HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-08-12, Page 5d GODERICHSIGNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12,1981—PAGE 5 Consumers sympathetic towards farmers group presideAt say - Bir STEPHANIE LEVESQUE HOLMESVILLE - The messages that farmers feel "dumped" on 'and con- sumers are sympathetic .to the farmer came out at a Huron Federation of Agriculture meeting here. Ruth Jackson, the. vice- president of the Consumers Association of Canada and a past president of the Ontario Consumers Association spoke at the meeting on August 6. In starting her talk, Jackson, of the Kitchener area, said consumers have a "sympathetic view" towards the farmer. "They may not understand entirely... but there is a gut feeling of sympathy," said Jackson. Several farmers in the au- dience, during a question and answer period, said they felt dumped on by the con- sumers. One farmer said, "We are not the contributors to high prices". The farmers asked These old but trusted farm implements may dot serve a useful purpose by today's standards but on Saturday they provided a good vantage point hi view the log -sawing contest at Point Farms Provincial Park. The contest was part of Pioneer Days at the park.(Photo by Dave Sykes) Group seeks living, quarters The Goderich-Seaforth sponsor committee of the Katimavik program, met August 5 at therequest of co- ordinator Charlene Scheer in order to arrange various work • and organizational aspects of the program. Scheer said she would like to have °informal meetings every four to six weeks and • she requested from the sponsors, a break -down of the work activity proposed on a week -to -week basis so that it can be allocated to the work force. This weekly break -down will" be presented to her August 24. Participants will start work September 20 and finish June 9. 'However, they will not be a vailable f or Work from December 23 to January ,11 and. from March 19 toMarch29. Scheer reminded, the sponsors 'that' they are responsible for supplying all equipment and materials, including hard hats; boots, •etc. She suggested that the sponsors may also wish to purchase ' T-shirts 'for the participants so that they will be easily. identified. • An, open house will beheld some time in the fall by Katimavik. At present, they have not found. living facilities in Goderich' but have a farm `house for the participants who will ;be working in Seafortli The phone number there is 527- 0965. Scheer explained that there will be seven working participants in the program per day. The participants will rotate responsibilities depending upon which participants will be on house duty, etc. The sponsors in- dicated that some jobs will not allow the frequent, changes of participants due to the necessary skills. Rebekahs and Oddfellows Thank you The C.P. & `fi- Committee of the local Od- dfellow and Rebekah Lodges report a very successful tag day and wish to thank the citizens for their support of this annual event; also, the workers a%I the IlTaggers" Winners of the Taggers were: Sheila Corriveau 1st prize -'5.00 Brian Corriveau 2nd prize - '3.00' Paul Nivins 3rd prize -'2.00 Humanitarian Services Com. c/o Mrs. M. Johnston 53 Cambria Rd. South WATER WELL DRILLING "80YEARS EXPERIENCE" • FARM • SUBURBAN • INDUSTRIAL • MUNICIPAL • • FREE ESTIMATES • GUARANTEED WELLS • FAST MODERN EQUIPMENT, • 4 ROTARY & PERCUSSION DRILLS "OUR EXPERIENCE ASSURES LOWER COST WATER WELLS" DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING " LIMITED required and the training period. W.J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP • Phone 524-8132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 hr. . FILM.DEVELOPING 4 Rotary and Percussion Drills PHONE 35'1-1960 WINGHAM Collect Calls Accepted "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unlooders B ig Jim Silo Unloaders Volume Belt Feeders Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders Single Chain Conveyors Barn Cleaners Oswalt Ensllmixers' FARMATIC- • • B ender Hammer Mills Blender Roller Mills Blender Miles for Ground HI -Moisture Corn Augers Leg Elevators ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners Hydraulic Manure Pumps WESTEEL-ROSCO Grain Bins. - 1,350 to 250,000 bu. Bulk Feed Tanks ACME - Fan -Jet Ventilation ' Systems ASTON - Ventilation Systems B 8. L - Complete Hog r Confine- ment Systems' SLURRY-SLINGER Liquid Manure Spreaders 'Parts. and Service for Clay Equipment AFRO -FLUSH Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators WE HANDLE EVERYTHING -ALMOST LOWR1i' FARM SYSTEMS, kinturdirne, On-ff-. Phone 3425-5286 Jackson if she could "attack the retailers who they feel are making the profits. Jackson agreed the retailers are making profits that last year were better than they had been for some time. She added that there is "not ade- quate competition" among all the retailers. On this point, Jackson said better competitive legisla- tion is needed. She noted that the issue will be up before the federal parliament in its fall session. She suggested the federation could help support this legislation. The farmers at the meeting said they are in favor of ' the marketing boards, while Jackson said the boards do many good things, but they "can't be changed to work better for the farmers and the rest of Canada". She said that with the pre- sent economic situation in Canada, for example, the, current high interest rates,.• quotas set by the boards, "are like a millstone around the neck of the , young farmer". One farmer disagreed, suggesting that if there were no quotas, and all but one commodity was in trouble, farmers would turn to the commodity not in trouble and then there would be a surplus of that product on the market. Jackson concurred there are many good things about the marketing boards, but other things should be changed: The question of advertis- ing arose, and Jackson said she is not against some advertising and promotion because, "they are certainly good products/ • • "I'd rather see people drinking milk and eating yogurt than some other so- called foods," she stated. But, Jackson is concerned that the money for the adver- tising came out of the cost of production, thereby' being • paid for by the consumer. A dairy farmer stood up and said that the money for advertising came off his milk cheque. He didn't see why consumers are com- plaining if the farmers are paying for the advertising. The farmer said that statistics show butter con- sumption is up since it has been promoted. He added that advertising should have been done years ago. One farmer pointed out that the milk ads have no "subliminal sex" and are promoting a "wholesome product". Another farmer said it is a "normal business 'pr'actise" to advertise. Jackson said she does not find the cost -of -production formula , used by the marketing boards an entire- ly fair method. She said the formula is legislated federal- ly and the boards have dif- ferent interpretations. "I'm not sure we are all that much to blame," said one farmer on the high cost of food. He suggested the consumer is getting "shafted" by the high cost of food and the farmers are be- ing blamed. In her talk, Jackson cited some • of the ac, complishments of the Con- sumers' Association of Canada. As an example, she said the Consumers' Association has `spoken at Bell Canada hearings, energy export hearings and others. REGISTER YOUR CHILD NOW FOR NURSERY SCHOOL THIS FALL!! Goderich Municipal Day Nursery will be holding a Pre - Registration at 15 Caledonia Terrace on FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 from 10 a.m.-12 noon Jackson added that she would like to see consumer representation /on the marketing boards, something more than a "token". She would like to see a useful consumer renresentative. To the statement that food prices have increased 13 per cent every year for the past years, a farmer said that fact was due partially'to imported foods. He said that commodities governed by marketing =boards with quotas had increased at a lower rate JUDITH GOODERHAM POOL WILL BE HAVING A RED CROSS LEADERS COURSE DURING THE WEEKEND OF AUGUST 21, 22, 23 AND 28, 29, 30. PROVIDING THERE IS AMPLE INTEREST SHOWN. APPLICATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE POOL STARTING THURS.. AUGUST 13/'81 Dimension Stock CO NSTRUTCTIOH GRADE •PREFAB 12 ft. x 20 ft. SINGLE CAR PACKAGE •Pre -assembled wall sections with 114" waterboard sheath- ing applied •Pre -assembled roof trusses •Root sheathing & shingles LIN. FT. 18 FT. Weldwood Vinylsiding • is a durable, mainten- ance free exterior cladding made from polymerized vinyl compounds and stabil- izers. It won't absorb moisture so it won't. warp. split or rot. 1t is unaffected by term- ites. acids, grease. oil and most atmosphere pollutants. 18 FT. 20 FT. 5f16! 55B 6AD 10`1180 .4.70 580 7°° 8!:0 1192B014°D Build yOUF own chain Link fences in full galvanized or vinyl coat. Both are 48" and come in 50' rolls. Do-it-yourself- it's a cinch with easyto install fencing. 88 EVINYL COAT- ED 2" MESH OR 48" GALVANIZED DELUXE MESH 50 FT. ROLL Great for indoor"remodelling f(Dbs. Now is the time to save on gypsum wallboard. 4'8x3/8" 4'8x1 /2" 30" INTERIOR DOOR SELECT VARNISH MAHOGANY GRADE 30"• x 80" x 1-3/8" Conklin usual price $27.49. 32" INTERIOR DOO SELECT VARNISH • MAHOGANY GRADE 32" -x 80" x 1-3/8" Conklin usual price $28.55. 32" BI -FOLD- SLAB DOOR SELECT VARNISH MAHOGANY GRADE 1 32" x 80" x 1-318" Conklin,usual price $41 75 32" EXTERIOR HO CORE DOOR 32" x 80" x 1-314" 32" CEDAR EXTERIOR .DOOR This quality door measures 32" x 80" x 1-314 With • window No. 130 Conklin usual price $107 59 It's time to make room for our new selection of fall patterns. We're featuring this 20% discount on all floor coverings in stock. Brand names like Arm- strong Vinyl, Harding, Richmond, Ozite, Barry - more. Now you can give your floors a fresh new look for 20% less. . (Turf and Summer Sequence excluded). 2-114" Colonial Casing Set Two 7 ft. and one 3 ft. . , Conklin usual � price 58.85 2-114" Casing Set Two 7 ft. and one 3 ft. Conklin usual price 56.55 4-9116" Jambs Two 7 ft. and one 3 ft. Conklin usual2 price 513.45 1-114" Door Stop Two 7 1t. and • one 3 ft. �w l Conklin usual price 53.85 2-114" Combination Base Conklin usual 27 price 30'. 3-1/4" Colonial Base Conklin usual 39 price 44' Weed -free soil for patch- ing lawns or adding to flower beds. 20 KG .BAG Rich in organic elements; it helps feed soil plus it has a'great capacity for retaining moisture longer 4 CU. FT. BAG, 16 STORES TO SERVE YOU: Price's in this ad valid till Aug. 29. 1981 Whtle we moan 0005, 01/0,110 Co•,l,nU• Ila supply 01 ad varhs0d Mod u[ls due l0 'pace i�m•la li0ns 'Oma 'leets m01, n01 Da 0,n IIIhla s1 soma '0(a lions Qin chosfues w'n i10 0na.latoe *1,0,000, 0,,aslbl0 WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR V'.ESI 0,INC'SOPI CE 0E k)(\ E N SOuN P , 1,C`f)ERICH AMHERS'Bt HARROW ' kiNC,S'.It..1 E`iE-fq 'NFC•r�u.�. CIRANP BE N;' �bE ST i. CIPNf. Pl(`LiE TL'N k1N( ARi'INF kiT('HE NE R h..! "e•ip• 800;1;5 8,V.4 660D 10lO�fl� 1.c1100fl P: