HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-07-01, Page 6itopriala aploriaut. PAGE 6 —GOMM CH SIGNAL -STAR, WEI WESDAY, JULY 1,.1001' Ian MacKinnon, a student at Victoria Public School receives the plaque for academic achievement from Principal John Kane at the school's awards assembly held on esday, June 23. (Jason Ainslie phitto ) Senator meets wit BY • JACK IHDDFJ M.P.P. Senator Hazen Argue met with the Liberal Caucus last week and discussed matters of an agricultural nature, in- cluding the compensation to farmers for losses resulting from the. 1980 partial em- bargo en grain sales to the USSR,. In support of the US par- tial embargo, Canada, agreed not to sell. more than 3.8 million tonnes of wheat and other grain to the USSR in 'the 1979-1980 crop year: That promise was kept, Senator Argue said, and the Governinent decided last Ju- ly, not to limit grain exports in this crop year which helped strengthen grain prices. The United States lifted its partial grain' em- bargo on April 24, 1981 and the Canadian Government has now calculated . the --amount of producer losses for which compensation will be paid. Compensation will be paid on wheat, oats, barley and corn, covering the period' from January 4 to July 31, 1980. Ontario winter wheat pro- ducers will be paid directly using delivery records of the Ontario Wheat Producers Marketing Board. However, corn growers and others not covered by • these direct payments will be required to .x.... ,ox 'q- — , 4, - ' A,7" -I' [ = si , y.., 1, - •-- ",,,,,,, ,7-,.., t ....„.., , t, %.....,—, z,„:„,:x. 4-• 5i;:rr,e4 The New Hamburg Band performed in the' Canada Day Parade on Sunday afternoon and again on Sunday evening on the courthouse platform. This musical event was well , fl,r, al/ • attended by many visitors and localites and was one of the last events of a busy and exciting weekend. (Jason Ainslie ,photo) • Federation thanks for hospitality To His Worship Mayor • Harry Worsell: Your Worship: On behalf of the Board of the Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario, I wish to express to you, .the • members of council, and the citizens of Goderich, our ap- preciation for the warm welcome accorded us on June 11 and 12. The Board of PRFO, representing some 2,500 recreation professional and lay people, convened its • first annual meeting in your • community on the dates mentioned. The warm co-operation and • friendliness were excep- tional and we thank you sincerely and look forward to paying fa return visit to your very friendly communi- ty. I would be remiss if I didn't say a special thanks to Councillor Elsa Haydon for her assistance during our meeting. Councillor Haydon went out:of her to ensure that- the Board- was looked after in every way during the two days. • Needless to say our meeting was a success and much goes to you, Sir, your • welcome, kind hospitality, councillors and the citizens • • of Goderich. Once again, on Ontario, thank you. ,behalf of the members of the • Yours truly, Board of The Parks and • Robert D. Arnot, Recreation Federation of Chairman ROBERT G. STODDART • GOLDSMITH, SILVERSMITH, JEWELLERY DESIGNER REPAIRS CANADIAN AWARD WINNING DESIGNER 133 Si. GEORGE'S CRESCENT GODERICH, oNT. 524-8433 #4041140. PAIWOri; • sotto lts600°*t*() North Side of Shoppers Square GODERICH For Those Rainy Days % ALL BpALLAsszw.c.....moDELs, OFF REG. PRICE for Those Sunny Days FOSTER GRANT - LARGE SELECTION ASSES 25 Cho nge Yourself CUBE See If you can master to 7o OFF REG. PRICES Fight The Munchies �UTCHe r6 300g. KERR'S CANDY 175 TO 225 g. PACKAGES REG. '1.19 2 $ .99 S VE 16% PUZZLER CUBE 799 —"•=teraxercsravare=7- Two simigesr games $6 eIsp avallablo. SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TILL SATURDAY, JULY 11 OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST • North side of Shoppers Square GODERICH ' 4 Complete individual applica- tion fort*, and document the sales on which they are ctaiming compensation. On- ly grain sold commercially will be covered by the payments. The net price reducing :ef- fect of the 'embargo for which faringrewill 'be paid has been calculated,at $5.78 per,tonne for wheat (about 16 cents per bushel), $5.05 per tonne for barley (about‘ 11 cents per bushel), $5.51 per tonne for corn '(about 14 cents per bushel) and $4.86 per tonne for oats (7.5 teats per bushel). Oil seeds and other grains are not covered by the grain embargo compensation - payments. Electrical power • transmission expansiorr, OntarioHydro has been studying alterative plans for expanding the bulk power transmission system for Southwestern Ontario. From the fall of 1976 through to the summer of 1977, Citizen committees in Southwestern Ontario, met and discussed environmen- tal constraints to the location of future bulk power transmission faCilities' in Southwestern Ontario. In 1977 the Committees concur- red that Ontario Hydro should proceed to .develop electrical system plans that would be suitable for Southwestern Ontario. In the meantime the Royal Commission on electric power planning held 'hear- ings on the need for addi- tional power facilities in J._ 2, ' r Li eral Caucus Southwestern Ontario. Public involvement on this study was -postponed .until the Commission had submit- ted its report. The final report was subMitted in February, 1980. On the basis of the Com- mission's findings the Goverranent has requested Ontario Hydro -to. proceed with the next. stag$ of the planning and app -: pro- cess. Ontario Hydro prepared a document which describes six system plans and it will conduct public discussion of the alter- natives. The plans will be distributed• widely throughout' Southwestern Ontario and will provide an opportunity for the public to respond prior to Ontario Hydro subrnitting an en- vironmental assessment document for review under . the Environmental Assess- ment Act. Ontario Hydro will be con- ducting an extensive public participation program throughout Southwestern Ontario to ensure that the citizens are aware of the pro- posals and have .oppor- tunities to become involved in the study of the alter- natives. The proposed schedule includes about three years for planning and public involvement running parallel with about two years of government review and public hearings. It will likely take an addi- tional four years for land ac- quisition and construction of the transmission line once one- of the alternatives has H.S. FORD Overhead Doors Sales & Service * RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL * COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC OPERATORS PHONE: 482-3821 CLINTON been selected. Dioxin in fish The Minister of the En- vironment, Keith Norton, has stated that he was mistaken when he said recently that a form of diox- in has been found in -fish in the Great Lakes. Only fish from Lake Ontario have been found to contain TCDD, the most toxic of the 75 member family of dioxin chemicals. Re -mor Opposition Leader Stuart Smith has again demanded a full inquiry into the collapse OPRe-mor and Astra Trust Company, insisting that the goxernment's current policy • is "continued cover-up and stonewalling". •-GODERICH VACUUM CENTRE Sales Service Supplies *FILTER QUEEN *HOOVER *GENER . 1. ELECTRIC *ROYAL *EUREKA *COMP CT *ELECTROLUX *ETC.. ETC. Bogs for every make & model 52 WEST ST, 52441'l2 • OPENING Hlyth Memorial Hall July 3 8:30upte. QUIET IN TI -IE LAND, by Anne Chislett • 'Love and drama in Amish country" July 7 830 p.m. LOVE OR MONEY, by Carol Bolt - "An old-fashioned ghost story" ' TICKETS STILi\AV,AILABLE 523-9300, 523-025. " 10TH ANNIVERSARY HURON CHAPEL Auburn SUNDAY NIGHT:, JULY 5TH, 7:45 P.M. SPECIAL SPEAKER Reverend John Campbell —PLUS— EXTRA SPECIAL MUSIC EVERYONE WELCOME BAD NEWS THE SALES TAX IS BACK ON GOOD NEWS FOR YOU WE'RE STILL OVERSTOCKED MORE SHIPMENT COMING 'TIL JULY 15th WE'LL PAY THE 7% SALES TAX Now Stratford's own Water Bed Centre We have a hill line of "National" Waterbeds - Complete suites or just mattress and frame King and Queen sizes Buy Direct Et Save Cash, Chequs, • Entertainment Units Fromv129 *99 4 piece Living Room Sets Including: • *Family size sofa *Swivel- rocker *Chair *Ottoman •100% Nylon cover Orthopedically designed Mattress Et Box Springs Sold in Sets Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 10-9 Sat. 10.6 You don't pay for frills How can we not be clteaper! From$9 9ea. piece Our store is a mess ,Unclairned Furniture Sales, No. 7 Highway, East of McDonald's Stratford , 273-3060 Visa or Budget Account