HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 12+
N SELECTING Xnitterd Goods you will find greater satis"
faction in choosing from our stock. than elsewhere, be.
cause of 0-te excellent Patterns aneUboroughly up-to-date
odels we are showing. The -yarns that are used in +4
these goods are imported from Australia where the best yarn 'k 4
comes from.
Mens Sweaters
This is&SWEATER that +4
menlike. It is heavy enough
forgeneral wear andfirin
enough for service, all Colors
and Sizes at.,
125 ttl 3. 0 0
150 4.50
Girls, Sweaters
This Sweater is especially made
You can get this coat in any color
and trimming and is a very suit- I
0 able 'garment for Fall and Winter
wear at
Womens Sweaters
This is a particularly band -
t"' some Sweater with military
or coat collar in White. Black
Blue, Red trimmed with belts:
and pockets. A leader at
UR LINE of Children's
C Sweaters and Knitled
Goods are unusuuIly
large. Seethe little
Buster Coats
for Small Boys and Girls.
5-to-iS and 25c Variety Store
1::"0WE31,1_,VS E3AZAAa
E catler to the many. Our godds Are chosen
W 'n
with the needs of the averad'a"family in
mind. Our best thought gOes to &e work of
finding good values to retail at popular prices.
Our selection of such goods is many times larger
Z than that of big stores. Every article is marked
with its price in plain Ifigy res The values are
surprises to our custonaers.
The average woman f eels 0 home In this Store
Its goods suits both her parse and her need
Market Repor%-The follow ng ts ' Urv.,,T. Obarleton i's outhe sick list, .................. ......... I ......... H.
Olk' ;Iel.)Qrt of bIlt is in1proVing,
ected to 7Q 191 1. Mr. a . nd Urs. r, Mud weix la Us. The. Place Where 000cl
whet tl)$0_181 Qlothes Qoorne From
towel over tha holiday. +
DaLs 35. ., It. CARLkNOIS
V,tr'.q, ;A- of, Xr Geo, Hawkins is'lu Toronto this +
Buckwheat 50. cents week attending the exhibiblon, ow that August is balf 9,0130 we are otter a
Fg,,all our 041nine
A Dress Goods at- cost price quph as MallO 0 ards and MuslinS
17)eas 70 to 75 c Q h 6i. Rowomber the dates of the Exeter +
13ra a 44 00 Fall Fair, Septeni bor 18tb, and lotb,
shQrLs '05.00
Mr, 0. 1 . Howard, of Molsons Bank MCI `1'141
Model Flolir $2,40 White Lawn White
Feed flonr $1.15 Toronto, was home for the holidays.
03utlker 17 cen'is +
Miss Edna Follick has returned
180. visiting in London and
home af tet Waists Underskirts
9t?a - s 75 ceVt!s West Lorne.
10 too
Hay $10. +
Hogs live 7.75 Mrs. Win, Moncur has returned + Regular $3,00 fOl $2-00 Regular $3.75 for $:Z.7S
Choice export 5A to afte,,isitiogfor amouthin London Light Suits Jor 2-75 1-8 2,50
5.60 ld Guelph, +
Xedium L xport stkx x-,:, (C (4 1,75
ce bl Messrs C. Northcott and C. Rowe Hot Wei 2-50 x.6o
Choi ltebexs bolfers 5.9D (i.10 tPer
Medium butchers beifers 5.60, 5,80 are taking in the Toronto exhibition 2-25 1-35 2.25 r.6o
10howe butchers taws 4.75 to 44P this week, + 2,co 1.20
+ ,.Oo 1.30
Xediam buteher cDvvs'3.50 to 4.50 Mr Geotge Cogglus of Crosswell, Prices $12 + r,75 +
P +
Common cows 3.00 1.15
to 3.40 Mich,, visited his uncle Mr. Fred Lux- .89 +
Choice lambs 5.50 to 5,90 ton on Tuesday. L 0 1-05 1,25
+ 5 4. ( !", 1 1,
Choice sb&ap 3.00 to 4.00 flanneft,, Tfouser-. + .25 +
Miss C. C. Brown, of Toronto, who 1 -89 1.00 11 70 .1.
has been visiting her sister. Mrq + ft t
Robins, and other frielids, returnea ings, in "I 4"Jev new T1, 1.00 .75
home to,day. + +
Pj%ultr La ` + -44
Mr, F. Durdle has rented Mr. m- designs., +",
y brooks residence on Laughall street All Corset Covers to be Cleared out at cost +
and will move his household effects
We will pay till August 16th tile here from St. Thomas,
"o Ladies Dutch Collars and
following for'live poultry in trade- Mr Thos. White, who drives the stage
Hens ................ Z ' Se per pound W. W. Talflan +
Roosters,.. 4k stage between Exeter and Kirkton
....... was called to Michigan last week and + Regular 50c. for 40c.
Chicks (1911bate ....... il The Nifty Man',4 +
Mr. Jas. Williams is taking his plbae
Young Duckt 9c, an the st Tailor Re ular 25c, for 20c.
Vio. JJucXs g .... .... so e' 9
Drs, L Zug.cke b sh and Hyndman 11
One cent lesi or Cash' removed a large imor from the back Regular 15c. for Ile.
Watch this space'every week for of r. or Tra air of Rensall on +
+ +
prices. M inday. e learn that the patient Also Wash Belts regulpr 25c. for +
ffin a loing well, +_1 ......... ............... N + 20cal +
+ + +
Jones & H ear MacGrego r find wh i to a + + +
t Opera +
INC Ix + + +
House Exeter Fair night, Go , _ + THIRW YEARS + +
I wonder if Bi acGregor can, sing +
COAfixG OuT-I could listen to h in, ali + Our Seven Colleges have bee + Balbriggan Underwear 4-
+ n + +
+ established during the past 00
years. 'The largest trainer in Egyptian thread wid porous knit regular
LOCALS 0 At the Zurich races on Labor day + s in +
0 Mr. C. A. Houze's horse stumbled in 'e Canada. ONving to our connec .7.
for 40r,. a garment f r_,30c. a garment.
one of the races and threw Mr. Houze + tion all over Ontario. we do
Miss M. A. Tom is visiting in overitshead. Hebad the good for- + better for car graduates fthan
Toronto. tune to light I on his feet without any any other school. You may
Mrs. H. Parsons spent Labor Day damage being done, study at home or par:ty aT ents pure silk half h e regular C= fcr 40C. T
,it London. home, and finish it the G
School re -opened on Tuesday, The Affiliated with the Commercial
Mrs. E. J, Rook is visiting in Beams- changes in the teaching staff are Miss Also Lisle half hose' regul r 50C fO" 40c regular 25C :44
ville this week. Campbell of Goderich who takes M Educators' Association of Can- + for 20C
iss + ada. It wouldbe ivell for you + +
Johnston's room and Miss Irene +
Mrs. A. J. Ford and son Charlie are to investigate before choosing, + +
visiting in Toronto, Quackenbush of town who takes Miss Exclusive tight for Ontario of- + +
Mr. and Mrs. L Pethick were in Alexander's place. + the ivorld-famous 13 s B k + + 1W J,ave just ieceivea a few lines of Fall Goods
Seaforth on Monday, To Attend School -Among those + keeping System. 11,111liesh is onon-- + T V +
who left town this week to attend equalled. It is A:ctual Business + in plaidsland checks suitable for childr",, s
Miss Hobbs, of Birr, is Visiting her se +
hool in other places were Mr. Victor from Start- 1:0' Vlinish and -the. + dresses for school at x2y2c and i5c a yard
sister, Mrs. 1). N.V. Collins. +. +
Sweet, to Chatham, Harry Triebner + student keeps samQ 'books nL% + + +
Mr. Garvey Acheson, of London, and Mfss Glarlys Kestle, to Clinton- + Chartered Banks and Whole- + + We have just received several +
spent Sunday at the Central. Misses Anna Dow and Ruth Hooper: + sale Houses. Enter 'finy SPECIAL +
+ + inches +
time. + pieces of Flannelette 34 %J
Miss Belle McDougall left Monday to London. + Individual. Instrudtion, + + +
+ Write, call or phone for + +
evening to teach near Ingersoll. Mr. Thos.. Prior is this week wide regular i2y2c weight for ioc. +
moving + +
Miss Mabel White, of London, Sun- into the house which he purchased a, + narti.:6ulara, This is a good time to buy your Flannelettes for +
da,yed at her home near Hensall. tew months ago from Messrs. Glad- + Fall term from 4, 28th + Z. Fall before they are sold out. +
Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Brooks Visit' man&, Stanbury, and recently occu- + + +
in London Saturday and Sunday. ed pied by Dr. Roulston. Dr. Roulston + + We now have the celebrated BEEBE
ib moving into Tas. floward's new PANT:3 AND SMOCKS. These are +
Mr. Chester Coultis, of Godericb, house on Main street, ++ Clinton Business farmers made from the heaviest dennim +
visited his parents ever the holidays. + +
Mr, T. Smale has returned home and also MADE TO FIT.
Mr. James Walters is spending part
after Visiting in Hamilton and at the 'k College +
of the week in Toronto and Hamilton. Toronto Exhibition. While in Tor- +
esident ]Highest Price foi Produce. Bring your Poultry to as.
Mrs. Stephen Collins, of Woodstock, onto he met with his firsb cousin John GEO. SPOTTON, Pr +
+ +
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestle. Smale whom he bad not seen for + +
forty-four years and Mr. Smale says V Aliss B..F. Ward, P rincipal We Want It. +
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carling are t here was -a grand re -union. + +
e Toronto Exhibibio, thil, Labor Day passed off quietly in ++* ...... ............. . +
week. town, A number of citizens took ad- +
Mr. W. Martin, of Lucan, spent a vantage of the cheap rates to viqit +
week. +
few days with Mr. Geo. Crawley this -friends at a distance, while others took
in the celebrations of neighboring Apples Wanted +
towns. Two ball games were played ++ X,
Miss Annie Berie, of New York, + Ca'
visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack over the betweed the Parkhill and E xeter Jun. Owing to the light crop & Apples .................. r++++++ -W.+++ +
holiday. iors. in this section this sd4son, the +++11r +11r -Xe-+
Mrs. M. Gillis, of London, is visiting Mrs. M. Sheere and Mrs. A. Dow Exeter Evaporator v% it0only be in
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R, were in Guelph on Saturday last vis -
operation one week. e will open
_H ............ ..................... r++++++
Robinson. iting Mrs. Southcott. who is undergo
Miss Bessie Hartnell, of Toronto . ;; treatment for -nervous tronble at Monday, 'Sept iber 4th,
bbe Homewood SaxAtorium, +
Ift ,J
Mrs and will buy all ple,6 deliyered on %,
is visiting for a few days with rela' p !, +
tives in town. Southcott is progressing favorably at our plant, up tq7(al)d including +
Misses Cora And Edith Blair of God and is able to take short walks every SATURDAY. SRPT. OTEL 4. UON'T 0h E
I" +
day. Bring in To 6r 4ples and get the +
erich visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coul +
tis, Labor Day. +
Will J. Whites efforts as a comic _,highest rn rket.,; rice.
singer were crowned with ma*ed
Miss Nortbeott left Tuesday for -DON'T FOi 6ET THE DATE- ALARMED
uccess: He carripcl his audiencei in -
Hamilton, where she will restime her to convulsion of laughter, so nny SEPTEM
millinery duties. !1d BER 4th to 9th ++ +
were his actions and sayings. T is is
Mrs. Frank Coates and Soleep late fn the morning. +
Enjoy.the luxury of waking +
Whit- a natural and refind comic.-Tbronto
nev, returned from the' in,the "once a week". Opera H up whenever you feel like iL +
o ults e F . +
it you can, but if you c;m t +
castonSaturday evenin' Night Popular Dental Offices Closed. bet + ;; ,
9. ed Prices. get one of our
Miss Etlith Liddicott has return Rev. E, A. and Nles. Fear, of Blyth, Kindly take notice that my office +
to London after visiting rot several visited their daughter. Mrs. W S iz closed every Wednesday afternoon. +
weeks with Miss Lela Gould. Bowey. in town last week. They 'IeH + Clocks,
Miss Bertha Cobbledick of town, and here for Amberstbut-g and Detroit, DR. RoULSTON., + +
Miss 0. Blair of Godericb, have re- where they took the boat for Buffalo. CLOS[Nf-- NOTICE' + atches'
turned from a trip to the Soo. They returned Wednesday and left 'Please remember that my Dental
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cade, o for Maple Grove, Where fhey Will Office is closed ever Wedne day after- Tea Spoons, Berry Spo 9,
f Inwood, camp for & few weeks. s Diamond s, Cui
visited Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald noun. -DR, IKINSMA-N. Cold Meat Forks, C&ke F rks
a few days during the past week. Mr. Sam'l Rowe of Wallacourg, Soup Spoone, PieKni 8
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins of Get your list of exhibits ready for Pearl -handled Butter K v Glass, Silver= +
A number from town took in thei Brantford, Mrs. Windisor and s;:m Roy the H'xeLer Fall Fair. Everything Knives and Forks,
Zurich races Labor Day. A load also of Brown City Mich.. Mr. and Mra. A, Fish Servers, Carving is,
poin s to one of the best ever. ware, Pins, Etc.
went out to take in the concert at J. Holloway, Mr. Dodds Hollowav, 1 + +
night. Miss Hattie Holloway and Mrs. Thoe 13cst Oxawfoi:d pe,ach,as 'for sate al, + +
Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Lamport and Holloway, of Clinton, X Wedding
attended tli'k W. Johns' old. st&nd one door soaffi + +
- A 4. +
daughter Rosie; have returned home funeral of Miss Lillie Rowe, on Tues' , r.shop.
day, icl . Woods' 13Wtche +
af ber visiting in Olandeboye. Mr. Geo. Hockey. of Brantford. vis- Big Stock to choose, frocar
Several from town took in the Baseball -The Parkhill Juniors ited in town ever the holidays. JEWELER & OPTICIAN +
Kirkton Old Boys'Re-Union on Labor came over on Labor Day and played was laccom-panied home by Mrs. Rock -
Day, alsothe tea at 4ion the',same two fast games of ball on the Exeter ey. also brrs. A. Sh&cr, and Miss imad- ............ ............ 11*+++++++++++.&+
evening. school grounds against the Exeter Pir- cline Sb- oro.
Donald 0. Macgregor is OU6", -of the atea. The morning game resulted 20
greatest baritones heard hire in along to 6 in favor of Parkhill and the visit- Mr. 1J. G. 8tanbury stcured fixst,
bime Hear him Sing at' the Opera ors also one tha afternoon game thM Pr zc for his Gladioli oL,TorontQ Ex.
Elouse FairNight. score being 12 to 6, The Parkhill 10bition 'This is.th0 1h rd crlwecat- b 0
ive year in which I hi )111 4, Sin
team are a fast bunch and the games 11' 0-n PL
Mr. and Mrs. Ro ers and da jghter, Toronto for his flow
were enjoyed by the local fans.
3-ladys, of Parkb ill. came over in their iv
Luto on Friday last and visited Mr. Sunday W.L. W..T.D-Ork, AT
Aianiversary Services -On smart r1s ro-
tud Mrs. 113. Christie. last the Anniversary and Harvest quired o ivork on Bay§ ., othing.
Home services i'h connect -on with the either operaH 13. ;,
ag mac 1 8 iven by )p
Mr. and Mrs. Pirth of St. Thomas- Trivitt MemoriM Obureg were held, volver or as hand s wer 0, od wa g-
Lnd Miss Maud D3wn of Paynes Mills,
Rev. Prof. Jeakins, rector of St. Pauls eA. Good clean am loy t, ."and con-
risited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, r
:t, Reddy over the holidays. ehureb, Clinton, preached two eloqu- stant work the year thr
ent sernions in harmony with the cc- Jackson Mf Co. M e r.
Miss Menueer ** V %3
and Miss Lake, of oasion. Special music was provided Mick's Viorcca8 bs-- (A Tti-tiefionary
qew York city, who bave been visiting by the chair and in the avenhag Mr. r,, orm Pej -.Iod A central on Uw, 8th
riends in and around town for the Duplan sang a very Acceptable solo. Cth land '10th, Ploon is fi.ill on 'the AND
)ast few weeks, returned home Satur- The church was beautifully decorated EPt.b. ILlic central day ot I;b,,! kler6tiry
Lay. with flowers and grain for the ocpa- Vieviod and on the CAles1iid nquator
nxig,:n,lb and
Belle, returuect home last present and altogether the services INITURE U'REALUS
Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Handford and sion, There were large congregatiobs on'the 91Vh, 'The annUal 0
la, bte r Lg' 04lec!:ric,crl%i4 also Ialls Nvitbinn' Nlg Full
,e ug 1. succese, . Y
ek a Ce, 'spending the past two was . period oxlt-ondin forward to abotfl,
nnnthq ala flipir RiimmPr'hmy ;n XT-_ Obih17ArV_nn.qn.f,1._ -0 1 --I, m_ rk- _L I_Z I -flu -A y
W MV&M. rluxuu UL IvIrl. aIlu Mrs- 11.,LN, UOWt bepteMbor maxiapLim lvaffth our- 11 al
was saddened when
Mr. Momer Steer, of the staff of the tfieir daughter, rents"drpturbi Ffel,?graph Li Pq, IVX-
0 Molsons bank. wag moved to Dash- Miss Lillie 6ertrude, was rem. oved by cling, auroral ligbts, and causing sai- We Carry a Comp All Lines
# woodla4week. His place here has the hand of death. The deceased was sixic, ofiakes, very ria:hirally ir(,aeh W. 0
Wen taken by Mr , Sclaoover, of in the prime of life, tieing 17 years, 4 crisis over #- onorally. 'Look 6
Forest. 0`1
on rand -------
months and 26 days old. Sbe had orc,t "It, uzzit, crkd storms
A HUMMER at This Sfore I . been afling for several months with near the nintle an l bouffi, follo ved by 0
That funnieeb ef fanny men. Will . t.
chronic ni I is of the brnin, an(! ahatgo to triach cooler weather on l 0
J. White fairly convolsed the aukea- t 'be 1 rt Sunday & Nzbt Calls
ce by his songs aud. sayings and triple 4 ten dayp had been in frosts to Ithe northward. ses!) 4mie *
a sQual-cob9e , * Phone Store
5 -and SATURDAYS sho - . , 7. .sus cobatition. ]Lillie was period Oth To Jlth, cehtrat on (ht 801
encores were in order- Barrie Exa&. A 6r18bt,,,J)rom !sing young lady, high- and m ;
Come and twing a friend iner'. Opera House Fait, Night. ly respected -and eateemed b - ------- 20
y the B
'Kicked by Horse. -On Friday last young people of the town, by whom 20A
Mr. Asa Penhal6, of Stephen, had the her death i's deeply regretted, Her
rkisfartune to be kicked in the bead eoAy demise is a sAd blow to ber pa.
Raza a by a horse. A big fly had been bz)th, ventsamd sisters, w116 in theit, bout, of la'jnaly take notice that my dental
ol'* eving the animal and Mr Penbale. affliction have the tptire Ry nipatby of officewillbe closed for four to six
in i n s* on
son ht to kill it when the li rsob vaked the Community. The fnnpral Cook weeks. Tbe.office hov ever will 1*
itsycobandstrudk hisn in the head, placeTuesday afternoon. The flural openedfro' 10'a.rn.to5p.m.fortbe
appointmenis for, work Rowe Atk
stunned but beyond a -ilig4 bruise beautiful, and required 9, separate swig which 9wiloillbe i Von irnrnediate attei -
He was knocked down and somewhat trIbutea were very numerouej and makin
ana cut there were no selvioug r"ult& to Ponvey them to the cemetery. tion on my r6tu rig.- G, F, Roul8ton,
the bargains.
Fair Day Will I
Special Bargailk
Market Repor%-The follow ng ts ' Urv.,,T. Obarleton i's outhe sick list, .................. ......... I ......... H.
Olk' ;Iel.)Qrt of bIlt is in1proVing,
ected to 7Q 191 1. Mr. a . nd Urs. r, Mud weix la Us. The. Place Where 000cl
whet tl)$0_181 Qlothes Qoorne From
towel over tha holiday. +
DaLs 35. ., It. CARLkNOIS
V,tr'.q, ;A- of, Xr Geo, Hawkins is'lu Toronto this +
Buckwheat 50. cents week attending the exhibiblon, ow that August is balf 9,0130 we are otter a
Fg,,all our 041nine
A Dress Goods at- cost price quph as MallO 0 ards and MuslinS
17)eas 70 to 75 c Q h 6i. Rowomber the dates of the Exeter +
13ra a 44 00 Fall Fair, Septeni bor 18tb, and lotb,
shQrLs '05.00
Mr, 0. 1 . Howard, of Molsons Bank MCI `1'141
Model Flolir $2,40 White Lawn White
Feed flonr $1.15 Toronto, was home for the holidays.
03utlker 17 cen'is +
Miss Edna Follick has returned
180. visiting in London and
home af tet Waists Underskirts
9t?a - s 75 ceVt!s West Lorne.
10 too
Hay $10. +
Hogs live 7.75 Mrs. Win, Moncur has returned + Regular $3,00 fOl $2-00 Regular $3.75 for $:Z.7S
Choice export 5A to afte,,isitiogfor amouthin London Light Suits Jor 2-75 1-8 2,50
5.60 ld Guelph, +
Xedium L xport stkx x-,:, (C (4 1,75
ce bl Messrs 0. Northeott and 0. Rowe Hot Wei 2-50 x.6o
Choi ltebexs bolfers 5.9D (i.10 tPer
Medium butchers beifers 5.60, 5,80 are taking in the Toronto exhibition 2-25 1-35 2.25 r.6o
10howe butchers taws 4.75 to 44P this week, + 2,co 1.20
+ ,.Oo 1.30
Xediam buteher cDvvs'3.50 to 4.50 Mr Geotge Cogglus of Crosswell, Prices $12 + r,75 +
P +
Common cows 3.00 1.15
to 3.40 Mich,, visited his uncle Mr. Fred Lux- .89 +
Choice lambs 5.50 to 5,90 ton on Tuesday. L 0 1-05 1,25
+ 5 4. ( !", 1 1,
Choice sb&ap 3.00 to 4.00 flanneft,, Tfouser-. + .25 +
Miss 0. 0. Brown, of Toronto, who 1 -89 1.00 11 70 .1.
has been visiting her sister. Mrq + ft t
Robins, and other frielids, returnea ings, in "I 4"Jev new T1, 1.00 .75
home to,day. + +
Pj%ultr La ` + -44
Mr, F. Durdle has rented Mr. m- designs., +",
y brooks residence on Laughall street All Corset Covers to be Cleared out at cost +
and will move his household effects
We will pay till August 16th tile here from St. Thomas,
"o Ladies Dutch Collars and
following for'live poultry in trade- Mr Thos..White, who'drives the Jabotg
Hens ................ Z ' Se per pound W. W. Talflan +
Roosters,.. 4k stage between Exeber and Kirkton
....... was called to Michigan last week and + Regular 50c. for 40c.
Chicks (1911bate ....... il The Nifty Man',4 +
Mr. Jas. Williams is taking his plbae
Young Duckt 9c, an the st Tailor Re ular 25c, for 20c.
Vio. JJucXs g .... .... so e' 9
Drs. Quackenbush and Hyndman 11
One cent lesi or Cash' removed a large imor from the back Regular 15c. for Ile.
Watch this space'every week for of r. or Tra air of Rensall on +
+ +
prices. M inday. e learn that the patient Also Wash Belts regulpr 25c. for +
ffin a loing well, +_1 ......... ............... N + 20cal +
+ + +
Jones & Hear MacGregor find wh i to a + + +
t Opera +
INC Ix + + +
House Exeter Fair night, Go , _ + THIRW YEARS + +
I wonder if Bi acGregor can, sing +
COAfixG OuT-I could listen to h in, ali + Our Seven Colleges have bee + Balbriggan Underwear 4-
+ n + +
+ established during the past 00
years. 'The largest trainer in Egyptian thread wid porous knit regular
LOCALS 0 At the Zurich races on Labor day + s in +
0 Mr. C. A. Houze's horse stumbled in 'e Canada. ONving to our connec .7.
for 40r,. a garment f r_,30c. a garment.
one of the races and threw Mr. Houze + tion all over Ontario. we do
Miss M. A. Tom is visiting in overitshead. Hebad the good for- + better for car graduates fthan
Toronto. tune to light I on his feet without any any other school. You may
Mrs. H. Parsons spent Labor Day damage being done, study at home or par:ty aT ents pure silk half h e regular C= fcr 40C. T
,it London. home, and finish it the G
School re -opened on Tuesday, The Affiliated with the Commercial
Mrs. E. J, Rook is visiting in Beams- changes in the teaching staff are Miss Also Lisle half hose' regul r 50C fO" 40c regular 25C :44
ville this week. Campbell of Goderich who takes M Educators' Association of Can- + for 20C
iss + ada. It wouldbe ivell for you + +
Johnston's room and Miss Irene +
Mrs. A. J. Ford and son Charlie are to investigate before choosing, + +
visiting in Toronto, Quackenbush of town who takes Miss Exclusive tight for Ontario of- + +
Mr. and Mrs. L Pethick were in Alexander's place. + the ivorld-famous 13 s B k + + 1W J,ave just ieceivea a few lines of Fall Goods
Seaforth on Monday, To Attend School -Among those + keeping System. 11,111liesh is onon-- + T V +
who left town this week to attend equalled. It is A:ctual Business + in plaidsland checks suitable for childr",, s
Miss Hobbs, of Birr, is Visiting her se +
hool in other places were Mr. Victor from Start- 1:0' Vlinish and -the. + dresses for school at x2y2c and i5c a yard
sister, Mrs. 1). N.V. Collins. +. +
Sweet, to Chatham, Harry Triebner + student keeps samQ 'books nL% + + +
Mr. Garvey Acheson, of London, and Mfss Glarlys Kestle, to Clinton- + Chartered Banks and Whole- + + We have just received several +
spent Sunday at the Central. Misses Anna Dow and Ruth Hooper: + sale Houses. Enter 'finy SPECIAL +
+ + inches +
time. + pieces of Flannelette 34 %J
Miss Belle McDougall left Monday to London. + Individual. Instrudtion, + + +
+ Write, call or phone for + +
evening to teach near Ingersoll. Mr. Thos.. Prior is this week wide regular i2y2c weight for ioc. +
moving + +
Miss Mabel White, of London, Sun- into the house which he purchased a, + narti.:6ulara, This is a good time to buy your Flannelettes for +
da,yed at her home near Hensall. tew months ago from Messrs. Glad- + Fall term from 4, 28th + Z. Fall before they are sold out. +
Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Brooks Visit' man&, Stanbury, and recently occu- + + +
in London Saturday and Sunday. ed pied by Dr. Roulston. Dr. Roulston + + We now have the celebrated BEEBE
ib moving into Tas. floward's new PANT:3 AND SMOCKS. These are +
Mr. Chester Coultis, of Godericb, house on Main street, ++ Clinton Business farmers made from the heaviest dennim +
visited his parents ever the holidays. + +
Mr, T. Smale has returned home and also MADE TO FIT.
Mr. James Walters is spending part
after Visiting in Hamilton and at the 'k College +
of the week in Toronto and Hamilton. Toronto Exhibition. While in Tor- +
esident ]Highest Price foi Produce. Bring your Poultry to as.
Mrs. Stephen Collins, of Woodstock, onto he met with his firsb cousin John GEO. SPOTTON, Pr +
+ +
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestle. Smale whom he bad not seen for + +
forty-four years and Mr. Smale says V Aliss B..F. Ward, P rincipal We Want It. +
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carling are t here was -a grand re -union. + +
e Toronto Exhibibio, thil, Labor Day passed off quietly in ++* ...... ............. . +
week. town, A number of citizens took ad- +
Mr. W. Martin, of Lucan, spent a vantage of the cheap rates to viqit +
week. +
few days with Mr. Geo. Crawley this -friends at a distance, while others took
in the celebrations of neighboring Apples Wanted +
towns. Two ball games were played ++ X,
Miss Annie Berie, of New York, + Ca'
visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack over the betweed the Parkhill and E xeter Jun. Owing to the light crop & Apples .................. r++++++ -W.+++ +
holiday. iors. in this section this sd4son, the +++11r +11r -Xe-+
Mrs. M. Gillis, of London, is visiting Mrs. M. Sheere and Mrs. A. Dow Exeter Evaporator v% it0only be in
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R, were in Guelph on Saturday last vis -
operation one week. e will open
_H ............ ..................... r++++++
Robinson. iting Mrs. Southcott. who is undergo
Miss Bessie Hartnell, of Toronto . ;; treatment for -nervous tronble at Monday, 'Sept iber 4th,
bbe Homewood SaxAtorium, +
Ift ,J
Mrs and will buy all ple,6 deliyered on %,
is visiting for a few days with rela' p !, +
tives in town. Southcott is progressing favorably at our plant, up tq7(al)d including +
Misses Cora And Edith Blair of God and is able to take short walks every SATURDAY. SRPT. OTEL 4. UON'T 0h E
I" +
day. Bring in To 6r 4ples and get the +
erich visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coul +
tis, Labor Day. +
Will J. Whites efforts as a comic _,highest rn rket.,; rice.
singer were crowned with ma*ed
Miss Nortbeott left Tuesday for -DON'T FOi 6ET THE DATE- ALARMED
uccess: He carripcl his audiencei in -
Hamilton, where she will restime her to convulsion of laughter, so nny SEPTEM
millinery duties. !1d BER 4th to 9th ++ +
were his actions and sayings. T is is
Mrs. Frank Coates and Soleep late fn the morning. +
Enjoy.the luxury of waking +
Whit- a natural and refind comic.-Tbronto
nev, returned from the' in,the "once a week". Opera H up whenever you feel like iL +
o ults e F . +
it you can, but if you c;m t +
castonSaturday evenin' Night Popular Dental Offices Closed. bet + ;; ,
9. ed Prices. get one of our
Miss Etlith Liddicott has return Rev. E, A. and Nles. Fear, of Blyth, Kindly take notice that my office +
to London after visiting rot several visited their daughter. Mrs. W S iz closed every Wednesday afternoon. +
weeks with Miss Lela Gould. Bowey. in town last week. They 'IeH + Clocks,
Miss Bertha Cobbledick of town, and here for Amberstbut-g and Detroit, DR. RoULSTON., + +
Miss 0. Blair of Godericb, have re- where they took the boat for Buffalo. CLOS[Nf-- NOTICE' + atches'
turned from a trip to the Soo. They returned Wednesday and left 'Please remember that my Dental
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cade, o for Maple Grove, Where fhey Will Office is closed ever Wedne day after- Tea Spoons, Berry Spo 9,
f Inwood, camp for & few weeks. s Diamond s, Cui
visited Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald noun. -DR, IKINSMA-N. Cold Meat Forks, C&ke F rks
a few days during the past week. Mr. Sam'l Rowe of Wallacourg, Soup Spoone, PieKni 8
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins of Get your list of exhibits ready for Pearl -handled Butter K v Glass, Silver= +
A number from town took in thei Brantford, Mrs. Windisor and s;:m Roy the H'xeLer Fall Fair. Everything Knives and Forks,
Zurich races Labor Day. A load also of Brown City Mich.. Mr. and Mra. A, Fish Servers, Carving is,
poin s to one of the best ever. ware, Pins, Etc.
went out to take in the concert at J. Holloway, Mr. Dodds Hollowav, 1 + +
night. Miss Hattie Holloway and Mrs. Thoe 13cst Oxawfoi:d pe,ach,as 'for sate al, + +
Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Lamport and Holloway, of Clinton, X Wedding
attended tli'k W. Johns' old. st&nd one door soaffi + +
- A 4. +
daughter Rosie; have returned home funeral of Miss Lillie Rowe, on Tues' , r.shop.
day, icl . Woods' 13Wtche +
af ber visiting in Olandeboye. Mr. Geo. Hockey. of Brantford. vis- Big Stock to choose, frocar
Several from town took in the Baseball -The Parkhill Juniors ited in town ever the holidays. JEWELER & OPTICIAN +
Kirkton Old Boys'Re-Union on Labor came over on Labor Day and played was laccom-panied home by Mrs. Rock -
Day, alsothe tea at 4ion the',same two fast games of ball on the Exeter ey. also brrs. A. Sh&cr, and Miss imad- ............ ............ 11*+++++++++++.&+
evening. school grounds against the Exeter Pir- cline Sb- oro.
Donald 0. Macgregor is OU6", -of the atea. The morning game resulted 20
greatest baritones heard hire in along to 6 in favor of Parkhill and the visit- Mr. 1J. G. 8tanbury stcured fixst,
bime Hear him Sing at' the Opera ors also one tha afternoon game thM Pr zc for his Gladioli oL,TorontQ Ex.
Elouse FairNight. score being 12 to 6, The Parkhill 10bition 'This is.th0 1h rd crlwecat- b 0
ive year in which I hi )111 4, Sin
team are a fast bunch and the games 11' 0-n PL
Mr. and Mrs. Ro ers and da jghter, Toronto for his flow
were enjoyed by the local fans.
3-ladys, of Parkb ill. came over in their iv
Luto on Friday last and visited Mr. Sunday W.L. W..T.D-Ork, AT
Aianiversary Services -On smart r1s ro-
tud Mrs. 113. Christie. last the Anniversary and Harvest quired o ivork on Bay§ ., othing.
Home services i'h connect -on with the either operaH 13. ;,
ag mac 1 8 iven by )p
Mr. and Mrs. Pirth of St. Thomas- Trivitt MemoriM Obureg were held, volver or as hand s wer 0, od wa g-
Lnd Miss Maud D3wn of Paynes Mills,
Rev. Prof. Jeakins, rector of St. Pauls eA. Good clean am loy t, ."and con-
risited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, r
:t, Reddy over the holidays. ehureb, Clinton, preached two eloqu- stant work the year thr
ent sernions in harmony with the cc- Jackson Mf Co. M e r.
Miss Menueer ** V %3
and Miss Lake, of oasion. Special music was provided Mick's Viorcca8 bs-- (A Tti-tiefionary
qew York city, who bave been visiting by the chair and in the avenhag Mr. r,, orm Pej -.Iod A central on Uw, 8th
riends in and around town for the Duplan sang a very Acceptable solo. Cth land '10th, Ploon is fi.ill on 'the AND
)ast few weeks, returned home Satur- The church was beautifully decorated EPt.b. ILlic central day ot I;b,,! kler6tiry
Lay. with flowers and grain for the ocpa- Vieviod and on the CAles1iid nquator
nxig,:n,lb and
Belle, returuect home last present and altogether the services INITURE U'REALUS
Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Handford and sion, There were large congregatiobs on'the 91Vh, 'The annUal 0
la, bte r Lg' 04lec!:ric,crl%i4 also Ialls Nvitbinn' Nlg Full
,e ug 1. succese, . Y
ek a Ce, 'spending the past two was . period oxlt-ondin forward to abotfl,
nnnthq ala flipir RiimmPr'hmy ;n XT-_ Obih17ArV_nn.qn.f,1._ -0 1 --I, m_ rk- _L I_Z I -flu -A y
W MV&M. rluxuu UL IvIrl. aIlu Mrs- 11.,LN, UOWt bepteMbor maxiapLim lvaffth our- 11 al
was saddened when
Mr. Momer Steer, of the staff of the tfieir daughter, rents"drpturbi Ffel,?graph Li Pq, IVX-
0 Molsons bank. wag moved to Dash- Miss Lillie 6ertrude, was rem. oved by cling, auroral ligbts, and causing sai- We Carry a Comp All Lines
# woodla4week. His place here has the hand of death. The deceased was sixic, ofiakes, very ria:hirally ir(,aeh W. 0
Wen taken by Mr , Sclaoover, of in the prime of life, tieing 17 years, 4 crisis over #- onorally. 'Look 6
Forest. 0`1
on rand -------
months and 26 days old. Sbe had orc,t "It, uzzit, crkd storms
A HUMMER at This Sfore I . been afling for several months with near the nintle an l bouffi, follo ved by 0
That funnieeb ef fanny men. Will . t.
chronic ni I is of the brnin, an(! ahatgo to triach cooler weather on l 0
IT. White fairly convolsed the aukea- t 'be 1 rt Sunday & Nzbt Calls
ce by his songs aud. sayings and triple 4 ten dayp had been in frosts to Ithe northward. ses!) 4mie *
a sQual-cob9e , * Phone Store
5 -and SATURDAYS sho - . , 7. .sus cobatition. ]Lillie was period Oth To Jlth, cehtrat on (ht 801
encores were in order- Barrie Exa&. A 6r18bt,,,J)rom !sing young lady, high- and m ;
Come and twing a friend iner'. Opera House Fait, Night. ly respected -and eateemed b - ------- 20
y the B
'Kicked by Horse. -On Friday last young people of the town, by whom 20A
Mr. Asa Penhal6, of Stephen, had the her death i's deeply regretted, Her
rkisfartune to be kicked in the bead eoAy demise is a sAd blow to ber pa.
Raza a by a horse. A big fly had been bz)th, ventsamd sisters, w116 in theit, bout, of la'jnaly take notice that my dental
ol'* eving the animal and Mr Penbale. affliction have the tptire Ry nipatby of officewillbe closed for four to six
in i n s* on
son ht to kill it when the li rsob vaked the Community. The fnnpral Cook weeks. Tbe.office hov ever will 1*
itsycobandstrudk hisn in the head, placeTuesday afternoon. The flural openedfro' 10'a.rn.to5p.m.fortbe
appointmenis for, work Rowe Atk
stunned but beyond a -ilig4 bruise beautiful, and required 9, separate swig which 9wiloillbe i Von irnrnediate attei -
He was knocked down and somewhat trIbutea were very numerouej and makin
ana cut there were no selvioug r"ult& to Ponvey them to the cemetery. tion on my r6tu rig.- G, F, Roul8ton,