HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 5I I I -T. I I .. I I � -, -'7-' "' - .-r�'_':_---�,,_ . .. . ... . . ...... '�", . ..... .... . ... '11"�_ftw�rI9"��,_ --fo I I -_ -
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IN : � 1'... I I . 2 _,; -j I , .
� I . 'A A 4rownwr .�, '' . - ,,�,�,Owoo I I I __ I I I r, �,
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11 I I To quote all old. saw, "When ;N
, � ,
:,�:,:, all's married ,ill$ troubles, bog li"l,
''. I , I
i .1 ,
Uch a oweell.lng is, on ti
As -every mother knows, the de.ath
� 1.
rate of little ,ones 14 Ct�lia& dur-
Kvon :Dollot In Witchoroft Provalls In
Baked 1
� rJecontly In To)�ae-WelglIo
, d,
11� ,%tat4xnent
� 40i
� �, : 0 of It, utterly ridiculous, for It Is,
ing.tlio hot summer months far ex-
Qomo Portion* of Krigiand
140 Poundo-12 ,Foot Long
,� I . nt4inount to Saying that there to no!
ceede that of any other seaso,41 of
. and Wales . I
. 1�
, ,
11 I
I" I )Uch thing, as happirleSS after mar-'
the year, The reason for this is
� -
The largest loaf of bread In tbe,
� .
��, 04ge. Thitilt 0
I . f It' And then think,,
'that the excessive' beat b i
rings. on
� I
world was baked the other day by
� ,
, 11 , �, ; f the couples you meet who are asl,
L, � �apy Ili tholl, married life as It is4
those dreaded troubles, oholera� I
Witoberaft has Arrived at the dig'
Afty 0% mention In A Goyernmeat Blue-
Andre�y,, NoWbe;rg; Of Austin, Texas,
I , : ,
�:�, / Possible to bQ !n this world. So happy
fagtum, diarrhoea, dysentery and
, .1 -
book. In g Local Government Board
TWO gigantic mass Of the Staff of,Ltle
. �,
%',' � ��'. Ire they that they would not exchange
i � I their happy home life for all the:
Otbel. Stomach, and biowel com-
plai: .ts. "I'llege, com e Oil so quickly
report Issued recently In London It
weighed 140 poundis, and was two feet
higli, three.te ,
r ,-et ivide, .and twelve feet
I . _., )Ingle -blessedness Ili the kingdoint �
and with such littlo wa,riiing that
in stated that In s, tow of tho more
long. . I
I -1 -
C - . , But when a business ..mail marrJeo,
often baby is beyond help before
outlying rural districts (of England
After tho Ingredients were mixed,
.1 ! . �
" -
� 0 Oertalill
k . fa y has a nice little. problemt,'
I I . ce. , I
lo Should lie tell office secrets,
t -
he mother realizes he is ill. Dur
and,Wales) belief In witchcraft Is still
the baiting process consumed more
than an bdur, a special oven being
� .
I . . W, his -wife?
. ing the hot summer months the )no-
held by a tow people.
used for the purpose.
1 I "Of course'" some will '04y; "A wo.,
ther must, be constantly oil I her
Herballate are said to be chiefly
The leaf wa s sent to a barbecue at
,i � , an can't keep 4 secret,, It Is abso,.
guard to see that baby's
popular in the Midlands and North,
Moulton, 'where It was out and dJstrj�
impossible? She must talk, and,,
'I it a secret is entrusted to her
are working regularly and his ]it-
where some vaunt bpurlous degrees
buted to a large crowd. Mr. Newberg
accompanied the bread to Its deStina-
. she is,
i oil tenterhooks until she to able to let,
tle stomach is kept sweet and pure,
Baby"o Own Tablets should always
and give certificates which are actual"
ly accepted by registrars of -death,
tion to see that it w4w Safely carried,
By this loaf, Mr, Newberg
� , tomeone else know it.
I I �von't toll anyone," she says
be kept in the home as they are the
They "seriously diminish th h
breaks his own record for the largest
. I 1011you ,
. her most Intimate friend. "Pro:,
i, I �' ,A�,� Inise me not to let a soul know itll#1
mother's greatest friend. A dose
now and then will prevent these
of cure, lead to a great amount of
unnecessary pain and suffering and
loaf of bread in the world, which was
one 'weighing a hundred pounds, Bent
I 1. "', And then
I ,
troi bles, or if they do come on sud-
premature death," and have caused
the spread of small -pox ana other In-
to the Louisana Exhibition in'1904.
,., I
I , 1 I— the secret Is passed on,
, I �� "?
, , I and Is a secret no longer.
I", .1
denly th-ey will be quickly banish-
fectious diseases by Ignorant diagno.
. : i
- � I
� I
�, 0 Are these people right or wrong?,
I ed by the Tablots. The Tablets
are EZId by medicine dealers by
sts and mistaken treatment.
� The North Is also the chosen ground
' . �
, : �� "I' .rhere are men who say that tllo,�G-
1'�. ` kvho talk thus don't know w i hat they'
mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams"
of the boilesetter ,and In parts of
W les belief in these men
a is said to
; 11
Temperance Veteran ourneyed 6,000
i . are talking about. Those men are'
�,`, I
I I fe"w1l On the, other hand, many men'
, 1, i
Medicine 0.(),, E oc -
r T
Villel- ont. .
be Implicit.
Other sources of danger dealt with
Miles In Thirteen Months I
".. will come forward and say that the
,' `.�
I __eii�
are unqualified dentists posing as
�,,� above statement Is strictly true, andi
11��, I they will bring ample proof In support:
don't speak any more. . I I L
"Institutes" and the like, who "sacri-
scale healthy
Enthusiasm In a cause one has at,
heart overcomes many obstacles which,
��:��"'?' Df It. These statements only I
':� nerease
the difficulty
I .
.teeth," supply Ill-fitting teeth, and
would be otherwise Insurmountable4
t,�,,!� of arriving at a definite,
i�, 4 conclusion. I
poison with anaesthetics of which they
il or instance, Mr. ,Tohn Abbey, the,
t , ,,4
V ...
1'� 1,. Can a woman keep a secret? Ages'
have no knowledge; unqualified opti�
citins who write all sorts of letters
,well-known temperance veteran, spent4
over forty years In England, where be�,
'i Will come and go, and the same ques-
, ''�, tten will be asked and answered '-
I , ,
'Skeleton Believed to be 'That of Mur-
after their names, and Injure eyesight
+11 410
i-endered yeoman service In the East-
, � I
' . ,
: I'll,
, "
. .
. �
11 ...
i , �A
I 111; I I I .
. I I
Someone wItti1ovo forMlIorot Provei
I , ...
1� t
1. I 11
I 4 I
11 .
. -:�,,,,��
ItI601,11min'l[Wasto, ,
; 1, �t�� I
� I I
. ; ,
I , .
Although the general tollooncy to to,
I � I �
. 1�
, ,
11 I
do, away with unneceziary marks' R
1 1 .
Punctuation, the hyphen to otill,re-
- � I I
� ! �1,1
, " and ,,to-,
talned In "to -day," ",to.,nighl"
,� I r.W1 I " I. 11 ,.,�, I
, r.
I . �
worr9w.11 That the retaining of th4
hyphen In these words Is not only use�
, L 11
stove Ponsh
leas but absolutely criminal Is ,easily,
� L . I I I
. .. - �
. demonstrated by a bit of Omplo matber
. t1asums no Lar4 work and I .
I �
mattes, I I
I . Tio 4irty work. No x4e$Sing ,, '
� � I . � ,
. There are 17aA86,5U 4ngllsh.speak-
Ing People. The words 11to-day," 0,to�
, or mrixin.X� L A, h,%nd� past*
I , ,
� I ,11
nJgbt," and "to -morrow" are together'!
in a, gelicroils Can. A- f4W "I
, ,
I i.. �
used forty,eight times ij'
, t, Im, '
� n an4 you Tlaye * .
.. "I
, ��
Person -five of ,these being writtex�
spltudid - Anish that lasts
i I I
out In long hand. Thus the daily put-
and-st4nds flae,heat" The'
.. 1".. 11 :
put of hyphens In these words total$
891,182,960. Taking the, Av
best preparation for poli$ll,
written bypben to be one quarter of an
ling Stoves, Vilies, grates I
I I ler
Inch, you have a straight line 3,$64
and ironwork, . �
: I .
miles long. At the usual rate of writ-
. � . �
If your dealar does not CxA"
� . .
Ing It would take one mail soventy-oix
r "Bla& Xnight" 5tove Polisb in
� I , ,
� I
years to Inser,t the, hypbens In these ,
stodc� send us hLi name #ud im, I
words, and his salary would amount to
I and we will send &,full size tin
:: 11 �� I'' LL
about 2 20,000. 1
I ,
by return madl. �
But, avoiding all theory, "to -day,"
"to "to
"THE F; fl, DALLEY Co., Lmffm
. I 11
-night," and -morrow" are daily
hyphenated four times each on 234,192
� � I I I
111, �
typewriters, and 'three times daily oV
Afakows qft�efalxo- "a in ill SA*-- Pa&k
I � �.
.. .
184,212 linotype machines. Remem-'
I i "um- N0016_0�
I � . 111 i, �
bering that a pressure of I ounce is
I �
: I I � ,
required to strike a typewriter key,
. ''I .1
11, .
and 21/
.e ounces to depress a linotype,
we see that . in writing these hyphens
Mrs. Jones�-Mrs. Brown and her I
- .� I
11 �,� ..
a total of 852i974 foot-pounds of energy,
next door -neighbor, Mrs, Green, !!!
, -;,��,
Is expended, or enough to draw a
don't speak any more. . I I L
� I
passenger train half -a -dozen times,
Mrs, Smith -That's good- the
� �
from London to Edinbur
rest of the neighbo" will no1w be ' :
. 1.
To avoid appearing too critical, no�
r ! ..
� , � `11
$ W " wor ess glasses; and quacks ern Counties, and an proceeded to. - _-1 i aple 1,to ta,ke a, Aap D Oxe alte - I
. I the same way; some will say "Yes," tiered Envoy �Brought to Light 'Who sell nostrums at shops or street South Africa to help oil the cause . I I mention has been made of the waste of � L L I . I -4
I i � . noon. I ��� .
I I " others "No.,, In the mind of* the av In German Wood . corners to cure cancer, consumption, over there, Mr. Abbey has journey no, ADVICk TO TOWN. FOLK, Ink and paper, but this would, approxi- I . � I 1 � I I '.
I � . Xnate In value the daily bread supply-, I I I I..� �.
,:,! age man Is entrenched the Idea tha,teiri I and. other grave diseases, which lead fewer than 5,000 miles during the last Advice to those who live in towns bf London, Manchester, and Glasgow., Corns are caused by -the I I
I ,�,
�, is dangerous to entrust a, secret to a A elreleton found In, a wood near the to the spread of disease and death. I .pressure 1�
1) . thirteen months. In addition, he has Where gossip never ceases: I � I ,,:.
''t 'woman. The talkativeness of a we- IvIllage of Quitzo.w, Germany, may I I of tight boots but no one need be ,It
I"' man and her determination to have delivered ZOO addresses and taken 15,- ]Be careful how to pick your friends, Dr. J, I -D. ,N I 11� li.
.. Cordial is IL . ellogg's Dysente�Ty troubled with them long when so I '1�
turn out to be that. of Lord Bathurst, i THOSE FINGER PRINTS 000 pledges in the colleges and schools, And don't pick them to pieces. ,�i
1. � � ,
�J,i the last word are traditional among the English Ambassador at 'Vienna, from both teachers and scholars. �rejari��! from drugs simplo a remedy as Holloway's -
� men, and Very few of the male sex who disappeared on the 25th of Novem. � . I 11
I .''', 17 - i known to the professioa as thor- C.Orn Cure, is a-vailable. I I I , "
1:L Will have the courage to declare that ber, 1809, am he was returning to Eng, .�oll-Tale EvIdlzrice In Identifying and - . . ,
�� ,, " I .,
1, RABLE oughly reliable for the cure dl chol- - , ..
I they have known. women to keep se- land. . A PA One of the commonest complaints . I I -
crets. Tracing Criminals Two spiders who dwelt In different era, dysentery, diarrhoea, griphig . , � 11.
� I � The Ambaseador's mysterious dis- 1 � of infants is worms, and the most I - HIS VACATION. � , . � 1,�
�4 'Iffomen will talk," tilby say. "You parts of a church chanced to meet to- effective, application for them is paans and summer complaints. It I �11�'
- � , appearanes caused great excitement ; gether In the aisle one day When out . I
. . can't stop them. YOU might as Well throughout Europe. Early In the I The science of finger -prints is com- for a constitutional. 1. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- has been used successfully by me- IIDI-dl you have much of a, Vaca'- : . I .
,� expect a river to flow uphill as expect spring of 1809, Lord Bathurst bad been TaratiTielY Young. Though Scotland "How are you getting ont" said spil tor. dical practitioners for a number of tion this year?" . �
t� a woman, to keep a secret." sent on a secret mission to the Vienna 'Yard Possesses some tells of thousands der No. I to spider No. 2. years �vith gratifying results. if IlThirty--hve dollats worth,"
i, I That is the reputation the women !Court, and at ,the conclusion of the bf records, It was only in 1901 that the l , _� I I
4i have got to live down. Jt is a repu-' !peace meeting at Schonbrum,.on the system "Oh, moderately," was the reply. "I SARTORIAL FINANCE suffering from any summer com- . ,.
' plaint it is Just the medicine that m1nard's Liniment Cures Qargatj� Cows. I
. .
. . . .
�i - 18th of 06tober of the 4rint was officially adopted. days I live In the Pulpit, under the'; Mrs. Xnicker-"It isn't what you will cure you. Try a bottle. It , I
tattoo not utterly unfounded, for his of Identification by finger- don't feel very comfortable on Sun -
It tory Itself gives us cases where WO- received orders to return home. ' But In that short time the authori- ,u,hion, and on that day the parson , pa.y forolotheo that makes you well sells for 25 cents. if a man owes a lot to his *if<_�_ ., e
J luen ksyve disclosed mighty secrets started on the journey, and trave� 0 � t . I
's havJ
� � 111,d tie e proved that their system is . I . _" ,.,J�,�:�
" � . that have wreaked empires. from Berlin under the name of Koch, 'Almost infallible. It has enabled them comes an and sends dressed." it's because she is a po-or collec-. -,., 11 01 �
I I r, , his fists on .the side, and I have to __1.J ,
But the statement that no 'women a merchant. On November 25 he a � ,to make no less than forty-four -Mrs. Rocker -"No indeed-; it's . I c,
I ; thou- keep Very close, or else some day I VACATION SCHEME. to-' I
can keep a secret Is absurd. If there rived in Perleberg. Here be entered I sand Identifications, and that without what you owe." HIS .1, I �.
axe many women who cannot keep a all hotel beside the posting statio think he'll hit me. He bangs with �,
n. In !error, so far as Is known. I such force that I know he'll �squasb - "I have had a great deal of plea- FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. 11
: secret, there are some who can and the evening, when the journey should The bulbs of the fingers of human me to a jelly." . It is better to avert a''war tham sure from anticipating the trip." . � ,:.
number of "Oh, you come and live with me,"I to fight and win; better to prevent "More pleasure, probably, than yr you waut to s;JI a tidnn. consult I
ao. It is entirely safe to say that the have been resumed, Lord Bathurst was ibeings are marked with a I ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS.
� I
I . kyerage woman is no more apt to re- missing. His overcoat was found later ;very fine ridges running in certain said his companion. "I'm never trou.. I sickness than to cure it. Keep a you"II get from the trip itself." X me. . ..
I i Teat an Important secret than a man. on a heap of wood In the collar of the Idirections, and arranged In patterns. bled; I am always comfortable, and' boWe -of Hamlins Wizard Oil in the "ThaVs what I think. So I've F you want to buy a form, consult " .1 ,
me - I . . , .,L
. eaches her to keep quiet; If she is wood near the village of Quitzow. . types -arches, loops, whorls, and com- I , .
,The training of a business 'Woman Posting station, and his leggings in a ,"These are classed under four primary never disturbed from one Year's end' house, and .see how much suffering -decided to stay at home and sav�e I
: I tterested In her work she wIll not to the other." . .
qu - . HAVE some of the best Fruit, SwelL � I . ,�
aid I
.;, : I' aud prices right. I . I I
ahe Into Lord Bathurst's disappearance, these patterns persist in all their de- ',And where do you live?" � I I ",
, have much time for gossip, and r ; it saves the money."
I There was a secret military in dry �osites, and It has been proved that "Indeedt" s the other spider.1 Grain or Dairy Faxms in Ontario,
"�, ,*, .
poon. learns that It will be disastrous and a rumor was circulated that he tails throughout the -whole period of . . . I
,to herself as well as her firm If she had been murdered by the order of human life- "Oh, I live in the poor -box," was thd Jack met a friend of his, and, Ninety Colhorne . I . I I
. 'discloses business secrets. Napoleon., This rumor was credited police of flicals reply. I W. DAWSON, I I '.
. , As a consequence, the -.--. - ., _.___ - - noticing tbe, glum look -on his face, H. Street, Toronto. �.
� ; During the last few years L 11 ,
men have In some quarters, as, at the time, the whenever summoned to investigate a , said, "What's the matter, Harry 7" . AGENTS WANTED. : . - ,�
. aearned to place great confidence in enmity against Prance in England had case of crime, search first foi- finger- - __+_ "A burglar visited our house last . I - i'� I
l '' women. Times are changing. There reached its highest stage. prints, and these can usually be found. Smadl but Potent.-Parmelee,"s night and stole our $15 clock." St. Isidore, P. 0-, Aug. M 1904. ,1A.sV,ksSI�Rs' %VANk'RD %vaekly salary . I .
are lady secretaries to -day who are in When the inquiry into the envoy's When an arrest is made, finger -prints Vegetable Pills ara small' but they Minard's Liniment Co, Limited. f, T,;�mAlfreti Tyler. 1,ontinli, 011ta,'rin. . I I �
I - 'are taken from the prisoner's hand, ar5 effective in action. 'Their fine him 7" asked Jack. "That's the YINARD'S LIXINIENT and also prescribe ERE.- . I I �
� 4 ,�, .',' charge of all the private details of disappearance came to naught, promi "But didn't your dog prevent Gentlemeni.-I have frequently used
11 their offices, and who, if they spoke GENTS WANTED EVERYWH
< 1'� nent criminologists and historians ' and if they tally with those taken on High class business Ivith ll��st people.
. I about the private Information they qualities .as a corrector of stomach it for my patients always with the n3ost A , I
. occupied themselves with the case 'tbe scene of the crime one of the point," growled Harry, "He stole �ratifying results, .and I consider it the Calvert & Dwyer co., Limited, Toronto. I
Possessed, could easily ruin their em- without, however, arriving at any con- 'strongest pieces of evidence it is pos- troubles are known to thousands that, too I" 'best all-round Liniment extant, GE'N�7TS WANTILD.-A ,study Of other ,-,, ,,�,,�
" j � , ployers. Yet they keep as quiet as elusion. �Ible to obtain is there against him. and th I ey are in constant demand - Your$ truly, ,sitions convinces � 10.
"��, mice, and Say no more than a man � The finger DR. JOS. AUG.. SIR( A, Agency ProPc X
. �, Now, near the same spot where Lord -print collection of Scot- everywhere by' those who know Minard's I.InInient Cures Diphtheria. I )IS. tnat none can egual Ours- You NVIll for I . .
�. worild RRY., ,Tko-y know that It doesn't Dathurst's leggings 'Were found, a ,',Is d Yard.is now a huge one, and a '_ I ways regret It iK you don't apply 20 I , � I
I s -will fre what a, safe and simple remedy - - ticillar to Travellers' Dept-- I � I .1, I
I '_5iy'io7 : 'Be nrch amongst these record -o inbroduc- -
;lit, and consequently they re- man's skeleton has been disco a Miss Rocksey - "But, papa, IA11*11�1.lt SI -11 - I
I vered. I - , Ottawa I �
�,�, I main dumb. It Is believed to be that of the English quently enable them to discover who __1_
I I .Of course, If a man Is entrusted 'with Ambassador. tne culprit of a misdeed happens to be, tion to those, acquainted -with them George is a hard-working young A GENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION. ,-- _.
I I a busingss secret, and gives his word so that finger-printB are not only a but to those who may not know man." Old Ro eksey- "That's it _�-& The greatest agents' seller ever 1
1, . of honor not to reveal it to a soul, ,,form of identification, but a 'valuable exactly. The man I wish you to I --.- produoed; every userot peu and Ink buys' I
. THE SEAMAN BARONET them they are presented � as the best it ,on sight; 2oo to 600 Der cent profit; obe .
� �, , i : i then he should keep his -word: He to Sir Claude Robert Campbell, fourth help in tracing criminals. preparation on the market for dis- marry must be able to make money TOO READY MEMORY. agent's sales amounted to $620 in sill :
I not even justified In telling his wife, T Naturally, these finger da-ys,,C¬her $32 in two hours. Monroe I
baronet, of Guilford Street -print Impres- orders of the stomach. without working." Eliza,beth-My mamma, says she -Mfg, 0. X,, 468, La, CrossG, Wis. .
despite the assertion that , W.C., who Cons are jealously guarded. �
there served before the mast on the sailing 1. I can remember when your mamma
� should be no secrets between man and -
� I . wife. Naturally, any wife would feel ship Sutherlandshire from 1898 to 1900, --..--.-..--.---- ---...---- ____ A Stamped Medigine.-Parme- kept a grocer's shop. MISCELLANEOUS. . -
� � , .i : � hurt to think that her husband kept and who succeeded to the baronete . Dugald was ill, and his friend lee's Vegetable Pills, co Gwendoline�lndeed 1 14 1 AY and rARH SOALES. Wilson's �
'GRANIUMIS Of ]HE 6REAT Donald took a. bottle of whisky to
Y '
!" I anything from her, but office on the dekth of his -father, the third of entirely vegetable substances ma says she can remember how ,, Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, TOrOntO- . I
I - secrets baronet, In 1896, and died at sea on him. Donald gave, the invalid one known to hare a revivifying and much your mamma ow,ed her for AGENTS WANTED. A LINE FOR
� , � are office secrets, and should be spo- July 25 or 26, 1900, In an attempt to glass, and ,said:- "Ye'll get salutary -effect upon the digestive groceries. every home. Wr I
ken of to no one. It is silly to get . iw us for our choice i
swim ashore for assistance for the ; Prominent Mon Have Hsads Shaped anither yin in the mornin'." About organs, -have through yea,rs of use list of agents supplies. We have the
� . angry and say that It shows a lack of rest of the crew when the ship was i greatest agency proposition in Canada, 1
7 1 I trust in his wife. Such is not even According to the Profession five minutes elapsed, and then Du- to -day. No outlay necessarY. APAY 73- ,;
�� implied. But if men and women give wreaked, left estate now valued for I . attained so eminent a position that It is a fact beyond dispute that O. 1. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottawa.. . �� �
� 1, I probate at :2253. A similar case of ,;� They Purituo gald .suddenly exclaimed:- "Ye'd they rank as a, standard medicine. , .
��. I their 'words to keep a secret they a titled gentleman serving before the ' . better let me hae, the ither noo, The, ailing Should remember this. one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. In. . I
r should keep the secret, and the only has killed a bushel of house flies, C ternal and external, cured without
�L 1, way to do this'Is not to men mast was, recently mentioned In the ; Ono of the most entertainins Is&- Donal', ye hear o' sae mon sudden. Simple in their composition, they P1.13 by our home treatmeut. Write u
i 'I tion the ly 6 4
I i subject to a living soul. Probate Court when the Earl of Eg- kures of the coming Universal Races deaths nooa,days." can be assimilated by the weakest This is more than could possibly be bei,, late. Dr. Bellman. CollIX .
.;,� mont's estate `W�s'val . caught on three hundred sheets of . woo " too
�" Women CAN keep a secret. I . ued at 214,760. lConvess in London will be. a colleo. d, Out.
'':,�� i His lordship, after i long service at� �on of Portraits. of the highest types at * stomach and are certain to have a . I
:�� � �;�, � In. a general way, it Is not wise fol� 6edL, 'became a London fireman, and ,�r6ankind,*'produced by,,various coun- There arp, many sticky devices on healthful and agre�able effect on ky paper. All Druggists, Gro- TON SCALE GUARNNTEED. Wilson's I 11
1, .
�t. I I . i I , cers and General Stores sell Wil-' 6 Sca,le Works, 9 Esplanade, To�ont.- � -
husband, and wife to. keep oebreti was for som�6 time it eper'bf the Ves- ftles. These will In6lude Cabinet Mint. the market that kill some flies, but I 1. , I
: , from each other. It generally leads .e the sluggish' digestive organs. �
� '', , try Hall at Chelsea. . son's Fly Pads. Be sure you getthe L, PECIALISTS APVICR FREE. Conaull "
�L. to trouble If the secret leaks out. . Mers, heads of universities, scientific housekeepers who have tested them P any diecaso. Lowest � I
I t . ' "What are you crying about, genuine Wilson's. k-.3 us in regard tc
�, I I "A still tongue makes a wise head," MEN'S HATS IN CHURCH ,celebrities, and probably, great writ- know that N'Vilson's Fly Pads kill " 11 in drugs of all kinds. . L `1
� , , . says the proverb. iurs and musicians. - man�� times more, and do not dam- Freddy 7" "I got licked twice to- k-ruc.e. fitted by mail-
, daY
I ment. Olasses titted by age. Write to
� I I But if silence were Indeed golden, The question of women wearing I "Our Idea," said Mr. Gustav SpIller, age, carpets and furniture like, all -day." "How was that?" "Teach- Mrs. Wildman -"I can tell YOU for anything .4old in fir6t-class drug . ;
, � that the 11 continue -
I . , we should soon become millionaires. hats In church recalls the fact that 'the organizer "is to show -his, Mr. Wildman, if yo .torps to Dr. riellman. Collingwood, Ont. 'I
� . - - . - . men also formerly wore theirs at wor- .6'rominent Wgreat men of all coun. sticky fly catchers. er called me, an' I told dad, an' � . I ,
., - __ - I dad went up to thrash the teacherj in your present life 01 extrava- " �
. 'i ship. gries have heads that are very similar ce you'll surely pay for it some
THE BLIND RECTOR I Pepys shows that In the seventeenth 'in essential features. A man of one an' the teacher licked dad, an' dad ga n I C)ARPE.T [)YEIINO 4
I . I If every man loved his neighbor day." Mr. WiMman-"I wish, my and Cleanfiag. Thin LIS a specialty with thou
� . century both men and women. wore 1�ountry who has forced himself into came home an' walloped me." I L
1% -A, The career of the Rev. H. J. R ' Mars- their hats to worship. Prominence in any sphere of life, is as he loves himself his Satanic Ma- -dear, that my creditors had tile British Arnerican' Dyeing Co' L .
i ' 11 ton, the blind rector of Belgrave Cha-' "To church," he writes, 'land heard bound to resemble men of other coun- jesty would soon have to, hunt an- There are many imitations of same faith in my good intentio nS.)j Band pi�rtleuls,ra by polst and we are sure to saUdy. L I ,
,�. pel, London, provides a striking examl a simple fellow open the praise of �triee who are In similar postions. This other job. Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de- Addre.ns Box fS8. Montreat. )
�' i� le of a man's triumph over infIrmitY4 church Musique, and exclaiming !should be shown clearly by the per. - I TRY MURINE I
; " I Vr. Marston lost his sight when het' . ceived by unsatisfactory imitations. EYE REMEDY 11
.� against men wearing their lists on in 'traits, and they should also show that for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes YOU CAN MAKE: FRO
Itics produces one universal type, MRS. WIN9LOW'S SOOT14JNG Svitur has b,ter, $15 TO $30 A DAY
11 � was about to enter Eton, and went to, the church." pol REST AND HEALTH TO MONER AND CHILD Get Wilson's. and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't I t
I ; a school for blind boys at Worcester," #cIence another, music another, and so, used for over SIXTY TUARS by TAIT,X;IONS of
'. In addition to dead langu LUer be notes that lie saw a minis- Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists handling this proposition, Our agents L
- , ages, h6 ter "preach with his hatL Off . . . which pli. Recognition of this should tend _UOTI-11tRS for ocir CHILDREN WINTIV MISGUIDED SYMPATHY. Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, ,25c. elseNvl ere are doing it. You can. Au. -
- speaks and -writes German, French;, I never saw before." to universal understanding and friend- TJEWTHING Nvitii rlJRVJ4CT SUCCESS. It !
� SOOTH:V,s tile C.'111ZI), SoVTENNS the Gums 50c $1.00. Murine Bye Salve in thentic referpnv,es roQuired. This is ;
Xtallan and Spanish, and has preached' The hat was then an Integral part I 'ship- ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES NVXND COLIC,, M "You keep those horrid sheets of As'e'ptie Tubes, 25,, $1.00. Eye Books sound and legitimate. Address, P. 0. I
I In Gorman in Whitechapel. He uses, of both male and female cos is the best reinedy for DIARRH(EA. it i Box 1145, Vancoliver. D. 0. 1!
11 tume, and ' RLI sticky flypaper in your house? Do and Eye Advice Free by Mail. 'L�
and footJ I solutely harniless. Be sure and'ask for "Mrs. I-- 1,
a,type-writer, plays cricket Pepys catches "a strange cold'in my I winsi.w. soothing Syrtip,ll and take no 'Aher you think it's humane to put even Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
L Lball with ringing balls, and ridei head by flinging off my h4t at dinner." kind. Twentx-five centsa bottle. flies to such a lingering, torturing - � . - I , .
horses. During his holidays lie walks; - f1N1 BIRDS IN 011") LONDON I , e -1 Z) .
I from ten. to fourteen miles a day and; ' ' - I KEPTQUIET. r . If q��A
. death ?" e .r) " . I-
' ` _ Beware of the man Whose . - �1 � I �J.1'1 11
, ' , four or five when in town. L And e�ery_f . , dog "Yes, I think it is, all things con- A man who had purchase,] a fine- ---
;;;; thing he does ,he does with a will. . Beautiful Feathered Creatures From crawls under the house when its sidered. Still, if You Prefer to let looking mare discovered, after driv- I'll 11-1k I �
For reguiating the i All Over the World on Show rhaster enters the gate. I them scald themselves to death in ing the animal ior a, week, that N .. . I ,:
; D L " t . I . , I
f, ANC.IENT COINS FOUN bowels, invigorating � your coffee I have n -o fn.ult to fin4� she was blind. Shortly afterwards - . .1 .
� I ?
�4 . An Interesting discovery has been; ;� The king among the more than 2,000 Minard's Linlinent Cures Colds, Etc.. They deserve even that." he succeeded in disposing of her, I I 11
,. the kidneys and Urds on view at ths� London Cage - M' .. - ,� :
made in a field at; Kingsland Parm,'f ' t1leir : L ss -en her ,-_ 11 �, , 1 I 1
Rdwinstowe, situate In the heart of the Pird Association's annual ohow at the as the defect did not le 1 4 1 � - . I I'.
' Some women spend lialf speed or detract from her general I -
I L , stirring up the lazy The tail of a mouse is one of the .. 1.
I IDukeries. While Ploughing a man; I ' -- 1, L �L
I illoyal Horticultural Hall, Westinins- lives before the glam and"some, men conclusions a woman will jump at. . .- ,
� noticed the Instrument strike, some-' liver 'ter, is a handsome .specimen of the spend half theirs behind it, . The next day the *_ [�,
� . thing hard, which, on investigation, I - owner of the mare appeared. I
: . � was found to be an old earthenware I . ,'greater bird of Paradise In full plum- Canada Business College I f,:
� - , .. 1, - "I say, you know tnab ware you CHATHAM, ONT, I � 111. . I � 11 1� �
I jar thpt had apparently been buried, V*% hge. It belongs to Mr. R. Pauwels, a Fresh ,Supplies 5n Deroand. Sold me?" he began. "She's st,one go a class by Itself Am AmOrIca's I .
� 'A!'* for a great number of years. The Jdr: "r. Morse's mous Belgian amateur collector, and Wherever Dr. Thomas' Eclectric . blind. " Schools of Business 039.., ins. I f
y the plough, and! . . "I know it," replied her last 414 STUDENTS PLACE. ,,nl,,, .
I worth $7,500. Oil ha,s been introduced increased
. peattered around were about 200 811-1 Indian 1� I . 385 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1909 1 1 :
I I iver coins which are believed to be . � Mr. Pauwels has brought the bird supplies have been ordered, show- owner, with an easy air, 1 475 STUDENTS PLACED IN 1910 I
, wherever it g . "You didn't say anything to me Wls publieh the lists annually. I L
man. The find has been reportR Root Pills ,to England In company with other Val, ing thait oes this ex- I I
Mr. B. S, Spencer, the district caro kable rareties especially, for the pre -f cellent, Oil impresses its power on �) lVe Pay full taro up to $8 00 and bring �
i roo - , . about it said the purchaser, his long distance students for Kalf fare. -
I aer, I I L I �sent show. His exhibits include a, th ople. No matter in what )a- I ID , face flus ed with anger, Good boa,rd and room, 3.00 per week. I I
. I i .- .... __.__._.Z_ I have proved for ovei i,black-capped Ivry, a Cuban wood4 Ulte,U(ei, may be found its potency I It you cannot come to Oltatham. we O" . .
� ecker, 4 pair of white mynalis and ' . I . "Well, you see," replied th(I train you by mail. .
'41.- � --A_�eii6ii Who habitually looks out of. air of sky-blue budgerigars i0elt ,,7 ,is never impaired. It is put up in othtr l It the man who sold her to Here are some students illaced receiAlrb . I
half a century, in � &to Wade Cameron & Ifeap, RaeinA. . . I
the corners of his eyes Is to be aiold- 'which are new bird � s to t " gliglis , most portable shape, in botth-s and me didn't tell me about it, a,u,d I R Burk, Nicholson & Halt, ReIrinu, �
ertiWilly 9how bench. The greater b6 of Para, can be carried without fear of thought, perhaps, he didn't, want H Wood, Trust..Co., Cheboygan. Nieh,
ed; his natural tendency is c I every quarter of ,the Ird �� , 381kht, calls just, reocived for Stonograph. . I
. .. towards deception. Wee dominates them all, however, and. breakage. .. a I . I
. I , I -'Larg(itt, iiooes ,"are " Ifivarlahly asgor - W0r1d,'ab601Ute13r tafO � ' " it: is. probablem that no other speclme* j I . I I .. . It known, ' 1.i -Is, 'sAdhers and jludfb�trsi for oloniDge I
I . .- � ,,, I ' . �_ . I . . Vlti tiom 400 to %600 will ,044 YOU
I � 11 ,� 0 ted,Wt,th strong-tralts of tharatt4p,, :� - to, brood will" bo, seen for -:malns,1 : Don!t,geb i 'to till� hillSit of giv- "I. I , . . tome Idea, of Ole demanao. . I I � � . : .
I 'I.' . Athethe)r kdo44r_-bkd to doteriiiiii6d b$, ,, '"a M64 ldfftthi��, I Of— I , � In, I � � , 11 a t �
I '* 'year ". it"iW ai , i� 1. it n',t ,ydiaefilt, to Induce the COLLEGE, REOP1114S, FOR 261,H YtAlt. I I
I . . I ', ,
,,, I . � I .fr I . hilittl6fi, iw tblo' countirg' I., - I �
0, . . � , � . ..,: I �', .. - . . I . I nk -Vice beca,use you vW4 i�' g#41 I" , - - � . � I � .1.
. . ,� I , I . se M OT".1 1 I. I � .
� 10067 Okli� ldy-- 11 1skilt �piohfbftf g th T'l L!� ' UAID119, dt, I Wdeft at ohrlhnAl.; ;. 1. _,o
�1. - I I ,� , , . , I Owing lto'thd !leeree *hIell came Into I I lellow, U. opmpromi" whe-a . . I"
I � , ., . , . a , , I -TOARP .
" � . I I I
'. other characteristics. '� " , 1_ , I I L .41 . I . I I , sitl
:� r;.Meh of"maikid abil . I � J 'd of it. � . I ,:, I . ,, I � � , ,
ity � ftk:10 line '� .. 251c. i. bio* 11 I , ,, , � � k� ,Vtillzo��th&t lynou have ,the best, CV,aleguo. � � , ',� �-� 1.
I .
;1, � ,7 ha, . I � �-. export 6f birds, of - Paradfa& � 11- I I .;� � � ,, �" . I I I AtaRtgue;14 taild bt won%,bv� ma, . � I I
. -*e usWly one,jde�p, per iidicular - f , I .
I ; t Pe oVelll,$,Wher4l� ;PL I from Duto ; . . d - "Ithok rik".1 �, A I
*ilnkle on the forehead, With' cifio Oi - , , Ouiuer, tbe hom � of the � species, ON-. I Dig sonie�eopleitaudl_ -I---.-- I I I , it I (L I I �,
� .� . - Igo parallol W WA_W:Omb_60� 11 . I a ility isvliat I I � tn`� - . J a. MaLhCH14AN A t"d O 11. ooltolx% �', "":. , 1, � :, '��
, 1. I Ce0-9#tq0iP#_VA."mkQ" . I at _0613 6ey; ii�ro sbor4, _ I I I'M. I. I Issiva" - L110111ifit.00*11 019tempar �,Qho,44`66W I . I, , I I
"","q�"_� L . � � ". � . I
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