proximately 12 acres of cedar & 12 acres of har dwood with spring creek. Passible gravel deposit on property '17.500 or best offer. 30 ACRES - apple orchard mixed varieties has been pruned and sprayed this year Excellent in come opportunity. Large cold storage and packing shed, four bedroom home and barn for farrowing operation. Make us an offer. G•3 560 ACRES - ranch -near Lake Huron Beauty cow calf operation. 360 acres workable. bolance seeded to trefoil and hay. Featuring 4 barns and 3 homes. Excellent water supply May be bought with or without cattle. Priced for quick sole `650.000 GRAVEL PIT - 38 acres located near Holmesville Sold with pits and quarry We hove over 1,000 acres of cash crop form property available In Huron County c 0 0 0 0 iR 0 G 0 0 pc 0 0 0 ALL POINTS REALTY INC© 53 Stanley Street 324=6fi56 Goderich JOHN STREET `4 bedroom. larAte 110' x 160' lot. owner could assist with financing. EAST STREET 4 bedroom home recently insulated. Beamed ceiling in kitchen. WARREN STREET More than meets the eye. finely furnished. 4 bedrooms. fondly room with fireplace. DAWNROSE Price reduced. 3 bedroom bungalow, large family room. GARY RUPERT 524-8777 CHARLES BRUINSMA 524-9804w0) WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455„ PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 AILEEN CRAIG 482-3669 GODERICH - 12 unit apartment building. excellent condition & location. ; AUBURN AREA - 50 acres, good house, modern born. CLINTON AREA - 91'acres, 70 workable, house & barn. HOLMESVILLE AREA •- 2 acres near the Maitland, 3 Hoar Chalet only 560,000.°°. HOLMESVILLE 3 bedroom home on " acre. 538,500.°°•. CLINTON.-3 bedroom, 1''7 storey home. 520,000.00 HOLMESVILLE gravel area, 69 acres of bush. 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE south of Bayfield. Call us - we have more listings FOR SALE IN DU.NGANNON 2 LOTS AND MOBILE HOME MAKE US AN OFFER PHONE 529-7894 AFTER 6 p.m. • Radiate Sophistication, Reflect Elegance, and Relish the Reaction. 'FROM CREATIVE CUT TO FINISHED DESIGN Wnether you wont sleek straightness, o perky perm or o hit of whispy romanticism we'll create a look just for you professionally cut to finish For men and•women... 1 • 1 SUNCOAST MALL GODERICH 52 '35 HOURS CLOSED MONDAY TOES and WED. 10 AMto5PM THURS and FRI 10 AM to 9 PM SATURDAY lb AMto4PM Pen pal pays surprise visit to un anno A surprise visitor with Harvey 'and Mary Alton recently was Mrs. Donna Pollitt of Regina, Saskatche- wan. Mrs. Pollitt was a young girl of 18 years when she wrote a letter to the Prairie Farmer in 1965 seek- ing pen pais. Mary answered her request and the two have been corresponding since. In 1970 Mary and her sister, Cora Caesar took a trip west. At that time Donna was living in Winnipeg and she and Mary met for, the first time. Mrs. Pollitt is driving by herself and while in our province stopped in Auburn to seek Mary's telephone number and call her. And what a surprise as with no Dungannon doings By Marie Parti mail service she was unable to write and inform Mary of her arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and Todd and his friend, Brian Gibson, enjoyed a \northern trip this past week to North Bay area, then east along the Trans -Canada route, along the Ottawa River, through Algonquin Park. On the way home they visited the milit- ary museums on Base Bord- en. Booth site changes The Canadian Diabetes Association • information booth, an annual feature at the Canadian National Ex- hibition, will move to a new location this year. Attractive space has been allocated in the newly . renovated Automotive Building, on the mezzanine floor, near the escalator. Exhibition visitors needing or wishing to know more about the detection, treatment • and control of diabetes,.will Move an oppor- tunity to pick up CDA literature, ask questions and see demonstrations of self- care monitoring devices by visiting the CDA booth. Among diseases the com- plications of diabetes are the third largest killer of Cana- dians and it is estimated that more than one million Cana- dians have diabetes. Mrs. Olive Blake was abbe to be home o unday for a few hours from Wingham Hospital. Her many friends are so glad to see her improving each day. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sher- wood visited with several people on Sunday afternoon at Wingham Hospital, ,' - eluding 'Albert Brown anti Mrs. Bob Montgomery of Teeswater, and a, former resident. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hallam of Auburn visited with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Park on Sunday. I •c Sympathy is extended to Park and Bill Wiggins on the death on Monday morning, August 10 of a dear wife and mother, Jean Wiggins. On Sunday Margaret Young, Donna Young, Linda Culbert, and Amy Wiggins attended a bridal shower in Lucknow for Miss Bonnie Smith of London at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Grace Gibson. Her mother is the former Shirley Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Orser of You have plans. We have plans to help. When you're looking for individ•ual life tnsur- ante, group life and health insurance, annuities. registered retire.rnent savings plans or estate planning. look at what we have to offer: IVAN H. STECKLE C.L.U. 259 JONES STREET GODERICH 524-8882 12 yrs. Insurance Experience Mutual Life of Canada ,AtIn SAVE WITH London visited with Amy Wiggins on Friday of last week. Earl is a son of the late Frank- Orser of Toronto. You can point like a pro. and we can get you started with the best paint. brushes and pain- ting supplies you need. SERVICE DOMINION HARDWARE 31 Victoria St. Goderich 524-8581 VERYDAY... FOO VALUIS COCA COLA 750 ML. 2 894 FOR PLUS DEP. HEINZ BARBO SAUCE 455 ML. 994 ROYALE PAPER TOWELS PKG. OF 2 ROLLS 1.29, 400 G. BOX DARE COOKIES si 49. CHOCOLATE CHIP CHOCOLATE FUDGE rREAM SANDWICH BEANS WITH PORK 14 FL. OZ, MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE BAG ,TL.* CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF FULL CUT ROUND STEAK 2.58L4B. II MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 178L SHOPSY'S 500 GRAM ASSORTED SALADS $1 .19 SCHNEIDER'S B A ON500 GRAM 2 •18 PKG. SMALL LINK MAPLE LEAF e SAUSAGE $1.3 8 LB. POLISH SAUSAGET.B1.68 SHOPSYSCHNEIDER'S 500 G. MEAT PIES :R, 994 FALL BEEF STEAKETTES $2.1 8 FROZEN NEW ZEALAND LB. SCHNEIDER'S 230 GRAM LEG "0" LAMB$ 2.49 SELF SERVE ROLLS .88 EA. MAPLE SWEET LEAF PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS ' 1 •78 LB. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS PKG, $1...29 SCHNEIDER'S MAC 8, CHEESE - CHICKEN LOAF ' 1 KLED L • AF - LUNCHEON LOAF COOKED MEAT'LOAVES GPCHE X2.49L, SCHNEIDER'S ' -.MHA3.88L.SMOKED $5 AA MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE• KOOL AID PRESWEETENED 113 GRAM 2,OR 89° FAB DETERGENT e L. $3.99 AMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS G270 RAM 694 NO. 1 GR DEOF ONTARIOFIELD TOMATOES:WI K 1 • 99 PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE BANANAS 2 LBS. 794 CARROTS 2 LB. BAG 594 PRODUCE OF USA EA. PRODUCE OF USA NO. 1 GRAD WATERMELONS $2.69 LARADO PLUMS -69& PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE FRESH -WHITE CAULIFLOWER E 79t . PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE -PEACHES 4 qt. basket of KEN'S KORN NOWARRIVING $299 DAILY • FANCY TOMATO JUICE 48 FL. az. CAMPBELL'S CAT 500 GRAM FOOD $1.29 CARNATION MILK 38SML. 2 FOR 994 TENDER VITTLES 11 " CLOTHS. i �♦ Owner Operate II LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 9 FL, OZ. 694 ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE Bi ROLL PKG. LYSOL BASIN, TUB, & TILE CLEANER 425 GRAM X1.69 32 FL. OZ. HEINZ KETCHUP Si 69 REINHART WHITE PICKLING VINEGAR s.. 9.89 BYE THE SEA TUNA CHUNK LIGHT 0Z. $1.39 E1.49 CANADA DRY 750 ML. GINGER ALE 49 FULL SELECTION OF PICKLING SUPPLIES PLUS DEP. OPEN SUNDAYS 106 PIMvtTO /OPEN DAILY 8 AM T� 1'0 PM J.M. CUTT LIMITED RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST., GODERICH ABOVE PRICES IN EFFECT FROM MONDAY, AUGUST 10 UNTIL CLOSING 10 P.M. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15 1901. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 1