HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-07-01, Page 13" Round'nAbout Old, age is creeping up on us! The first half dozen people I met this a.m. were feeling low - each one moaned something about getting old and lame. I added "forget -- fur andmoved on. The first bright minute was with Jack Corey. He looked like a ray of sunshine in my darkness. He was about to have a coffee after doing -some shopping and I decided quickly that I should join him. After 15 minutes I felt much brighter. Even though we touched on the crazy price hikes, I still en- joyed our brief encounter. So, I snapped my fingers at the 'old age' bit and decided, you're only as old as your mood makes you. So there! YOU'LL DO BEfTER AT A•P OR COTTAGEUIII. It was wonderful to see so many, people lining the Founders' Day parade route last Sunday. AU the cheerful chatter 'and smiles - everyone seemed happy to see their neighbours. Isn't that justgreat? I was happy to hear our' Little Theatre won first prize since they really worked for it. It is wonderful to have so- V. GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, li,VEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 190:1---PAPE-3A with Martha Rathburn meone who will pitch in and organize a project - that is what it takes - an organizer. No project can get along without one and Betty is an organizer. She had many a YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P at 606619 11£12111:• WIN .ouhpsier atFoanwilNy SIIPER 13C11111. Plus *Pairs ot pRet CUP tickets to be &awn at each AHG -'borne game. (Complete details at yotir AM' store cas). PM in this entry f A&Ptodre.leave with the CLIP headache pushing it but everyone who could pitched in and helped and had fun do- ing it. Thi.s is the best part of working on a float for. a parade or a play for Little NailleCom0000g"Alueo.sea.copornolklilleNge a's. cagg.”4036. • c.e..”*.1,6," POStal Cade TelePh0116:00e01:100' 6:5690006:6000 SAVE 30? (Plus bottle deposit) • COCA-COLA • OR SPRITE 750 ml bottle (Our Reg. Price 69c) Coke or Sprite -6 pack of 300 ml btls 1.99 (Plus bottle deposft) alibi 24 99 104I -oz tins You'll do bettor with BAKED GOODS from A&P! (Our Regular Price 99c) White Label, Hamburg Buns or SAVE 20c WIENER ROLLS pkg of 12 SAVE 50? Heinz,. Fancy TOMATO • JUICE 48 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 1.29) Holiday LUNCHEON MEAT12-nz tin You'll do bettor with FROZEN FOODS from A&P! •1 (Our Regular, Price' 1.49) SAVE 40c Savarin, Beef, Chicken, Salisbury Steak, Turkey • fe FROZEN JANE PARKER, SLICED Bran Bread 24 -oz loaf 75/ JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON Cake Donuts Pkg °IS 89 JANE PARKER 19.02 CAKE Spanish Bar Cake 99? oto COUNTRY OVEN 11 -oz pkg 09 SWANSON'S, FROZEN, Pancakes with Sausage, French Toast With Smusage, Scrambled Egg with Sausage 4.3 -oz pkg Breakfast Entrees 99ii FROZEN, VANILLA, LEMON OR STRAWBERRY, (CHOCOLATE 1.69) Sara Lee Cakes 175cAg WELCH'S, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Grape Juice 16 fl oz tin 1.39 Garlic Bread 10 -oz loaf 99? FARM HOUSE, FROZEN, A;SSORTED VARIETIES Cream Pies 12 -oz pe 1.19 1 Marvel,, Sliced WHITE BREAD 2 24 -oz eaves L(Our Regular Price 65c ?oaf) Buy 2 SAVE 31c A&P, Frozen, Concentrated ORANGE JUICE 12.5 fl -oz tin 6. • •(Our Requiter Price 99c) ASSORTED VARIETIESHIGH LINER, FROZEN, IN BATTER 14-0Z PKG Bick's Relishes 375ffdiar79? Boston Blue Fish 1.59 HEINZ, ASSORTED VARIETIES TREASURE ISLAND, FROZEN B.B.Q. Sauces 16-fl-ozia,89ci Cooked Shrimp L99. • CAMPFIRE •GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT II SERVE , Marshmallows 250 g pkg 7gfe '.. ....j, Chicken Cutlettes 1111.14 (Our Regular Pries 6.69)• (Our Regular Price 75c) • SAVE 16c • Charcoal SAVE 70e Severing Beef, Beef & Kidney, Chicken, Turkey KINGSFORD •20.q1c99 -FROZEN BRIQUETS - big ' u - POT PIES 6-02 PKG 8.ez pkg SAVE 900. Ib SAVE up to 90V Ib A&P IS A FRESH BEEF SHOP •- Semi -Boneless I Blade, Chuck Short Rib or Shoulder BLADE OR CHUCK BONELESS • SHORT R•IB ROAST BEEF ROASTS •Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef 1 Ib (Our Regular Price 2.39 Ib) (Our Regular Price up to 2.69 Ib) ut from Canada's Finest Grade "A"(Bones' Ib 2.39) • Bs.fk Shoulder Cuts • fIRIOASisST RIB Ib • •STEWING (Strip or Cubed Ib 2.19) 1b1189 Fmsh "Great on the SAW (Our Regular Price 1A9 Ib - SAVE 20c Ib) - itS, CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS, with 'backs attachedBREAST. BREAST QUARTE withbacks wings attached PARTS MIXED QUARTERS, CHICKENHALVES lb 1 29 . Smoked WHOLE 09 HAMS • 16 to 20$ Ib average SHANK PORTION • • Ib 1.09 BUTT PORTION •' Ib 1.19 • SHANK HALF No centre' , Ib 1.19 BUTT HALF • slices removed Ib 1.29 CENTRE cUTS OR HAM STEAKS Ib 1.89 , 'Great on the B.B.Q.' Regular or Thick Sliced A&P - SIDE BACON' vac pae Cut from Canada's Finest Grade "A" Beef Excellent for Braising BLADE STEAKS Ib 49 111M1011111=11 (Our Regular Price 2.49 lb) SAVE 1.00 Ib MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR. THICK OR HINT OF MAPLE SOO g VAC PAC Side Bacon 1489 CANADA PACKERS DEVON BRAND, BREAKFAST Sausages lb 1.39 MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC Cottage Rolls lb 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, "GREAT ON THEr g VAC PAC Ham Steaks 1.69 VD. Regular, Beef or B.B.Q. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 1 -Ib vac pac • 79 • "Great on the B.B.Q." Fresh Medium GROUND BEEF lb 79 111111111iIII (Our Regular Price 2.49 lb) SAVE 7(:V lb MAPLE READY -TO -SERVE, ROUND, FLAT OR MINI, VAC PAC Dinner Hams ib2.69 SWIFT PREMIUM, SLICED REGULAR OR THICK Bologna SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Sausages SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Wieners 500 g vac pac 1.69 500 ,g-plg 2.29 "GREAT ON- THE B.B.Q." 1 lb vac pac 1.79 Pure Pork,Skinless or Golden Fry MAPLE European Cuisine, Fine , Coarse or SAUSAGES PRODUCTS Creamy with Herbs Sausage LIVERWURST 500 g • pkg 79 (Our Regular Prior 2.79) SAVE 1.00 LESS .THAN y, PRICE! 1 (Our Regular Price (to 2 49 ) SAVE 1.50 Ib •1111.1111111111111111.111 YOUU DO BETTER AT Aikill) 1111.111111111.1111.111111111111111 Yotru. DO BETTER AT A&P a e." Theatre. The bin that breaks out with every move makes it all worth the effort - and that 'is exactly as it should be. If you can't mix a.littie laughter with your Work - you. should go NIA to bed and start over! - This Week is sort of broken up what with folks getting ready for the Sunday pro- gram - well, we should in- clude Friday and Saturday • as well, then the Wednesday festivities for Dominion Day, if any? 7 it will seem. -hie a pretty short week. Festivities in 'Windsor and Detroit carry on over the. American July 4th. So that makes a pretty full week for folks in that district. That brings up the subject - of FLAGS. Have .you tried to buy an Ainerican 'flag around here lately. 1 think it's a shade. What if an American tourist suddenly decided to fly our Goderich or Canadian flag and didn't have an American 'one with him • - don't y_ou think he'd be quite insulted if he couldn't even buy one here? It seems to say we don't care if you spend your money or time with us - go home! Do we feel that way? I really think that is not our .attitude. I do think at least one outlet in town should have a supply of various flags. How about it? I'm writing this Monday a.m. The sun was bright ear- ly but soon a cloud cover made - you stop and think. Now just after the noon hour, looking in one direction only - I think it is going to get hot and dusty. Summer is here and we need some slimmer weather. • The summer theatres are raring to go. The Blyth Sum- mer Festival opens yright away (in July) and tickets are going .fast, so check on them at 523-9300. Huron. Country Playhouse in Grand Bend area is open- ing also. Try 1-238-8387 for your tickets. You know, I've been so busy I haven't even tried to find the Little Lakes (so- meone says they're not lost). I was told the goldfish are plentiful this year - but NO FISHING for them! There doesn't seem to be any - or many - turtles there. But at the right moment of the day Little Lakes are beautiful. I just hope the county develops that "could -be" parking place nearby. That "could be" a nice spot to spend a few minutes without trying to park on the road. Can anything be done about it? IP probably keep bugg- ing them until I hear "Yea" or "Nay". So, enjoy every day as it comes along - we are each entitled to just somany - think about it - they might just as well be pleasant ones_ Activity. at Park Point Farms Provincial Park is located just north of Goderich on Highway 21 and • offers excellent oppor- tunities for picnicking, swim:cling, sports and lots more: Don't miss any of the fun 'activities for area residents, park campers and visitors! • On Thursday; July 2 the Huron County Library will visit the park with a travell- ing bookmobile from 1:36- 3:30 p.m. Spend a bit of time • in craft and games at Kids' Stuff at 4 p.m: Everyone is welcome to an hour of . pup- petry and stories at the Barn Activity Centre at 7 p.m. Join in on Friday, JuilY 3 for hay wagon rides from the campgrounds to a • film festival at the barn at 8:30 p.m, Try out %your creativity with the Point Farm Mural Painters and paint your im- pressions of the park. Batter up for a softball game at 4:30 Bring your glove and a friend.' The Ayr -Paris Kinsmen Band will .provide an enjoyable hour of music at 8:30 p.in. at the barn. Br- ing the whole, family. Sunday, July 5 Will start early with a church service and sing -a -long. From 2-4 p.m. you' cap create your own masterpiece on the bench at the Sandcastle Building Contest. For niore information. contact the Visitor Services staff at 524-111424ar pick tici weekly •newsletter at the Permit Office: Admission to all events is included in Your camping fee or your daily vehicle pass. Have a great weekend!! Love • Martha • • G • o.•