Exeter Times, 1911-9-7, Page 1W
0AT VALM-$,,p. souirn wiNDOW A& No Plore:
3 to $5 F0011ta"O P6118
* � 111 1 fil I L ,
(w4rxantea U Karat 0010 1 � ! rot, the, RpVtlkjr� irro*'i 0 vorv, Mrto
_vwli- le'.� and Bunlo,r., a ed, Zo a. Bqx�
$1,49 xg,$kor'
Th sr�,"O, orful V61140
#F STORE on Middlesex Gazette
EXETER, ONT; CANADA, T11URK)AY UORNINGit SEPTEMBEE 7tll 1911 $1.00 per year In a4van
z :4111111"
Exeter Council
Old BqYs a Big Success Mr. Pete Hookei, of Parkhill, visi. The Council nlr�t 11,t th-0 ToW31 Hal
0,11ing ',the Ist at' Septemb��x
The Jalanehard and Usborn Town" tediatowl OaSaturdgTv (IV W e
e p from To- Members 911, rgaxreut 1111330e;s ox
fi, Old Boys Re.ualon held at mr, R. R.. Rogers was u laA meo,009 (and appxoved,**�
x1sip'ton op. Labor Day brought ad from Ur.
AY irk ronto over the holidays.' , C9,minaalcutlea were re,
%s in Toronto
together many of the residents of both Mr' Tas. Grieve ww this F, )0arxicombe z -e layipg of mala,%
Townships as well as a, lot from dis e #Nhibit4m. DR Wellington St. to Graug Trunk R Want
week attending th
tant points who enjoyed, meeting ok, The game was ordered .'to be
Seldon and fanift spent Tra
32 many of the old f*ends apid acqu�in- Mr. R. G, 1
nday and Monday at Inger
special, services' Su ch
tances On Sand', �Ilv 1per and Day, that the fl)1101v�(Qg
were held ia the �iXetbodlst chvirich, Mr. and Mrs. Oliff Spackmah 16ft accounts be passed and orders iasued, U94
i! mominlRey, W, 6 H. Graham, Tuesday morning f9r their bome, at G., T.. R, Vrejgh't and,
In the)
B. A. of 9trat roy a Blanchard 014 Guelph, after VIPTOlIg for a few weel�s ddty on I piipinff 413M.; Queen Yo t
Boy preached An' eiceelleAt sOrmOn With their par?pta hi3re- '1 -.24; 9 . I .
An Attractive ShON9, ng of OU Co. 6vasolindl,.1 , Varsons Stt. : , 1! �
ning'Rev. SO Sharp B �bllectrlc Talo:bt 00.
andia the eve NVcrd waf.; reccivuld lht'rf� On Ay'd wa!terrok 11r%L 0
A, B D of LPxeter also del ivQred a very nesd,7 of the death of %�, 13erL 'Q114' j.:Beer wgj�heps 75c; Times
music ley. of 1JIllutli, 7file remairs will W, p,,-X�tlng Co,, ppl4ting. 110.50; James
acceptable. OeX M69n. t- pecial
13,78; Thos. Haw -
was provided by the choir. On 'L%f6ii- �orouqht home for,burial. blurray & an ao
day a. very successful 1191d day was Mr. Mack ic al
New Fall. Dre oods ricultural groaries, In ttendedfda m�Presb'y-� 1-999
held on the Ag Hensall �,on ISQ44;17. B�, Tr�eble, repa�ring instrumodts .04
was t the home of r to Toronto 8.00; f'. Faracombi-
the morning a ball team played terian IIII11111
having been invilbed t� fa e
AREMMMUMMMUM and reSUILed 15 to 10 in fMVDV Of Salem Mrs �hlrray to tpond 'the day'with Com. bn purchase of piping, 0c, Z5.00
In the aftern Goa the second game was is, p, Thtel.
"Our stock of New Fall Ma 'ia s. ill meet your approval. her sou XIJ6-hol and his yvife who ara R Dav arit paymenL on gravel con -
played and resulted 20 to 2 in, favor of here on from.Winnlpeg� Wadd -1.00,00; W_.�,.T, BisaeIt pax�t. sal -
o o In fact, we Centralia. 3k00; Juo. ford do 31-25--, T!, 01
..A splendid assortment or/c and wears. Junior sports were held in the Gl[RLIS W, CaTling do7121.70:i. Nelson Vale, labo
15, quired 'to work on BoYs C Ching, A%
t niorning for boys and girls under .38; Win. wcqsh do 4.,38; Rq Qua ce�,
a by W
vth' t is practical, desirable or In the afternoon a, program was either 0;ptrating machines do T9 50; W., WQsedtit do 12.25,, Geo.
think we have ever.,. and ''do 75c; Jno tell do -14.00.
given at which a number of Old Boys power or as h, padmorc,
es, Good clean e at and can -
help yo ci se your New Fall Dress or andOld Girls gave� addresses, readv Goa. Cornish do 7.50; Tbos. Cornish
necessary to ings and solos. 6 The Salem Male Quar stant work 'the e rough. . 150; Tho-�
o., Exeter. do, 5.25 -, It, Davis do
tette sang several selections. Creech do Tno
Jackson t and grayd 76.50 . I
are, a fe , After the prograur tbe'Senior Sports W 1!bos. floulden Ido K
Suito Here hat might have been a. serious do. ,7.00; Off %;I flig
were held and theyweie well conteE accident happened Sunday evening, as Alex Dow. 3,50; total $1.1U4. 18 R-Seiro,
SERGES ted. Much interest centered around a -ad Mrs, 1. Tarrotb anagrand- , Rivers and Day Ithalb th . 0
TWEEDS the Baby Contest Ltbe ladging ofwbich' MI!, )Is, Joneb, were driving and Treasurer borroly $50000 for
was done by Mr, 9 Effber M p p of daughter, Vi( James. when their current -expenses eairw(4 1
fine r e of One of the very strong cloths for Fall. Crediton. from their son hsi
-hors I e took fright at au auto. and Walpor and Day that '41r. 0
We are showing *a very We are showing them in Blue, Black, The Maxwell Maple Leaf Band of out and dragged Snell be r,�qaestod 'to attend (nex you tu
in 42 in -P 52. in. and t atd enlivened threw Mr Sarrott
0 In. rys was preson gr r the. catincil. re light on the
Tweed St MR him two,�, �r three rods. Just as the me'stin � 0
w. idths at 50C to $ 1. 00 per yd, Tweeds Brown, Gray and Cream. Very good the day with theirmusia. ere I his hands, of the Ldke Road, . �qarrled.
i, Jaxior ta on" waiper siaxarnmen
IF allow i a the listof thc rove the caught
0 n I . B s shle T. 13. UARIA-SI'G. Clerk,
are very Spoitis in' 1: mormngz.- oy' Ito
popular t Tose; boys -dd rev&
Yd. me
his Fall. to wear, at 50c,,7'c a d $1.00 per a th,
Tot" re. Mr. X, tt as badly
race. Lorne Gunning, Jack the rro w bec U U
race 6 , ra and under. Elgl,a Copie�. shaken up.
land; 41illie Doape., three tegwg, i3owlers Win. Umbrella,s-7�r' our rinks
PLAIN CLOTHS FANCY WANTING race Reggie Doupe�;, Oscar Capeh�nd of Mxeter bowlers WicAt to Clinton Usborne Council
b6Ys %Iiiac years and azdar.Ttey Neffi. Labor Day in Mr. GueVEhex's a&.o
Always good and very desirable for a That are going to be very much in (,rooift, Gordon Copeland; iob ya,�d, bus of Dashwood. A tournament was Caunell met Sep'L i2nd. A11 Chia In a
demand for this Fall. Fancy values dash. boys,15 and under Re--IeL Doupe held -by the players of botlk towns members iveKe preseml-- The � min -
Dress or Suit. All, the good colors CL%;TH'N'
I Donald Balfour ; boys 1,2.Tears and un- and a riAL_ from Exator composed of q�os. of. It1he iacet �meeting . -,v.era read
wn in Satin Cloths. Venetian, in differen. t colors. Fancy' Delainhes, der Donald Balfour, Ghester McCurdy W.11. Levee'_ NV, May. Q, Snell and and iapproved.
are sho Checks and Silks in all the leading boys %5 and,under Regie Doqp6.:.NVi1 W. D.'Clarke. shl p went in.0 the fin- Tbc Engfiieers Repoxil: oa Impairs -to
Broad, Poplins, Prantalas, at 50c to. beYt Kirby, A. Davis: boys 15 and un- als in the oo.usolatioa event. As the Branch 0, Eliniville Draita was read- W T
$1.00 per yard. colors and patterns. der 1200 yo I r . ds - Reggi-6 Do.up-e..1Vj1bex1!, hour was lata they tossed up for first and con4dered and, 'the work b6ing
Kirby,A. Davis. girls 6 na d under place and the Exefer ritrik got the deemed advisable-kheroport -wavaidep- olu N
ht Ited and a By-law providing for tthe
Louis Itibey Loxpne Leigh; . broad pick of the prizes. They broub In. accord -
jump A,. DavisjDanald Balfour; girls home four timbrellas. constractipa of the work
9 and under Marguerite DouPe. Olive ance with 'the aepokt was provision-
- rokii hop, steP and jump Donald -Fv. �Rand Mrs7-Hobbs �retarned allyXidopted) theByt-41awtoba prikib-
Crago, home on Gaturday last after apendYiI2; edand served on theassessed awneris
The Best Var'd. Wide zdi i I k 1 Balfour Acmer 9-t. John; girls lhvelve� WEAn
a couple of months �ht Muskoka or oceoparilts as provide d by th a, Didtn
and under Blanch. SnB11 Francis Bra.99
-ey race. Lorne GnImia lie there Mr. 51obbs 1suffered age Act�
ard Wide Paile'tte or Taffeta jqck q Homer St Wh paralysis of the - face The following raxes wexo si-rack for
We are, offering the Best Y girls -1 - ifteen and anaerPrancis Brag.� slfghtly with
Ilarket-Fully Guaranteed-f6r $jrioo per yd brella Tace True- and on the ttdvioe of a, specialist it, the �oarrexit year, County zrat-,!� 11.7.
gilk on the. Lorne Gunning; um wid 'be a few %veoks before be -will mills on the dollar. Towaship rate.
man Tufts" Regio Doupe,; pia race, resume, eliarla of -the preaching 15. nijills, General School xraXe, 14125 H 0
flomer St. John, Xoe
Lornp_. Ganniog, . ation, besides hi -s mills on
B Ve.rgason; f3ack race Norval Sweltzeir vice& His cangrog, r" him Me. dollar. -The amcun!t re-
KIMONA CLOTHS Lorne Ga�nlug, Jack Jose- taireas by the 'Trustees of Schools to
LACK UNDERSKIRTS blsouM many friends of 'town, wish to . 11r W
a spe�dj xecoverY-, Ne:ft Sunday t&, J -b --r
a new lot r be ex�� L, _,Wcial Tate on +.he var- K__A
V race. V. Dickinson,lorne Gulaning. H. . , . J
select your Kimona, Just opened up of Ladies Ill be eoI�q<t��d by Re 'V' ti s with t W
ow is+ e time to se, jahn; girls 1,1otato race, Mary I.D
avvl%ed on a.
th A lot of real choice Black,Underskirts. They are sure to Hannah Blanch, Snell.Ura ragg, '.-Mllsau WE6�`stipplie� i6ther Irates. ILIA is an
aarjr�-ka-06.-5' b n n. mon!
or Sacque length boys 111a 6 th of July.' A few accomAs vinere pas!�-,'
r 1�s t.
vore th e -V �
y e I 7,he 'Late Coii, "
patterns n the best of -olors to choose please an. Plain o Fancy at $1.00. LY-6wWag I or I e Wm.'0o,%"rd_Early T orders issued in paym,
�n u I� I -`v1u-Lz Beat day marniiig of I �his wLek. tho many then adjonrned to jqr,�talt octf 7 M at
J e
Coward, of
edov'Spoxt& in 4
r o 1�a t ��S cT 1®ry �vi '.y single turnotrt4 Robt Barry.Alf. Paul friends 6f Mr. Vm, lot )no o'clock.
oldes;t marxied couple bil the grounds. 15 concession 9 Usborne, %rera 6arl F. ;MORLEY. Clerk. LAPkv
Mr. tLnd Mrs. Iden dea.t]I4
Thos. Somerville; Der- prised Ito 1caxn of his suc ard, al- I __-V_
Ban coming longest Idistim;ce once Q darkng the night'. 'Mr. 'Dow I-V -%, -a 7-
t arrived, our first shipment of Ladies resident, Mrs. (Dr.) Yarg-Lison, Tor- thaagb� not feeling well. was abba-.to Stephea Council
LADIES NEW WINTER COATS -Jus t sellers, of which onto. 93aby Contest, Mrs. Gee.. Hazel- be 'up and around. and the eveni'ng VUA
Winter Coats , Fancy Tweeds are amongst the stronges ' wood, Mrs. tIra Narshall, 'Mrs. J, before about' ten,olelock had partftk- The Council of the Township of
with his family. Short- Stephen convene in the Town Hall,
ck and Blues., See AcCallough. Mrs. Hazalwood-.100 yd en of a lanch d
we are showing a nice lot;. also tfie best things in Bla dash. A. Mack. Crandon; Eyb1ing lad- ly afterwards he look sick and die4l Crediton, on Monday, the 4th day of
!Ds, Tace. Mabal Harding. Gektii& soon after the'doctor arrived, death September, 1011, at I p.m. All mem- pin W� g -V
Brown; Ft�t Maws race, About a bers were present,
the first showing. Tbos. 13ell. being- due 'to heart troublz,.
-1 his death Theminutesof the previous meet -
old man's race, over 60.
i Dr' Jose; week: previous 'to
needle Mr. allowed ing were read and adopted.
John Dkokinson Jacob Uaylor. Coward bad
be taken from Moved by Wm. Yearley, seconded
race..C. Jose, B. Copeland, one infle some . cuticle to
Aram r race Vioc, Di. J)paffy; piAtingthe shut his arm 'to be z.
Phone 32 Aones May,'Exet _,:rartod onto �the arra 0' by Geo. Kellermann,-1 'That Fred H.
46 IVIMton..Gregory. A. Young; Tuntaing his brother Gco. The decOased 'vas Rogarth be refunded $8.00 of the
4 VIM jump, T. barlitag, It. wairba� 80 lea and 3 months old. He moved money paid for cow tags on account
Us rg -h his varent
ran, hop, 4tep and jump, - 11arold to b.rte wit wh4n, a of his being obliged to take his cattle
Bragg. Charlie r.aul;. Relay xace. -�A. little* lad, Nyhere he has been resi- off the roads in the early part of the
Maclj�, R. Shepherd, find 0. raal.. dent ever sincii. Mi is surviv;2da by I season." Carried. Evy e r y th 1* ]a 9
sorrowi;u- widow and n, family. bf Moved by Um. Yearly, seconded
four sons and ttwo daughters. the by W. D. Sanders, -That Joseph
0 Up daughters beiu�- Mrs. Arthur'Sanders Lamson be awarded the contract to
t 1rown. of Oros- construct, the co - nerete abutments and
of town and Mrs, F - L
District Mee ing The boys are all at home� floor of r M
well. Xicb� 4 ord's Bridge for the sum of A A N
T "ing 0 S -dmpll^ IS uth H u r o n,
h S US 0
The financial District Me6ling of the He is alsosL,,,ied b 1hree br th r ��o 0
" e "', ri d
'AT LOWEST PRICES Exeter District was hold in the Metk- Dhajol, Geori-o and Tomas. The b%e-
Moved by Goo. Kelle-rmann, see -
Centralia on September reaved family havethe �%yinpAhY of onded by VVm. Yearley,Tbat Fred
odist Church
5ch. The buqiness of the district was the entir-a commaaltY- Haist be �aid $'10 to construct a tem-
HION 110N Car e
JING LACE EATHER transacted in the morning. The after porary bridge across the Anx Sauble Wearb
BEL noon and evening given over to a WOODT-TA.L11 River amd that he receive the old
LEATHER -------- spiritual Conference. Rev. U. Iffobbe
removing the. -:hop wooden brid�e to construct the same,
In Sid or Strips Mr. M. Y. McLean, the Lib &I Candi- chairman. Of the District presided. Mr. Allan is . .......... *++++++4P+-?++
From 2 inches to 6 inches I . - f1ding from the 'propLrty of Jas. With the understanding that the
date for Sroubh Huron, . 11 address The prospects for th� year weRe bright bu, 's 0 es Township reserve the long iron rods
andpromising. Educational andIvIor. Ro0ley to h. -xi for stable parpoz
PIRAL PACK- the Electors at the follo lug places .&I and Temperance reform CaTpaigns Thc,-Rodger Bros, have coniploted, and plank after the temporary bridge at Prices guaranteed
CUP GREASE" SHE. T & onthe dates named: were arranged for, but left in the the, mason work on the Oranma Uall. is of no further use." Carried.
IN' H MP PACKING hands of eadh pastor for 'completiou. Woo The following orders were paid:
. I -ent south 0. E Bilber, twelve 10 -in. concrete t
dhain had a light train on Sat -
MACHINE OILS AS TOS ND CANDLE DASHWOOD-Thursda Sept. Rb, A Missionary exchange of Pulpit Was uTday. A heavy storm lo% o be below the actual
Th.,.� tile, used on S. 10., $7,80.
ASB, arranged as J61lows for Sunday Dec�, find some damary is repertAd.
CYLINDER S W P KING 1 GRAND BEND- id Sqpt. 9th. farmers here are 1.ba�ay isooding, Jodr John McLellan, gravel, $32,61.
I 8rd. is dry needvt-09 more railN- John McLennan, gravel contract, cost, and f o r less
as ay, Sept, 13Lh. Main Streati Exeter. Rev. T. W %he g-rc,sind
.......................... BAYFIRLD-W Blatchford, 000., Stanley; James St. The M;ss Minns who bare been saf- Block 10, 0. Rd., $32.50, ry's bridge
ejj�n. from fever ar��'able to ' b,3 Geo. Hepburn, rep. Esse
DESt *,TION HDNSALL -Mburs Ecept. 14th. Exeter, Geo. Stanley, Rev. T. W. f 76C4 than you can
VALVES OF EVERY Blaechford; Parkbill. Rev. 0. 0, Xalne abo.iNlthe house agaift, , t . tho F. H, Hogarth, reftiod, money
Nonahmia im A! number of,men from abou of money
ANGLE VALVES CHECK VALV S Elimville, E. G. Powell; Centralia G. in work on the paid for cow tags, $8 00.
,GLO13E VALVES DRYSDALE- Friday, Sept. 15th. J.-Kerr;'Rensall, W. Et. Vance; Cred- villoge -are tangaged F ish Vreek 'The Council adjourned to iveet buy the same quality
itori, JohnKennedy; Grand Bend, T. Yaungson drain. The
BRASS AND IRON STOP Jackson; Sylvan, D. D. Thomsom contract woS 00111PICtOd two weeks, again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on
ater �s conAderably Monday, the 2nd day of October, IS111,
Each of the above meetings will Alsia Craig R. 1licke; Lucan, B1,yon ago and (the W at I P,M, of goods at any place
kINDS Stiell., Granton. T. A Steadmax; lowered. Vrs. RE -my
PIPE AND FITTINGS OF ALL commence at 8 O'Cloak. Woogb 'rA, J. E. hlilly�rd,, Kirkton Mri�, Vance and her raoth,%r. -
a A, Carrifthers, of Strathroy. ara Township Clerk.
Richard Hobbs. f John ar- ------- 4-
11 - 10,iting -at-, ithe -home o in Cana4a.
r satisfactory Prices on all these Lines. - The program of the afternoon 8134 v I"
,Get on, ev . ening Was grofitable and inspiriag ruthers. of Toronto. 33ORN
Mr. McLean will be ass'ste . d by and.was as follows Rev. Clayton Moorbouse , tnd family FORD -In E-xoter on Thtirsday Au.3-
�ther speakeesi Afternoon session�"Row to lead virore guosits -it the parsonage L�re iist 31st, to :Mr. and Mes. Herb
BASEBALL GOODS th,a y4)ung people to a conscious ep- one day lasit ireek. Ford, a son. BOVAS' CLOTHING
1-4 OF ALL Mr. M-erner or his representaliye 11F A few days ago about fifty, lacties
taiaceof Christi Rev. O� 0. Kaine. Ir.hv Woodham. congregation assom- DIE D
FISHING TACKLE r eapectfu3y invited to be prespint. The Epworth League in a Revival (At' - old fash- ROWE-In Exdter. on Saturday. S,?I)-
blod at,thellarsolinge for an
Rev, D. D. Thomson. The office of . V,s Gertrude.- SACRIFICED
anod, qailting. Vlive --itlilts W12X9 Prc- lomber 2nd, N
LAWN MOWERS H. SlinIT11, Pregident workoftheHoly Spirlt,Rev. A, Mc� 1 14 1�x, �and Mrs. R. Nh
pared for a bale La be, wint to some daughter o�
SCREEN DOORS AND RtIttation. On thoWood Rowe. ti -ed 17 yo.ars,
3. Q. STANBURY SacnAya, Mbbon. inissionary i1ri 4 months and A IF%
r Session -Lessons fro n.i tbe �haal twority !20 ftys. AV
Eyening it this ywr some
aistory 0 red Ilt is A BIG SN
f Great Revivals Rev. T. W.
J61atchford, The place Of SOng in a, (tailts have Ithi'la bp;an prepa! COWARD -Lot 15� Concesdon Us.
tablo form at- missionary
rne.. an Taosilfty &ptember. '15th
Revival Rev, T, A. Steadmao. The a 111"t.oh!"Ta bo
dra arc MON store rvidences of apiribuallife in the con- onitoxvxma o-110 i's to ho, h6arIlly' com- William Coutoxd. aged)(30 years and BUY BEFORE YOU
W NeXt Sanday Sept. 10th, Rev. T. A. I-Apn6.d.
Steadman will preachs, special sermon geegation Rev. A' MaXibbon. Rev. 'Nirs, A, sawyr.-r is Vi4tting x0laii've'.4
Rickr. of Crediton was'aipPointed
at 10 a. m. to the members of tke R,' e, Christian , ig Loiidon aA%,i vlsewhi,,V�1- ARE TOO LATE
Ulliniville Couneft No. :99 Ca
ns,dlau, District Reporter to th )f winchel- ofLondGn,,ls visilt" CA.RD QV THANX$
Order of Chosen Friends, All the Guardian W. G. Modd ( ig, hor son`D- 1INT0111, Of 'thO 431180 Aft. and Mrs. Rowe desire to tbauk
Coerespondin g -t See- !I' of 11Y.1r. Pery-
JGGOO P'q91l-1q0-XLS ciah stodent is iDstruotcd privat-cly was appointed Ljfte.. Two flaughLers the mzny friends for their kindness
friea&t are
expected to meet at 0.30 q Cow days,
1 tiiu orher 01�'11, desk, s wdexxbv� lwiay� retary of F inance i
and proceed to church in a b.od
r�Lcx, any dai% Many o�tudents,study U% G, Powell �inancla�l Sectetary. troll, London and tbo other from during 1be illness and subseqnont
Thci 011Ditax, Vtlsizk"s Colle5d' 14 "" " The members of 1111iinville detith of their daugbter Lillie a to
st, Avd,0,;,BuA at kouh and others partly ,it. boAic
link in a r al ' extend six ffivitation to the weinabers h.
wort halo , � 't attilbuted
408, looatod�Wtjala elit.ielv of . "the, loolleoe. As ft,01% laloodham aburef
;peris �Icyollo 6,11d M)k-h a ofialy other co*ueil to meet with N I will hold enni- All wl`O SO generously C01
Po� � - � , toti donoges art, th t ro varsary rervicos on Oot sth
bandon. Pitdrbo We)iand aud 'thO I' iYe�tl traine thMn On SLunday raorniog nexti A ftev. flowers.
t9NAIXIS '0 'On, '13 C, 'It be taken up in Oii Sunday evening la8t. Rev. S. It', Loo.tardA3,TrUoU. will be
f . Oratilloville, Walkell - I �nada and have thj#y :years ex special collection wi
-Wingham. and OlWto�nit vWillg- fto it's it, would be -Wal for Ybang 11dren's 11o*1tal Sharp of Cavc)x,r-reiby6�r11ftn church. the proaehrc�r of th,� day.
tetl aidof the' Stdk Chi
cl-�. work it i� 6 a O.Ma I with le 'to get! lPhoir training there,- Toronto, tWr It -he preaching sorvioe at the - p jqpIraltilolig lioing nia-6o, tar ji. Liberal Comnlit Roonis
,high a' q -or
ttoru' Agsodltt 01) SjJottoii tramea over 10% Jq
'al'Edue, )p-lon:ftd.plsxeed)4hoft in -corge Kerslake spebt f:Qrkton Old Boys in the 9-athodht oq 114,�, ilatlo !,qj: iTqt1,.j The Liberals of t have op elled
t��vit year At Mp.'and Mrs. 0
R iz freely aellyll[Lad 1100 you.1ig Psi bt,
Isit1bg Mrs. church of Lhat Place. The molnbevs) Nlftll Weli'ver)
Ilioxi of CahailI ioui it:8 vi '0 'hitt-no Ro
MA � A�
good posi d6nfl�. V.tmt lie iam',dono 'i the I uded th* Itar- !twoon St. lvtnrya.and Woodbaryl nlouir Lit) OIVII -A in Mrs D. Johns
owing, f,e flietio be _qox.' Block. Alltho,�,p brinceinfavor of
go,( the very be0t povition's, f 't , can d., Keralako's of Oaven church attic 'Ath , (1-11. 1
'or hou46nda of GOO* ices of the Trivitt 'the Base
lolida�r. at Bervie
Anumbier froto beri� atteild6d the vest Rome wry Unoond Oio,'A 'Proclity aue
to hs are Voiiaa &eex
on Augmiat I.Ah and r4�L yo'd PA up,
jijjg�,A al,(,
Fall on�l '"hool a at Von on MOndbY evOging-
but at