HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-07-15, Page 6PAGE 6—GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1981
iiy turn out for window de
Bright sunshine greeted
the crowd which gathered
under the maple, spruce and
cedar trees at Port Albert
cemetery for the annual
cemetery service last
The Reverend Robert
Crocker; rector of Christ
Anglican Church, Port
Albert, conducted the ser-
', vice. In his opening remarks,
he spoke from the 8th
Chapter of Romans.
Archbishop ( retired)
James Watten of Moosenee,
now of Southampton,in his
address, said we worshop the
God of life, not death.
Walter Tigert of Goderich,
a former organist at Christ
Church, provided music
from his portable organ for
the old familiar hymns
which were on the service's
Window d
In a brief ceremony on
Sunday, Archbishop Watten
dedicated the Hawkins
window in Christ Church. It
is interesting to note that
Archbishop Watten is related
to the Hawkins family.
The window depicts Jesus
as a boy in the carpenter's
shop with his parents,
Joseph and Mary. It would
appear that Joseph is looking
up at a piece of wood while
Mary .is in conversation with
Jesus. The inscription on the
window says: 'In the
memory of John Hawkins
(18034863) and his wife
Elizabeth Robotham (1803-
1874) 'of County Down,
Ireland. Given by their
Port ATbrt
Tom Livingstone,
descendants on the 150th
anniversary of their arrival
in Canada.'
Directly under the:picture
are the words: 'And Jesus
increased in Wisdom and
Church News
The Reverend Crocker
conducted communion
service at Christ Church on
Sunday with his sennon
taken from the 6th Chapter
of St. Lukes Gospel.
Ralph Foster, chairman of
the Building Committee,
reports that the extensive
repairs to the church
basement have been com-
pleted and he expresses his
thanks to the many volun-
teers who have assisted in
this project.
Margaret Young,
president of the A.C.W. of
Christ Church, was in charge
of the regular monthly
meeting on July 11 at 2 p.m.
in the church.
Members discussed plans
for the annual bake sale to be
held July 25 at 2 p.m.
The meeting also
presented the opportunity
for the members to do
considerable cleaning m
preparation for the July 12
window dedication and
planning for the lunch for the
large crowd to be in at-
Hawkins Reunion
The following were in Port
Albert for the dedication of
the Hawkins 'window on the
weekend: Albert Jordan
Franklin of Tennessee whose
mother was Alice Hawkins
from Port Albert; Tom
Hawkins of London; Trudy
Hawkins of Edmonton;
Alberta and daughter, Joan
Hawkins Day and husband
Robert, a lawyer in
Edmonton; and Elizabeth
Cahill of Burnaby, B.C.,
daughter of Walter B.
A Hawkins family reunion
was held at Point Farms
Provincial Park, organized
by Mabel Dunham of Lon-
don Chairman for the oc-
casion was Tom Hawkins of
London. There were 175
people in attendance from
Victoria, B.C., Edmonton,
Alberta, Regina, Saskat-
chewan, Nashville, Ten-
nessee, Bay City, Michigan,
Cleveland, Ohio and
Thedford, Petrolia, Sarnia,
London, Toronto, Guelph,
Ayr and many points in
Huron County.
The oldest person in at-
tendance was Agnes Foster,
92. She worked in the hotel
which used to be located at
Point Farms 75 years ago
and her salary was 50 cents
per day for waiting on tables.
A penny tip at that time was
a good tip.
Social News
Steve Corkum, con-
struction manager for the
past•three years for the Aiten
Power Company in Thunder
Bay, has just completed an
$18 million contract for the
Thunder Bay Generating
Company. Mr. Corkum has
now returned to his home in
Port Albert and after a brief
vacation, . he will take a
position with Ontario Hydro
at Douglas Point.
Mery and Myra Lahn of
London have been spending
a few days at their cottage in
the village.
Mary Johnson of Brant-
ford' and her cousin,
Margaret O'Koney of
Redford, Michigan attended
the dedication of the
Hawkins window. Mary is a
regular summer resident in
the village.
Leduor Reunion
A Lednor family reunion
was held at Harbor Park,
Goderich on July 11. Jean
Lednor was the former Jean
Dunbar, born in Port Albert
on December 11, 1883. She
and her husband had six
daughters, all born in Ash-
field Township. They are
Jean Atthill of Waterloo,
Mary Dickson of Toronto,
Margaret Balkwill of
Downsview, Kaye Shutler of
Hamilton, Agnes Brentwood
of Hamilton and Isobel
Gutcher of Blind River.
Conveners for this year's
reunion were Joe and Anne
Bills of Toronto. The af-
Bridal showers .held
Miss Janet Cook was guest
of honour last Saturday .
evening when leer aunt, Mrs.
Garth McClinchey entertain-
ed about 20 relatives and
friends at a bridal shower. ,
The room was attractively
decorated with pink
S reamers, pink ..and white
wedding bells and Colorful r:
balloons. ,. '
Mrs. McClinchey was •
mistress of ceremonies for
the program which began
with a piano solo by Lynnett,.
Hutchins of Goderich. A con-
test, 'Name Bingo' was
given by Mrs. Sandra Tag-
gart. Readings were given •
by Marsha Boak (A Way
mut) and Mrs. Garner
Nicholson (Growing Old).
Janice McClinchey read a
congratulations poem com-
posed for the occasion .by
Mrs. McClinchey and gifts
were presented to Lynnett
Hutchins and Marcia Boak.
A graduate bride-to-be hat of
bows was placed on Janet's
She thanked everyone for..
their gifts and lunch was
served by Mrs. McClinchey,
Mrs. James ' Boak, Janice
McClinchey, Sandra McTag-
gart and Lynnett Hutchins.
Pink and white paper
rosettes, streamers and bells
decorated Snell's
Restaurant at Westfield last
Friday evening to honour
Miss Carol McDowell,
daughter of Harvey and
Fern McDowell of Blyth.
Carol is from Sault Ste.
Marie and was home for a
holiday. Her marriage takes
place.in October.
Mrs. Arnold Cook was
chairman for the program
and thanked Mrs. Sydney
McClinchey for her piano
medley of songs she had
played while the guests were
arriving. She welcomed all
and a reading, Culinary
Athletics, was given by Mrs.
Gerald McDowell. Tap danc-
ing was done by Shannon
Snell and Marcia Boak.
Vocal solos were sung by '
Miss Edith Snell accom-
panied by her sister, Mrs.
Clark Forrest of Hensall.
Mrs. Garner Nicholson gave
the reading, People Are
Younger Than They Used To
Be and Our Mother's
Housework. Mrs. Lloyd
Walden gave an adjective
reading compiled for the' oc-
casion by her daughter, Mrs.
Corsages were pinned on
the bride-to-be by Mrs. Ross
Wilson, the bride's mother
on Mrs. Fern McDowell by
Mrs. Mary Walden and on
°Mrs. Darlene Empey by
Mrs. Erma Cook.
A collection of recipes
from . the guests was
presented to the bride-to-be
and a reading was given by
Mrs. Cook called, Marriage
Eleanor Bradnock. corresp
An address of congratula-
tions was read by Mrs. Mary
Walden and gifts were
presented by Shannon Snell
and Marcia Boak.
Carol thanked her
relatives and friends for
their gifts and all sang, "For
She's A Jolly Good Fellow".
A delicious lunch was served
by co -hostesses, Erma Cook
and Mary Walden, assisted
by relatives and friends.
The July meeting of the
Auburn Presbyterian
Women's Missionary Society
was held at the home of Mrs.
Frances Clark. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Wilfred Sander-
son was in chargeand gave
the call to worship. After
welcoming all,the hymn,
Worship the Lord in the
Beauty of Holiness, was read
in unison.
The- devotional period was
taken by Mrs. Eleanor Brad -
nock. The scripture lesson, I
Corinthians 10: verses 13 to
21 was read alternately. The
meditation was based on the
theme, Temptation, followed
by a.poein composed by the
late Miss Margaret Jackson,
God Help Me Grow Old
Gracefully. -
The roll call was answered
by a Bible verse containing
the word - Temptation.
The offering was received
by Mrs. Frances Clark and
dedicated with prayer by
Mrs. Sanderson.
The minutes -of the June
meeting were accepted as
read by the secretary, Mrs.
Lillian Letherland. Business
was discussed and a card
signed and sent to Miss Min-
nie Wagner at Huronview.
The study was taken by
Mrs. Roy Daer4who gave a
paper on 'The Handicaps
and Disabilities of the late
.Franklin D. Roosevelt'.
The ^closing . hymn, Sum-
mer Suns Are 'Glowing,' was
read and the benediction
pronounced ,by Mrs. Sander-
son. Lunch was served .by
Mrs. Clark out on the deck.
Bible School
The Auburn Daily Vaca-
tion Bible School -ended last
Friday evening with a con-
cert presented in the Knox
ondent 526-7.595
United Church at 8 p.m.
The junior choir led the
praise program for the even-
ing. All classes presented
their week's activities in one
form or another; be it finger
plays, rhymes, scripture
readings, or singing. At the
end of the program, parents
and friends were invited to
the Sunday school room to
view the craft work that had
been done.
Sixty-eight pupils
registered for the school
with an average attendance
of 63. The leaders wish to
thank all who assisted in any
way to make it such a suc-
Social news
Mrs. Bonnie Armour and
Julie of Waterloo and Mr.
and . Mrs. Lyman Jardin of
Port " Alberni, B.C., are
holidaying with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin
and grandmother, Mrs. Elva
Mr. and Mrs. H. McArthur
of Peterboro visited recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jar -
Keith Snell and Mrs:
Jessie Snell of Northern On-
tario visited last Friday with
Mrs. Elva Straughan.
Mrs. Harold . Baechler,
Mrs. Donna Vanderburgh
and Steven and Kristen of
Goderich, and Mrs. Linda
Renon, Tracy," Robert and
Katherine attended the Pot-
ter reunion at Mitchell Lions
Park on July 1.
W.J. Denomme
Pbone 3R4-11132
Agent' Priv 24 hr.
Mr. and. Mrs. John
Hamilton of Gorda Harbour;
British Virgin Islands visited
last weekend with his
parents, Mr.' and- Mrs. Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Semegen of Windsor visited
Mast weekend with her sister,
Mrs. Ben Hamilton and. Mr.
Hamilton. Mrs. Vera
Vigne of Windsor an
Laura Bennett of
returned home with
after four weeks spent
Hamilton home.
d Mrs.
at the
The annual , children's day
of the. Auburn Women's In-
stitute will be held on July 21
at 2 p.m. Cartoons, films,
treats and a program are in-
cluded. Everyone is
The ladies' softball tourna-
ment sponsored by Auburn
and District Lions Club will
be held on July 24, 25 and 26
in the community park.
Dances will be held on th
river flats in a tent. he
under the authority of
special occasion permits.
ternoon was spent in various
sporting events. One event
that created a great deal of
excitement was The Polish
Tug -O -War. There was
difficulty deciding a winner
in this event so it will be
decided next year when the
conveners are Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Atthill of -Kitchener.
The youngest person in
attendance wase Sonia
Dickson, agesix, of
Brampton. The oldest person
in attendance was Jean
Lednor of Port Albert.
A surprise baby shower
was held at the reunion for
Anne Gibson of Hamilton.
She received many gifts.
Congratulations to the
Port Albert Pirates who
participated in the Goderich
Slow -Pitch Tournament on
the weekend. The Pirates
fielded a strong team and,
with a grand slam homer by
Randy Maize, was
responsible for the
elimination of Kingsbridge
The Pirates will hold their
Slow -Pitch Tournament on
July 24, 25 and 26. The
opening game will take place
at 6 p.m. on July 24. Area
residents are invited to come
and watch this interesting
July 20th is the evening set
aside for all supporters of the
Huron Country Playhouse to
enjoy a complimentary
performance of "Chapter
Two" by Neil Simon, and a
delicious midnight break-
Invitations are -normally,
sent to all members but due
to the mail strike, this has
not been possible..
If you are a1981supporter
of Huron CountrylPlayhouse,'
please call and reserve your
seats for this special and fun
Goderich police report a
relatively quiet weekend
with the usual number of
bicycle thefts and liquor
offences and few incidents of
minor wilful damage.
A hit and run accident
oorcurred at the Goderich
elevators when a vehicle
backed into\ one of the
buildings there and caused
$1,000 damage. The incident
is -still under investigation
and police are looking for a
red Dodge pick-up truck with
damage to its rear end.
Police were also called out
by a report of a noisy party
on the beach; by a report ofa
fight on The Square near the
Park Theatre; and . by 'a
dispute over the payment of
a bill at the Esquire.
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Ukrainian ascendants, Mr. and ,Mrs. Mike
K rac.
Archbishop (retired) James Watten of Moosenee, now of
Southampton; dedicated the Hawkins window at Christ
Anglican Church in Port Albert on Sunday. Archbishop
Watten is related to the Hawkins family. (Photo by Bob
Industrial, Commercial.
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