HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 7I -7- . - - ., ­�­ I I T ) . I � I . . I . . . A MR.TJ"DAY 0014, aA . � I � -11-11-1 ­­­., "..",-,�,,�l-",.�.�l,'�--l'��l."—"� � 1: 1, � �� I I � ­­."­�­­ ­­, �,. '' � V� li­1­11­1_1�­_ ­­;­-.',­__­ �1.11­11_111_'­��,� '-',' -.---- I I � I 11 I : , —11­­�,­­16­­­, --11 ,- , , , ­ ,. . . . � - ", � I I , I , I I I . � I . 11 -1 I I I � I I I I I I . I � I . 777777�� 1 1 ­ � 1�1,1�� ­ IINPR -7 T'�� � I . I � . .� I I . . . . . � I , , , 1�11 V7 � �_ li. " I � . I I I . I . � �_ . I . � . I . . I . . I I . � , I ... ��� ,� , . I ", I , I I I., . I . I . , . , I . " : ',�� "'R, ",97"'"'PT '* I I . I . . . ­ I :., . . 1. I . I I I I I �' - �� '_:,;,1�7 � . . I . I � I � . I I I I I . . I I :­ , , T'. � I 1.711, I � . I . �, I I . I I � .1 . I I . I I I I I I 1. �. I I , 'I, : . I I 11 -1 I I ,. I . . I I � I I . I .1 . I . I I , V� I , , .. � � . 11 I I I 11 � , � I I ' ' I ' ' - . I I . , I ,r I -W Art" M . I I I I . . . 11 I I 1; . ''I I "I ''I . I I I I . . I . I . I TRID, JUA�i,WTNR TIMES, I I � " ' ' 111. ,, I 'i I I ­ . , . I . I I I . . I . � I . I . ''I" I . I . . � . I I � I I I 11 I I .1 : 11 d i I . . . , - --- - ------ .- ­____ W-".",M9."i-!w0.yP.A"---%! ;- � .1 I ��, �, .11, ;d . 11, ,� �11 �, , � 11 . I "I j.1. - �, _NAA 1; I 10I.- , 11 , W ., .. . I..I� ., d. - , d 0, � _­;­ ­­! 0 i M00.10d1w , ,i4, -1, I , . i . I 11 1� - - �, 1, 1 Im I - I . , � . . � I I - . . I .,��".,..�—,.""P",M,""-,—"�qq",o. - _­V�, � I 04 I I , � . , � I I I I I ;; i ;; I �; I 0i , i I .. -...1-1.1 I .1 I I � . 1, " � � 1--i1w, 111.� b , -mom, 411tr rM .1470 or -q -to � ; I . . I?� � t A �, ) 'I =1% - , I . . CROUAITTY � � �P �_ IL make It- At, least b4lf-Aly olle . 11 . �A MOUSTFIRIS ,VI,E,w I 44 bok � I , - - �1 R P P L'E """""' The Public. Schools open. Sept.,. 5th, and how. -er (vioued fri,ends In . RN01 LH , AIL , I ,; toyo . I I C11 . ,Mrs, T. rm�t Ion$ or oex. and yon nve4 o0er A* � ,� I . ., I . � � I , Vey. lGoorao Dewy of London said to . expus% Lot %no ;Ive you a bit O� 11100 I � I I . Toronto lust week, � . ,� I I , I ilArs Taylor of St..,(Warysspetit Suit, bid congrogtalop. "'Xbv church, is plot . ,�_ i, 1. I , ptexw I q; , I I aboot your School supplies ? . tory to ee, the offer, I am golx , . A car load of winter opples , Urday in the(village, the, inatt'Wim ot uny party nor doe I Q oreate purtl,os, Th' Demands $49, a d He to make You- 'As, 4, boy I StQ04 elm* A I . I will arrive about the Xrs, 'Gwen Allpry spent last iveek, it ' exist t a. .Landlady n , . . � I . I 1 **** lVeek frl,�inds iiii the, couidtry . , ckmroh Should prodaw Won of 114�. .1.1 . � I I to A captoottone, Firiurtb of ,1010 wli� , '4, , . . FIRST OF OCTOBC-pl— 'Miss vXietle Jackson ,1bf Deltrovt IS 'Iflemls. Reciprocity 15 nO a party issilh ' Tries to Ralse' It. It W44 d , Ischarged. The rtq)ort .deo$. -, .1 I . . . e, I I I . WE are carrying a larger and better stock thanill , I J!brp leadera of both Bi�lcs bayt! maid so I - I 04ed. nie� For- thirty ,Ve;IJ% I 130YOr � : . . I XA011blug her ,sister Mr. �R. 18myLh,,, � . I . � " � I . k, I I 'it is not born of a day. bat has been , - A . Leave yoor ord-lors early , previous years and can Supply your wants at very, , ilits woe � . A I Uoard.4ci4l;lorthunaer, You(vanhoav ' , 4 , . I - . � . ills ,Xs IntX0 forward to and hoN,tr tor rHINKS WOMAN CALLER DEAF I os* L I I � L I 1 Miss ,Xary, Douglas'laf Ot,,%t I I me, can ,you. .. i I I . VIRST CoGME-FIRST SERVED I moderate prices. . I viailb-Inu her br4her-mr,'Win. Douglas ., fir the last Itiventy-five years, Tho . I 6.0011., yes.tp . . I - i I I I I - . Miss .Florence ;Radoliffe and br4th,or �Linss.and pulpilt have been liberabad, � I I L . � "� .1 , 11 . � I - I I I . . 11 I . I , "Wagons ran over roe, street c= I . � .. I Harry of Toron;to ',tire 1�bo gwoo's of ev,the raoill;lrocity - 'issue and arv( fro,i, Irries to. Got Hor to Invest In Stock of , S , , 'I SCORIBLERS LEAD PENCILS INKS, tv, express thol�r-p . bumped Into we and polivemert club- �, R 0 ,, . lAnIona. I , � ,� I 6, SISUIDON Mrs, �Wson IStauley �lfils week. � .ir� I y Conporn That Is Mo.inufacturing New lirst aud last I bad some . I . I . I lad."10 Al- TT Mr. Charles Baynes left on Sunday "Be "PlArlotle.; don't �ear tive 1). bed me. IV I . The regular up, Axne- Zhe famous reau or or and nuer- for al vioR wVth his uncle All Vor ), - P. H 0 f rtT docton. but not one of tf,em be)4- , " � ' I plain or ruled -7 for 25o pencil t h 0 al- wood's, 3. oz. bottle for onto it s)j,, many men wN vote outsia, ot Eardrum, but Learns That H .s, 0 � s . P�y ty in this ,,election, reall4ing that p4ade a Mistake In His Estimate. out Via,sllgbtest hope.. , They,'sald X I � 1, I fa. W, a. box 5c, � � . . , �t e0p &,� RISO take in Ithe fair. . ways . �10 will , tor oneo in their Brea they are Man- , I I � , � i PAINTS , 'Rev, Dr; Munroe of Biry took itho would, never bear i I - 11 LATHS . DICTIONARIES only service '140 t1he 4.rciso,vrdrian clVated frain. part . Ze t t , I : Dy NI. QUAD, I., I .1 � . _ the crack o'doom." . , L I _X h4� asule, I "You poor fellow!". tourmured ther 41� 11 � Water colors author- � church laSt 6abba1h 'commencirag at appeal to you uts Canadians. it don,lb Icopyright. 10U, by ASS001010d 1.1tera I � I . . .� ' That famous germ Collins' large type pro- A, P. M. . .. ". - -ra " oldlady. . I � :, �,' ized by the Educational ,, oitre who . you were born, a r who:t: Frosaj . I . I I . ' . . I I r J Department, from 5e. proof Slats from 5e to , bouncing dictionaries, - - � yaxir, ancestry may have been .Make IIERE It was on his desk b6, Hear;ns Settl5r Tt-an Ever, I � r � the SUM Of 17 ,cents r "It "VII.,; Ill)l'i .S , 'I. I Gona �', N Ili 11 tl,A llg4 ). a ftPr' ,... to 25c, -no higher. l4c. . 15C. . F ORCIONST f PATION dai the ra;st in your power, and for& him, �11 , � I I I - Canada will be tbe� moatto. the Brit- tivi'Uty-five* ,-,�14 1 .11 I I A ATedicive IthalL Duas Not lCoS(:'X;Y­ k64b Empike, Let Canada make good T and that morning, just as'be M-perinIODO�J9 f"T' "I"' �"i 11 'thing Unless TL Vares, ii ad she -will be the brigb b w IU. I tha wa " , It will pay you to pay us a visit. We know WE) can save 0 s leaving for his office, his, ,rears, Wal I uivogbt ,�ut thit"Great �� 4 The active medicinal ingro.&CXI�B of C tapilre, . landlady 4ad called hina. Into the pai­ ,�_iaerlcau Artificinl (0.!rdn1n). 'It not, I., I I � .i you money. Everything is reduced. Rexall Orderlies which is . . '), � I od,arltss� "Carlada IS �the richest 9ortlop of lor to say: . only takes tuo, place 01 Lbo natural � . .1 �, tasteless and colorlessv is an In%rely the earth in agrioulture, forest mines "Major Crofoot, you kuow the rules drum, b ". ftt IS"" till 'provemept on It I . I � . I I j� Aqk , � new discovery Combined with other and fisheries. and is destined to be tbOl of the house.11 . it 18 easily Insvi,ted. It cannot be de- A �' 1 _ ,.e­�, 14 eitromely rvaluable Ingredient% '(rt 0 ld's greatest producer .of natural All do, my dear," he bad sweetly re, tected. It In -t-4 n 11f0tinle. - Yom � ' . 4 r ` , I'� . " -It "I n k �tio � �* �4 forms a perfect bowel Te�mla'tor, in� w r I , - S. Moga r , _11 n3, Exe lfegtinal Invigorator and *strong therer producltWo. And it 'Is in matural pro- plle& woiild�l knov, :1.., I ' '"I'% wearluW ., � �: I . da0ts tha;t the XeqSpxoIty ' treala.; I All . m calten 111to candy t.ueh4�,,, ,. e end of artitIN esirdruoi, wim d you?" . . � � I . Rexall Orderlies A W.",,,p.cj_v4" ;. ­ 1� "Bills must be settled at; th, r 1. � � .,�, , I I . 11 . i I and are notable for their a�rrooable-. . A. . . *,No, ­ . "� . " slightly to,acbed and- any nian ,who tbo week2l . i .; , AS THE RESULT OF A TIP . ness 'to 'the pala'ba andr 'gentleplic,-;s 01. � "Ifts. Stebbiu.s. tieforp yom hearingr ;1 .1 11 - Cre it �, 4% . . -speaks to the contrary is only mi.4w "They must." ' � I .11: i . , I I adtion They do no'l; ea -use ,grINIng became Impaired vimad ,votw boar a. fly ,.�' I I ,�'l . . ny a woman xio-w has a repata- GIRLS � ..... ED " r't gir s re- , Cana4lan Verse or any disagrecable effect; or ineon- leadiipg you. God 'expects the inen "But yon have not settled for five I � .1 . . I ". �J . Ron as , a ftna baker .�vho was qui�ed Ito work on , , S ,101ofthing. A venlence� I at this coniAxylto learn all they can weeks now, Xnowing you to be an wa14'*'*- . �!.", ... i - . flormerly known as bvt a14 iordlin-ary efther opera:ting,m ' es driven by . I 111111111.111.1111,1111.0" abouY. ,this question and to stand iiii, a.bsentmInded man, I have let your ac- . "Mercy, no! Nv vue i,nn d,; that." . , I I ,�] one. The ttp ks Ito . "s ' Prs. Good wag- I ow"411-0 I Unlike other preparations 'for 4. telli'g,ontly for th,a best intrests of "But you are tnista4vu. There Is & , . I. 11; � . � I power,or as hanq like purpose. fth-ey do not oraEfto, a count run, but I can -do so no longer. . 11, . . - ., I I . r Canlude. And wo don't wan' t any ruce "Of course you can't -of course not. fly on the walL Elis foutstep4 are per� , 1, . I I I USE SNOW DRIFT FLOUR es. Good el, n 4, ploymeVt and con- CANADA TO IiNdLAND. 4all t sLoquiredlthro,ugh Itthe us�o of Or. A .I .. , . I I . I . atan�b work N a -. ar throligh, , dinary laxiNves, catharlbics :and harsh . cry eUhev, fectly audible to e. I can even bear I I . ,.� . I [Cliat is oil the sebret about i1b wft Jacks f ,Co�, Ex&t.er, 101 have beeii paimed by olir polrt- Dear me, but how the weeks By I Five a. ea walk. I ea "III � . By Arthur J. Stringer. pbyslo, and peimanenitly remove ILke, ---- ­ . - 11 I . a bear a human whis- ,. tbe u8e of Snow Drift flour half the Mr- John Hilber and daughter xe- , [Arthur J.- Stringer, the widely. cause Ot 001,1�'tfpo!tion or tirrogular loans they are net statesinion ball: ___ - -, ____ __ I . . � 11 �� I I - I . per across the street. I .can bear a ,. ;��, ' � lb Illag Is alrea4y done. With inAt turned home after spending a week �Eqwn novelist, poet and short story: bowel a4ion. . small men appealing I:o thio. Bril.sh . I I horse cough a mile away. .Two little, .1 . .,i.I. l.4�c-man�e,y ,,v,Eh- born BAtish born Indeed- Any, man, �.. eimnary care and skill twice ais in London with friends. Writer was formerly a jimirAlist amd, We ,will refund yc I. - � �z,­Z` artificial eardrums. costing a dollar I I I .1 , , 11 I Izood results are amsured. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill are spendlug ift ar�gamoxyt if they do xiot do as w,, who was born under the BrIjUsh Ping I.. I . I I 6ils 1rom. neai London, He is author Ithey will. Two ,sizes 25c and 10c in Muy part of the ivo.vla is British - � '_ each. do the trick," . ., " . I WIN few days in London. a 0 , I , I .. . . r1aY .11 � ,I �bf "'Watchels of Twilight," "Pauline A ", I I "You don't sayl" *� � 1, H Cook Sons and Co. . Miss Oreets Bedford of Sarnia is iig - a :born Camadians arc as much - I I � PIgraMS, "T4he Casual Offender." Sold only at' our Gtom­�Tho Rexal , e ri,� b .. . "But I do, my dear woman. I have� 11� 1, . I holidaying with her uncle Mr, John . . ot,oxe, W. S. Cole.. Brklsh born as it .they Ni orn in I : I Hens'all Ont. . Bedford. . and other volumes.] . 10 - HA n g In n d. li, '-­ - only just organized the Great Xmeri- . .. . .1, - _. - .. . �, � I ST. IIAI�tYS . ",lt recirpocA y is t9ite bxust for your � -11 11 can Artificial Eardrum company, and I ''. litoR I . On Tuesday evening thL) 25th of Sang one of England iia his island ' __ I ­� , � . AuguEt about forty'gAthered at the couyStry don't stop and ask wlIfther It. � . � � . . home -. e East wvard. has I I . ,s are pouring in at the rate- - , Dan. McLeod of,'th 1. . � yet order I I I 0 f#, home of ,Mr. Paul Shenk Ito give MrA lill -effect your littiv_� tuppenny or . '. - 4- : The Fall Term "Her veins are million, but )Lsr, been awarded the catiLract of carrying 1v - of $1,000 a day. In a mouth from this I I -r a Sutprise bu�',penny affair, If it is best for Can- - ' �. , I BeavL '1y. . . M. 0. par; 'They - heart is one"; . Ithe -mails of the rural mall daily del- I the orders will be five times as great, .1 1� , I . presen%ed hex with a pretty toilet set And looked from out his wave-hpimd. livery rodto batwoon'StXaul and Avo- AdoL atftnd for it What is beat for . " t � Seventy-five cents clear profit ,on ev- - I I "I ;� the �,rcatest numberjs best for. all � � �, --I- I altd served ice -oraem and lunsh. After homeland isle . . . xvtou iin D!)wx,Je utid Carlingford of QI . p L - " ) �. . - . . playita- several games o1!,,Gnjoy;nen!t. -;"sbip.. I I I ;lit: you like men ,not only in your - 1, ery pair of diums. The king of Eng- . ' . _71y,�­* To us who dwell beyond its westarn Fullarton To � I 11,00 I I " - I 'As 1 , relatbon to your rounixy but in. your f, If it land has ordered ten pairs for his 1. . ,� . . tle cr;wd broke tip at an Qarly hour. sun. I %% , per ligzeement of the 1G. N, W. r roluXIon' to your Tellow .mc4a. �i I I . I I ��� i. ',%Oil I . 1 - � I In the morning, , I I Company has a dtaff of men busy * "Protect the roputati*ns of our Do . household; the emperor of Germany ,�,: . Xr: and Mrs. Francis Clark rdtxned 8i ''. ., COZ-11627C 1 homE, after ispenditag io. few w -s And we among the northland plains traXIsforIng their -%viras from thed.r 11 the same; the emperor of Russia: dou- ".- ,... . ., e4l publie, mem Respect the menwho for 11"' a �re " Z :­. �' . 4 ,,w17_-0 and lakes, . own poles Ito those of thle town i he ili� � _ Lolv,odly, 047- wihh friends in Mlebigag. n t yrars have come up cleanthrough the ,- - 3. I ble the number.. !?resident Taft is I I I -Mr. Ed. Bercrand jreturnAd to Det- We, youthful dwellers on a younjer Radt ,.md of Queen street, thus leasen- mazo of public life. Consult with I N W * .�� QZ�tl now laying boMhis ears to the ground- . ''p, - I go ID , � I . .1 'that part neighbor on fthe reciprocity js- 31; " . as on a .: Commences Sept. ,5th roit atter spending .I. few days with land, , tug the number of pole YOU3 Actors who have never heard applauser � I � I . Ws,moth= * Turn eastward to the wide Atlantic of the stxoe,� , vililoh will improve sue. tind re-speot the man who ditters I 01 ,l before are hearing it now. I sat In a � . e .:., � . TWENTY-SE'VENTH YEAR . Atinumbex from here are attendkng Nvaste, , � . 4 the, looks of the street. wilth you, I have have precious lit- - I I public park the other day and heard I I � 'The funeral of 1he la� Nelson Near tle Aise fox the man who has no more. , . -.11'.. � : R Toronto Fair. . And feel the clasp of England's out, , k place oxx 11 a dandelion grow. What do you think I . . � . h��, I -Miss Martha Wenzel laft for Det- stretch6d hand, � who diBd in London too Yaanhaed than to quarrel over politics 11 ?n ­ : Thorough coursea, , WL6. Friday, afternoon. Ito the Worth Pme&, or bco.nuse he can't have it all his own , Of that � ;1k, roit on Tuesday after spending a few bietoria,a cemetery, West -Nissoari. -way , i I . � I : PITMfIN ShOftf�ifl�b months -,vigth hdr inQther Xrs.'W,. H.. For we are they who wandered for . f pitiy the baby with a mous, Really Wonderful InVerWian. I. I � Wenzel. ftom home X,r, and Mrs. Win. Box sr,' returned tachei . drWily, I -think it is the most won- I � 1, � 9 TYPE,WR1TING;"' Labor Day was spent very � To swell the glory ef an ancient b0lhe an *r1rJ(1;iy 'Crout o,trip to ,the "Recipirecity is a tremendous dssue, 1,c:?.,,V��y��_ . I dertal thing I ever heard of�l replied' I . . . .� i , , qai(at Rf. . I , PENMfANSHIP I around here. Some i, name; . west. 'ad1be newspapers on both sides., I -- I .. i . spent 'he day � at .1 T' W Yo,an,;� Wanagor here of Ithat Mm Stebbins. . �,. �.,: 130OKKBE6PING, Etc. Zarlph o1bers, atl3xeter. Wh urneyed seaward on an eKile 4'4 rosent *the taunt ,bf annexation. and 'Al CAN VEAR THAT 'FLY VALU." Ad I � 0" I ytarsen'; Fair. bas tbeen traimfarre& I Just -so.-Just so. And think of the, I l!" No trouble in placing graduates. Out, , gis. Yxank Behnke of Detroit sper 'j, . � '. � ,It n the insult implied 'when my loyalty r : voin-ent of Darson's F weeks gone! You don't say? Why, It 1. � I Ii:iglily qualified, experienced teachers a few days here with h-er mother Mrs - In fortune's twilight to our is- Ito 'the maria " atr is questi,imed. 11f ycu know of an an�- . profit In It! You invest $1,000 and yaM � I I . _��,: '11, - . Coll1mg-wood and will leave forbis ne-w seems only yesterday that you took , �. give individual attention to students. W, J-1. Wenzel She was accompanied. land came. place of diAy fnext Week. nexatibnIst in this i.cauntry I wish me Under the shelter of your wing and draw out at least $1,500 a year. But . �'�, , Investigate our record. First Lesson by Miss E,Williams of Newark 0, � (M`hs Nellie Zrarleklb bd! 7ngersoll is you would make it plain for film -that that's only a trifle. Suppose you taXo* I..,.� I .. , � � , � Pitman Shorthand, Catalogue and School star'ed Tues&y with a very -)3ut every keel that cleaves the mid- he had better get out right. away. I I had my first taste of your delicious the secretar7dbip at $5,000 a year ;i5�A . ­ � ip � sliending Ithe Izoliday "with li,r maGle, — �. 1 . full information free. � at'endance Mr. Graham of AvI(ng . . ;6 aAd -,vnifft 10 r �!o ad Zrrs. Jame,, Lellio tt have never met a single Canadian apple pie." � . ,:� � � 11 good . way waste �. . ary. After the first year wo make;,* �. "I 1. i; x to Dundas St., London, Ont, ton will be Principal of the Hi wt ii�hread our� sea. Wl4er sbreet., who desi(red Annexationl[to the Upited, "My, delicious tipple pie is all right, $10,000. Gold minel Why. Mn. OW � 1 I * i �� School. We wisb� him success cleft strands, 'The remains ot tba, late Geo. A. $Lates major, but I must have money to bu,v bins"- ft. I . I � .� �, , � 1� � 't _W ­X ---R LACK, - . Principal -Mrs. Link returne .fhomul from TXo- Till ocean dwi-ndles and the sea -waste 51taudeaven -%vho . died in Saskaloo�n ,,)It our sons(can go 'to the Uluif'ed - "Then you are not a corn, d0ct0r2!- ,:, � , I . - - knto after attendtlag .the Millilnery shrinl-5,. . a States without Canadians 'bleew��i"iing it with. Your room and board amount J ----:_,,--,4 .1 - . . . opening . And England mingles with a 'bun- Gask.,on. Sunday Augus�t RUII, arrived disloyal why can't we send a Le"'r to $0 per week. Five times nine art' interrupted the WonijiU as She 1001W . � 1. I I e.11 ; � 1'r .- I I . l. __ IV` . I . Mr, IF razex Drowni left for Chesley dred lands. . . here to -day 11e, was a son.of Frank bogs over"I f6rty-fiv * about the room. . ., " -10, � I � I . � . I Sttindeaven sr., Church ktradt, south . _. 'I., % , I � . . - I � � alue bn tTour frap- "Positively correct at the first guess. � ".5 - � where be wilt.go to scheall, ]?.lace o.- hl�_-h Vt "Heavens, woman!" ,,,. ;,,0_- � .. I Xrs. [Harry Beever and children are !&nid 8 . -aged 38 years fira moattlis kind 27 days chise. lRomember it was not won easily What a laudladly! What a noble wo- I � . ... � . . v, aying silently all far-off shores The funeral 'takes 'place, to�morrow 'That's who I was � . lookhm foMP69 1 � � L Y. M. 0. A, BLDG., spending a few days in Hamll- A thousand �singing w! . res stretch Saitarday. afternoon to St -Marys cem- had to be restled from the band of man! What a head for ftguresl Forty` com doctor. live had a peSk7,e0=TJ0F - - " I ONID01q, ONT. ton wilth bersister Mrs. R=qel Hux. round the earth, etery una�r the 'Auspilaes of Court thei witocrad I hope to soon -seel in five dollars!" . � ON kable�,. I I the Old Land one mar.�,'svab�a vs good the last six months, and I . I ,t,ESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. ­'��` 'Or sleep still vocal in. their ocean Dom;nioA 'A. 0. :r. "Aind here is the bill. and I would , -.�- ; 4" istered last season'upwards of 300 Elder -Derry picking is the, order of . depths, ' as andthers and not. as things are now out. Why did .Ton boUe.r the ­ 11 ; . StftTeuts and placed every graduate. Seven the day.. I Till all lands die to make one glor- THAINIPS ROAD when one man has bon votui to an- like the money." you were talking?" . C ; . . ,,� I .. V60la1Iy qualified regular teachers. One Mhss Rota lKlienzle' left for the iou� birth. . . I other man7s one.. . "Bill, eh? Yes, It's the bill. To five "To make you hear." I 0iddred and fifty London firms employ Clinton Model on Monday, Miss La- . Quites a very interesting weeting `Xriow yourself *the, whole 'truth. weeks' board and room rent at $9 per "But I'm not deaf. it I vier get,that _ I I - I our trained help. College in session from la kind Elsie Gaisei IA -ft for Lando3 So we remote compatriots reply, . took place last Saturday eveniniF, Don't take it foccond handed Lon- -$45. My dear, dear lady, J. P. Mor- way I'll see about those drums. rver : Sept. 5 to June 30. Enter any tints. where they .wIll Ottend normal , And feel the world -task only half wbeta Some of our very promising don hosen't got a very elean record gan couldn't have done better himself- .. � I . R begun: y cl- At -what college Were you educated?" . Catalogue Free. Mx Graham spent Labor Day rn discussed Reciprocity Don't i�rosti tuto Your -manhood in s got just a dollar and a half At he=%, W%-. Ilusiness . oung orators . . and Hamilton with friends. . I between themselves ontside. �he school. ling your volfte The man who would - and I don't care to invest thaL WS, . � irofest' Ci� Shorthand College Bast Friday eveningtho Groyst-cads "We are the girders of the ageing The meeting was a warm one, as both attempt to purchase other men's votes "We won't mind the college, major. nice that you can bear Was .walking . 0.�W. WESTERVELT, JR.' J. W. WE I STERVELT, drove ap and*.playad an' inboresit�iig earth, ' The money, you know." about. Goodby!" I ,� Chartered Accountant, FrIticipal. game of base -ball with our'Stars. The Whose veins are million, but whose sides of the question were daseii-ed. %rould not besitatic to prostitute . Vice Principal. heart is one." � I I . As tb e -m pion san k I o %v on the b - � - ;znn the purilty of the hc=. I Wanted Real Money. And at 6 o'clock that evening tihe�l 15 score was 14-41n favor of the Gray- � I the little part.y br,.)ke up, botb l, ­- , "A chicken thi-ef Is an i,nf inkely bot, "The money? Certainly, my dear, major was still sitting on a parX. � �41 stands. The Star-, -were havi,ng love 11 I . well convinced that they were rigiii. I --.man 'than he who would! attempt and I wish you had spoken before, bench and trying to figure It out, ­_ ­ I .dreams or there oras somothing the Mr. and IMrs, R. .Nlel)-rinald spent a .L. . uy voltes�,., - That's just like me to forget all about — - �� , , � . matter with them . I 1-lonor your manhood an7d JID11T . I .1 Wanted — Cream 1 Mr. and AIrs. Greb and son, of Ber - - . few days at Ayr last veeIr. tranch4sz. 'The man who has 'to . be it and think I was at home. After this I A Sure Sign. . I . .1 I Im autood up Sunday to spend th.; . Derangement of 'the Liver. with con Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Doupe, were coaxed to vdte: is nut `Ivorty ,of having jog me up at the end of the week. That levity is a su bject that'Is some* 'L � . I �ay wlth Wr.)and bIrs..A. Hill. . stipatioti, injl:�res the eomplection, ilin� week end visitors at Kirkton, a vote Let your 111e be an lassest Why, -I might have gone oiT In your times worth while avoiding has,bCen - I A IlIarvos� Hoine,�Cantata was given duce pimples sallow sliin. ' Remove, . Mr. Easlv and Alp. Marquis wells to Canada's strenjet1h. -',QV!k YOU like debt." . I learned to the sorrow of a would id 1. . : Farmers or dairymen who have En 'the Evangelical Church last Sun- the cause by u.�iing Carter's Little1i'v vislLors at Mr. John Canu's)m-t week. men be dtron-': 11 was wa-hIng to see that you Undertaker. . no good local market should write day ,evening. - 'The children did their er Pills'. One to a - dos2 I. Try them! Miss BlossoiWAndi,tson belit a La- . .2. ' . . � to -day for quotation card from I the parts well .end everybody Ni�as ivelll . bor Day parLy last Monday. didn'tl" was the reply. At a recent examination of the sf#44 - SARNIA CREAMERY CO. plea8ed. I I I CLANDEBOYE I I "Um! Uml My check book IS at the undertaking board among the qu&:. . I - . ,Mr. and Brrs. lKellich, of Zurich, I . Mr. and ,Airs, Jolm Glum spent last office. Forty-five dollars? Letmemake tions asked of the many applicalab � , I � � . welik end Ili the SUdes, --visiting FOR FLETCHER'S a memorandum of that and bring up was the following one: . : . We pay the HIGHEST PRIOES. s,pent 18unday -the iguests of Mr. $ud A very pretty weddio-, took pla" We Pay HARD CASH, and we re- no. . c - friends. 0 A S -r 0 R 1,A "What do you consider as an inftl- ! Mr�. Dan Mcffsa, at ith home of "NilliPm 1�e ,of Moor- the check this evenixig." mit AFTER EACH SHIPMENT, Wr. Ed. Smith hind sistpx, Adejaine, ville when ,Mr ,Arthur Simnson was The f rn)e&s;Lre bn­7 mitting, in felt ITTo checks, major. I want the cash." lible sign of death?" . 1.� i You can deliver your cream to left for [their hnm,e in Berlin on Mda- uni.,,Ld In inarria.-c (to -Miss 6live. Lee wheat tb I, wee k - 0 . "Of course -of course. Well, I shall r,11' : YOUR NEAREST rallway station. day efto?r spendiarr a few days in After the wedding.'dinner the young _ answered ong, .. . I town wUh friends. 11 - — in't you Try Carters Little bring up the cash. No trouble at all. -.Chicago journal. .0 A trial shipment will convince you � o,aple -were occampankl(d by their I Why dc ., . I that there is good money in ship. , friends to Lacan IDepot, -where they Liver Villst They are a posAive curo I had much rather pay in cash. . li ping cream to Sarnia, Wefurnisb ZITJRIICH . loft on the 3.20 trai�n for Toronto,; Catarrh and for Sick headache and -all Ithe ills pro- Thanks, my dear. - Look for me and . A Boomerang. � . � I beat bank references. Write for ,lVrr. Clancy of Deltroid is vif.Atlig Wessloy Hennessy white drivin - duced by discarded Liver. Only one the cash at 6 this evening, and let us "So Miss Gummage got no damages . I . Z, quotation card. . � I li V -1i Atr and Urs. Whitwer. lapt Thursday evening, 1had the mi -Z 11111111111ft 011111110 Vill a d . lose. . . have another of your delicious apple in her breach of promise sult?" I I . -alsto -eturn -cune 7Lc hav -0 MS "No. Her lawyer proved the mon to, , , � I I I . .��, 1� o.'ttie C .r r -ed on fo: e the rear axli� of MA 151 neh I �- — i _., pies In honor of the occasion." " . Vocin4stiqv. from a akft' (b Grand bv,aLry broken The lboxse, becamp. . � rl I . . I � - I Seventeen cents on the desk before be such a low down, contenilz"_P, � Ilend. , frigiTtened and plung,,iltinto the ditch ' ______ _____ . him and a board bill of $45 to pay at 6 specimen of humanity that the 14Z . , Co. - Fr. Stroeder ,took (a. trip Ws iv,,el� throiring him from the buggy. He The Bane of Thousands, and has o'clock. Major Crofoot lost heart for decided he hadn't any value and't.on-. � Sarnia Creamery' to V1.4it his old horno in Watiorloci had a narrow escape from serhous in- I ­" s a moment. He never could get his .. G:valil Y, . Hitherto Baiffed the Skiff . . gratulated her on losins� him.­-Bam. . .. . jury. � f,l - -� JU.ST ., ' I Sarnia, Ont. alro. Lo,als 11 ran gy we'turned on DI(xn- -%Vbilo operating the lengine of Mr, . I D � trunk out without paying that bill. more American. _44_ - - � � ; day vvenih,,y for a tire we�c-ks' visit John (10. situipson 'Telorresville, Ernes�ll . of Medicil Science. � / ;- 1 4 KILLER His dear landlady Would insist on the li, k I I - . %v I li,rriends in D-o-troi.t. %Villipoas all1owed 'the watlar to ba- cash instead of soft soap. Always That Danger. � .�, I Mr. Abner Capl`ng of Well-osl(,�y vis- comf 0 o low An the. boile.r.- and it ex- :`�;,,� �1, .. I 'ted ot 4be hoirvo. of. Mr. J. preetqr ul-Ot d The damage *will be aboal; A A knock at the door. � - 11.&b, proud beauty," exclahned IlWer ". 11.1 ) - . .. I A live zopresentative . 1 I - "Come in."' SnItTkins. "you spurn =7 love ,,a*,. i�, " I ' felv" days last week . ,;4n0,':. � Cataff ozone , , , I I (WANTEDf,r E,et--,, ,,a. sur. for o )TI , J. Owin'[i.pbam initends to cre,ot . I 11 14 Misoes Olivn and 11ohwi lininn of 11k,11 � � J I An old lady entered --old.. but Sti but, let me tell you. I ;will not always, I I unding district to sell bigh ola:ss Lond is the on- handfu I sprightly. She was well dress . � 'Vo , on Ivere ov,�.� 8anday visiko,rs a I,F%r;?9c for itbe accomodidion of Dry air ti,eafthen 6 treat- � I I ed. She be a cle'rk. V- � I . . �1 nt ;bv lionit, oZ Mr. i.nd Mrs. J-obn tollr,:sts stopping at sthis p,bint. ment 1hat'will co. th'Ose diseases. . had a keen look. She looked like an "That's so," interrapted the heart- I I . ,�.Btock for 01111��. 1) *o chp.rl! Sr. 11iss B Simpson of Manitoba is Yis- What stomach dicine has ever M ,old lady with greenbacks in a stocking less girl. "You. may lose your Jobellil- I .1 � � I Rov, W. .13hiles and farni]Sr J ft otl ' . I . been known to our Catarrh or Bron- at home. Catholic Standard ancT.Mmm . � 0 iLing kriei�ds hero. " - 1 The Fontifill Nurseries Monday fov 'New York after & pl.aa- I HENSAL . L . chitis? � � I ,X, I a "Good morning," she saluted In a I � I I '. � .... . 10atarrhozone Is not a stomaclY medl i � =_ I I I . " I More fruit trees will be planted in saiii; thipe iv�e-.!ks' .v'tit YUJI M , and I . - i N r [ . Mrv� 'A. G. Ehaies. , cine, but an air inedicin�e that carries . I ,C?;.,_ � I., . - loud voice. .. i 'FAII of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than I . D --- Smart ir, XU_ t6 the rernatest Paxts, 0 the throat, _ �&. i The major caught on at once. She _ i . I G;TRLS WAN i i ,,it I I �. %� I line ; � ----------- �_ on Boys , lot * 9* It Always Accepts. I - before in the history of Obitari.) . I ,laired 'to wor lungs, and air cells Attle drops of heal- ONOREPUSYMIDAYIr I 4 r . I � � either operatin y was deaf. - ' .I e;he'orchard of i,be fature will he ac I . . I I 71, ' bill 1. xiven b Ing so curative that ,whenever ,it U � "I was looking foel- It Is noticed that,, the man ,v;ho _ power or an v . and eradicates 1-'� as han' sci 00 wag^ touches germ life it kills , . J tli7� bet,t pay ing part of the farm. . . . eiA a 0011- tlieni from the system� "This is the right place," finished the Invites trouble hardl�: O,f,qr,t ., . I � i . I We teach out. rylen Salesmanship, . us. Good clean amp! I nd patients WHEN YO major as he advIanced and handed her receives a note ot Tegrefs., I � � . � A gt,,lnc work the year rough. Tho by using A Denver Rep-ablican. , , I � ' Tree Cullure,.and bow Mg prollts Ili Jackson Mfg Co., Eieter. have been disappointed SWEEP '. a chair. Your name bas skipped me 1 1 : . I . I ­ I � , A very large numbor froin 'this Vil- stoinuch medicines for coughs . and , for the moment." 110 I 11 - * . - ­_ . � . fruit -growing coin be made, I lage and vicinity .1tumded the circus cold$. Have YOU not found' it a rather . , "', . _Pay wepkly,' perninne!M, vrop,105 - . . .11 F i at London on, SaLurday last, rolindabolit wdY to reach the diseased absorbs the dust, How to Make Money, I ' I ment, exclusive tevrit6ry. Milm Rdltb Blclr-wan Teturned las4, portion of the, throat and lungs? 1 8 "Ali, yes, Stebbins. Excuse me, Mrs. . Nastyi; . week from the WOSt, where she 'has , Why 'lot use Catarrhozdne, which Is brightenr. the tebbins. A friend of yours was here ,Mr. CrImsonbeak-Etqrq1d lin, It= ­,._,) Wtite for partioilare. . i I I III - hLic sb,ondiug part, oK her boltdays breathed to the very root of the dis- yesterday and said I might expect a whieh says the swaxt iDutU,r,eA,, - I . ­ floor and cleans 1� , . _. I - 11 ease end heals so quickly and per- .. I Stone & Wellington en troubled Vith fall livh her sister , fectly that every spot is rebuil�t with . call from you. I was looking for you otb(,r bird, In extreino ,iaase.4 T. k . , . . .1 . s, eczema, or, ally skin* I Kiss� Marie - lyleMordle, .of london, now healthy tisau(l? the carpet. . every moment," I $00 y ears. � ,. ;,?, , I .. F I 11 v as in'thu, village. last, weok vlsiti,ng . to is the only medicine "Why-wby# that's strange," site re- Mrs. Orlmsonbeak-;"d . -Mver _ dfle'a'se apply Zani-Duk I hLr unc,lc_ Mj�, ,S.. l3rnilllio and qthorl Catarrhogol. MIA@ *0 * I "I 1 - � I . .1 , I . �_k-Ul �' j-1 ' I 11� I I ­ � 4 that will cure 'Thousands have testi- lal 3ohn, the swans �live ov VU0.1" I I I . One week free tri - plied. I I � . :_.. 11 .. I I - I . su*451rig how quickly it illases r1clo1iVos -dp of f led. � . . I � � , " Y 4, I , . I I . ... I I � I I ho oxtiartlug and stinsIngi Alio� The many, relativ,�s and.frien I I "It Isn't strange. my clear woman, ibrol Society. I 11�* , .! �, , I I . � I I � I I � t . �111 ra� , - ' Think for a niometif� Is it not seinse? 11 � I Yours for health, I - . I - , 1" � 1 'e I I ,, �. � , .­,� I 11 I , , , " , C i N I ' I ', 1MV I � , 1 ! , i, , ,h* =r, �Tx. AT: 1,11cillarXIL 1� L rot eo r&t . that people want to ]make money. 'No, . 4 , . * ctOaj uts. barlasio sores anapildil. a .. rg� of hoaling-the air, car" I DUSTBANE, matter bow niuch we have, we still Ill We Never 'Oamli '0111 � ` , , , � I I I ' V _ .st �ittle drops . ` I I , aw,at&* coln-put6lier. that :: f thv date-ot writing. It . . L,S them just where, disease. exists. . I I - I L W -1 - . I I . " ' ' C:�" I �'O R r4l Z is lhadef � � , , .,. A �`, . . . I . I I , � I k Z� � � .. , - I , -no Nt(.ry IitLj� if any improved, � � "' . . 4LL GROCERS want more. I am hereto wake money, 'Otir slowme0s to leo,"n-W 1V20V,, �., r , � I . I I 111. I I 694assences. Noftnirnalfato That, is why, . I I � tl. . . . � , �. I I I I I rl . . � I �� , � - rarllifaats, in,A chir&el�. 1. . i Xr, Nolsarii, 131atchzord is in Tor� , ­ I . to blot r I ' . I.. L �, .. . I 1� I . ,mindtall poisiow. rine4f hoster Ir fow IV , . . 1. , . . . and I*do mako lt� You have called 0, , , L ll."i . I , to Onto SjWndiig 'Ll, I -ocks. with h It might be 1�ut stronger UU4 o ed re#n-v �� , , , " .Vrtv�wo' am ,�10r6#.yV8ryVherd. I see If I have, any scheme on hand ' lh�nzlble. . .� � The K.W100 "k1qaV8"A1WAy8A(1U9hJ I --.-- d on. re . la%I ves., , v'"� " " Catarrhozone Oures. I , wo J, WIN , whee6by you can make a. hitildred-per Though il.11 pos to law$ -we p�eoolalut AX: . /. 1 I --mS.n. . o E.anLa4lan Ver..se-] E �"" 0_ 11 i �l J I, , , , - � - ��, I, , , 11 11 I .1 - ; A aw, ke - -,**",] i, , - - I I I , '�'urgooll wh 111 .� " i'� . P . I ,X,,9.3 )L 116 a has been I � .1 '. I I � ,� , 11 ; I .� kitoalfa. t 4���� IN 4110 NWO,ill; in Eisso,X 001111tY for thc, Prlco,� 250, 60c, a -Ad $1.00, at 0,11 Exeter, Ont, �, �. cent on jour Sa*lngS Instead of fi-Vie.ss brmuftble,' wit they're, fnnpHtto, , . I . I I - , � I �� � I %ll .11 I druggists, or by mail V ',' - la fi.Oin- IV � We hesitate. not to all I I , I *�=.tliti:ir�,, ,4� , , 'V� . . .post month has returned to 'th-o 01. 'ttarrhozolie - 6" - 0, 34--y" I 10"611111IN01111 . ,"Wby, �X came hero to�toi`l­ ble. 101M. I . I I � I I I The a, C .. I I I . I � 6 . I I I tage. .), I I I . I � . 1. . I of "RV.00-Jupt'.06. You catno here to � I 1-1,11!Vr�i'"Z 11 I . I � I . I i — � � � ­ � ... .... _, - 4j;o Tq4pt'- i I I I I I I I 11 I _100, � I and kitioptoo,, Outo . I . . I . � � I I . . 4 1 . . . I I . I : . I . I , I � I :1 �. I �, I . I . I ,. I 11� I . . I I � I i ,.,, , I 1, I I I . . I I I I � �, . . I \ . .­­ �� . . I I � ­. � � ,�� ­ I .1 I I .1. I.. I I - .I I .� - I . -1 , - , I I 11 ( "I I 11 ­ L1. " . 11 � 11 I I I . �, I I 1 I � ;, �� I " . - I i I 1, �, , . , . I , 1 I . I I - , �_, ,'1"`1"1,r,!1�L_. " i� 1, , " . �� 1, 'A. �, . I ". �.Itl­ , I'll, � 11 11 I I I . I , I � I I ­ : , .4":, , 1�1. �� . � , � -Sitc. I , '. , I � - ililwvlawmr��, I I --L,­*,ifiAa* I- I , -- -.— 1-h "o '2g, _,�' _&�,�­�4_ 1. � L� � , "r ,,, ­;': �, tl..__��' :___ � I ill;L_11- � , � , AL I -L:,_ . , ­.�L ' '': ' "' ­,��,,�.��, - � ��,_ 1. _.,��l 111 I . W, �` , A JIiN - �_ -_ 1 IL , �' "'I '-11. _:_ "