HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-07-15, Page 18PAGE 2A— GODERICHSIGNAiL-TAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1981 We Deserve the fight to limit quantities to normal family mquiremositsi Colborne approves accounts Colborne Township Council met, for their regular meeting at 8 p. m. on Tuesday, July 7. Treasurer. B. Straughan presented the financial report and council approved bills and accounts in the amount of $338,711.91 for payment. Mr. Struughan explained that the large expenditure was normal for this time of the year as the first instalment• of requisitions for the Huron - Perth . Roman Catholic Separate School Board, Huron County, Board of Education, Huron County and Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority must be paid, accounting in total for More than $212,000. The crushing, ' hauling and spreading of gravel and application of _calcium.. chloride on township roads accounted for more than an additional $55,000. Approval was given to write off taxes levied on two properties which have . been re- assessed. The road superintendent, Ron Durnin, reported that the reconstruction of a wingwall of the pond in Benmiller would go out for tender on Friday, July 10, tenders closing at noon on Monday, July 27. A special council meeting was requested and app roved for l p.m., Monday, July 27, to open and consider the ten- ders. Council also approved the acceptance of the tendered price of $1,622:74 of Wesley Riley Contracting, Teeswater, for the hauling and spreading of pit , run gravel and granular "A" gravel on the township road between Lot 1, Concession 1 Pi ED and Falls Reserve. •In addition, Mr. Durnin presented council with a report of all work completed over the past two weeks and a work schedule for the next two weeks. The clerk reported that demolition permits bad been approved and issued to Russell Kernighan Lot 13, Concession 1 ED, for the demolition of an, old house and to Norman Durst, Lot 6, Maitland Concession, for the removal of two attached sheds from his main barn. Building permits were issued to Wilbur Teal, 3 Cree Street, Meneset Trailer Park Extension, for a sunporch on his house; Texaco Canada, Highway 21 North, to apply wood siding to the service station; Norman Durst, Lot 6, Maitland Concession, to repair his barn and to Tom Moore, Part Lot 8, Con- cession 3'ED, for a 24foot x 50 foot addition to his barn. Benmiller residents Don McKee, Jean McKee and Heinz Hoernig, appeared before council to request tht the road leading down the hill from the Ivey sub- division into Benmiller be paved. They were concerned that gravel on the hill road was causing excessive dust and noise and was dangerous. They were also concerned as they un- derstood that part of the same road is to be paved from County Road 31 to the new subdivision and won- dered why all of it wasn't to be paved. It was explained that the road was to be paved next year from, the County Road to the most southerly of the two entranceways into the new subdivision at the expense of Peter Ivey as a condition of the subdivision agreement between Mr. Ivey and the township. The township would be responsible for base build up only. Mr. Hoernig expressed concern that when this partial paving was com- pleted, traffic on the road would increase over the entire length and so worsen the problem on the hill. Council agreed that the hill road would be better paved but were sure that because of ice build-up in the winter time, the road would become very dangerous and would have to be closed from the top of the hill to the bottom during winter months. , A further me'eting will be held to try to come up with a solution. A request fora clean-out of the Borland Municipal Drain on Lot 6, Concession 12 WD, received from ,,. Robert McNeil, was considered and. accepted by Council' and Turn to peg -e 3/& 6. YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P d d 4 W m 0 0 J a1 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P BETTER AT A&P roll Prices effective thru Sa turday, July 18th, 1981 0. SAVE 1.56 Powdered FAB DETERGENT 6 Titre box (Our Regular Price 4.55) Glad STORAGE BAGS COME VISIT pkg of 50 SAVE 86s Bathroom Tissue, Assorted Colours DELSEY TISSUE pkg of 4 rolls (Our Regular Price 1.85) (Limit 3 per family purchase) Facial Tissue KLEENEX MANSIZE box of 60 sheets Action Price! 46E FARA, For Freshness at A&Pw & Savings Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of Ontario, Fresh Daily, Solid, Firm, Crisp HEAD LETTUCE for CANADA P10. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, VINE RIPE SWEET & JUICY, FRESH Cantaloupe eadi 99¢ PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA,. BIG, RIPE, LUSCIOUS, SUGAR SWEET, FRESH Strawberries pi9, nt 9 FROM THE GROWER TO YOU CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA, SWEET, CRISP Granny A Smith nipples ib88¢ Fresh Summer Salad Produce from Ontario CANADA NO, 1 GRADE, ONTARIO GROWN, FRESH, CRISP CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Celery Stalks bunch89¢ Tomatoes Fam;Iy pak 1.29 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO' CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, -� LARGE SIZE, SEVERAL VARIETIES Romaine Lettuce for99¢ Plums Mix "N Match 1699¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SOLID, FIRM, FRESH, GREEN Cabbage 2ior79? Nectarines. Fresh ib 88? gPRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA, SWEET, SEEDLESS, NAVEL CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Cucumbers 3f0r99? Oranges 12ior2.49 PRODUCT OF U.S.A.,,SWEET, RIPE PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, RIPE, JUICY, SWEET PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED, IDEAL IN SALADS, FRESH Bean Sprouts 216599¢ Watermelon each 3.49 CANADA NO: 1 GRADE PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, FRESH, TENDER, PRODUCT OF U.S.A., LARGE, SWEET, JUICY, FRESH CRISP, IDEAL IN SALADS — GREEN ONIONS OR Bing Cherries Ib 1.49 Radishes 3b....sggg PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, THE NATURAL SNACK, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, DELICIOUS RAW OR COOKED SWEET, JUICY, PLUMP, SEEDLESS Fresh Broccoli bch 99¢ Green Grapes 16 1.49 CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, GRAPE COCKTAIL, LEMONADE OR• THE/ PICK OF THE APPLE ORCHARD, RED 3 -LB BAG TROPICAL FRUIT PUNCH 64 -FL -OZ BOTTLE Delicious Apples 1.49 J.B. Fruit Drinks 995i Assorted Tropical Plants 4-inchPet 99? CAREFREE You'll do bettor with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P "100% Bonus Pack" — 50 ml Plus 50,m1 "Free" Panty Shields pk9of1299ft 10W30 Shell Motor Oil- 1litretin 9g ASSORTED TYPES --- Bonus Pick 450 MI PLUS 200 nil "FREE" Flex Shampoo 650m1 plastic btl 2.99 AIM TOOTHPASTE tube "Bonus.Pack" 200 .ml PLUS 50 ml 'FREE' DEODORANT, ASSORTED TYPES 100 m1 Arrid X -Dry STAYCOLD fit 250 ml a aerosol tin i e 9 beverage 99$1 Holders PKG6° SAVE up to 60? Light Chunks, In Oil or Spring Water STAR-KIST TUNA 6.5 -oz tin (Our Regular Price up to 1.59) Action Prices RealLLMANN'S 750 mi jar HE 99 MAYONNAISE BUY 2 SAVE 35? z for Marvel, Sliced WHITE BREAD 24 -oz, loaf (Our Regular Price 67c loaf) Strained Meatless Varieties of Foods & Juices GERBERS BABY FOOD BUTT $ 1 19 COOKED PORTION a 913. HAMORT ON $ 1.09 SMOKED Buy4, SAVE 41c 4.5 -fl -oz jar (Our Reg. Price 35c each) for FACIAL TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS Scotties0:74= handy p.ck 2 of 1for 99¢ 00 sh«ts WATER 3.5 LITRE BOTTLE Crystal Springs 99ii SINGLE, THIN, PROCESS CHEESE SLICES 1 kg PKG Black Diamond 4.99 Parchment Wrapped CHEFMASTER 299 { MARGARINE Soft Margarine FLEISCHMANN'S 2 -Ib tub 99 ASSORTED VARIETIESi Rcei -A-Ron i 6.5 oz pkg 2 for 99? IN TOMATO SAUCE 28 FL.OZ TIN Heinz. Spaghetti 99? SILVERWOOD, PINEAPPLE 500 g CARTON Cottage Cheese 99¢ (Our Regular Price 61c each) • Gay Lea BUY 3 — SAVE 83c FIESTA 1,19•1 for YOGOURT tQa, Jane Parker, Snowflake or SAVE 11.00 TWIN ROLLS7 in z 41:0 • Buy 2 pkgs SAVE 99c Ihota (Our Regular Price 2.99) J ( Our Regular Price 99e pkg) Freeze Dried (Our Reg. Price 3.73 — SAVE 74c) (Our Regular Price 1.99) SAVE 70c MAXIM Irish, Beef, Turkey 4oz jar Ball 129 INSTANT COFFEE — 299 Chicken, Meat key STEWS 24 -fl -oz tin SCOURING JANE PARKER S.O.S. Pads pkgof1899? Egg\ Buns REGULAR DRINk MIXES, ASSORTED FLAVOURS JANE PARKER - Freshie 6genvelope6ler 99? Fruit Buns PURE VEGETABLE OIL JANE PARKER, FROSTED , Pam Spray 13 -oz aerosol lin 1,99 "NEW" — VIM, INSTANT, SKIMMED CHOCOLATE, STRAWBERRY OR VANILLA FLAVOURED Milk Powder 150gpkg gg¢ PALANDA, IN PUREE 28 -FL -OZ TIN Whole Tomatoes 99? li111sl/yf�� Spaghetti, Ready Cut Macaroni, Spaghettini ROMI PASTAS Bali Donuts JANE PARKER, SLICED Cheese Bread SOFT MARGARINE: Bluc Bonnet pkg of 12 99? 14 -oz pkg 99¢ pkgof699p! 16 -oz loaf 99? 1 -Ib tub 99? Romi, Plain, with Meat or Mushrooms SPAGHETTI SAUCE SAVE ,60.. Buy 2 SAVE up to 1.19 (Ossa Ravatar Pricer sip- 'LW Iii ch)