HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 5I I I -T. I I .. I I � -, -'7-' "' - ­­.-r�'_':­_---�,,_­ . .. . ... . . ...... ­­­'�­", . ..... ­­­­­­ .... . ... ­ '11"�­_ftw�rI9"��,_ --fo I I -_ - . . , 1, I � � I I I ,� 11 I I . . I . : I I _?N � 011FIN111IR - 9 , I � . . . I � . I I : . � I I .. I I I I � I I .1 I I I . I I I I . 1- %,!� - � 'I",,. ''I . . . . . . . .... i, �:i,-� ",7-r"79- I - :�,( I � I , � I � , i . . 1, ��� " ,� , lt,,! , k . . I I 1: I . I I I 11 . I W�11 . �, Al�,�.7777� , ; I I . I . . I , � I I I . I I 11 1. � I I I 1. 11 , � I "I I : 77! " , '-­,� , � � 00 Jr . ... ... P.O.."l I I - .,� e "", � 1, , --�'� , . ­­ - I I I . I I � � � I � , :�� - 11 I 11 I .! I , ..1 0,0 I I I . I I � � , �, ,, . I 1:1 ,I #� i� .�I. - I 10 I, ,, I I , I I . I . �01 ., . r �_ I I ­ - I 11.1 1111- I � ­ �_ � ­_ '"'M I . I 1: I . 21,!!!- � � � Mil . ..... .- t. �,::!11!11� � W,I"_#N-"""""0"bW-"" . I I I I I �, , ! ,, I I I - , "'ll".4. . '. P*WW4 ... , " - - 1,""".�", A0""*A%.*"% 4", 011-11, 11-1 - -_ I i!!N 14 � AM kil, ll., 0 o � , 046 � i .1�11M' ,I; :�'��!' 'O�INAM! i * , . :1 ,­ � e , � . , . I � __�� ----!, Il!"110,1111;1I ��I:tlot '. _'... - - 11 . IN : � 1'... I I . 2 _,; -j I , . � I . 'A A 4rownwr .�, '' . - ,,�­,�,Owoo I I I __­ I I I r, �, . __­_ ., _­"R­�. *,*-" ­ � -1.1, I * I . I I I . I . , "i . , . . I . " � I I ; � ,� : : TS I A4 IWOUP4.1), I QUAC S STILL AROUND r THE LARGEST LOAF �, � . 1. ___ , � ,# OF 01HILD4018 DEATHS � 1 .y 11 I I To quote all old. saw, "When ;N , � , :,�:,:, all's married ,ill$ troubles, bog li"l, ''. I , I i .1 , Uch a oweell.lng is, on ti I As -every mother knows, the de.ath � 1. rate of little ,ones 14 Ct�lia& dur- ­` Kvon :Dollot In Witchoroft Provalls In I I Baked 1 � rJecontly In To)�ae-WelglIo , d, I 11� ,%tat4xnent � 40i � �, : 0 of It, utterly ridiculous, for It Is, . ing.tlio hot summer months far ex- Qomo Portion* of Krigiand 140 Poundo-12 ,Foot Long I �.� ,� I . nt4inount to Saying that there to no! ceede that of any other seaso,41 of . and Wales . I . 1� , , 11 I I I I I" I )Uch thing, as happirleSS after mar-' the year, The reason for this is � - The largest loaf of bread In tbe, � . ��, 04ge. Thitilt 0 I . f It' And then think,, � 'that the excessive' beat b i rings. on � I world was baked the other day by , � , , 11 , �, ; f the couples you meet who are asl, L, � �apy Ili tholl, married life as It is4 those dreaded troubles, oholera� I "I" _ Witoberaft has Arrived at the dig' Afty 0% mention In A Goyernmeat Blue- Andre�y,, NoWbe;rg; Of Austin, Texas, . ' I , : , �:�, / Possible to bQ !n this world. So happy fagtum, diarrhoea, dysentery and , .1 - book. In g Local Government Board TWO gigantic mass Of the Staff of,Ltle , . �, %',' � ��'. Ire they that they would not exchange i � I their happy home life for all the: Otbel. Stomach, and biowel com- plai: .ts. "I'llege, com e Oil so quickly report Issued recently In London It weighed 140 poundis, and was two feet higli, three.te , r ,-et ivide, .and twelve feet I . _., )Ingle -blessedness Ili the kingdoint � ;' . and with such littlo wa,riiing that in stated that In s, tow of tho more long. . I I -1 - C - . , But when a business ..mail marrJeo, � often baby is beyond help before outlying rural districts (of England I After tho Ingredients were mixed, , .1 ! . � " - � 0 Oertalill k . fa y has a nice little. problemt,' I I . ce. , I lo Should lie tell office secrets, t - he mother realizes he is ill. Dur and,Wales) belief In witchcraft Is still the baiting process consumed more than an bdur, a special oven being � . I . . W, his -wife? . ing the hot summer months the )no- held by a tow people. used for the purpose. � 1 I "Of course'" some will '04y; "A wo., ther must, be constantly oil I her Herballate are said to be chiefly The leaf wa s sent to a barbecue at ,i � , an can't keep 4 secret,, It Is abso,. flxtelY guard to see that baby's popular in the Midlands and North, Moulton, 'where It was out and dJstrj� , ,;� impossible? She must talk, and,, 'I it a secret is entrusted to her .bowels are working regularly and his ]it- where some vaunt bpurlous degrees buted to a large crowd. Mr. Newberg accompanied the bread to Its deStina- . she is, i oil tenterhooks until she to able to let, r; tle stomach is kept sweet and pure, Baby"o Own Tablets should always and give certificates which are actual" ly accepted by registrars of -death, tion to see that it w4w Safely carried, By this loaf, Mr, Newberg � , tomeone else know it. I I �von't toll anyone," she says I be kept in the home as they are the They "seriously diminish th h making breaks his own record for the largest . I 1011you , . her most Intimate friend. "Pro:, i, I �' ,A�,� Inise me not to let a soul know itll#1 mother's greatest friend. A dose now and then will prevent these of cure, lead to a great amount of unnecessary pain and suffering and loaf of bread in the world, which was one 'weighing a hundred pounds, Bent " I 1. "', And then I , "I , troi bles, or if they do come on sud- premature death," and have caused the spread of small -pox ana other In- to the Louisana Exhibition in'1904. ,., I I , 1 I— the secret Is passed on, , I �� "? , , I and Is a secret no longer. I", .1 �i� ki denly th-ey will be quickly banish- fectious diseases by Ignorant diagno. . : i ! - � I ` . � I ­ 1p �, 0 Are these people right or wrong?, I ed by the Tablots. The Tablets - are EZId by medicine dealers by sts and mistaken treatment. � The North Is also the chosen ground ;; ' . � ENTHUSIASM WON , "., , : �� "I' .rhere are men who say that tllo,�G- 1'�. ` kvho talk thus don't know w i hat they' or mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams" of the boilesetter ,and In parts of W les belief in these men a is said to I ; 11 i Temperance Veteran ourneyed 6,000 i . are talking about. Those men are' �,`, I I I fe"w1l On the, other hand, many men' , 1, i Medicine 0.(),, E oc - r T Villel- ont. . be Implicit. Other sources of danger dealt with Miles In Thirteen Months I I ".. will come forward and say that the ,' `.� ", I __eii� are unqualified dentists posing as -, �,,� above statement Is strictly true, andi 11��, I they will bring ample proof In support: I don't speak any more. . I I L , "Institutes" and the like, who "sacri- scale healthy Enthusiasm In a cause one has at, heart overcomes many obstacles which, ��:��"'?' Df It. These statements only I '­:� nerease the difficulty I . , FOUND HIS BONES .teeth," supply Ill-fitting teeth, and ' would be otherwise Insurmountable4 t,�,,!� of arriving at a definite, i�, 4 conclusion. I i poison with anaesthetics of which they il or instance, Mr. ,Tohn Abbey, the, t , ,,4 V ... 1'� 1,. Can a woman keep a secret? Ages' -_ 11, have no knowledge; unqualified opti� citins who write all sorts of letters ,well-known temperance veteran, spent4 over forty years In England, where be�, il,�,� 'i Will come and go, and the same ques- , ''�, tten will be asked and answered '- I , , 'Skeleton Believed to be 'That of Mur- . after their names, and Injure eyesight +11 410 i-endered yeoman service In the East- f HAT USELESS HYPHEN:, , � I ' . , : I'll, 1� , " . . . � 11 ... i , �A � I 111; I I I . . I I Someone wItti1ovo forMlIorot Provei I , ... 1� t 1. I 11 I 4 I 11 . 1�x I I t�; " . -:�,,,,�� ItI601,11min'l[Wasto, , ; 1, �t�� I � I I I 11 I . ; , I , . Although the general tollooncy to to, , I � I � I I I I I . 1� , , 11 I I I I do, away with unneceziary marks' R 1 1 . I— I I - Punctuation, the hyphen to otill,re- - � I I � � ! �1,1 , " and ,,to-, talned In "to -day," ",to.,nighl" ,� I r.W1 I " I. 11 ­,.­,�, I , r. ­­­ ­­ I . � worr9w.11 That the retaining of th4 hyphen In these words Is not only use� , L 11 � stove Ponsh I 11 � leas but absolutely criminal Is ,easily, � L . I I I . .. - � I . demonstrated by a bit of Omplo matber 11 . t1asums no Lar4 work and I . . I � mattes, I I I . Tio 4irty work. No x4e$Sing ,, ' � � I . � , . There are 17aA86,5U 4ngllsh.speak- Ing People. The words 11to-day," 0,to� , or mrixin.X� L A, h,%nd� past* I , , � I ,11 nJgbt," and "to -morrow" are together'! ,, in a, gelicroils Can. A- f4W "I , , I'll, I i.. � used forty,eight times ij' �. , t, Im, ' � n an4 you Tlaye * . .. "I , �� 1i Person -five of ,these being writtex� spltudid - Anish that lasts 11 i I I out In long hand. Thus the daily put- , and-st4nds flae,heat" The' .. 1".. 11 : put of hyphens In these words total$ 891,182,960. Taking the, Av , best preparation for poli$ll, I I I 1��, written bypben to be one quarter of an ling Stoves, Vilies, grates I . I I ler I Inch, you have a straight line 3,$64 and ironwork, . � : I . miles long. At the usual rate of writ- . � . � If your dealar does not CxA" � . . Y',r Ing It would take one mail soventy-oix r "Bla& Xnight" 5tove Polisb in � I , , � I years to Inser,t the, hypbens In these , stodc� send us hLi name #ud im, I I I I words, and his salary would amount to I I and we will send &,full size tin IL :: 11 �� I'' LL about 2 20,000. 1 I , by return madl. � ''I But, avoiding all theory, "to -day," "to "to . "THE F; fl, DALLEY Co., Lmffm I . I 11 �. -night," and -morrow" are daily hyphenated four times each on 234,192 I 1 HAMILTON, ONT, 03 � � I I I 111, � typewriters, and 'three times daily oV Afakows qft�efalxo- "a in ill SA*-- Pa&k I I � �. .. . 184,212 linotype machines. Remem-' ____1.L__._ I i "um- N0016_0� I � . 111 i, � bering that a pressure of I ounce is I � . : I I � , required to strike a typewriter key, RE, ST AT LAST, . ''I .1 11, . and 21/ .e ounces to depress a linotype, we see that . in writing these hyphens Mrs. Jones�-Mrs. Brown and her I .� - .� I 11 �,� .. a total of 852i974 foot-pounds of energy, next door -neighbor, Mrs, Green, !!! , -­;,��, Is expended, or enough to draw a I don't speak any more. . I I L � I passenger train half -a -dozen times, Mrs, Smith -That's good- the � � � from London to Edinbur rest of the neighbo" will no1w be ' : 1. . 1. "I".11 To avoid appearing too critical, no� r ! .. � � , � `11 I $ W " wor ess glasses; and quacks ern Counties, and an proceeded to. - _-1 i aple 1,to ta,ke a, Aap D Oxe alte - I . I the same way; some will say "Yes," tiered Envoy �Brought to Light 'Who sell nostrums at shops or street South Africa to help oil the cause . I I mention has been made of the waste of � L L I . I -4 I i � . noon. I ��� . I I " others "No.,, In the mind of* the av In German Wood . corners to cure cancer, consumption, over there, Mr. Abbey has journey no, ADVICk TO TOWN. FOLK, Ink and paper, but this would, approxi- I . � I 1 � I I '. I � . Xnate In value the daily bread supply-, I I I I..� �. ,:,! age man Is entrenched the Idea tha,teiri I and. other grave diseases, which lead fewer than 5,000 miles during the last Advice to those who live in towns bf London, Manchester, and Glasgow., Corns are caused by -the I I I ,�, �, is dangerous to entrust a, secret to a A elreleton found In, a wood near the to the spread of disease and death. I .pressure 1� 1) . thirteen months. In addition, he has Where gossip never ceases: I � I ,,:. ''t 'woman. The talkativeness of a we- IvIllage of Quitzo.w, Germany, may I I of tight boots but no one need be ,It I"' man and her determination to have delivered ZOO addresses and taken 15,- ]Be careful how to pick your friends, Dr. J, I -D. ,N I 11� li. .. Cordial is IL . ellogg's Dysente�Ty troubled with them long when so I '1� turn out to be that. of Lord Bathurst, i THOSE FINGER PRINTS 000 pledges in the colleges and schools, And don't pick them to pieces. ,�i 1. � � , 1�� �J,i the last word are traditional among the English Ambassador at 'Vienna, from both teachers and scholars. �rejari��! from drugs simplo a remedy as Holloway's - 11 ­� men, and Very few of the male sex who disappeared on the 25th of Novem. � . I 11 I .''', 17 - i known to the professioa as thor- C.Orn Cure, is a-vailable. I I I , " 1:L Will have the courage to declare that ber, 1809, am he was returning to Eng, .�oll-Tale EvIdlzrice In Identifying and - . . , �� ,, " I ., 1, RABLE oughly reliable for the cure dl chol- - , .. I they have known. women to keep se- land. . A PA One of the commonest complaints . I I - crets. Tracing Criminals Two spiders who dwelt In different era, dysentery, diarrhoea, griphig . , � 11. ­� I � The Ambaseador's mysterious dis- 1 � of infants is worms, and the most I - HIS VACATION. � , . � 1,� �4 'Iffomen will talk," tilby say. "You parts of a church chanced to meet to- effective, application for them is paans and summer complaints. It I �11�' - � , appearanes caused great excitement ; gether In the aisle one day When out . I . . can't stop them. YOU might as Well throughout Europe. Early In the I The science of finger -prints is com- for a constitutional. 1. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- has been used successfully by me- IIDI-dl you have much of a, Vaca'- :­ . I . ,� expect a river to flow uphill as expect spring of 1809, Lord Bathurst bad been TaratiTielY Young. Though Scotland "How are you getting ont" said spil tor. dical practitioners for a number of tion this year?" . � t� a woman, to keep a secret." sent on a secret mission to the Vienna 'Yard Possesses some tells of thousands der No. I to spider No. 2. years �vith gratifying results. if IlThirty--hve dollats worth," i, I That is the reputation the women !Court, and at ,the conclusion of the bf records, It was only in 1901 that the l , ­_� I I 4i have got to live down. Jt is a repu-' !peace meeting at Schonbrum,.on the system "Oh, moderately," was the reply. "I SARTORIAL FINANCE suffering from any summer com- . ,. ' plaint it is Just the medicine that m1nard's Liniment Cures Qargatj� Cows. I . . . . . . I �i - 18th of 06tober of the 4rint was officially adopted. days I live In the Pulpit, under the'; Mrs. Xnicker-"It isn't what you will cure you. Try a bottle. It , I tattoo not utterly unfounded, for his of Identification by finger- don't feel very comfortable on Sun - It tory Itself gives us cases where WO- received orders to return home. ' But In that short time the authori- ,u,hion, and on that day the parson , pa.y forolotheo that makes you well sells for 25 cents. if a man owes a lot to his *if<_�_ ., e J luen ksyve disclosed mighty secrets started on the journey, and trave� 0 � t . I 's havJ � � 111,d tie e proved that their system is . I . _" ,.,J�,�:� " � . that have wreaked empires. from Berlin under the name of Koch, 'Almost infallible. It has enabled them comes an and sends dressed." it's because she is a po-or collec-. -,., 11 01 � . I I r, , his fists on .the side, and I have to __1.J , But the statement that no 'women a merchant. On November 25 he a � ,to make no less than forty-four -Mrs. Rocker -"No indeed-; it's . I c, I ; thou- keep Very close, or else some day I VACATION SCHEME. to-' I can keep a secret Is absurd. If there rived in Perleberg. Here be entered I sand Identifications, and that without what you owe." HIS .1, I �. axe many women who cannot keep a all hotel beside the posting statio think he'll hit me. He bangs with �, n. In !error, so far as Is known. I such force that I know he'll �squasb - "I have had a great deal of plea- FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. 11 : secret, there are some who can and the evening, when the journey should The bulbs of the fingers of human me to a jelly." . It is better to avert a''war tham sure from anticipating the trip." . � ,:. number of "Oh, you come and live with me,"I to fight and win; better to prevent "More pleasure, probably, than yr you waut to s;JI a tidnn. consult I ao. It is entirely safe to say that the have been resumed, Lord Bathurst was ibeings are marked with a I ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS. � I I . kyerage woman is no more apt to re- missing. His overcoat was found later ;very fine ridges running in certain said his companion. "I'm never trou.. I sickness than to cure it. Keep a you"II get from the trip itself." X me. . .. . � I i Teat an Important secret than a man. on a heap of wood In the collar of the Idirections, and arranged In patterns. bled; I am always comfortable, and' boWe -of Hamlins Wizard Oil in the "ThaVs what I think. So I've F you want to buy a form, consult " .1 , me - I . . , .,L . eaches her to keep quiet; If she is wood near the village of Quitzow. . types -arches, loops, whorls, and com- I , . ,The training of a business 'Woman Posting station, and his leggings in a ,"These are classed under four primary never disturbed from one Year's end' house, and .see how much suffering -decided to stay at home and sav�e I : I tterested In her work she wIll not to the other." . . .. qu - . HAVE some of the best Fruit, SwelL � I . ,� aid I .;, : I' aud prices right. I . I I ahe Into Lord Bathurst's disappearance, these patterns persist in all their de- ',And where do you live?" � I I ", , have much time for gossip, and r ; it saves the money." I There was a secret military in dry �osites, and It has been proved that "Indeedt" s the other spider.1 Grain or Dairy Faxms in Ontario, , "�, ,*, . poon. learns that It will be disastrous and a rumor was circulated that he tails throughout the -whole period of . . . I ,to herself as well as her firm If she had been murdered by the order of human life- "Oh, I live in the poor -box," was thd Jack met a friend of his, and, Ninety Colhorne . I . I I . 'discloses business secrets. Napoleon., This rumor was credited police of flicals reply. I W. DAWSON, I I '. . , As a consequence, the -.--. - ., ­ ­ _.___ - - noticing tbe, glum look -on his face, H. Street, Toronto. �. � ; During the last few years L 11 , I men have In some quarters, as, at the time, the whenever summoned to investigate a , said, "What's the matter, Harry 7" . AGENTS WANTED. : . - ,� . aearned to place great confidence in enmity against Prance in England had case of crime, search first foi- finger- - __+_ "A burglar visited our house last . I - i'� I l '' women. Times are changing. There reached its highest stage. prints, and these can usually be found. Smadl but Potent.-Parmelee,"s night and stole our $15 clock." St. Isidore, P. 0-, Aug. M 1904. ,1A.sV,ksSI�Rs' %VANk'RD %vaekly salary . I . � are lady secretaries to -day who are in When the inquiry into the envoy's When an arrest is made, finger -prints Vegetable Pills ara small' but they Minard's Liniment Co, Limited. f, T,;�m­Alfreti Tyler. 1,ontinli, 011ta,'rin. . I I � I - 'are taken from the prisoner's hand, ar5 effective in action. 'Their fine him 7" asked Jack. "That's the YINARD'S LIXINIENT and also prescribe ERE.- . I I � � 4 ,�, .',' charge of all the private details of disappearance came to naught, promi "But didn't your dog prevent Gentlemeni.-I have frequently used 11 their offices, and who, if they spoke GENTS WANTED EVERYWH < 1'� nent criminologists and historians ' and if they tally with those taken on High class business Ivith ll��st people. . I about the private Information they qualities .as a corrector of stomach it for my patients always with the n3ost A , I . occupied themselves with the case 'tbe scene of the crime one of the point," growled Harry, "He stole �ratifying results, .and I consider it the Calvert & Dwyer co., Limited, Toronto. I Possessed, could easily ruin their em- without, however, arriving at any con- 'strongest pieces of evidence it is pos- troubles are known to thousands that, too I" 'best all-round Liniment extant, GE'N�7TS WANTILD.-A ,study Of other ,-,, ,,�,,� " j � , ployers. Yet they keep as quiet as elusion. �Ible to obtain is there against him. and th I ey are in constant demand - Your$ truly, ,sitions convinces � 10. "��, mice, and Say no more than a man � The finger DR. JOS. AUG.. SIR( A, Agency ProPc X . �, Now, near the same spot where Lord -print collection of Scot- everywhere by' those who know Minard's I.InInient Cures Diphtheria. I )IS. tnat none can egual Ours- You NVIll for I . . �. worild RRY., ,Tko-y know that It doesn't Dathurst's leggings 'Were found, a ,',Is d Yard.is now a huge one, and a '_ I ways regret It iK you don't apply 20 I , � I I s -will fre what a, safe and simple remedy - - ticillar to Travellers' Dept-- I � I .1, I I '_5iy'io7 : 'Be nrch amongst these record -o inbroduc- - ;lit, and consequently they re- man's skeleton has been disco a Miss Rocksey - "But, papa, IA11*11�1.lt SI -11 - I I vered. I - , Ottawa I � �,�, I main dumb. It Is believed to be that of the English quently enable them to discover who __1_ I I .Of course, If a man Is entrusted 'with Ambassador. tne culprit of a misdeed happens to be, tion to those, acquainted -with them George is a hard-working young A GENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION. ,-- _. I I a busingss secret, and gives his word so that finger-printB are not only a but to those who may not know man." Old Ro eksey- "That's it _�-& The greatest agents' seller ever 1 1, . of honor not to reveal it to a soul, ,,form of identification, but a 'valuable exactly. The man I wish you to I --.- produoed; every userot peu and Ink buys' I . THE SEAMAN BARONET them they are presented � as the best it ,on sight; 2oo to 600 Der cent profit; obe . ., � �, , i : i then he should keep his -word: He to Sir Claude Robert Campbell, fourth help in tracing criminals. preparation on the market for dis- marry must be able to make money TOO READY MEMORY. agent's sales amounted to $620 in sill : I not even justified In telling his wife, T Naturally, these finger da-ys,,C&nother $32 in two hours. Monroe I baronet, of Guilford Street -print Impres- orders of the stomach. without working." Eliza,beth-My mamma, says she -Mfg, 0. X,, 468, La, CrossG, Wis. . despite the assertion that , W.C., who Cons are jealously guarded. � there served before the mast on the sailing 1. I can remember when your mamma � should be no secrets between man and - � I . wife. Naturally, any wife would feel ship Sutherlandshire from 1898 to 1900, --..--.-..--.---- ---...---- ____ ­ A Stamped Medigine.-Parme- kept a grocer's shop. MISCELLANEOUS. . - � � , .i : � hurt to think that her husband kept and who succeeded to the baronete . Dugald was ill, and his friend lee's Vegetable Pills, co Gwendoline�lndeed 1 14 1 AY and rARH SOALES. Wilson's � 'GRANIUMIS Of ]HE 6REAT Donald took a. bottle of whisky to Y ' !" I anything from her, but office on the dekth of his -father, the third of entirely vegetable substances ma says she can remember how ,, Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, TOrOntO- . I I - secrets baronet, In 1896, and died at sea on him. Donald gave, the invalid one known to hare a revivifying and much your mamma ow,ed her for AGENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR I � , � are office secrets, and should be spo- July 25 or 26, 1900, In an attempt to glass, and ,said:- "Ye'll get salutary -effect upon the digestive groceries. every home. Wr I ken of to no one. It is silly to get . iw us for our choice i swim ashore for assistance for the ; Prominent Mon Have Hsads Shaped anither yin in the mornin'." About organs, -have through yea,rs of use list of agents supplies. We have the � . angry and say that It shows a lack of rest of the crew when the ship was i greatest agency proposition in Canada, 1 7 1 I trust in his wife. Such is not even According to the Profession five minutes elapsed, and then Du- to -day. No outlay necessarY. APAY 73- ,; �� implied. But if men and women give wreaked, left estate now valued for I . attained so eminent a position that It is a fact beyond dispute that O. 1. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa.. . �� � � 1, I probate at :2253. A similar case of ,;� They Purituo gald .suddenly exclaimed:- "Ye'd they rank as a, standard medicine. , . ��. I their 'words to keep a secret they a titled gentleman serving before the ' . better let me hae, the ither noo, The, ailing Should remember this. one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. In. . I r should keep the secret, and the only has killed a bushel of house flies, C ternal and external, cured without �L 1, way to do this'Is not to men mast was, recently mentioned In the ; Ono of the most entertainins Is&- Donal', ye hear o' sae mon sudden. Simple in their composition, they P1.13 by our home treatmeut. Write u i 'I tion the ly 6 4 I i subject to a living soul. Probate Court when the Earl of Eg- kures of the coming Universal Races deaths nooa,days." can be assimilated by the weakest This is more than could possibly be bei,, late. Dr. Bellman. CollIX . .;,� mont's estate `W�s'val . caught on three hundred sheets of . woo " too �" Women CAN keep a secret. I . ued at 214,760. lConvess in London will be. a colleo. d, Out. '':,�� i His lordship, after i long service at� �on of Portraits. of the highest types at * stomach and are certain to have a . I :�� � �;�, � In. a general way, it Is not wise fol� 6edL, 'became a London fireman, and ,�r6ankind,*'produced by,,various coun- There arp, many sticky devices on healthful and agre�able effect on ky paper. All Druggists, Gro- TON SCALE GUARNNTEED. Wilson's I 11 1, . �t. I I . i I , cers and General Stores sell Wil-' 6 Sca,le Works, 9 Esplanade, To�ont.- � - husband, and wife to. keep oebreti was for som�6 time it eper'bf the Ves- ftles. These will In6lude Cabinet Mint. the market that kill some flies, but I 1. , I : , from each other. It generally leads .e the sluggish' digestive organs. � � '', , try Hall at Chelsea. . son's Fly Pads. Be sure you getthe L, PECIALISTS APVICR FREE. Conaull " �L. to trouble If the secret leaks out. . Mers, heads of universities, scientific housekeepers who have tested them P any diecaso. Lowest � I I t . ' "What are you crying about, genuine Wilson's. k-.3 us in regard tc ­ �, I I "A still tongue makes a wise head," MEN'S HATS IN CHURCH ,celebrities, and probably, great writ- know that N'Vilson's Fly Pads kill " 11 in drugs of all kinds. . L `1 � , , . says the proverb. iurs and musicians. - man�� times more, and do not dam- Freddy 7" "I got licked twice to- k-ruc.e. fitted by mail- , daY I ment. Olasses titted by age. Write to � I I But if silence were Indeed golden, The question of women wearing I "Our Idea," said Mr. Gustav SpIller, age, carpets and furniture like, all -day." "How was that?" "Teach- Mrs. Wildman -"I can tell YOU for anything .4old in fir6t-class drug . ; , � that the 11 continue - I . , we should soon become millionaires. hats In church recalls the fact that 'the organizer "is to show -his, Mr. Wildman, if yo .torps to Dr. riellman. Collingwood, Ont. 'I ' � . - - . - . men also formerly wore theirs at wor- .6'rominent Wgreat men of all coun. sticky fly catchers. er called me, an' I told dad, an' � . I , . ., - __ - I dad went up to thrash the teacherj in your present life 01 extrava- " � . 'i ship. gries have heads that are very similar ce you'll surely pay for it some THE BLIND RECTOR I Pepys shows that In the seventeenth 'in essential features. A man of one an' the teacher licked dad, an' dad ga n I C)ARPE.T [)YEIINO 4 I . I If every man loved his neighbor day." Mr. WiMman-"I wish, my and Cleanfiag. Thin LIS a specialty with thou � . century both men and women. wore 1�ountry who has forced himself into came home an' walloped me." I L 1% -A, The career of the Rev. H. J. R ' Mars- their hats to worship. Prominence in any sphere of life, is as he loves himself his Satanic Ma- -dear, that my creditors had tile British Arnerican' Dyeing Co' L . L, i ' 11 ton, the blind rector of Belgrave Cha-' "To church," he writes, 'land heard bound to resemble men of other coun- jesty would soon have to, hunt an- There are many imitations of same faith in my good intentio nS.)j Band pi�rtleuls,ra by polst and we are sure to saUdy. L I , ,�. pel, London, provides a striking examl a simple fellow open the praise of �triee who are In similar postions. This other job. Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de- Addre.ns Box fS8. Montreat. ) �' i� le of a man's triumph over infIrmitY4 church Musique, and exclaiming !should be shown clearly by the per. - I TRY MURINE I ; " I Vr. Marston lost his sight when het' . ceived by unsatisfactory imitations. EYE REMEDY 11 .� against men wearing their lists on in 'traits, and they should also show that for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes YOU CAN MAKE: FRO Itics produces one universal type, MRS. WIN9LOW'S SOOT14JNG Svitur has b,ter, $15 TO $30 A DAY L 11 � was about to enter Eton, and went to, the church." pol REST AND HEALTH TO MONER AND CHILD Get Wilson's. and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't I t I ; a school for blind boys at Worcester," #cIence another, music another, and so, used for over SIXTY TUARS by TAIT,X;IONS of '. In addition to dead langu LUer be notes that lie saw a minis- Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists handling this proposition, Our agents L - , ages, h6 ter "preach with his hatL Off . . . which pli. Recognition of this should tend _UOTI-11tRS for ocir CHILDREN WINTIV MISGUIDED SYMPATHY. Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, ,25c. elseNvl ere are doing it. You can. Au. - - speaks and -writes German, French;, I never saw before." to universal understanding and friend- TJEWTHING Nvitii rlJRVJ4CT SUCCESS. It ! � SOOTH:V,s tile C.'111ZI), SoVTENNS the Gums 50c $1.00. Murine Bye Salve in thentic referpnv,es roQuired. This is ; Xtallan and Spanish, and has preached' The hat was then an Integral part I 'ship- ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES NVXND COLIC,, M "You keep those horrid sheets of As'e'ptie Tubes, 25,, $1.00. Eye Books sound and legitimate. Address, P. 0. I I In Gorman in Whitechapel. He uses, of both male and female cos is the best reinedy for DIARRH(EA. it i Box 1145, Vancoliver. D. 0. 1! 11 tume, and ' RLI sticky flypaper in your house? Do and Eye Advice Free by Mail. 'L� and footJ I solutely harniless. Be sure and'ask for "Mrs. I-- 1, a,type-writer, plays cricket Pepys catches "a strange cold'in my I winsi.w. soothing Syrtip,ll and take no 'Aher you think it's humane to put even Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. L Lball with ringing balls, and ridei head by flinging off my h4t at dinner." kind. Twentx-five centsa bottle. flies to such a lingering, torturing - � . - I ­, . horses. During his holidays lie walks; - f1N1 BIRDS IN 011") LONDON I , e -1 Z) . I from ten. to fourteen miles a day and; ' ' - I KEPTQUIET. r . If q��A . death ?" e .r) " . I- ' ` _­ Beware of the man Whose . - �1 � I �J.1'1 11 , ' , four or five when in town. L And e�ery_f . , dog "Yes, I think it is, all things con- A man who had purchase,] a fine- --- ;;;; thing he does ,he does with a will. . Beautiful Feathered Creatures From crawls under the house when its sidered. Still, if You Prefer to let looking mare discovered, after driv- I'll 11-1k I � . ­ For reguiating the i All Over the World on Show rhaster enters the gate. I them scald themselves to death in ing the animal ior a, week, that N .. . I ,: ; D L " t . I . , I f, ANC.IENT COINS FOUN bowels, invigorating � your coffee I have n -o fn.ult to fin4� she was blind. Shortly afterwards - . .1 . � I ? �4 . An Interesting discovery has been; ;� The king among the more than 2,000 Minard's Linlinent Cures Colds, Etc.. They deserve even that." he succeeded in disposing of her, I I 11 I ,. the kidneys and Urds on view at ths� London Cage - M' ­.. - ,� : made in a field at; Kingsland Parm,'f ' t1leir : L ss -en her ,-_ 11 �, , 1 I 1 Rdwinstowe, situate In the heart of the Pird Association's annual ohow at the as the defect did not le 1 4 1 � - . I I'. I ' Some women spend lialf speed or detract from her general I - I L , stirring up the lazy The tail of a mouse is one of the .. 1. I IDukeries. While Ploughing a man; I ' -- 1, L �L I illoyal Horticultural Hall, Westinins- lives before the glam and"some, men conclusions a woman will jump at. . .- , � noticed the Instrument strike, some-' liver 'ter, is a handsome .specimen of the spend half theirs behind it, . The next day the *_ [�, � . thing hard, which, on investigation, I - owner of the mare appeared. I : . � was found to be an old earthenware I . ,'greater bird of Paradise In full plum- Canada Business College I f,: � - , .. 1, - "I say, you know tnab ware you CHATHAM, ONT, I � 111. . I � 11 1� � I jar thpt had apparently been buried, V*% hge. It belongs to Mr. R. Pauwels, a Fresh ,Supplies 5n Deroand. Sold me?" he began. "She's st,one go a class by Itself Am AmOrIca's I . � 'A!'* for a great number of years. The Jdr: "r. Morse's mous Belgian amateur collector, and Wherever Dr. Thomas' Eclectric . blind. " Schools of Business 039.., ins. I f L y the plough, and! . . "I know it," replied her last 414 STUDENTS PLACE. ,,nl,,, . I worth $7,500. Oil ha,s been introduced increased . peattered around were about 200 811-1 Indian 1� I . 385 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1909 1 1 : I I iver coins which are believed to be . � Mr. Pauwels has brought the bird supplies have been ordered, show- owner, with an easy air, 1 475 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1910 I , wherever it g . "You didn't say anything to me Wls publieh the lists annually. I L man. The find has been reportR Root Pills ,to England In company with other Val, ing thait oes this ex- I I Mr. B. S, Spencer, the district caro kable rareties especially, for the pre -f cellent, Oil impresses its power on �) lVe Pay full taro up to $8 00 and bring � i roo - , . about it said the purchaser, his long distance students for Kalf fare. - I aer, I I L I �sent show. His exhibits include a, th ople. No matter in what )a- I ID , face flus ed with anger, Good boa,rd and room, 3.00 per week. I I , . I i .- ....­­ __.__._.Z_ I have proved for ovei i,black-capped Ivry, a Cuban wood4 Ulte,U(ei, may be found its potency I It you cannot come to Oltatham. we O" . . � ecker, 4 pair of white mynalis and ' . I . "Well, you see," replied th(I train you by mail. . '41.- � --A_�eii6ii Who habitually looks out of. air of sky-blue budgerigars i0elt ,,7 ,is never impaired. It is put up in othtr l It the man who sold her to Here are some students illaced receiAlrb . I half a century, in � &to Wade Cameron & Ifeap, RaeinA. . . I � the corners of his eyes Is to be aiold- 'which are new bird � s to t " gliglis , most portable shape, in botth-s and me didn't tell me about it, a,u,d I R Burk, Nicholson & Halt, ReIrinu, � ertiWilly 9how bench. The greater b6 of Para, can be carried without fear of thought, perhaps, he didn't, want H Wood, Trust..Co., Cheboygan. Nieh, ed; his natural tendency is c I every quarter of ,the Ird �� , 381kht, calls just, reocived for Stonograph. . I . .. towards deception. Wee dominates them all, however, and. breakage. .. a I . I ' . I , I -'Larg(itt, iiooes ,"are " Ifivarlahly asgor - W0r1d,'ab601Ute13r tafO � ' " it: is. probablem that no other speclme* j I . I I .. . It known, ' 1.i -Is, 'sAdhers and jludfb�trsi for oloniDge I I . .- � ,,, I ' . �_ . I . . Vlti tiom 400 to %600 will ,044 YOU I � 11 ,� 0 ted,Wt,th strong-tralts of tharatt4p,, :� - to, brood will" bo, seen for -:malns,1 : Don!t,geb i 'to till� hillSit of giv- "I. I , . . tome Idea, of Ole demanao. . I I � � . : . I 'I.' . Athethe)r kdo44r_-bkd to doteriiiiii6d b$, ,, '"a M64 ldfftthi��, I Of— I , � In, I � � , 11 a t � I '* 'year ". it"iW ai , i� 1. it n',t ,ydiaefilt, to Induce the COLLEGE, REOP1114S, FOR 261,H YtAlt. I I I . . I ', , ,,, I . � I .fr I . hilittl6fi, iw tblo' countirg' I., - I � 0, . . � , � . ..,: ­ I �', .. - . . I . I nk -Vice beca,use you vW4 i�' g#41 I" , - - � . � I � .1. . . ,� I , I . se M OT".1 1 I. I � . � 10067 Okli� ldy-- 11 1skilt �piohfbftf g th T'l L!� ­ ' UAID119, dt, I Wdeft at ohrlhnAl.; ;. 1. _,o �1. - I I ,� , , . , I Owing lto'thd !leeree *hIell came Into I I lellow, U. opmpromi" whe-a . . I" I � , ., . , . a , , I -TOARP . " � . I I I '. other characteristics. '� " ­ , ­ 1_ , I I L .41 . I . I I , sitl :� r;.Meh of"maikid abil . I � J 'd of it. � . I ,:, I . ,, I � � , , I ity � ftk:10 line '� .. 251c. i. bio* 11 I , ,, , � � k� ,Vtillzo��th&t lynou have ,the best, CV,aleguo. � � , ',� �-� 1. I . ;1, � ,7 ha, . I � �-. export 6f birds, of - Paradfa& � 11- I I .;� � � ,, �" . I I I AtaRtgue;14 taild bt won%,bv� ma, . � I I . -*e usWly one,jde�p, per iidicular - f , I . I ; t Pe oVelll,$,Wher4l� ;PL I from Duto ; . . d - "Ithok rik".1 �, A I *ilnkle on the forehead, With' cifio Oi - , , Ouiuer, tbe hom � of the � species, ON-. I Dig sonie�eopleitaudl_ -I---.-- I I I , it I (L I I �, � .� . - Igo parallol W WA_W:Omb_60� 11 . I a ility isvliat I I � tn`� - . J a. MaLhCH14AN A t"d O 11. ooltolx% �', "":. , 1, � :, '�� , 1. I Ce0-9#tq0iP#_VA."mkQ"­ . I at _0613 6ey; ii�ro sbor4, _ I I I'M. I. I Issiva" - L110111ifit.00*11 019tempar �,Qho,44`66W I . I, , I I ""­­,"q�"_�­­ L . � � ". � . I I I r I � I I I I - �" I � I � %, "O", I I � ­ ` , 11 , �� I , , I , , , , , , , , , , , * - , I I. - I I. I 11 -11 � ��'i k�;4 , , " " , � . 1� I., I I I I . I I .1 11 � I �1- , ­ , " I - I I � -11 4 1-1 , , , .. L 1��. I � - I , � � - I I - " � I I . 1, , I I �--"�_11 I. I 11 I . . . I I I I � I . 11 I 1. I . I , , . I 1 I ,, I � . � � L I I I . 11 ollo", cair., I I .. I I � . ,. I I . � I . I � " I I . I �,' I �, I I , N 09-JualkO, \, . ,,, � � I I I I .1 I I .'. � , I .- . . L I r . . � I I'll � . . . .1 L P I "I I � I I , I %�, I I . I I , . I I I I I A � I i . � ) I I I / I I "I' �' , � I . � I . I i I . \ I 11.� I' I , I � I . . I � L . I I ; . I , I . , , , � �, I I .., I ­ - I 11 I L. . � I � ,, �,; - ,� V I � , . I I I I I . � I . � , I � r � . 11, . I I ­ � I . .. I ) I V r., I., .1 I , . � I . . �L C, -L I I 1� 0 ill- g 'L �­f , .�- , ­­ � ''. ' , ­ - -L,, ' �,­.­ , .1 - - I �, _ .. . I . L �­LL',L�. .! . � I � , I �, , I , . �*- 'vk""� ,_.�_ �,_ ,F� - I 14l,,, �­ ­�­ : I I r I I7 ,# -;:,21 &* , ,0; " �� �:�, �, � ­ �­ I , ,�:,� ­., I ­ , ,,,�,,. _. -L.'',r I I., 11� I ­_ , . 1. � . I ; . � : A.Nwfi*&�.��. : ,% ,,, iiiiiiimtigigmiliilm * L _, e. . I ,� Wi&6_&6W1.-d.2.1_ , - I s�',�:;"_-A ,__,,,,�', , , ,� � "I.- � ., � 69ilw ; I.- - I ­'. I - I "". � " - - 14 iL�1.. I I �'_"�. 1'6� ,!.,,�, ­­'. � __\.,�,��� � , I