HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 11- -___r-11_._- -_1 .--.-,,--,�,-�'..-,��fl.l.-I��-�l-l�l-- --,----,-,-. , , , , ,---"-- - :_ ', ...... �0.­ ; I — I, I . 11 , . I I � I � � � PF -Pr" �'­­ : I . ,� �� . . , I 11 I . . , I . I I . I — .1 _ — " � 11 c , . � . . I I . — 1111-­­"� I . . , , ; I , . . I I 1 1�7 , �i 47 I 717 � 7171!:��� "''. , , "" � , " , — 1— I- 11 I I ;. , , , I 1, � - � — I ­ , � , . . I I I �* ,.�'.. � ,0 � ,�- , — I I � .. i I ,,, I I . , __ , , . I � I .. .11 11 � , *or -Ir , — 1.1­1'1� 11 I .. �, � — � ­_Wl. � � -- - � . I I 11 . � .... ... . I , " .7r.— t 7- .11.1-1 "­ � 11 � I'll, _­..�­ � ,pq ... ­ " � — , .1111 -1 . 11--- ­ ­� � I . 1, I it " 4... � I I I z � �!. , � I ­ - " 1 I � 11 � . - ... I ,. , . ...... , ,. i ,. i I � . . "I'll I � I I I I I IOWA— I it ob"10 blooding wounds, and $or ("Iohoyalk is g,ra,ciQuo") w4S,061104 I . 02 or -A Im rowt and, W10, ',��, , . . I I '' r ,. i " I —th � ,it , I I I . . __,__,_____00 00 ilm � 1 !! !==ro 11. ­­ -11 11 . . 10 oommAnd . ,of I 0 41 � � I ; �,:"., I . ul., t no. W, , so—MIR 0, d1w . I I I � 1. � W"A. y'0111�,1�1 I bleeding of tile mouth or tonglR� A ftadraoh , CIT); I I I whou � -wiltil, she Isila, I -f "'ROPIAN . �; . 'WaKh in cold water in whtch alum Akv"). M1.9hael ("who ip, 'Whut ; , '. hN I , � . o aplg� .� U .1 NOTIS I � ... I 1% I H1.'It.s for f3ogy flousekeeperso , alled Mesh4ob , , - � ,4TU04,� t 0 Weeks to-doyfll b 11 : I . 1 � . I I haA i;�A dissolved is very effectivo, God 'is I") wais C —_ 1� 40,041" hia I otill gladt ­­­,�, . I .� �, Paint must not be scrubbed with (I IIV14o is what Aktv is, I"). Azariall t� cy M41001M ftolray . '. 'Tedill . I I I I : .1 I I , , . I I tbIlt 11 �i . I a .�,alled . ,drool boroes ,Were $old N-­"M,.­O-#*10%0.1�1��� sandsoap, or it will be, worn off, ("Jehovall llia belper") ��a I ,A I 1,13101.0, was ft pause, I �Ilvo hux I go aor,o I I 11 I 1. I . I I - Wi�.),e off With a cloth dipped iYJ Abednego ("Servant ot Nebo"). iqVs the doctor?" � *'Bessie I 11 . . wook �Y the LOU4 I . I ; Radpes sod otber vAluable gatormation f white soap arid rinse Thl,a practice of giving a new�nt I 0 . .. I th Bud$ Q � , ma,c "it Ist" . Wellv, . compa'al. k I � � � , - it rin �tho :xrVif.-L. Of , ! old U1% clur,noy tried to litt liot,4 , * IfAren't ?,oil CIA ) deorTIO ; I � ,r , . 04 ItArtfoulAr 11�orest to,women polIcs. h a Clean cloth wriing from hot to, a person elite g 11 I I 0out to aell . . I �� wit . a f,�reigyl land waiB comm.:'.11 , , �Olf up on Ono elbow in bedl "" fOu g "Of Course � Am 11 ! The DOM Ot Argyll to � obrido$s 00 � I I . )4e toolt her I his iurpo and U1004 I I I I . I atwer, . . I . . :Dr% Thorago) by far the luea an U, I th,0 js�aud of Tire0o Inner 9 . ., I ��1.1, 1�111 , . wo _*..". �i�,W.OWA-4�— ­­ I 11tailled I . 11 , I A".R-*§-.,..:=;:W".*—,M"*.�,,�, ,_,­- 6 r' ­­ islies which c6 eggS olrr thy soxv4ntz . . . tea , u, 10m.)* � I r � � �.'=';==�.".., . . r ?, Prove . � -4100t popular , , r � AqUAN r ok� " . I), a Young Mau I hort , 0 milea in extent, _.�4..141o+ 1 . , 'r 1. ­ 1. I � pa,�try or,dohgh should bewa-lhed days -This wa�s 4 kind ,A mystic �tuue, vamg ,With her, 404� �ohni Into * $ % I 0 4 . 6 , 0 * * . r � "I I"OUPS. alig.ar and boll not more thar]L Qi'dzt I �er, 6j,rice b� washing per,sian: week, & ri I ufficiOnt]Y, 1039, 'the Bich-rOOM- .$IIQ Watrverf III, poof 'rho 400tor liod been to $00 xrs�! 1:i. r �be r -or 41, Gurney On the ovQ of hwr Wedding-, 'Lee' rd�� �,,h,c,, Voto ' . : and never fZ in cold wal .� time tf) 'test t i court, vwyorohaw, K�,�at� the I I J�esivo sqxb og, lts�of tilp pro- qady, butt lie cheery Young doot I � 8 U11ite Mountain Soup -to One minutes, 11 fine them in hot Water the a4 .,, I I I - repideacis of Lord , on I I -lie PaVlng;i . � kvayio 409.mod to brl�iX with 1110 4 I -10W da � an(l Atte 000d�bya to his, � ,quince Jelly,--Buil t - 1. . . 1. I I r 0aylu(; � � _ r Joat ho ,bad takorh 4ohn . . level teacupful of cold cooked rice I I stance is cooked and tilu'S Lardexi pose -d diet.. .'$ f) p4t. with; 4o0trQyed by fire, ia t9bo r0b4lIt- .!, � "I 4 �'. -11 " ter 0 'cover their' ruxitil soft, . pl.1tse--Vege-table food 101 90neral I 4Qn*0 of life Ztrouath, . ou I . . r � r I 11 11 I , Ma t eZe, ,�,, . I . I "And how's Xro, OurucV,"' 110 t.*%td, litin into the street, uIr, taga Wa;t I I . r a4a one,)unce of dry gratedolae6ae, th,en 4rain, don't sque add .� . I � � , r r � . one Cupful 4)f vegetable stock In sprilik1hig table, line -Y, Ilse a is nwarit, besides datO.1, ra.131,11s, ,going ovor to the bQd. ogrioul, eaw Zebu 114094 t, I Tile funeral took place at ,ruford ot r I . . ;; I � . .11 Until I � 0 i. I . Y,r B40chul$, late RIA" 4 1 I I ,, rr 11 . (liquor remaining from 000kv.ig equal parts of sugar, and be 'ill be large, salt shaker, au<Lin the Wat" and other fruits, ' "Vinaloo Nothing Nyrong, dootor?" atai I : !:, . ready to put in glasses, ,,N? , runte.nances appeared - 11hatlo sood, that's P041" 110 0*4 Tho do-otar tu%-UW� he op '� Crimean Yeteran who rose from tba � ,tier Cold starcb--�about a 15. Their 'co � 'to, ,,VOW , I peas cabbage, etc), one, and wae- JrUnl twenty nitiluteS to a J',alf.ljour. put 'l lit r I I ) , U ,to "Loolt hero, ;Phu," V0 ''. � . :� r . I I r - ey N "'O 4%buod, "tuatlo holy I wr'llt 70 . t teLlco ie, rp . r 0 half pl:,ita of hot milk, one level tablespoonful to, a quart of watO - fairer Th N,ere al, fatt,Qr 1A xks. J.r . r . � � I o W0,110004ha'?07040. I r . I 0 .r I r � It and pr,�ppe. The Iinen will iron with aboi, t 1:1 e gesh, all exin-essiun used of cattle ,look At thI130 't. 'Sot kpw it, �apd you mug . easpoon each cyl sa r. I I I i . WslI!Q your ,m I � � * t 'alloe, APPLE(I HINTS, same stiffness, as when new, (Gen, 41. 'I)). It 1.1as often been r. 'then I " , r.othor yAll .never moo', Aldermaa John. Somerville. JX., *x- ; , . . Put thew 0-. :The Old lady lau9ted-.0hrillY, F again; she to bllud tor lifol's I I I ,.t r F,,X_:. ' , . I .1 i , ingredients into a r d ( others 'Who - J10ill ,, r I r I ' . . �,klaSS jS: an ideal 'SherlAn Mayor of Camberwell, died . pail. Stir over the fire Until it In 'these days -of high priced foo ..g for, ,I* marked that monks and but It's not iou, 460tor,, IV0 "D000rl . after a long illness, f OIIOW. L I 1,',� I ,'r , * . boils, the.a rentolve a -,id pour into tile fresh green apple fills a Ion- kitell,cl, cl�osk, as it C,va be k-ePt fast frequently have a clearer skin 'dear John, therel" � . "I'm so sorry, Sohol You muotri1i , hun' Rye, I I . I r " a 11 . t. 'r Ing an operation. . I ,� � r - ant, not, clean so easily. If this is too cOstIv a -ad liveli-r lit' It - I The doctor pod to Zolin, � take it more to hoart than You 0=1 I r I . L . � .1youp pl,,Xte3. Beat tile white of i'lao felt W� orily for tile preselit : . for tile. winter ,store, aint the shelves w)lite and give a 16, Took away ,their ,Jai-.ities � � "What' this T" . . I belp. It's . Part of tbo Polierne and! $1, I$ art_ , r . I I , _ . � � r egg lt�qt:[ st..i.ft-1 salt lightly, with need, but 1 0 1 1 lignIxtut. Roy, W, J. Hall, TeetOr r' r I . . � I apple is P iis is easily The, Heb,re ' .lie treat- r "It'" the news he baol" anowered.,, You have* i�rytlilua to bet The death, at the age of . a toaspo dispose tlio,agg in little Where the sour green I " for, .in tha is still tl� nounced of tho .)a �, e0at of enarriel. 1`1 w implies that t Xro. Gurney, � r rt Your mother wl , With , St, ' L . . 11101 116 o'n the surftee of the SOUP, plentiful, it is excellent ccOl"Iny ,scrubbed and does away with 't -ho ment became. habitual, "The news I" I you." I . r . of St, clement, Eastchesp � ­ . r � . � ,.,8�r � . -. . v�')tl I water$. to "n fur future uS',e sol -no ,Of the necessity 8f Pa,Pers- I I � 17. God gave them knowle4ge- "Y001 rm saying the news. It's, 14.Amd mothor in better otherwise?.$# ' Martln-orga,ro. L . � .. . I , I rv-e h oune-shaped , gr a sa To whiten d flou, i 11 put new life Into taso Id bones, Dr,, o,InflujteIyI##_,�.the doctor got intoll, * 4, * � r . I Vegetable Mulligatawny. -- Ono first ee , uce which has been handkerchiefs Whicll They Continue to r a intel. � � of Vogert rough the. colander -and . a bad color through . . well as physically. Thomas, He's, promlogd. his old moth-' his dog,cart, "SheIs a different wo-� Prebendary Whitefoord, vicar ot . ­ I I quart ables-of all kinds ,cut Strained th have become leotualty as . I r . . wilts, died suddonly. He I 1� t/ No tejc0inical or that oon as Ilin up and about' LO shooks 1� potlorne L �� her them for a Compare ver2e .1 Doane." r -1 I man, but, mind You, aa . hn, r L. t was prj� PSI of 0416bilry Thoolool- r "I :,I .into pieces. Cook Until tend-er i'a sweetened to taste, -as no ot, cureless washing Boak 4. cl .. :. I luLion of pipe-elay and knowledge is intended, They be- he'll marry you Bessie Good-bye I 11 � r � three pints of boiling" waker. Pass sliuce has quite the same fl.%vor. night in a so Ca,lne , the doctor r cried,', Sohn was just entering hia houso Cal college for 28 Yearro. . . r � .. ': 1. rid boil them next Sagacious , Vrerz,ed jar ouch ,t�,W.hy, John I " 0 * * -, � I throligh & sieve and return to -sauce This makes a delightful relish. It warm water,. a r r I , � 16 to vood news I" 11. � . :,: wheii as niall boy caught him by the,' k L I L., : pootAfui of rice becomes. a delicacy (called' apple day in the, usual way, and they will knowledge as was pievalenE at the "Ay t. Itl b good news, the f ineet r tha�j sisevo. . i � Fifty square LyardA of paving wart L L I r ... "I o, �: pail with one tableq I I i Id, - be I" the r of 4 water , L � I rrr , 11 � mixed with Lwhipped o ol � cou "MtRo Desne told me to give youl -displ 'L , I fIlDur, one,,ta,blespoonful- of curry whip) ,wher .lie out looking beautifully white, time. As a L general f orecast of mother rottled on. I aced by the burstin . I i N�ybat is L '- it's jo good 'that I alraidy feel better, - this.$) L . , main In Queen street, W.C., a I . �'. �, the Same � of ground nuts, cream ari-d'served in sherbet glas�. - . yegotables all those t book, i� ig ,f, 'fohn's just one I letter with".1 rOA � . and tba, I . '�'L.l . paste I r In., cooking O follow in the i . ill a', groWrl undergi,ound 5hould -be further stated tha�' Daiilell,bad un -o to-da56 MY - Of' those :J,bu �took the proffered ' . . L I'' I -of half a, lemon, a teazPo0f ; sea..' ,A L'Spoonfill of red raspberri L . - ' , d was flooded. � I V Juice op of 6ach Lter 'adding. -tile d. rstarlaing in . a' dear men, 4 o ants a lass to' a Shaking hand, thing'S had got 401 I W .* * . I L I I it, and half, a teaspoonful "of or'Qth6r'Preserves on t .1 cooked in Cold- Ws , e all.! drearn �L ,1nd via- took _ , octor, wh w him, all men , jag the I lgst,nall In thaL 11�?�'. L of sa . .1 . , �ifter him and bully. ! better ,with Beagle, and he dreaded. to While �eljnch . r .� I � -1 -Ons. . The hal4eans attracted . I . I r�L, r.' Cook tot. twenty minutea, glass L ma� ,add interest t-6, -this d.ish. salt;befoke they kre done, k,irnd vaey I 0 . nee4-it, doctor, but some need It moro� Ope I 'L a tell had. been, I � 11 ,� %, peppe . . a this letter. ; shoe of, horse. wh, . L otrain L and � r be. mixed pt -covered While cook- gre� o these, but, like Standing InL the g L , 1 servo with- tpastedr Any good apple Sauce ma, . should, be 4ke . t importance -t thad, otb.ero-­wtheyire the beat' msul� arden, he opened' br6uslit, to . beL shod, Matthew SiM- . I I . " � - ' ' L T L -e- Moses and Joseph be , 11 monds, of Ifield. �uosex I . �'.. . . nberries, illi. ,,&Il of the* f rea� I or green ve, fori him, this -his mother was indoors with Jean�� , fell back and . . . , , , ,�11 I ra I And you Bessle's thes weetest laas�. , I W af e L a, With canned olierries, o r I . L I ;. .: 0 O'd L re . . I L 1: i � - SOUPL & la, 0. -One - and other fruits with g SUI't'.r tables Should be put on in boilhig youth though in an alien lurid, rax- the beat In Breaniturkel" assented I and he dld not want them to see hi,W. -died, .. LLL rr . , I t .. . ,.!, arden. ,upful ft�r -their own "She fall' Johnr sit " . 1 1. ill gorly . read the missive. i . � . I . . ": icken, six chop These Sour apples make fine jelly. water and le u-,neovered so that coiled' Ills teachers agreement . �� � ,�: of white. meat of -ch " field. and the doctor nodded his . "Dear John," it ran -"I don't aol� , A at March- �� I I VL�d .. mushrooms, o espon of Many like to add a little lemon -boir .,,olor. r I , The death has oc,currf , ne tabl . they keep t Then hot urned to his patient. � YOU to forgive Die, I d;nit 'expect that 1,ington Hall, near Tjttoxeter. of Captain �, ,�, . . 11 iliniCed parsley, one carrot chopped juice a,nd pee.]�rlg or a rose gerani- A rice dish that Children like is 18. Brought them in -As verse 19 That's right, Mrs. Gurney; but we IL do not de-' Hopkins, o a ,.� 1 � . um leaf, as our grandmother* did; 1� refers to all the " you can, and I know that 'NortheY' of the most . �­ I inust still be very careful. I -et Ind I am so sorry. You li�'i4 : rominent �4xPertB Oanhorse-breedluX. 1. . I �­ __ fine, two pints of boiling water. prepared by cooking a seant '.'up- shows, the "them TO a 0 4 serve It. -L :_ -until water is reduced to ek other's prefer rhubarb, and all 8,10 fill of rice in three CUPJUJS of Water Hebrew youths mentioned in ,verses ha I ok at the eyes!" ' or the last tw0i "') . , been quite right; f � . ,; � : C.00k . .. 'They'r'e all right, doctor?" i - , . L I � 14, good. Excellent jelly is made with for 120 minutes, .they, uddi-.ag half a 3 and 4. -months there has been something be,' . ! pint. Rub through a sie-ve. Add I 4 d with "Yeal I'm suret hey arel But, ril- I Under a new by-law made by the . . . I, e ri , malle tween us, ai Olin I forl L '. , : ilds Cupful of raisins, a. CuPf ill Of, rail 19. Th ki g com I . I � � �one Pint, of milk, two teaspooas of one-tbi1x1 apple juice and two-th look!" � I . Ld that -oh, J iWest Sussex County Council, Toad r � e au4 Wagons, 1. , � ' flour rubbed into half a, Cupful of plum, or equal parts of each. A,ad a tablespoulilul of butter. Add thorn -He tested J,hem by la,miliar Just have a I me! -has been 'that I lov y ., W. ..Downstairs, some ten. minutes'later,, 9 ve The only good thing It , �Comotjyes with two or more I r ,� . a,ab r Among them all was other man. � r 'the ttiste Conversation. 1Z t -ommunicatIOR L L . -,.�, ,pieum, -a saltapoon of salt,, and a . For jelly, do not peel, but &ISO a littleaugar to Suit LWell and f our'f aithful the doctor shook John very "warmly, I have done Is to leave Brearntime with- ,must be fitted with a 0 r I , .. Return thoroughly and, cut into quart -era or and a Pinch of S,alt. ,Stir found none. like the by late hand. and saved you from mar4 �cord. * * * . I L . � I 'L� L half teaspoon of pepper. od halves, with s6eds an.d coie left in ; -cook a, little lo -.ager, until thick. lads who had renounced the lux- "Well done, well done, John!" he, him " to -day ' . ..; to the -are, reheat, and serve. Go " . rying me. He. Is Charles Lugge. W6 M � r. . ,,Reggle . ,, Day, who has Charge . 1� cover with water, and let. come to a Water thab-fresh -, egetables have ,uries of the�'Collft hecause of relig- was saying. Yoteve done more tban,� are to be married in Glasgow to -day; L rr 11 % Served cold. I I . I I . � el tbree ap- boil. . Strain the best pa�r� OfLjuice boon 000ked in may be, added to trIle iouLs scruples. They were to face all the doctors in the world could do, and lie begs you to forgive us. Deaf 'OfLthe German r4mperor'a Graditz stud. . Fruit Bouillon. -Pe . � thei, stea4c1fast- After all, a son'se love is a very good. , rr I for- ielly and. the remaining. Pulp stock pot for f1a.vor. All bones, severe -t trials� but r John, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am at a fee Of 9 10,000 for three yea at r . �, pies an -d core, add to them one-half I after thorough cooking, stale. brea,d and Jett -over meat ness at this c'ritical period of their medicine for his mother. Re old� sorry! My chief fault is that I have 'was married to Miss F. Deales I .. V ­ �Oupful of .seeded raisina, six Ch,OP- and *juice lady's far, far better; your ,,.,rriage. been too much of a. coward to tel� Thorriton. Hoatb. . .11 1. 11 � ---.-. �r f, pur, 1,1irough the Colander and make scraps may.also be.,used in the stocir lives proved t3lem of good mettle, will give her another , good five, . � I pred figs, the same of apricots, one- I I you, for no woman can help her love, .r . 10f cupful of ground nuts. Pour into marx'na)ude or butterr� using pot, which at this season shoald be besides being a most excellent pre- years-" I I to the official return I � I I � 'r -oiling water a�i strained off twice & week, the liquid pmrat on for what �,, was to befall "It Will?" Johu cried, tears In his � I am go, so sorry! " ' According �� 11 ., d lots of orange peel Cut fine and a . i .he com- eyes. The letter dropped from Sohn's made bY the City Corporation to the r r I over one pint of b - ; hand, and fluttered to the ground. 111�, ;London County Council, the present I lot simmer over the fire for forty littlo juice. Lemon is fine used in cooled and the grease str&i-iied off . them. Their esc4pe from t % � ly to,. the foundation mon corruptidlis of Oriental court "Certainly; but-" . .� I 9" stood for a moment as still as death, :rateable value of the City is �05,672,- � I I minutes. Remov,6 from fire and rub the same way. . . . Then it is rew : 'But. oi5o s nee the .1 The be -at maxinala-de, hovvever, is of all kinds. life was remarkable. Their bei-ig -just ao pale. He was thinking, not of- !277, an increase of 2 153, I I 1. J � .e. To the, liquor add of soups or gravies ­ ' . g . "Well, as I said, wem, ust be very� '1laSt qUjnqUo_.nia1 Valuation. � . r r . 11 1�­ . I through a siev made when none of the juice is Put . . ,selected, to'5tand before the kin careful indeed. The eyes are not M Bessie, for she had killed his love tol!' 111�"'. ; one Cupful of fruit juice, juice of .r jelly, but extra juice ad- — _*__�__ , si��aified that they were. to become well; I'm only frightened----?' ,� t , her, but of his mother I : . I 11 I ,_ r - e aside to . P on, - 'The doctor's words. "Sohn, no Erall N�orfolk,'the seat of r .� �� . _' I xamps and - one lerixoia, on e. and 'one- his personal atten-dants. This was "You d t mean she'll. be blind, doc. one must always 'keep face _� Anah r I I 1, . two o . 1 D'41'a'tn:tL0'o'rd erst of HackneY. - ' �,:.' pint of Water. Chill and pour.into ded to tile natural siud THE OOL STUDY rally , rosition of honor arid tor?" I .. I r Shocks! the I � r . ' , long stemmed glasses. Wbip one rthira Sugar or more -may be used natu a P I The other hesitated, . I I to faca with a; weak heart; a momenel� .was offered for sale by 113ssrs� Knight, .. �k� t . and with & tem- Slid cook -to a jelly-like Consistency. I influence. I r.' �aeglect may mean the end.' � 'Frank and Rqtley, but wuS withdrawn � . ," . I I . 'That, of Course_ is the dnager; His mother, .'. . �:., , *A ,cupful of cream - 20. Ma,,161aris-Th�o Word is Of i Indoors hb found Jean. av ZM5,000. , 11 dispose, in fhe chilled fruit The above ;-a as good as Orange mar . 0 ' I wanted your mother to 'wear. Jean , V * .. I . I 16 SS'0_2N, I e so came quickly to him. . Clyde shipbuilders have orders . r , SPOO ­ a Probab- r Joh"' Was resting.. To his surprise, . 1? -11 , am nlala�do. Others will Prefer the le- INTE'RN.1TIONAL i, Fptian origin, and wa glasses five years ago bat, Ilk ,. "" ., bouillon. Berve with grah I 1 4 Egy Genesis and Exodus, many old people, she was terrlbly .,, I .. ,� �, -ly taken from I know all about it, John!" The , I I . . . wafel­,. 1, m0kn. I SEPT. 10. - ,. .it was frequentlyrUSed, and proud of her 'wonderful eyesight,' and booked for 15 largecargo ships, which. I . A good butter is made . 'F - of cooked where 'girl 'had caught his arm, her 'voice Awill be begun as soon as the present I "" Potito Whisk Soup. .,.oil three who interpret now she's paying the penalty. There's � 4 . . i I ed apricots by steaming the juice . refers to -those she must hay. "In. was broken with .grief. lock -out is ended, other large orders, . ,r , .. medium sized potatoe.s until do-ne. dryi Ling the remainder or ta,k-. r dreams and work magic. Anyo-ae another thing' � Tolin lo nto her tearful 'are expected. . I - F, , .� Mash fine., add a teaspoon each of 9,yrid mash .' 0 lie Lesson XL -Daniel and his eom- minted With the oc- iuteiy no excitement." Ite had never realized 'Iow- ; I �,. Al a ta,blespoon ing same through C,olarider. . r who vhs acqu a ma.gi- "I'll be very sure of that," - was—as pretty as Be,- ' . . , � 441t and, white pepper, rof the . . ..ktan inquest at Lanibeth In tile case ­ I of butter, three CUPS of milk, one pint. of apricot, juice, one Daluolis, Dan. 1. 8-20.. GoIde cult a:rts was regarded a,s e world- "Yes dol Her heart Is sl S. Jane Read t Hollis Street. , ,� __-�, -0 � ' I'll olle-II&If cup% of boiling water. pulp, two of apple �sauce, one heap- cian. Vhe Babyloniaus Wer and to'be quite frank, any gfeu� I'MN.'e, to do; 'Of Mr * 0 -1.1 , . � 1. arid . Te.�t,, lJont. 14. 21. 1 reno - od in their skill as clichan- *ouid mean the end. You must keei, I � ;as stailed death Vag due / � n fire and let come to boil ing pin -t of sugar, or more, if de- W11 ou. . Lambeth, Itv i I . f Place o mon. cook ra, or devotees of magiv- art. L her mind easy, happy, and at peace, 11 to camphor polsout g, deceased .hav- � I r I removing from fire, atiT in aired, the rind of one le V6TS,e, 8. Daniel -In the reign '01 to' even Unto the first -he held out a hand. "I'm sure you'll � "But '" --tink a poisonous lotion. � � I I � 'before . until clear. Ayad,.e-v s . 21.,continued . .� I doctor said, Jou-. . \. I 'I', , - :� Pa t.. 111, .. PU'Vo.oggs, and -fashioned apple but- Jehoia-kim) king of Judah (B.C, year'of ki.-iig C�yrua-Thc, date Would dc,.'t, Joh'Ll" � he said so. She coulau - '-I" ten by the Acton. I I serve at once with, crisp salt crack- tha,t' good, old ew), N"bucbadn-ezz&-r, king of be B" C.� ,3s, or seventy years after Why, of course I will!" nn! disappointment would be terr,_ '�qt 2,246 rate- _1 � tor isn't slow. . 8 "And good luck.- to you, John. I "But it couldn'd I wouldn't let �­ .., I I era. ' Babylon, besieged Je,ru alem, and 7"evej , making Daniel an ol.d h -, .,_,_,, P-, over . � I . - 0118 Save time in Making apple sauce. . ain this , sure - t - at I hope Tou will be very hap i He broke off, and, throwing : � L Yellow Tomato Boullion.-To took with ,him to Babylon cert mau: Ak a matter of fact, he is py!, . d the looft� . . . � yellow tomatoes, Don't peal the -apples; out.them up * t I I I,: - ' himself Into a chair, buried his h -ea . i -quart of Cooked acred veasels of thp teMP16 and m:eMi6n � (Dan. 10. 1) a,s being "Thank you. I id a gentle -half teaspoon of baking and boil them - then,put thro,ii.gli a 6 Jewish captives. i oked up sharOY at,, in his hands. Then Jean lai . .. The Rome SecTetl­ - .&da on -e . y Among the il i hird year of the, reign The doctor lvi . band on John's shoulder. i r the� file; beat colander. The sauce is ins -t as good some ali;iiL in e t john,s tone; the: young ma'n's face that he will not Secede to t­ s.oda and place 07eg r quba-ter of the time. latter -were Daniel. and big three of '.Cyrus. What is mea-nb here., was very grave 'for that of, a bappZ "John," she wilispered, "it would ror an order expelling Mary Lema.- , .� , and ,add to. a and it takes� a ____16_ companions, H'annaniah, Mishael, �b, lover. A thought crossed the doctor' an Englishwoman, wi.o ,married a 'the Tolk of brle eg prp ably, i a tha,t he continued for 5 kill her!" , �� pint 0 milk; into this mixture stir � and Aza'Tiah. They were chosen, ar. f ,I "Ay!" be exclaimed, looking up. LI f, . . ell PEt�kCH RECIPES. uty and all -those Years i,n the ch * acter i 0 mind. e of iff, Frenchman. The woman is in the'Es;�c­.­ -: � - I.- . ,One pint -of boiling water; mix w with others of singular bea, a man of great wisdom in the c tY -it wasn't an excuse, John?" he' 'And -why remind in sex County Asylum at Brentwood. I with the boiling tomatoes and re- Peach 8hortcake.-Peacli short- intelligence, to be trained in the sedUctions and asked. "There's a way!" I . I . f- , e from the fire. �A,dd one-half and whipped service of the king. Doubtless they of Babylon. ' Amid . 'A way? What way?" need it was stated at a Shoredi,tch in- ' I � 11 I MOV. cake, with almond pit alis of a' position .jj infille:ice "An excuse?" . "She need not know, John; she I I teaspoon Of Celery salt, a pinch of .cream, makes a rich baking pow- were, not- more than fourteen years f , "You are going to be married soou?" not be told. I'm very like Bessie, ray qucEt that th deceased, Albert Ed- ! �salt, ar.-I bla,ck pepppr and serve I 7 in a heathen court, he did not Iml- "yea, yes," John replied. And il_,b, � Biyfleld, who was found dead oil 'I ut a fourth of age (compare Isa. 39.. 7). - , I voice--, I ward , der Crust; roll out &be ter or flinch. pis he showed the doctor out into his; vith. a cookie He -,volild not defile himself with I He jumped with, a cry from 'his the cabin floor in the sailing barge of Ill `h�ot of an inch thick, cut N f the king . ',a dainties--�-The provision � . — 4N� . trap. I which he was captain -preferred to I r 'I I __ cutter irLtG round$, butter half o I r John, as matter of fact, was soreli chair- hat mad. sicep. on the. floor, so as to be ready In . 'these, and pla.ce the unbutteied had been maae that'the Hebrewr iroubled, for the first time in his life "What d'you mean, lass? W . case of a collision. . t I in, iplit them ehif be, CAN.A.D.VS IXXRI�Jt "'11'. 'he had known her many years-Bes�' ness Is this?" . . � FRUIT RECIPES. -ones -on -top., Bake -the dren stbutild for three years ' I — 1-- 1%john-John," she cried, "you 1-indsr- r . � . . - r aA promised I I M 1, ;hem, a,nd fill and fed Upon -the food and wine which �Lle and he had quarrelled. To him it .! it so hard for The 1%farqvis of Bute b C --Cut in small pieces oplon - r butter , t . 110dium ost joyous, the most: stand! Don't make . � li'ruit Salad. I This White Pine, Gralhukli.y M to 'had seemed the r, L�6,250 to the King Edwatd Memoriai V . ranges. Mix with half a can Cover each one; with fresh peaches came from the king's table. natural thing in the world that he', me' r irmary, which .. I . . -� S LX �J � diced. Add., a o' in slices g_nd­ sprinkled with was Considered a great fionor. The - *spruce and B. V. Woods. 'should go eagerly to his sweetheart! Something of the girl's heroism, rmnd for the Cardiff Inf ... I of sliced pine,%pple ut ' something I of her beautiful spirit came was founded by his grandfather and I ... . � -dozen marshmallows out into bits,. powdered sugar.. Serve hot, sur- dolicacies were of Course the finest. Interesting ,statistical COmParl- -to ask her to help him. Besides: . erected on a site given by his father. . � r . ' . to him. , I . n add:broken Eiiglish walnuts. rounded b' plenty of. whipped At the end of three years of such sons may be made from the 3.910 �wblch, all that he asked was that she! '' the . y t once instead of- "YOU mean that you'll marry me, -who also contributed large sums to the : . I wC11. On each salad Plate cream, sweetened and flavored with living, the "children" were to lumber report, prepared by the would marry him a ' Jean, to save mother?" r I . building fdnd. . ­ Mix and filled with I 4'stand before the king." The do- Dominion Forestry lJopartment. Of 'waiting until the spring. I ,,Yes; of course I do! You know - :1 . Place a lettuce leaf an,cl Some of almond eoxtract, e, tri - e V6 Y a ;Pecies of � it worried him that she should, " The doctor says I I . r salad. Dot over with mayoll- chopped, almonds .about one-half filemeht of this diet would b a ct th ti ne - ix native E $ jilat it,wiii kill her. , At Preston, Thomas Gowers, a gar- . . . . the . r - e out, in have demurred* that, at the best, heri ,in; the -le-Dale, ,was presont- . I . r This is delicious Cupful. ly ,ceremonialr. 'The Jews. espep, Wood which togetlier 'Ker agreement had been a very grudging. so. agL dener, of walton, . I . � . - �, nuise dressing. Jecoration udding'.-Peel and stone �Ily in later times, laid gre'at, stress igio to the extent of four billion one. Loving -her as he did, he C'Oulff- Aoctor told me as much. We would be ed with a cheque for Z5, forwarded by- , 4 besides being a beautiful r Peach P Ly to -morrow, and when we f the Carnegie Her6 I . in color for the table, ix large ripe peaches, fill the cen- upon ,dietary la,WS. r In this case nine hundred million board feet, not appreciate a love -which did not: 'going aws ould not recogilize the trustees o . r s million grant a favor more easilY than this. , ,were back she ,%y Fund. lie Was shockingly burnt In 11 r Grape Juice. -To mak�, it just like ters with Wiesbaden strawberries the meat might be that Of animals worth over seventy-seven , voice., The folk all would help I an Attempt to extinguish the Clothing .. .1'. -' , . th oil buy in thedrug store, Pic a cherrieS. Put them improperly killed, or of ' animals ,dollars the first nine Were conifer- "Ali, well!" he sighed. "Bessie al -i my . I . at.y k or Maraschin . was the ways was a strange lass; that's hen us and I of a woman who was ablaze. . 11� ''J, rapes from the sterna,' wash on the -ice to get cold. Make a cus- prohibited as food. (Deut... 192; Lev. <)us or $soft Woods- Spruce ottiest and straw : Ee hesitated. and John let the si- I . . ­� I the g. wilie might most important, alone forming over fascination.. The pr ` r -4-1,100 . eat and I all come; lence stand, A' thousand thoughts I *of milk with one- ii). Then,the in ss in Brearatune. It'l ! In Dublin a Jury awg.rdnd I � Ili them and put in a granite kettle tard of one cupful f the total,clit. SPruep. gpst I . i i were rusbiog in a whirl'yvind stream r .1 -of*a ,Cupful Of Sugar., rolks have been consecrated to heathen ont-quarter o rIghJ' damages to the Rey. Patrick Flynn, � �,� � I . (tin discolors it).. Heat Until the fourth of deities, arid partaking of them and white pine tocrether formed From thatd ay old Mrs. Gurneyls: through his mind. C,(1., of Glassaii, near Athloner, who I . .., I-ece - cut � "I'll try to be a good v I I r . I juice flows, then Strain through a ofthree eggs and a tiny P' a barely one-half of the 1910 ) health speedily mended, save that de-', Lhaband to sued the Great Southern and V,�'esi,,�ra . ; � .. _: . , . th. Add as much wa-teT butter. When thil,; is cold flavor it would be 0.qUjv.%Ient to a recog i- r her ;Yes' you, Jean," lie said, presently, sealing' Company in reap"t of pc�r­ 11, .'.,� .11'eZLvy cl,o ' Antiochus while in the year previous these two spite all Dr. Thomas's skill, , plallv:ay I �'Ili thel,e..is juice, and to OverY quart with maraschino or almond. Line tion -of these deities. iroe-fifthg very weak. The doctor the bargain. I D�nal'injurles rec'eived In the Roscrea ,.:-, , r 114piphanes gouglit to force the� Jews species mad . . . . I ,J . . , %a e tip nearly tI remained . � " I .of t.11is a cupful of sugar. . Bring adisli With Slice' Of Sponge cake o decrease in pro- knew that all was hopeless with re -,4 d ' railway accident oil July 1*3 last. I I - . �� . . 2� 1 lady fingers, ,,,it in'tl.le pea,clies, to.eat unclean.foo,cl in this way. of the total. The , to a smaller cut gard to her eyesight, but he told no *. The next day theY stood, inan an . . ;- lil to boil and bottle. eat the whites 9.'Made Daniel to find kininess pol tion is due not . '.1 wije, in the came room. . Bro,wil Rai.s�n Broad. -One cup then t -he custar-d. B . �s but to ,% very one. . I "You'll have to call me Bessie," the As a thanksgiving Memorial of 1-1 . � I, 0`48 of the -eggs Stiff and then add them --:Like Joseph in Egypt, he, had of. the two specie , it O,t And each day Bessie Deane and her' , I . year,,,' rectorate of Pli­' "I. �. . CoM Meal, one cup rye mea of cream kindled all affection for himself in great increasein the amoul el. sister Jean came to see and cheerl 'girl was SaYing. . thirty Xle.hohl- �, 0 'e-balf of a cup�111 k oedar and 5, - " ,,But you'll be ;ust my Jean. And I Rey. AV. Llewellyn I I - CLIP wbolo wheat flour; sift to- to r) He b ad 4011glas fir, heruloc ' Mrs, Gurney, They were two aNveeet' n stammered 1 taken to erect at Ills O', r . � r stiff-, Sweeten avol' I - .b Cc knew; and. 'some day," the YOu'19 111R . .1, ., aspoon f Lil whipped and fl, - the heart,of his captors oducP lum- lasses, -y school ne, . r ,other, then add one te, Lh a ,and the low pine pr -,d in Britis as all Brealutune moment I Ilamely, ,,you will learn to love Tile,. new elemental I -alt) two teaspoonfUIS melted but� Cover the Custard Wit. garnish but -to make his request, d f, bia. One quarter Of the 1909 Put -while Bessie flitted in for EL ,� I I 11, Offer was gratefully acce, 100 . . '. �x ,� ierries and serve, cold. prince of the eunu&g lo*ke v- rry and thou perhaps " fty WO . 4 1 I I .. , . I Wai formed of these four -Species-. sprightly, eve" me ght' "Perh' lints,hire l!'d,,ic.ation Autht. _xs.. . I ratl,,J to J-11isoria andthree-quar- of 01 . less, her twin spent Iong hours with ups,', she said, In t1w W, Y . . I I.. L_ ___ orably Upon it. . have witen they arr."! et -ply In' I I . � ters CUPS W.%tei tilTOe.-quarter cup 10. So would ve endanger my while in 1910 the tOt&l cut of the id, reading to her, chatting' men . ' , � lasses, two an four was increased by 70 Per cent. � the lftval� � I to'At Ilhol0pp, Ra.rry Durrmit Kemp, . , '.. 1110 ,d a half.ieasPoou- HOUSEHOLD .HINTS. ---- mTh,_- king, V�ould be grently I W10i her-eVer, it need scarcely be, love. �__ -serit,vilopig , I . � ful.S.6f. �od.s, one clip raisins; stearn .. . head, White pine lun�ber is I.indergoing said, ohn, her son. . , an Ariny reservist, N1,as � I a mat under the bread displea,ac,d if tile youtlis _,%ppearod its import, '� I a Win �Jo not inended; I . 11 for four. hours, I An asbesto gradilal� evolution in of 3 hn matters had I VALOR UNAPPRECIATED to one month's bard labor for negleQt- 0 1 . 4* . 1. . - ars -Peel, Core, and pan will help the bread 'to rise fill before hirn unfit because of insuf- anco to tile Jiumber industry. Up and, tl,y as hoe ould, there Was no � ,,, love ,you!" he breathed willi alli Ing his 'wire. and child. Durbag thel I., - . I 1. . � [I Prevent the ficient nourishment. It was the a a,go white pine stood g the fact that lie aud Bessie! - Bt o)lo,wtu- the birth of the child, . � . Gingrz,r Po assion of the hero of a fin _class I week I . 'A I 7'T 1. Out. ill Very t1ji.n 4jo,es, For eight & cold night as it wi: to three year -he list, wlibn hidin grow!n-e: farther and farther the P I the motht. r had only. one cill) of tea� . I ,, y bein' chilled. ' The ordin7 business of the eunuch to make at the t4 -Of. t it was were It �', .. 11 .. � � . .,to the bottom 9 gli the from ne I . 110h John!" * * 1* . ,�...,. ourids �of sliced fruit Pitt i mat may be used. them thrive Physically &Z Well as supplanted by spruce, ,althou 0 a ri�tlaer � he could . not tell se'r1al. she raurniured, as shel one raw turn1p, alid two r I �y carrots. .. .'...", btle the iui�e -of five lemons, Ono arY stove 1 . Ji,d, �jrhi,cll M e,n t a JI. N?, tu , former had not de- what was the matter. , ; n -closer to him. r I . jl I , I _'�even JL back rostfOr an. lnvm l -morrow," . - pon-ads Sugar, . ac al cut of the Prediction of last "Mother'll be outt o lie estleh a noth� I �Vli,E,­a IT.eniy Clarke, or covently-, 1, �.� ; . I., p ivat6r, hit and will be lou)14 ,Comfortable for one 11. Then said Daniel to the Creased. The A Bessie one evening, as he Was' I ,,yes,- 110 continued; "there I i was comirtitted for trial for smasbing - . I : 0im. -irulf. pound ginger root ,.� I ,iteward.-He w,qs eortaki that the pine had nearly to] . I Ing in all this wide world that I would 1 ,.. I . I ,� vera,ped in thin � confined -to bed, is made of a wide . year that white seeing lier back home. ; rtte-glaqs window at Northampton,, . � I 1 . Slices. Lot sugar I Act do for� *yotj. To be by Your side 1. I a I'll . . 11, t I board, well Paddedp wid .sli�ped in- objection on the part of t)io eunuch reached its maximurn cut, Ilas ,Orov- ,'I'm glad of tbatt" , , it vas 0ated that prisoner wanted to 11 I (lissolve before adding fruit. Cut. . 'ad e (), out'Uing Sohn was silent for a few moments;* ,Would switu the roughezt, sea., figbt lockc-Iii up till after Christmas, and , 1 -_ � . aro,se. only from his dre of the or, true this ,Year, the 19 9 through the raging fl&mes'. � be . � . . , rig, thin -ouno pillow case'. -stood my 'way ad carried balf a brick for Over thred I .. . J., peel of ICITIOn ivl 10 , slices. to & c.re t, -,leaner is as follows 1. king's -displeasure. So he turns to deorease(l by 4 pet, cent., or fOr�y- he knew that Bessie had under KI, & I h � I � �Al Let fruit and lemon cook slowly . A safe pmiylt. to officer, who acted two million feet, Yellow Pine in- W011 what he had meant to - convoy ,td taid walk'a hundred mlles . thVoul i I mile% tor the purpose of breaking a, I / . L . I "I'll I � li Two 91tarts of hot water, two fable- the subordina that she dust and beat]" '.1viridow, . 1. I uncover, an -d put i . . I I � I J J . Ills of turpentine and.One, as a sort Of guardian of the Jewish V "NO, ,ried anxiously.'i for an hour, . . 're,aspql ir It.,; cu�, ,),%arty 60 por cent., tier, and it angered him I 0 * * 11 . I spoonf (Iolilrubia, during one should thus cs,lmly ignore the matter. no, Jobnt'l she c, I ��"; 1,4..�,,Iars. L - . I ,Ski Ik, With soap youths. I . in Bvitish - 411essie!" Ile exclaimed, catching, ,,promise ule you will never do any 'Sir 'm ,grocer'q a"IS, I . I � I � I . !. �� . I , ash the ap- pint of wined mi q,11o11iu,t; ,ter, mftt� .1 Crab.Applo Jolty. -W 0,na ,Itnd c�nougb to make a weak Buds. Daniel, Han-anish-Upon enter- vear.. This inereasO 'Of OvOr one her arm rather roughly. "What's '1311011 tbillg-" t wby Nvould you not I ivb o . was tLwArded 450 danlases at � - I . 1) i4cS, cut ou-b blossom . .-Orl feet W9,5 ., . : "But, dearesi � I I ,� ., . . ,e sandpaper should be kept ing the Babylonian court they h to prove iny love and* . ad balidred and fiftv mill' rong with You, ]Ass?" I Varylebone County court, was said to , I stern's only, Cover in the kettle with Coars �ed for scrub- jVon ,,ame as suggestive of qjIfficient to rftiF� it from fo'LITteenth 'w.Nothlng'9 the matter; nothing that 0.11OW M thus J 11av;. Imen run over bY. a motrli'-vaftl , . .. . . L-Ii.11 in the kitchon, and w been ! 'o f4delItY, should occasion &rise " we[ 's I . ­�� I i I , - � � w%ter, just cover well, boil I . burned and their Towi, !' ealtions and wor- laco in tile species table tO` SiXtb I know Of I " � ^ 11 11 she sighed, "'what a gbing a toll, belonging to MOS91 .- i -ire .11 Conn p , lust thinill , c I in. pieces, Strain in a, sack over biriff,kettles that , ' I'l.4, 'taxlce thus sufpasa- John considered; he knew the follyj � - . 1. . A) I juice and sugar .for removing anything that has niel., whose name �sig- cri in impol , id . pine,. . _beech,, of trylug� to draw 4na liswer from,an, horrible fright,you'd took with your T114or y3rothere, (if X0.16blebrid,go. . . 1. ." ., inox'suro . � oceS4 of a in� jwdgo,'! was� giv- Jag in one yCal' V � I . 4 , I wat wit 611rr�d ,t1.1C for the elaalle couditioil of 'lit* I I night, I V miA - StlJ401C. t'p. the � pan in the , P11'. . 0 I ' four most iWpOrt� obstinate woman, . , clottkell 014 . I �., boll.t1le jUjo . ribs 11m wauia h*va been. Wiloc , : ,e tWe)lt, . g i� I . 1 '6 c)i&3'h.%z-xar, weaning bal I . ,,Well. dear," he -ooidislued I . I"P 7 I . 8 �t`I�Wn�`n()Di�l�iBl wlin' -aild 'th� . I 4IU6�yt,, , . u'vehl, . I I ell in � . . I ., aoatly� ­ . . 11 I I I . � . _' - ao 10110c. �, 1, oodg. � . � I 1. � I I Lch Fkrld. put the SIX a1r in � th,c] ,�)kblg, � tip ..ill &lit har'd -1 � . I - I - -11? � ep, alum' in �iie ' . �0 rowd.t Ills lif�.,, nauani, � . . I W . .: I . ­ � . . . I I � I . .1, ... I I I.. �, %ea to -heat, thell add lwlat,�'d . Always Ice � . I . . . P. � . " 1� � 1. I . . . I . I � . I I I 11� � .1 . I � I .... 1. I I I :, . � . . . . � . I �` L I . I - , , _­­� ... ,, 4 � I— � 1". I 1"', 1149"11, I I I I I I � ,�, I 0 � a ": $ , � r - 1b, - " *11�481, �� , I ' , i �� � alf .311. k ,os i'o-rl'i ­ ,� Lit , rid '� I : . Pl,c , 0.11 re , I e %3 , _ f . I �e ,are r_ _mOVJ1J . 1. , , . . *n I i. " _,it , �, � __ti�e� at � ito& , ____ _ � , U I I I � ; I I . . . I I . � I I I . I I .1 I I I I I . I . I . . .. I . I � I �. ., I . . . ,, . . II p � I . � . � . I � . . I . I . i I : . � I � . � . . � . 11 � . . . I � I , . ; �_ . 1 $ . I 1. I . I . . I I I I .. ; 11 1. . I . '. . ,. I I I . 1. I I . I . 1. �, I I � .. ; I I I � . I '. . _. -, ­ .1 I � � . I ­ ., 1, I , ) I I I � � I . . 1. , 1. . . 11 I .. I . ", , I : � . I I . I � i . I , � -1 I � I I I . . I . : I � "I - .: � ,. . 4, . � . . I � I � I � 1 4 .. I , , I , , . I . . . I I � I . I I I . � I .1 , I I I . I . I 1, . I I I . I I I I I .; 11 . AL ., �. ,%.��; 1 1. , __� I - , . , ,. , _. - . . ... �,,,_ - ..11-:,_ I-— .1.1 I , , I - I . , ­ I � - .1 1- ... 111,1-1-11- '­,­ 1- � .1 -.1-1--1 - 1. 1-I'Ll . I I I I . _11� 4 -.11 "I ... I , Y I I I I _11114-11 ,. I .1- I I � I I ­ � � , , � . . - , __ �., ,. - - , ,. .- .. ... """ ­ - I - .1. - , - I I i I .. 1. I � 11 -­ _.11� , " W I