Exeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 3k,
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241URSDA"y Alagust WA, I I � I r'-41" I i B EXIEW"TE R TIME -1k3 I � I �� , 1, ,
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�, An I
. POW. 01 lit, 60009 141% W031 .
_ ,
- Amly, serlsoA K1130, 14 of OU k'"-
ot ik lamiv, . or, stmm *RN Os
ars 014 may b , - L , 'r
ye 0��,��,tead % 9V
,soctoni o1%ya1,1Pjb1a00Wd2&A 144A to
Mdsnitplba, 5aSlk%'t0h1lMR'A, 16V. $000414
� , 1W. 0
wb�e oplicaut AnOt O'nev Wo , , W,
ll�t the Donlinion XAiAs 'AUR04% "
su 13:Ugenoy." -for the 410-triptA 0-Atn ' r� "I
- M.v �he had Wt. 1410 900190 0A .
91" Amwwf
between W I' w.. ve', k L o v up. s
I -
* * * * * * * *
I I .
Author. of "Which Loved Flim.Bestl` "The Wedding
I Ring,tl "On Her Wedding Mom,", Etc., Etc, .
Jr.- , � . I t%
, tain con?aktiouls, by, tatber.., inif of
, I .
40) , 0WV ad
daughier, brothers Or 131
.- T- I r I
- .
name or mea., 1
4 -
kilhe looked up at him, then, 11110 Me
(OV017 -eyes Nvere full 09 passion, aud
tending hoMWt04der.A �
DO YOU know ,he"?" he Asked agaill,
Ill -lave seen her before?" . I
Ivre, and tenderness; they wore just
such a look as oace, in his -wild"t
._8iX mcn,ths ,residencoupon
49 I tell,. Sir Clinton, She wea,t%
I0he Is kneeling, A44 he %am, . i
"May, darlipg, lot me 4
- VA14 cn11Ivit1Q,A 6� the land in ol%4
thick �alid Speaks ail a fstra,nge,
11-reanis, he bad hoped to win from heT;
, hTee Tear$. A, U cmesteader ra%�
4. It I .
Of J11S honio'
a veil,
mufflOd VOIcO. I eunnOt tell whether I
luid they were such glorious eyes, SO
large, so liquid,.00 brfght� be -was him -
&fro v,lthin nine Imileg'
Stead on a itarin of $it least go "rop
he ve seen" be" Or not"'
telf agaiu, for one half minute, so he
Owned aud ocoupled bY him 01
Sir Clinton -as the felt, annoyed.
'111here 11
kazed ill, their bmutiftl 44OPths. rMe,
. . tj�isl� .%ther, moth,9r,. son, .A%liugb�ter,
Is no Peace in Londoe, ,he
speaking slorway, as, thollgh llf, w,"re
uotheT or . sister, I '
in certain district's 06 hOm"s'telLdell
said, absurd Subscription for a
bilzaAr Or aomo. nou,seuse of the kind.
6(rely conscious of his words, lit! s-iYS:
isThen you are not mlarrleii, May?"
ib good Staladtlag' May !prf"BIX�pt I
I supp"Ose I must see her."
"Marniod.111 she repeated, with -a R#10
Itima-Tter Section allorigaide hisbow-a.
"I think ,So, Sir Clanton," was the de-
libevate "she like
�augh, bei e;Fft gletaining through hift
wbiilaa' .prl4oe $3. per a.ar.e.,
19111 )St resl4b,,Six incinthaL ine0h of. 00
answer; seems one
wilio willnot go,undl colle has seen you. "
fears. &$How coula I be niaWled W010
You wine 4wa,y? I anay have UOU
"*is 'from date of bogmestea,d eatr?
diA duchess mesquerading, or a collin
and saucy cold #ad prould, b4
R_Aol. hding tht time required (69,17S
tess in Search of recruits for a ba 11'.;
t neveir eutered rp� mind to MAM'Y sa7.
boulestoa4 pateut.,� 'Pultirtak
said Sir C11hitou -to himself.
one but you, Clintlou,-nevewl" -
nt.to acres extra',hc ba4 e%hsustfjl
Adolphe .stood respectfully waiting,
his keen
"I thouOlt YOU were murfled to the
bo.mesteader not ob
aDd, *an
yet eyeing rollater with
. cmio-
buk, of'Rolsocakra. I am swe that I
)lils homestead Tigbt r
t & pre-emption may take a 9`0 .
sity, . . I
"Show her in," said Sir Clintou, alo'
Paw something about # in the papler"11111
1insiouncemelit of ft."
,a �1
=Ld homestead ba certain distrie
ruptly. "Another time soy I ara not in
"Yon muit also have iseell the cotr
RX106 P. per Wore.
200jIe SIx mauths in each ( pf t1re-1
-1 am in ll�umor for follies."
Adolphe bowed -he would have bowed
tradledon", she -said. "I was vex�,
xzgwy about At. I marry the Duke of
�Lte jifty acres an,d eireo
S, cililtly,
lroa,r _
worth '$80D.-AOr
ust the same had Sir inton ref4sea
j Cl
her; ho thwle
Vosecarall Nbt 1, were he fifty"'H01015
a: bart�e
to'see was oue of well-
� duke. I never thought of man -Ting
p0puty of the bolster of t" viellor
tvained servants, who have eyes, yet do
kny one but� you, Clinton,"
I iq I R.�'Unaatborlzed publication Ohl
not see --ma's" Yet no�eralaar-sonse and
441 ,never read ibe coubudiction�v he
pa;�j willuot be pVdd for-
reason, yet never apply them to the
,sid. � .
. I
Accident, Fire and Plate
alfairs of their musters. He was not
,wheA,._aie lie
A'Aod you staid away because You
91 coiiect�ng Accounts
g,cme very long, returned
�horaght I had marraed tale duke? Shlame
�c .
- and 9.
ushered in a tall, ,slender, black figure.
ta You, Clanton! You -told me once that
BROWNING,' M. J1, X ('
He did not huge�, as some Scrv1ut8
would have done, full of ourlolsity,
tvoman played at love; you see now
how false it is. You, on a me'TO ne'W5-
Q P. S,, Graauats Victoria U
under tale pretense of arranging a blind
apec report, believed me maTT14 and
versiby. offioe andK_ee , .
or a elfair. He bo,wed and quitted the
� have been all the time as true to you
141boratory, fteter
Coroner 61 Hur0n.
room, closing the door after him.
its tile stars to their couise, Which 02
Sir Clanton raw, and -bowed so,meN%rb:%t
,,, ,has played at love, -You Or IT'
� . D.,. M. (). .P. a -ad
Tff R. bright, M
stifflY. '
"I beg he "I
He did not answer her, for he could
JF_ Los Honor, Graduate Toronto Un -
your pardon," said; real-
ly loss kn)ow.----r'
hardly Yet realize the bewilderilig
Two years resident physician
am quite at a to
rl)beu ,he
of her pvneuce, the reality ,of her sweet,
XtoyalAlexaudrajaospitai, etq. Office
pk,ulsed; there was something
familiar in
l;hy caresses, her loving, tender words.
Dr. A.inos, old stand
to him that tall, slender
13e ventured to touch -her hand, it was
and residence,
Street, Exeter-
flgur&�true, it was draped in a large
more to, seis, if it were real than XDY.
traveling cloak, and 9, thick veil cover-
t,L,M-g else. $bo, gi,aucda up at him
oil the facc-an indefinable somethin-
. I.,
w,yji. . I
that caused his heart to. beat and his
i "I was cold to yo.u_proud and hard,
khysician and Surgeon and,'.,i Ac-
Pulse to thrill. He went One Step, nearer
I and Unkind-wLy, I V23 cruel; but I
Coijeher. UfAce--Dr.'Rollin's old ;ffi-Ce
to her, then fell back in his, char.
was only s foolish gial, and I liked 0
,on Main Street. Residence-Coruev
ad, holding up
am'fra,ghtened," he sai
exercis�l my power ever you -I twot
and Albert Street, Opposite
his hand. am sore afraid."
t gloried ia, it -and my coldiress, MY
;rAraeo Screet Methodist parsonage,
- -as
Me next moment she Nv kneeling
pride has Made YOU SO Much afr&id 9
mcater, Out.
at his feet, fair, white arms clasped
me that you diare blardly touch MY hand.
4 Aphones-Office 39a, Residenee 39b
round his arm; a. lovely, fair Young face
Ob, Cllntou,� Clanton, my love, whom
- I
Was guAng with passionate joy into his.
I I Wounded So Cruelly, bend your head-
"Clinton, Clinton! do yon Rot know
meWl she cried. "Speak to me, dear.
8'00' ' down' love, and hiss my Japs-_ thp-
lips ,'hot ,h d have burned with the
arvisters, Solicitors, Notaries. Couv 61tonleuent'i
commissioners, Solicitors ).Or the
I have b -een playing and w-ating -for
monas and ymTs torsee von again. r
cruel �,Tas �7 Said 'to You!"
He e0111d not refuse, no thought ot
Banki Etc. �
have bekni praying, and -waiting and
refusal came to him; be 'Was simply 1031t
pyierloy to Loan at lowest rates of intoresN �
longlilig' Where have you been, lo,ve-
amd bew.11dered, afraad aest -be Shop
WbeTe hav(� I -oil been?" .
Tears 'wore fast falling front th.e
Nj,ake and find it all a dream. FOT Cie
time in his life [his lips touched
21. cAaanie M..&. T11 H. DiOlKsol
beautiful eyes� the sweet lips that he
hers, and then. all the passionata- 1*Vel
re -membered as so, scol'uhil -&nil so, grand
lovely face that he
O.f has heart Seemed to, walmn, and burg
were quiTering; the
passionate fiame.
have never touched ve once was new
44 4- A rli FP he orlied.
_A,__W,- h�va a 1'1ff.D.,-,Qaa1ant at DrIvate fundE ' I I I 11 Y Ua-J;wn-., _.y . ..
,-,- I
can on iz�,��, &t�, his, and tilt, white, tender arms rolind hadmg the ,blushing, flower-fik:D ztade
Interest. and vdv-,ge properties at lowr him. Was lie ma -d? Was it a dreum? between ,his hands, &inking iii`its IoYe*
GLADMAN & STANBURY '"rias he asleep? Ifness, as a man dying Of thirst driAld
Earristers Solicitors-' Main St- 'Dxetal 11111ay!" be Sold, wondeTingly. "Lady Iviltoz. ,,Idy &.t,p1ing!11 he repeated, fOT
-I 1�
- - Judy May!" .* ec Of
- he seemed to have lost the Pow
,106 US�OrUe anfl filbbert "N.y," she said, "not Lady May, but Using words freely.
your 'own Alay-the May who found She sullied through her tears. .
Famler's mutuai Firc insur! ne from her thillt "Now I am content," she SILY"S. "YOU
ber whole life was bound in yours, the smlli,yd so strange at first that I felt
aRco onipanu May who bus longed for youx return afraid you would not be friendly; but
. the flowers long for dew. Oh, my you are my' friend, my love, are you
Farquhar, On "' I
lisad Off too, ,.I love, I thought I had lost you." , not?"
I presideio�t, J. F. RUSSELL . She laid ,her fair, flolver-like face on , Far answer he hisses the red, sweet
Via,,_ptres.. ROB.T. GARDINER his hands and hissed Ctem. He thouglit month, tlig-white forehead, the lovely
himself Still in a drmlA. She tightened cheeks, the g,olden hair, the white hands
DIRECTORS. the clasp of her white arms round his, -kisses them as a d7il!O9 mother klsses
aQAT, NORRIS, Staffa, and he thought he was dreaming still. her 0111Y Child- .
Dublin. The dark, truveh,ng-cloak fell to the "Mhe i6a. " She continues, in a low,
1TH,�M, RYAN floor, and he saw the graceful, slender r '
,11,,et tonef --of you even thinking that
twjA. E'R001K, Winchelsea. figure. She bad thrown the hat and X %voula marry the duke! You wall
LWM. Roy. FARQUHAR veil aside; he saw the golden head and lough at me,,Clintoli, without doubt, but
AGENTS, bL-autiful fate; he thought still thart do you renioulbe'r 'tile evening ired first
. *
. 1, he was -In a dream. His heiad whirls, k-isged me, otter I had pror�ised to
. JOHN ESSERY.. EXOter. aigUUL LuA hi -s brain burns, his heart bests. Re- .p, I
aj,Bbanne alud J13Lddulgh- inirry you .
member ho, -W, he had loved her, how ,,I remember," he said.
OLIVER HARRIS. XunXQ, "19"I'l he had woa:4�ilppcd. her, and sbe was � tiWell, that 1,iss I considered as you
low, Hibbovt, kullarton &ad Log&'D- here, kneeling at his -feet, cIRSPing hiS did, that -it NY41S our betrothal. You
. JOHN CAMPRELL hands, kissing the- with her beautiful th,ught the Duke of Roaccarn kisged
Secy.Treas. Farquhar lips, she who, had been his idol, me In the play; he never did -it was
"You will never call me prond or cold only pretense; he dared not. And listen,
VLADMAX & STANBURW. 801143LLor-4 4gain?" she says. "'Oh, Clinton, how love, lisiten-you have been away a
. could you go- away, and st.'Y away SO long time, yet you niv takl� the kiss
, lougg? Oh, leve, how could you leave from -my lips you lidd on them then'.
, :)r'rEN'1'R`L . I - I me? You must h4ve known that I TheylluveneveT been, touched since by
. should be soTry. I own frankly that I ti;�n, woman, or child; I have kept
/ . was quite in the wrong. I ought never bb4m love
lx��, �47�Ml.��,,W,(� I � for you."
' to have act(141 in that wretched.gMy. �
_* 5�rRAXFOR% ONT. - . 0 1 did not enjoy itf believe me, Clinton, .._ .I.-..-.-,-,— . —
* not in the I"st. I 'Was nilsemble all
0 e, thinking , '''', , , IV, I V 11
* Fall.Term, from * the time, thilli,ilig of you, lov 7M � 11��11����
* i
* * Again she losses the ,hands so tightly 11111�1 11
4 Aukust 28t I - ill :1
0 0
.of' �
h , 0 'ou." VERF1,107Y I
* 0 cInspod in her own, and ag-aiii he makes I ') I
no 1111swer.-he is too stunned, too be- 11 " , ,-
.f There is a great demand ** wfldeTe�d for that. I "I I - I WE ,
I �** upon I - MUM'
, . as for trained help. *
,_ # "it you had not been quite so all -171 . .
* Business tnen state that our should have. told ,Toll some e;.;I- - �
!I -0 graduates are the best. Nve 0 love, 1.
4- * ing how sorry I -was, but you scold6l(l - NEW —
have three bepamments,- 0 nd I am proud. I gind been spolled 11
' � 1-i HAND and TBLRGIIAF�)r. by too much flattery, but I* never , iNTERNATIONIAL
'is 0 1 .
The tuitionlor six inonthd * thought you would leave me, love- �
. . �
mt $55 and for I year $SO. I I DICTIONARY I
M, vestigation will Prove , to , * He .is beginning to rerovOT now, and .
I your satisfaction that there Ile says, in a trembling voice-, THE MERRIAM WEBSTER?
is no better Business College * 11ISit YOU, Teally you, MaYT' . � .
� it is a NEW CREA-
in Canada. Get our free # "Yes, really; -and, Clinton, I made. up Because ,rx.01,1, covering every
I # .
* catalogue now. , # My mand thrd� let you remain away "
� * fleld of the world's th011g`htx
I*- # It -,ng as you would, I would walt for action and culture, The only
, *"
I . I 1). A, M-cLAOHLA N. � yna, and 1, come'llere, and kneel by you neir unabridged dictionary in
, 1A pxweip,l, " ! until you promise to forgive me." - many years. I
; -0#O#q,jp Ile Makes no answer,, if It were to Because it defines over 400,000
�_. I - - gave his life -lie could not speak 000 or ; �mo 0 ever
word. She does not seem to require it. .befot appeared e o
,C,hurch Directory "I have boqu so unllapff," she wftid, vs a$. 6000 -
Wm,pl,)r, ,,IVIISS Lockwood 0aid I do- lustrations.
. .
JAMES STREET - sm,,(l to be, ,and I have been. I dO I it is the onty dictf,'5n
enjoyed Due sfagle� Because with the new d 'j,d7,d
M Mon � page. A. "Stroke of Goriius.�'
I ETHODIST CHUIZC140 Dot think 1 have ever
. �eut .Since ,that ilight, Sir Ctlinton, I I
rz�l ill ,j lq�hl-os Pastor my 16vf,. iny, lovel I have come to hum- t I -dio, in .-
,,�_; n0v- %A �11 I I ble. myselt before 7011, to lay all my Because AU a an e-.Yc ---
I � - --I- volumle, ,
I Isuaday Public WOVShIP-10-30 a,mv. pride at your feet to beg at you to . 1
11, twid 7 P -Me I forgive Me, and to iova 1110 0, little bit," I Because it is accepted by the
1�, - nd — courtso Schools slid
1P. � X,JAA.; Servioc-Sundai 9#30 a -m- 4 She looked so,bealldfAl, SO bOwItchl-11-9 ptoss as 010 0110 stip.rame au-
, ��: 4for Morning iervlwa and Wedn't's, ra her Sw(,
.� . .0t, sby fondutess, 'her VOW
4i, 1 , �' 11 daY laight.: ,' . . hitt"611, lie . r I smiles, aul her tears, tbat thority. I
P-1, .
� Tallua genl�q 101ago and l04tA6buQWJl4 be grew more ,glid m(A,e bewildered.. He rho knows 'Wilts
� I Because he "I � tau
� ay At a 0-ou . ls"loAt.-4xopoles-ftly ](lot, sucoess. Let us tau -
suo'd . you about this now work.
,banday .,School and '131-ve saften it'lla 11 I'l-oinise You," she stddj "that 14,4
1 .1 JKC& I . you will foi%ive, me, I will be as !humllld� -L -----. --- - -_ ji-
. ue-Tutoday 0 . n proud-, I W411 - '. - I - ��_ 4 I
emwortb Leag L', SK P4 ashithorto I have bee ei , waXTA. tot spealmou of now divid'd page
-ThulxW4 .).9 Y r�_
.r Imeetilag, UA 4% tt� bAt oubillassive to eVOT-Y Walsh 4,11 iou C.&C.MtltR%AMCO.,Pu�lightfik,solingfit[A, W.
vitlye . ,g. __
. I
4 a M e'S St. ve'thoot oh'(11)e OAP obedlelit as s child. You wil 0'r lye . Uontioutw$3?r.p,*,too,,OlvatAtg,A not of pook.0=04.
., a. 'It I. t -,J I 106� tave., %W111 *41'r , W, I . I � .
tor witil, viandh teitt QtUrlt . � �
I I � I
I .
. ,
I . I
1. ,. . I I ,
� I ,.I
, - I I - _Vel
� I I """,
� I
I L '% . I . .11
11 : - I , , , . �,, - . �
" I � . , , I � , 1 " 11,� ,4 o
11 i . , I I 't � , ".", , ,,, �� , 111w�, . 4 %6- �_tx�,_ I
IV- 1A19NN#AVA6W"1ft_11� ''� 1'r��,,.,,,_,,.-.L-.--�.,�.L,..A�'...�I '� �_L 0:9"
I � - - L I .. -
vyllat cam aw (W� but 10044, 4 1
. �O`w - r
and do W114t sho bids, take tgea C4,
led her oft, Irin hand 011
Nue pw .
bi$ bro1w. . .
,41040,,WIM U'S , . r
_,�_ qorr,o,�,V tkInil %Jespalr#
I I .
. I
46 0 Ro,"WL14(l 1%1 )F'y" ''W"' V �� 4" ! �
� I , I
I xAs.,W.;X$X,o,s1;16 0Pow =6 OvAry 114a Is . "I'll � "I'll
W44 for ovoir SIX, 'I b�., "W411cm , . � Iiii �
,1thV4Xr114N1%11U"1WA � ��,
I ,
b�ack aguln. Thou be remember4 that
, I
I oe ,%A "You 44V
"W91Y, Qlatou,"
, W'!.'� � )PHAXTIOU XVIII., . .. .
, . .
xqrysuM for � , .
11 I
I0he Is kneeling, A44 he %am, . i
"May, darlipg, lot me 4
W, I am quite sure. Wilat is It?"
11 �
. 11ow SPA LovVID AFID. I
( , 1 , I
illy ,94
� ,pu
lie ivied ltj�aiu to say to, her, am
: I
A ,ebaar." I .
i But She flashes a latio I
ghiug 100ov, at
. �
ingri-led,11 but be could irot. Loo4luir
her beauty,
WbOU the -door of Offe, House 161o4ed
�wuxd him, aind be Was alow, Bir
i awl'. . I
at her Jug fair young so.
lit�ppy, go jqy1ag, wlth that gla;l light
Cjilatou Adnir 4I%m1vW_4 t4e cab. Ito
� ,
"No", She says, "I b0X0 been 4
naughty child, and I oboll,remala U%%
1.11 het* 0"O, and that glad wilile jon how
lalm, lie could not $lay , her with (tile
WAS S1194cuied; ho, could not breat1w;
the sm'An v4jole Seemed �0 hizu like, R
� ,;,;,M1eL;;." L � .
- , S ,h 1:��
jji�j�, piu-Mell I the. sta rpest ord I I
,� , '_ '17 rc
allul. I (am forgivou."
vvoTd% He, could far ratlierhave, Wcolk
Alrftee,' '44 brng(ld to be where tile
I I �
ionre, lovimar lic-Art, , " I I � I 1
"you ara, fopg1vo," he replied,
a Riot Iran and s(m,red her beautiful
free, Ar0sh Air ,00414 circle roulld ,him
I sloo(I apl�.P, J()()R1ug up 0 lho� I . I
AS be , .
� .
"Q100" �gsh-s Id Y, May.
face ---ft would )lave been easier to
And cool Vie' :Veye%, ot'lill., heart and
quiet Stars, be� 0ould ,have on -1194 M% "
Arid bi-, answer is not P%t 11); words,
UAV taken. a dUgft. and pluuged it 1),T.,D
brain, . I �
1 , , �
fate; Still, he 4 never dmunied, at w0no I ,
, �
He ,has qVAttf. �*rgotlteul Duf$y. Xftl`011
64%) Forgottea
her white breast than have (W4. tho,iv,
"I oul I r5t
to himself, "VIX0 ifl-
tile faet frou , ��!
,I her. Re- eAlled WmOelg 4 ,� ,-, � ,
and lylt'v biml ihis lQ404
words to her just then,
lliow%lt," be saaa
coward, 4 trajtnr, that be not t4l 1� �
live, forgQttep Daisj-ovexythlng Oz.
00(5b, Madman, that i have been.11" b�
st,tlut She entered tile room I Ought to
, I
, i�, I
hok 6t OU00" The ftst moroent F�be oamer .
I " 1�
copt hL
s beautiful, bel,vildering loyo,
ta)*ught;L but Bile Was still looUiUg fbt
lwve told 4er I was m arried. "It will
Dear him hir Ought to, have said to 110t1t I � , . ,
, ,
I I I'.-..-,-
him whil teudext laying pity
, . -more difficult now."
bo -a tuousp.,4 tame%
, ,
4,1 am nionied.11 Better -to bave WJ` � ", .
. Aro you ill, Clanton?" 'i�ho asked�.
He WalUeO quickly thrOuAL 010 d(`
'M . I
all at 11 - t, , t
. '900 LATE.
serted sq,noxes, vuere tale Summer
. the".e. tip
It was of no nse st"Ving � out , �
Iq hq;7e won, ,n,iy pardon hardly," she
� "Only a Spasm," lie said; "a s*ism
the henirt-"
gelitly stliTed the sleepy ftecs. 11(l
his thoughts; he could
watphina 11io sfarrl,. th��,V. hid given " ��. V
their agun..,,,ol, thoy hi�dl told'him wilint I'll I'll
11 Should .
. said, In a laugh&n, voice.
i 911ppose the laws of 04evrum are quite
He rewyered himself by a, terrible ef.
. I I
not reahze what .had passed� ,
io ,do. 11�- re-ewered tbs,, house-, he� � 1� 1�
I I ..
set aside by this Visit; but miss Look.
,,But that is, very dougorous. you
Lady May, this prondt fair '.vowlg love,
had beez with. him -Lady 'May, wh-013i,
went stzrt H,it to the drawlug�roonl, "� " ,,,
. i
' .
where thear.lat"ew bad takea pli c �, 'I, �,� �
�, c
wood knows about it -I told her, and,
she said that, under the civounlistanceo,
Must see a doctm; .1 sliall insist upon
be..had virors-blipp,ed as men of old Nvor-
;; � .1
�ust to convince hlm�elf "that it hail � � ��
*� .1
It wo,61d not be wrong."
it, I einnot afford to lose yon norw tLat
shipped the sun and the atara-Lady I
May,, who would never ielax her dlg�
been real, oad not a dreom. There w x,# �,,
the jump, with. fts Imarly light, thlo I i �
"It could ,not be, wTong," Sold Sir
I .
He looked at bar. '
iii,ty, who would never lay aside bor
, �
&aIr whereon lip h0d s)t, the 00WOrS ' " i, I ,
"Sionle might say that I could have
v much'if
i'W*61d you griove so ver,
PTIde, who. ,had b"n so coy, so Shy, -,�)
everything just ns lit* 10t it. Jae ti%7,4 - 4 . ��: ,
written, So, I might, but so, many w�--
you lost me now, Uay?" he saf(l.
reserved, that he feared often qh(� (I'd,
� �
the chair where her white hand bAd.! 'L � : ...
cidentos. happen to, letters -some 4re last,'
She shook her charoung head. ,
11X[y answer raako vair�, I
,not love him. She bad be011 with hh%
her fair arms cl,1l41)(,d round his n(,vItz-
rested. How he loved ber-grea.t: Ilea- , � I .
� .11
yen, how he 1�jyed herl . .. , 11 I
some delayed;; besides, a� letter could =t
pay $0 inuch. 'As I can myself, I read'
.will .von
know," she rel)lied. "Yes, T am not
she had klVelt at his feet; Qle-had liftod
., 1
A sudden idpa oepurred lldm:�4i* I �� . ..
at -your arrival this' moraim in �:he
exaggelstillg, Cliaton-I think I Should
dle If I lost you again, or, if I dia int
up her pure, fair face to kiss bim-1-l-Is .would
hands burned where -those sweet 1)pi
wj�at-_, v) her; tba � Avolild be by � .., � 01I
ta,r the easiest way Or folling her, ,HW , 1) ��
Court Gazette -we are Staying at $rey-
Iyu Nest just nOW-Aud VIO moment I
.T mo-
die, I should never h -ave allo,th,p
had toue ed them, and she had t�tlkd
h -
went back to his ,qtudy. I 'Ire on ttLe ,� .1. ,
read it I cTiea out to Miss Lockwood,
ment of happhics.4 while I lived; th,it
to -him so frankly of hev,low-ho- she
loved'him. bow she had walted for libu,
desk lay tale letter beginning ,"My dealt- , 11
I 11 .. ..
Daisy?' Was he ever A.al.9h thart?l ,,-_ 11�
IH4 is wuxel lie is eomeV She wt�i' pleas-
would almost be worse f6lian death to
nl,�, � 'r I love llallpinpa&"
'how She b-a(l kept her heint and Iv,r
I , I ��.
He felt. unequal just at that moment I I
e I
too -she alway, loved you. What
do you th'ank.1 did, CaInto.ii ?-I, whom
GAIr I hall illed abroad," lie said,
. llow, -if lie, hvid
l0ve uAtourhod for hiln;
� �
to eve -r writing ,
tho,wvrld calls proud, cold Lao. A14,V.Tv
. I I I
"what then?" .
"Ah, Own, door, I niust have Still-
died, She won](I never have mari-IM. bat
Would have lived nIl .111fille for ills s"I'll.
he took himself to task-Dallsy woo "il, � 4'%
. , I I .
his wife, the wonianwho bad loved,him " , I
11 Cannot teal," le. anowered, looking
mitted, It would have been ,Heaven*$
Could it be por,%able that she loved
him well?
when all 01,11ex ]<)Ve seemed to fail him. 11 I , Il'l
Ile forced hinuself to write; he adde& . 1
at the beautiful face," still bdwildeTed
beyodd -the, of th011galt-
wall; but 1, should never blILT& MaRrXied,
The lo�veiv, .bvIf41,1mwne6 e:rvN, rnh-d
only a, few lines, tellhig her lie bad ,� ,��, I
I I 4
-the cold, ptoutl Lady- May the
' 'i
It I had 10k YOU in ft*$ World
Moton. �
I should h%ve� lived in. the, hope of find -
to Ids the sweet lips half trembling,
, �
arrived in England safe and well, hop- �, .
Ing she was well, and not lonely. &be- .1
I'll I
llallgilty kj4j'l )rho 8 11 awfly:'_
e t yon ta�'k
that paper ill m3, liands, Clinton , aild
kfig you dn, the next, 11ut I lidve not
kidi sn'dling; he could think of nothing
else--the*to-ach of those little white
must ,be sure to, let Win lmrw if she .
. ;i�
kissed every letter an your name."'
Irist you, love." .
"Sullpose-only suppose, ,may--thaft. In.
hands wo..S with him $tall. H,, for,
were auil, and. he Signed the letter 1� "
"from your affectionate . husband." He ..
Sale laughed a ,little, low, triumphant
lauit. I
the interval I had forp6tten, yo -a -loved
how pure, -and ,how tender w,� this
Sweet young love of his; she had never
folded, ,"aled, and dir,ected it. ,That L
14Does not that show," she said, "-how
oome oilo ,else?"
"I cannot fancy anything of the
ching than in It
been. more be,wit er Pretty
duly done, It would be so much epater �' ,
. � "
to write to Ladv_ May. He tried It- I
much I love'you? Then I said to 2NIIss
Lockwood that I would wait no longn
kl;�d,ll she said, Jilighin-gly. Better eak,
penitenee and pretty teal%,. Ile
thought it most prDbse that She had
Ilow cold the -words looked on paper. :�, I
--that I ,,%liad Nvalted months and Years--
we to lujagine that the sta j�s filli, the
married; instead of that, she 8ad been
- . �.
Who* was he to say? I
but that I should come to London ,,it
sun rifuses ta shine, tale tide to flow.
I could .not imagine such a thing even
waiting for -bi . m -keeping her love and
'Wy darling May�-1 did mot tell you I I I I � I .
once and see you. She came with me;
if I tried.11
her heart for him. He tholig'A
that I WAS mlarraed.2�' No, that woo too I
she has driven, to . Cliffe Hanse, and I
"But I have'lleen, lom.-, away," he Sold.
that Ile mi-0it not see her again. She
gbrupt I .
came here. She said it would Only
kiThat muy be. H�� you been twice
had been living only to aee him. He
"Dear Lady May -I have to an-I
I .
make all Tight ugain, end those
words she advised me to slieak myself.
as lou-, it would not have mattered.
had thought that if he met her
could pass her by Nylth a cold, careless
noulace to you the news of my mavrl� .1 �61` -
age." No, that was too, cold, -too sud-` - '
You see, Clinton, it is quite Safe; your
You cannot shake my faith in, you,
Volinton, jest as you will."
. glance, or gay, car6less words; instead
- " ,/
den; -he must prepare her just a lit-",
servants will never dream of me, and
He could not disturb her sweet faith,
of ,that, -his darling had been kneeling
tf�-his golden -hafted love. . I
* IL
I shall go back to Claffe House with0lat
her entare, and perfect trust. She held
at his feet, Speaking tender words to
"Dearest Lady May -Wheal I Ieft yo* , I
any one suspecting me. I never
out both her -hands to, itilm.
him, caressing after her own Vllre�
an that fatal evelifmg.11 No that did not L I
how much safety'there Nvils in a thick
"Good -night," she Said, with he,
sweet f4lsh�'On.
please b1m. After all should he wrlte2
veil before."
1,1 knew you," -he said, Slowly.
charmadixg smile. "You -have been very
How he had. misjudged her!
all her pride and .her coldness had given
She would be so g6elTed, so unhappy; �'., � � �
ob, fni.ght ,lry Out I
"Ah, y" -7 -you, because you love me,
goud to me, Cibitom. - Am I to go home
And tell Miss Lockwood that you have
way before -'her love. If she were proud
even falult-na, -one could tell what, . . , .
and I .love has eyes;' but no. oale else
quite forgiven me?"
then he knew not what pride meant.
would hsppau� Then she would blaiao r -1
Then she passed her hand over his
4dYou mdy tell Miss Lockwood thut
117114D SO Sweet, SO 9rQCIO`o-$ 'so lOV11-9,
so kind? How v, -rougly he had judgod
him for his abruptness. Beder, pec- I
haps, Wt to, write it, but gmdusdly t " �
. W and his hair. I
dlHow thin y
. on at--, Clinton," she
I say you are an angel," he replied.
"May, let me go wi th you. I cannot
Was, it a dream, or a reality? How
.* I
break the news to her, ' I . I J I I
, .. 11
Gradually -6A startle her wkh nil -r
Said, 1�arid your facehas 90 Illfluv Hues
let you go alo:o�e."
"But I want to keep my visit -a
maVy long mouths had he spent in
abnil,t de,l,,,d,,, but,tell her will$ !!�, :: I : I
on it. It will be the work of ill v life to
(Ireary de;pulr; neyer caring for the sun
had ho.i,p,,a,a, I I
sal about his Miless, alact . I
I drive those lines away. How ypn have
re �eo,t
4',So it shall be, dear. You hw. .
� to rise or set, weary of his life. c(ITIM.
lost L'ady
his accident. She ha&pleuty of- seaiser 1; � I
yo ,
catered! you look as though u
for nothing, because he had
this lovely. Lady May; she would Vadm- I � 'I
I �
been through Years at Pail'!"
"So I have," he said, in a low, soft
"Yes,'? she replied. "I drove stralglit
May; and all this time she was longing
for him with ,a love as great as his own.
s,hand. . ..,
So he,put away pape�,aud pen, givft , � I
I' voice; "Such years of pain! Ohl Illay,
from the station heve. ,Very undignified
haste, was it not?" I
Was it a dreom9 Should he wake up
up all idea of writing. 14 Soon go 9 .�
when I lost 'You I Went mad; dea,th
Would have been wort meniful than the
1-�e thought to -himself it would be
preseutly and find himself among the
Tines at Seville? Was it possible that
was possible to call UIEI go t.0 1,41
Cliffe House, and, ;,.'%.N- th.4, - ,,Vo�
pain I -Suffered." ,
"It is a over U -01T 4ea,r;i she said,
easier to tell her in a cab, wILeve
-uish- tbat
could not see the white an.
ail ilia wiguish and misery bad been for
nothingl Heaven bless her! how beau-
_1 ; .
the prefty, perfumed couseTvkOtkg#� 'A* , 7
' '
done before, lip VV7612*# � �
caTes,ingly. 111 ,ghall spend y life in
d come giver lier ftee asier than
dful'sale�waa; there was no other wo-
had often L I �
lie � I I I . .
1. .
gradually bTeakdt to hew i 1 , I . .�
trying to make you forget all about it;
to tell her as she Stood there.
� "Let me take you home," ke sild.
Man like ber in the wide wall d -none!
I " .
'm ". ..
Having' ,resolved upon 'a aecta�n VJ " - , , . . - -V.,
and after this, after to night, we WEI
I .
"As you wish-vour visit to me tO remain
Heaven bless her! She had grown fairer
, I
-1, �';� -
of action, he felt more i-effeved', �jt 1'41 � ' ..
never allude to it agam� it shall be ail
foTgotit.a, and fOTg,lv,11. you will ueve,r
a wareit, I will not got out of the cab.
and sweeter.
What s inadmou he, had been! If only
, 1�
ri�t So. I ;
would be a terrible task. �She m . , ;..
sensitive, there could no I ... I I �!�
proud,, i 41
laugh at women's love again , Clinton,,
I will see you safely in the house, und
then drive baek, home again."
on the evening of that fatal play he
.-a, . 11
sibly be a gTeater liumiliatlon for her
shall you? Set- how true, and how
filtioag, itrid how tender it is!"
"I -will not ,say no," she replied. "Ail',
had been- more patient. She was go
young, so beautiful so admired, no
I .,
than to know that she- had given Ph er .1, .11
love, her Sweet, Shy word% het sweo4 -
I with
aa ay", he replle� 4,
Clinton," laughing softly, and cla spm�
her hands, "I Shall be much ploaRey
wonder she was impatient of control.
I .
shy caresses to a married maii. Eyeu _ - -4
-'D- -
a sigh that was almost a sob; never
dear, and' I should have been dill,
one Battered her, indulged haw,
., �
as he said the words to himself, his . � I
� p,)Or
She drew her cloak from the
paintild had you not offeired to go. See,
spofl�d her; ,no wonder That she dis,
liked has scolding and imperadv' man.
face flushed with keen, sharp indigna- � . I
tion. If he felt it, what would she do-- : .
with a little, low laugh of perfer.t !,,i.
how fmilk I am, growing."
So they drove away in, -the cab to-
ner. If he bad been less jealous, less
-if he ,had only ' on the
. I "I
obe, who had been so sure of his faftbo I ; ;. "
I J: �
'221iss Lockwood said puce that ptl.-, -
� ...... er, and the wind that came lulto
,-,� window was sweet, derwyt and p&-
angry gane
mornimg afterward and as
ge secure in his truth, his fidelity, hia I j, 1':
love? Of what avail to teal her 24t ., I—— �
D'aps you would never forgive me. I
funled. She looked More beautiful than
forgive his jeulousy, After all, he had
Ilia love hed never wandered from b*1 low
told her that you would never retwie.
ever lit the star -light.
so little cause tar it-, she had wa-ed
So much the worsc--so much the mor& A,
� 1,
N,\Tdly, that night when you ware so an-
"Now, I must tell her," he said; 'Istab
,nothing ioi- the Duke of Rosecarn;
perjured hel . ;
. gry with me, If I had held out my hand
again you would have staid."
my darling Tight through her tevider,
why could not he, Sir Clinton, have
been more irrinigent? Whak real It arm
. 1, �
He tried to sleep, but ail sight he vma 1. I . -
birAtitted by thememory of -hew beautfiful � I .1
"Yes, I wOuld have ,,staid."
lovding dieuxt."
He did begin, in a grave tone:
was there. �a-,v all, in the private thea-
� I
face, and lie awoke thinIcing to himequ ., I
"But perhaps, after all, it may be for
been for this
1v1,ay, but she intenuptea him. she
tricals? Not one-quarter so much "w
in his jealousy, with
� - .
how different all would have been W. I ,� . I
I 11
the best; if it had not
quarrel, and the Sorrow, the pain of lie-
held 11 p a. little white (hand before him,
Mere was Own.
Its terrible consequences. Row more
he nerer ma.rried Daisy; that was the . I
one fstal blot on his life, 6e one mais- ".1
ing parted from You, I should have &I-
On which shone a golden, ring.
"Do remember that?" She asked.
than foolish he bad been to lot swh
. I
foftune foc which -there was no -remedy. ,�� :
I �
ways been proud and cold', it has taught
Ito hold the sweet, white hand in
Witles anger him so deeply. Ile hated,
. I � ":
He rose with the dawn --deep was Im- �� I ,�, I
me such a lesssou," she continued,
his, while lie looked at it.
himself with a fierce hatred when he
povAbJe; he went out again through _Iw 1,!_'�,
,humbly, "I shall ulake -your love ,aiid
you . r happiness the study of nl�v life."
"It is the one I gar& You," he Said.
thought of what he had done. The ell-
max -to his folly had been'bis max,riage
the leafy shade of the pack; he lists*- , ,� 11 I
ed to the singline birds. he looked at
He has been irrapped in a dream so
"Yes; and I kno,w you have been true
to me, because the stone has not chang
with Daisy-tibe marr,i,a,ge contracted
� I
�T, !
beautiful, so delicious, that ,he hardly
ed its color. Miss Lockwood always
mp a
without love, si - Iv f pity, be
fTo Rr rnN . - I .
knows, eTeu when she rise$, for she
-has been kneeling all the time.
. .
"I "I
said there )vas ,hope of me, because I
loved MY ring.' .
a pretty girl said she was dying ove.T
him. How foolish it had all been, to
he for
-_ � � �
I : ,
must go;" she said. Ghallnot
How was 'he to tel J her? In what
m-,loxy., her, when cated nothing
let you take lne hotne. Clinton, because
her, wben, his whole heart, mind and
I do -not Nv:ish any to know where
I have been.. but to-morro-W YOU Will
461%fay," he began ,gain, in it grave,
Soul were given. to, another.
"I have put t1m climax to my folly,"
Is one, of the most troublesome, ; ,
like to codle to Cliffe House-colae as
tender voice: stdo you
"Clintoin," she Interrupted,
he thought, "in cowiug� back again; yet
troubies of the Hot SummeV � :
Days. The Old and the Young,
; early A Yon please, 'stay as IOD9 as
like. I have so much to say to
know that the sound Of your voice has
my return' -has disclosed the truth liboll,t
heir -I know that she really lgved me.
the Strong and the Weak are .
you ,
you that at seems to, me that my life
alterod-changed completely? it has
lost all its Ting, j11..5t as your eyes have
All would be -well with him, would
. ;
I all affeeted alike. 1) . 4,
will not be long enough to Say it in."
I ,Xihen she went up to 'him, a clear
t' ' - appy laughte T; but it
'Oat ad' hen h"
be right, bat for this most ZoOlish Mar-
riage of his. Poor, pretty Daisyl at the
1: �i
h -ht in her eyes, a humorous smile on
will Soon, wine back." 4'Hea-
"I must tell her," he thought.
best the 6ad ,only felt a kindly affection
I .. "I
) h'ie,T fips, a pure, Sweet, tender Soul re-
von bellp me, I must toll herl Oh, fool
for her, % toleration, born of her, kind-
� ?I
, I
4 harming face. Once
a flected in 'her c
- .
and madmmi that I was!"
nose mud love for 111m. Now that she
barrier between
Extract of I
2 more she raised her white, fair gl,ms,
= Paid them on his neck.
wa's Sitting beside him now; her
she ,
was the obstacle, the
himself and his love, he felt som0th"119
� aild.
Z ,,My love," she said, very gravely and
wvrm , sweet breath reached his ch e0k.
By ,the light of the stars he saw that
i-A,ore akin, to dislike tor her. Pow,
Wild Skrawberry
Z ; I
- quietly, 'you, have pardoned me, btit
myself. What ill
her eyes were wet with happy tears.
PT etty, simple Dnisyl Al-asl why bad
sbe oho,,+en to, fall In love with him, and
Is the most effective remedy I
- sh,oll never pardon.
= the hour of my capTice, and folly I re-
"What are those lines, Clinton?" she
"I like them go, llallw. Li,te,,
why had he been so mad as to marry
known for the ctire of
i fused you, I give you now -my w,hole
heaj.1, my whole love, ray whole truth,
.do I say tbieln conectly.
He looked at the jaeepy trees, they
� �* I
" �
illy -whole life; and Whe,11 YOU AsIt me
,, %.rter long of soTrow find paln,
gave him no counsel; he looked at the
to be yo,tir wife I Shnal SOY
�Vhe my true love are f011ud
pale, pure sitars, they said much to him
He -had forgotten his -miserable mar-
o.lu)s of
" .
-i.bey said he must do his duty, come
_ 1% I i
;otten Daisy, forgotten every-
Tinge, forg
I me again.'
what might, and, without loss Of time,
i ;
This sterling remedy has been on the- I �. i., I
thin- but his sweet and fair Voting love"
. was humbling herself so sweatly
"Yes," he So,!(], "that is ri ,it,$1
01 .
lie must tell Lady May that he was
Inamod. What would she thitlk ,of It')
I "
I ,�;',
market ior over 65 years and has yet. :��
, - "i
to, him. At the word "w ife," be woke
"One, neyor fv6it; fbe truth and baauty\
-pain, hi*
Re Shuddered with terrible 8
failed to do what we claim for it. . � ��,
I �(,
Up to a sudden, Swift, keen sense Of
[)()(,t;!Ir 1111til (Inj.,. lovea and ,,f.
of I ,
Lady May; "blit ,the suf-
. heart grew -sick and faint within him;
. ".;
Be sure and ask for Dr. Fowler's and, , .
� �,
the tTutlhl .
Great Heaveill how dure he to sta.-ad
fVrF,(V' waid
f(llill�, i..1 1111 ovv, for. 11s; clinto�n__011iy
' " .
yet he kZeW I Riat, above, 911, she "would
r�,Sent the fact that he bad not told hor
, insist on being given what you ask for. . I �
I .1 ,
. . I
Mrs. 0. E. Mills, Teulon, Man., writest
around his ne,24K,
ill(' love rcmohvm� T:1nc
6' ., still
May"I be beglin the third
lit ofte�that he bad allowed her to
I 1.
"Just a liner to lot you Jmow that Illavo- I ;. 14
I tj,tt tender face raise -he, -who
o, unaTried mano In, the Swiftness
the cab Stopped.
1 .,
open her heart to him, knowing all the
'd man; she
time that he vnis a niarlie
a little gi-el five years old, and during the I
., ' '
; '
0 Jightning hip saw it all. Her lore,
.'Nv,� OLTO -lit cliffe M. -Ilse", 9JI(I %.,I,I(;
Nvould resent that fact mome bittel;1Y
. � 1.
hot wes,ther.of last Summer sbe was very ' '
tile crown of his life, her sweet repent,
"I aru (lisposed to think we havo voinal
thau, tile fact of WEI malliage.
bad with the Summer Complaint, in fact I I
fl,ftco, her t(,,adernes,9, bad all come too
by stealn."
,,I het to-mol'rwv," he
. How could he tell her? He pletured
I thougbt we were going to lose her. , We, I �
luip--too la te I
inust tell
to l"ImsOlf- "Diy dfll'1111�4' 'Qh(�
how tiS he slio�uld see her, with all hew
tried everything we could tbink of but. I ;
He dTow back from her with a ter-
-will have wakt, of happilless" i
love 4iting In her Alto, 8,5voete'-st wet-
without success. 0116 day one lot out I
rilile opy; a livi(I litio came over bis
, Itilled a,)
not have bo -Ale to have
come shillilng in her eyes, her white
neighbors asked what Was the trouble � � I I
file(,, his lips turnod white as the lips
her innoc,ent JOT SO 14"011, TO-D)DI-l'osy-
Imm4s ,outstntalled in. kindliest greeting
11, .
With the little gIr andwetbldbim, M. I � . z I
of a, dead moll, bilt even as be drew
back she followed harn,
I will tell lier'to-illorrow. Ob, dvoar.v
-toll, fair, Slender, like .ii white
bu,�. She would us, kind 'W,)frd.s to film,
advised us to try Fowler's Vxtrmt ol I .1 .
Wild Str,tVborry, which we did., I I
,,I-J11hat is It, love, what is It?" site
an YPI
$,he wa,boldiug Out her ,hand to hh'a
and there, he staliftig before, hor must
tell her that; be was married, m,a�'t aash
. I I
i � . �-
honestly believe it was tue only thing �
asked. � .
lie tried, Hetmon. help -him, he tried
Wath a sweet smile on her lovely face.
the sunaight and happilleft, from bee,
. � I
that Saved my little girl's We, �i do W tr
to SI)eak; lie ftiedto, say to her, "I am
I "Good -night, illy 10YO, 900d -night,"
must see, the 10 Vo and the jol frozen ilu
t�ink tbem is anything, h6tte
Comploifilt than Dr. r0*1ek's ultv"t
1liarriedo," but the coldf white lips we
dualb, lie! could frame, no WOW VAh
fhe ;sw
kna ite never knew what he alloweW*
tl(,r Swe )et eyes, th,6 Smile die on her
1�, Pa*_ -1e must 61V her Micro oruolly
mer I �
A .1 �
of Wild Strawberry.0 P406880. Motu.
, I
4.,. Thou he ,was alOno, kv tho stsAight
, ,
-. b
4,�,w hi,,4 Anutht&, 10
%t,bo. .
(Aoturod owy by Tho W. Ulb= "IL , �
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