HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-12, Page 6PAGE 6 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12,1981 ti/5 1#1 August 12 to August 18 WED THRL' TILES MORNING • 5:15 VARIOCS • PROGRAMMING (Exc..Mon.) 54:45 t' l►F' M PRESENTS 6:154 VARIOUS PROGRAMMING 6::30SCOPE (frt.' 6:43 NEWS .• 7c 00 TODAY . • ' 9:00 MOVIE: "CAT O'NINE TAILS" ( Wed. i "SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS' 4Thurs.) "MADISON AVENUE" (Fri.) "PIPPI LONGSTOC KI NG " IMon .1 "PIPPI IN THE SOUTH SEAS" ( Tues. ) 11:00HOL'R MAGAZINE AFTERNOON 12:00 NEWS 12:30 DOCTORS • I:00DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2: 00 ANOTHER WORLD :3:110 TEXAS 4:00 MOVIE: "GIRL CRAZY" (Wed.) ..HERE WE GO AGAIN" (Thurs.) "PASSIONATE PLUMBER" 't Fri. 1 —HITCHHIKER" IMon.1 "TERROR ON THE - BEACH" ('Liles. ) 5:30M.A.S.H. WEDNESDAY ESDAY • .WG. 2i, iota • EVENING *no NEWS 6: 30 NBC NEWS 7:1i0 PM MAGAZINE 7:30 BEWITCHED • • .8:00 REAL PEOPLE 9:00D1FF'RElT STROKES 9:30 THEFACTS OF LIFE 10::00QUINCY 11:00 NEWS. • 1.1':30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 12:30 .TOMORROW COAST- • TO -COAST THURSDAY .WG,1:1.i'ol EVENING 6:WINEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00PM MAGAZINE 7: 30 BEWITCHED • 8:00 NBC 'MAGAZINE WITH • DAVID BRINKLEY 9:01) THURSDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES:.' MARCH OR 1E ,..Gene .Ba.ckman,. T erenee HdI• . •I I : W 1V;EVI'S 30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 12:30 TOMORROW COAST- TO-COAST FRIDAY. .‘up. 14, 1991 EVENING 6:00NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7: W PM MAGAZINE . 7:30 ML'PPETSHOW ". 8:00 HARPER VALLEY P.T.A. • . 8:30 FRIDAY 'NIGHT AT THE MOVIES. • • 9:00 FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES: 'MARCH OR DIE". Gene Hackman Catherine Deneuve. lo: :30SAN FORD 11:uuNEW' 11::30THE TONIGHTSHOW 12:30SCTV NETWORK 9U 2:4)0 AMERICA'S TOP to 2:30 ROCK CONccRT 4:00 MOV1•E4. * THRE'E INTO TVId • WON'T GO", Rod Steiger -Claire Bloom. S.\Tl'R I)AV 15, 1918 " NioRNING ' 6:01) BEWITCHED 6 30 NEW ZOO REVUE 7: 00 JON Na' QUEST 7:30 ELINTSTON E COMEDY SHOW 8:4)0 F LINTSTON E COMEDY SHOW 9:081 GODZMLA 9:30 BATMAN AND THE SUPER SEVEN 10::30DAF FY DUCK SI IOU 41:0OJ ETSONS tI ::30 HONG'KONG PittNJEY .\F TEROON 12: 00SOL'L TRAIN 1: 000 BION IC WOMAN 1:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:00 'MOVIE: "PARADISE LAGOON". Kenneth More - Diana Cilenlo :4:30 MOVIE: "CRAWLSPACE" Teresa. \fright -Arthur' Kennedy 5:00SHA NANA :' .i::ill HAPPY DAYS AGA IN EVENING 6: INI N EWS 6:31) HEE HAW 7::30 PINK PANTHER 8:00 BARBARA Al ANDREU .AND THE .MANDRELL SISTERS ' 9;;00 GREATEST HEROES Or THE. BIBLE 1R;I0 NBC NEWSPECIAL , II:no NEWS • 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. • 1: 00 BEN N Y HILL SHOW • 1:30 MOVIE: , "I COULD NEVER" .Carmine Caridi- ' Cynthia Harris SUNDAY ..WG. 114, 1981 MORNING 6:45DAVEY AND GOLIATH '1:on OPEN CAMERA 7, :40 HEALTH FIELD • BL:ooDAY OF DISCOVERY . 9:311 REX HL•MBARD 4:000RAL ROBERTS 9:34) TV MASS . t0:00G1L1.IGAN'SISLAND 10:311 LAU REL AN 1) }LARD\' 11:u0 • MOVIE; ';CAPTAIN JANUARY' Shirley Temple- Guv:Kibbee AFTERNOON 12::31►AIF: E1"fHE PRESS 1 :IN►l)PEN CAMERA 1:•3Il MOVIE: "BRIDES OF Fl MAN('Ht"'. Christopher Lee -Marie Veisini :1:10 MOVIE: "1 WILL FIGHT ' NO MOIRE FOREVER-. Janus ' Nhit.- morc Ned Romero 4::111 RIX EJEAN NETWORK PRESENTS WELCOME TO Summer Bible Day Camp FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 6-13 Monday, August 17 to Friday, August 21, 1981 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Meet at Church. Bus (eaves Calvary Bap- tist Church at 9 a.m. sharp. return by 4 p.m. HOW MUCH? '8.00 FOR THE WEEK OR '2.00 A DAY REGISTRATION — NAME 1 ADDRESS PHONE Is there any reason why this child should not engage in any active camp -programme? SIGNATURE OF PARENT PLEDGE: 1 promise to obey the rules of the camp cheerfully to co-operate with all leaders in every 'way to help all campers get the most out of camp. SIGNATURE WHAT TO 00 — GAMES — GOOD SINGING — BIBLE STUDY — CRAFTS — SWIMMING PLEASE BRING YOU REGISTER WHAT TO BRING — SNACK LUNCH (WE SUPPLY THE DRINK) —SWIM SUIT —TOWEL — BIBLE — WEAR PLAY CLOTHES FORM WHEN CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 231 Mayfield Rd. GODERICII. EVENING N S li 8411 (11SNE\"S MON •I)E131•'t 1.111►IMIA/ ' 8:48► CII1 F's 9.00 •'t'llb: tih•N1)A1' BIG FYI,: NT.: ",HANG .ING til`. A '4'1114 F:.\D'r, fatty Duke Austin Ii 1i1 NEWS 11 • .4n MUVIK: "COt'N TER P01 NT:— Charlton 1lcstun Maximilian Schell MON DAV \UG.,1:,19X) EVENING oil N•F:11S 1,:.311 Nlit' NEW S 7: 7:30 111•A‘ 1'I'l'11 F:D - 8:4111 L1'1"1'LF: I IOL Si': • ON THE PRAIRIE 11:00 MONDAY Nl( 111' AT 111!'; Alt)\'IFS: "HANGING 11l A 'HIRE AI)" l)on na Milh fait v !hike Austin 11:tin NE\VS- 11:04'I'11F:TONIGHT 511O\1 , 12 : ;0 tomorrow coast 'rt' ('O:\S'1' TI'F: tit).W AUG. is. 19141 EVE NI til: I;:Ua NEWS 6:30. NB(' NEM S 7:411) 1'M MAI;AZIE 7; :30 ItE\11'rt7I EI ) 8:00 8:11111.01-t11 9:0l)HILL Slit I L''I'-111.1 Fa I n; nu N F:It t ► \\ t ).LFE LI :00 NEWS 11:311'1 I E '1't ►N 1(; I I'1' SHOW 12::11 TOMORROW t'1):\ 'l, 'h) ('OAST SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED . • OVER 50 YEARS Gods rich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Godorlch 524-7345. Clinton-Seafarth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 Nigh Street Clinton 482-9441 Your decision determines yo BY THE REVEREND AUSTIN GEDCKE, BETHEL PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY In a moving way, D -L: Moody elaborates on the giv- ing of the greatcommission. Jesus has been raised from the'dead, but His body bears themarks of the crucifixion. Just before His departure in- to heaven, He says to His disciples, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Here, Moody imagines Peter speaking up to say, "Lord, do you really mean that we shall go back to Jerusalem to preach to those sinners who murdered you?" Moody continues, to reflect on how Christ might have Auburn news L. - Rev. Austin Gedcke answered him. "Yes, Peter .. go search out the man who spat in my face; tell him) I forgive him; there is nothing in my heart but love for him. Go search out the man that put the cruel crown of thorns on my brow; tell him that I will have a crown for him in my kingdom .. there will be no thorn in it, and he shall wear it forever ' in the kingdom of his Redeemer. "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us" — for you and me! Here is a Saviour who loves the unlovely and treats with mercy even those who are hostile. to -thin. Here is love without limits. It is.the love upon which you and I can re- ly for eternal salvation. r des any Find out the man who took the reed.from my hand, and 'smote my head, driving the thorns deeper into my brow. If he will accept salvation as a gift, I will give him a seep- tre and he shall sway it over the nations of the earth. Go seek out the poor soldier who drove the spear into my side; tell him that I forgive him freely; and tell him .I will make him a soldier of the cross and my, banner over him shall be love." Such are the words of that great Gospel preacher giv- ing a picture of. God's divine love in its final act of overflowing compassion. In His very essence, God is Love. " Foi God so loved the world" — so completely, so Trustees to meet on town hall The August meeting of the Auburn trustees was held last Saturday evening in the town hall with the chairman, Warner Andrews in charge. The minutes of the previous meeting were ac- cepted 'as c- cepted'as read by the acting clerk, Mrs. Eleanor Brad - nock on motion of Trustee Gordon Powell, seconded by Trustee Jim Schneider. • A discussion took place on the survey on Lot 28 where thetown hall is built and fur- ther investigations will take place by the trustees. Melanie McLaughin of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation will meet with the Trustees . on August 25 regarding the renovations of the town hall and library rooms. • It Was 'announced that the checkerboard sign • at the east end of Goderich Street .had been installed. Trustee Gordon • Powell was congratulated on the fine job he did in welcoming the . Auburn, . Michigan friends to the village and ac- cepting their gift of a Michigan flag. A taxpayer • attended 'the meeting to see about getting - weeds cut on some neighbouring lots. The weed inspectors will be contacted as well • as the Hullett Township • clerk and other neighbouring townships: - • It was allhounl ed that the hydro pole' had been in- stalled at • • Manchester Garden with a light on it. The Auburn Horticultural Socie- ty had paid for the work done there. BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Deborah Walker of Gananoque was . guest of honour at the home of Mrs. .Gordon Chamney when she was given a bridal shower last Saturday afternoon. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Chamney and her daughter, Lorraine Chamney of Goderich. A beautiful corsage was pinned on Miss Walker by Lorraine and on Mrs. Paul Lassaline of Calgary by Mrs. Paul Chamney. Dessert and coffee were served by Mr's. Gordon Chamney, Lorraine, Mrs. Paul Chamney, Mrs. Douglas Chamney and Mrs. Pat Nagele. • Contests were conducted by Mrs. Chamney with win- ners t being' Mrs. Stewart Chamney, ' Miss Deborah Walker and • Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock. Lorraine welcomed the relatives and friends and congratulated the bride-to- be and wished her much hap- piness. Gifts were presented by Alison Chamney and Kara Letherland of Acton. Assisting Miss Walker in opening her gifts was Mrs. Paul Lassaline. Mrs. Paul Chamney made a hat of the ribbonbows and placed it on the bride's head. Debbie thanked everyone for their gifts and invited all to her trousseau tea next Sunday afternoon at Gananoque. The clothespin contest was won by Kara Letherland. Guests were present from Calgary, . Acton, Goderich, Clinton, Donnybrook, Londesboro and the Auburn community. • Mrs. Kennetjj* McDougall, Mrs. Frank Raithby; Mrs. Lawrence • Plaetzer, .Mrs. Tom Lawlor, Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mrs. Major Youngblut, Mrs, Tom Jar- din, Mrs. Elva Straughan, Mrs. Tom Haggitt and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock attended the Dungannon Women's In- stitute meeting held in the Nile United Church last Thursday evening.' Con- stable Goff of the OPP was guest speaker and spoke on home safety. Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Cart- wright and family arrived home on Sunday from a cam= r• ping trip near Owen Sound. Thermos ROOMY CAMP COOLERS 29 Imp. quart capacity Reg. $29.95 NOW $2 4.95 26 inch Mens & Ladies COASTER BIKES Reg. $119:95 NOW $9999 10% Off All other bikes in stock SLEEPING BAGS 25% OFF Reg. Price Rade Ihaek AUTHORIZED SALES CENTRE 60 West St Goderich 524.7171 Mr. • and Mrs. Wayne Powell . and Gordon and Jackie of St. Catharines were guests last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powell and family. They moved to Clinton last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bricker, Christy and Mark returned home last weekend aftera camping trip up nor- th. Mr. and Mrs. George Col- lins and Jonathan holidayed at Homestead Acres • fully, so sacrificially! The decimve question re - "mains for each to answer: Will 1 receive his offer of love and forgiveness? Your decision will deter- mine your destiny! 0 ,4) (i0( •RINGS 'NECKLACES *BRACELETS ®BEADS ptt ra gen* 31 ST. DAVID. GODER)CH 524-9072 MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING & REPAIR DON DENOMNIE AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT Altr,al Phone 524.661 PRYDE MONUMENTS BUSINESS EST. 1920 THE BO'K'BARN FLORIST AND 82 Sill:TH ST.. (;o1DF:Hl(:H 524-8761 Prolickyour home a LwtIrriijv_ Peter S. MacEwan Insurance ' 38 St. David St. 524-9531 GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS We will be closed until We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you 1 Bet. PENTECOSTAL- - ASSEMBLY 321 BAYFIELD RD.. GODERICH An Invitation to Worship! Sundays: at 11 o.m 8 7 p.m. 10 a.m. Sunday School = - Wednesday Nights o17 a.m. FAMILY NITE "si. REV. I. AUSTINGEDCWE 344-8306' • CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC -FUNDAMENTAL REV. R BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 a.m. Family Bible School 11:'1&10 a.m. Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. "Being Diligent for God" Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study DAY CAMP - Aug. 17-21 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH .1 - a••,...•v.•..•.vvr�.•v.�••v.-•�ve•a.sa<a�A•'®-<•we�a.- ? L lliihii,ln 11rfLlrine L.11tlr;ll Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School 10: 00 a.m. and 7: 30p.m. Pastor: Rev. H. Vriend . 344-7484 Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday at10 30 a.m. for the "Back 4o God Hour" The Anglican Church of Canada ; ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North and Nelson Streets, Goderich ( Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman Ninth Sunday after Trinity August 16th I8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer at Port Albert. 11:00 a.m. Folk Mass and Holy Communion. Services this Sunday to charge of staff and students of tjJ Huron Church Camp. -You are always welcome - ae...e., e... 0,,.. -®see- �.e.s... ,,�.�...�..�.....•. THE SALVATION ARMY • 18 WATERLOO ST. S. 524.9341 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship yy • 0- a::•rs...m.e:e.,.n.•+•...-es..-�.vses••m.ee•were..e-a.,ero-.m.a••s<..ree-ee.e.ao.-mn o•�.. 1 i North Street U.C. U.C. V i 7,•r ' i BEREA-BY-THE=WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive • 9:15 Sunday School and Bible Classes • 10:30 Worship Marvin L. Barr. Pastor - 524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 107.36 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA • i 1 1 Victoria Street I Goderieh United Church Congregations cordially invite visitors to loin us for: Worship In Victoria Street United Church at 10:00 A.M. Each Sunday in August Minister: Rev. John 13:M. Wood Organist: Mr. Paul W. J. Howe Nursery Service Provided., rKnox Presbyterian Church? THE REV G LOCKHART ROYAL, M A M DIV MINISTER LORNE H .DOTTERER, Director of Praise SUNDAY, AUGUST 1,6TH SUMMER SERVICES 9:00 a.m. Chapel 11:00 a.m. Main Church The minister at both services SPECIAL MUSIC (Nursery Fecilitloi at 11) (Oen Session Sunday School at 11) Enter to Worship Depart to Serve ."'a1.e00.aO..eOae�e•terde•1e."'ft .sse.'\e•'�e->e.�.•1e-Ael1.•i •a0..�