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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-12, Page 11
Town&Country SSIFIED L a GODEI 8IGNAU.STA.II, WEDNESDAY,,AUGUST 12,1981—PAGE 11 27. Wonted (general) 28.. Business opportunity ONE USED 16'fiberglascanoe in good condition. Phone 524- 7528.-32x . WANTED: Old brick buildings for wrecking and -selvage purposes. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc:, )185 Murphy Rd., Sarnia 1-542-4088: Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracts in 1980. We paid cash fora,few buildings, wedemolisheSome for no charge and for others we charged a slight fee for our services. Yes. we travel. 'We have associates -partners living and operating out of London and Listowel areas. Honest appraisals, references available. We carry $1;000,000.00 insurance and are covered by Workmen's Compensation. We eliminate eye -sores in an honest. fast and efficient manner.-24eowtf 30. Employment wanted TWENTY -TWO-YEAR-OLD • high school graduate seeking' employment. Experienced in looking after elderly. Will , babysit in your home. Phone 524-7114.-32 • ' 29. Tenders t% C) 28. Business opportunity - ATTENTION PILOTS Representative of, Interlake Aviation Co. Ltd. Will be 1n Sarnia the 14th. 15th, 17th, & 18th of August to answer any or all questions regarding the following: For Goderich residents wishing to make arrangements for our representative to be in Goderich either the 18th or 19th of August please call the numbers listed below. -Aviation training -Aviation training cost -Accommodation while training -Tronsportotion to Interlake -Aviation carrier counselling Training time per course. Private licence - 2 weeks, Commercial licence - 3 weeks, I.F.R. ratings - 2 weeks, Instructors ratings - 2 weeks, Float endorsements - 5 hours one day, 50 hours 2 weeks. Call The Holiday Inn - Hwy. 402 - Port Edward - exit off Biuewater Bridge. 519- 336-4130 - August 14th 2 p.m. till 8 p.m.; August 15th 9 a.m. 'til 7 p.m. ; August 17th 9 a.m. 'til 8 p.m; August 18th 9 a.m. 'til 1 p.m. NOTE: For students wishing to start immediate training a company aircraft will , be returning to Winnipeg August 19th. Limited seats available at no charge. P.O. Box. 1138 Gimli Manitoba RVC 180, 204-642-5538 ATTENTION:. MIL SHAWN WOOTTON a J. Brophy e 29. Tenders George P y Is pleased to announce that effective August 17th,1981 ? . he will be moving his office to larger quarters at the Campbell Street location of the former Sepoy Ceramics & Crafts budding. S Telephone number and Postal Address will remain: . 3% George J. Brophy Barrister & Solicitor Box 610, Luchnow, Ontario, Canada NOG 2H0 [519)528-2818 MINISTRY OF. HOUSING ® ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER 805 PT81-80 Upgrading of Sprinkler Systems at. various OHC Protects in Huron Coun- ty. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, August 28, 1981, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don; Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48, The Square, Goderich, On- tario NIA 1M5 (519/524- 2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 30. Employment wanted WILL I3ABYSiT in my home beginning Sep-tember References. Phone 524- 4309.-32x CEMENT WORK Poured concrete foun- dations, floors, etc. 345-2964 COLLECT P. MALONEY DUBLIN 31. Service directory PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service. phone 1- 887 -9062 or Granger's TV, 524- 8925.— 3-52x JEURNITURE stripping and refinishing, also caning. ('all 524.7490.- 1:3tf • MAN WITH truck to clean basements, trash to dutnp, and light delivery. Peter Prevett, phone M4-8553,— 161.Ear 4 1 3 b 31. Service directory FURNITURE Repair, Stripping and Refinishing. Free estimates, pick up .and delivery. Also. small car- pentry work. Stephen. Norton. Phone 524;9394.— 17 tfar CUSTOM SEWING and alterations - 24 to 48 hour 'service for work done from minor to major sewing. Phone Dianne Mal lough., 524- 2492.--29-34 AiR HAMMER, bac.khoe, septic bed "installations. .Cecil Cranston. 529-7691.-2.52x CUSTOM • SEW ING and Alterations. Please phone for • appointment, Diana's Sewing Room. Phone 524-9394.--17t far I3RI('K CLEANING: Your brick will look • like new. Guaranteed satisfaction. Free estimates. Also trucks. equipment, • buildings. etc. Phone White's Sandblasting and Painting 357-1723 Wingham.-32,33x ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich LAWN CARE ROLLING FERTILIZER SPRING BULBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 PAINTINGpp (lit MINOR HOME REPAIR Iaii. D. MncDONALD 524-9216 MORTGAGE SALE BY TENDER - By virtue of the power of sale provisions con- toined in a certain mor- tgage between Suncoast alEstates Limited and District .Trust Company. registered as in- strument 150038,we are. authorized and directed by District Trust. Com- pany ' to offer the following lands for sole by tender: Firstly: 65 residential lots being all of Lots 30 through 94 inclusive, and all of Block E, Plan 49 (now Plan 499) in the Town of Goderich, containing approximately 18.5 acres, reported to be zoned residential type 1 (R1); Secondly: Part of Lot 20, Plan 11, Town of Goderich, con- taining oppreximately 13 acres west of Furse Road, north of the town line, for which the Town of Goderich has ap- proved draft plan of subdivision for 26 single family residential building lots and green belt; arid. Thirdly: . All of Lots 1, 2; 6, 7,,12,.- 26, Plan 2, save and ex- cept lands, for highway purposes, part of Lot 3, Concession 1, and that portion of the . railway survey line between Lots 22 and 23, Plan 2, all in the Township of Goderich, designated as all of Parts 1-4 and Parts 8-10, Reference Pion 22R- 670, containing ap- proximately 150 acres. upon which there is no zoning by-law presently in effect in the Township of Goderich. Parcel 3 has approximately 120-125 acres of arable land. The foregoing parcels are contiguous, and the entire property will be sold as one unit. To arrange a viewing of the property or obtain sketches of the proper - or for further infor- mation, please contact Peter Lindhout, District Trust Company, 150 Fullerton Street. Lon- don, (519) 434-6013. Sealed tenders are to be received at the office of the undersigned solicitors by 12 noon, Friday, August 28th, 1981. Attached to the tender will be a cheque for '1,000.00 payable to the said solicitors in trust. Closing will not be later than September 25th, 1981. The vendor will not necessarily ac- cept any tender. DISTRICT TRUST COMPANY, 150 Fullerton Street, London,'Ontario, by Its solicitors, Evans & Polishuk, Suite 1602, 275 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, N6ii 31.1 30. Employment wanted 30. Employment wanted `THE COCHRANE TEMISKAMING RESOURCE CENTRE announces vacancies for RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLORS IMF) DUTIES: To actively plan and participate in the individual and overall Residen- tial Life Program (training. socializing. counselling, care and treatment). QUALIFICATIONS: SALARY: Successful completion of the prescribed MENTAL RETARDATION COUNSELLOR COURSE. s7.57 - 7.81 - 8.06 APR. 1/12 *7.77 - 8.01 - 8.26 Excellent fringe benefits. 26' per hour Shift Premium Timmins Offers - summer and winter sports, fishing, hunting, excellent schools. good air service. recreational and cultural facilities, etc. INTERESTED QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS ARE INVITED TO CALL IMMEDIATELY TO: Linda C. Beals Administrative Director Cochrane Temiskaming Resource Centre South Porcupine. Ontario. 705-235-8181 Competition 81-32 31. Service directory SCOTT DRAINAGE. RIPLEY COM PIXIE I' -N11 UN•%I\.%I;F: SENA ICE •"I)NAINED FIi':LIi INCREASE 1 IF:I.I)ti" FREE ESTIMATES 395-2092 . 395-3563 31. Service directory HENRY BROTHERS CARPENTRY *Quality workman- ship guaranteed R.R. 1 Auburn 523-9328 GODERICH INSULATION now has a complete line of ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING ALUMINUM WINDOWS & DOORS *FREE ESTIMATES* Phone 524-6844 LITTLE'S PAINTING 'AND - DECOR Specializing in painting and wallpapering FREE ESTIMATES GregLittle Robert Hodges 524-7449 524-9642 CUSTOM BUILDING * * * RENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING 136 oawnru,e O, 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 Albert Ours, Gerry Durst Jim Durs$ BIII Durst •SEPTIC TANKS_ •SEWERS *BULLDOZING *BACKHOE WORK •GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete job call SID BRUINSMACAVATING LTD. Goderich 524-8668 31. Service directory HENSALL ROOFING Commerical & Residential FREE ESTIMATES Henson 262=2246 Exeter 235-0911 4ecora±ln9 to 33 Huron St., Clinton Box/337, Clinton NOM 11.0 482.9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains. Min Wax products, Wall coverings. Draperies. Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE CONSULTING CARPET CARE Rugs & Upholstery Pro- fessionally Steam Clean- ed. Free Estimates 524-2440 EAVESTROUGHING Seamless, rolled on the job to length required. No leaking joints. Available in 5 colours. • RESIDENTIAL • FARM • COMMERCIAL KEN McCANN ENTERPRISES LTD. Phone 234-U01 Collect Crediton, Ontario CLIFFORD HUGILL Backhoe Service 524-7170 CHARLES C. CULBERT •Backhoeing •Septic Beds *filing •Basements *Excavations Call 529-7571 Screened Top -Soil For Lawns, Gardens Flower Beds Call: LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 PHONE EVENINGS GAFFN'EY WELDING Welding & fabrication In: *STEEL *ALUMINUM *STAINLESS STEEL Mobile Service Available Phone 524-6667 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for IS years PHONE Clinton 482-3320 Seof©r'th 527-0284 Of 31. Service directory BRYAN STOTHERS CONST. LTD. Specializing in� BRICK, STONE FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS, ETC. PHONE: 529-7309 GARDINER'S DELIVERY We deliver and move anything large Or shall *free estimates* 524-2421 We are pleased to an- nounce that Poul Spain who has had extensive experience in delivery and moving service. will operate this business. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all makes. Authorized service for Inglis. Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool. CALL 524-7861 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St.. Goderich Paper Hanging and Painting. Reasonable Rates Neat, clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. CONCRETE FORMING Walls & Floors For a complete job call SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 SEPTIC TANKS TILE BEDS PUMPING TRY OUR PRICES R.E. FORSTER 528-2346 32. Custom work SWATHING - hay and grain. combining. wagons and trucks - available: • plowing and trucking, cultivating :Anytime Anywhere. Phone after :, p.m -..'.:I 7488 - - 29-32 33. Farm .services HORSES BOARDED. box stall or star' ing stall. Reasonable rates..-. one 329-7865.-- 32.33 34 Personal PRF:GN:INT • AND itiSTRESSF:I)" Married r singly. free' positive coir fidential support Help is ; s close as your telepho .' BIRTHRIGHT • Lon.irn collect 432-7197. 527 fill or 32-4 202 1 32x 36 Announcements, notices WHEF.I.UHAIRS • WALKERS The iiumanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich (lddfel'low and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan . Contact Amos Usbaldeslnn 324-0623 or Fred Fritfey . 5247'217. * curt 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Estate of CLARA MAY SPROUL, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the '26th day of 1981 must be -filed with the un- dersigned on or -before Sep- tember 9, 1981. thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed DATED this 31st day of 'July, 1981. VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COM PA N' ' , Corporate Executor by its solicitors, Messrs. Carey & Ottewell 50 North Street Goderich, Ontario, --- N7' A2T4.--31,:32,33 38. Auction sale NOTICE t 1F SALE By Virtue of on Execution issued out of the First Small Claims Court of the County of 'Heron. and to me dire ted, against the Proper- ty of J. Alex Thomson. at the suit of LeRoy Oesch. 1 have seized and taken into execution one Dodge Mottoeo automobile serial num- ber DH M610111627 Licence number KDJ 947. Ali which property will be sold at public auction at Richard Lobb's Barn, 289 Bayfield Rd.. Clin- ton, Ontario on Wed- nesday the 19th day of August 1981. at the hour of 7 o'clock in the evening. Dated at Goderich this 30th day of July 1981 Melvin Cranston Bailiff. GIANT UNRESERVED AUCTION of new and used tractors and equipment at BRINDLEY'S SALE YARD DUNGANNON, ONTARIO Saturday, Aug. 22 at 9:30 a.m. Sharp 40 tractors. back hoes. bulldozers, combines. 150 pieces of equipment, and a large amount of shop tools and equipment. Guaranteed - no reserves an anything. For more information call: 529-7625. EVENING'. AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, miscellaneous items. etc. to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn. Clinton for the Wesley Willis Church manse plus some additions. Wed. Evening, August 19, at 6:30 P.M. Apt. dining table extends from 20" to 6 ft.; four piece bedroom suite; three piece bedroom suite; six matching wooden chairs; TV trays; six dining chairs w/carved backs: five antique ladies & gents chairs w/caned backs (excellent condition); chesterfield loveseat and matching chair (like new); small fancy table; large & small desk w/drawers; wooden um- brella stand; five oak doors; old dining table; utility table; steel garage door7 x 9. ADDITIONS: Large antique bonnet chest; old ice box: Quebec heater; six matching wooden chairs; odd chairs; pic- ture frames; upholstered swivel chair; trunk; small chest of drawers; portable B&W TV; 30 ft. TV tower; small jig saw; small bench w; three bikes; clear glass bended windows; cant', cabinet; halltree: hand and garden tools TERMS CASH Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 The Wingham Sales Arena 680 Josephine Street, North end of Wingham OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. FRIDAY NiGHT TiLL 9 P.M. NEW FURNITURE - Special priced this week, your choice of living room suites. Also great savings on bedroom, and dining room furniture, kitchen sets, etc. USED FURNITURE 2 - good used dining room suites, matching stove and fridge in harvest gold [ex. condition ] . TOOLS Beaming pullers, bench vises, drill press, socket sets, wrenches, hammers, axes, etc. MENS work boots, socks, pants, shirts, coveralls. ' LADIES jeans, velour Jump suits, shoes, blouses. TOMS blue jeans, sweat shirts, T-shirts. The Gu & Sport Shop Going Moose hunting this fall! We have a good selection of high calibre rifles and ammunition, also some excellent buys on shotguns, 22 rifles, both ,new and used, black powder guns, collectors guns, all types of ammunition, archer equip., fishing gear, rain coats and pants. Bulk Cookies Saturday's ONLY WE ACCEPT CASH, CHEQUES. VISA, MASTER CHARGE LOTS OF FREE PARKING' NOTE! We pay top prices for antiques, used furniture and appliances, guns In any. condition. Will buy outright or coc+sign to our auctions. C S 11. 3:57.1.730